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ESP WORSHIP CENTRE | Monthly Newsletter Edify Reloaded Issue: # 2 March 2016 Dear Friend, This month we will celebrate the greatest event in the Christian calendar; the crucifixion and resurrection of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. The predominant portrait of Christ in our culture is Jesus on the cross. We desperately need a vision of the crucified Christ, but that is not where Jesus is today. Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father, in power and glory. What we need today is a vision of the resurrected Christ. Let me remind you what Jesus is doing all day, every day. He is pleading our case in heaven before the Father. It was unconditional love that led Jesus to the cross and it is unconditional love that causes Him to intercede for us daily. You can live an overcoming life because He is in your corner and loves you more than you will ever know. Rev. Joseph Persaud Senior Pastor, ESP Worship Centre LOVE, MARRIAGE AND FAMILY By Vishnu Manoon The Family Day weekend kicked off with the youths heading off to Rochester, NY for "Winterfest 2016". It was the first time both of our children were away at the same time, a situation that was also true for a number of ESP parents. In keeping with our theme, Pastor Joseph Persaud delivered another timely and rather interesting sermon challenging the congregation to rise to their highest place of honour in the Body of Christ. It was a message for the married, those thinking about marriage, and those who knew someone that is married. In fact, it was "all inclusive". SIX BIBLICAL REASONS FOR MARRIAGE In This Issue Love, Marriage and Family The Greatest Of These A Living Miracle Feisty and Strong- Willed Bible School Champions of Excellence God is In Your Details Quick Links ESP Website Devotionals Give Online Photo Credits ESP Media Team Page 1 of 12 EDIFY Reloaded | ESP Newsletter

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ESP WORSHIP CENTRE | Monthly Newsletter

Edify Reloaded Issue: # 2 March 2016

Dear Friend,

This month we will celebrate the greatest event in the Christian calendar; the crucifixion and resurrection of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. The predominant portrait of Christ in our culture is Jesus on the cross. We desperately need a vision of the crucified Christ, but that is not where Jesus is today. Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father, in power and glory. What we need today is a vision of the resurrected Christ.

Let me remind you what Jesus is doing all day, every day. He is pleading our case in heaven before the Father. It was unconditional love that led Jesus to the cross and it is unconditional love that causes Him to intercede for us daily. You can live an overcoming life because He is in your corner and loves you more than you will ever know.

Rev. Joseph PersaudSenior Pastor, ESP Worship Centre


The Family Day weekend kicked off with the youths heading off to Rochester, NY for "Winterfest 2016". It was the first time both of our children were away at the same time, a situation that was also true for a number of ESP parents.

In keeping with our theme, Pastor Joseph Persaud delivered another timely and rather interesting sermon challenging the congregation to rise to their highest place of honour in the Body of Christ. It was a message for the married, those thinking about marriage, and those who knew someone that is married. In fact, it was "all inclusive".


In This Issue

Love, Marriage and Family

The Greatest Of These

A Living Miracle

Feisty and Strong-Willed

Bible School

Champions of Excellence

God is In Your Details

Quick Links

ESP Website Devotionals Give Online

Photo Credits

ESP Media Team

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Page 2: ESP WORSHIP CENTRE | Monthly · 2016. 3. 10. · His church here on earth. Ephesians chapters 5 21-25 and 6:1-2 outline

Outlining God's plan and purpose for marriage and the family and the roles of the husband, wife and children in the family, our Pastor used six "P's" as an aid to present God's Word with humour and Biblical correctness.

• Procreation: In Genesis 1:28 Adam and First Lady Eve were commanded "to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth." This means actually having children, God Himself solemnised the relationship after creating and fashioning the woman and bringing her to Adam. Procreation can only occur between a man and a woman, it is the only means of securing and continuing a future generation and should only be practiced when tied by holy wedlock. God has a plan and a purpose for marriage and the family. He is the One who defined it and no one else has the power to redefine what God has ordained. It is also noteworthy to observe that Satan did not tempt Adam before he was joined to Eve. Satan knew that the family is the fabric and building block of a civilized society. Satan tried and is still trying today to destroy marriage and the family. We need to be aware of his schemes and fight against it.

• Pleasure: Hebrews 13:14 confirms God's approval for sexual intimacy, "Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled." God in His wisdom created us with emotions that can be stimulated very easily. The first time the word "wife" is mentioned in the Bible, it also instructed man to "leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh" (Gen. 2:24). The first time husband is mentioned, is during the temptation (Gen. 3:6). Hint, there might be lesson in this.

• Partnership: Another reason why God created marriage was for partnership. And the Lord God said, "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet (a helper comparable to him)." Although it is better for some individuals to remain single, there are significant benefits in marriage. It is the coming together of two individuals from different backgrounds to form a single unit - The Family. In God's mathematics it is 1+1=1, a mystery in itself.

• Purity: Temptation will always be an issue we have to struggle with. The human heart is deceptive. To help us out, God gave us some very specific instructions. In 1 Cor. 7:2 we are told " avoid fornication, Let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband." There is a call for leaving and cleaving (Gen.2:24). The bed should remain undefiled (Heb. 13:4).

• Protection: As men, it is instinctive to protect our family. There is always an inclination to keep a watchful eye on our children: to try and choose their friends, etc. although this is not possible. We understand the dangers that lurk in the darkness, and the enemy's ploy to lull them away from the truth of God's Word. We are to care for and protect not only our children, but also our spouses as we protect ourselves. Eph. 5:29 tells us just as a man cannot hate his own flesh, so also with our spouse. We are one: (1+1=1), we need to love and cherish our family and continually pray that God will build and keep a hedge of protection around them.

• Picture: God in His infinite wisdom chose the family as a picture of His church here on earth. Ephesians chapters 5 21-25 and 6:1-2 outline the responsibilities associated with each member of the family: husband love your wife as Christ loves the Church, wife support your

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husband, children obey your parents, fathers do not provoke your children to anger. The family represents the Unity of the Trinity.

Picture this, a marriage Partnership sealed in Purity brings Protection to the relationship and permits Pleasure with a purpose for Procreation.

I cannot fail to mention the relevant, but hilarious story Pastor told about a King and his friend. In fact, I greatly encourage you to check out the video archive on for 02/14/16 for details.

The Greatest Of TheseBy Elizabeth Chapman

"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:13

February 14th generally represents a time of love and joy. This year, we had the privilege of celebrating Valentine's Day in proximity to another important day... Family Day! These special days allowed us to acknowledge and cherish the great people God has placed in our lives along this journey.

Fortunately, both days fell over the weekend allowing us to celebrate them at no better place than at our home away from home, East Scarborough Pentecostal. This service was different. Everyone appeared to be happier, filled with much love and joy. There was a beautiful duet by Iphrana and Pierre Henry relating the Church to the Bride of the Lord, telling of His great love for us. There were short sermons by three mighty men of God who presented their unique perspectives of the concepts of love and family, touching on how to build stronger families and more romantic relationships.

To highlight the concepts that create lasting and healthy relationships, four couples who have been married for varying periods of time were interviewed, seeking the keys to their success in the process.

Patrick and Leah Lasala (5 months)

Communicate, compromise and be patience. Pray, nothing else works; arguing doesn't work. Praying definitely helps, along with reading the Word and remaining focused on the principles outlined in it. We also listen to older couples who encourage us. Last but not least, we remind ourselves why we're together. It is vital to keep looking good for

each other and spending time together which eventually spark things.

Sam and Mardai Katrayan (59 years)

"When you put Jesus in between, He solves all your problems. All you have to do is trust in Him and

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ensure that He is always the centre of the relationship.

Pray about it and never go to bed angry. If possible, try to resolve your problems before the night is through.

Vishnu and Devi Manoon (20 years)

Devi: My greatest challenge in family life has been bringing up our boys. I come from a family of seven girls and one boy. So my husband had to teach me how to bring up the boys. "My challenge was convincing her to let the boys be boys!" (Vishnu)

Put on the kettle and set it at the right temperature. Marriage is something you have to cultivate. Like everything else, if you want it to grow, you have to cultivate it. Sometimes it comes artificially, sometimes you have to think about what you need, sometimes you have to be spontaneous and it requires time. With God in control and God having first place in your life, it makes it easier. God's word is the ultimate principle that we follow and that's what has really kept us.

Renalo and Marissa Tahal (4 years)

First of all, living together has been completely new coming from different family dynamics, but we overcame it. The devil has his own agenda and he will try to break you especially when you serve the Lord together, but we overcame. Another challenge was really understanding each other's strengths and weaknesses, and coming together to fill the gaps.

Through the grace of God, constantly seeking His Word and having a few mentors, God has really made the difference in our marriage. We realized that only He could make our relationship with Him and each other even stronger.

"... for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day." (2 Timothy 1: 12)

A Living MiracleBy Briana Tracey

Approximately 34 of our youth boarded the bus to Rochester, New York for the annual Church of God youth conference, Winterfest. This conference presents amazing opportunities to connect with the Saviour. Many youths who had never lifted their hands during worship, gone up to the altar for

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prayer, or gotten down on their knees and prayed, got to experience that at Winterfest. Many youths who found they were going back into the world were able to hear the voice of God that weekend.

Winterfest 2016 was a life changing experience for almost all of the youth. Many came back to Toronto with testimonies that can bless another person.

Niressa Hassan who attended Winterfest for the very first time shared what her life was before Winterfest, her experience at Winterfest, and what how it impacted her life after returning home.

"Before Winterfest, being a Christian was the most unimportant thing to me. I was too busy with all the fun of being 16. From the first service I witnessed myself being transformed. By the last night, the Holy Spirit filled and transformed me. Usually, at Church I'd see people cry and

shout to God and stretch their hands out. I never understood why, until the last service at Winterfest. I hadn't even realized my arms were as high as they could go and I could not control the water that was running out of my eyes.

I never in my life thought I would have been saved. I am a living miracle of Salvation and I intend to spend the rest of my life praising Him and living the way I should." Niressa was especially touched by Saturday night's message delivered by JC Worley.

He spoke on living like Lazarus (John 11). Worley spoke on the 3 R's: Remove, Release and Respond. JC Worley stood out to a lot of people because he was the guy who smashed an iPhone, laptop and a can of beer during his message. Those are some of the things that are distracting us that we needed to remove out of our lives. "Imagine if you spent as much time as you do texting, in His Text, imagine if you spent as much time as you do on Facebook, in His Book." - JC Worley.

With the different age group of students who attended, everyone had something amazing to say about their experience at Winterfest and how it impacted their lives.

"Aside from the bed times and waking up, I rate it 10/10" -Julian Fung.

Christian Persaud when asked to describe Winterfest in one word: "Blessed. I can't wait until next year. The best part of Winterfest was the worship because the team was very good and everyone was standing up. You barely saw

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someone sitting down. And when they called people up to the altar, 90% of the people went up."

During praise and worship, the Presence of God was so sweet. The room was filled with so many people, it was almost contagious to sing and worship. It was the first time I heard so many people call out to Jesus throughout a period of time.

Brothers, Adil and Zahir Khan had touching testimonies: Zahir said he learned, "There is only one God and Winterfest was powerful and we should come to church to learn the Word and worship the Lord." I would rate Winterfest, "12/10" and "God is the only Saviour and He heals and saves" (Adil). It was nice that Adil and Zahir were able to experience Winterfest for the first time. They were truly blessed.

The weekend was an amazing experience for every single one of the youth and the leaders as well. Esther Boothe shared her experience. "It was blessed. Curtis Bridgeman has a deep anointing when he does praise and worship. My favourite speaker was Reggie Dabbs, at the end he had youth leaders hug the youth they are mentoring because a lot of the youth were waiting for that hug and to hear someone say they're proud of them. A lot of them got very emotional." Esther had some very positive feedback on her experience and how happy she was about the impact just a hug had on the youth.

God put a message in Reggie Dabbs to share with the youth that was close to indescribable. It brought people to tears even before the altar call. Reggie Dabbs message was "Going the Wrong Way", many of us find ourselves going down the wrong path; some go down that path again more than once. But God is telling us, it's not too late! Right now is that time, turn it around before it is too late and we miss our calling.

After hearing the many testimonies from our youth, I believe this year's Winterfest was the best and most powerful. It not only had a great impact on my life, but every single one of the youth who attended. Our Leaders and the Speakers continue to remind us that, although we may return back home and are faced with reality we still have to keep the fire going. God isn't only in Rochester, He is everywhere and if we continue to pray and follow His word that fire will continue to burn.

With awe inspiring musical worship, Spirit filled keynote speakers Deven & Kevin Wallace, JC Worley, Reggie Dabbs and a high energy gospel concert featuring Trip Lee, it is something many youths and young adults look forward to all year long. For

those unable to attend, the entire Conference was streamed online at Some of our youth, leaders and parents got an opportunity to be blessed right along with us.

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Feisty and Strong-Willed By Dianne Persaud

As a leader, teacher, mentor and parent, the greatest joy of my life was witnessing my spiritual sister on her knees, tears pouring down her cheeks, in total submission to God. For in that moment, I knew that my prayers had been answered and that God had gripped her life in such a way that she would never turn back.

This journey began years ago when a little, feisty, strong-willed, know-it-all girl shared her discontentment of being judged for just wanting to be a normal teenager; one whom was not ready to settle for Christianity because someone expected her to. The world was at her fingertips and she felt she needed to explore it, discover herself and ultimately, have fun the way teenage girls do. After all, she had her "whole life ahead of (her) and there'd be lots of time to choose Christ."... and then I saw it - myself.

I will never forget that Sunday when Charissa Johnson uttered those words to me. It was like a flashback to my rebellious teenage years where I was determined to do what I wanted and not allow 'the church' to dictate who I would be. Yes, like many, I went through the motions. I knew how to walk the walk and talk the talk, when I was expected to, but in my heart and spirit there was a war raging.

You see, like Charissa, I was raised in the church, I knew right from wrong. I wanted happiness and was willing to look in all the wrong places. It was then that God placed a burden upon my heart for her. It seemed that no amount of prayer, words of encouragement or time I invested would change her. She was going to do what she wanted and there was no place for God in her life.

A few months ago, I started noticing changes in this young woman's conduct, conversation and commitment. The feisty, strong-willed girl was becoming a refined young woman.

On Sunday, January 31st, I was privileged to witness God's anointing upon her life. As a regular dancer in ESP, we had seen Charissa dance many times, but this Sunday there was something supernatural. As she gracefully danced to, "Never would have made it" I realized she was testifying of what God was doing in her life. It was very clear that we were witnessing the transforming power of the Holy Spirit on her life and she was dancing under the anointing.

Two weeks later, as I stood praying in the Rochester Convention Centre at Winterfest, I heard someone crying and praying quite loudly. As I turned to my left, I noticed my 9 year old daughter, Alyssa, dazed and confused at what she was witnessing. I was so elated to see that feisty, strong-willed young lady I had prayed for time and time again, was on her knees, broken... she had

final abandoned her heart, her reservations and was on fire.

It was evident that she was being filled and was shouting in tongues. There are no words to explain the joy that overcame me in that moment.

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I encourage you today, lift someone up in prayer. Not because they ask, but because there are so many who are hungry and thirsty for righteousness. We ought to stand in the gap and never give up on those feisty, strong-willed young men and women who so desperately are searching for salvation and just don't know it. Remember, there is no such thing as too much prayer, too much love or too much support.

"Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord." ( Exodus 14:13)

A New Semester is About to Begin!

We are excited to let you know that this semester we will be studying the books of Psalms and Proverbs. These books, which form part of the poetical books in the bible, provide practical wisdom for everyday living and will surely have an amazing impact on your devotional life.

If you are interested in increasing your faith and desire to serve in God's kingdom, this course is for you! Registration is only $25. Classes will be held every Wednesday night, commencing March 23 to June 23. For those unable to join in person, online study is available. Videos of each of the sessions, as well as the course notes, will be posted on our website. Please visit for more details.

"Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15)."

Champions of Excellence - ESP Homework ClubBy Adon Irani

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We belong to a Church that cares about people and puts value in leadership. From the van drivers to the Ushers, from Deacons, to coordinators in multiple Ministries, from prayer leaders and intercessors, to expositors, we have truly been blessed with the women and men in our midst who love Christ. Under the leadership of Bishop Joseph Persaud, and with the guidance of the entire Pastoral team, East Scarborough Pentecostal Church of God is a Spirit-filled house of worship.

One of the newest Ministries is Champions of Excellence (COE). Spearheaded by Pastor Donnie Persaud, COE is a mentorship and recognition program with the objective of helping students achieve excellence in academics and other areas of their life. The program provides assistance to students from kindergarten to grade 12, and has even extended to College and University students.

The vision is to seek to inspire students to develop the heart of a champion and teach students to operate with a spirit of excellence. To accomplish this mission, we are providing coaching and tutoring to our students. The COE Ministry runs a weekly homework club, through the regular contributions of 15 dedicated coaches.

From September through to June, for 2 hours every Sunday immediately after Service, our coaches are meeting with students and providing coaches on a variety of subjects like math, geography, french, biology, chemistry, reading, writing, social sciences, and art. Over the period of the past few years, we have offered several hundred hours of tutoring!

The second arm of this Ministry is the recognition of excellence in our students from across the following categories: Academic, Athletics, Arts, Community, Faith. In Fall 2015, we recognized our first Champion of Excellence, Ashley Henery, for excellence in academic, faith, and community. Ashley shared a powerful testimony of how the Lord is working in her life. Truly we are blessed to have such aspirational

young leaders in our midst.

We will soon be recognizing our next student champion. The Church has been receiving nominations, and we welcome members to put forth names of students who demonstrate the heart of a champion in their own ways.

If you would like to arrange coaching or tutoring for a student, please contact Adon, Homework Club Coordinator ([email protected]) or Vashti, Homework Club Admin ([email protected]).

For more information about this Ministry and to download student nominations forms or application forms to become a Champion Coach, please visit:

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God is In Your Details By Donnie Persaud

As I stepped off the plane a couple weeks ago, I was embraced by the warm sun and greeted by my old friends, the mosquitoes. Refusing to high-five these so-called friends, I quickly made my way through the airport, and after a surprisingly short ride, I arrived at my destination. The veranda, or balcony as we would say, with its comfortable hammock and cool island breeze, would become my office for the next few days on this mission trip. Ok, it's not an island but the breeze was refreshing.

A couple days later, young people from churches across Guyana came together at Harvest Time Church of God for their national youth convention. The sanctuary was filled to capacity and then some. I consider every opportunity to minister the Word both a privilege and a great responsibly. Only after much prayer and preparation was I ready for this assignment. As I shared on the theme, "Stand Out", the Lord showed up in a powerful way. By their shouts of agreement and excited faces, but more importantly their response to the Word at the altar, it was evident the God touched the hearts of these young people. Nothing brings me greater joy than to see young people engaged in passionate prayer, reaching out to God, through tears and varied circumstances, and surrendering their all to Him.

Imagine a room filled with energetic kids, with a short attention span. Although not originally part of the itinerary, that's where I was headed next. The opportunity to speak into the lives of students at a local school from different backgrounds was a great blessing. As Guyana has the highest rate of suicide in the world, I was deliberate in addressing this issue and providing

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a message of hope. Unlike in North America, I was able to speak freely about Jesus and lead in a salvation prayer. Connecting with the students afterwards and praying with one young girl in particular struggling with thoughts of giving up, really touched my heart.

Every moment of this trip was fulfilling but ministering at Agape Assembly of God was special indeed. Founded by my parents many years ago, my early childhood days were spent in this church. To stand on this stage and declare the Word of God was a humbling and unique experience to say the least. Both services were powerful, in particular the final night where the altar was filled with people thirsty for more of God. Under the leadership of Pastor Derek Anderson, the seed planted in this community years ago, continues to flourish today for God's glory.

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You don't have to travel to another country to be a source of light. Every day we are presented with opportunities to speak a word of encouragement or do something kind for others. We say that the 'devil is in the details.' Yes its true we need to review the details carefully to avoid undesired outcomes. But I've learned that God is in the details. He controls every detail and if we look carefully, we will find Him in our details. That nudging in your heart, recurring thought, or unusual conversation could just be God trying to get your attention and guide your steps. You see, I was not planning to stay in Guyana an extra day. But my grandfather kept encouraging me to stay one more day to relax. It was on this 'extra' day that I spoke at the school and ministered at Agape for the final night. God was in the detail and His purpose prevailed.

"Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it's the Lord's purpose that prevails (Proverbs 19:21)." If we take the time to look and listen, we will find God in our details, and as we respond, His purpose will prevail.

About UsESP Worship Centre is a multi-ethnic, loving and supportive body of kingdom focused individuals. ESP is called to Evangelize the lost, Exalt the Lord in worship, Encourage the believers in fellowship, Edify the church through discipleship and to Equip the saints for service.

East Scarborough Church of God, 869 Progress Avenue, Scarborough, Ontario M1H

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