eskimi generic branded integration

Eskimi Generic Branded Integration.graffle Start Title: Eskimi Generic Branded Integration.graffle | Creator: Andrius Baranauskas | Modified: Thu Jul 07 2011 | Page 1/14 Branded integration Ready-made community proposal

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Page 1: Eskimi generic branded integration

Eskimi Generic Branded Integration.graffleStart

Title: Eskimi Generic Branded Integration.graffle | Creator: Andrius Baranauskas | Modified: Thu Jul 07 2011 | Page 1/14

Branded integrationReady-made community proposal

Page 2: Eskimi generic branded integration

Eskimi Generic Branded Integration.graffleEskimi in numbers

Title: Eskimi Generic Branded Integration.graffle | Creator: Andrius Baranauskas | Modified: Thu Jul 07 2011 | Page 2/14

Eskimi is one of the biggest mobile social networks in Nigeria.Eskimi has more than

1,000,000+ registered users in Nigeria alone.4,500+ new users every day in Nigeria.2M+ registered users across the world.

80,000+ unique Nigerians access the site on average per day.

They open 3,200,000+ pages and

spend more than 45 minutes on site per day.

in addition

70,000+ registered users in Ghana

28,000+ registered users in Kenya

Page 3: Eskimi generic branded integration

Eskimi Generic Branded Integration.graffleCommunity Overview 1

Title: Eskimi Generic Branded Integration.graffle | Creator: Andrius Baranauskas | Modified: Thu Jul 07 2011 | Page 3/14


Eskimi Cola 5,896 new members this week Invite all your friends!

Join the talk about Eskimi Cola!

Post a photo

What's New Chat Gallery Giveaway!

Eskimi Cola: What food goes best with Eskimi Cola for you? 124 repliesexpensive: I drink Eskimi Cola every day, it helps cool when it's hot! Replyjaudrius:

Baby84: How cold is your Eskimi Cola? 128 replies


Eskimi Cola Members

Homepage Discussions Member lists

Eskimi Cola Discussions

124 messages in this discussion

Eskimi Cola: What food goes best with Eskimi Cola for you?expensive: It is great with steak for me.jaudrius: I drink it everytime during lunch, goest great with any food and helps me stay awake.GreatestRapperIndaWorld: I drink it with Bacardi. Cuba Libre, it is!expensive: It is great with steak for me.jaudrius: I drink it everytime during lunch, goest great with any food and helps me stay awake.GreatestRapperIndaWorld: I drink it with Bacardi. Cuba Libre, it is!

1 2 3 ... 13 More >

Judinho916-LAG (online)

Dotmele25-LAG (online)

mazyybaba25-EGD (online)

Judinho916-LAG (online)

Dotmele25-LAG (online)

mazyybaba25-EGD (online)

Page 4: Eskimi generic branded integration

Eskimi Generic Branded Integration.graffleHomepage

Title: Eskimi Generic Branded Integration.graffle | Creator: Andrius Baranauskas | Modified: Thu Jul 07 2011 | Page 4/14


Eskimi Cola 5,896 new members this week Invite all your friends!

Join the talk about Eskimi Cola!

Post a photo

What's New Chat Gallery Giveaway!

Eskimi Cola: What food goes best with Eskimi Cola for you? 124 repliesexpensive: I drink Eskimi Cola every day, it helps cool when it's hot! Replyjaudrius:

Baby84: How cold is your Eskimi Cola? 128 replies



Branded community on Eskimi is focused on the specific brand. All the pages within the community are branded.

In the homepage, members of the community can share text-based content and images with others. Discussions can be started on both type of posts.

All the content is seen by non-members too, including users not having Eskimi account too. However, only members can post and actively participate in the community.

Posts made by brand-managed accounts are emphasized and receives more attention.

Members can invite other users of Eskimi by clicking the simple link at the top of the page. Messages to all the friends of the user are sent instantly with a link to join the community, thus faciliating the viral growth of the branded community.

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Eskimi Generic Branded Integration.graffleDiscussions

Title: Eskimi Generic Branded Integration.graffle | Creator: Andrius Baranauskas | Modified: Thu Jul 07 2011 | Page 5/14


Eskimi Cola Discussions

124 messages in this discussion

Eskimi Cola: What food goes best with Eskimi Cola for you?expensive: It is great with steak for me.jaudrius: I drink it everytime during lunch, goest great with any food and helps me stay awake.GreatestRapperIndaWorld: I drink it with Bacardi. Cuba Libre, it is!expensive: It is great with steak for me.jaudrius: I drink it everytime during lunch, goest great with any food and helps me stay awake.GreatestRapperIndaWorld: I drink it with Bacardi. Cuba Libre, it is!

1 2 3 ... 13 More >

Each message posted on the homepage of the community can be futher developed into bigger conversation - discussion.

Discussion is started as soon as any message posted is commented by any user.

This is a great tool for the brand to discuss the product usage needs, etc. with their customers, in addition to members discussing with each other.

Page 6: Eskimi generic branded integration

Eskimi Generic Branded Integration.graffleMembers

Title: Eskimi Generic Branded Integration.graffle | Creator: Andrius Baranauskas | Modified: Thu Jul 07 2011 | Page 6/14

Eskimi Cola Members

Member lists

Judinho916-LAG (online)

Dotmele25-LAG (online)

mazyybaba25-EGD (online)

Judinho916-LAG (online)

Dotmele25-LAG (online)

mazyybaba25-EGD (online)

Members can see each other in the member list section.

They can review their detailed profiles, continue discussions and develop relationships in private messages on Eskimi.

Page 7: Eskimi generic branded integration

Eskimi Generic Branded Integration.graffleCommunity Overview 2

Title: Eskimi Generic Branded Integration.graffle | Creator: Andrius Baranauskas | Modified: Thu Jul 07 2011 | Page 7/14


Eskimi Cola Chat

128 people chatting

Say something in Eskimi Cola chat!

Eskimi Cola: What food goes best with Eskimi Cola for you?expensive: I drink Eskimi Cola every day, it helps cool when it's hot!jaudrius: All good things come to bad people. Is it really the case?GreatestRapperIndaWorld: I drink Coke all night long!BeautyFromLagos: I can't live without Diet Coke. I'm addicted to it!


Eskimi Cola Gallery

128 photos

1 2 3 ... 88 More >

Chat Gallery

Eskimi Cola Giveaway

128 people chatting

Win a summer trip to USA!

Winner gets 2 tickets to Miami and 7 day stay in Florida with a vist to Eskimi Cola amusement park!

Additional prizes include Eskimi Cola fridges, bags and can packs.

Read full terms and conditions



Page 8: Eskimi generic branded integration

Eskimi Generic Branded Integration.graffleChat

Title: Eskimi Generic Branded Integration.graffle | Creator: Andrius Baranauskas | Modified: Thu Jul 07 2011 | Page 8/14


Eskimi Cola Chat

128 people chatting

Say something in Eskimi Cola chat!

Eskimi Cola: What food goes best with Eskimi Cola for you?expensive: I drink Eskimi Cola every day, it helps cool when it's hot!jaudrius: All good things come to bad people. Is it really the case?GreatestRapperIndaWorld: I drink Coke all night long!BeautyFromLagos: I can't live without Diet Coke. I'm addicted to it!




Any member of the branded community can join and participate in the nearly real time chat.

This is an easy way for a totally informal and dynamic conversation for those members, who are currently online and are happy to chat in public.

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Eskimi Generic Branded Integration.graffleGallery

Title: Eskimi Generic Branded Integration.graffle | Creator: Andrius Baranauskas | Modified: Thu Jul 07 2011 | Page 9/14

Eskimi Cola Gallery

128 photos

1 2 3 ... 88 More >


All the images uploaded by users are gathered into a gallery page. Members can view image one-by-one and discuss them in comment sections.

In addition, all the images can be downloaded to members phones without any additional charges, except data transfer costs.

Page 10: Eskimi generic branded integration

Eskimi Generic Branded Integration.graffleCompetition

Title: Eskimi Generic Branded Integration.graffle | Creator: Andrius Baranauskas | Modified: Thu Jul 07 2011 | Page 10/14

Eskimi Cola Giveaway

128 people chatting

Win a summer trip to USA!

Winner gets 2 tickets to Miami and 7 day stay in Florida with a vist to Eskimi Cola amusement park!

Additional prizes include Eskimi Cola fridges, bags and can packs.

Read full terms and conditions



Variuos competitions can be organized where members of the community can participate.

A few possible examples:

Simple giveawaySimply displaying the prizes and conditions with a link for the user to enter the competition without any effort.

CompetitionAsking users to post and/or upload something and then giving away prizes for the best entries. Entries can be judged by brand representetives and/or by users, voting for the entries.Example: photo competition where the winnner is with the most votes from other members.

Inviting challengeAsking users to invite other to the community. Member who invites the biggest number of new members wins the challenge and gets the prize.

Page 11: Eskimi generic branded integration

Eskimi Generic Branded Integration.graffleEskimi Branding

Title: Eskimi Generic Branded Integration.graffle | Creator: Andrius Baranauskas | Modified: Thu Jul 07 2011 | Page 11/14


Eskimi Cola CommunityJoin the chat and discussions!

User may wander to the main Eskimi site while using the branded community, for example, to send and receive private messages and peform other social network-wide activities.

However, even if the member leaves branded community, the whole site still remains branded with brand colors and a visible link placement (banner) in the middle of the homepage and different parts of many other pages.

Such placements and banners can also be used to attract existing Eskimi users to the branded community when needed.

Page 12: Eskimi generic branded integration

Eskimi Generic Branded Integration.graffleMember Intake

Title: Eskimi Generic Branded Integration.graffle | Creator: Andrius Baranauskas | Modified: Thu Jul 07 2011 | Page 12/14

Branded community user intake is possible through two channels:

1. Within Eskimi through promo links and banners. See slide Eskimi Branding for further details.

2. Through external advertising and driving users to dedicated branding landing page, where users can either use existing Eskimi, Facebook or Twitter accounts to join the community or become Eskimi members if needed.

Eskimi Cola CommunityJoin the chat and discussions!

Page 13: Eskimi generic branded integration

Eskimi Generic Branded Integration.graffleAddition Possibilities

Title: Eskimi Generic Branded Integration.graffle | Creator: Andrius Baranauskas | Modified: Thu Jul 07 2011 | Page 13/14

Direct communication

Brand managers are provided with tools to faciliate direct communication with the branded community members in Eskimi.

Direct communication is implemented by sending direct private messages, which can be segmented by the member age, gender and location.

Member data

During and after campaing brand managers are provided with the member data they provided during registration, such as usernames, birthdates, emails and other social network handles (the last two when available).

Additional customer data can be gathered during registration when needed.

Page 14: Eskimi generic branded integration

Eskimi Generic Branded Integration.graffleBrand Benefits

Title: Eskimi Generic Branded Integration.graffle | Creator: Andrius Baranauskas | Modified: Thu Jul 07 2011 | Page 14/14

Ready-made mobile communityEskimi offers a ready-made community - a turn key solution for any brand to have a mobile community up and running very fast.

Deep integrationMember community in Eskimi provides deeper integration possibilites in comparison to some other social networks. Brand is not limited to specific area, but is visible throughout the whole site.

Wide and big audience1M+ Eskimi users in Nigeria presents a great opportunity for any brand to quickly grow it's own country-wide community.

Member loyaltyActive users visit Eskimi every day, several times per day. It is easier for them to come back to a community within Eskimi then to go to a separate site.

Social growthCommunities grow virally - users invite each other. In addition, their membership in specific communities are advertised in their user profiles.

Lower marketing costAs user retention is enhanced through the existing network tools and growth is fuelled virally, marketing expenditure can be decreased or used more effectively.