essay what the bleep ok

1 Course Seminar Administrative Development I “D” What tHe βL€€P Dθ (k)πow!? Student Name:Victor Andres Birkner Duarte ID #: UD17817HEN25640 What The Bleep Do You Know? William Arntz The aim of this essay is to evidence the knowledge I have acquired after reading the book and seeing the film. At the same time I wish to express In the present essay I will transmit the knowledge acquired after seeing the movie and reading the book. At the same time, I want to share my personal experiences in the spiritual field which, I consider, have much to do with the quantum physics. The reading has been very helpful, I feel my senses open to new experiences. For this reason, I decided to take the investigation of the events that happen around me and within me more seriously. I strongly recommend the spreading of this material to educational institutions in South America since education in this area considers students just like people to be formed to follow instructions without paying much attention to their own feelings. This type of discussion could generate a change of attitude to the new generations.

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Page 1: Essay What the Bleep Ok


Course Seminar Administrative Development I “D” What tHe βL€€P Dθ ∑ (k)πow!?

Student Name:Victor Andres Birkner Duarte ID #: UD17817HEN25640

What The Bleep Do You Know? William Arntz

The aim of this essay is to evidence the knowledge I have acquired after reading the book and seeing the

film. At the same time I wish to express In the present essay I will transmit the knowledge acquired after

seeing the movie and reading the book. At the same time, I want to share my personal experiences in the

spiritual field which, I consider, have much to do with the quantum physics.

The reading has been very helpful, I feel my senses open to new experiences. For this reason, I

decided to take the investigation of the events that happen around me and within me more


I strongly recommend the spreading of this material to educational institutions in South America since

education in this area considers students just like people to be formed to follow instructions without

paying much attention to their own feelings. This type of discussion could generate a change of attitude

to the new generations.


This book is basically based on what the authors called ¨The Big Questions”. They travelled through

different worlds of knowledge to find the great answers. Personally, I consider this book a practical

guide to expose our thoughts and beliefs. With this in mind, the book gets the reader involved both in

the acquired knowledge and the knowledge that everyone would like to possess with topics such as:

paradigms, awareness, truth, religion, matter, mind, physics and science, quantum physics among others.

This document rich in knowledge has made me think in all the questions I have about what I have not

wondered in the life, and do a summary of my reactions. After having read the book or seen the movie, I

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must admit that the 'truth' is of public domain but of limited knowledge. This book allowed me to travel

to the past and future time in parallel form, allowing me to experience a vertiginous come and go of

ideas which made me visualize long and short paths of past and future experiences, although in many

cases it also made me remain caught in blind alleys and look for the smallest wall that let me escape

jumping it. For these blind alleys sometimes I took the decision to deny concepts or not to pay a lot of

attention in other occasions to elements that were presenting themselves as puzzlers difficult to discern

from my own natural understanding.

I must confess that to make shorter my way to write this essay, I decided to see the film which

essentially contains all the elements of the book. However, on having seen some of the scenes, I was not

very convinced that the film was enough to report on such complex issues. As a result, I immediately

examined carefully the pages of the book to find the exact definitions that would lead me to complete

the work expected. However, while I was reading more questions than answers were generated about the

topics that this reading gives more emphasis on I what I know, what I believe to know, what I don’t

know and what I want to know, and I want to illustrate and to uncover my views on some of them. To

this end, I would like to make clear that I have always thought that we are part of a whole and that the

whole is divided into us. I am not certain that is the case, but it has allowed me to explore possibilities

and open my mind to not expected situations.

General Analysis

And what do you know?

In the topic ¨The Big Questions¨ we can admit that the authors sum up the whole content of the book in

this phrase. They penetrated into well-known and unknown worlds and did investigation that is not more

than making questions which provide answers and therefore generate other questions. All of this gives

us the chance to be ready for an unexpected content where sometimes we will give our own answers and

in others we will formulate other questions. That particular process sometimes led me to break my

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paradigms and in others to strengthen them through a deep reflection that allows us to open ourselves to

different possibilities without feeling inferior for not knowing the answers.

Once we have the disposition to ask these big questions, we realize that we should know ourselves so as

to be able then to know what surrounds us. The energy is part of us and at the same time we are a part

of the energy, for that reason we have to know our own energy to know of what we are a part, in other

words to know what surrounds us, we have to know definitely about what we are made.

A paradigm is a set of superposed implicit which do not surrender to evaluation, and the energy has

demonstrated that some beings are more dominant in the energy field than others, for such a reason the

paradigms of a being energetically dominant involve and convince other beings, what classifies the

thought about what others think leaving us like simple spectators of the reality.

This leads us to feel the world as other want us to feel accommodating ourselves then to simple

everyday events that complement these paradigms. When we opened our senses to deepen these

paradigms, we find that they are not everything that we need to know, and that the reality that makes us

feel comfortable suddenly becomes a mystery.

The book tells us that reality can be changed according to who observes it, but that in its origins is


In particular, I am convinced of the existence of these alternate worlds for the particular experiences in

the spiritual life, I am sure of voices indicating which way to follow or advice to give people and forms

that may appear before our eyes in fractions of seconds or for a long time and what mostly happens in

alternate worlds goes unnoticed by our senses, but if some time this is explained by a being with a

stronger energy than ours, it can be appreciated in its wholeness. Now the question of whether the eyes

deceive us, around us we see what we want to be there or what others want us to see.

In the book the authors keep in mind that the sub atomic physics is to know what happens, when small

experiments are done, the scientific physics a new and original way of understanding the world, but even

with the quantum physics that tells us about particles superposed in many places simultaneously that can

behave like waves expanded in the time that can be connected in spite of being far from each one of

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other and that can be joined in a regulated condition by a wave function that leads us to question both

the tangible and the intangible thing taking into consideration that the observer destroys the function of

the wave and changes the environment, we are very far from the day that the science explains the

spirituality, not for that reason, we will deny that the steps have been given, turn us into observers of

our own world in search of this answer.

Newton, explained in detail what happens in the world of major, tangible things with great dexterity.

However, quantum physics tells us that there are also things that we cannot see or touch regularly, but

which in essence they are the genesis of tangible things, those which can be explored by our senses. But

then I wonder, and with what we call the sixth sense? I dare say that quantum physics will find the heart

of the matter in this question, but we will have to be careful and join the known worlds with the

unknown ones to understand.

Many people call the sixth sense a deep and mystical feeling, when we want to explain that a mother can

experience an adverse event that is about to happen or is happening to a child. I believe that what we call

feelings should have a wider picture in these discussions, since they cannot be seen or touched but can

be perceived. For example, when a couple in love, fills the space around them and we say that love is

breathed in the environment, we put in between the sense of smell or when we enter into a maternity

ward and we can perceive a different environment to the other rooms of a hospital, we make use of the

sense of touch and what about when we see a woman after passing through hours of pain to give birth,

when she sees the face of her son her face glows radiating light which is evident for our senses of sight.

We could call this then that is quantum touch? , quantum smell? and quantum view? 'Love', of course

exists but for specific aspects of energy what we are part of and we could split it into physical and

spiritual love.

When the authors make sure that the observer changes the reality, I enter a blind alley on having

wondered: In what world do the blind people live, then? Are they in aptitude to change the reality? And

why then do they live like we do? It comes to my mind then that, on having based our aptitudes to see

the world through the senses that we have at disposal, and to use the eyes of others to see the world, this

can be possible, but will the blind people listen to things that for not seeing whether they are there, take

them for granted? Will a blind person be in capacity of being an observer in spite of not seeing and

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changing the reality that surrounds him? Is the observation delimited by the ocular vision? or does it

have all the senses involved in the matter?

When we close our eyes for the first time to look for in our minds images of everything that surrounds

us, we experience sensations ranging from disorientation to insecurity, but when we do this a constant

practice, we find that what surrounds us can be treated differently and that as the blind, we use the aid of

the other senses: touch, sight, smell, to compensate the lack of vision and accommodate the

environment. So if we imagine what we have already seen, we only recreate the reality that we know,

however we can experience tones of light and different colors.

Our brain is the organ of our body which is at least thousand times faster than a super computer. It never

shuts down, does not rest, is self-regenerated, contains 100 billion neurons, processes two hundred

billion bits of information per second and all the wonderful things that have been discovered, but when I

learned what it truly gets the brain per second are four hundred billion bits of information, I think that if

people knew the origin and mysteries of consciousness, we could predict the existence of a machine

with the same capabilities of a human being and thus achieve a balance between mind and matter.

Mind and matter are separated by the invisible thread of knowledge. When measuring the intellectual

level of the people, do they still store the same amount of information bit than the average person? And

how can the brain of a medium be compared with that of a person with intellectual levels higher than the

average coefficient? I would like this point were object of study because I imagine that each one uses

different brain areas to develop their skills, but the fundamental question is why? We will then continue

in the pursuit of what triggers different capabilities in each person, if they relate exclusively to the brain,

the time of the birth, the energy environment, feelings etc.


In some cultures emotions are suppressed, as it is they case in Hispanic cultures where man ¨should not

cry¨ since they have the belief that if a man cries exposes his weaknesses. The feelings may neither be

seen nor touched, but cover all our senses, our whole being. In many occasions to explain them seems to

be very difficult. However, we appeal to them in times of despair and anguish. As I said before, the

feelings are at the level of what is not seen but its existence is completely accepted. Nevertheless, no one

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has ever regarded them as a magical or mystical part of life in a specific context. An observation point is

the ability to pass on our knowledge to the water, and think then that in one case it could be proven that

animals don’t have feelings; it would be our dominant energy that induces them to behave in different

ways throughout their life.

The emotions that are derived from the feelings which in turn derive body attitudes, depending on the

case, lead us to think in the magic that all of us have inside. We are magical creatures in a context

sentimental and emotional.

Then we would say that a feeling of anger arising in a murder is black magic?, or a feeling of love

giving the life for others would it be white magic? When we talk about the feelings we cannot relate

them to the brain, and we have given them a room in our body that we call heart in this quest to find the

tangible part to what is intangible, but then why our physical reactions are more determined by the

feelings than by our brain? And so we continue on the come and go of questions since in response we

could make sure that we are spiritual and non-physical beings.

In a bid to understand these extremes and perhaps by responding to my own questions I am stressing the

idea that everything is energy and that we are part of it. When I have the opportunity to feel close to the

ancestors, I realized that my body is more tired as they retire and I conclude that these spirits feed on my

energy. The existence of physical communication requires more energy than for spiritual

communication; on the contrary, when communicating with the ancestors is through a dream and my

spirit goes out to chat, listen to or simply do a trip with them while it is true there is physical fatigue

awakening I don’t experience the same when the communication is when I am awake.

It seems to me that feelings and energy are connected straight and to understand one of them we must

decipher the riddles of the other. All the topics that are tackled in this book are intimately linked with by

the feelings and the decisions in our life.

Whenever I speak with my students to be aware of the world and its challenges I use the expression 'the

world on the outside does not look alike in anything to the one that they know here inside'. In the

everyday life and since we are toddlers we often find challenges that we have to face to go on to the

following phase, and I believe that most of the people think that we already have enough problems in

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our lives to penetrate into the unknown, that is left to the scientists, so that they tell us the results of their

investigations and we simply to accept them.

When a mathematical problem is difficult to solve we say “Who had invented mathematics?” And thus

we feel more comfortable but with the feeling that we are victims, to memorize what others left already

prepared for our learning.

On many occasions I have used the word accommodate in this writing, and I think we have not decided

to investigate in a deep way different aspects of our lives that enclosing the unknown, due to education

places us in the way of what already exists and leaves the message that there is nothing left to discover

but much to invent.

On seeing the film in a scene the protagonist has a dream which explains in a simple way that as the

natives of these lands did not know the aquatic ships could not see them, and that a single person that he

managed to decipher the riddle made everyone see what was on the sea.

I agree with the theory that in the world we can see what others want us to see, but I have to say that

according to my knowledge, in these American lands already existed boats which allowed indigenous

people to have trade and transport quickly between different locations.

At the moment I am inclined to think that those who do not know the history of the Indian peoples of

America, believe that indigenous people were really so stupid that they were duped by Christopher

Columbus in 1502 with mirrors in exchange for gold. And what happens is that for convenience

'conquered' peoples history has been changed to keep a grip on them. The same may happen with the

explanation of the dream in this scene.

Be in disagreement with this scene in particular did not remove my attention on the screen to understand

what they want to show us. I must say that every time I see it, I have different thoughts because I think

that I had not seen with such depth this or that particular scene and it seems to me that there are things

which I had not seen before.


If at the beginning everything was empty, and we are a chance derived from that emptiness, but this

emptiness is full of energy, why not say then that at the beginning everything was energy full of endless

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possibilities of which we are one of them. When using the word emptiness, we mean that there was

nothing and that don’t allow us to open our minds to a world of possibilities other than the learned ones.

I consider healthy for the study of the unknown the use of a language that does not pigeonhole the

advance of thought, to let us at once accommodate ourselves to what others want us to think. The old

paradigms are already broken, however we cannot say that these old paradigms have been harmful

because in fact unknowingly they left a door open to access the deepest knowledge.

The knowledge, which life has left us until now, shows quite clearly that not everything is true, but that

does not mean it should be bad. When we discuss the topic of the mind over matter, and ask the question

to people about which one is above the other, generally we answer that the mind is above matter, and on

discussing the opposite in groups the conclusions that we can make is that we are always looking for

what there is beyond our fingertips. No one can deny the power of the mind as we cannot say that the

matter has no relevance in our lives.

I strongly believe that there should be a study of all the events surrounding the matter so that it is above

the mind and also when the mind is placed above the matter which are resources involved, i.e. we are

still looking for answers for specific situations but we do not take into account that these specific

characteristics affect or take advantage of other specificities to give specific results.

What happens to people who claim to have conversations with divine beings? According to the

documentaries that we see on television about children who have had in front of them the presence of

the Virgin, and showing us scientists doing physical tests and yet they continue in a deep trance, this

defies all the knowledge of the scientists but the masses of people who approach this divine experience

are fully convinced of the veracity of these events. Then, I do not understand the refusal of these

scientists to these events.

In the spiritual world, there is much to say on these topics. The need to learn and understand has led me

to understand that I will never know everything about these issues.

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There is a school for this and depending on the need to learn how we can deepen the spiritual

environment to respond not only to those who require it but also to ourselves. The Mapuche culture in

Chile has been transmitted from generation to generation orally, so you must be part of the community

in order to understand it and then do research.

When you start in the spiritual life you have a series of psychic abilities which could not be quantified,

but as time goes by you go into what I call specialist in specific fields, leaving aside the ease of

everything to be good at something specific.

I think that the world that quantum physics explores must be investigated in the same way, because

when we enter into new experiences we can handle it all, but we must go step by step with each one of

the themes so as to become truly wise in this area.

If the ancestors lead us, so to speak, to the general school, and then help us to find our specialty and that

we see in the material life when we go to school, then to College and we ended up taking a specialty.

We would agree to say that the spiritual life in itself and material or life-threatening life is aimed in the

same way. For this reason I don't expect that quantum physics or all of the experiments made in search

of knowing the mysterious world lead us to find ways in the management of our lives. Everything in this

universe is interconnected. And if it is at every moment regenerated as a result it is never the same to the

first time we observed. We stayed in the center of the stage without knowing neither the beginning nor

the end.

When a person is chosen by the ancestors, he is selected if he has one of these two qualities: suffering of

the mother during pregnancy, by inheritance (the father inherits the ancestors to a family member) and

then we can conclude that the suffering, and the feeling of pain that is not visible to us, that one which

has lived in the space that we have rented in our heart, would have a transcendental worth in the spiritual

world since the Ancestors tell that “pain is purification”.

The suffering of our mothers directly touches the dominant energy, and then we are visible to our

ancestors. We cannot deny that this is not weird when we see the story in the dominant religions in

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which the feeling of pain of some has given great joy to others.

Then why feelings do not have the role they deserve in society? We got used to see feelings as

something secondary and often as a symbol of weakness when, in my opinion, they should be explored

more carefully and be one of the priorities in the investigation of the events that we can't explain.

But this is not limited to having feelings, but there is a dynamic requiring passing over them, being more

than feelings, triumph over feelings since that will make us stronger exclusively when referring to the

feelings that mean adversity in our lives.

This requires a feeling that is stronger than those which oppress us, in this fight we look for people

around us for emotional support. Thus, the events seen from other eyes are not so bad, and I understand

that the observer is wanted by the observed to help change events.

Exemplifying, when someone comes to me for a piece of advice, I understand that he needs to change

his status from my point of view and it will depend on whether I'm positive or negative to change for

better or for worse the situation from whom requests me. And we are all convinced that energy can be

positive or negative; then depending on the energy of the observer on the observed, you can change the

sequence of events.

Then by which are we deceived? by the feelings, the eyes or by our brain? Or the question should be: are

we actually deceived? It is clear that we do not know all that surrounds us, nobody has reached all the

places of the world, the depths of the sea are not known completely yet, we don't know for sure how

many rocks there are in our planet or stars in the universe we don't even know the palm of our hands and

this is because we do not observe them carefully.

After the analysis of this I could conclude on a preliminary basis that we should know ourselves; do

deep introspection and that would take a lifetime and perhaps longer. I even believe that energy is

interested in that we are under investigation focused on ourselves, each one of us finding ourselves in

order to find everything else. Observe, engaging for this mind, eyes, feelings and all our senses. The

mysteries of life are enclosed within ourselves, are not outside of us that we are part of all things around


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It is essential to observe ourselves, engaging for this mind, eyes, feelings and all our senses. The

mysteries of life are enclosed within ourselves, they are not outside of us because we are part of all

which around us.

The most widespread religions have different ways of telling us that we are or we may be 'divine beings'

and that we are under the command of that Supreme Being that guides our ways and who has issued

guidelines to live our lives. As I said earlier, nothing is so bad or so good. Furthermore, I believe that we

can get good things and vice versa from everything.

In my case my initial religious education was based on Roman Catholicism, but I lived for some time

with Mapuche people who believe in Nature. However, nowadays they share a great of things with the

catholic religion.

Those who do not accept the fact that there is spirituality, consider Mapuches as Catholics so as to see a

reality changed to their convenience, necessity of domain and exclusivity of the 'truth'. The Mapuche are

unable to involve their spiritual life in a discussion about what they are or want to be, but they continue

with their spiritual traditions as at the beginning of their existence as a people.

The resistance of a people to accept as their own strange cultures let to have today different cultures on

the face of the Earth and so various examples of collective vision of our own world can be discussed.

Beings, both alive or inert, are part of a whole that we complement us and from that variety we are

pleased to know that we are not equal but we have much in common and therefore we are not alone in

the world.

The mapuches once told me the more we read 'more fools we turn', and I interpreted this literally, but

actually over the years I realized that I was being seen as a dumb for not knowing the spiritual world and

was an encouragement to enter me in the world of the Mapuche people and their knowledge, of which I

did not know almost anything. I knew very well the world of books and the teaching from men, but

nothing about the teaching of nature. Then they formulated a problem to be solved by me. It was

something like: If the year has 365 days and the month has 4 weeks, if every week has 7 days why does

only February have 28 days in the calendar? The answer they gave me after two months doing all the

mathematical operations, consulting with teachers and wise people older than me was this: The year is

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different when it is seen based on the Sun, and not on the basis of the moon. However I have interest in

further exploration of this. But in conclusion they made me see that they have knowledge not only about

what is known but also about the unknown.

What then do we know about what we know? What do we ignore about what we know? What do we

know about what we want to know? What do we ignore about what we want to know? I think that it is

conditioned by our needs to explore and investigate.


It is necessary to create a new up-to-date language consistent with the topics of quantum physics that

allow us to open our minds to the exploration of an existing but unknown world. With this in mind, we

will stop putting barriers or obstacles to understanding.

We are connected with each other but the evidence of these events is explained in terms such as

coincidence, chance, or destiny to leave it aside.

I consider vital the spread of these topics, taking them to the classroom as a subject of discussion. In the

future we might have a world which self-regenerate much faster and stop its self-destruction. If we open

our minds to the fact that we are subjects and not objects which can change the realities we will see our

own lives with an unthinkable extension allowing us to be more positive and go forward in paths of

harmony with everything that surrounds us.

Opening this discussion in countries and communities that we call underdeveloped or developing, it

would have a renewal and positive impact in the minds of its inhabitants, leaving aside the thought of

underdevelopment and starting the search for the improvement of our nations without having to rely

exclusively on the help of benefactor countries. We could get a step ahead on the thinking and the

feeling of desolation of a conquered people or third world.

When we find the midpoint between religious belief and scientific knowledge to recognize that they are

linked and forget about the assumption that one is above the other to turn knowledge into a tool for

public domain leaving exclusivity behind us then we would break the old paradigms to find a new one

that allows us to explore with confidence in the burrow and thus find the proper exit.

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If the material can be checked at this time with scientific experiments we will say that we are waiting for

the key for the verification of the non-physical events, for that reason we uncover the information that

has been deliberately hidden with the aim of creating a common reality so as to leave in the past the

dominion of the powerful over the weak.

When we accept that the observer will change our reality, we make different choices in our lives, but

when we deny the observer to change our reality in the same way we take decisions that affect the

course of our lives. We are constantly changing our reality since if we are daily observers of ourselves

that will lead us to take decisions which also change our reality.

If we ask for evidence to the Divine about his existence we are just denying that we are part of this,

being objects and not subjects with ability to change our destiny, and if we see it objectively the fact of

creating objects with our hands or give life for example confirms that we are subjects of change in

transit towards the divine Coronation. We are meant to give meaning to our lives and it is the

responsibility of each one for each one of us.

We live every day facing the effects of quantum mechanics, but we resist the idea to recognize quantum

physics as truthful, protecting in this way all acquired knowledge that allows us to feel comfortable with

the environment in many ways. This makes me be aware of how vulnerable we are when we are in an

unknown field which should be explored exclusively by ourselves.

I regard Andragogic Education as quantum physics in itself since it opens the doors of possibilities to

the student, so you decide what you want to know, investigate what you ignore and find in the way what

you didn't know you knew and besides realize what you knew you didn’t know. I consider this form of

education a useful tool to awaken the senses and consciousness.


1. Arntz, William (2007). What The Bleep Do You Know? . New York. HCI.

2. Arntz, William Chasse Betsy and Mark Vincent (2006). What The Bleep Do You Know? From


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