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Worldwide Cultures

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In the USA one of the most important values is WORK. They think that is virtuous to

be industrious, and also think that to be busy helps to maintain their bodies and mind

health. Those Americans who do not work are considered of no use to society. There,

not working is considering “immoral”, because they are not helping in any aspect to

their country and its citizens. They are characterized by doing well their work, they do

not care about friendship because work is work and it is not a place to meet and share

with others, they might work for years with the same colleagues and never meet each

other`s spouses.


Parents keep family and work separate. They do not do their work at home, because

their home is a place to share with

their children not a place to continue

working. They teach their children

several values, but the principals are

individualism and independence.

Once children grow up and become

adults they sent their children to

boarding schools and they have to

work in order to pay their schools.

Doing this they become responsible

and they do whatever they want by themselves, not always with their parent`s help.

Spare time

Americans spend their free time doing several activities at home and at schools with

their friends. For example in summer they play :

ice hockey




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In winter many American people go up into the mountains to ski and snowboard.

Along the Rocky Mountains there are well-know ski resorts in almost every valley.

In their free time they also receive courses at schools because they offer considerably

spare time activities. They join to schools clubs, where they meet new friends that

share their same interest. Their leisure activities at school


Playing a musical instrument

Drama classes






Most towns have several art and music groups, drama and other activities also outside

schools. They always spend their spare time doing activities that make grow their

knowledge grow, that is why when we meet an American person they know how to do

a lot of things.

Main Religions

Not all Americans attend a worship´s house, but they believe in God. They know and

recognize that all they have is thanks to Him. They are a nation of a wide variety of

religions and the main are:

Roman Catholics


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints




With this variety of religions, Americans generally have a “live-and-let-live attitude” it

means “ I will live according to my beliefs, you according to yours”.

They respect everybody’s religion because is a topic in which they can be in troubles if

they offend someone because of their beliefs.

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They identify themselves with a particular political party.

They consider themselves as Republicans or Democrats.



They support gay marriage

Against abortion

Based on community and social responsibility


Oppose gay marriage

Support death penalty

Believe taxes shouldn't be increased for


Based on individual rights and justice

This political identify goes back many generations in a family.

They take politics personally, because they feel directly affected by actions taken by

their political leaders. They can become aggressive if you say something against their

own political party. Each party has different goals, but they greatly value their

freedom of religions, political freedom and freedom of say whatever they want.

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In Guatemala there are a lot of ways of work, for example the people that is upper-

class usually work in business, companies and academies but some poor people work

in maquilas although some woman prefer to work as a domestic. In some cases

children in Guatemala begin to work at 5 or 6 years old because they do not have the

resources to go to the school. A lot of children and adults sell candies or small products

in the street. The people in Guatemala usually work eight hours per day.


The nuclear family is the preferred domestic unity. When teenagers get married, is common that the woman live with her husband in the house of the husband´s parents, or sometimes the parents give as a wedding gift to their children a house in which they can live. In Guatemala is very common that woman have a lot of children, sometimes they have ten children. They beginning in their teens and continuing into their 40s.

Spare time

People in Guatemala usually work the whole week but on Sunday they take a recess. In the spare time almost all the families go to the church in the morning and then in the afternoon they have lunch in restaurants with their friends or members of the family. After that they sometimes visit beautiful places as Antigua Guatemala, Atitlan, Panajachel, or maybe they go to the malls. They have a lot of family’s reunions and teenagers go to the parties.

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Main Religions

In Guatemala the most common religion is the Roman Catholicism, which was introduced by the Spanish although there are many others religions too. Today it has been estimated that perhaps 40 percent or more adhere to a Protestant church or sect. The people usually go to the church on Sundays and share with their friends and family.


In Guatemala people choose a president every four years, all the people that have 18 years have to vote. The candidates make campaigns in which they explain their projects or how they will help the people. There are twenty-two departments under governors appointed by the president. Municipalities are autonomous, with locally elected officials, and are funded by the central government budget.

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The government controls most of the industry in

Cuba also the majority of the workforce. The 85 percent

of the Cuban labor force is employed by the state, and 5

percent of the population work for companies connected to the state. Most business

and companies are government-owned, so if a particular person wants to create a

similar company probably it is going to fail. In Cuba is difficult to stand out with a

business. They do not receive support from overseas since the collapse of the Soviet

Union. There is a special sector that cares about attracting more tourists and employs

enough people to work just in that. Basically the Cuba economy is based on tourism. If

you are looking for applying to a job in Cuba you are not going to a lot of opportunities,

also Cuban applicants are usually treated preferentially.


Women continue to shoulder the responsibility

for household work and childcare. The state

attempts to legislate gender equity in the

family. Patriarchy was never fully eradicated in

the home. They have traditional families,

women have to stay home and men have to

work to help the family. Government is doing a

project that wants to eliminate this status they

want equity but this project failed because of the economical crisis they have now. The

family Cubans members are numerous, so economy is a big problem for these families.

Spare time

Cuba is absolutely beautiful; this country is characterized

for its wonderful scenery, so people like to visit touristic

places like La Habana that is the attraction of

hundreds of foreign people. Also Cuban people are

interested in sports. They can be summed up by the

phrase “Sport for All.” Fidel Castro believes that sports

should be “the right of the people,” not the right of

wealthy. So he wanted to say that the success in sports comes

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from hard work. They have special organizations that call the attention of the people

to practice sports and these organizations have success like The National Institute of

Sport, Physical Education, and Recreation (INDER). They are experts in baseball and


Main Religions

The main religion of Cuba is Catholicism, in some instances it is modified and

influenced through other syncretic religions. An example of a syncretic religion is

Santería, which combined the Yoruban religion of

the African slaves with Catholicism and some

Native American strands, so they have a lot of

religions that combine all the costumes they have.

60 percent of the population is Catholic, but only

5% of the total of population attends mass

regularly, so they may have a religion but they are

not constant.


This is a socialist state guided by the principles of José Martí, and the political ideas of

Marx, the father of communist states, Executive Branch is exercised by the Cuban

Government, which is represented by the Council of State and the Council of Ministers.

Legislative power is exercised through the unicameral

National Assembly of People's Power, which is

constituted as the maximum authority of the state.

This country is based in the production and goods

they do, they have a collective life, they

administrate the work, economy, education and all

the important aspects in order to spend the same

quantity of money.

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London is a place that has many opportunities of

work because they can work in business,

education, entertainment, fashion, finance,

media, research, tourism etc., because this is a country that has a lot of overcomes for

the people that visit it place each year. Indeed each country has a different manner of

developing their work because it depends of the government and economy.


Premarital sex and unmarried cohabitation are widely accepted even if they are not

liked by defenders of traditional family

values. Single motherhood caused by

unstable cohabiting relationships or marital

breakdown is perceived as a major problem

because of its impact on the welfare budget

rather than as a moral question.

Nonetheless, family relationships remain

close. Roughly 70 percent of adults live

within an hour's journey of their parents or

grown-up children, and nearly half see their mothers, fathers, adult children, and best

friends at least once a week.


The most common activities that British people do during their leisure time are social

activities with their family or they stay at home, listening to the radio, watching TV,

soup operas like "EastEnders" and

"Coronation Street" are very popular.

Also listen to music is one of the activities that

they do. For adults, the most common activity

is to visit the pubs. Another popular activity

for their leisure time includes theater and

film, because there are more than 3,000

theaters in the UK. Walking is also one of the

favorite pastimes of the British.

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Since the 1950s, church adherence has fallen dramatically, and the British are generally

uninterested in formal religious practice. Sixty percent of adults do not believe in God,

and one-third has no religious affiliation. Thirty-six percent of the population identifies

with the official, state-sanctioned Church of England; 10 percent with the Roman

Catholic Church; 4 percent with Presbyterianism; 4 percent with Baptism and

Methodism; 3 percent with other Protestant denominations, and 3 percent with other

religions. Four percent describe themselves as Christians, and 35 percent say that they

have no religion.

King Henry Vlll set up the Church of England in 1534. It is still the country's official

church and has many London members.

The city has three great Anglican


• St Paul's Cathedral

• Southwark Cathedral

• Westminster Abbey


The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. The monarch is chief of state and

the prime minister is head of government. The Cabinet of Ministers is appointed by the

prime minister and is responsible to Parliament. We live in a democratic country,

which means we all have a say in how the country is run. Parliament represents the

people. It is where we send our chosen representatives to represent our views in the

House of Commons. Each of the countries within the United Kingdom has its own

judicial system and courts.

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Job opportunities for the Chinese people are very diverse as China has large factories

that produce different objects which creates jobs in this country. But people who live

away from big cities learn to work the land and are more traditional, such as single

women are in charge of the house while the man working in large cities men and

women have equal job opportunities

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After a hard day's work, people used to go home to the nuclear family - husband, wife

and children. But families are changing shape in China, as cultural norms confront new

challenges. These days, a household may consist of one person, several generations

under the same roof, or a double income. The most common family type in Chinese

cities was once the nuclear family.

The best age for women to give birth is

around 24 to 30 and, for men, it is 26 to

35. Nowadays exist a law that just let the

woman have one or two children because

they use to have more than twelve and

that is why china is overpopulated so this

is just a way to control births.


The most popular activities in china are the ones in which they can develop their

abilities not just physical also the mental ability one of these activities is to play tennis

or ping pong also they practice all forms of martial arts are physically demanding, it is

necessary to be able to summon both condition, concentration, presence of mind,

balance and physical and psychological strength. There have been influences from

western sports in China and here you can

also find traditional football, handball,

volleyball, basketball, tennis and badminton.

You can also swim, ride horses and learn how

to exert calligraphy, like in the Chinese signs.

The film industry of China is blooming and

there are many films made here that reach

the European movie theaters rather shortly.

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Religion in China has been characterized

by pluralism since the beginning of Chinese

history. The Chinese religions are family-

oriented and do not demand the exclusive

adherence of members. The main religions

are Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism and

Protestantism. Citizens of China may freely

choose and express their religious beliefs, and

make clear their religious affiliations.


The People's Republic of China, along with Vietnam, Laos, and Cuba, is one of the

world's four remaining official socialist states espousing communism. However, in

practice, China's political structure cannot be characterized so simply. The Chinese

government has been variously described as communist and socialist, but also as

authoritarian, with heavy restrictions remaining in many areas, most notably on the

Internet, the press, freedom of assembly, reproductive rights, and freedom of religion.

The Chinese electoral system is hierarchical, whereby local People's Congresses

are directly elected, and all higher levels of People's Congresses up to the National

People's Congress are indirectly elected by the People's Congress of the level

immediately below.

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FAMILY Family is a very important issue in all countries and cultures; even tough, it has different

customs, traditions and manners. In the United States of America when they speak about their

family, they refer only to their nuclear family (parents and children). They grow up their

children in an independent environment. When American teenagers finish high school, they

leave their home and go to another state or country to work and pay for their college with

their own effort. In Guatemala people have other customs, children live with their parents

until they get married. It is common that people from little towns have a lot of children. In

London, England if a couple decides to live together without getting married they are already

considered a family, even when they do not have children. In London, the 70% of its citizens

that get married will live far away from their parents. Another example is China, after a hard

day of work they go home and share with their family leaving behind all their work problems.

They used to have a lot of children but now a law has been created. It consists in letting

women have only one or two children to form a family because China is overpopulated. And

finally Cuba, there the responsibility of supporting the family is for the father, the mother stays

at home taking care of their children. Fathers provide only the necessary support for their

family, because they do not have a good economy and the government provides them clothing

and food. In conclusion we see that in each country families

have different customs, but family

is the most important part of the


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All the countries have different spare times. First United States, they like to do a lot of

activities in their spare time but one of the most popular is to play sports like football,

basketball and ice hockey. Also in Cuba people love to play sports. On the other

hand, London is a little bit different because they usually go to pubs or teenagers listen

to music on the radio, watch television, etc. Some people from other countries think

that it does not matter if they are in their spare time they have to learn something. For

instance, in China, they always have to do something that develops their abilities,

therefore, they play tennis or ping pong, and this way they practice a lot. In

Guatemala and Cuba people usually go to visit the beautiful places that they have so

they share a lot of time with their families and taking tours. London and The United

states also spend the spare time in theater, film, arts and all of these activities that

develop their creativity.


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Cuba and Guatemala have a lot of similar characteristics talking about religion but in

other countries like the United States, London and China is totally different because

they have different costumes and traditions. Most of Latin-American people, around

85 percent believe in god, Guatemalans and Cubans divide their main

religion between Catholicism and Protestant but the religion that

has more believers is Roman Catholicism. USA, London and China

have a wide variety of religions, but they are more liberal,

because they can live according to their beliefs and choose one

religion. In London sixty percent of adults do not believe in God

and one-third have any religious affiliation, so religion is not as

important as in Guatemala or Cuba; for instance they have not a specific

religion. The most important in this country is the moral attitudes. China is another

country that does not have a definitive main religion because this is a multicultural

country some of their main religions are Buddhism, Taoism,

Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism. The main difference

between China and the other countries is that they believe

in different gods, like Buda for example. In conclusion

religion is a topic that can cause many problems if there is

no tolerance, fortunately, there is a variety of religions

with us since ancient times, we learned to live together in a

society that aims to promote peace and act according our

moral principles no matter what religion we belong.

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Each country has different kinds of developing at workplace. For example In Cuba the

majority of work is controlled by the government and if a particular person wants to

create a company probably it is going to fail because Cuba’s economy is based on

tourism and the government is the one that handle it. While the opportunities of work

for the Chinese people are very diverse because they have large factories in which they

can develop their abilities, but people who lives far away learn to work the land. In the

other hand in the USA one of the most important values

is work, because if they do not work they are not helping

in any aspect to their country and its citizens they do not

care about friendship because the want to doing well

their work. Also work in Guatemala is very different

because for example only the people that are upper-

class usually work in business like in companies,

academies etc., while poor people works doing land

work. Otherwise the businesses in the UK are free because each employee has rights,

and participation to reach a collective agreement with the trade union, London is a

place that has many opportunities of work because they can work in business,

education, entertainment, fashion, finance, media, research, tourism etc. Indeed each

country has a different manner of developing their work because it depends of the

government and economy.

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Politic is very important in every nation or country, and it is very different ways of

develop this assignments for example in USA they elect their president every four

years and they vote for the Republican party that is Oppose gay marriage, support

death penalty, believe taxes shouldn't be increased for anyone, based on individual

rights and justice. Or the Democrats party that is the one who is liberal, they support

gay marriage, against abortion, based on community and social responsibility. But in

London they have a complete different way to handle the politics; The United Kingdom

is a constitutional monarchy. The monarch is chief of state and the prime minister is

head of government. The Cabinet of Ministers is appointed by the prime minister and

is responsible to Parliament. Also in Guatemala the president is elected every four

years and here the people can vote just after they have 18 years old. There are twenty-

two departments under governors appointed by the president. Municipalities are

autonomous, with locally elected officials, and are funded by the central government

budget. In the other hand the People’s Republic of China, and Cuba, are one of the

world's four remaining official socialist states espousing communism. However, in

practice, China's political structure cannot be characterized so simply. The Chinese

government has been variously

described as communist and

socialist, but also as authoritarian.

And Cuba is based in the production

and goods they do, they have a

collective life, they administrate the

work, economy, education and all

the important aspects in order to

spend the same quantity of money.

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Solution of the


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As a result of this problem we found different solutions because of the ethics of each

country. In Guatemala Alan would say the true to the director of the school because

his daughter and other kids are in damage, but the director may not take care of that

because the teacher seems normal for the medicines that she is getting.

In The United States and London, Alan would talk with the director and he would talk

with the commission of the school to take a final decision, and as a result they would

fire the teacher because the priority of both countries are children and at the same

time they are going to support her, giving treatments and professional assistance, until

she get well to start working again.

In Cuba the government may take action of that situation because the 85 percent of

employees are hired by them and the government will fire the teacher too. Finally in

China Alan would not say the truth because in this country the teachers are very

respectful persons and they are seemed like honorably people so they probably would

not say a word.

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City Work Family Spare Time

Religions Politics


They don’t mix their business

with their personal life.

They grow

their children in an

independent environment,

and when children

finish high school they leave their


They play several

games, on specific sports,

depending the season.

They do not have a

predominant religion, and a

lot of American people do not

attend a church.

The most important political

parties are the democrat and republicans.


The higher

ranking people in Guatemala

wok in companies,

agencies, etc. But poor people

usually go to maquilas but some woman

prefers to work as domestic. A lot of children

sell products in the street too.

Is common that women

in Guatemala have a lot of

children. When a

couple gets married, they

move to another

house. They usually spend

time together on


Almost all the people

in Guatemala play sport

as football, and

basketball. They visit touristic

places with their


The most common in religions is Catholicism because the 68% of the people are

catholic, although there

are other religions too.

The people that have 18 years in Guatemala have

to vote. The candidates make big campaigns.


They have a lot of opportunities

at work place because there are different

areas in which their can work for example in

fashion business,

tourist, etc. also work is based in principles and


In this country is

common that families

separate and women take care of their


They like to share with

their families and they

make a lot of activities

like running, watching

TV or go to the


The 80% of people have non-religion

and the rest of them are

Catholics or attend another


Is controlled by the royalty but

also the parliament is on charge of take legal decisions.

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Majority of employees are hired for the government,

business are not successful

because all of them are

property of the govern.

They are

numerous, women have

to stay at home and

man have to work for

provide all the

necessary things to


They are really

interested in sport. Boxing is

the principal


Their main religion is

Catholicism. They are not constant and

not liberal either.

Government controls all the



The people in china work in

different areas the ones that live in a city

works for companies,

corporations and things like

that but the people that live far away from cities most of the time they work on their


They use to have big

families, but nowadays exist a law

that say that the Chinese woman can

have just one or two suns.

They like to play a lot of sports and also

they like to exercise

their minds. They

practice all kinds of martial


They have a lot of religions

China has been characterized by pluralism.

There is a communism

system in this country and for

the Chinese electoral system is


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Thank You!

Cindy Garcia

Paola Gonzales

Amely Pimentel

Zuleny Ramirez

Debbie Rivera