es1102 essay1 final

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  • 8/3/2019 Es1102 Essay1 Final


    The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow, Bill

    Gates claims (Search Quotes). Indeed, the Internet is bringing people from around the

    world, regardless of their backgrounds, together. Geographical distance matters less now.

    Interaction with another party can be made instant with the Internet. Almost all of the

    information we need can be found on the Internet. And the Internet has completely

    revolutionized shopping with the introduction of online banking. However, it has its harms.

    Some have become victims of the Internet; they invest too much time on the Internet.

    Others have mishandled the information available on the Internet. In this essay, I would

    elaborate on the above-mentioned benefits on the Internet and its negative aspects.

    Fabin (2002) has argued that the availability of Internet access means that distance

    is no longer as important as before. When distance matters less, we are able to interact

    more with people and travel to places which was once thought inaccessible. Not long

    after the Internet emerged, online messaging services have become a tool for

    communication. Since e-mail is not a good platform for short and fast communication,

    these messaging services have gained popularity over the years. Internet Relay Chat

    (IRC), Microsoft Network (MSN) Messenger and American Online Messenger (AIM) are

    some of such services. They allow instant exchanges of messages through the Internet,

    which has become substitutes for expensive overseas calls. The Internet has also made

    social networking popular. Friendster and Hi5 were the more popular social networking

    websites before Facebook was introduced in February 2004. Facebook connects more

    than 640 million people from around the world together. Users of Facebook can post

    status updates, pictures, information about themselves and even videos in their profiles,

    which are broadcasted to their friends in Facebook.

    Although these social media enabled endless possibilities of interaction, some of

  • 8/3/2019 Es1102 Essay1 Final


    their users have become slaves of the Internet. They spend an unhealthy amount of time

    on the Internet. This leads them to neglect the real world, which includes their friends,

    family, work and social activities. The Internet has enhanced communication. However, it

    may cause people to spend too much time on it.

    Another benefit of the Internet is itself being like an online library. Information that

    anyone needs may just be a few clicks away. With the availability of gargantuan amount of

    information on the Internet, research is more convenient now than ever before. Type in

    anything in "Google" search engine and we will be presented with a whole list of sources.

    This enables people to be more well-informed and more aware of the world around us.

    However, if the information is not handled well, it may backfire. One such example

    would be the easy access to pornography. Without proper guidance, children can be easily

    exposed to pornography through the Internet. These children might not be only exposed to

    soft-core pornography, but also explicit deviant material. Due to the fact that pornography

    expresses sex gratuitously, it would encourage irresponsible sexual behaviours among

    these children. Promiscuity could increase health risks; in the United States about one in

    four sexually active teenagers acquires a sexually transmitted disease (STD) every year,

    resulting in three million cases of teenage STDs. When information is not controlled or put

    into good use, it may end up being detrimental to the user.

    In conclusion, based on the examples given above, we can see that the internet is a

    double-edge sword. Whether we can effectively maximise the benefits of the Internet,

    totally depends on how we handle this tool. We should practise moderation and keep our

    usage in control.

  • 8/3/2019 Es1102 Essay1 Final



    Davis, K.E. and Braucht, G.N, Exposure to Pornography, Character and Sexual Deviance,

    Technical Reports of the Commission on Obscenity and Pornography (1970), 7.

    Fabin, B. S. (2002). Intellectual freedom and social responsibility: As we grow more

    dependent on the Internet, we grow more vulnerable. World and I. March. 38.
