erke group, soilmec journal feb'08

journal Soilmec Journal Year 3 Issue no. 2/2008 Cover story News Soilmec network Lean production Focus on India technology products know-how communication events 2 2008 SOILMEC PEOPLE

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Soilmec JournalYear 3

Issue no. 2/2008

Cover storyNewsSoilmec networkLean productionFocus on India


2 2008


Page 2: ERKE Group, Soilmec Journal Feb'08

colophonSoilmec Journal – Year 3, Issue No. 2

Editorial Director: Simone TrevisaniEditor in Chief: Franco CicognaniCoordination Director: Federico PagliacciCoordination: Lisa Comandini, Sara Trevisani, Paolo Valzania, Irene Rosano (Communication Dept. Trevi Group)Creative Director: Piergiorgio BalestraEditorial staff: Sillabario srl – MilanoPictures: Soilmec photographic archivesPublished by: Communication Dept. Trevi GroupPrinted by: Litotipografia CILS – Cesena – ItalyThis journal is registrated at the Law Court of Forlì – Italy – n° 26/2006

contents 4 NEWS

Dams projects overview

8 COVER STORY Soilmec People

12 NEW PRODUCTS Soilmec SR-80 C

16 NEW TECHNOLOGY SPS - Slot Pile System


22 FORWARD The importance of lean thinking


30 FOCUS ON Entering the Indian market


Page 3: ERKE Group, Soilmec Journal Feb'08

Ever closer to the customer“You’ll never walk alone”… says the anthem of the Liverpool “Reds”, one of the most award-

winning and prolific titled soccer teams in the world. That’s a promise, and precise, clear and

reassuring one at that. It reminds me very much of the commitment that we in Soilmec have

made to our customers. I thought about this just recently when we were looking back over

the past three years, while preparing our forecasts for 2009. There is a strong link between the

near future and the recent past. A golden thread, a plan or a strategy that connects all of our

plans and defines Soilmec’s overall business strategy, namely, the pivotal role of the customer

and the importance of meeting “his needs”. Soilmec has no desire to limit itself to simply being

a supplier of top quality, high performance and versatile equipment that is suitable for every

possible requirement on site. Soilmec’s desire is to be there for the customer at all times, adopting

an approach aimed at anticipating and providing appropriate solutions for every problem, old or

new, facing those that operate in the foundations sector. Soilmec wants to stand side by side with

the customer, ever present and ready to offer overall, complete and satisfactory solutions. This is the driving force behind our geographical

presence, which is becoming ever more widespread and well organised, via the Soilmec sales network, in order to cement this nearness

to our customers. Here, therefore, is a whole range of new services designed to facilitate the execution, analysis and reporting as regards

foundation works and to guarantee support and assistance in real time. Increasingly high performance and reliable services, combined

with ever better products. In order to achieve this objective, we need to invest not only in research, but also in our internal organisation,

namely our people. This is not, however, some recent or future investment since we have been investing in the training of our men for a

number of years already. The results of this commitment are already visible, while further results will become apparent shortly, perhaps

a soon as 2009. Then we will be able to take another look at the Liverpool motto, and perhaps even translate it into our own language:

“You’ll never work alone”.Simone Trevisani

Simone Trevisani, Managing Director

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The Wolf Creek Dam Barrier wall contract awarded

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Nashville District, announced that a very

big contract has been awarded to TreviIcos Soletanche JV. TreviIcos – the

Trevi Group U.S. company – is the sponsor of the joint venture in which it has a

50% interest. Scope of the work is the installation of a concrete barrier

wall at Wolf Creek Dam in Russell County, Kentucky. Work is expected to begin

this fall with a contract performance period of four years. The concrete barrier wall

is the primary element of the Wolf Creek Dam Seepage Rehabilitation Project.

The wall will be a combination of secant piles and rectangular panels installed

through the earthen embankment to a depth of about 275 ft. It will go deep into

the foundation rock to effectively cut off seepage through the limestone. The wall

will extend eastward along the upstream embankment from the concrete section

to the right abutment, a length of about 4,200 ft.

Mr Stefano Trevisani, Trevi Managing Director, has declared that this award is a major

achievement for Trevi Group: «The contract is one of most important in our 50 years company history – says Mr. Trevisani –. Trevi Group received in the last few

months from USACE two other contracts referring to the extention of Tuttle Creek

Dam Rehabilitation Program and to maintenance works for Herbert Hoover Dike.

These acquisitions place Trevi Group in a strong position with reference to relevant future projects with USACE related to infrastructure works.

Trevi Group is strongly supported in its USA activities by major American financial

institutions. We are pleased of the cooperation with Soletanche-Bachy, a company

with whom we have a long tradition of partnering».

4Trevi Group consolidates its position in the American market for the consolidation

of large-scale infrastructure thanks to an important contract recently awarded to TreviIcos

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The Tuttle Creek DamRepair and reinforcement works

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has

awarded Trevi Group, through its American

subsidiary, TreviIcos South, an extension to

the contract to repair and reinforce the Tuttle

Creek Dam near Kansas City, Missouri,

against earthquake damage. The contract

extension, the outcome of the excellent

results achieved in the first phase of the

project, is a partnering for Tuttle Creek Dam

between the owner and Trevi to find and adopt

the best technological and equipment solutions

to the geotechnical problems. The contract

extension is proof of the faith that the USACE,

the most important civil engineering contractor

in the world, has in Trevi Group, particularly

in the repair and reinforcement of dams.

TreviIcos was awarded as “Contractor of the

year award” for the 2004 from the U.S. Army

Corps of Engineers South Atlantic Division, and

recently with the “Safety Award 2008” for one

year without incident from the U.S. Army Corps

of Engineers Kansas City District.

Trevi Group, through its subsidiary Drillmec Spa, has signed large contracts with the

Ministry of Oil – Iraqi Drilling Company for the supply of 14 conventional oil & gas

drilling rigs of between 500 and 2,000 HP. The supply of this equipment is part of

the strategic plan of the Iraqi government aimed at increasing oil and gas extraction

to boost the country’s economy. Drillmec Spa won an international tender for this

prestigious contract, thereby emphasising again its growing role as a highly qualified

player in the oil sector. The contract provides for delivery of the aforementioned

equipment within 13 months.

A mixing plant of TreviIcos.

Drillmec to supply the Iraqi Drilling Company Signed contracts in Iraq for drilling equipment

A 2,000 HP conventional plant.

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The Herbert Hoover Dam Seepage cut-off wall

The U.S. Department of the Army,

Jacksonville District Corps of Engineers,

Florida, has just issued a notice of award

for Herbert Hoover Dam seepage cut-

off wall in favor of TreviIcos South Inc., an

American subsidiary of Trevi Group. This

contract, to be executed in 18 months, is

the third task order issued as part of the five

years long project for the Rehabilitation

program of the Herbert Hoover Dam. The

remaining portion of the works will be

awarded in the future with further task

orders to the successful bidder among

these three companies. «It’s a great

achievement for our company and Trevi

Group – says Ricardo Petrocelli, President

of TreviIcos – that will position the Group

in a favorable position in the field of the

dam rehabilitation program, one of the

top priority among the infrastructure

spending of the Federal Government in

the upcoming years».

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Project view of new Barwa Financial District’s towers.

The internal plaza of Barwa new business center in Qatar.

The Barwa Financial DistrictSwissboring foundation works for a prestigious business center project in Qatar

The Trevi Group, through its subsidiary Swissboring Qatar Wll, has been awarded the

contract for the foundations of the prestigious Barwa Financial District by Barwa

Real Estate. This follows a preliminary contract, commenced in the first half of this year;

the contract will take about nine months to complete. The Barwa Financial District, to be

built using the best and most environmentally friendly technology available, is expected to

become the business centre of Qatar and one of the leading centres in the Middle East, with

the presence of banks, insurance companies, important financial and industrial companies,

as well as leading consulting companies, and will offer full-circle solutions to the business

world. This award further confirms the quality of the project technology, the excellence and

the degree of internationalization that Trevi Group has attained in the field of foundation

engineering. In this regard, it is worth mentioning the recent contracts acquired in Algeria

for the extension of the LNG plant at Skidda (client Sonatrach) and for the East-West

motorway (client the Japanese business consortium Cojaal). These contracts are in addition

to those recently awarded for the extension of the second line of the Algiers metro and the

consolidation work to be carried out on the dams of Kissir, Cheliff and Boussiaba on behalf

of the State Entity, ANBT.

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cover story

Massimo Milandri and Luciano Vernocchi.

The human factor is the secret of Soilmec’s success. Personal

attention builds up client loyalty, strength and continuity for the

company, creating added value – not only in the technological

sense – for the clients. Nine interviews, nine stories to be heard in

order to understand how much impact the ‘human factor’ has had on the development and growth of Soilmec. We asked

different people within the production facility of Soilmec questions

concerning three aspects of the life of the company and also life

from within the company. This was aimed at highlighting the

Soilmec PeopleINTERNAL PRODUCTIONLuciano Vernocchi I’m 42 and I’ve been working at Soilmec for 27 years. I started when I was a boy and I’ve seen a remarkable growth, both in terms of the working environment, which has improved in order to respond to the new working demands, and in terms of relations with the clients. And I see Soilmec’s future as equally positive: we’re trying to move with the times, always in command and without letting anyone overtake us. The decision to expand the plant and adopt a cutting edge assembly process (lean production – Ed.) which is less low tech and more organised, is a move in this direction: it reduces production times and improves quality in the client’s favour. Today the people in the company are young and very closely-knit, even though it wasn’t easy at the beginning replacing all those experienced people who retired at the same time. After a period when we were caught on the hop, the relationships with these young people improved and now there’s more enthusiasm, mutual openness and team spirit, all factors which bring added value to the production and are perceived by the client, because working in harmony allows us to deliver complete machines which have fewer faults.

Massimo Milandri After two years working at Soilmec, I see the company as a complex, dynamic plant, which is still evolving with new projects being developed. A system which is evolving rapidly and which requires a great commitment in order to manage the change and to support it, from both a logistics and a human point of view, with new staff to be found, trained and used to the best advantage. The interchange with the outside world of the client helps us to absorb the requests for innovation, which are then passed on to production and back to

the clients themselves. This is an advantage which comes from being part of the Group: through Trevi there’s an immediate return of information, a daily exchange of experiences which makes a difference. As regards team-working, it is a crucial factor and involves all sectors, with colleagues extremely willing to help people integrate thanks to their mentoring of young colleagues and making their own knowledge and experience available. Rather than an anecdote, one aspect of our daily work comes to mind: the attention paid to the client is our burden and delight. This can be seen in the effectiveness requests are dealt with of last minute modifications concerning a machine that is already in production.

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cover story

Biagio Fagioli and Massimo Vernocchi.

EXTERNAL PRODUCTIONMassimo VernocchiThe results speak for themselves: when I arrived at Soilmec 18 years ago they produced about 80 machines, now they make between 600 and 700. So there’s been a technological change, but most of all a change in the organisation. Looking at Soilmec, I see a company which is successful in

markets all over the world: it’s difficult to foresee what could happen during a world recession such as we’re seeing now, but I don’t think we will suffer any particular repercussions. The change has obviously also involved people: there are a lot more young people in the company than there were a few years ago; these are perhaps more difficult to “place” at work, but some of them stand out and have what it takes. The company is relying on them and offering them the opportunity to grow, using this human capital to the best advantage beyond the technological aspects: they must possess a certain technological knowledge, be reliable and well trained in the specifics of their job. Studying alone isn’t enough, there’s a further step to be made in their evolution within our sector: young people arrive at Soilmec

with basic knowledge but they aren’t able to advance alone and they always need mentoring.

Biagio FagioliIn the last few years we’ve had a radical change in the organisation and in the image of Soilmec: now we have to think about organizing the departments, professional training of the personnel as regards the outside world and arranging open days. I’ve experienced all of this in the last few years and that shows a great evolution compared to the past. We still have work to do as regards future improvements and consolidation of the good results we’ve achieved, also as regards the growth in production; the investments made in the plants will give us a boost starting from the manufacturing which we now carry out externally. The change also concerns the daily life at Soilmec: at the beginning a lot more of us were “pioneers”, we worked more with prototypes than with the standard or ready designed machines. Today thanks to the new production process we no longer produce machine by machine, but on the production line with subgroups which are already painted and ready to assemble; we are now able to carry out commercial planning with the machines which will be produced the following year. We are living through a great improvement of the company, also in terms of safety in the work environment. We didn’t grow alone: our suppliers has been growing with us, recognising Soilmec’s leadership role.They are very fond of everything that we’re doing, also as regards human relations; we’re a team.

real added value of service to the client: how they see the company ‘from the inside’, from the point of view of someone with

a long working experience and someone who is new. They also see the

company’s results and the next steps in the future development; the daily life of the company microcosm at the plant and in relations with the client; the importance of teamwork between the “old”

and “young”. The result is a mosaic which neatly illustrates the industrial, professional and human history of Soilmec, to which

everyone has contributed in his or her own individual way.

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cover story

Filippo Viroli and Ivano Comandini.

Mauro Palumbo.

FORLÌ PRODUCTIONMauro PalumboI’ve been at Soilmec for 12 years and in my opinion the greatest strength of Soilmec and the whole Group is the ownership, the Trevi family. The three founding brothers, Davide and his brothers and the children are all within the structure of the Group in order to carry on the tradition, the continuity and keep everyone motivated. I see a positive future, because the

TESTSIvano ComandiniWhen I started, in January 1963, there were very few of us. I worked in the workshop and then abroad, delivering and repairing machines. Now I take care of the testing in close contact with the internal production to achive the finished, fully functioning product. Soilmec has grown both technologically and in terms of its staff: previously a new machine came out every two months. Now we work on pre-assembled parts and there are new young people in the teams. Mine is a typical case of extreme attachment to the company and to its values: when I got my retirement I stopped work for 6 weeks, but then I came back again and now I’m still working in order to train, as well as I can, the young people who will continue doing my job. Of course we no longer talk in the local romagnolo dialect in the company. The new arrivals come from different parts of Italy and from abroad; for most of them this is their first job, and they listen to those who have more experience, they’re willing to learn, and those who are really interested in the job want to get on. I think that the added value of a management that works well, also on a human level, is important not only for the client but also for those working at Soilmec: I was very pleased when an American Soilmec Technician, who had spent a week here studying 8 years ago, still remembered me and his experience here.

Filippo ViroliOver these last 10 years, Soilmec has given me a lot, helping me to grow also on a personal level, in terms of collaboration with others, with the chance to exchange views with all the people who work there. And we’ve grown a lot since I started. In the last few years there’s been a

profound evolution from all points of view. They say that we’re now on the crest of a wave; I think that to get there we have to aim higher. This is Soilmec’s strength, the spure to always be the first, so I think that in future, market permitting, we’ll be speeding along even faster because there’s a constant evolution, from all points of view.

The added value, to the client’s advantage, is very good and skilled from a technological point of view, and is in constant evolution. I also take care of testing and I never would have imagined that we’d advance so far. The future is all about electronics: if the client asks for something that was inconceivable up to a few years ago, you’re able to supply it, providing the assistance as well as the product. This transformation is reflected in the human environment too: when I started there were still the “old ones”, and more individualism. In the last 5-6 years the company has been repopulated with a high percentage of young people. Today there’s more of a family atmosphere, people are more willing to co-operate and to work in teams.

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cover story

Bruno Scarpellini and Ermes Monti.

The testimonies

given by People

working day

by day in the

company clearly


that human

factor is the

secret of Soilmec


PROTOTYPESErmes MontiI started at Soilmec in 1984, at the age of 16, and the company has changed a lot since then: machines used to be created from nothing, using pig iron, and now it’s an industrialised process, components are pre-assembled and we only have to do the final assembly and testing. We still create prototypes from nothing, with great ingenuity and craftsmanship, but even in large-scale production there’s still a very strong personal astuteness in the know-how we have about the work. How can we pass on this knowledge to the young people? It’s a question I ask myself. In my opinion there’s a great relationship between the young and the old; everyone is going forward together. It’s a bit more of an effort with the young ones, but, contrary to what I thought, a lot of them are smart and are willing to work, to learn. At Soilmec, there’s a very healthy atmosphere on a human level; the Trevisani family has always maintained this, despite the growing numbers. It’s a relationship which has remained constant over time, and which has allowed us to obtain the great results we have achieved on the market.

Bruno ScarpelliniSoilmec has never stopped, not even in moments of crisis, setting up radical and innovative changes. I can’t but help speak highly of the company, having a working experience which started in 1976 and which has now almost reached the end. Their great merit is to have always allowed people to grow within the company: I started with a junior high-school diploma and yet I became a foreman and now I’m head of the prototypes department. Having the opportunity to grow has been very important: this fact is still valid now but you have to really get down to work. Young people

today have a very different mentality; I don’t see the same attachment to the company as in my time – there’s a continuous turnover. With them the relationship has changed, there’s full collaboration. We “old ones” wanted to grow and to believe in this company. Another essential aspect concerns the importance of the ‘human value’ of a person. This includes both the ability to build relationships between the employees and the boss, and the fact of having put safety at work above all else. A few years ago a new plant manager started here, who was head of production. We immediately became friends. This episode is a sign of the desire of Soilmec to maintain direct contact with the workers, with those working in the workshop.

new generation that has taken over has done so very well with a percentage increase of 40 to 50%. Technological development is very important but so is production, which is very strong at Soilmec, (Soilmec is not simply an assembler or seller), as well as the employees who are trained to know how to assemble and test a machine, from the beginning to the end. From the company’s point of view, compared to when I started, it’s definitely

much ‘leaner’ and supported by external structures, all within the Group, while from a human point of view the internal climate is positive: we’ve always encouraged dialogue between the people: if you work in a healthy environment where you’re happy you also give back more. This has always been our trademark: we’ve moved and we’re moving in that direction. And this is an added value that the client is very well aware of.

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After the great success earned by the SR-70, SR-90 and SR-100 introduced since 2005,

Soilmec offers to the demanding foundation market the possibility to choose

a new rig jointing in the same machine the experience dued to SR Soilmec

series to that one of Caterpillar. In fact SR-80 C is a perfect mix

of CAT base machine turret (345 C) with Soilmec standard rotary.

CAT C13 engine generates the considerable rated power of 328

kW at 1800 rpm with that important guarantee of reliability,

quality and durability that have made CAT famous around the

world. Noteworthy are the performances of SR-80 C. It’s possible

to drill large bored piles with a maximum diameter of

2,000 mm, at a depth of about 80 m, while in case of CFA

(continuous flight auger) the rig has been conceived for piles up

to 1,200 mm at a depth of 25 m.

The multifunctionality of SR-80 C is testified by the possibility to be

fitted with crowd system made by whether winch (13,000 mm stroke

– standard) or cylinder (6,500 mm stroke – optional). In alternative

to the standard spin off rotary, the customer can select

the innovative shifting gear rotary, with a mechanical

3 high speed gear. This new solution allows to have a nominal

torque range that varies from 292-132 kNm, that permits an higher

production in terms of m/h and better rotation-to-torque ratio, with

a max drilling speed that varies from 27 to 107 rpm. As for the other

Soilmec SR-80 C

New drilling rig for LDP and CFA

new products

The new SR-80 C drilling rig by Soilmec.

Soilmec SR-80 C

Rated power

328 kW at 1800 rpm

Max pile diameter

2,000 mm (kelly version)1,200 mm (CFA)

Max pile depth

77 m (kelly version) 24 m (CFA)

12With the new SR-80 C Soilmec has reached its target to complete the range of drilling rigs for large diameter piles and remarkable depths

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new products

Detail of Soilmec SR-80 C base machine turret.

The Soilmec SP-110 is a grouting pump driven by a Deutz engine with a maximum

power output of 124 kW at 2,100 rpm. The pump unit, which has been designed and

built entirely by Soilmec, has a maximum delivery rating of 110 m3/h at a maximum

pressure of 50 bar. The feeder hopper, with mixer unit, has a capacity of 600 lt. The

SP-110’s other construction features include: electrical proximity pumping inversion

system; force pump specifically dedicated to controlling the inversion of the “S” valve;

easy access via the washing tank for the purposes of maintenance and replacement of

pumping unit gaskets; soundproofing cowlings.

Soilmec’s crawled unit concrete pump at work.

Soilmec machines based on a CAT turret, the winches are positioned in the lower part of

the mast, in front of the cabin, to permit to the operator a constant check. The main winch

has a maximum pull of 260 kN and a speed of 75 m/min, while the auxiliary winch has a

maximum pull of 100 kN and a speed of approximately 65 m/min. The machine can also be

arranged with a free fall service winch with 80 kN nominal line pull.

Soilmec SP-110New crawled grouting pump

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Soilmec presents SM-18, a unique drilling rig in the field of the micropiles multipurpose

rigs. SM-18 was developed from the fusion of Trevi Group job-site experience and Soilmec

technological research, thus perfectly responding to the needs of professionals worldwide.

Soilmec SM-18 offers higher performances: greater drilling depths thanks to higher hoist

force (more than 11 ton), and engine power totally transmitted to the tool through a rotary

with a power capacity of 160 HP. Soilmec SM-18 is faster: load-sensing control system on

hydraulic power; over 500 l/min oil flow given by twin piston pumps; higher speed on any

drilling movements. Last but not least, Soilmec SM-18 is safer: the control of all operation

is hydraulic and proportional; remote control board of each functions for finding the best

working position in any condition; noise reduction thanks to engine speed set on only 1,900

rpm; innovative emergency stop for drilling functions, safety light for active drilling mode,

telescopic counterweight and telescopic stabilizers for increased stability, easier maintenance

c/w faster fault checks.

Soilmec SM-18The next generation of micro-drilling rigs


new products

Remote control board of Soilmec SM-18.

A clear response to all job-sites’ requirements by means of a performing, quick and multifunctional drilling rig

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new products

The new Soilmec “Cougar” SC-120/H-8 hydromill at work in Naples.

“Cougar” SC-120/H-8 Hydromill Malaga and Naples, two towns where Soilmec hydromill found themselves facing entirely different situations

The equipment used on both these construction sites was the Soilmec H-8 hydromill with a

maximum drilling torque of 87 kNm for cutter, mounted on a Soilmec SC-120 crane (120 t

category) in the “Cougar” configuration. In this configuration, the machines cut panels with

a dimension of 2.800x800 mm; the hydromill’s capacity in this configuration is equivalent

to 58 m of depth for maximum thicknesses of up to 1,400 mm. The DMS (Drilling Mate

System) developed by Soilmec and installed on all the products in the range, in other words

the system used for the real time monitoring of all the operating parameters of both the

equipment and the production process, includes a dual-axis positioning sensor (triple-axis

version optional extra) that controls the geometry of the panel depending on the depth.

Vertical corrections are possible thanks to the following: mobile flaps installed on the main

body, variable rotation speed on the excavation discs and the patented inclination system

for each excavation disc that ensures optimal orientation along three main axes. In Malaga,

the Soilmec hydromill was used to create the support buttresses for a shopping mall in the

harbour area. The stratigraphy of the area revealed that, under the surface and subsequent

layer, varying in thickness from 2 to 4 metres, there was a layer of gravel and erratic chalky

sandstone deposits (a type of conglomerate sandstone), characterised by a resistance to

compression and lateral free expansion in excess of 1,000 kg/cm2. Furthermore, the layer

of rock layer to be excavated was often found to be at a depth in excess of 10 m. The SC-

120 “Cougar” hydromill is currently in use in Naples for the construction of a station for

the underground railway and, more specifically for the creation of “T”-shaped panels of

1,200x2,800 mm and up to 40-45 m in depth. In this case, the stratigraphy is characterised

by silty, sandy soils covering the yellow Neapolitan tuff.

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new technology

Arapuni Dam: preparatory works.

Arapuni Dam: drill adjacent hole with guide in adjacent hole.

Repairing and installing safety measures at the Arapuni dam in New Zealand was

a project that was among the most technologically important in the field of civil

engineering. In particular, the work performed by Trevi, by the main contractor Brian

Perry Civil, called for a series of precision drilling tasks. The slot cavities created were

then filled with concrete, which formed a waterproof diaphragm under the dam. The

implementation procedures for the drilling had unique characteristics, and the task was

achieved thanks to the competent support offered by Trevi during the process of defining

the project and their fundamental contribution was made possible by their ability to

count on the most advanced and sophisticated drilling devices, through Soilmec.

On the basis of the experience they acquired at the Arapuni dam, Soilmec Research and

SPS - Slot Pile System Soilmec has designed a new jig for repairing dams,

developed using the experience they acquired through an important project in New Zealand

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Project sketch of new equipment.

new technologyArapuni Dam: check slot dimensions and continuity across slot.

Focus on technologySpecialized excavation tool

To be used in dam repairing projects

Insertion of a down-the-hole rotary drill

Reactive control of the excavation direction

Development began a project for specialized excavation tools to create “guided secant

piles” to be used in dam repair projects. In short, the tool calls for the insertion of a down-

the-hole rotary drill and a guided system that allows reactive control of the direction

of the excavation. The specifics of the solution consists in an excavation device that is

supported in the hole during operation through a lifting mechanism and that includes an

exchange motor. The opening can be partially filled with excavation fluid, and the detritus

evacuation system uses reverse circulation so that the excavation debris is transported to

the surface through a flexible tube that is wound up in a special coiler. The tubes and the

electrical cables necessary for operation and control of the unit are controlled in the same

way, including measurements and corrections relative to its position.

With respect to the solutions developed and applied at the Arapuni project, the new jig

decreases excavation times since it is no longer necessary to insert drill pipes, which are

replaced by tubing, allowing monitoring of excavation parameters and reactive control

of the gradients.

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network news


The team of Soilmec Deutschland: from the left, Massimo Valenti, Engelbert Bieker, Kathrin Bieker, Rainer Obert, Alex Schmelzer.

The Soilmec Deutschland GmbH has been

founded in May 2008 with the idea to provide

a perfect technical assistance and spare parts

service in the North European market. The

world’s most important drilling rig producers

are settled either in Italy or in Germany. For

this reason it was a strategic decision for a

market leading Italian company as Soilmec to

possess also a branch in the German-language

region. The headquarter in Drolshagen – in the

center of Germany – has a covered space of

more than 3.000 square meters which means

a huge capacity for workshops and spare part

stocks. Furthermore it is even suitable to build

up a future production unit. With a German

and English speaking staff of actually six

people, Soilmec Deutschland is able to serve

the 12 units already sold in Austria, Denmark,

Germany, Netherlands and Scandinavia.

Soilmec Deutschland company’s start up

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network news

Soilmec Australia“Newborn” downunder

Blue bow for Soilmec’s “newborn”: on

October 1st 2008 Soilmec’s Australian

branch was officially inaugurated. The

new branch, called Soilmec Australia,

strengthens the company’s presence

in the Oceania area and enriches

a worldwide network which now

accounts for more than 70 distribution

and assistance points in more than 90

countries. The new Company’s seat

shall be in Sydney (see in the pictures:

the staff headed by Mark A. Williams,

the Area Manager, Stefano Cordella

and Soilmec’s Administrative Manager,

Marco Casadei). The new branch’s Managing Director is Mark A. Williams who has

been representing Soilmec’s brand in Australia since 2000 and has now enthusiastically

accepted the Head Office’s invitation to give birth to a new branch. The new structure

consists of a staff of 4 mechanics who will be relying on a workshop located at Sydney’s

seat and on 4 movable units to safisfy the needs of a very vast territory.

The team of Soilmec Australia.

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network news

There is a vast number of projects in Turkey involving Soilmec machines and there will always be a demand for these machines in the Turkish market. Founded in 1987, Erke Dis Ticaret Ltd. is one of the most

experienced companies in its market, either in sale and service. The company handles its

sale and service activities through its own offices in Istanbul and in Ankara thanks to a really

experienced and dedicated staff. Erke main activity is the marketing of foundation machinery,

together with all equipments and attachments which are necessary for ground engineering.

Erke is the official dealer of Soilmec machinery in Turkey, as other seven world famous brands

in ground engineering. Erke is also acting as consultant to those companies which are looking

for solutions in the ground engineering. Thanks to its 21 years experience Erke can suggest to

its own customers and to anyone else operating in this market, various and different solutions

to their problems. Erke has very strong relationships throughout the international market

and this is consenting them the possibility to accomplish the Turkish market with the latest

developments in its market. Any innovation and development in the sector can be followed

through Erke. Service is sustained by experienced personnel, proposing and executing the

most appropriate solution.

Erke is fully aware of the Trevi Group’s greatness and philosophy, is also fully aware of the

fact that Erke is a strong member of Soilmec’s family. A distinguished Soilmec agent, which

by the way has been elected “number one distributor” for several years, and proud to be

part of Trevi Group. Everybody in this field knows that Trevi Group and Soilmec are the most

important actors in this business. Their worldwide network will always support Erka. The wide

knowledge and experience of Trevi Group together with Soilmec’s technology and after sales

Soilmec-Erke, 20 years’ partnership in Turkey

A great announcement

After 20 years of friendship, Mr. A.F. El Didi and Mr. H. Kaya, who are the oldest and most successful dealers of Soilmec, made an exclusive agreement for a cooperation in the Gulf Area. According to such agreement, Mr. H. Kaya in behalf of Erke Co. will be responsible for Turkish contractors who are working in the Gulf Area. Mr. El Didi, Soilmec Gulf Chairman, said that the cooperation with Mr. Kaya and Erke will lead to even more success through Turkish contractors.

Mr. H. Kaya and Mr. A.F. El Didi after the sign agreement.

The team of Erke Dis Ticaret Ltd.

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network news

Soilmec at ConmexDubai (UEA), 20-23 October 2008

Soilmec took part to Conmex, the most important trade fair for the construction industry

equipments in Middle East. The construction sector in the Middle East is yet to reach its full

potential. It is estimated that currently projects worth US$ 4 billion are being announced

every week. In the coming years, construction activity in the region will reach astronomical

proportions with subsequent rise in demand for related machinery and equipments.

Pictures of Soilmec stand at Conmex in Dubai (UEA).

support are their major advantage either in marketing and servicing. Being a part of this

Group, which is the worldwide leading company both in foundation works and machinery

manufacturing, gives Erke a great advantage in foundation equipment, adapting solutions to

the market and enhancing customer satisfaction.

Turkey is a booming country for Soilmec equipment and machinery. There are two main

sectors which involves Soilmec equipment: hydroelectric power plants and main infrastructure

investments like metros, tunnels, highways, bridges, etc. The most important sector for Soilmec

machinery in this moment is the small and medium sized hydroelectric power plants. There

are almost 1,278 projects of this kind which have already been planned. 72 have already

been started, and Soilmec drilling rigs, mini piling rigs and hydromills are widely used for all

those projects. Since these projects will be going on for years, its sure that even more Soilmec

machineries and equipments will be requested by the market. Another important sector is the

infrastructure investments. At the moment one of the world greatest infrastructure project –

the Bhosphourus Tunnel – is under construction. Together with this tunnel, 16 new stations

will be built and either on Asian side and European side 26 km of new railroad are under

construction. Only this great project needs 10 Soilmec machinery for piling, anchoring, jet

grouting and diapghram walling. Beside this great project, in Istanbul, at the moment there

are 3 different metro projects going on. In all these 3 projects Soilmec machines are being

used and will be used. Also in other Turkish cities like Ankara, Izmir and Adana similar projects

are going on and will go on for a very long time.

Soilmec’s drilling rig at work in Turkey.

Page 22: ERKE Group, Soilmec Journal Feb'08

Lean production principles

1. Define the value

2. Identify the value flow

3. Make the “flow” flow

4. Get the customer pull the company’s value

5. Seek perfection

The desire to ensure ever-higher quality standards, combined with the need to optimise production times has driven Soilmec to invest

heavily in its productive and organisational structure. As a result, a new organizational

model has been adopted, inspired by the “Lean Enterprise” system. This is a medium-long

term strategy that leads to improved efficiency by means of a drastic reduction in the

non-value generated by company activities. The term “Lean Enterprise” is used to define a

cultural approach to ongoing improvement, involving the entire production delivery chain.

A philosophy driven by the internal customer, whereby downstream employees/workers are

viewed as customers of their colleagues upstream. This creates a customer driven “pull”

system throughout the production system, all the way through to product design team and

the managers who decide company strategy. The Lean system, and more specifically Lean

Production, is an application of the production system developed within the Toyota Company

(more specifically the TPS, or Toyota Production System), which managed to overcome

the limitations of the mass production system (the one adopted years ago by Henry Ford

and Alfred Sloan). The cornerstone of so-called “lean thinking” is represented by ongoing

research and the elimination of inefficiency so as to produce more with fewer resources

and greater quality control. The systematic elimination of inefficiency is made possible by the

pursuance and implementation of the 5 principles that constitute the reference framework

for the activities involved in reviewing company processed. The starting point in the hunt for

examples of inefficiency (first principle) is the identification of that which actually

creates value. Thereafter (second principle), establish the flow of value, which, in the

case of a specific product, includes the entire range of activities required in order to convert


Soilmec Lean Production

The importance of lean thinking


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the raw materials into a finished product. Examination of the value flow enables us to identify

any points of inefficiency in the process. Having accurately identified the value flow for a

specific product or family of products and having re-designed it, eliminating all of the useless

activities by mapping the flows, the next step, in terms of the third principle, is to make sure

that the remaining value-adding activities are arranged in a logical flow.

The “Lean thinking” concept completely overturns the traditional way of thinking according

to lots, functions and departments. As a matter of fact, tasks can almost always be performed

more effectively when the product is processed seamlessly from raw material through to

finished product. Once the company (or more generally speaking, the organisation) has

defined the value of the product (to the customer), identified the value flow and finally

eliminated any obstacles, and thus any waste, thereby ensuring that the process flows

without any interruptions, then the time has come to allow the customer (fourth principle) to

“pull” the process (namely the value flow) along: by definition, the customer “pulls the

company’s value”. This entails acquiring the ability to design, plan and produce only that

which the customer wants, precisely when he/she wants it. The fifth principle is all about

seeking perfection. This final principle may appear to be somewhat presumptuous

and should therefore rather be interpreted as continuous improvement (Kaizen). In fact,

if the first four principles are properly applied, then previously unthinkable synergies are

created, which start up an ongoing process of reduction of times, of space and of costs, also

establishing precise moments for the ad-hoc inter-departmental teams to attempt to resolve

problems in weeks (the so-called “Kaizen”). The implementation of the Lean Production

system within Soilmec involved, above all, the operations area, which was then followed by

production, then the supply chain and then back to the design area. In terms of results, what

was achieved on average was improved efficiency, a reduction in machine assembly

times, an increase in production capacity and an improvement in the level of logistics

services in terms of feeding materials from the stores to the assembly lines, thus reducing

the non-availability of materials.

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In line with the strong growth which has characterised its recent industrial history, Soilmec

has set up an important project for improving its production facility. It is a

complete renovation project which will change considerably the overall look of the Soilmec

headquarters in Cesena by adopting innovative architectural solutions. In fact, alongside

the building and architectural works, the street furniture on the premises (green areas,

walkways, lighting, entranceways, etc.) will also be examined in order to improve the

internal accessibility. The first measures

for expanding production capacity are

already in progress, and these will be

followed by optimisation of the logistics

area and the internal road system, the

renewal of all the executive offices and

the reception area (more than 3,000

square metres), and the expansion of

the canteen and other adjoining areas.

The whole operation should take a

couple of years, with completion due

by the end of 2010.

As regards the expansion of the areas

available for the production, work

is currently in progress at the centre

of the Soilmec headquarters on the

Soilmec Headquarter expansion Soilmec is projecting the enlargement of its own offices and manufacturing plant sites. Work in progress for the new production unit of 10.000 square meters



Internal view of new Soilmec’s plant working space.

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Soilmec has been selected, together with

a number of other outstanding Italian

companies, to participate in the National

Quality Campaign, an important annual

event to promote the strategic role that

Quality plays in the Country’s overall

economic system. The initiative was originally

launched back in 1989 by the three major

Japanese, American and European Quality

Associations, namely the Japanese Union

of Scientists and Engineers (JUSE), the

American Society for Quality Control, now

known as the American Society for Quality

(ASQ), and the European Organization for

Quality (EOQ). For many years the Galgano

Group has promoted this initiative, bringing

together public and privately owned Italian

companies operating in all of the various

product sectors that have chosen Quality

as being a key factor in building success,

involving society as a whole and the market

itself. Since 1995, the National Quality

Campaign has formed part of the European

Quality Week, a campaign launched by the

European Union to encourage member

States to hold a whole series of promotional

events during November of each year, aimed

at spreading a Culture of Quality.

Soilmec and total quality

construction of a new 10,000 square metre

structure, earmarked mainly for the assembly

of large tonnage machines. These will all be

ready at the beginning of next summer. This

important investment forms part of the general

reorganisation process of the production

(already started following the principles of Lean

Production: see article on page 22) in order to

adapt the space available, improve the services,

assure the final quality of the products and, of

course, improve production potential. The new

structure, just over 14 metres high and divided

into 4 bays, each equipped with 2 overhead cranes weighing 40 tonnes each, will be built

according to highly innovative criteria which enhance both the quality of the working

environment and general safety. To guarantee good natural light and ventilation for the

assembly workers, the roof of the premises has been made using 1,400 square metres of

skillion (shed) roof, while heating and cooling will be guaranteed by a geothermal system

made up of 80 bore holes driven to a depth of up to 120 metres.

A complete

renovation project

which will change


the overall look

of the Soilmec


in Cesena

Project view (above and beside)of new Soilmec headquarter: officres and manufacturing sheds.

Page 26: ERKE Group, Soilmec Journal Feb'08

NIM-A (NIM is the acronym of New Italian

Method) is an alliance between Rocksoil, a

firm of the former minister Pietro Lunardi,

Trevi and Soilmec of the Trevi Group. The

aim of the alliance will be the excavation

tunnels in difficult soil conditions in China,

India, the Russian Federation, Brazil

and Lithuania, though the geographic

destination will be decided case by

case by the directive commission of the

Consortium. According to the different

client’s needing, the following services can

be provided: tunnelling design; technology

know-how transfer; special equipment

supply; tunnelling construction.

26 Nim-A begins lifeA new method for tunnelling in difficult soils


Page 27: ERKE Group, Soilmec Journal Feb'08

Trevi Group on You TubeIs already on line a new space on You

Tube about Trevi Group. On this site you

can see our corporate’s videos and other

general information. To enter the site:

Cover for Soilmec SR-70Business Class, the official magazine of

Ukraine National Airlines, dedicated August

cover to Ukraine tycoon Volodymyr Prodivus.

A model of Soilmec SR-70 is shining on the

desk of the businessman.



Launched during the 2006 “Open House”, “Elements concept” has undergone some minor

graphic restyling. The five colours that were associated with the elements of Pulse, Soul, Brain,

Motion and Power have changed hue. A minor graphic update that nevertheless retains the

original meaning and colour association with the various departments. Pulse is still associated

with the Sales Department and network; Soul with the Marketing & Advertising Department

as well as Customer care and After-sales services; Brain with Research & Development,

Motion with the Technology Department and Power with the Production Department.

The Elements change colourUpdating the concept

pulse soul brain

motion power

Page 28: ERKE Group, Soilmec Journal Feb'08

Foundation works with

R-312/200 for the highway bridge

expansion project in UtahCondon Johnsons’s R-930 in

CFA working on the new City

Creek Project in downtown

Salt Lake City

Foundation work with

SR-100 hydraulic rotary rig

in Las Vegas

click on site


Soilmec in action at...

A Soilmec R-930 used for the

foundation works of new bridge

between Bronx and Manhattan, near

Willis Avenue Bridge,

in New York

Page 29: ERKE Group, Soilmec Journal Feb'08

A Soilmec drilling unit plays

as a champion on the field

of Fenerbache Stadium

in Istanbul

Two Soilmec machines –

R-724 and R-625 –

in full action in Dubai

A SR-100 at work on a

offshore platform near


Highway consolidation

works with PSM-1350

in Manchester, little

town near Boston

click on site


Soilmec in action at...

Page 30: ERKE Group, Soilmec Journal Feb'08

Entering the Indian market

Soilmec India is headquartered in Mumbai providing equipment, sales & service,

training across the country with a strong support of inventory of spares and other parts

in Mumbai and Delhi. Soilmec India is being incorporated as a manufacturing and trading

company. Mr Davide Panzavolta, Soilmec Area Manager, said his company will be interested

in introducing the whole range of its sophisticated drilling machine systems, which had

undergone a change integrating more safety apparatus like operator’s cabins, video camera

and remote radio control for easier monitoring and quick follow-up actions by the customers

of the machines installed at various sites. Started with setting up a 2,000 square meters factory

for manufacturing drilling tools, Soilmec India plan to manufacture around 250 tools

in 2009 for serving the Soilmec customer in the local market. This will serve as an

added value to our selling of drilling rig in a market which needs a continuous monitoring on

the choosing the right equipment and tools in different conditions of work. Today the strong

presence of skilled technicians and operators have increased the aura around support issue

which has always been considered the most wanted feature of the Indian customers from the

equipment manufacturer. In the last two years, India has increasingly developed a great demand

for Soilmec product and technology because of its quality, expertise, reliability and innovation.

With this respect, a strategic road map has been concreted to meet these requirements, by

offering comprehensive solutions that are the results of intense research & development done

by Soilmec over the last 4 decades. Soilmec International experience & technical know-

how is on its way to meet Indian demands – that will benefit the construction industry

tremendously. With the infrastructure & energy projects gaining momentum, our specialised

range of equipment and accessories for deep foundation works are ideally suited for these

All about the charme of Indian architecture for Soilmec SR-40.

focus on

30Starting from January 2007, Soilmec Indian arm was set up for scaling up the operation aiming at one motive “selling”

Page 31: ERKE Group, Soilmec Journal Feb'08


focus on

projects. We have introduced our flagship drilling and piling machines for the initial stage. On

the later stage, depending on the demand based on customer requirements we plan to add

innovation to the existing product range. One of the key services that we will offer in

India is “customisation”. Soilmec being a manufacturing company, we are in a position to

customise the machinery as customer specifications & utilization. This value added service

in the construction industry, sets apart Soilmec from its competitors. By imparting

appropriate training to operators all over the country, Soilmec ensures that the equipment at

a customer’s site works to its full potential with negligible or zero downtime. Soilmec India

have successfully demonstrated the prowess of Soilmec products, and converted them into

sales. There’s a surge in demand for drilling and piling machines, all over India, which will be

delivered in the next months. The importance of construction industry can be gauged by the

mentioned size and we are ideally positioned to meet the demands posed by the industry.

A crowd assists to Soilmec R-625 drilling operations.

Two Soilmec machines, SR-70 (above) and SR-100 (beside), at work in India.

In two years India

has increasingly

developed a

great demand for

Soilmec products

and technologies

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Great success for Soilmec at the 12th

edition of Bauma China, the most important

exhibition in the Far East dedicated to the

equipment for special foundations and for

construction industry machinery. It was

held at the Expo Centre in Shanghai, from

November 25th to 28th. Soilmec had a brand

new exposition structure, with a spherical

base, somehow suggesting the embrace of

a precious content, a “pearl”, a welcoming

isle of relax along the busy exhibition days.

Smooth shapes, multimedia information

points for the new 3D, Soilmec labelled,

catalogues, a typical “made in Italy” warm

welcome, and everything together making

up “the Pearl” as a real landmark of the

event, either for the various professionals

and for all those who are mostly caring for

new trends in technologies and design. A

special care for the customer – main target

of Soilmec new vision – and a special care

of the specific needs of the Eastern market

Soilmec Welcome to “the Pearl”!


too, played a base role while ideating the

project of “the Pearl”…

The success of the exhibition is also due

to the precious cooperation of the Eastern

subsidiaries of Soilmec network, of the

Representative Office in Beijing and of

Soilmec Hong Kong.

See you at Intermat 2009!


A new concept of Soilmec stand

Focus on:Hospitality & Technology

Feeling with Customers

Bauma China 2008 Shanghai (China)November 25-28, 2008

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IFCEE 09March 15-19, 2009

Orlando (U.S.A.)

The International Foundations Congress and Equipment Expo ‘09 (IFCEE09)

will provide a spectacular and comprehensive congress. It combines the International

Association of Foundation Drilling (ADSC), the Geo-Institute of ASCE, and the Pile Driving

Contractors Association (PDCA) 2009 annual meetings, and will bring together varied

U.S.A. and worldwide industry organizations. As part of the technical program, engineers,

foundation contractors, equipment manufacturers, suppliers, and researchers will discuss the

latest technological advances in the foundation and earth retention industry.

OMC 2009March 25-27, 2009

Ravenna (Italy)The Offshore Mediterranean Conference & Exhibition 2009 is the complete

event for the Mediterranean oil&gas industry as it brings together hundreds of

companies and organizations from worldwide. Anyone involved in the industry cannot

miss the opportunity to participate in OMC: more than 7.600 attendees from Europe,

America, Africa and the Middle East participated in lest edition (2007). The general

theme of OMC 2009 – The Mediterranean: the centre of Energy Interdependence –

aims at highlighting the situation which is consolidating in the Mediterranean area.

INTERMAT 2009April 20-25, 2009

Paris (France)One of the world’s three biggest trade shows for building technology and construction

market (with Bauma and Samoter), Intermat brings together the major players in the

construction materials and machinery production industry. One special feature that makes

this event unique is that it is the only one to offer an outside demonstration area of

30,000 square meters, on which exhibitors’ machines perform in a gigantic open-air

construction area. For the 2009 editions Intermat is opening its doors to new business

sectors as mines & quarries, drilling and boring.

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