essa bin mohammed al zadjali interview

38 The 70s were the years of nation building and much thought and planning was put in by Oman’s wise leader. “Opportunities were in abundance but human and other resources were limited, yet I think the people of that time had a different element of strength. People of the 70s believed in hard work, focussed on building Oman, and were determined to walk the road less travelled Th ye bu mu an pu wi “O we

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Essa bin Mohammed Al Zadjali interview for People magzine



The 70s were the years of nation building and much thought and planning was put in by Oman’s wise leader. “Opportunities were in abundance but human and other resources were limited, yet I think the people of that time had a different element of strength. People of the 70s believed in hard work, focussed on building Oman, and were determined to walk the road less travelled



It was tough in the 70s. But the Omanis at that time were

tougher. They had no electricity, no water, no roads…they

had to travel long distances on foot in the sweltering heat.

Medical facilities were next to nil, services were non existent,

but the Omanis adjusted.

In fact, they were hardy, no nonsense people who had

nothing, so they set about to make everything. And they

made it!

Essa bin Mohammed Al Zadjali was one such man. Today,

he is the chairman and editor in chief of Times of Oman and

Al Shabiba, a columnist, a well known businessman and the

like…but, there was a time when even he had to start from


But, even when they were young, they were cut from a

different cloth; they had a strong mental make up…the boys

of that time were already men.

“When we used to get stung by scorpions, we would rub the

area vigorously and then just forget about it,” Essa Al Zedjali

says half jokingly and then sets about to enact what he used

to do as a young man when stung by a scorpion. “Rub it,

clean it and then we would forget about it,” he tells us from

his newspaper office.

He treks down a fond memory lane with us, detailing not

only his life as a businessman, media moghul, but also about

Oman during that early era. He spoke to us, peppering his

past notes with some interesting anecdotes.

“We used to treat scorpion stings like they were mosquito

bites,” Essa Zadjali laughs adding that they used to actually

flick away the scorpions like they were mere mosquitoes.

Tough man

Essa was and is a tough man – a product of that age, which

was naturally tough and so they had to be tougher. “Tough

times don’t last – tough people do,” Essa tells us quietly,

adding that the early days of Oman’s renaissance were tough.

“But we all happened to be tougher!”

The 1970s

Essa did not fritter away his youth, instead slowly worked his

way up the ladder. He was working in Abu Dhabi in the late

‘60s and returned to Oman after His Majesty Sultan Qaboos

bin Said came to power. “I came to Oman in September

1970 for just 10 days and went back to Abu Dhabi. But, in

February 1972, I came back again and joined the ministry of

foreign affairs as director of the consul department, handling

protocol, finance, administration. I must have been around

30 years then,” he recalled.

Nation building

The 70s were the years of nation building and much

thought and planning was put in by Oman’s wise leader.

“Opportunities were in abundance but human and other

resources were limited, yet I think the people of that time

had a different element of strength. People of the 70s

believed in hard work, focussed on building Oman, and were

determined to walk the road less travelled,” Essa said.

Step into the media world

More than anything, Essa is the man who brought out the

first-ever English newspaper in Oman. He has an interesting

tale as to what prompted him to do it: “While I was the

head of the consul department, I received a telex from

Singapore, from a company called Flying Tiger, which was

seeking permission to fly over Oman to go to the UK. At

the ministry of foreign affairs, it was part of my job portfolio

to give approval on a daily or annual basis. But what was

mentioned in the telex made my blood pressure go up.

The address in the telex said: ‘Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

Muscat, Oman, Saudi Arabia!’

“I was totally annoyed and irritated that the people who send

that telex did not even know that Oman was an independent

country. It was a diplomatic faux pas but I felt personally

offended. I did not reply to it immediately because at the

time I was boiling within.

Essa bin Mohammed Al ZadjaliMedia moghul who brought out the first English newspaper

First edition of the Times of Oman weekly on February 23, 1975

Weekly becomes a daily on January 1, 1991


First Consul General of Oman – 1975 to 1979

Announcing the first English daily, 1991

In Ras Al Khaimah, 1969

As part of ministry of foreign affairs delegation in the UK, 1975

In Cairo, 1964


I kept quiet for three days and by that time, I understood

that the telex actually reflected some truth.

“Oman was not known globally then; many countries in the

west and Europe and even in Asia did not know much about

our country. The Sultanate, at that time, did not have many

missions abroad and it had no television stations.

“Well, that episode really haunted me. What was it that I

could do to make the world know about Oman, I wondered?

What was that one medium that could communicate to the

outside world about Oman?

The Sultanate had an Arabic newspaper, but how many in

the west and outside world could read Arabic? It dawned

upon me that the lack of English media was one of the major

reasons for mistakes, misunderstandings between the Arab

world and the west. Thus the idea of starting the first English

newspaper germinated in my mind.

After I honed in on this idea, I made it a point to reply to

that telex stating that Oman was not part of Saudi Arabia;

that we are an independent country and our right address


February 23, 1975

By April 1974, Essa set about putting the English newspaper

project in to paper; worked out all the details and since he

already had a printing press --- the Oriental Printing Press

--- of his own, it was easier to plan. “At that time, His

Highness Sayyid Fahd bin Mahmoudh Al Said, was the

minister of information, and so I approached him. Sayyid

Fahd liked the concept and encouraged me and assured me

that his offices would support the venture.”

Essa did not waste any time after that: “We flew in Rana

Parvez-- our first editor -- from Jeddah.” Essa, and a late

colleague, Usman Al Raisi, began the initial work. “We had

typesetting and basic resources, and soon, we brought out

the first-ever English weekly named the Times of Oman on

February 23, 1975. The name choice was between Oman

Times and Times of Oman, I preferred the latter.

We printed 2000 copies of the first issue, with the photo of

His Majesty the Sultan on the front page and made a route

plan for circulation.

“There were already some big companies in Ruwi then:

Zubair, Al Hashar, Towell, MHD etc and also other

companies whom we included in our regular circulation. The

copies were sold at 200 baisas and received positive response.

All the publicity was by word-of-mouth and we had

many people coming and asking for copies. It was the first

newspaper to be printed locally too. The Arabic newspaper

Al Watan was then being printed in Beirut, Lebanon,” Essa


Greatest challenge

The greatest challenge before Essa was to bring out an

English weekly with no news agencies, no newsrooms, no

internet, no transport and roads, no circulation lists, no

subscriptions, no means to find out what the reader profiles

were, or what the readers required. “But the satisfaction was

that we started speaking to the world in a language they

understood: English!”

Times of Oman became a daily on January 1, 1991. “Today we

have progressed along with the media of other nations; we

have two printing presses and 11 publications. We also print

other group publications in our printing press, allowing a

healthy competition in the local media industry.

Oman is growing by leaps and bounds and I hope to see

more and more newspapers and publications coming out and

a thriving media industry in the years to come!”

50s, 60s, 70s

“There are thousands of life experiences that taught us the

way of life. Times were tough, but people were tougher. We

faced every challenge, because we had no other options and

we had a mind that motivated us to stride ahead. Our leader,

His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said, led the way, showing

us the path to progress. He was the ultimate example we

all could have and all we needed was to march behind him,

forward. We lived with the bare necessities, with little or

no resources, no air conditioners, no electricity, no roads...

nothing! But our minds and attitudes were always positive.

Two and half days to reach Fahud

“Today Oman has different challenges, but it has an

abundance of resources too. Let me tell you a story about

how I used to travel to Fahud to give you an idea of how

complicated and difficult travelling was in those days. I used

to work at the PDO in the 50s as a translator.

The first time I ever went there was like this: I had three

options to go to Fahud. The first one was by boat to Duqm,

and then by a land rover to Fahud, second option was to fly

to Sharjah and go to Fahud from there. The third way was to

go to Khabourah by camel to Ibri and to Fahud.

I took the Khabourah route, paid OMR2 for a front seat ride

till Khabourah and my relative Hassan Al Zadjali arranged a

camel for me to go to Ibri. After a two-day, two-night travel

I reached Ibri around 5am. I took a Land Rover to reach

Fahud PDO camp.”

Essa worked there for a brief period under a British senior

who thought his junior was more of a rebel and so when he

came on leave to Muscat, he was dismissed from service. He

didn’t have to return!

Easy life makes people soft

“I remember even a sting from a scorpion was not considered

a big thing. It was treated like a mosquito bite; a little bit of

natural oil or balm took care of the poison and sting. Food

was limited, and it was always bread and tea and dates.

We had no complaints and since life was tough, we grew

up as tough people. Tough times don’t last, tough people

do. Today, the younger generation is used to the luxuries of

life; probably, easy life makes them all vulnerable and soft.

In spite of life being tough, we were happy and had our own

means of entertainment; in fact, we found entertainment in

our own way. I remember a game of luck, which we used to

play: It required two to play this game. We would to place

coins for both of the players and would then wait for a fly to

sit on one of them. When a fly sits on one coin, the owner of

that coin gets to take both coins! He would win! We made

the most of what we had, that is what I mean to say!”


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