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Post on 09-Jan-2016




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Sports play an important role in our life for a number of reasons. Firstly, its generally, known that people who do physical exercises keep fit and healthy. Sports can be of great value to people who work with their brains and to those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Moreover, taking up a sport has many psychological benefits. On one hand, it relieves the stresses of everyday life and on the other hand, it helps individuals identify with a group and replace their loneliness with the security of belonging. Besides, practising a sport is very useful for character-training. It helps young people to gain such virtues as discipline,perservance and courage. Its an excellent lesson of winning and losing. If we lose, we have to analyse the causes and go on practising. To draw the conclusion, sports are important for our health, mentality and soul. (150 words)2. THE BENEFITS OF COMPUTERS

Computers are widely used nowadays and have many benefits. First of all, they are used in various aspects of our life such as science, industry, airline, military and so on. Computers are also the tool with which we are able to surf the internet, watch animated television shows and other entertainment programs. Moreover, industrialization could not make its miracle jump without the support of computers. Computers, as well as advances in information technology, have made our life modern, convenient and civilized. Besides,computers and the internet bring us a great means of communication. Distance is no longer a matter of concern when we can send emails within a few seconds or make cheap internet phone calls. We can also update ourselves with the latest occurrences in the world with just some simple mouse clicks. In short, computers have become an indispensable device and are of vital use in the life of the human being. (154 words)3. THE DRAWBACKS OF COMPUTERS

The computer plays an important role in this information era. However, while bringing certain advantages, this high-tech device has its own limitations. The troubles do not stem from computer or the Internet themselves but the users. In other words, some users take its advantages for negative purposes. Some use computers to do nothing but play games, chitchat, spam or create dirty information on the Net. They directly or indirectly detract Internet from its benefits to the community. Many people are scared of using the Internet because of their fear of being abused or becoming Internet addicts. In addition, sitting in front of the screen for long hours can lead to obesity, backache, and short-sightedness. Lastly, people paying too much attention to online activities may become passive, sluggish in real life because of their lacks of communication, and manual labor. In short, everything has both sides so it is necessary that we use computers for right purposes. (156 words)4. THE ADVANTAGES OF LEARNING ENGLISH

Without doubt, English is the most widely spoken language in the world. There are many benefits to be gained by learning English. Most importantly, English is an international language and, since the world has become more integrated, having a knowledge of English helps travellers from different countries to communicate better, resulting in a more enjoyable travel experience. That, in turn, can help us become more acquainted with othercultures and broaden our knowledge. From an academic standpoint, it is undeniable that a good command of English can provide a boost to your future career prospects. Having the proficiency and confidence to speak and understand English will put you at a distinct advantage when seeking a job. Moreover, English is the language of academics, a large amount of research being conducted and written in the language. Thus, society has almost unfettered access to this veritable wealth of knowledge. Alltogether, I can say that learning English has countless benefits. (157 words)5. LIVING IN A BIG CITY OR IN THE COUNTRYSIDE

I prefer to live in a big city for several reasons. Firstly, city dwellers have access to many different transportation systems and have latest technologies to communicate; like cellular phones, internet, fax etc. Cities provide better treatment, hospitals, qualified doctors, better educational institutes which are inevitable to lead a better life. Moreover, the reason why most people tend to live in a city isthe vast opportunities of jobs. Most of the corporate offices, industries, factories, government offices, garments and manufacturing industries are either situated in a city or close to the city. People have more employment opportunities and are able to lead a busy and challenging life. Finally, in terms of entertainment facilities, citizens of a city has so many options like theater, park, art gallery, museum, amusement parks, libraries etc. In short, I feel relaxed and more comfortablestaying at my own city. (145 words)6. SAVE ENERGY TO PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT

For me we should save energy to protect the environment because of these below reasons. First, saving energy helps us maintain longer lifetime in the future, as energy runs living system, nothing or no one can survive without energy. In our society energy means coal, gas, electric, fuel. In one day, we can suffer the shortage of the certain amount of energy due to overwhelmed population, extravagance of energy and so on. Moreover, toreduce alarming environment pollution, we should cut down on the amount of energy used, energy is almost all things easy to burn and give off exhaust polluting many kinds of environment such as air, water, soil. Therefore, people can be affected to a greater or less degree. According to estimation in the world, every year, the number of cancer patients is increasing up to 12%. In short, I firmly commit to the notion that saving energy should be encouraged to be in practice.7. GOOD BOOKS ARE GOOD TEACHERS AND FRIENDS.

Its said that good books are good teachers and friends. To my mind, I absolutely approve of this idea. The first aspect of the idea is that good books are good teachers. It can be explained that good books bring us many useful and interesting knowledge as well as human experience of predecessors, we can see it in reference books, science books or history books and biography books written about famous people. Good books teach us manygreat things such as how to live in an effective way, how to treat people well The second aspect of the idea is that good books are good friends. This means good books which are stimulating books and touchy story books encourage you to go ahead and try your best when you gets stuck in a hard matter. You also find the sympathism from good books to share happiness and sorrow. From what has been discussed, Its obvious that good books provide us with many benefits. As far as I am concerned, we should read good books as much as possible.8. DESCRIBE THE HOUSE YOU ARE LIVING IN. WHY DO YOU LOVE IT

The house we are living in is situated in the suburb of HCM city, within thirty minutes drive off the central city. We have lived there for more than twenty years. This is a fairly large house surrounded with a luxuriant garden. My house consists of four bed-rooms, a living-room, a bathroom with a shower, a dinning-room, a kitchen and a toilet. It is air-conditioned and well-furnished. The living-room is decorated beautifully. Paintings by famous artists are hung on the walls. At night, the color neon lights increase the beauty and coziness of the room. There, onSundays and holidays my father usually spends his time playing chess or drinking tea with his friends. My mother and my two sisters are diligent and hard-working women. They often keep the house clean and tidy. On suffocating days of summer, we usually take meals in the garden. It is fairly cool and quiet here. We enjoy our meals amid the melodious twitters of birds. On stormy andrainy nights all whole family members gather in the living-room, watching television or telling each other about their daily activities.I love my house very much because it is the place where I was born and have grown up in the education of my father and in the tender loving care of my mother. I have spent my whole childhood in the love and affection of my dear ones with so many sweetmemories.PAGE 3