escape the winter chill to orlando florida

Escape the Winter Chill to Orlando Florida

Upload: babywheelsorlando

Post on 24-Jun-2015




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DESCRIPTION You know that Orlando’s got the thirteenth busiest airport in the USA, so you’ve thought ahead about Orlando stroller rental to save yourself some hassles. But what about the weather?


  • 1. Other parts of the USA and theworld get four seasons a year:the classic spring, summer, falland winter.

2. Orlando, although it has theseseasons on the calendar,doesnt experience four in its actual climate. 3. Cool here is a relative term, as theaverage maximum temperatures duringthese months are in the seventies to eighties (Fahrenheit) and the average low temperatures are from the high forties to the sixties. 4. This is the most pleasant time of yearin Orlando and there is less rainfall (but not no rainfall, so be sure to book thatrain shield accessory when you book your Orlando stroller rental), 5. The hot season comes next and goesfrom May to September. 6. The hot season is a lot wetter and getsvery humid, so if you want to visit Orlando during these months, makesure you get the free chiller packaccessory as well as the rain shield aspart of your Orlando stroller rental package. 7. Theres no denying that Orlando does get a lot of rain this, combined with the balmy temperatures, is probably why orange growing was once one of the biggest industries in the area,although tourism has taken over today. 8. Orlando is on slightly higher groundcompared to other parts of Florida, so it catches the precipitation. 9. However, the upside of this rain is that it has made beautiful lakes in the area as well as providing homes for a lot oflocal wildlife visit the Gatorland theme park with your family if you want to find out more about this aspect! 10. The main lake in Orlando is Lake Eola,which is right in the middle of town andlooks gorgeous at any time of day butespecially at night when the fountainsare lit up. 11. During the wet season, Orlando gets agood dramatic thunderstorm completewith lightning nearly every day. 12. If youre here at that time of year and like a few natural thrills and specialeffects, come and enjoy it, whether you and your child watch from the comfort of one of Orlandos many eateries orcafs 13. or whether you make the most of that rain shield and the hood on yourOrlando stroller rental and try to catchlightning flashing around CinderellasCastle. 14. However, in spite of the warmth and the thunderstorms, Orlando hardly ever gets tornados, being well outside Tornado Alley. 15. However, keep an eye out for hail.Although the hood of a stroller will keepthe hail that does come withthunderstorms occasionally off your child, you might need an umbrella to keep it off you! 16. Our advice? If youve not booked your tickets oryour Orlando stroller rental yet, then the dry winter season is probably thebest time to come, although its still nicein the summer. 17. When you do book your Orlando stroller rental, make sure that you getthe free chiller pack and the rain shield as accessories along with the stroller itself. 18.