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Page 1: pcsnormann.wikispaces.comEssay+…  · Web viewIn a word, the government needs ... computers and video games become increasingly popular, ... That’s healthy habits for your family

Student Name

Mr. Normann

English 10

11 November, 2016

Chinese Government and Fat Kids

I know there always are innumerable big issues for this country, your guys

are working really hard on some of the “serious problems”. However, is time to take

care about this one: teenager’s obesity. Even this one can’t give 1000000RMB right

now, but it will give you a “future”! (For the country) As the percentage of teenager’s

obesity growing, Chinese government should pay attention on: give more physical

activity to teenagers, no “screen” for them and put more fresh fruit in school.

Government can change the situation by give more physical activity to

teenagers. JOHNS HOPKINS point out: “children should have 60minutes of moderate

physical activity most day a week. More than 60minutes of activity may promote

weight loss and provide weight maintenance.” If government can organize some

physical activity for kids will help them a lot to lose weight. Roy Benaroch states:

“increasing the family’s physical activity is especially important.” Government also

can give reward for the family which have a lots of activity to help teens work out. As

long as government give more physical activity time for kids, it will going to help.

“No screen” can be one of the solution for Chinese government to use.

JOHNS HOPKINS think: “Reduce ‘screen’ time in front of the television and

computer to less than 1 to 2 hours daily.” Will going to help. Without the time sit next

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to a “screen”, teens can have some time for other activity such as physical stuffs or

sports. If government can make a rule for that, it will be a strong help for this issue.

JOHNS HOPKINS also said: “young people generally become overweight or obese

because of ……and lack of physical activity.” That because they put all of their time

on screen! Government really can improve obesity among teenagers by let them stay

away from “screen”.

More fresh fruit will work for improve obesity among teenagers, government

should uses this way. According to JOHNS HOPKINS: “serve at least five servings of

fruits” will help. By change their eat habits to improve their healthy. On the other

hand, Roy Benaroch agree with: “a child’s total diet and activity level play an

important role in determining a child’s weight.” That shows eating is important for

kid’s weight and fruit will going to help. Government can work on this area to help


In conclusion, there are a lot of way which Chinese government can chose to

be the solution for this issue, but if they can give more physical activity to teens, let

them live screen away, and supply some fresh fruit, those things improve obesity

among teenagers for sure. We should care about that, because they are our future.

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Student Name

Jeff Normann

English 10, Period 3

Nov 11, 2016

Obesity Problems in China

With the development of our society and the increasingly high quality of our

lives, a potential serious problem, obesity, becomes more and more normal in China.

Nowadays, the obesity levels are rising with a rapid speed, and finding the causes of

this issue seems increasingly important. According to a recent survey, Chinese

adolescents are gaining weight, due to the unhealthy eating patterns, lack of physical

activity, and the excessive fondness by their grandparents.

Unhealthy eating patterns seem one of the most obvious problems in Chinese

society, since children prefer to have high calories food and fried food. According to

“Preventing Obesity in Children, Teens, and Adults” from Johns Hopkins Medicine, it

points out that, “an average cheeseburger with and order of fries can have as much as

1,000 calories and 30 or more grams of fat.” This confirms that those fast food

contains a big part of fat and calories that tend to make children fatter and fatter.

Moreover, according to “Why are China’s ‘little emperors’ getting so fat? Blame the

grandparents, study says”, written by Ariana Eunjung Cha, she states that, “some

theories why include the idea that these families in China may have had more money

to feed the children and that as a result the children may have been consuming more

rice and deep=fried and stir-fried food-dishes that tend to be staples in the Chinese

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diet.” It shows that children in China like to eat fried food and their parents may not

limit them. Therefore, due to their unhealthy diets, it is easy for children to become


We cannot deny that doing physical activity is a good way to lose weight and

become healthy. Undoubtedly, the lack of physical activity is the main cause of the

obesity of Chinese children. Roy Benaroch, MD in “What Causes Obesity in

Children” expresses that, “for example, the average child spends approximately four

hours each day watching television. As computers and video games become

increasingly popular, the number of hours of inactivity may increase.” It points out

that children spend the most of the time on sedentary activities, such as watching TV

or playing video games, which are extremely bad habits, and are easy ways to gain

weight. Furthermore Ariana Eunjung Cha from “The Washington Post” writes that,

“they may also have been able to afford more cars, televisions and computers as

compared to poorer Chinese families. This explains that rich families in China usually

buy some electronics for their children, and this may cause their children be addicted

in them, and do not do some sports. Also, these children usually go out by car, which

decreases their exercise time obviously. As a result, the lack of physical exercise tends

to influence the obesity of Chinese children dramatically.

It is interesting that, according to a recent survey, the excessive fondness to

Chinese children by their grandparents tends to be another serious issue which

contributes to the obesity of Chinese children. Ariana Eunjung Cha from “The

Washington Post” states that, “the study’s lead author, Bai Li, said the problem is that

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many grandparents in China believe fat children are healthy and that obesity-related

disease strikes only adults. The grandparents also tend to overfeed and overindulge by

excusing their ‘huang di’ from household chores that could give them some physical

exercise.” It provides us with the information that grandparents usually care about

their grandchildren so much that they become to pamper their children. For instance,

they worry about whether they are hungry and do not what them to do the household

chores. In addition, according to Ariana Eunjung Cha, “they found that the

grandparents tend to counter attempts by parents and school staff to promote healthy

eating and exercise.” It means that, in spite of the fact that parents and school realize

te seriousness of the obesity, grandparents prevent them from helping the children. In

short, the excessive fondness given to their children by the grandparents is harmful for

people to deal with the obesity problem in China.

All in all, the obesity of Chinese children is a serious problem which bothers

their parents, school and society so much. The unhealthy eating patterns, lack of

physical activity, and the excessive fondness given to children must be dealt with in

order to stop the rapid increasing of the obesity levels in China, and the potential risks

of all kinds of diseases. If people pay more attention to these issues and do something,

the obesity levels of Chinese children will decrease obviously.

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Student Name

Mr. Normann

English 10th Period 5

Nov 16, 2016

The Growth of Economy Causes the Rise of Obesity Level

Obesity is epidemic in China. It is a rising number of Chinese people become

overweight, especially children and teenagers. The boom of economy causes the rise

of obesity levels. For children and teenagers, family, diet, and lack of exercise are the

dominant reasons that why they are gaining weight.

Family makes enormous influence on obesity. Ariana Eunjung Cha from The

Washington Post has mentioned, “the study’s lead author Bai Li, said the problem is

that many grandparents in China believe fat children are healthy and that obesity-

related disease strikes only adults” It strongly supports my statements, because

grandparents, who are family members, don’t realize the importance of losing weight,

and they are still overfeeding their children. Additionally, there are more and more

overweight adults in China. It also could influence children and teenagers. Mayo

Clinic staff points out “if child comes from a family of overweight people, he or she

may be more likely to gain weight.” Children are likely to imitate their family

members, especially their parents. Besides family factor, diet is also a dominant factor

that causes obesity.

Unhealthy diet is harmful for children and teenagers’ weights. Recently, junk

food, which includes French chips, burgers are extremely popular between children

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and teenagers. Unfortunately, this kind of food is abundant of calorie. As Mayo Clinic

staff notes that “regularly eating high-calorie foods can easily cause your child to gain

weight.” We can see that junk food makes adolescents overweight. Furthermore,

sweetened beverages will drive your child being fat. Mayo Clinic staff at their website

comments that “these drinks provide little nutritional value in exchange high-

calories.” It supports my idea, because sweetened beverages, which contains huge

amount of calories, are adolescents’ favorite drink. Next, I’ll talk about how the lack

of exercise damages obesity.

The last reason is lack of outdoor activities. Children and teenagers lose

interests in exercising and outdoor activities because of electronic devices. The Center

for Disease Control declares that “as computers and video games become increasingly

popular, the number of hours of inaction may increase.” It could be a strong evidence

for my opinion, because adolescents spend most of free time on video games instead

of exercising. In addition, Mayo Clinic staff remarks “children who don’t exercise

much are more likely to gain weight.” The most effective way to burn calories, which

damages obesity, is doing sports; so lazy children and teenagers become overweight.

Those information explain why lack of exercise could make adolescents overweight.

All in all, according to those evidence, we could know that others’ influence,

unhealthy eating patterns, and lack of exercise cause China adolescents become

overweight. Generally, the boom of China economy is potential reason, because

people could afford western junk food, more electronic devices, and more cars from

the huge growth of economy.

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Student Name

Jeff Normann

English 10

November 11, 2016

To Solve the Obesity Problem, the Government Needs Actions

Nowadays, obesity has been one of the biggest health problems in China.

The government is facing that great challenge: how to solve the obesity among

teenagers? To solve that problem, the government needs to introduce the bad

influence of being overweight, the government needs to suggest parents to make

healthier food instead of junk food and the government needs to encourage teenagers

to do more exercise,

The government needs to introduce the bad influence of being overweight.

For instance, as Ariana Eunjung Cha notes, “the study’s lead author, Bai Li, said the

problem is that many grandparents in China believe fat children are healthy and that

obesity—related disease strikes only adults.” This shows that many grandparents have

the wrong idea about obesity, that confusion is one factor of today’s problem. Also,

Ariana Eunjung Cha introduces, “’these attitudes and beliefs largely stem from the

historical context of famine and poverty in China during their childhood, where being

slim represented poverty and poor health.’” This confirms that the confused attitudes

and beliefs were caused by the context of famine and poverty in China. So it is

important to introduce the negative influence of obesity to people, especially


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What’s more, the government needs to suggest parents to make healthier

food and drinks instead of junk food or drinks. According to the Preventing Obesity in

Children, Teens, and Adults, “encourage children to drink water rather than beverages

with added sugar. These include soft drinks and snacks high in sugar and fat.” That

supports my idea that healthier food and water is better for adolescents, this may help

teens not to be overweight. For example, as Ariana Eunjung Cha introduces, “ …… as

a result the children many have been consuming more rice and deep- fried and stir-

fried food—dishes that tend to be staples in the Chinese diet.” That provides Chinese

unhealthy diet is one factor of the teens’ obesity. In a word, the government needs to

suggest parents to make healthier food and drinks instead of junk food. That’s


Furthermore, the government needs to encourage teenagers to do more

exercise. As JOHN HOPKINS notes, “encourage physical activity. Children should

have 60 minutes of moderate physical activity most days of the week.” That shows

physical exercise is a good way to solve the problem of overweight. Also, the

WebMD supports, “the most common causes are …… lack of physical activity ……”

that supports my idea that more exercise can help deal with teens’ overweight

problem. To encourage teenagers to do more exercise is also important.

The obesity problem is very serious. The Chinese government needs to

introduce the negative influence of being overweight, suggest parents to make

healthier food and drinks instead of junk food and encourage teenagers to do more

exercise. Although that healthy problem is difficult to solve, if we will act from now

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on, we will solve the obesity problem in the future. To solve the obesity problem, the

government needs actions.

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Student Name

Jeff Normann

Grade 10 period 4

Nov 11 2016

“Little Emperors” Became “Fatty Emperors”

In China, while you walk on the street you can always see the little cute kids.

Some of them are like 4-5, some of them may 7-8. But most of them have a same

problem: obesity. Why this situation become more and more popular in China? The

grandparents’ way to feed them is a big part, less and less activity kids do is another

and the rising economy of China is another one.

In China, parents always very busy with working and business, so they give

the kids to grandparents. “Many grandparents in China believe that fat children are

more healthy and that obesity-related disease strikes only adults.” Announced by Bai

Li, the study’s lead author. So the problem is our grandparents’ age, like 1940-1960,

people is much stronger if they are fat. Because at that people have no condition like

now, so the grandparents are rooting with those in their mind that must feed their kids

very fat, so they are stronger. “The grandparents tended to counter attempts by parents

are school staff to promote healthy eating and exercise.” Claimed by Li and his

colleagues. There are reasons for grandparents to do so. In their childhood the poverty

and poor healthy is very stronger in their mind. That is the reason, they choose to feed

their “little emperor” so fat.

Less activity is also a very important reason of the obesity. “Alone with the

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computers and video games become increasingly popular, the number of hours of

inactivity may increase.” Pointed by WebMD. In the high-tech world, the games are

variable, everyone can find their favorite game. Same for kids. But the difference is

kids don not have the ability to control themselves get rid of the game and go back to

work and study. And in China, kid always have no sisters or brothers, also their

parents are very busy, so they choose computer to stay with. “Young people generally

become overweight or obesity because of poor eating habits and lack of the physical

activity.” Claimed by the JOHNS HOPKINS MEDICENE. In China, young people

like primary school and middle school, they always have plenty of homework to do

and tons of exam to prepare. So they have to sit front of the desk for a long time,

sometimes, just sometimes, like 5-6 hours. So their time for physical activity, because

they have no time for exam activity. They give all their energy to study.

At last, I think with the highly improve of the Chinese economy, the people in

China are becoming rich. So the parents like to spend more money on their children.

“Children from well-off Chinese families with advanced education who said they

were physically active and ate plenty of vegetables were more likely to be overweight

than other children.” Said by a study in the American Journal. Yes, they do eat lot of

vegetable and do more exercise but the high-heat food they ate also more than others

because of the advance. The better situation makes them relax so they have less

pressure than others, this is the reason why the advanced are more easily to be obesity.

“These families in China may have more money to feed the children and that as a

result the children may have been staples in the Chinese diet.” By the Washington

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Post. In these theories, they are very reasonable to become advanced family do have

the economic basis for more meat and stir-fired food for the kids. And because of the

highly progressing economy, most of the Chinese parents have money for the stir-

fried and deep-fried food.

So after all, I deeply believe that grandparents’ wrong think, the lack of the

physical activity and the great basis of money makes Chinese kid fatter and I think it

is the time for our generation to lose some weight.

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Student Name

Jeff Normann

English 10

11 November, 2016

What Should Chinese Government Do to Save Obesity Among Teenagers?

Because of China is the biggest developing country and more powerful in the

world. The people who live in China start to thinking about food. They want to eat

healthy, better food. But that makes teenagers don’t like sports and become

overweight. How can Chinese government do to save that problem? I think we can

tell them overweight is bad for their health, have healthy habits, and talk with doctor

if teenagers already overweight.

Telling them and let them know obese is bad for their health. L.J.Devon with

Today’s Overweight Children Learn to View Obesity as Normal showed “over time,

kids grow accustomed to a state of recurring sickness and stagnant obesity and learn

to view this as normal.” Because they don’t know how overweight is bad for their

health. Just know fat is main of luck. Ariana Eunjung Cha with The Washington Post

pointed out “the study’s lead author , Bai Li, said the problem is that many

grandparents in China believe fat children are healthy and that obesity-related disease

strikes only adults.” The reason why they have this problem because the old thinking.

They think if you eat more, then you will become rich. But this is wrong.

Having healthy habits also is a best way to save the overweight. Here are two

things for parents who have overweight teenagers. First one is, Roy Benaroch with

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Obesity in Children supported “parents should focus on gradually changing their

family’s physical activity and eating habits.” For example, you can eat less meat and

eat more vegetables. Or you can let your family walk 1 hour after dinner. That’s

healthy habits for your family. Second one is, Roy Benaroch with Obesity in Children

said “it is important to help your child find physical activities that they enjoy and that

aren’t embarrassing or too difficult.” Such as you can let your teenager swimming or

playing basketball. There are good physical activities and not too difficult. But if your

teenager don’t like sports and already overweight, what should they do?

Talking with doctor also good for them. According to Roy Benaroch with

Obesity in Children stated “obese children are at risk for a number of conditions,

including: cholesterol, high blood pressure, early heart disease, and diabetes.” That

tell us if teenagers don’t talk with doctor and still more heavy. You will have too many

problems for your body. And also, Roy Benaroch with Obesity in Children emotioned

“in determining whether or not your child is overweight, the doctor will measure your

child weight and height and compute his ’ BMI,’ or body mass index, to compare this

value to standard values.” Because doctor can measure it and tell you are or aren’t

overweight. They can help you know it at the beginning. Doctor is the best way to

save the problems about overweight.

Because of you know the bad of overweight, the two ways to save the

overweight. That’s benefit about who have obesity among teenagers. I hope Chinese

government can do this and save the teenagers who have obesity among.