establishing community of discourse wayne cheek bailu liu jamie kim april 16. 2013

Establishing Community of Discourse Wayne Cheek Bailu Liu Jamie Kim April 16. 2013

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“I hope to help them gradually become more comfortable with the expected roles in academic discussions.” ---- Ruth Findings 1). Besides the necessary linguistic knowledge, considering students' further academic development is one of the IECP program's goals, which facilitate students' socialization into academic discourse. 2). Ruth puts students' interests and their relations with topic/activities at the heart of selecting materials and designing classroom activities. 3). Ruth's attention to students' interests means the development of "intersubjectivity" in class that contributes to students' participations as well as RI enhancement, and ultimately achievement of the co-constructed classroom discourse.


Page 1: Establishing Community of Discourse Wayne Cheek Bailu Liu Jamie Kim April 16. 2013

Establishing Community of

DiscourseWayne Cheek

Bailu LiuJamie Kim

April 16. 2013

Page 2: Establishing Community of Discourse Wayne Cheek Bailu Liu Jamie Kim April 16. 2013


- Context: IECP 4B Oral Communication class

- Students: Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, UAE, Korea, China, Taiwan

- Data: One videotaped class An interview with the instructor Ruth

- Research question: How did Ruth work with her students to co-construct a community of discourse and a relational identity (RID) to achieve her pedagogical goal ?

Page 3: Establishing Community of Discourse Wayne Cheek Bailu Liu Jamie Kim April 16. 2013

“I hope to help them gradually become more comfortable with the expected roles in academic discussions.” ---- Ruth

Findings 1). Besides the necessary linguistic knowledge, considering students' further academic development is one of the IECP program's goals, which facilitate students' socialization into academic discourse.

2). Ruth puts students' interests and their relations with topic/activities at the heart of selecting materials and designing classroom activities.

3). Ruth's attention to students' interests means the development of "intersubjectivity" in class that contributes to students' participations as well as RI enhancement, and ultimately achievement of the co-constructed classroom discourse.

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Transcript #1T: another oneS2: [youtube]Ss: [bing]T: youtube a:h i guess everyone is ( )Ss: ((laughter))S1: i usually use Korean search engineT: how many use that? one two three four((laughter)) ((teacher writes on board))S2: Only KoreanT: and ( ) korean? ((laughter))S3: Is it famous?S1: Yeah, in Korea.S4: NaverS1: not neighbor((laughter))T: I never knew how to pronounce it I always thought it was /nævɜr/, not /neɪvɜr/. Didn’t know how to say

it. Um and then we said youtube and I guess youtube does count as a search engine you can find out how to do things on youtube. so how many people use youtube? I’m guessing that everyone Yeah? Does everyone use youtube? Yeah I think seven so ok.

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IntersubjectivityTranscript #2T: what do you think about that? do you think parents should be allowed to be their kids'

fri:ends so they can check up on them? we hear from parents and from kids upset as they are all children

S1: i think it doesn't make any uh change because i can have two profiles and the other one my friends

S2: ( ) o:hS3: YeahT: that's what i had thought too yeah yeah yeahS4: ( )T: that you have like a respectable one for your parents and you have a different one for your

friendsS5: we have a third one for ( )((laughter))T: So you can have multiple is a main idea it doesn't just have to be one so that is interesting

cause a lot of parents feel like they need to check up on their ( )

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Conversational ground rules

Transcript #1T: another oneS2: [youtube]Ss: [bing]T: youtube a:h i guess everyone is ( )Ss: ((laughter))S1: i usually use Korean search engineT: how many use that? one two three four((laughter)) ((teacher writes on board))S2: Only KoreanT: and ( ) korean? ((laughter))S3: Is it famous?S1: Yeah, in Korea.S4: NaverS1: not neighbor((laughter))T: I never knew how to pronounce it I always thought it was /nævɜr/, not /neɪvɜr/. Didn’t know how to say it.

Um and then we said youtube and I guess youtube does count as a search engine you can find out how to do things on youtube. so how many people use youtube? I’m guessing that everyone Yeah? Does everyone use youtube? Yeah I think seven so ok.

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Conversational ground


Transcript #1T: another oneS2: [youtube]Ss: [bing]T: youtube a:h i guess everyone is ( )Ss: ((laughter))S1: i usually use Korean search engineT: how many use that? one two three four((laughter)) ((teacher writes on board))S2: Only KoreanT: and ( ) korean? ((laughter))S3: Is it famous?S1: Yeah, in Korea.S4: NaverS1: not neighbor((laughter))T: I never knew how to pronounce it I always thought it was /nævɜr/, not /neɪvɜr/. Didn’t know how to say

it. Um and then we said youtube and I guess youtube does count as a search engine you can find out how to do things on youtube. so how many people use youtube? I’m guessing that everyone Yeah? Does everyone use youtube? Yeah I think seven so ok.

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SETT FrameworkFunctions- To describe the classroom interactions- To guide teacher facilitate the


Managerial Mode & Classroom Context Mode

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1. T: ((laughs)) Merci beaucoup 2. T: : So, ok, so I want to hear how what search engines3. do you use, we’re going to make a survey to see how4. many you can ( ) so what’s one you use?5. Ss: google (This section is characterized by many

short IRF exchanges)6. T: =google? so how many people use google? raise7. your hands (..) one two everybody (...) almost yes?8. everyone? ok so google i:s everyo:ne?9. ((teacher writes on board)) 10. S: google 11. T: what else?12. Ss: yahoo

Page 10: Establishing Community of Discourse Wayne Cheek Bailu Liu Jamie Kim April 16. 2013

Transcript #428. S: not neighbor29. ((laughter))30. T: I never knew how to pronounce it i always thought it was /nævɑr/31. not /nevɑr/ didn’t know how to say it an- then we said youtube an- I guess youtube does count32. as a search engine you can find out how to do things on youtube so how many people use

33. youtube? ( ) i’m guessing not everyone yes does everyone use youtube? i think seven so ok35. T: ok so then if we g:o to um talking about how you choose so everybody can choose google,

those of you who use yahoo how do you choose between google and yahoo?39. S: if i don’t find something like on the first page of google I just search yahoo

40. T: and you get different results then41. S: yeah42. T: huh43. S: if you just want to search you can use google but I think yahoo is…uh good uh ( ) poto setes? poto sites?

45. T: photo sites?46. S: yes I think photo sites and you can (2) except for the search you can to gather a lot of47. information from it

48. T: you can get there information that is different news?49. S: yes

50. T: OK [and then]51. S: ( ) is actually ( ) yahoo mail52. T: yeah yahoo mail is ( )53. S: ( )

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Transcript#554. S: i don’t know about google as email=55. T: =gmail yeah that can be interesting to see anyone use gmail? i use gmail 56. an' then yahoo mail57. and uh and then what other email do you use?58. S: ( ) ((laughter))59. S: hot- hotmail ( )60. T: hotmail ok hotmail is the big one61. S: ( )62. T: hotmail and yahoo and how did you choose?63. ((teacher holds right hand out in a “what do you have to say” 64. gesture))65. T: i choose g-mail because my friends are using g-mail ( ) dumb but I just -66. S: ( ) my friends use hotmail67. T: hotmail so whatever your friends are using not necessarily what’s the

68. best one or not ( ) ah ok: so that’s good let’s talk about 69. social networks70. S: (Switch back to classroom context mode): facebook71. ((teacher writes on board))72. S1: =facebook73. T: how many people are on facebook74. S: ()

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Community of PracticeCommunity of Discourse

Relational Identity

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Resources for Joint Intellectual Activity

A History

A Collective Identity

Reciprocal obligations

A Discourse

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Communities of ?Community of Practice

Community of Discourse

Page 15: Establishing Community of Discourse Wayne Cheek Bailu Liu Jamie Kim April 16. 2013

IdentitiesMercer: Collective identities


Boxer and Cortés-Conde:

Group Identities (Relational


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Boxer and Cortés-Conde

Teacher =

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Transcript #2

T: what do you think about that? do you think parents should be allowed to be their kids' fri:ends so they can check up on them? we hear from parents and from kids upset as they are all children

S1: i think it doesn't make any uh change because i can have two profiles and the other one my friends

S2: ( ) o:hS3: YeahT: that's what i had thought too yeah yeah yeahS4: ( )T: that you have like a respectable one for your parents and you have a different

one for your friendsS5: we have a third one for ( )((laughter))T: So you can have multiple is a main idea it doesn't just have to be one so that is

interesting cause a lot of parents feel like they need to check up on their ( )

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