esp developing material final

English for Specific Purposes MATERIAL DEVELOPMENT FOR HOUSEMAID WORKING IN HONG KONG Oktari Aneliya (2215081412) 08 Dik A Reg

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English material for housemaid worker


Page 1: Esp developing material final

English for Specific




Oktari Aneliya

(2215081412) 08 Dik A Reg

Page 2: Esp developing material final

How is it operated?

Do you know these things?

In this unit you are expected to be able to use household appliances such as washing machine,

microwave, coffee maker, and bread toaster by listening to some dialogues and reading some

manuals about how those things work.



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Can you use washing machine?

Look at this washing machine manual book and discuss with your friends the

function of each part!

Before we learn how to use washing machine, let’s get to know the

function of each part in the washing machine

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Page 5: Esp developing material final

Task 1.

Match the picture with its fuction!

1. Detergent department

Tempat pakaian

2. Drum

Tempat detergen

3. Temperature button

Tombol untuk mengatur kecepatan

4. Spin speed button

Tombol untuk mengeluarkan air cucian

5. Super rinse button

Tombol untuk mengatur suhu

6. Program selector button

Tombol untuk memulai/memberhentikan proses pencucian

7. Start/stop button

Tombol untuk mematikan atau meyalakan mesin cuci

8. Opening button

Pintu mesin cuci

9. Main power switch

Tombol untuk memilih kecepatan putaran mesin cuci sesuai dengan jenis bahan pakaian

10. Washer door

Tombol untuk membuka pintu mesin cuci

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Vocabulary bank

Vocabulary Meaning Vocabulary Meaning

1. Sort Pilih 11. Press Tekan

2. Laundry Pakaian 12. Remove Keluarkan

3. Turn on Nyalakan 13. Turn off Matikan

4. Power switch Tombol daya 14. Speed Kecepatan

5. Open Buka 15. Temperature Suhu

6. Load Masukan 16. Rinse Bilas

7. Washer door Pintu mesin cuci 17. Spin Putar

8. Add Tambahkan 18. Drain Mengeluarkan air

9. Select Pilih 19. Turn Putar

10. Close Tutup 20. Fabric softener Pelembut pakaian

Task 2

Listen to the dialogue and complete these blanks!

Pariyem : ……………… (1) how to use this washing machine, ma’am?

Ling-ling : Ok Pariyem. First, ……….. (2) the main power switch. Second, ……… (3) the

washer door and load the washing.

Pariyem : Ok ma’am.

Ling-ling : Then, ………. (4) detergent and fabric softener to the detergent compartment.

And then, ……….. (5) the program to adjust kind of fabric you wash. Do you


Pariyem : Yes, ma’am.

Ling-ling : After that, ………… (6) options and settings to adjust the temperature and the

speed. Next, …………. (7) the door and ………. (8) the Start/Stop button. Then,

…….. (9) the laundry. Finally, ………. (10) the main power switch. That’s all. Can

you do it?

Pariyem : Yes I can ma’am. Thank you.

Task 3

After completing the dialogue above, practice the dialoge with your friend

Now you have known the function of each part of washing machine, after

that you will learn how to use the washing machine by listening to the

instruction and reading the manual book.

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Expression bank

Expression Meaning 1. Could you tell me how to operate

washing machine? Bisakah anda memberitahu saya bagaimana cara menggunakan mesin cuci?

2. Do you mind telling me how to use washing machine?

Apakah anda keberatan memberitahu saya bagaimana cara menggunakan mesin cuci?

3. Excuse me ma’am/sir, I want to know how to use this machine

Permisi nyonya/tuan, saya ingin tahu bagaimana cara menggunakan mesin ini

4. Excuse me ma’am/sir, I don’t know how to use this thing, do you mind telling me how to use it?

Permisi nyonya/tuan, saya tidak mengerti bagaimana cara menggunakan benda ini, apakah anda berkeberatan untuk memberitahu saya cara menggunakannya?

Read this washing machine manual book and discuss with your friend

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Task 4

What do these instructions mean? Match these instructions with their meanings!

Instructions Meanings 1. Sort your laundry a. Tambahkan detergen dan pelembut

pakaian 2. Turn on the main power switch. b. Pilih opsi dan pengaturan

3. Open the washer door and load the washing.

c. Tutup pintu dan tekan tombol start/stop

4. Add detergent and fabric softener, as required.

d. Matikan tombol daya

5. Select the program. e. Buka pintu dan masukkan pakaian

6. Select options and settings. f. Nyalakan mesin cuci 7. Select temperature by pressing the

temperature button g. Pisahkan jenis pakaian

8. Close the door and press the Start/Stop button.

h. Pilih program pencucian

9. Remove the laundry. i. Pilih suhu dengan menekan tombol temperature

10. Turn off the main power switch j. Keluarkan cucian dari mesin

At this time you have learnt how to use washing machine. Now, let’s

learn how to use other machine that you usually use in home.

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Can you use microwave?

Look at this microwave manual book and discuss with your friends the function

of each part!

Before we learn how to use microwave, let’s get to know the function

of each part in microwave

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Task 5

Match the picture with its fuction!

1. Display window

Piringan untuk menaruh makanan

2. Turntable

Tombol untuk menghilangkan bekuan es

3. Number pad

Tombol untuk menambah waktu 1 menit penggunaan alat

4. Defrost button

Tombol untuk mulai menggunakan microwave

5. Start button

Tombol untuk mengatur waktu penggunaan microwave

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6. Add 1. Min button

Layar menu

7. Stop/cancel button

Tombol untuk meyalakan microwave

8. Power button

Tombol untuk mengatur penggunaan microwave jika jenis makanan yang ingin dihangatkan/dimasak tidak terdapat didalam memori microwave

9. Clock button

Tombol untuk mengatur waktu

10. Learn button

Tombol untuk memberhentikan/memberhentikan alat untuk sementara

Vocabulary bank

Vocabulary Meaning 1. Prepare Siapkan

2. Place Letakkan 3. Set Atur

4. Turntable Piring putar

5. Select Pilih 6. Reduce Kurangi

7. Digits Angka

8. Cancel Membatalkan 9. Reach Mencapai

10. Interrupt Menyela

11. Feature Keistimewaan

12. Multiple Kelipatan 13. Begin Memulai

14. Container Wadah

15. Appear Muncul

Now you have known the function of each part of microwave, after that

you will learn how to use the microwave by listening to the instruction

and reading the manual book.

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Task 6

Listen to the dialogue and complete these blanks!

Gong Li : Sarinem

Sarinem : Yes ma’am

Gong Li : Can you use this microwave?

Sarinem : I’m afraid I …… (1)ma’am

Gong Li : ok. I’ll tell you. It’s very easy. First ………. (2)the food and ……… (3) it in a

microwave-safe container. After that ……. (4) it in the center of the ……… (5)

and close the oven door. Do you get it?

Sarinem : Yes ma’am

Gong Li : Then ……. (6) a power level until P.10 appears in the display window or you

can ……… (7) the level. Next set the cooking time. Use the digits on ……… (8) to

set the time, for example to …….. (9) a cooking time of one minute and thirty

seconds, press in sequence 1 3 0, “Push start” will appear in the display

window. Ok now show me the cooking time for thirty minutes!

Sarinem : Here it is ma’am

Gong Li : Ok good, now ……… (10) start to start cooking. That’s all Sarinem. You can

read the manual book for complete information

Sarinem : Ok ma’am. Thank you for the information.

Task 7

After completing the dialogue above, practice the dialoge with your friend!

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Read this washing machine manual book and discuss with your friend

Task 8

What do these instructions mean? Match these instructions with their meanings!

Instruction Meaning 1. Place your food in a microwave-safe

package or container Letakkan makanan dengan benar di tengah-tengah piring putar

2. Set your food carefully in the center of the turntable

Letakkan makanan di dalam wadah yang aman bagi microwave

3. close the oven door securely masukan waktu untuk memasak dengan menekan tombol angka-angka yang ada di bantalan angka.

4. Press POWER to select the power setting Tekan START untuk memulai masak

5. Enter the desired cooking time by pressing the digits on the number pad

Tekan STOP/CANCEL sekali dan masukkan kembali lamanya waktu yang diinginkan untuk memasak jika terjadi kesalahan atau ingin menggantinya

6. press STOP/CANCEL one time and re-enter the desired power setting and cooking time If you make a mistake or decide to change the cooking time

Tekan POWER untuk memilih pengaturan daya

7. Press START to begin cooking Tekan ADD 1 MIN untuk menambah waktu 1 menit memasak

8. Press the door release to open the door Keluarkan makanan dari microwave

9. remove your food Tekan tombol door release untuk membuka pintu microwave

10. press ADD 1 MIN. to add one more minute of cooking time at high power.

Tutup pintu microwave dengan hati-hati

At this time you have learnt how to use microwave. Now, let’s learn

how to use other machine that you usually use in home.

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Can you use coffee maker?

Look at this coffee maker manual book and discuss with your friends the

function of each part!

Before we learn how to use coffee maker, let’s get to know the

function of each part in coffee maker

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Task 9.

Match the picture with its fuction!

1. Water window marking

Penunjuk waktu dan hari serta status pembuatan kopi

2. LCD display

Penunjuk seberapa banyak air yang diperlukan dalam memasak kopi

3. On/off button

Tombol untuk memasukan hari atau mulainya program

4. Time button

Tombol untuk mengatur lamanya menit dalam menggunakan coffee maker

5. Hour button

Tombol untuk mengatur lamanya jam menggunakan coffee maker

6. Minute button

Tombol untuk menyalakan atau mematikan coffee maker

7. Program button

Tombol untuk mengatur waktu pembuatan kopi

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8. Select button

Tempat penyimpanan kabel

9. Cord storage

Tempat cairan kopi

10. Carafe

Tombol untuk mengatur penggilingan

Vocabulary bank

vocabulary meaning vocabulary meaning vocabulary meaning 1. Reservoir tempat

penyimpanan 6. Storage penyimpanan 11. Plug steker

2. Lift angkat 7. Extraction pencampuran 12. Fill mengisi

3. Pour tuangkan 8. Toggle beralih 13. Remove singkirkan

4. Brew masakan 9. Grind menggiling 14. Bean coffee

bji kopi

5. Carafe kendi 10. Flow aliran 15. Scoop sendok

Read this washing machine manual book and discuss with your friend

Now you have known the function of each part of washing machine, after

that you will learn how to use the washing machine by reading the manual


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Task 10

What do these instructions mean? Match these instructions with their meanings!

1. Plug the Coffee Maker into 120V~60Hz outlet angkat penutup penyimpanan air

2. Fill the reservoir with cold, fresh water colok coffee maker pada otlet sebesar 120V-60Hz 3. Place the carafe securely onto warming plate isi wadah penyimpan air dengan air dingin

4. Remove the filter basket lid. pilih penggilingan yang diinginkan dengan menekan Mill.4 (penggilingan sedang)

5. Select the desired grind setting by pressing Mill. 4 (medium grind), the default setting, appears in the display.

letakkan kendi diatas piringan penghangat

6. Press On/Off the coffee mill will begin grinding the coffee beans (if a grind setting was

Untuk mematikan coffe maker, tekan on/off

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7. When brewing is complete HEAT ON will clear from the display

Tekan tmbol on/off, penggiling kopi akan mulai menggiling biji kopi

8. To turn off the Coffee Maker, press On/Off. ketika pemasakan kopi selesai, HEAT ON akan tampil pada layar

At this time you have learnt how to use washing machine. Now, let’s

learn how to use other machine that you usually use in home.

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Can you use bread toaster?

Look at this bread toaster manual book and discuss with your friends the

function of each part!

Before we learn how to use bread toaster, let’s get to know the

function of each part in the bread toaster

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Task 11.

Match the picture with its fuction!

1. Bread insert

Tombol untuk mengatur warna kecoklatan pada roti

2. Electronic variable browning control

Tombol untuk memanaskan roti

3. Bread release

Tombol untuk mengelurkan roti

4. Defrost button

Tempat memasukkan roti

5. Reheat button

Tombol untuk menghilangkan bekuan pada roti

Vocabulary bank

vocabulary meaning

vocabulary meaning

1. Reheat panaskan 5. Pop up keluar 2. Release keluarkan 6. Toast memanggang

3. Insert masukkan 7. Frozen


4. Plug steker 8. Carriage control

tombol untuk memasukkan dan mengeluarkan roti

Now you have known the function of each part of bread toaster, after that

you will learn how to use the breaad toaster by reading the manual book.

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Task 12

What do these instructions mean? Match these instructions with their meanings!

Instruction Meaning 1. Insert the plug into a suitable main supply

socket and turn the power on. letakkan 2 potongan roti, muffin atau bagel kedalam tempat roti

2. Place two slices of bread, muffins or bagels into the bread slots.

pilih warna kecoklatan pada roti yang diinginkan. Dari no 1 sampai no 7 pada pengaturan warna kecokelatan pada roti.

3. Select the desired browning setting, from No.1 to No.7 on the browning control knob (No.1 lightest, No.7 – darkest).

tekan kontrol penarikan sampai kebawah hingga berbunyi “klik”

4. Press the carriage control lever down until it clicks into place.

untuk memanggang roti yang beku, letakkan roti ke dalam tempat roti dan pilih warna kecoklatan pada roti. Tekan kontrol penarikan sampai kebawah hingga berbunyi “klik”. Kemudian tekan tombol frozen.

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5. The toaster turns off when the desired toast colour is achieved and automatically pops up the toast.

colokkan steker dan nyalakan alat pemanggang roti

6. To toast frozen bread, place the bread into the bread slots and select the desired browning Setting. Press the carriage control lever down until it clicks into place. Then press the Frozen Button.

pemanggang akan mati apabila warna kocaklatan pada roti yang diinginkan telah dicapai dan roti otomatis akan keluar.

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Evaluation of unit 2

Task 1

You will hear instructions of using washing machine. your task is to arrange these pictures based on

the instruction given. Put the correct number beside the picture!

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Task 2

Read this instruction of using microwave and then answer the following questions based on the text

1. Where do you put the food before it is set in the microwave?

2. How do we reduce the power setting?

3. What do you press if you want to set the cooking time?

4. What do you do after set the cooking time?

5. What do you do if you want to change the cooking time?

Task 3

This is the instruction how to operate bread toaster. Write down those meanings!

Instruction Meaning 1. Insert the plug into a suitable main supply

socket and turn the power on.

2. Place two slices of bread, muffins or bagels into the bread slots.

3. Select the desired browning setting, from No.1 to No.7 on the browning control knob (No.1 lightest, No.7 – darkest).

4. Press the carriage control lever down until it

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clicks into place.

5. The toaster turns off when the desired toast colour is achieved and automatically pops up the toast.

6. To toast frozen bread, place the bread into the bread slots and select the desired browning Setting. Press the carriage control lever down until it clicks into place. Then press the Frozen Button.

Task 4

Make a dialogue with your parter about how to use these tools (choose 1):

a. Washing machine

b. Microwave

c. Coffee maker

d. Bread toaster

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Answer key

Task 1

Match the picture with its fuction!

1. Detergent department

Tempat detergen

2. Drum

Tempat pakaian

3. Temperature button

Tombol untuk mengatur suhu

4. Spin speed button

Tombol untuk mengatur kecepatan

5. Super rinse button

Tombol untuk mengeluarkan air cucian

6. Program selector button

Tombol untuk memilih kecepatan putaran mesin cuci sesuai dengan jenis bahan pakaian

7. Start/stop button

Tombol untuk memulai/memberhentikan proses pencucian

8. Opening button

Tombol untuk membuka pintu mesin cuci

9. Main power switch

Tombol untuk mematikan atau meyalakan mesin cuci

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10. Washer door

Pintu mesin cuci


1. Setiap jawaban yang benar bernilai 1 poin

2. Jumlah skor maksimal = 10

Listening transcript task 2

Pariyem : Could you tell me how to use this washing machine, ma’am?

Ling-ling : Ok Pariyem. First, turn on the main power switch. Second, open the washer door and load

the washing.

Pariyem : Ok ma’am.

Ling-ling : Then, add detergent and fabric softener to the detergent compartment. And then, select the

program to adjust kind of fabric you wash. Do you understand?

Pariyem : Yes, ma’am.

Ling-ling : After that, select options and settings to adjust the temperature and the speed. Next, close

the door and press the Start/Stop button. Then, remove the laundry. Finally, turn off the main

power switch. That’s all. Can you do it?

Pariyem : Yes I can ma’am.


1. Setiap jawaban yang benar bernilai 1 poin

2. Jumlah skor maksimal = 10

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Task 3 and task 7

Speaking task

Format penilaian: siswa mendemonstrasikan teks prosedur yang mereka buat.

Rubric penilaian



Score Characteristics

Pronunciation 5 Speech consists of almost appropriate pronunciation

4 Speech consists of hardly incorrect pronunciation

3 Speech consists of some inappropriate pronunciation

2 Speech consists of mostly inappropriate pronunciation

1 Speech consists of very poor pronunciation

Grammar 5 Makes few (if any) noticeable errors of grammar or word


4 Occasionally makes grammatical and/or word-order errors

which do not, however, obscure

3 Makes frequent errors of grammar and word order

which occasionally obscure meaning

2 Grammar and word-order errors make comprehension

difficult. Must often rephrase sentences and/or restrict himself

to basic pattern.

1 Errors in grammar and word order so severe as to make

conversation virtually unintelligible

Vocabulary 5 Use of wide range of vocabulary taught previously

4 Sometimes uses inappropriate terms and/or must rephrase

ideas because of lexical inadequacies

3 Frequently uses the wrong words; conversation somewhat

limited because of inadequate vocabulary

2 Misuse of words and very limited vocabulary make

comprehension quite difficult

Page 30: Esp developing material final

1 Vocabulary limitations so extreme as to make conversation

virtually impossible

Fluency 5 Speech is quite flowing style, mostly easy to understand

4 Speed of speech seems to be slightly affected by language


3 Speed and fluency are rather strongly affected by language


2 Usually hesitant; often forced into silence by language


1 Speech is so halting and fragmentary as to make conversation

virtually impossible

Comprehend 5 Ideas highly organized, covers all of the elements of the


4 Ideas well organized, covers almost all of the elements of the


3 Ideas less organized, some missing parts of the elements of the


2 Ideas less organized, covers only the main elements of the


1 Unorganized ideas, a lot of missing parts of the elements.

Task 4

What do these instructions mean? Match these instructions with their meanings!

Instructions Meanings 1. Sort your laundry Pisahkan jenis pakaian 2. Turn on the main power switch. Nyalakan mesin cuci

3. Open the washer door and load the washing. Buka pintu dan masukkan pakaian

4. Add detergent and fabric softener, as required. Tambahkan detergen dan pelembut pakaian

5. Select the program. Pilih program pencucian

6. Select options and settings. Pilih opsi dan pengaturan

7. Select temperature by pressing the temperature button

Pilih suhu dengan menekan tombol temperature

8. Close the door and press the Start/Stop button.

Tutup pintu dan tekan tombol start/stop

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9. Remove the laundry. Keluarkan cucian dari mesin

10. Turn off the main power switch Matikan tombol daya


1. Setiap jawaban yang benar bernilai 1 poin

2. Jumlah skor maksimal = 10

Task 5

Match the picture with its fuction!

1. Display window

Layar menu

2. Turntable

Piringan untuk menaruh makanan

3. Number pad

Tombol untuk mengatur waktu penggunaan microwave

4. Defrost button

Tombol untuk menghilangkan bekuan es

5. Start button

Tombol untuk mulai menggunakan microwave

6. Add 1. Min button

Tombol untuk menambah waktu 1 menit penggunaan alat

7. Stop/cancel button

Tombol untuk memberhentikan/memberhentikan alat untuk sementara

8. Power button

Tombol untuk meyalakan microwave

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9. Clock button

Tombol untuk mengatur waktu

10. Learn button

Tombol untuk mengatur penggunaan microwave jika jenis makanan yang ingin dihangatkan/dimasak tidak terdapat didalam memori microwave


1. Setiap jawaban yang benar bernilai 1 poin

2. Jumlah skor maksimal = 10

Listening transcript task 6

Gong Li : Sarinem

Sarinem : Yes ma’am

Gong Li : Can you use this microwave?

Sarinem : I’m afraid I can’t ma’am

Gong Li : ok. I’ll tell you. It’s very easy. First prepare the food and place it in a microwave-safe container. After

that set it in the center of the turntable and close the oven door. Do you get it?

Sarinem : Yes ma’am

Gong Li : Then select a power level until P.10 appears in the display window or you can reduce the level. Next

set the cooking time. Use the digits on number pad to set the time, for example to enter a cooking time

of one minute and thirty seconds, press in sequence 1 3 0, “Push start” will appear in the display

window. Ok now show me the cooking time for thirty minutes!

Sarinem : Here it is ma’am

Gong Li : Ok good, now press start to start cooking. That’s all Sarinem. You can read the manual book for

complete information

Sarinem : Ok ma’am. Thank you for the information.


1. Setiap jawaban yang benar bernilai 1 poin

2. Jumlah skor maksimal = 10

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Task 8

What do these instructions mean? Match these instructions with their meanings!

Instruction Meaning 1. Place your food in a microwave-safe package

or container Letakkan makanan dengan benar di tengah-tengah piring putar

2. Set your food carefully in the center of the turntable

Letakkan makanan di dalam wadah yang aman bagi microwave

3. close the oven door securely Tutup pintu microwave dengan hati-hati 4. Press POWER to select the power setting Tekan POWER untuk memilih pengaturan daya

5. Enter the desired cooking time by pressing the digits on the number pad

masukan waktu untuk memasak dengan menekan tombol angka-angka yang ada di bantalan angka.

6. press STOP/CANCEL one time and re-enter the desired power setting and cooking time If you make a mistake or decide to change the cooking time

Tekan STOP/CANCEL sekali dan masukkan kembali lamanya waktu yang diinginkan untuk memasak jika terjadi kesalahan atau ingin menggantinya

7. Press START to begin cooking Tekan START untuk memulai masak

8. Press the door release to open the door Tekan tombol door release untuk membuka pintu microwave

9. remove your food Keluarkan makanan dari microwave

10. press ADD 1 MIN. to add one more minute of cooking time at high power.

Tekan ADD 1 MIN untuk menambah waktu 1 menit memasak


1. Setiap jawaban yang benar bernilai 1 poin

2. Jumlah skor maksimal = 10

Task 9.

Match the picture with its fuction!

1. Water window marking

Penunjuk seberapa banyak air yang diperlukan dalam memasak kopi

2. LCD display

Penunjuk waktu dan hari serta status pembuatan kopi

3. On/off button

Tombol untuk menyalakan atau mematikan coffee maker

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4. Time button

Tombol untuk memasukan hari atau mulainya program

5. Hour button

Tombol untuk mengatur lamanya jam menggunakan coffee maker

6. Minute button

Tombol untuk mengatur lamanya menit dalam menggunakan coffee maker

7. Program button

Tombol untuk mengatur waktu pembuatan kopi

8. Select button

Tombol untuk mengatur penggilingan

9. Cord storage

Tempat penyimpanan kabel

10. Carafe

Tempat cairan kopi


1. Setiap jawaban yang benar bernilai 1 poin

2. Jumlah skor maksimal = 10

Task 10

What do these instructions mean? Match these instructions with their meanings!

1. Plug the Coffee Maker into 120V~60Hz outlet colok coffee maker pada otlet sebesar 120V-60Hz 2. Fill the reservoir with cold, fresh water isi wadah penyimpan air dengan air dingin

3. Place the carafe securely onto warming plate letakkan kendi diatas piringan penghangat

4. Remove the filter basket lid. angkat penutup penyimpanan air 5. Select the desired grind setting by pressing

Mill. 4 (medium grind), the default setting, appears in the display.

pilih penggilingan yang diinginkan dengan menekan Mill.4 (penggilingan sedang)

6. Press On/Off the coffee mill will begin grinding the coffee beans (if a grind setting was selected).

Tekan tmbol on/off, penggiling kopi akan mulai menggiling biji kopi

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7. When brewing is complete HEAT ON will clear from the display

ketika pemasakan kopi selesai, HEAT ON akan tampil pada layar

8. To turn off the Coffee Maker, press On/Off. Untuk mematikan coffe maker, tekan on/off


1. Setiap jawaban yang benar bernilai 1 poin

2. Jumlah skor maksimal = 8

Task 11.

Match the picture with its fuction!

1. Bread insert

Tempat memasukkan roti

2. Electronic variable browning control

Tombol untuk mengatur warna kecoklatan pada roti

3. Bread release

Tombol untuk mengelurkan roti

4. Defrost button

Tombol untuk menghilangkan bekuan pada roti

5. Reheat button

Tombol untuk memanaskan roti


1. Setiap jawaban yang benar bernilai 1 poin

2. Jumlah skor maksimal = 5

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Task 12

What do these instructions mean? Match these instructions with their meanings!

Instruction Meaning

1. Insert the plug into a suitable main supply socket and turn the power on.

colokkan steker dan nyalakan alat pemanggang roti

2. Place two slices of bread, muffins or bagels into the bread slots.

letakkan 2 potongan roti, muffin atau bagel kedalam tempat roti

3. Select the desired browning setting, from No.1 to No.7 on the browning control knob (No.1 lightest, No.7 – darkest).

pilih warna kecoklatan pada roti yang diinginkan. Dari no 1 sampai no 7 pada pengaturan warna kecokelatan pada roti.

4. Press the carriage control lever down until it clicks into place.

tekan kontrol penarikan sampai kebawah hingga berbunyi “klik”

5. The toaster turns off when the desired toast colour is achieved and automatically pops up the toast.

pemanggang akan mati apabila warna kocaklatan pada roti yang diinginkan telah dicapai dan roti otomatis akan keluar.

6. To toast frozen bread, place the bread into the bread slots and select the desired browning Setting. Press the carriage control lever down until it clicks into place. Then press the Frozen Button.

untuk memanggang roti yang beku, letakkan roti ke dalam tempat roti dan pilih warna kecoklatan pada roti. Tekan kontrol penarikan sampai kebawah hingga berbunyi “klik”. Kemudian tekan tombol frozen.


1. Setiap jawaban yang benar bernilai 1 poin

2. Jumlah skor maksimal = 6

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Evaluation answer key

Listening trascript of evaluation task 1

Here are some steps to use washing machine. first, Sort your laundry.

Second, turn on the main power switch.

Third, Open the washer door and load the washing, if the door is closed, press the Door opening button. The red field lights

up and the door will open after a few seconds. Load the laundry. The laundry program chart shows how much laundry can

be washed with each program.

Fourth, Add detergent and fabric softener, as required. The detergent packaging will give a recommendation about how

much detergent you should use. The machine holds 6 kg of laundry. If you only have a small amount of washing in the

machine, you can reduce the amount of detergent you use.

Fifth, select the program. You can select a program by turning the program selector. A red field lights up beside the

selected program Start the machine by pressing the Start/Stop button or selecting an option.

Sixth, Select options and settings. By changing options and settings you can adjust the washing program to suit your own

specific requirements. The machine will remember which settings and options you chose for each program and will use

them the next time you select that program. You can of course change the options if you want.

Seventh, Close the door and press the Start/Stop button.

Finally, remove the laundry and turn off the main power switch

Task 2

Read this instruction of using microwave and then answer the following questions based on the text

1. Where do you put the food before it is set in the microwave?

In a microwave-safe package or container 2. How do we reduce the power setting?

By pressing POWER repeatedly will reduce the power setting one level at a time from P 10 (highest) to P 1

(lowest). 3. What do you press if you want to set the cooking time?

Enter the desired cooking time by pressing the digits on the number pad 4. What do you do after set the cooking time?

Press START to begin cooking

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5. What do you do if you want to change the cooking time?

If you make a mistake or decide to change the cooking time, press STOP/CANCEL one time and re-enter the

desired power setting and cooking time.

Task 3

Instruction Meaning 1. Insert the plug into a suitable main supply socket

and turn the power on. colokkan steker dan nyalakan alat pemanggang roti

2. Place two slices of bread, muffins or bagels into the bread slots.

letakkan 2 potongan roti, muffin atau bagel kedalam tempat roti

3. Select the desired browning setting, from No.1 to No.7 on the browning control knob (No.1 lightest, No.7 – darkest).

pilih warna kecoklatan pada roti yang diinginkan. Dari no 1 sampai no 7 pada pengaturan warna kecokelatan pada roti.

4. Press the carriage control lever down until it clicks into place.

tekan kontrol penarikan sampai kebawah hingga berbunyi “klik”

5. The toaster turns off when the desired toast colour is achieved and automatically pops up the toast.

pemanggang akan mati apabila warna kocaklatan pada roti yang diinginkan telah dicapai dan roti otomatis akan keluar.

6. To toast frozen bread, place the bread into the bread slots and select the desired browning Setting. Press the carriage control lever down until it clicks into place. Then press the Frozen Button.

untuk memanggang roti yang beku, letakkan roti ke dalam tempat roti dan pilih warna kecoklatan pada roti. Tekan kontrol penarikan sampai kebawah hingga berbunyi “klik”. Kemudian tekan tombol frozen.

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In this unit, How is it operated?, I develop material for Indonesian housemaids working in Hong

Kong. This unit offers some authenthic materials taken from original manual books of household

appliances such as washing machine, microwave, coffee maker, and bread toaster from several

brands. Those household appliaces are chosen to be learning materials because they are unfamiliar

machine used in Indonesia therefore the writer think that those machines should be learned by the


In this unit, the learners are expected to be able to operate those household appliances by

listening to some instructions and reading manuals. The activities and tasks are designed based on

three kinds of language skills; listening, speaking, and reading. Those skills are chosen because such

listening will give input in term of instruction how something is operated for the housemaids. They are

exposed to some recorded dialogues of something is operated. In their real life, the housemaids will

receive many instructions from their hostess therefore they must be able to follow those oral

instructions. Besides understanding oral instruction, the housemaids should be able to follow the

instruction from the manual book therefore in this unit the writer provides some instructions taken

from manual book.

In this unit, the learners will be exposed to the tasks such as fill in the blank based on the

dialogues, matching the part of household appliaces to their functions, and matching the instructions

to their meanings. The writer also provides many illustrations of the household appliances to ease the

learner in understanding the function of them. Finally, the writer hopes that this unit will benefit for

the housemaids.