etazhiiga-k'ub'itsa - sil internationalub'itsa gumuz stage 2 childhood development...

Etazhiiga-k'ub'itsa Gumuz Stage 2

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Gumuz Stage 2

Childhood Development Story Book

First Edition

This booklet is a product of the Benishangul - Gumuz Language

Development Project, which is a joint project between:

Education Bureau, Bureau of Culture & Tourism , Benishangul-

Gumuz National Regional State, P.O. Box 64, Assosa


SIL Ethiopia, P.O. Box 2576, Addis Ababa

Title: Eezhiiga k'oob'iitsaa

English title: The Dog And the Donkey

Language: Gumuz, Spoken in Ethiopia

Type of book: Story book, Stage 2

Year of publication: 2015 (2008 E.C)

Writer: Mezgebu Kerkero

Editors: Thomas Goshu, Lemma Bogale, Zelalem Dereesa

Illustrator: Kaleb Belete

Illustrations are

copyrighted by: SIL Ethiopia

Number of copies: 1000

MLE - G K–15-04


Gumuz Stage 3



K'owa kanaanuwa biidaga mazha.



Na-oka nameetaam k'owa kanaanuwa bii'iigasha


naala-ebamaam biiyaaŋgishagiil mateya kílagaziya.



Bakalaga anaanuwa, “Ara dago-ebam biigaasiigas ká-ara maddugooka namb'oora-gab'oora. bashogok'w ara, damasaakwa arad'abaaŋgo gashal.



K'owaakwa bakalaga ara dago-ebam biigaasiigas ka-ara, ‘iiçagaaçe ŋga ká-ara biit'oogats ara na-çagadida. Ká-s'ee-aŋ, “We teegwa” Bakalaga naanuwaakwa,“Gashalama.”



Naanuwa kak'owa biiteega naçamaaŋgwa namas'a-ebamaam kílagaziya.




na-oka-biiwotaga namatsa naçaaŋga basaga gaziya gashal. K'owaaçan baaazhiigaga damasa bashagiil ak'ob'a.



K'owa kanaanuwa biitsaga, biitsaga badagats amgaakwa mmaam.



Na-atsamantsa alamaam biidagaash kílamitsa-b'aga biigamagats gofa. Bakalaga ak'owa, “Tsogwa zhigogwa nílagofa nabaate.” Bakalagaa anaanuwa, “Gashalama.”



Biitsaga biikooga

kíla-gofa bii'iigasha nago-aŋa, badaga amagaakwa .



K'owa bashagiil ak'ob'a bazhigaga

nila-ofa, naanuwaçan bazhigaga nila-gofa.



Naanuwa bakalaga, “Ara kás'ee-baranahaga parats kájaab'a luŋgora, t'isareen kámaaceyaak'on ganaha na-yilam.”



Bakalaga ak'owa maluŋgwaaŋgo, eemaluŋgwa, ŋaauwa magaseek'w mawe kámasa akwa. Naanuwa bakoogok'w magasok'oma.



Naanuwa bapagats kájaab'a baluŋgoge bakoolage kámas'a.



Ŋaauwa bagasageek'w maluŋgo-naanuwa bapageets

nila-gasowa baab'aalageek'w mmaam.



Naanuwa bakálaga mazham ara kámaakulariil mpatsa kájaab'a, “Tsara luŋgore kámaaceyaak'on ganaha na-yilam gashal.” Bakalaga ak'owa, “Mpatsaŋgo ara barat'eegogwa.”



Ŋaauwa bawoge bab'aas'agats naboŋgo-gofa alamaam.



Naanuwa bakoogok'w magasak'o-ŋgisha- k'owa, bapagats kájaab'a baluŋgoga.



Ŋaauwa baak'olagats naanuwa bak'aŋga najab'iimá bashogok'w naanuwa.



Ŋaauwa bakoŋge

kíla-gofa bagamagats k'owa namb'aas'atsa nila-shuŋkwa, bakálaga kák'owa, “Peets nagwaah” K'owa kagat'eya bakalaga, “Baaba mashok'oŋgo ara kámakod'araan ká-am bac'a alu.” Bakalaga aŋaauwa, “Gashalama.”



K'owa bakod'aga

bac'a-naanuwa káŋaauwa bañç'ashagiil bac'a-naanuwa.



K'owa na-oka-bawotaga namak'od'a- bac'a-naanuwaa bantoŋgok'w k'ub'itsamá.



K'owa banzaŋgaç bac'a káŋaauwa, bammeegaan ak'ub'itsamá. Bakalaga aŋaauwa, “Eyab badaga ak'ub'itsamá?” Bakalaga ak'owa, “Ac'agaaŋgo anaanuwa k'ob'itsamá , Bamac' k'ub'itsamaara bamaluŋgo nilagaziya naba.



Bakálaga aŋaauwa, “Ama kotoko-b'aga, sogwa bac'a baane” Biisaga bac'a-naanuwa biidága mmaam mazha.


English Translation:

The Dog And the Donkey

1. Sometime ago, a dog and a donkey became friends

2. One day, as they were sitting at the front door of their houses, they discussed the way they

could run away to the forest to avoid the control of their masters.

3. The donkey said "I am tired of carrying heavy loads, and more, i am not fed well. They are

really misusing me."

4. The dog said, "I am also misused and abused. i am not fed well, I pass nights outside in the

cold. So, i am ready to run away." The donkey said," that is well."

5. Therefore, they both agreed and ran away into the forest, to live there freely.

6. As they were going through different places, the donkey got plenty of grasses and ate. But the

dg could not get any food and was very hungry.

7. They travelled the whole day, and the sun began to go down ad evening came soon.

8. When it was raining, they saw a hut in someone's farm place. The dog said, "Let us passed the

night in that hut."

9. And, they entered the hut to spend the night there.

10. the dog slept on the ashes, and the donkey lied on the ground inside the hut

11. The donkey said to the dog, "My stomach is full and my belly is inflated, i will go out and

bray and fart, so that the size of my belly would get reduced, and i would feel relief.

12. The dog said, "No, you should not cry. If you cry, the hyena can hear your voice, and would

come and eat us." But, the donkey said," i haven't bray."

13. So, the donkey went out of the hut and brayed as loud as possible, and came back into the hut.

14. The hyena heard the bray of the donkey and came out of the forest, and started to fully move

towards the hut.

15. The donkey said again, " i must go for a bray for the second time. i hope, if i do so my

inflated belly would get reduced."The donkey brayed.

16. The hyena then moved very slowly and got himself close to the hut.

17. The donkey neglected the advice of the dog and went out for the third time, and brayed aloud.

18. At this time the hyena jumped upon the donkey and grabbed him by the neck and killed it.

19. When the hyena entered the hut and checked, he saw the dog and said to him," Who are you?

Come out at once!" The dog was afraid and said," I am your servant to help you cut the flesh

of the donkey in to proper parts and make ready for you to eat. So, please do not kill me" The

hyena agreed with what the dog said, and let it live.

20. Then, the dog began cutting the flesh of the donkey in to proper parts.

21. While cutting and arranging the meat, he stole and ate the donkey's heart.

22. After the dog had finished putting the meat in order, the hyena began counting each type of

the meat. He could not find the donkey's heart, and so asked the dog," where is the donkey's

heart?"The dog answered,"The donkey dose not have a heart. If he had one, he would not

have brayed like that!"

23. The hyena said," You dog, you are rght.So, come let us eat togethe and live as friends forever!


Amharic Translation:

ውሻና አህያ

1. አንድ ጊዜ አንድ ውሻና አንድ አህያ ጓደኞሞች ሆኑ።

2. ከዕለታት እንድ ቀን በቤታቸው ደጃፍ ሆነው ጫካ ለመጥፋት ተመካከሩ።

3. አህያም ፤"እኔ ሸክም በጣም ሰልችቶኛል። ባለቤቶች በሚገባ አይመግቡኝም።ተጫውተውብኛል" አለ።

4. ውሻው ደግሞ ፤"የእኔም ባለቤቶች ተጫውተውብኛል።ምግብ አይሰጡኝም። በብርድ ግዜ ውጪ ነው የማድረው፤ስለዚህ አንጥፋ" አለ።

አህያም ጥሩ ነው አለ።

5. ስለዚህ ሁለቱም ተስማሙና በነጋታው ወደ ጫካ ጠፉ።

6. በመንገድ ላይ እየሄዱ እይሉ አህያው በደንብ ሳር ይበላል፤ውሻው ግን የሚበላ ነገር አላገኘም፤ስለዚህ ራበው።

7. ከዚያም ሲሄዱ ሲሄዱ መሸቸው።

8. ሲመሽባቸው በአንድ ግለስብ ማሳ ውስጥ አንድ ጎጆ አዩ። ውሻውም አህያውን፤"ጎጆ ውስጥ እንደር" አለው።

9. ስለዚህ ሁለቱም ወደ ጎጆው ገብተው ለማደር ወደዚያው ሄዱ።

10. ውሻው እንደራበው አመድ ላይ ተኛ።አህያው ግን ጎጆው ውስጥ መሬት ላይ ተኛ።

11. አህያውም ውሻውን ፤"አኔ ስለጠገብኩ ወደ ውጭ ወጥቼ ብጮህና ብፈሳ ሆዴ ይቀንሳል" አለው።

12. ውሻውም፤"አይቻልም፤አንተ ብትጮህ ጅብ ስምቶ ይመጣና ይበላኛል" አለው። አህያ ግን፤"እጮሃለሁ" አለው።

13. አህያውም ወደ ውጭ ውጥቶ ጮኸና ተመልሶ ወደ ጎጆው ገባ።

14. ጅብም ይአህያውን ጩኸት ሰምቶ፤ ከጫካ ወጣና ቀስ ብሎ ወደ እርሱ መጣ።

15. አህያውም ውሻውን፤ "እኔ ወደ ውጭ ደግሜ ልውጣና ልጩህ፤ ከዚያ ብሗላ ሆዴ በደንብ ይቀንስልኛል" አለው።ውሻ ግን፤"አትሂድ፤እኔ

በጣም ፈርቻለሁ" አለው። አህያም" እምቢ እሄዳለሁ"ብሎ ወጣ።

16. ጅብም ቅስ ብሎ መጥቶ፤ በእርሱ ጎጆ ሥር ተደበቀ።

17. አህያውም ውሻውን ምክር አልሰማም ብሎ ወደ ውጭ ወጣና ጮኸ።

18. ጅቡም ዘሎ የአህያውን አንገት ይዞ ገደለው።

19. ጅቡም ወደ ጎጆው ገብቶ ውሻውን አየውና፤" ማነህ አንተ? ና ከዚህ ውጣ!" አለው። ውሻውም ፈርቶ፤ ብልቱን አወጣልሃለሁ፤አትግደለኝ"

አለው።ጅብም በዚህ ተስማማ።

20. ውሻውም የአህያውን ብልት ማውጣት ጀመረ።

21. ውሻውም ብልት እያወጣ እያለ የአህያውን ልብ ሰርቆ በላ።

22. ውሻውም የአህያውን ብልቶች ካወጣ በኋላ፤ ጅብ ብልቶቹን ሲቆርጥ የአህያውን አጣ።ውሻውም፤የአህያው ልብ የት አለ?"ብሎ

ጠየቀው።ውሻውም፤"አህያው ልብ የለውም፤ልብ ቢኖረው ኖሮ እንደዚህ አይጮህም ነበር" አለ።

23. ከዚያም ጅብ፤አንተ ውሻ እውነተኛ ነህ፤ ስለዚህ ና አብረን እንብላ፤ ጓደኛም እንሁን"አለው።