
Essay no. 1 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should be required to help with household tasks as soon as they are able to do so. Nowadays there is a hot topic upon the subject of including children more in the everyday house chores of a parent. There has been a growing tendency of parents who choose to spoil their kids more that necessary. I am inclined to believe that children would actually benet from taking part in household tasks. There are several reason which sustain my opinion. Firstly, one cannot deny that children have to learn from an early age that things should not be taken for granted. poilling kids e!cesivelly and not giving them the chance to work for what they want can bring more harm than good. "eaving their beds unfolded or not washing their dishes after eating are just a couple of the most fre#uent e!amples that occour in parents$ lives. Thus, most parents tend to avoid an eventual #uarrel with their kid by getting the job done by themselves. %s a conse#uence, children will start to e!pect their work done by others. &therwise said, making children part of household chores would increase their responsability, eventually showing them that this is how things work out in the real world. econdly, there is no argue against the fact that learning how to manage housework is often a real blessing. 'nowing how to cook, how to iron or even how to ! certain apparels in the house increases kids$ independence. There is a time when all children leave their homes, heading to colleges or universities, more precisely starting a life on their own. Therefore, not only do they face several di(culties when getting to a new place, but they also have to face them by themselves, their parents usually being at hundreds of miles distance. )onse#uently, housework should not become an impediment when planning a new beginning. This way, children used to do complete household chores will be more organi*ed and will know how to deal with all kinds of house problems that might appear.

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Post on 04-Oct-2015




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Essay no. 1Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should be required to help with household tasks as soon as they are able to do so.Nowadays there is a hot topic upon the subject of including children more in the everyday house chores of a parent. There has been a growing tendency of parents who choose to spoil their kids more that necessary. I am inclined to believe that children would actually benefit from taking part in household tasks. There are several reason which sustain my opinion.Firstly, one cannot deny that children have to learn from an early age that things should not be taken for granted. Spoilling kids excesivelly and not giving them the chance to work for what they want can bring more harm than good. Leaving their beds unfolded or not washing their dishes after eating are just a couple of the most frequent examples that occour in parents lives. Thus, most parents tend to avoid an eventual quarrel with their kid by getting the job done by themselves. As a consequence, children will start to expect their work done by others. Otherwise said, making children part of household chores would increase their responsability, eventually showing them that this is how things work out in the real world.Secondly, there is no argue against the fact that learning how to manage housework is often a real blessing. Knowing how to cook, how to iron or even how to fix certain apparels in the house increases kids independence. There is a time when all children leave their homes, heading to colleges or universities, more precisely starting a life on their own. Therefore, not only do they face several difficulties when getting to a new place, but they also have to face them by themselves, their parents usually being at hundreds of miles distance. Consequently, housework should not become an impediment when planning a new beginning. This way, children used to do complete household chores will be more organized and will know how to deal with all kinds of house problems that might appear.In addition, children ought to see household chores also as a way of earning poket money in adolescence. Most kids are motivated to complete even more household tasks by being given certain incentives. As a matter of fact, they become more aware of the fact that money is won through hard work and in life nothing comes for free.However, a vast majority of people claims that children should pe restrained from completing any housework during their childhood. Some people claim that kids must have time to study, to attend courses and to enjoy the most beautiful time of their lives. By helping their parents wth household chores, their studying time is usually diminished. Summing up , I consider that there are more advantages than disadvantages whenever children are required to complete housework. Not only do they develop several qualities as those mentioned, but they also get to spend more time around their parents, taking into account our busy lives.

Integrated task 1. In the reading passage it is stated that in 1950, the British mathematician developed an experiment, called also the Turning Test, which was supposed to clarify whether computers can think or not. Thus, people who were taking part in this experiment were put to communicate with an unknown source from another room. These people had to decide whether the answers received were from another person or from a robot, for instance. If the answers were said to be given by a person or people did not notice any differences , the computer would eventually pass the Turning Test. This way, there have been even organised numerous contests with a prize consisting in a gold medal and $100.000, for the one who could have designed such a brillinat computer. Yet, there has not been a winner.However, the lecture challenges what the reading claims by making several point on the validity of the Turning Test. The professor points out that the test is actually based on behaviour and not on the capacity of thinking. Therefore, he cites the example of a paradox known also as the Chinese Room, which concludes that an English-speaker can respond to Chinese questions quite simply. The person can break the Chinese code without any comprehension or understanding just referring to source material. As a matter of fact, a computer could pass the Turning Test if the computer had a complex imput based on behaviour. Even so, the question would still remain ambigous as the test would not prove whether a computer can think or not.

Integrated task.2In the lecture the professor makes several points about the effects of forest fires. The professor argues that forest fires can do more good than harm. This is different from the reading which states that the supression of forest fires is inevitably needed.Firstly, the lecturer states that forest fire are actually beneficial to trees. He cites the example of tall, old oak trees that block the light to get to young trees in order to allow them to grow. This is different from the reading which claims that fire supressions helps trees to live longer and healthier.Secondly, another point made by the professor is that the ground can eventually receive more nutrients if the forest fires are not supressed. However, the reading passage claims that the nutrients found in soil will diminish considerably due to forest fires not being stopped. Therefore,the flora is said to be affected considerably.Thirdly, the professor states that the growing population of animals such as deers does not actully bring any benefits to the wilderness. He observes that deers often tend to eat the leaves of oaks, not giving them the chance to grow and develop. The reading contradicts the professors point by claiming that through forest fires,animals are usually burned to the bone. Thus, the number of their species reducing.Overall, the lecture casts doubt on the points made by the reading passage.

Essay no.3Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Playing a game is fun only when you win.Nowadays there is a hot topic upon the subject of games having become a source of sadness and anger for each of us. Games have lately appeared to have lost their main role. They seem to have the tendency to develop into activities that no longer provide entertainment. I am inclined to believe that games maintain our vision towards life more optimisic , along with more smiles on our faces.Firstly, one cannot deny that games have been invented in early times in order to escape from the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives. Games are said to improve peoples moods by making them laugh, cheer and socialise with others. Even so, when playing a game you cannot always win. For instance, there are chances for you to miss the lucky card, but this should not change your perspective towards the game. You might lose, but might also win.Consequently, we must always remember that the main purpose of games is to produce delightment and fun among people in a friendly environment. As Secondly, there is no argue against the fact that games are also a reliable source of life lessons. Not only do they teach us how to win, but they also show us how to lose. Therefore, taking into account that being defeated is temporary, failures are just one step ahead to success. Even if today you lost, tomorrow you might be the winner, so you must keep going. Knowing how to lose is an art and games can be the best teacher if you know how to approach a defeat. For example, a few years ago I was playing the final of our national volleybal championship. Before the match, our coach held a speech in which we were encouraged and stimulated to do our best. Thus, we knew we were better than our opponents, but we eventually lost. As a result, through this failure we learnt that we should never before understimate the other teams. Next year we were national champions.However, some might claim that games are equal to competitions. A vast majority of people state that games help us develop qualities such as ambition, determination or strenght in order to always be winners. They point out that games are staple to our development as individualities that want to stand up and take all or nothing.Summing up, I consider that life is a game and we should actually spend more time thinking about this idea. Life is about enjoying ourselves and not about hating each other every time we lose or win. As a consequence, I believe that we ought to watch games from a different perspective if we want to spend happy long lives.

Essay no. 4Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for students to study history and literature than it is for them to stucy science and mathematics.

Nowadays there is hot topic upon the subject of considering some school subjects more important than the others. Some people claim that history and literature are more useful in the detriment of science and mathematics. I am inclined to believe that all these subjects have their own significance and they all contribute to our general knowledge. Firstly, one cannot deny the fact that in our everyday lives we meet elements from both science and mathematics. Our actions and results are often determined by certain factors that are ruled mostly not only by science, but also by mathematics. For instance, when you go shopping , there are cases in which you might be fooled by the shop assistant. You may receive less exchange unless you pay enough attention to the calculations. Therefore, science and mathematics have always been basic notions in our lives since early times.Secondly, there is no argue against that fact that our lives have been dramatically improved by the development of technology through science and mathematics. Over the past years, technology has reached an incredible level of performance. These would not have been possible, if science along with mathematichs had not taken part to this durable process. Thinking how our ancestors lives were, without electricity, potable water or other difficulties, science and mathematics have definitely played major roles into changing this way of living. For example, now it takes only 2 seconds to send important files through Yahoo, while a decade ago, people waited day or even months to get their requested documents. Consequently, science and mathematics have always succeded in exceeding our expectations.On the other hand, a vast majority of people states that history and literature help us develop as individuals. More precisely, these two related subjects increase our inner power. Some people point out that our imagination is developed and as a matter of fact we become more creative and innovative persons. Others claim that literature helps us decrease our stress level, thus becoming more peaceful and happier. Moreover, it is said that history is also a helpful tool as it offers us different perspectives. People who study history are more likely to avoid mistakes as they are able to learn from others past. As a consequence, history and literature have considerably huge impacts on our lives.Summing up, I consider that neither of these four subjects is less important that the other. I am convinced that as long as we can balance the time studying for each other, we can benefit from all four of them. As a consequence, studying science and mathematics is as important as studying history and literature.

Essay. No 5Some people choose friends who are different from themselves. Others choose friends who are similar to themselves. Compare the advantages of having friends who are different from you with advantages of having friends who are similar to you. Which kind of friend do you prefer for yourself? Why?Nowadays there is a hot topic upon the subject of choosing the people who surround you, whether they are different or similar to you. Some people want to have a mirror of themselves, while others go for their other extreme. I am inclined to believe that this can be inferred as a personal choice and no one can actually say one type of friend is better than the other.Firstly, one cannot deny that having friends who are different form you can bring considerably benefits. Being surrounded by a wide range of personalities can only help you improve your level of adaptation. You become inevitably more tolerant and you might also learn to see the good parts in each person. Not only will start to change yourselves by pushing your boundaries, but you will also encourage others to get out of their comfort zones and meet people who are at the opposite pole than themselves. For instance, a couple of years ago when I was in an international camp, most of my colleagues remained in the same crowd with the other kids from my school. Not likeing the monotony, but the diversity, I joined a group scholars from New Zeleand and as a matter of fact I had the opportunity to come across some amazing people who are totally different from me in terms of language, culture and many other things.Secondly, there is no argue against the fact that having different kinds of friends has also a great impact on your general knowledge and your skills of socialising. Through people who come from different environments and who have a way of living that is not similar to yours, you can eventualy learn new information that you would not have got from other places such as school. Further more, you are more likely to be confronted with all kinds of ideas and opinion that do not resemble with yours. Thus, you must face a challenge and try to get to a common point if you want your friendship to last.On the other hand, a vast majority of people prefer friends who are similar to themselves. Being close to someone who shares the same beliefs as you do, can only make you feel more comfortable and relaxed. You do not have to worry that you two are not in agreement upon a certain idea, for example. Moreover, similar friends are more likely to share even more experiences together. They usually back up each other and make up the best memories. Just knowing that someone else thinks just like you tends to gives you more confidence and trust into that person.Summing up, I consider that we are able to choose our friends and therefore the types of persons who surround us rest in our own choice. Personally, I always go for friends who are unlike me as I want to develop as an individual and intrapersonal relationships are an important chapter in my life.

Essay no. 6Decisions can be made quickly, or they can be made after careful thought. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The decision that people make quickly are always wrong.

Nowadays there is a hot topic upon the subject of the best way of taking a decision and thus some argue that decisions made quickly are always wrong. While decisions can be made not only quickly, but also after careful thought, I am inclined to believe that hurrying does not always gives the best results. Rushing when making a decision often comes back with negative results.Firstly, one cannot deny the fact that when making decisons quickly you are alomost always lacking of information. Not taking enough time to discover all the facets of a problem leads to a poor perspective, thus to a decision most probably wrong. People are not likely to balance correctly the pros and cons of an issue if they are not completely aware of them. For instance, last year my cousin applied to a quite large loan from a bank in order to buy an apartment. At that time she had a stable income, but a few month later the company where she worked went bankrupt. She has not found another job yet, but the monthly rate still must be paid punctually. As a consequence of not considering the negative points of a loan, she now must borrow money from kins if she does not want to be arrested.Secondly, there is no argue against the fact that decisions are controversial in terms of contexts. Our moods, thoughts and temporary desire can inevitably influence our decisions at a certain moment. People who are whether depressed or extremely excited tend to make the worse decision. They usually base their choice on a temporary feeling that might unfortunately affect their future drastically. For example, a few years ago when my dad closed a profitable deal with a bussiness man, under the pressure of his incomensurable happiness, he bought a new car. A few months later, he was surpised to aknowledge that he had not used that car for at least three times as the other 2 cars of our family were enough. Not only had he spent an enormous sum of money, but he also got into a terrible argument with my mom.However, a vast majority of people claims that decisions are often a matter of luck. Even if we try to take into account both advantages and disadvantages of of a situations, our calculations might be erradicated by misfortune. These people point out that luck has a great percentage when it comes to making a successful decision and not only a quickly one. From such a different perspective, it can be inferred that the Universe and all its mysterious resources have a huge impact on our decisions.Summing up, I consider that making decisons is also a subject that takes into account all our beliefs and habits as individuals. Therefore, I believe there is also some truth in the statement mentioned, but I more inclined to trust the decisons made on rigurous documentation.