eskills 5.4 social media in the workplace

eSkills 5.4 Social Media in the Workplace Hello and welcome back to this eLearning course on developing digital skills in the classroom. This is module 5 which is all about how to use social media and within this section of module 5, we are going to be having a specific look at social media in the workplace. There are a couple of interesting and important things to be mentioned here. The first thing is I believe that for certain types of jobs, using social media appropriately is incredibly important. For example, if you want to be an artist or a graphic designer or an architect or a game designer or a writer, if you don’t have a digital portfolio using social media, I think it is very unlikely that you will get that job. Increasingly we also know that people are recruiting via sites like LinkedIn. We talked a little bit about that in one of the previous modules. When we talking about social media in the workplace, getting that job in the workplace is also linked to the good use of social media. It is also important that we use social media responsibly therefore. We will come back a little bit to this in the next video, but increasingly we really need to work with young people in our schools to make sure that they understand that anything they put online is likely to be able to be seen by lots of other people, and this could be people that might give them a job later on in life. What else? Also, when we talk about social media and responsible use, and social media in the workplace, we need to have a little think about whether social media will be productive if it is being used internally, or whether actually it will be a distraction and therefore have an impact on productivity. I am quite sure that the answer to this is not banning all types of social media, it is just making sure that employees have a clear understand when and where social media may be used. Of course when we think about responsible use in the workplace, and then we think about responsible use in schools, the interesting question is: is blocking social media actually responsible? How on Earth as teachers and educators can we teach children and young people to use social media responsibly if it is blocked within the schools that we work in? The only thing that we can actually do is describe it, which hasn’t got any of the actual detail that we need. I strongly believe that we should be encouraging social media in schools, and as teachers we should be modelling good and responsible behaviour. Let’s have a look now at a couple of business that are using social media really well. We are going to start with Starbucks. Starbucks I think was one of the early adopters of social media and has also done some interesting things with social media over time. For example, Starbucks has got a really good website. Interestingly, it is built in Wordpress, an open source piece of software for developing websites, and the Starbucks website links to a whole host of other social media channels. For example, Starbucks has got a social media page where you can sign up and you can also get as a result of signing up access to a number of products and deals. It has got a Twitter account which also links to its Facebook account as well, so you can choose to follow Starbucks in lots of different ways. It has also got a YouTube channel. Again, a lot of these services are actually linked within the website itself. One interesting thing that it has also got is that is has got this website which is called My Starbucks Idea, and the idea behind this is that Starbucks customers can suggest ways to improve the business. What is great about this? Actually some of the interesting developments in Starbucks in the last few years have come from this website. For example the development of a Starbucks card which was the idea that a customer in Seattle submitted to the My Starbucks Idea website. So getting to a great example of how you can use social media to capture the power of the crowds to improve your own products and services. Let’s move away from commerce now and have a quick look at social media in government. I think and I will probably be a little bit biased here, but the Scottish government has started to actually use social media quite well. For example, we have got the Engage for Education blog, where a number of Ministers, in particular the Minister of Education, can put up a blog post about sorts of things they are interested in and sorts of things they are working in. You will notice from this screenshot here as well that other social media

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