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  • 7/23/2019 Erikson - Society


    FeistFeist: Theories of

    Personality, Seventh


    II. Psychodynamic


    9. Erikson: PostFreudian


    253 The McGrawHill

    Companies, 2009

    only body we will ever have. The ego idealrepresents the image we have of ourselves

    in comparison with an established ideal; it is responsible for our being satisfied or

    dissatisfied not only with our physical self but with our entire personal identity.Ego

    identity is the image we have of ourselves in the variety of social roles we play. Al-

    though adolescence is ordinarily the time when these three components are chang-

    ing most rapidly, alterations in body ego, ego ideal, and ego identity can and do take

    place at any stage of life.

    Societys Influence

    Although inborn capacities are important in personality development, the ego

    emerges from and is largely shaped by society. Eriksons emphasis on social and his-

    torical factors was in contrast with Freuds mostly biological viewpoint. To Erikson,

    the ego exists as potential at birth, but it must emerge from within a cultural envi-

    ronment. Different societies, with their variations in child-rearing practices, tend to

    shape personalities that fit the needs and values of their culture. For example, Erik-

    son (1963) found that prolonged and permissive nursing of infants of the Sioux na-

    tion (sometimes for as long as 4 or 5 years) resulted in what Freud would call oral

    personalities: that is, people who gain great pleasure through functions of the mouth.

    The Sioux place great value on generosity, and Erikson believed that the reassurance

    resulting from unlimited breast-feeding lays the foundation for the virtue of gen-

    erosity. However, Sioux parents quickly suppress biting, a practice that may con-

    tribute to the childs fortitude and ferocity. On the other hand, people of the Yurok

    nation set strict regulations concerning elimination of urine and feces, practices that

    tend to develop anality, or compulsive neatness, stubbornness, and miserliness. In

    European American societies, orality and anality are often considered undesirable

    traits or neurotic symptoms. Erikson (1963), however, argued that orality among the

    Sioux hunters and anality among the Yurok fishermen are adaptive characteristics

    that help both the individual and the culture. The fact that European American cul-

    ture views orality and anality as deviant traits merely displays its own ethnocentric

    view of other societies. Erikson (1968, 1974) argued that historically all tribes or na-

    tions, including the United States, have developed what he called a pseudospecies:

    that is, an illusion perpetrated and perpetuated by a particular society that it is some-

    how chosen to be the human species. In past centuries, this belief has aided the sur-

    vival of the tribe, but with modern means of world annihilation, such a prejudiced

    perception (as demonstrated by Nazi Germany) threatens the survival of every


    One of Eriksons principal contributions to personality theory was his exten-

    sion of the Freudian early stages of development to include school age, youth, adult-

    hood, and old age. Before looking more closely at Eriksons theory of ego develop-

    ment, we discuss his view of how personality develops from one stage to the next.

    Epigenetic Principle

    Erikson believed that the ego develops throughout the various stages of life accord-

    ing to an epigenetic principle, a term borrowed from embryology. Epigenetic de-

    velopment implies a step-by-step growth of fetal organs. The embryo does not begin

    as a completely formed little person, waiting to merely expand its structure and

    Chapter 9 Erikson: Post-Freudian Theory 247