essential super - commbank · essential super a guide to your statement. your essential super...

Essential Super A guide to your statement. Your Essential Super statement has important information about your super, so it’s a good idea to take some time to read through and understand it. Quick tips When you receive your statement: check your personal details are correct check if we have your Tax File Number (TFN) recorded check the spelling of your beneficiaries if you have any recorded take some time to understand the transactions on your account. Don’t forget to: Check to see if your regular contributions from your employer have been received. To provide your account details to your employer, simply log on to the CommBank app or NetBank and select your Essential Super account. Where to find your statement We will send you a statement with details of your Essential Super account twice a year in July and January. Each statement will contain information for the previous six months. To view your latest super statement, select your Essential Super account in NetBank and click on the Statements icon. Recent changes to the Essential Super PDS We’ve made recent changes to the Product Disclosure Statement for Essential Super and it’s important you take a moment to understand these changes. You can find a flyer with everything you need to know at How to read your statement Your account valuation Your super can be invested in one or more investment options. Your account valuation will show information about where your super is invested and the value in each investment option. Where your money is invested RETURN (% pa) INVESTMENT OPTION VALUE AS AT 31 Dec 2017 1 YEAR 5 YEAR 10 YEAR SINCE INCEPTION INCEPTION DATE 1980s Lifestage option $45,279.57 9.82 - - 8.66 31 May 2013 Remember: The number of units you hold in a fund will not reduce unless you sell these units by withdrawing, switching into another investment option or by paying fees/premiums/taxes. However, the unit price for the investment option will go up and down due to market movements and this will affect the total value of your super. Value The total amount of super in the investment option on the last day of the statement period. For all options except the Cash Deposit option, this is calculated by multiplying the amount of units by the unit price.

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Page 1: Essential Super - CommBank · Essential Super A guide to your statement. Your Essential Super statement has important information about your super, so it’s a good idea to take some

Essential SuperA guide to your statement.

Your Essential Super statement has important information about your super, so it’s a good idea to take some time to read through and understand it.

Quick tipsWhen you receive your statement: • check your personal details are correct • check if we have your Tax File Number (TFN) recorded • check the spelling of your beneficiaries if you have

any recorded • take some time to understand the transactions on

your account.

Don’t forget to:Check to see if your regular contributions from your employer have been received. To provide your account details to your employer, simply log on to the CommBank app or NetBank and select your Essential Super account.

Where to find your statementWe will send you a statement with details of your Essential Super account twice a year in July and January. Each statement will contain information for the previous six months.

To view your latest super statement, select your Essential Super account in NetBank and click on the Statements icon.

Recent changes to the Essential Super PDSWe’ve made recent changes to the Product Disclosure Statement for Essential Super and it’s important you take a moment to understand these changes. You can find a flyer with everything you need to know at

How to read your statementYour account valuationYour super can be invested in one or more investment options. Your account valuation will show information about where your super is invested and the value in each investment option.

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What your super could provide you in retirement

We know nothing is certain about the future, but to give you an idea of what your super may provide you in retirement, wecan provide you with a projection estimate based on your current account balance, your contribution history and a numberof other assumptions.

Unfortunately we're unable to create an accurate projection for your account. This may be due to irregular contributions, withdrawals or a low account balance.


Your projected balance at 67

Your retirementincome for 25 years

$45,279 $N/A $N/A

Visit to find out what your super could provideyou in retirement.

Where your money is investedRETURN (% pa)




1980s Lifestage option $45,279.57 9.82 - - 8.66 31 May 2013

Your actual returns may be different depending on when transactions into and out of these options were made.

The returns shown reflect past performance only and are not an indication of future performance. The returns shown are not the returns of your investments in the investment options. Where the return is greater than one year, the amount has been annualised (i.e. recalculated as an annual rate). For the latest performance figures and more information on how returns are calculated, visit our website.

How your money is invested

The main asset classes that people refer to are cash, fixed interest, property and shares. The reason why it's so important tounderstand asset classes is because they each have different levels of risk and return.


Your Defensive Assets Total = 19.90% Value

• Cash 5.10% $2,309.26

• Australian Fixed Interest 8.90% $4,029.88

• Global Fixed Interest 5.90% $2,671.49

Your Growth Assets Total = 80.10% Value

• Property Securities 14.00% $6,339.14

• Australian Shares 32.80% $14,851.70

• Global Shares* 33.30% $15,078.10* The asset type may include allocations to alternatives

Note: This represents the percentage of your account invested in each of the major asset classes as at 31 December 2017.

Remember:The number of units you hold in a fund will not reduce unless you sell these units by withdrawing, switching into another investment option or by paying fees/premiums/taxes. However, the unit price for the investment option will go up and down due to market movements and this will affect the total value of your super.

ValueThe total amount of super in the investment option on the last day of the statement period. For all options except the Cash Deposit option, this is calculated by multiplying the amount of units by the unit price.

Page 2: Essential Super - CommBank · Essential Super A guide to your statement. Your Essential Super statement has important information about your super, so it’s a good idea to take some

Your insurance detailsIf you have insurance cover through your Essential Super account it will be displayed in this section.

Page 4 of 9

Where your money is investedRETURN (% pa)




1990s Lifestage option $20,889.77 9.86 - - 8.70 31 May 2013

Your actual returns may be different depending on when transactions into and out of these options were made.

The returns shown reflect past performance only and are not an indication of future performance. The returns shown are not the returns of your investments in the investment options. Where the return is greater than one year, the amount has been annualised (i.e. recalculated as an annual rate). For the latest performance figures and more information on how returns are calculated, visit our website.

How your money is invested

The main asset classes that people refer to are cash, fixed interest, property and shares. The reason why it's so important tounderstand asset classes is because they each have different levels of risk and return.


Your Defensive Assets Total = 20.10% Value

• Cash 5.10% $1,065.38

• Australian Fixed Interest 9.00% $1,880.08

• Global Fixed Interest 6.00% $1,253.39

Your Growth Assets Total = 79.90% Value

• Property Securities 14.00% $2,924.57

• Australian Shares 32.90% $6,872.73

• Global Shares* 33.00% $6,893.62* The asset type may include allocations to alternatives

Note: This represents the percentage of your account invested in each of the major asset classes as at 31 December 2017.

Your insurance Your beneficiaries


Death cover $75,000.00 $4.00

Total & PermanentDisablement cover

$75,000.00 $1.69

No beneficiary - -

You do not have a valid nominated beneficiary

The amounts shown above reflect your cover andpremiums as at the end of the reporting period for thisstatement. The premium shown is the estimated grossmonthly amount. Amounts deducted from your accountare reduced by any tax benefits that may apply. Pleaserefer to the Investor Information section for moreinformation.

It's important to understand what will happen to yoursuper when you pass away. If you have a validnon-lapsing nomination, a death benefit will be paid inaccordance with that nomination. If you don't have avalid nominated beneficiary, the trustee of the fund willdetermine who receives your benefit. A valid non-lapsingnomination will remain in place unless revoked oramended by completing a new form. You can reviewyour beneficiary details today to ensure you have a sayin who receives your super. For more information onnominating beneficiaries, go to ‘find a form’ on ourwebsite.

Remember:You can add cover to your super, or cancel your cover any time by clicking your Essential Super account in NetBank and selecting Insurance from the left hand side menu.

If you have more than one Essential Super account you will only be paid one insurance benefit, even if you have insurance and are paying premiums in relation to more than one account. Please notify us immediately if you have more than one Essential Super account so we can combine them.

Your non-lapsing death benefit nominationIf you’ve nominated someone to receive your super and insurance benefits when you pass away, their full name and relationship to you will show in this section along with the percentage benefit you’ve allocated to them.

To nominate someone or change your nomination, you can download a Non-lapsing death benefit form.

Your account summaryYour account summary displays an overview of your account transactions for the six-month statement period.

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Essential SuperStatement for 1 Jul to 31 Dec 2017Account number: 06 7979 000001334

CFS - 0033 - V01.00.03

Your super statement

Your balance 6 months ago Your balance at 31 December


Your transaction summary

Your balance changes due to a number of things, including contributions, rollovers, insurance premiums, fees andmarket movements. Refer to 'Your transaction breakdown' to see what influenced the change in your balance. Formore information on how your investment options performed, go to our website.


What your employer putin for you 0.00

Fees & taxes 25.00Change in your balance

Extra super you put in 0.00Insurance premiums 212.50 + $299.57

Super you rolled over 0.00Withdrawals 0.00

Other 0.00Other 0.00

Investment return 537.07

This summary shows the gross amount of contributions. All other transactions are generally shown net of tax.

How your super has changed since 2013

Super is designed to provide you with a source of income when you retire. As markets can go up and down,understanding your balance over the longer term can give you a clearer picture of how your investment is tracking.

$5,205 $9,563 $9,561 $9,765 $10,152

31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2014 31 Dec 2015 31 Dec 2016 31 Dec 2017

Take a look at how your investment options performed.

Remember:You can check your account summary and transactions any time by accessing your Essential Super account through NetBank.

Your account transactionsYour account transactions show a detailed summary of all transactions on your account for the six-month statement period.

Your transaction breakdown


No transactions for this statement period.

Page 7 of 10




Unrestricted non-preserved


Restricted non-preserved


Account number : 06 7979 001445753

Your account transactionsWe are required to show you the Gross and Tax amounts for all fees and transactions on your account. Please notethat your account balance is generally only impacted by the amount shown in the ‘Net’ column. To find out more




(NET) $

20 Jul 2017 1980s Lifestageoption Insurance Premium -10.16 1.52 -8.64

20 Jul 2017 1980s Lifestageoption

AccountAdministration Fee -5.88 0.88 -5.00

21 Aug 2017 1980s Lifestageoption Insurance Premium -10.16 1.52 -8.64

21 Aug 2017 1980s Lifestageoption

AccountAdministration Fee -5.88 0.88 -5.00

20 Sep 2017 1980s Lifestageoption Insurance Premium -10.16 1.52 -8.64

20 Sep 2017 1980s Lifestageoption

AccountAdministration Fee -5.88 0.88 -5.00

20 Oct 2017 1980s Lifestageoption Insurance Premium -11.67 1.75 -9.92

20 Oct 2017 1980s Lifestageoption

AccountAdministration Fee -5.88 0.88 -5.00

20 Nov 2017 1980s Lifestageoption Insurance Premium -11.67 1.75 -9.92

20 Nov 2017 1980s Lifestageoption

AccountAdministration Fee -5.88 0.88 -5.00

Your coverThe type of insurance cover you have.

Cover amountThe amount of cover you are currently insured for.

Your premiumThis is the amount you pay for your insurance cover.

Change in your balanceReflects how the performance of your investment option has affected the value of your super balance. It calculates the difference between the opening and closing balances after adding and subtracting all transactions that have occurred during the statement period.

Investment optionYour account transactions not only show the type and amount of the transaction but also the investment option the transaction has affected.

Page 3: Essential Super - CommBank · Essential Super A guide to your statement. Your Essential Super statement has important information about your super, so it’s a good idea to take some

Common transaction types

Employer Concessional Contributions made by your employer from your before-tax salary.

Personal Non-concessional Contributions you’ve made into your super from your after-tax money.

Tax of 15% The tax charged on a contribution made from your pre-tax salary (concessional contributions).

Net application The amount of super invested in your account after the 15% contribution tax has been taken out of your contribution.

Tax deducted as no TFN held The extra tax charged if your Tax File Number (TFN) isn’t recorded on your account.

Rollover Amount of super transferred from other super funds.

Switch Occurs when you change from one investment option into another.

Interest The monthly interest paid into your account if you have money in the Cash Deposit option.

Account administration fee The monthly fee charged from your account.

Insurance premium Monthly cost of your insurance cover.

Remember:If you haven’t supplied us with your TFN you could be paying extra tax on your super contributions. Update your TFN easily through the CommBank app, NetBank or provide it to us over the phone by calling 13 40 74.

Your fee summaryThe fee summary shows both direct and indirect fees that have been charged to your Essential Super account for the six-month statement period. For more information on fees please see the Essential Super Reference Guide.

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Account number : 06 7979 001445753

Fees you paid


These are the fees (including adjustments) that have been deducted from your account this period.The $25.00 shown above is the ‘After Tax (Net)’ cost to you. It represents a ‘Before Tax (Gross)’ amount of $29.40, lessa Tax benefit of $4.40.


This approximate amount has been deducted from your investment and covers amounts that have reduced the returnon your investment but are not charged as a fee. The $0.00 shown above is the ‘After Tax (Net)’ cost to you. Itrepresents a ‘Before Tax (Gross)’ amount of $0.00, less a Tax benefit of $0.00.


This approximate amount or amounts have been deducted from your investment and covers fees that are not reflectedas transactions on this statement. The above figure does not include any rebates as outlined in the fee section of theProduct Disclosure Statement.

The $140.46 shown above is the ‘After Tax (Net)’ cost to you. It represents a ‘Before Tax (Gross)’ amount of $165.25,less a Tax benefit of $24.79.

Other fees of your investment are made up of:

Before Tax (Gross) Tax After Tax (Net)

Administration Fee $82.61 $12.39 $70.22Investment Fee $82.64 $12.40 $70.24Total $165.25 $24.79 $140.46


This approximate amount includes all the net fees and costs which affected your investment during the period.The $165.46 shown above is the ‘After Tax (Net)’ cost to you. It represents a ‘Before Tax (Gross)’ amount of $194.65,less a Tax benefit of $29.19.

Fees chargedInclude the direct fees deducted from your account such as the $5/month administration fee.

Indirect costs of your investmentInclude fees that are not directly deducted from your account. You won’t see these fees in your account transactions as they are reflected in the daily unit price of your investment option.

Page 4: Essential Super - CommBank · Essential Super A guide to your statement. Your Essential Super statement has important information about your super, so it’s a good idea to take some

Fees and costs disclosure You may notice that your latest super statement looks slightly different.

The government has introduced some new guidelines around how fees, charges and transactions are shown on your statement.

These changes don’t make any difference to what you currently pay – we’re just displaying these costs differently to make things clearer.

To help you navigate your new look statement, here are some handy tools and FAQs.

Background • The Australian Securities & Investment Commission’s Regulatory Guide 97 (RG 97) sets out

new guidelines on how fees and costs are shown in your super statements. • These changes aim to make the fees, charges and costs associated with investing clearer

and more transparent for you. So they haven’t changed, they’re just displayed differently on your statement.

What’s new in your super statement? • From December 2017, your statement will now show the before-tax, tax and after-tax amounts

for every transaction on your account. Previously, only the after-tax amounts were shown. • It’s a good idea to focus on the after-tax amounts – these are the amounts that generally

impact your account balance. • We’re also providing additional tax information in the ‘Fees you paid’ section at the end of

your statement.

Here’s how it works Your statement will now show fees as before-tax (gross), tax and after-tax (net) amounts. Previously, only after-tax (net) amounts were shown.

B – T = AB: Before-tax (gross) The total amount of the transaction, without any tax adjustment.

T: Tax Tax applies to each transaction.

A: After-tax (net) The actual amount of the transaction that impacts your account balance.

Your transaction breakdown


No transactions for this statement period.

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Unrestricted non-preserved


Restricted non-preserved


Account number : 06 7979 001445753

Your account transactionsWe are required to show you the Gross and Tax amounts for all fees and transactions on your account. Please notethat your account balance is generally only impacted by the amount shown in the ‘Net’ column. To find out more




(NET) $

20 Jul 2017 1980s Lifestageoption Insurance Premium -10.16 1.52 -8.64

20 Jul 2017 1980s Lifestageoption

AccountAdministration Fee -5.88 0.88 -5.00

21 Aug 2017 1980s Lifestageoption Insurance Premium -10.16 1.52 -8.64

21 Aug 2017 1980s Lifestageoption

AccountAdministration Fee -5.88 0.88 -5.00

20 Sep 2017 1980s Lifestageoption Insurance Premium -10.16 1.52 -8.64

20 Sep 2017 1980s Lifestageoption

AccountAdministration Fee -5.88 0.88 -5.00

20 Oct 2017 1980s Lifestageoption Insurance Premium -11.67 1.75 -9.92

20 Oct 2017 1980s Lifestageoption

AccountAdministration Fee -5.88 0.88 -5.00

20 Nov 2017 1980s Lifestageoption Insurance Premium -11.67 1.75 -9.92

20 Nov 2017 1980s Lifestageoption

AccountAdministration Fee -5.88 0.88 -5.00

In the tax column, if the tax on a particular transaction is: • paid by the fund and offset to you through the fees you’re charged, it will appear as a

credit amount • charged back to you when you receive a rebate, it will appear as a debit amount.

After-tax (net) amountThis is the amount that affects your account balance.

Page 5: Essential Super - CommBank · Essential Super A guide to your statement. Your Essential Super statement has important information about your super, so it’s a good idea to take some

Understanding the changesHow is tax applied to my account transactions?

We are required to show you the Gross and Tax amounts for all fees and transactions on your account. Please note




(NET) $

Admin Fee (Investor -5.00 0.75 -4.25

Insurance Premium -157.39 23.61 -133.78

Your transaction breakdown


No transactions for this statement period.

Page 7 of 10




Unrestricted non-preserved


Restricted non-preserved


Account number : 06 7979 001445753

Your account transactionsWe are required to show you the Gross and Tax amounts for all fees and transactions on your account. Please notethat your account balance is generally only impacted by the amount shown in the ‘Net’ column. To find out more




(NET) $

20 Jul 2017 1980s Lifestageoption Insurance Premium -10.16 1.52 -8.64

20 Jul 2017 1980s Lifestageoption

AccountAdministration Fee -5.88 0.88 -5.00

21 Aug 2017 1980s Lifestageoption Insurance Premium -10.16 1.52 -8.64

21 Aug 2017 1980s Lifestageoption

AccountAdministration Fee -5.88 0.88 -5.00

20 Sep 2017 1980s Lifestageoption Insurance Premium -10.16 1.52 -8.64

20 Sep 2017 1980s Lifestageoption

AccountAdministration Fee -5.88 0.88 -5.00

20 Oct 2017 1980s Lifestageoption Insurance Premium -11.67 1.75 -9.92

20 Oct 2017 1980s Lifestageoption

AccountAdministration Fee -5.88 0.88 -5.00

20 Nov 2017 1980s Lifestageoption Insurance Premium -11.67 1.75 -9.92

20 Nov 2017 1980s Lifestageoption

AccountAdministration Fee -5.88 0.88 -5.00

Your transaction breakdown


No transactions for this statement period.

Page 7 of 10




Unrestricted non-preserved


Restricted non-preserved


Account number : 06 7979 001445753

Your account transactionsWe are required to show you the Gross and Tax amounts for all fees and transactions on your account. Please notethat your account balance is generally only impacted by the amount shown in the ‘Net’ column. To find out more




(NET) $

20 Jul 2017 1980s Lifestageoption Insurance Premium -10.16 1.52 -8.64

20 Jul 2017 1980s Lifestageoption

AccountAdministration Fee -5.88 0.88 -5.00

21 Aug 2017 1980s Lifestageoption Insurance Premium -10.16 1.52 -8.64

21 Aug 2017 1980s Lifestageoption

AccountAdministration Fee -5.88 0.88 -5.00

20 Sep 2017 1980s Lifestageoption Insurance Premium -10.16 1.52 -8.64

20 Sep 2017 1980s Lifestageoption

AccountAdministration Fee -5.88 0.88 -5.00

20 Oct 2017 1980s Lifestageoption Insurance Premium -11.67 1.75 -9.92

20 Oct 2017 1980s Lifestageoption

AccountAdministration Fee -5.88 0.88 -5.00

20 Nov 2017 1980s Lifestageoption Insurance Premium -11.67 1.75 -9.92

20 Nov 2017 1980s Lifestageoption

AccountAdministration Fee -5.88 0.88 -5.00

Your transaction breakdown


No transactions for this statement period.

Page 7 of 10




Unrestricted non-preserved


Restricted non-preserved


Account number : 06 7979 001445753

Your account transactionsWe are required to show you the Gross and Tax amounts for all fees and transactions on your account. Please notethat your account balance is generally only impacted by the amount shown in the ‘Net’ column. To find out more




(NET) $

20 Jul 2017 1980s Lifestageoption Insurance Premium -10.16 1.52 -8.64

20 Jul 2017 1980s Lifestageoption

AccountAdministration Fee -5.88 0.88 -5.00

21 Aug 2017 1980s Lifestageoption Insurance Premium -10.16 1.52 -8.64

21 Aug 2017 1980s Lifestageoption

AccountAdministration Fee -5.88 0.88 -5.00

20 Sep 2017 1980s Lifestageoption Insurance Premium -10.16 1.52 -8.64

20 Sep 2017 1980s Lifestageoption

AccountAdministration Fee -5.88 0.88 -5.00

20 Oct 2017 1980s Lifestageoption Insurance Premium -11.67 1.75 -9.92

20 Oct 2017 1980s Lifestageoption

AccountAdministration Fee -5.88 0.88 -5.00

20 Nov 2017 1980s Lifestageoption Insurance Premium -11.67 1.75 -9.92

20 Nov 2017 1980s Lifestageoption

AccountAdministration Fee -5.88 0.88 -5.00

Before–tax (gross) Tax After–tax (net)

+/–This is the unadjusted amount that does not account for tax

This is a tax adjusted amount that generally only impacts your account balance

This is the tax which applies to each transaction. Where possible tax benefits at a fund level are passed on to you through reduced costs

How is tax applied to my account transactions?

Your questions answeredQ1: What is different in my super statements?The transaction listing in your latest statements now includes before-tax, tax and after-tax amounts for all account transactions, including adviser fees, rebates and premiums. Previously, only after-tax (net) amounts were shown.

The ‘Fees you paid’ section also provides an updated definition of fees and charges including a breakdown of before-tax, tax and after-tax amounts.

Q2: Why have you made these changes?New rules around fee and cost disclosures aim to make the information provided to members more transparent and consistent. The changes are set out in the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) Regulatory Guide 97.

Because investment fees are complex, ASIC is aiming to simplify them for investors. By changing how costs are broken down, the new rules are designed to make fee information more transparent.

Q3: Why am I paying tax on all my transactions?A tax amount has always been applied to your transactions. The new disclosure guidelines now require us to show these amounts in your statement transaction listing.

Where possible, we pass on any tax benefits received by the fund to you through reduced costs. You’ll see this reflected in the ‘after-tax (net)’ amount shown in the statement.

If you receive any rebates on your account, you incur tax on this amount, which is also reflected in the ‘after-tax’ amount of the rebate you receive.

Q4: Does the before-tax amount show an increase in fees?No. It’s important to remember that your account balance is generally only impacted by the after-tax (net) amount. The disclosure changes do not affect your fees. Your statement simply shows a more detailed transaction list, displaying before-tax (gross), after-tax (net) and tax amounts costs.

The ‘Fees you paid’ section also provides before-tax and tax amounts on estimated transaction and indirect costs that apply to your account during the reporting period.

Q5: How is my super money taxed?Super tax rules are extremely complex. Your super money can be taxed at three stages: when it goes into the fund (contributions), while it is in the fund (investment earnings) and when it leaves the fund (super benefits).

Under current tax legislation, the super contributions you make before tax (called concessional contributions) are taxed at the fund level, at a rate of up to 15%. There are many rules surrounding these taxes and a variety of factors which may impact the amount of tax that applies to your account.

You can find out more about how super is taxed by reading the Product Disclosure Statement. Speak to your accountant or financial adviser for more information on super tax.

Q6: How do I know if my account has been taxed correctly?Your statement shows the tax paid on all your account transactions during the reporting period. As a responsible entity, we’re legally required to comply with Australian taxation rules and regulations. We appoint an independent auditor and provide regular reporting on compliance.

If you need to raise a query, we’ll investigate it thoroughly and provide you with a refund if we’ve made an error.

Page 6: Essential Super - CommBank · Essential Super A guide to your statement. Your Essential Super statement has important information about your super, so it’s a good idea to take some

Call us 13 40 74 8am – 7pm (Sydney/Melbourne time) Monday to Friday

Email us on [email protected]


Things you should know: This document is intended to provide general information only and does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs.Colonial First State Investments Limited ABN 98 002 348 352, AFS Licence 232468 (Colonial First State) is the Trustee and issuer of interests in Commonwealth Essential Super ABN 56 601 925 435. A Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) for Essential Super is available in branch. You should read the PDS and assess whether the information is appropriate for you before making an investment decision. Colonial First State is a wholly owned subsidiary of Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 (‘the Bank’). An investment in Essential Super is via a superannuation trust and is therefore not an investment in, deposit with or other liability of the Bank or its subsidiaries and they do not guarantee the performance of Essential Super. Your investment in Essential Super is subject to risk, loss of income and loss of capital invested. Where we refer to “we”,”us” or “our”, we mean Colonial First State. 24721/FS5736/0118

Q7: Under: ‘Your account transactions’, it shows a tax amount, why is the tax showing as a credit amount?The tax benefit amount shown is often a credit amount. An explanation of tax benefits is provided in your statement.

In a nutshell, tax benefits received by the fund for deductable fees, insurance premiums or rebates are passed on to you through reduced costs. This is reflected in the ‘after-tax (net)’ amount shown in your statement.

For example if your before-tax (gross) insurance premium amount is set at $100, we may be able to pass on a 15% tax benefit at fund level. In this scenario, the after-tax premium amount you pay reduces to $85.

Q8: Can I claim the tax you’ve taken as a deduction on my tax return?The fees payable by the fund, such as administration fees are passed on as an upfront deduction on your account. As a result, the fees charged to you already include the tax deduction and cannot be claimed in your personal tax return.

Please speak to your accountant or financial adviser for more information.

Q9: Does the tax I’m paying at a fund level impact on my personal tax status?The tax shown in this statement reflects the super fund trustee’s obligations to comply with super law as it applies to your super account.

The impact of this tax on your personal tax status will always be specific to your individual financial circumstances.

We suggest that you talk to your accountant or financial adviser at tax time.

Need more information? Check out these links: • How is super taxed • Changes to how super funds report fees and costs

Q10: What do you mean by ‘indirect costs’ and are these a new charge?When it comes to your super fund, the indirect costs now shows you the costs of running your investment portfolio – you don’t pay these as a direct fee but they do impact the performance of the fund.

Indirect costs are not new. They have always been part of the cost of running your investment portfolio. They are now listed separately for greater transparency.

Indirect costs can include any of the following: • expenses paid out of the fund’s assets • costs linked with derivatives and other investment

vehicles, and • transaction costs such as brokerage fees.

The approximate amount shown in your statement has been deducted from your investment and covers amounts that have reduced the return on your investment but are not charged as a fee.

Q11: What are borrowing costs?Borrowing costs include all costs of borrowing such as interest, legal fees and other related costs. These costs may be in relation to short-term settlement borrowing, borrowing to achieve investment objectives (including geared options) and the cost of securities borrowing.

These costs are deducted at least monthly from the relevant option’s unit price. They are an additional cost to investors.

Funds with exposure to gearing and long/short funds will generally have borrowing costs and these costs are deducted at least monthly from the relevant option’s unit price.

Borrowing costs will be impacted by factors such as the amount borrowed by the fund, the currency of borrowings and the interest expense of the borrowings.