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Essential Oils & Pets Dr. Mary Hess Essential Oils & Pets Using Young Living Essential Oils to Enhance the Health and Wellness of the Animals You Love Online Preview Online Preview Online Preview Online Preview Online Preview Online Preview Online Preview Online Preview Online Preview Online Preview Online Preview Online Preview

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Page 1: Essential Oils & Pets - Sound… · One such solution is the use of essential oils. Humans have used essential

Essential Oils & Pets

Dr. Mary Hess

Essential Oils & PetsUsing Young Living Essential Oils to Enhance the

Health and Wellness of the Animals You Love

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Page 2: Essential Oils & Pets - Sound… · One such solution is the use of essential oils. Humans have used essential

Essential Oils & Pets 32

Table of ContentsIntroHealthy Pets, Happy Owners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Chapter 1Essential Oils and Infections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Chapter 2Essential Oil Emergency Kit for Animals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Chapter 3Essential Oils and Your Pet’s Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Chapter 4Therapeutic Laser and Essential Oil Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Chapter 5A Summary of Other Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Chapter 620 Ways Animals Benefit from Essential Oils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

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Page 3: Essential Oils & Pets - Sound… · One such solution is the use of essential oils. Humans have used essential

Essential Oils & Pets 54

IntroductionHealthy Pets, Happy Owners

Most pet owners are extremely fond of their animals, and often consider

them simply members of the family. Pet owners want the best for their pets.

Unfortunately, however, just like humans, animals become ill and suffer from

numerous physical ailments. Some of these are genetic, but others are simply

the result of day-to-day living, and can be improved through diet and other natural


One such solution is the use of essential oils. Humans have used essential oils

throughout history for various health applications. However, with the advent of

“modern medicine,” essential oils fell out of favor. Recently, though, the use of

oils for improving health and wellness has exploded, with pets also enjoying its


Animals often eat plants as just a normal routine. Often a dog or cat will ingest

plants in order to settle a stomach, promote vomiting, or because they need the

greens. Animals enjoy plants. Fresh plants have all the nutrients of essential oils,

but in very small quantities. It stands to reason that our pets would benefit from

essential oil use just as we do if used properly.

Everyday Oils: Pet Health Protector

The good news is that Young Living’s Everyday Oils Kit contains 9 oils that provide

optimal health and wellness properties for your animal loved ones. Everyday Oils

are safe and of utmost purity, so just like you, your pet can enjoy all the goodness

of Young Living products for better health.

Young Living Everyday Oils: An Overview


• Useforparasitessuchasfleas,ticks,andmosquitoesforthedogandhorse

• Canbeusedforcats,butat75%dilution

• Wetatowelintheoil,andwrapthecat(orpocketpet)ina“burritowrap”

• Forbirds,mistcagewithoil,ratherthanapplydirectlytobird(theessentialoil


• Reapplyasneededwithoutthefearoftoxiceffects


• Usefulinallpetsforfear,behavior,andtraining

• Usefulforskinmasses,itching,allergies,andinfections

• UsedwithPurification

• Employinadiffuser,oncottonballsorinatopicalapplication

• Placearoundthecollarorontheleash

• Usefulduringstresscanbeusedwithbehavior/stressrelievingessentialoils

Peace Calming

• Themaincalmingblendofthegroup

• Usefulforfear,anxiety,behaviorproblems,carrides,excitement

• UsedwithValorforaddedpositivebehaviorchange

• Thecombinationprovidesthecalmingneededbutalsobuildstheconfidenceto

face treatment of a wound or new environment

• Usethroughdiffusion,onthecollar,blanket,ortoy,orplaceontowelandputin


Pan Away

• Thebestoilblendforpainafteraninjury,especiallyinvolvingthebones

• Canbeusedwithcatsifdiluted

• Hasbeenusedforurinaryissuestodecreasethespasmsfromthefeline

urinary issues

• Canbeusedforpainofacuteinjury,osteoarthritispain,dentalextractions,or

post surgery; also used with sinus and bladder issues

• Usetopicallyinwarmcompresses,inraindroptechnique,onvitaflexpoints,and


• OftencombinedwithRelieveIttoaddtosoftandbonetissuepainrelief)


• UsefulalongwithPanAwayforanyinjury

• Themajoroilusedforoverheatedhorsesanddogs;providescoolingquickly

• Canbeusedonlonghikesandadropintowaterprovidesinternalcoolingaswell

• Catsneedtohavetheoildiluted

• Canbeusedforacuteinjurysinceitisbothanalgesicandnon-infectious

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• Themainstayoftreatinginjurywithcontaminationoutinthefield

• Isthestrongestanti-infectiousagentinthepackage

• Canbeusedinallpetsifdilutedappropriately

• Providessignificantpainrelief,particularlyfordentalproblems

• Hasantiparasiticproperties;isespeciallyusefulforticks

• Canbeusedtopicallyorinternallyandisnon-toxic

• Useindiffusion,topicalororalapplications,raindroptechniqueorvitaflex

Lemon Oil

• Usedtoincreaseawarenessintrainingorincognitiveissues

• Isanexcellentantiparasitic;canbeusedincombinationwithothers

• Isexcellentforskinandsubcutaneousconditions;oneofthemainoilusedfor

lipomas and sebaceous cysts

• Canbeusedtopically,diffusedoringested


• Isidealforinjurieswhilehikingorriding

• Isgentle,butanti-infectious

• Combinedwithpeppermint,increasedhealing,decreasesinfectionand

relieves pain

• Repelsparasites

• Iscalming

• Maybehelpfulformassesandanti-tumorproperties


• Safer,lessstrongoilthatisafavoriteforsmallerpetsandbirds

• Isusedineveryaspectofpetcare,includingwounds,tumors,behavior,

infections, bacteria, fungus, and so forth

• Isoneofthebestall-aroundoilstouse

• Dilutionisstillrecommendedaswithlavender

• Isthemainstayessentialoilusedinmanycancerprotocolsalongwithoils;




ht H



1 Eyes Clarity

2 Sinus Helichrysum, Raven

3 Ears

4 Lung/Trachea RC

5 Liver/Colon Protec

6 Brain/Pituitary/Thyroid Brain Power, Endoflex

7 Intestines Di-Gize



d P


1 Eyes Clarity

2 Sinus Helichrysum, Raven

3 Ears

6 Brain/Pituitary/Thyroid Brain Power, Endoflex

7 Intestines Di-Gize

8 Spine PanAway

9 Bronchus/Heart/Thymus Raven, Cypress, Aroma Life, ImmuPower

10 Kidney/Adrenal/Stomach/Esophagus

Endoflex, Immunopower

outer paw inner paw outer paw

Right Hind Paw

1 1



2 23 3





Left Hind Paw

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Page 5: Essential Oils & Pets - Sound… · One such solution is the use of essential oils. Humans have used essential

Essential Oils & Pets 98

Chapter 1Essential Oils and Infections

The family pet is exposed to the same infectious agents we are, so the health of

their immune system is important. Their immune system must be able to resist the

onslaught of exposure to resistant bacteria and viruses in the environment. Since

many animals are closer to the ground than people, they are often exposed to

many more parasites and fungal elements. Being able to fight disease is needed

to prevent illness and stop the passing of harmful agents to the pet’s owners.

When infectious agents are present in the body, the agents take over and cause

overwhelming life threatening illness. The body is stressed, increased weakness

develops to further infection, and the end result can be high morbidity or mortality.

We also now know the world is full of infectious agents that are no longer sensitive

to many conventional antibiotics. The indiscriminate use of antibiotics has lead to a

problem of an inability to treat people and pets.

Essential oils are nature’s answer to this problem. Research has shown that

essential oils kill infectious agents better than conventional therapy. This includes

bacteria, viruses, fungus, and parasites both internal and external. Although

popular years ago before the advent of antibiotics and other seemingly convenient

treatments, the uses of essential oils for infections of various types have all but

been forgotten. But recently the essential oils are being revisited with positive


The family pet can use the essential oils much the same way as their owners can.

One of the first ways the oils benefit the pet is building the immune system. Often

animals are missing key elements to maintain health, with the immune system

lacking strength and resistance. In short, the pet is not healthy. Supplements with

essential oils are an easy option to help boost immunity and provide a strong

resistance. Although a lot of the supplements are made for people as far as

dosage, some simple modifications of the amounts make it possible for the same

products to be used for the whole family, including the pet. This makes using

supplements convenient and easy for the pet owner.

For pets, the dose used is based on the animal’s size. Figuring the dosage is

usually not difficult, even for the smallest pet. By using something like agave as



wide enough so small increases or decreases need not cause alarm. Dilution of

the essential oils is both patient dependent and oil dependent. If an essential oil is

diluted for the pet owner then the oil is diluted for the pet as well. Again, dilution is

based on size and species of pet. The only dilution form used is pure carrier oil.

By using Young Living essential oils, we have another avenue to effectively

treat infection, sickness, and bolster the immune system, but use should be

discriminate. The oil should be chosen due to its unique qualities for eliminating

the infectious agent. Just as antibiotics are chosen for the agent’s sensitivity to the

particular kind of medication, so should the oil. Luckily the essential oil varieties

are endless considering the abundance of plant life. New oils are discovered and

the special properties they posses that deal with a variety of problems seem


Young Living Supplements to Improve Your Pet’s Immunity




Common Essential Oils for Pets

The Young Living Everyday Oils Kit is a terrific starting point for using

essential oils for your pet. But there are other Young Living oils that are

commonly used to benefit the health of animals:





Exodus II









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Case Studies of Infected Pets

• Tenyear-oldDSHhadresistantfungalinfectioninthetoe.Thecondition

was chronic and nonresponsive to conventional treatment and surgery. Used a

combination of Thieves, eucalyptus, Melaleuca, thyme, and oregano diluted with

carrier oil. Applied to area twice a day with moist warm compress for two months

and then once per week after that. Gave Immune Defense by mouth at 0.2 cc daily


and so the immune support addressed this issue. Assumed the stress from the

herpes was predisposed to the opportunistic fungal toe infection.



Raven, and M-Grain were used. The oils were diluted and applied to the frontal

sinus. The capsules of immune defense were used also. After a week the sinus


• 8-year-oldcathadchronicbladderinfectionsdiagnosedbycultureofthe

urine. The bacteria were resistant to most antibiotics. The cat was then started


Relieve It were used 2 times per day on the bladder area. After the oils were

applied a warm moist compress was applied. This was done for 2 weeks. The

urine was recultured a week after the 2 weeks of essential oils orally and topically.

The culture was negative.

• 10-year-oldGreatDanewithchronicearinfectionswasseen.Uponexamination



Sulfurzyme, Omega Blue as supplements. The essential oils of Tea Tree, Lavender,

Melrose, and Geranium were applied to the ears twice per day for 3 weeks. The

ears improved. Upon reculture the infection had resolved. The dog was continued

on the supplements for prevention of recurrence.

• 10-year-oldlabwithdoublepseudomonasinfectioninthemiddleears.

The bacteria were resistant to all antibiotics. The dog was given a rest from

conventional treatment. The combination of Immunopower and Exodus II was used.



Another dog with the same infection was treated the same. This dog had an x-ray




In some cases the infections were life threatening and the strongest combination

of essential oils were used. There were no toxic effects. These are cats which

were not healthy yet with the use of essential oils the conditions were resolved and

the cats did well. Essential oils are not toxic to cats or other pets if they are pure

and diluted properly. Online Preview Online Preview Online Preview Online Preview Online Preview Online Preview Online Preview Online Preview Online Preview Online Preview Online Preview Online Preview

Page 7: Essential Oils & Pets - Sound… · One such solution is the use of essential oils. Humans have used essential

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Chapter 2Essential Oil Emergency Kit for Animals

When you’re out on the trail and something happens to your pet, there are many

difficult challenges to be faced. The nearest veterinary clinic could be miles

away, you could be out late on a weekend afternoon, or you may have no way

to transport your injured pet. What do you do? A kit of essential oils may be the


This is a simple list of some of the most common essential oils that can be carried

along with a pet owner in case of an emergency. This list is not comprehensive—it

consists of oils that cover the most conditions in the least number of bottles.

There are many other oils that can be substituted if your pet is more tolerant of

one oil over another. The kit can be used on all pets. With the proper dilution all

pets can benefit from the wonderful essential oils that nature has given us.

What’s In the Young Living Essential Oil Emergency Kit?

• PURIFICATIONisusefulforexternalparasitessuchasfleas,ticks,and

mosquitoes. It provides protection from infectious agents as well. Because of the

ease of transmission and the number of ticks carrying diseases, it is especially

important for use with ticks.

• THIEVESisthestrongestantimicrobialblendavailable.Theoilsofclove,

rosemary, cinnamon, and lemon have been shown to be more effective than

antibiotics. It is useful in wounds, abrasions, and lacerations. It is the primary oil

for dental problems. It is used as a safe alternative to chemicals to clean areas

that are contaminated. It is even safe for kittens and puppies.

• MELROSEisusefulinconjunctionwithRCandRavenforrespiratoryinfections.

If Thieves is not tolerated, this blend can also be used for wounds, lacerations,

and abrasions. Use this blend for respiratory and urinary tract conditions. It is


conventional therapy. It is used for the chronic feline urinary syndrome as well. It is

also the best oil for sinus infections—especially the chronic feline rhinosinusitis.

• RAVENisanotherrespiratoryandurinarytractessentialoil.Itismorepowerful



• DIGIZEhelpswithmostgastrointestinalconditions.Diarrhea,vomiting,and

internal parasites are all treated with this combination of essential oils. Often

nutmeg or ginger can be added to give added nausea relief.

• M-GRAINprovidesrelieffromheadachesthatfollowanupperrespiratorytract

infection due to sinus pressure caused by colds, sneezing and coughs.

• PANAWAYprovidesrelieffrompainoftenexperiencedbyolderpetswhosuffer

from osteoarthritis. It also relaxes the muscles, ligaments, and tendons. It can be

used alone or with other pain relieving oils. It is very effective on acute injury. Using

a moist towel over the area increases the effectiveness of the oils.

• RELIEVEIThasalsobeenfoundtobeeffectiveforpain,especiallyacutepain.

Alternate use with Panaway has shown to increase the range of pain relief in

general. Often this blend is combined with Panaway to help with severe sinus pain

as well.

• PEACE&CALMINGisjustoneoftheblendsusedforstress,fear,anxiety,and

behavior problems. It is used with other methods of behavioral modification and

training to help calm both the pet and the owner. Because it reduces anxiety in


helps to reduce the anxiety and stress of the pet. The blend is also useful with an

injured pet—its calming effects help the pet so other methods of care or transport

to an emergency facility can be rendered. It has also been useful in cats who are

resistant to other forms of treatment for stress related urinary issues or excessive


These are the emergency oils that every owner should have. They are versatile and


is minimal. Using only a drop or two is sufficient in many cases. They are easily

transported in a small carrying case and can fit into any backpack or purse.

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Real-Life Scenario Using Essential Oils


• Dogisoutwalkingwiththeowner.Hestickshisheadintoawaspnest.

He gets stung. He runs away and falls, cutting his foot pad. The dog is

bleeding, upset and afraid. The owner cannot get near him.

• OwnergetsoutPeace&Calmingandplacesonthecollarandthe

dog’s face.

Owner gets out Purification to repel the wasps that follow.

• OwnergetsoutPanaway/RelieveItandappliestothepawandpad.

• OwnerseeshowdeepthecutisandappliesThievesandMelrose.

• OwnernoticesthedogisswollenfromthestingsandappliesPurification

and Raven to help the swelling of the nasal area.

• Noticingthatthedogstartstovomitfromingestingthewaspsaswell,

owner administers Digize to settle the stomach.

• Dogisokay:ownerhasusedthekitsuccessfully.

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Chapter 3Essential Oils and Your Pet’s Behavior

Behavior problems are a leading cause of the surrender of pets to animal shelters.

Too many pets meet their end in a lonely cage due to a behavior that is intolerable.


• Previoustrauma(rescueanimals)

• Fearofenvironment(thunder,firecrackers,lightening,cars,balls,etc.)

• Dominanceissue/submissiveissue

• Separationanxiety

• Peopleorotherpetaggression

• Brainabnormalities(tumor,infection,etc.)

• Cognitivedysfunction(senility)

• OCD(obsessive-compulsivedisorder)

These are a few of the sources of problems that can be present in your pet. Before

blaming the animal for its problem, the possibility of a medical cause should be

thoroughly explored. The medical workup can be extensive but the pet deserves this

opportunity. The solution could be found and correction can be done. If there is no

medical issue then the pet’s behavior stands alone. Fixing true behavioral problems

can be a long process of retraining or redirecting the owners to deal with the pet.

But by working with both ends with lots of patience, a solution can be found.


Highest Potential, Magnify your Purpose, Into the Future, and Present Time are a

few that can establish purpose in the beginning of retraining the owners. Behavior

modification for the pet only works if the owners are in the right mind set. This is

where it begins.

The pet benefits from the oils as well. The other set of oils that are important are

the calming oils. These allow the pet to concentrate on the new behavior change

that is desired. It alleviates the stress and directs the mind of the pet toward a

task at hand. As always, the calming oils help the owner as well. For any behavior

change to take place the environment has to be calm.

The use of oils for behavior problems in pets has shown encouraging results.

However, the oils must be used with behavior modification for there to be a real

effect on the pet. They are not a quick fix and will fail if the issues are not dealt


Using a program or working with a trainer who understands the pet is a place to

start. If one method does not work then try another retraining method. The family

pet should be given every chance to excel at the new behavior.

For application purposes, most essential oils used for behavior problems are

diffused or placed on the collar. Also, placing them in the pet’s environment before

letting them enter the area is desired. It should also be noted that the use of oils

with other agents is safe. Such additional agents that are used in the pet are

Feliway or D.A.P. Most herbal tinctures can also be used safely if taken orally.

Keep in mind that having a pet is a family venture. This means all family members

need to change to get the behavior—of both the owner and the pet—that is

desired in the end.

Oils for Improving Animal Behavior

Oils for training the owner:

Magnify Your Purpose

Into the Future

Present Time


Highest Potential


Oils to calm:


Gentle Baby

Trauma Life









Sacred Mountain

White Angelica

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Page 10: Essential Oils & Pets - Sound… · One such solution is the use of essential oils. Humans have used essential

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Chapter 4Therapeutic Laser and Essential Oil Use

The family pet has recently been able to enjoy the many benefits of less invasive

and more natural methods of care for various problems. Essential oils, although

used in the past, have now just recently been rediscovered and even more recently

been used with animals. There are many essential oils that have been found to be

helpful, accepted, and overall the best treatment for long-term conditions. There is

no resistance to the oils, and if the oils are pure, there are none of the toxic effects

experienced with conventional medications. Although it has been written that oils

can be dangerous to the family pet, they are in fact not. It is interesting to note

that there are claims about essential oils having caused irreversible problems or

death in a pet when at the same time conventional medications and their adverse

side effects are widely accepted.

Laser therapy has been used in human medicine for some time. It is in the same

category as ultrasound, TENS, hydrotherapy, heat therapy, acupuncture, and

chiropractic therapy. These are the treatments that alleviate the need for drugs or

reduce the amount of drugs needed. They improve the body’s ability to heal itself.

But not all modalities work in all problems and not all patients respond in the same

way to all treatments. The same is seen in medications. Some people respond to

pain relievers and others need a different approach. One area of treatment that

has been gaining in popularity is the use of laser. If directed at a problem area at a

low power the laser invigorates cells and tissue to heal.

Recently the use of essential oils and laser therapy has been combined. The use of

these treatments together has improved the results more than the modalities done

separately. The most common use in this regard has been in pain management,


Oils can be used at the same time as the laser, especially when dealing with

masses, infections, or wounds. Oils should be used before or after the laser in

cases dealing with pain, spine, or arthritic concerns.

When dealing with lasers, essential oils can be used at either full strength or

diluted—depending on the type of oil. Some oils are deemed to have light

sensitivity when on the skin, and these are the oils that should be diluted with

pure carrier oil, as usual. The level of laser emitted is also decreased in intensity

when used with the oils to provide a safe treatment. The length of time remains

the same. As time goes on the number of cases and uses increases, and the

standards for treatment get more defined.

Laser treatment can also use acupressure sites to stimulate and get a better

response. Applying the essential oils to these areas and then using the laser allow the

oils to penetrate more efficiently. The acupressure points work to communicate on

the surface and to the internal organs while the laser is able to pinpoint these areas.

Personally I have used the above techniques with and without essential oils. The

results are impressive.

Case Studies of Therapeutic Laser and Essential Oil Treatment on Pets

• Ten-year-oldfemalelabmixthathaschronicspondylosisandinlast24hours


treatment low setting, continuous beam applied to sacrum, along back, and over


Common Oils Used with Laser Therapy

- The most common oils used for pain: Panaway, Relieve It, Mountain savory,


- The most common oils used for skin problems and wounds: geranium,


- The most common oils for ear problems: Bergamot, Exodus II,

Immunpower, lavender, Melrose, Melaleuca, and geranium.

- The most common oils used for infections: Thieves, Immunpower, Exodus II,

Melaleuca, eucalyptus, clove, thyme, oregano, and basil.Online Preview Online Preview Online Preview Online Preview Online Preview Online Preview Online Preview Online Preview Online Preview Online Preview Online Preview Online Preview

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NSAIDS used as well. Five hours later the dog was walking but still weak. About a

week later she was back to normal.

• Six-year-oldfemaleCockerwithchronicearproblems.Radiographrevealedboth


tilt. Treatment consisted of placement of a combination of lavender, bergamot,


treatment with laser ear probe. Used in canal and withdrawn over four to five

seconds. Repeated four times.

• Six-year-oldmaleWelshCorgiwhohascoetaneouslymphomaandIVDalong

lower spine. The dog drags the right hind limb paw and has worn the nails down.


along the spine in a mini raindrop technique. Applied oils along the right inner and

outer leg. Laser therapy was applied to the sacral area and along the whole spine.

Moved on to hip and around the inner and outer leg. The treatment protocol was a

combination of essential oils and laser. The session was repeated weekly. The dog

improved showing less pain and more strength and use of the leg. After weekly

sessions of the oils and laser the pet was placed on maintenance treatments.

• Two10-year-oldand11-year-oldlabmixeshadbeenpreviouslydiagnosed



Frankincense, Lavender, M-Grain. Each oil was layered onto the abdomen and

diluted with a carrier. A warm compress was applied for several minutes. Then the



slowing progression to stopping the clinical signs of the tumor. The blood in the

urine was eliminated or very minimal. The urgency to go outside was decreased

to normal level. The dogs are comfortable. They are eating well and have gained

weight. The owners are happy for the added time of health.

• Six-year-oldcathadanearpolypthatwasprotrudingvisiblyfromtheear

canal. The cat was a farm cat and the owner did not have a lot of money. Normal

diagnostics could not be done. The cat had indications of kidney disease and the

brother of cat is in renal failure. Surgery was not an option at this point. The ear

did not have any infection so a combination of essential oils was used during laser

treatment and continued at home. The oils were diluted and injected into the polyp

while also placed topically. The laser ear probe was used into the canal and around

the polyp for five minutes. The treatment was repeated with the laser a week later.

The cat responded well and the polyp decreased in size. The cat remained healthy

with no adverse effects except increased drainage from the ear.

As a combination therapy the use of laser and essential oils is encouraging.


a potentially more positive outcome. As the use of oils and laser become more

mainstream, the avenues in which this technique is used will continue to expand.


The potential combinations of essential oils with other modalities are unlimited. It is

my belief that if we combine techniques, the end result will be better for our pets.

As previous research has shown, if we stimulate the essential oils through light,





step. Why limit the possibilities?

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Chapter 5A Summary of Other Benefits

There are numerous other benefits that your pet can enjoy from using Young Living

essential oils. These benefits cover the gamut of animal health, and have been

demonstrated by pet owners, veterinarians and others all over the world. The

following charts provide more information on which Young Living product to use for


Young Living Supplements for Pet Health


•B.L.M.capsules •Sulfurzymecaps/powder

•SuperC •OmegaBlue

•NingxaRed •Longevity



•CelluliteMagic •Grapefruit,lemon



•Frankincense •Lavender

•Ledum •Palosanto

•Sandalwood •Myrrh

•Ningxared •Longevity


•Spruce •Pine

•Lavender •Rose

•Melrose •Myrrh


•Immunotune •Immunopower

•Immundefense •NingxaRed

•OmegaBlue •R.C.Raven

•Thieves •Immunopower

GI Tract/Liver:

•Life5 •Digest&Cleanse

•Essentialzyme •Omegablue

•SuperCandB •Juvacleanse


•K&B •R.C.Raven

•M-Grain •Clarity

•NingxaRed •Longevity

Spinal issues/Disc:

•Panaway •Spruce

•Pine •Relieveit

•Sulfurzyme •BLM(capsulesonly)


•Brainpower •Clarity

•Lemon •Citrusfresh

•Orange •HighestPotential

•Longevity •Ningxared


•P&C •Rutavala;

•Traumalife •Gentlebaby

•Lavender •GermanChamomile

•Valerian •Petitgrain

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•Myrrh •Melrose

•Frankincense •Lavender

•Patchouli •Teatree


•Grapefruit Lemon



•Frankincense •Lavender

•Ledum •Palosanto

•Sandalwood •Myrrh

•Ningxared •Longevity


•Spruce •Pine

•Lavender •Rose

•Melrose •Myrrh

Dilution Chart

All the Essential Oils in this kit are safe for the family pet. The main concern is the

dilution factor that is used. The use of a pure carrier oil is very important in using

the oils safely.

HORSE: minimal to no dilution

RUMINENT: minimal to no dilution

DOG: 0–75%

0-10lb 75%





90-150lb 0-25%

>150lb neat

CAT: 75-90%


FERRETS: 75-90%

RABBITS: 75-90%

BIRDS: 90-95%orhydrosols

REPTILES: 75-90%

AMPHIBIANS: 90-95%orhydrosols

FISH: hydrosol

INVERTEBRATES: noneorhydrosols

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Chapter 620 Ways Animals Benefit from Essential Oils

1 . Supports Immune System . The essential oils work on the cellular level to

stimulate the body to respond to infectious agents. They impact the body by

increasing the lymphocytes and improve the immune system response. Immu-


the immune system.

2 . Provides Antimicrobial Elements . Essential oils have been found to be more

effective than some conventional antibiotics in eliminating infectious agents. The




tus, and rosemary all have antimicrobial elements.

3 . Eliminates Pain . Many essential oils relieve pain and can be used with a warm

moist compress. The addition of moisture enhances the oils effectiveness. They

are useful for bone, muscle, tendon, and ligament pain. Use with other modes of

pain relief provides another option. The oils can be used more often than con-

ventional medication and spans the gap that often occurs with oral or injectable

analgesics. The oils stimulate endorphin release which activates pain relieving

neurotransmitters. Post-surgery, the oils are also used to give pain relief. They can

be applied topically on the area of concern or used orally with other pain relievers.

Most of the time, the oils are used on an as-need basis. Some blends and oils that

help eliminate pain are Panaway, Relieve It, Mountain Savory, M-Grain, peppermint,

wintergreen, black pepper, and balsam fir.

4 . Provides Anti-inflammatory Protection . Chronicdiseaseistheresultof



assaults. Thyme, helichrysum, wintergreen, peppermint, and balsam fir all work as


5 . Reduces Stress . Pets experience stress much the way we do—research has

shown they are very similar to us in their response to stress, as well as the side

effects caused by stress. Evidence of stress can be seen in litter box issues, ex-



the owner a natural method to correct the issues and relieve the stress.. Often,

corrective behavior techniques are more successful when the oils are used in



blends that help to reduce stress.

6 . Restores Sleep Habits . As animals get older they seem to have a harder

time at night—from signs of restlessness to having to go to the bathroom—and

their sleep habits suffer because of it. Some of this is due to pain or disease but

other cases are due to cognitive dysfunction disorder or senility. Essential oils can

provide an alternative to euthanasia so quality of life can be maintained for some

time. Antioxidant activity of the oils is high, which help the body restore itself at


blends for sleep disorders.

7 . Improves Coat and Skin . As with other cells of the body, the antioxidant ef-

fects of the oils can restore health to the coat. The overgrowth of yeast or bacteria

can cause various skin metabolism issues and the oils provide a healthy environ-

ment for regeneration of the skin.. Lavender, geranium, teatree, patchouli, frankin-

cense, and myrrh are all good oils and blends used to improve the coat and skin.

8 . Minimizes Upper and Lower Respiratory Infection .Catsarecommonly

infected with respiratory disease—especially farm kittens. The use of essential

oils in this circumstance is effective because bacteria, viruses, and parasites are


ondary asthma that can occur in the cat. Bronchitis in the dog is another disease

that is treatable with essential oils—left untreated it can be a long term condition.


decreases the severity. The oils are also helpful as an early treatment resolution.

The best oils and blends for respiratory infections are lemon, eucalyptus, Raven,


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9 . Assists in Digestive Challenges . Essential oils provide a natural way to

de-worm, are soothing to the digestive tract, assist in correcting garbage toxicity

or car sickness, and improves digestion overall. They relieve nausea, diarrhea, indi-

gestion, and gas. Peppermint, digize, ginger, nutmeg, Idaho tansy, and clarysage

work well with the digestive system.

10 . Promotes Cardiac Health . Essential oils have the ability to improve circula-

tion by increasing oxygen and nutrient delivery to the cells. The body is healthy and

stronger. For improved cardiac health, cypress, grapefruit, basil, ylang-ylang, and

spikenard work best.

11 . Balances the Endocrine System . The body needs to be aligned in order to




12 . Supports a Healthy Urinary System . Renal insufficiency and bladder


in restoring bladder health, increasing renal function through improved circulation


a healthy urinary system.

13 . Helps Lacerations, Abscess, and Abrasions . Essential oils are helpful in

resolving infections due to injury and in the healing process. Lavender is especially

useful for abrasions and burns, but melrose, geranium, and rose are also helpful.

14 . Supports Muscles and Bones . Osteoarthritis and anterior cruciate injury is

common in the active dog and cat. As pets live longer the issues of age-related

changes are more common. Essential oils can be used to help give a better quality

of life to your pets. There are many blends and individual oils that improve move-

ment, help repair injury, and provide pain relief. Some of these include Panaway,

Relieve It, black pepper, peppermint, balsam fir, wintergreen, and mountain savory.

15 . Improves Oral and Dental Health . Pets need dental care as much as their

owners. Part of this involves control of infection and eliminating pain. Thieves—a

unique blend of antimicrobial oils—is very effective for this purpose. Using before

and after normal dental care cuts down on the amount of bacteria buildup in the

animal. As a preventative, Thieves will decrease dental disease return, while also

working as a pain reliever after extraction. Along with Thieves, mountain savory,

peppermint, myrrh, and clove all help in your pet’s oral and dental care.

16 . Increases Alertness . As your pet ages, normal habits may lag, accidents

may happen, and your pet may not enjoy life as much as it used to. The oils have

profound effect on reestablishing old habits, especially Brain power, clarity, cedar-

wood, lemon, sandalwood, lavender, vetiver, orange, and frankincense.

17 . Protects Against Cancer . Essential oils have been studied and have shown

promising results in being a part of the cancer treatment plan. Essential oils have

also been used for Melanoma in the horse and the dog with success. Frankin-

cense, palo santo, ledum, spikenard, citrus fresh, lemongrass, lavender, clary

sage, and tsuga are some of the better oils that help fight cancer.

18 . Is a Safe Cleaning Agent . Many pets ingest cleaners, especially those that

drink from the toilet bowl or lick areas where cleaners are used. Thieves cleaner

is a safe alternative to the caustic cleaners. Lemon, clove, rosemary, purification,

teatree, and eucalyptus are other effective agents.

19 . Slows Bleeding . Essential oils can be used to stop the bleeding of a nail or

pad. They are very effective and work quickly. Helichrysum, cistus, and geranium

work best.

20 . Eliminates Odors . Pets commonly have accidents in varying circumstances.

Both younger and older pets of all types struggle with this. Other animals, like

cats , often inappropriately urinate if stressed. Essential oil blends have been used

for these problems of odors and stains. Purification, Thieves, lemon, orange, and

fresh citrus work best to help neutralize odor problems.

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ConclusionYoung Living Oils: Helping You Have Healthy Pets

If you’re like most pet owners, you love your animal simply as part of your family—

for good reason. Animals bring us laughter, companionship, and love and are a

meaningful part of our lives. That’s why their health is so important to us.

Fortunately, Young Living Essential Oils can be a powerful health tool to help

you care for your animal. Essential oils are a time-tested, proven, and safe way

to improve your pet’s health and enhance their well-being. With Young Living’s

industry-leading oils, you can rest assured that you’re receiving the highest-quality,

safest, and most effective essential oils available today. And your pet will love you

for it!

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Page 17: Essential Oils & Pets - Sound… · One such solution is the use of essential oils. Humans have used essential


Dr . Mary Hess is a graduate of the University Of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine . Her interest in alternative care started soon after she graduated and has increased over the years . She has practiced small animal veterinary medicine and surgery at various small animal clinics and now owns MaRiLa

Veterinary Clinic . MaRiLa Veterinary Clinic combines conventional and alternative methods of care focusing in on essential oils as the mainstay of the alternative methods used . Her treatment of animals using essential oils has proven positive and has produced life-changing results for her patients . Dr . Hess has dispelled much misinformation about essential oils and their use in animals .

For more information on the clinic visit



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by the FDA.


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