erlang intro

Introduction to Functional Programming Vasilij Savin AACIMP 2011

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Page 1: Erlang intro

Introduction to Functional Programming

Vasilij Savin


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Background: Telecom issues

● No down time allowed● Solution has to be VERY scalable (millions

operations per second)● Maintainable software● Distributed systems

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History of Erlang

● Need for robust fault-tolerant language● Ericsson did not find one to suit the needs● Based originally on Prolog

– Inherits many syntax concepts

● Later rewritten with C for performance● Opensource from 2001

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Erlang distinguished properties

● Concurrency● Hot code loading● Distributed● Soft real-time● Robust

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What Erlang is NOT?

● Object-oriented● C syntax follower● Shared memory ideology follower● SILVER BULLET

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What Erlang is NOT good for?

● Front-end web development● GUI programming● Desktop applications

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Erlang in the Real World: Companies

● Klarna (e-commerce)

● Mobile Arts (telecom)

● Ericsson (telecom)

● Goldman Sachs (banking)

● Facebook (social network)

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Erlang in the Real World: Products

● Ejabberd (instant messanging server)● YAWS (webserver)● Facebook chat● Firmware in Ericsson products● Varios telecom services

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Paradigm comparison

Imperative (structured, procedural)

Computation in terms of statements that directly change a program state


Treats datafields as "objects" manipulated only through pre-defined methods


Treats computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions avoiding state and mutable data.

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The biggest challenge ahead:Unlearning what you already know

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Basic Concepts

● Functions are First Class citizens● Functions are purely functional● Iteration is achieved through recursion● Execution Flow control is done with pattern


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Data Types

● Integers● Floats● Atoms● Lists● Tuples

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● B#Val is used to store numbers in base < B >

● $Char - ascii value

● Large integers are converted to bignums

● Max size depends on physical constraints


> 16#FF.


> $B.


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● Calculations are not very efficient

● Stored as double

● Follow IEEE 754 standard



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● Atoms are constant literals

● Start with a lower case letter or are encapsulated by ’ ’

● Any character code is allowed within an atom if using ’ ’

● Letters integers and _ are allowed if the atom starts with a lower case letter


'A quoted tag'

'_can include blanks'

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● Tuples are used to store a fixed number of items

● Tuples of any size are allowed

● Must contain valid Erlang expressions

● Tuple Arity – number of elements in tuple

{123, bcd}

{123, def, abc}

{person, 'Bass', 'Savin'}

{abc, {def, 12.3}, “jkl”}


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● Used to store a variable number of items

● Lists are dynamically sized

● Strings in Erlang are lists of ASCII values

● Lists are written beginning with a [ and ending with a ]

● Elements are separated by commas

[1,2,'quoted Atom',atom,"str",123.12,{tuple,1}]

> [97,98,99,4,5,6].


> [233].


> [65,66,68].


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Lists II

● A recursive list definition consists of a head and a tail

● Lists whose last Tail term is [] are called: proper lists

● Appended automatically

● Improper lists are of limited use


Not recommended (inefficient)

> [1,2,3,4] – [2,3]. [1,4]

> [1,2,3] ++ [4,5,6]. [1,2,3,4,5,6]

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● Variables start with an Upper Case Letter or _.

● They may not contain any special characters.

● '_' alone is a don’t care Variable. Its values are ignored and never bound.

● The value of a variable can not be changed once it hasbeen bound.

● Erlang does not have a type system.

● Types are determined at run time.





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● Modules are stored in files with the .erl extension

● The module and file names must be the same

● Exported functions can be called from outside the module

● Use the module prefix when making the call

– <module>:<function_name>([arg list]).

● Local functions can only be called within the module

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Module anatomy

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● Erlang programs consist of functions

● Functions are defined within Modules

● Function and module names must be atoms

● A function is defined as a collection of clauses

● Variables are pattern matched in the function head. If pattern matching fails on a clause, the next one is tested. One clause must always succeed

● Functions return value of the last expression executed

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Function anatomy

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Pattern Matching:

<Pattern> = <Expression>

Pattern Matching is used for:● Assigning values to Variables● Controlling the execution flow of the programs● Extracting values from compound data types

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Pattern Matching: Assignment

● The Pattern can containunbound variables which are bound when the pattern matching succeeds

● The Expression may not contain unbound variables

A = 10.

Str = “nice string”.

List = [1,2,3].

Tuple = {abc, List, Str}

BadTuple = {List, Data}


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Pattern Matching: Testing

● A match must either succeed or fail

● Used to pick the execution flow in:

– case statements

– receive statements

– function heads

{A, A, B} = {10, 20, “str”}


[A, B] = [1, 2, 3, 4]


[A, B | C] = [1,2,3,4,5]


A = 1, B = 2, C = [3,4,5]

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Pattern Matching: Value Extraction

● Used to extract values from complex data types● Note the use of _, the don't care variable

{_, Name, {Street, City, _}} =

{person, “Vasilij”, {“Kantatvagen”, 'Stockholm', sweden}}

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Case Anatomy

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Case statement

● One branch must always succeed● By putting the ‘_’ or an unbound variable in the

last clause ensures that the clause will always be picked should the previous ones not match

● The _ clause is not mandatory

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● Guards are additional clauses that can go in a function's head to make pattern matching more expressive.

● All variables in guards have to be bound

● If all guards have to succeed, use , to separate them

● If one guard has to succeed, use ; to separate them

● Guards have to be free of side effects

● There are restrictions on BIFS and expressions in guards

● User functions are not allowed in guards

foo(String) when is_list(String), length(String) < 10 → ...

foo(Tuple) when is_tuple(Tuple);is_atom(Tuple) → ...

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Recursion examples

odd([Head|Tail]) when Head rem 1 == 0 ->


odd([_Head|Tail]) ->


odd([]) ->


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Recursion with accumulators

average(X) -> average(X, 0, 0).

average([H|T], Length, Sum) ->

average(T, Length + 1, Sum + H);

average([], Length, Sum) ->

Sum / Length.

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Runtime Errors

● badarg – BIF with wrong arguments is called● badmatch – patternmatching failed and clause list

is exhausted● function clause – no function clause matched the


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Useful libraries

● io.erl – general I/O functionality

● file.erl – general filesystem functionality

● lists.erl – helpful list function

More documentation can be found here: