essay model answers

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  • 7/29/2019 Essay Model Answers


    There are no longer enough natural resources to sustain current levels of economic growth.

    To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

    Recently, the demands for natural resources have risen dramatically across the world due to

    population growth. Some people state that we have not enough resources. However, there are some

    individuals who disagree with this opinion. In this essay, the issues behind this phenomenon will be


    On the one hand, some people state that if natural resource continue to decrease, we cannot have a

    comfortable life because they are limited. A government research in the USA shows that if this

    situation continues, petrol stricks will depleted in 2050. Moreover, it is widely accepted that

    the number of people in the world will increase. This will make the amount of natural resource


    On the other hand, there are some individuals who disagree with above-mentioned perception.

    The demand for natural resources will lessen owing to improvements in technology. For example,

    the developments in technology such as electronic cars have a positive impact in society. By using

    this, we can decline the consumption of natural resources. Eventually, we will not need natural fuel.In my opinion, decrease in natural resource will create a crisis. I think its depletion will have a

    negative impact on the society because we wont have a comfortable life any more.

    In conclusion, I agree with the statement that there is no longer enough natural resources to sustain

    the current level of economic growth. In order to sustain our life, the governments every where

    should tackle this issue on a war-footing.

  • 7/29/2019 Essay Model Answers


    Modern children are suffering from those diseases which were once considered to be meant

    for adults only. Obesity is a major disease prevalent among the children. What are its causes

    and solutions?

    Nowadays, the increasing trend of overweight children and adults is a worldwide health issue.

    Obesity is a major problem which is increasing day by day in school going kids. There are various

    reasons behind it. This essay will discuss the causes of obesity and offer some solutions.

    The first cause of obesity is junk food. It is often seen that children these days are fond of burgers,

    pizzas, noodles and coke. These types of foods are easily available to them in school canteens.

    Children love to purchase chips, chocolates, - ice-creams for lunch. Moreover, in this modern era,

    parents invariable are working and they do not have time to cook at home. Parents often buy dinner

    for their kids instead of preparing food at home. This calorie-rich diet is making children obese.

    This problem can be solved by teaching children to cook healthy foods for themselves and banning

    junk foods and fizzy drinks in schools. This diet can be replaced by milk, juice and fruits for lunch.

    The second cause of obesity is sedentary life style. It is true that the use of computers and

    televisions is increasing in children. They spend most of their time watching television or playingvideo games on computer. This technological advancement has reduced the level of physical

    activity in this specific age group. This issue can be resolved by encouraging children to take

    physical activities . Parents can take their kids to park for playing with friends. Furthermore,

    schools can compulsory add sports in there curriculum to maintain physical fitness among


    To sum up, it is clear that the main causes of obesity are unhealthy eating and limited physical

    activities. This ailment can be prevented and treated by healthy eating habits and physical


  • 7/29/2019 Essay Model Answers


  • 7/29/2019 Essay Model Answers


    Public libraries should only provide books and should not waste their limited resources on

    expensive high-tech media such as software, videos or DVDs. Do you agree or disagree?

    With the proliferation of high-tech media, some people hold that the public libraries would be

    rendered obsolete if they do not offer software, videos or DVDs to their users while other assert its

    only a waste of limited resources and the libraries should offer books only.

    High-tech media is, in many ways, indeed superior to the books in terms of entertainment,

    attraction, and functionality. For instance, videos and DVDs function as a visual means to assist

    people to have a first-hand experience even though those people have not physically visited or seen

    the objects which are introduced in the books. Also, despite the fact that audio-visual equipment

    would be cost-wise prohibitive to install, the capital cost would be lowered by appealing to a sizable

    number of users.

    More importantly, software could assist the library goers to access the Internet to update their

    knowledge on a daily basis; in contrast, books typically take several months to be published, which

    in turn render their contents outdated to some extent. In addition, upon learning that the computer

    literacy has become an essential skill recently, public libraries should take on the responsibility toeducate its users on how to operate a computer.

    Furthermore, it is a common practice for most public libraries to share their resources via the

    Internet. In this way, even if one book of interest cannot be found in one library, the borrower still

    can locate the book from other libraries and then request the librarians to transfer the book to a

    particular library.

    In conclusion, public libraries would benefit in multiple ways if they are equipped with the high-

    tech media.

  • 7/29/2019 Essay Model Answers


    Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding changes. Others

    however think that change is always a good thing. Discuss both sides and give your own


    Nowadays, people are arguing whether an ideal lifestyle should be a stable one or should it include

    a wide range of changes.

    In my opinion, whether changes are needed should be determined by the stage of life you are at.

    Apparently, alterations in life are favorable to the development of young people, with regard to

    their careers. Primarily, an abundant experience in varieties of jobs enables the young to master a

    broad range of techniques and skills, leading to significant edge over their counterparts in the

    competition for employment. Meanwhile, trying various roles in life and work provide wide

    selection of lifestyles for the young in the future. Only after this comparison can they realize what

    the real goals of their lives will and should be striven for.

    However, other than frequent changes, the older people who have undergone all these challenges

    may pursue a steady lifestyle. For the elders, concentration on their favorite activities would give

    rise to a sense of enjoyment and security, which is helpful to physical and psychological health. Dueto a stable life, the elderly are less exposed to stress, leading to a decrease in adrenal hormones and

    resulting in their well-beings.

    Furthermore, degeneration of mental and physical function would make the elderly unlikely to

    adapt to external changes, causing frustrations and depressions, which do not contribute to their

    well being.

    Above all, it is not easy to describe the changes in life in positive or negative term. Accommodation

    of personal needs and goals is more important than the changes themselves.

  • 7/29/2019 Essay Model Answers


    Students from rural areas often find it difficult to access university education. Some people

    think that it should become easier for them to study at universities. To what extent do you

    agree or disagree with this opinion?

    Nowadays, it is acknowledged that students from suburban areas find it tough to receive higher

    education. Whether or not should be made easier for them to access university education has been

    the subject of a highly-charged debate.

    Obviously, higher education opportunities bring about benefits to students in multiple ways. For

    example, higher education becomes increasingly important to senior high school graduates,

    partly because it determines if they have the competitive edge in the job market, and partly because

    it is seen as a guarantee of a certain level of the mental ability, from computer literacy that is

    required by the most employers to the capacities of acquiring new knowledge in the soonest

    possible which is valued in most workplaces. With a university degree, students from rural

    areas will obtain a job easily, thereby bettering their living conditions and their familys as well.

    Higher education also, however, tend to impose a heavy financial burden on their families due to

    the rise in tuition fees. In addition, there is the mounting evidence to that, a university degree is notalways a guarantee for a decent job; therefore, their living conditions are likely to worsen by

    not able to earn back their tuition fee after graduation. In this way, some people argue, students

    from rural areas are not well-advised to pursue a university degree. But I feel their desire to further

    their education should not be disrespected and the government should subsidise them to pursue

    higher education.

    In conclusion, university education should be made available to everyone interested, based

    predicated only on their academic performance and mental abilities, rather than their financial

    capacities and the government should subsidice those students in need of financial assistance

  • 7/29/2019 Essay Model Answers


    Full time university students spend most of the time studying. They should be doing other

    activities too. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    Full time study in a university is a great experience in life but unfortunately many students become

    inactive in other activities such as working for their pocket money, sports, participating in debates

    and socialization. People differ in their opinion whether students must engage in other things or

    stay concentrated on their studies only. The discussion will be presented below, followed by my


    Some people say that mere studying does not produce an all round youth. This way, students only

    earn theoretical knowledge not practical. For instance, students can be intelligent during their

    studies but at the same time when they come to the job in the market, they fail and cannot develop

    their confidence and work as well as they did in the university. Hence, the best approach for

    them is to be engaged in some work for practical experience.

    On the other hand, others believe that building a better career is the foremost thing in todays

    world. So, they are focused on their studies and gain as much knowledge as they can. Furthermore,

    they feel that if they are diverted from their studies, they will not be able to achieve their goal.

    In my point of view, there must be blending of full time education and extra curricular activities. It

    refreshes students minds and provides more energy to concentrate on it. Moreover, this way, they

    will learn how to be mingle with other people in society.

    To summarize, it can be said that it is important to concentrate on study but on the other hand

    there must be something to keep them active and relaxed being involved in games, music, work and

    other extra activities.

  • 7/29/2019 Essay Model Answers


    Every year an increasing number of students choose to go to another country for their higher

    education. Do you think the benefits of this development outweigh the problems associated

    with it?

    The past twenty years have seen a dramatic rise in the number of students going abroad to study. In

    this essay, I will explore the advantages and disadvantages of this trend.

    On the one hand, both students and their country can benefit from this trend. First, students can

    choose more suitable studies methods for themselves because there are more options. The

    course and teaching methods are quite different from China. According to foreign experts, the

    higher education in China is really not good as that of those developing countries, especially in

    comparison with European or US. Secondly, people can improve their new language, when they

    come in contact with others when they are in a foreign country. They will quickly master the

    foreign language. Thirdly, it helps to promote the mutual understanding between their mother land

    and their destination countries. These students exchange information with the locals. Students can

    get better understanding of the destination countries. People in their home country will get more

    vivid information about other countries through these messages. Similarly, the locals also can get

    more clearer picture about other countries.

    On the other hand, there are disadvantages too. Firstly, it costs people a lot of money to study in

    foreign countries. Many families have to take out all their savings to support their children to

    go abroad. Secondly, some students cannot stand the big difference in environment;

    they maybe quit their study and come back home.

    To conclude, given the undisputable fact that to begin college in foreign countries helps students

    with their studies and promotes mutual understanding between countries, even if there are some

    drawbacks, I think the benefits outweigh the problems.

  • 7/29/2019 Essay Model Answers


    Popular events like the Football World Cup and other international sporting occasions are

    essential in easing international tension and releasing patriotic emotions in a safe way.

    Every four years, the whole world stops to watch international sporting events such as the

    Olympics and the Football World Cup in which athletes show their best performance to make their

    country proud. These sporting occasions have proved to be helpful in easing international tension

    in difficult times when powerful leaders were trying to control the worlds economy and other

    governments were fighting over land.

    The Olympic Games are one of the best examples which prove how sporting events can bring

    nations together, at least temporarily. From the ancient history, when Greeks and Romans would

    interrupt battles to participate in the games, to the more recent international disputes, when

    athletes from Palestine and Israel would forget their differences and compete peacefully and even

    embrace each other after an event. Moreover, these popular events have drawn the worlds

    attention to the terrible consequences of wars. Infact some leaders have ever tried to reach

    agreements to end their disputes and live peacefully.

    Similarly, international sporting events do bring some benefits in some developing countries whichlive in perpcteral internal civil war. For example, Brazil has a high rate of unemployment, lack of

    education, hunger, crime, poverty and corruption which leads to an immense embarrassment of

    being a Brazilian and a low self-esteem. However, when the Football World Cup tournament starts,

    the Brazilian squad, which is considered the best team in the world, provokes an amazing feeling of

    pride in their country. Most people seem to forget all their problems and even the criminal activity

    decreases. They paint roads with the national colors, wear the Brazilian team shirts and buy

    national flags. Moreover, the competition brings families and neighbors together and even rival

    gangs watch the games and celebrate peacefully.

    In conclusion, popular sporting events play an important role in decreasing international tensions

    and liberating patriotic feelings as history has shown.

  • 7/29/2019 Essay Model Answers


    Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer

    nations. However, the governments of richer nations should take more responsibility for

    helping the poorer nations in such areas.

    Todays world is divided into developing and an developed countries.The main difference between

    them is the amount of money that governments apply in important sectors such as education,

    health and commerce. Most of the poorer nations are buried in debts as a result of their unbalanced

    finances which are reflected in a failed health system, an unstructured education system and a weak

    international trade. This vicious cycle will continue indefinitely unless wealthier nations show

    interest in minimizing the worldwide economic differences, as well as taking more responsibility

    for assisting less fortunate countries.

    Most of the African countries live in sub-human conditions because of the extreme poverty, civil

    upheavals, hunger, disease, unemployment, lack of education and both inexperienced and corrupt

    administrations. The devastating consequences of the AIDS epidemic in those countries can be

    halted if the infected population were to receive free drugs to control the disease, have access to

    health professionals and get information on how to prevent its spread. But this can only be

    achieved through international help programs in which leaders of the worlds richest countriesdonate medicine and also send doctors and nurses to treat and educate those in need.

    Moreover, most of the poor countries rely on selling agricultural products and raw materials to rich

    nations and buying industrialized products from them resulting in huge financial deficits.

    Consequently, they borrow a significant amount of money from the World Bank to try to improve

    their weak economies, but sometimes the money disappears with no significant changes and they

    cannot even pay the interest to the bank. Regarding this issue, last year the G8, which comprises of

    leaders of the eight richest nations, decided to wave off billions of dollars worth of debt owed by the

    worlds poorest nations. In addition, they forwarded adequate loan programs to financially assist

    those countries.

    In conclusion, leaders of the industrialized countries play an indispensable role in assistingdeveloping nations in dealing with essential areas such as health, education and trade. Also, their

    aid is the key to breaking the vicious cycle, which results in poverty and death.

  • 7/29/2019 Essay Model Answers


    As computers are being used more and more in education, there will be soon no role for

    teachers in the classroom.

    There have been immense advances in technology in most aspects of peoples lives, especially in the

    field of education. Nowadays, an increasing number of students rely on computers for research and

    to produce a perfect paper for school purposes. Others have decided to leave the original way of

    learning and to get knowledge through online schools. These changes in the learning process have

    sparked importance of teachers in classrooms.

    Some people believe that the role of teachers started to fade because computers have been helping

    students to progress in their studies quicker as compared to classroom teaching. For example, in

    the same classroom, students have different intellectual capacities, thus some would be tied to a

    slow advancement in their studies because of others incapability of understanding. In this way,

    pupils then can progress in their acquisition of knowledge at their own pace using computers

    instead of learning from teachers.

    However, the presence of a teacher is essential for students because the human contact influences

    them in positive ways. Firstly, students realize that they are not dealing with a machine but with ahuman being who deserves attention and respect. They also learn the importance of studying in a

    group and respect for other students, which helps them improve their social skills.

    Moreover, teachers are required in the learning process because they acknowledge some students

    deficiencies and help them to solve their problems by repeating the same explanation, giving extra

    exercises or even suggesting a private tutor. Hence, students can have a better chance of avoiding

    failure in a subject.

    In conclusion, the role of teachers in the learning process is still very important and it will continue

    to be so in the future because no machine can replace the human interaction and its consequences.

  • 7/29/2019 Essay Model Answers


    Financial education should be a mandatory component of the school program. To what

    extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

    It is an obvious fact that financial knowledge are a major role in daily life, as an adult and even as a

    youngesterl. Each and every one of us has to make financial decisions concerning recreation, health,

    education and more. The question is whether to start with financial education as part of school

    program or to postpone it for a later stage in life.

    To begin with, being able to understand the value of money, the way the economic system works

    and to interpret financial news and its implications is an asset. Without this asset, an individual,

    even a young one, might suffer to some extent. For example, a child who doesnt understand the

    concept of money might find it more difficult to make choice from many option.

    In addition, many adults lack the capability of financial analysis. Quite often, the reason can be the

    lack of sound foundations or insecurity when it comes to financial terms and concepts. Starting

    from an early age, building a strong background, can very likely prevent such a situation.

    However, financial education necessarily involves quantifying and setting prices and value forservices and goods. It can easily turn young people into cynical human beings who lack emotion.

    Furthermore, a tendency to look after one & own interest and egoism might rise when

    one start measuring everything from a profit-making perspective.

    In conclusion, financial education has both pros and cons. In my opinion, the advantages are more

    significant than the disadvantages, making financial education an advisable component of the

    school program. The disadvantages should be thought of as a certain price that young people have

    to pay due to the demand of the world that we live in.

  • 7/29/2019 Essay Model Answers


    Some people think that schools should select students according to their academic abilities,

    while others believe that it is better to have students with different abilities studying

    together. Discuss both views and state your own opinion.

    Some people contend that students from different abilities studying together are more beneficial

    for childrens development than screening and segregating them on the basis of their academic

    abilities. However, from my perspective, I disagree with this contention.

    Admittedly, mixed ability classes provide a better environment for childrens all-round

    development. In such classes, children with different abilities study together and in turn they can

    learn from one another. For example, a student, who is good at academic study but weak in dancing

    or painting, can learn how to dance or paint from his peers. In this sense, mixed ability classes allow

    students to develop their abilities in different subjects instead of only academic abilities.

    Despite the argument above, I believe screening students on the basis of ability brings more

    benefits to teachers and students. As for teachers, separating children with better academic abilities

    from others facilitates effective teaching. This practice helps teachers to control their students more

    conveniently and easily. Compared with mixed ability in which teacher sh ould consider studentsdifferences when they are using teaching methodologies, screening makes this situation simpler. To

    be more specific, students with the same level of academic ability in a class, can facilitate teachers

    to use the same methodologies for them all. In this way, the narrower the spread of ability in the

    class, the more convenient the teaching can be.

    On top of this, screening enables students to learn in an effective way. In case students with

    different abilities, they are taught in different ways that are more suitable for them. In the top

    streams, students use more difficult materials, therefore, they can learn more. In sharp contrast,

    teachers can explain the material more slowly to those in the bottom streams. Under this

    circumstance, students with different academic abilities can study effectively and efficiently.

    In the final analysis, mixed ability classes are beneficial for students all round development, but inmy opinion, segregating students based on different academic ability is better for both teachers and
