
The Stranger By : Chris Van Allsburg Retold by : Estephany

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Page 1: Estephany

The Stranger

By : Chris Van Allsburg Retold by : Estephany

Page 2: Estephany

Farmer Bailey was driving along in his truck. Farmer Bailey suddenly heard a loud thump. He didn’t know who or what it was. Farmer Bailey checked who it was and it was man.

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Farmer Bailey helped the stranger inside. Katy was peeking into the room there were in. Then Katy heard her father say that “he might be a hermit person. Farmer Bailey wondered if the stranger knew how to talk.

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Mr. Bailey called the doctor to check the stranger. The doctor listened to the strangers heart ,felt his bones and took his temperature. The doctor said that the stranger had lost his mind.

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More weeks passed and the stranger could not understand that weather. It was mostly fall and some leafs were still green and some were red and yellow. The stranger climb a hill and he saw something. He saw that half of there was red and orange. The other half was green . He was confused.

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Mr. Bailey gave the stranger some clean clothes. The stranger didn’t recognize buttonholes. The Baileys ask the stranger to dinner. They had soup and it was really hot. The stranger saw Katy blowing on the soup so he copied her. Mrs. Bailey said that there's a draft in here tonight but it was the stranger blowing on the soup.

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The next morning the stranger was outside. Katy watched him from her bedroom window. The stranger saw rabbits and instead the rabbits hopping away from him the rabbits hop toward him.

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That evening Katy sat with the stranger outside watching the sunset. They saw geese forming a v form. The stranger didn’t take his eyes of the geese. The stranger stared at them like he had been hypnotized. Two weeks passed and the stranger didn’t know who he was.

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The stranger couldn’t look at the trees without thinking that something terrible happed. Every time he looked at the trees he got more upset. He ran to a tree and pulled off a leaf and he held it and he was trembling. He blew on it with all his might.

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At dinner that evening the stranger was all dressed up. There where tears in Farmer Baileys eye. The stranger decided to leave. The Baileys hurried outside to say good-bye. The stranger had disappeared.