eric v. linder (arxiv: 1502.01353v1). contents i. introduction ii. measuring time delay distances...

Tailoring Strong Lensing Cosmographic Observations Eric V. Linder (arXiv: 1502.01353v1)

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Page 1: Eric V. Linder (arXiv: 1502.01353v1). Contents I. Introduction II. Measuring time delay distances III. Optimizing Spectroscopic followup IV. Influence

Tailoring Strong Lensing

Cosmographic Observations

Eric V. Linder (arXiv: 1502.01353v1)

Page 2: Eric V. Linder (arXiv: 1502.01353v1). Contents I. Introduction II. Measuring time delay distances III. Optimizing Spectroscopic followup IV. Influence


I. Introduction

II. Measuring time delay distances

III. Optimizing Spectroscopic followup

IV. Influence of systematicsA. Redshift distribution revisited

B. Model systematics

V. Conclusion

Page 3: Eric V. Linder (arXiv: 1502.01353v1). Contents I. Introduction II. Measuring time delay distances III. Optimizing Spectroscopic followup IV. Influence

I. Introduction

What is the ‘Cosmography’?The science that maps the general features

of the cosmos or universe, describing both heaven and Earth

beginning to be used to describe attempts to determine the large-scale geometry and kinematics of the observable universe, independent of any specific cosmological theory or model

Page 4: Eric V. Linder (arXiv: 1502.01353v1). Contents I. Introduction II. Measuring time delay distances III. Optimizing Spectroscopic followup IV. Influence

1. Introduction – Cosmography

Distance – redshift relations Type Ia supernova luminosity distance -

redshift relation The cosmic microwave background radiation

anisotropies/ baryon acoustic oscillations in galaxy clustering

Cosmic redshift drift The strong gravitational lensing time delay

distance - redshift relation (1964, Refsdal)

Page 5: Eric V. Linder (arXiv: 1502.01353v1). Contents I. Introduction II. Measuring time delay distances III. Optimizing Spectroscopic followup IV. Influence

1. Introduction

Strong lensing distance Why interesting?

unlike the standard distance-redshift relations the measured time delay is a dimensionful quantity

the time delay distance is comprised of the ratio of three distances○ sensitive to the Hubble constant H0○ the time delay distance has an unusual dependence on

dark energy properties and has high complementarity with the usual distance probes

On-going & future surveys:DES, LSST, Euclid, WFIRST

Page 6: Eric V. Linder (arXiv: 1502.01353v1). Contents I. Introduction II. Measuring time delay distances III. Optimizing Spectroscopic followup IV. Influence

1. Introduction

Two aspects of implementation of time delay distances into surveys1. Optimization of spectroscopic resources

2. The role of systematics

Page 7: Eric V. Linder (arXiv: 1502.01353v1). Contents I. Introduction II. Measuring time delay distances III. Optimizing Spectroscopic followup IV. Influence

II. Measuring time delay distances Time delay between two images of the

source come from:The geometric path difference of the light

propagationThe differing gravitational potential

experienced The time delay distance:

Δt : the observed time delayΔϕ: the potential difference modeled from

the observations such as image position, fluxes, surface brightness

Page 8: Eric V. Linder (arXiv: 1502.01353v1). Contents I. Introduction II. Measuring time delay distances III. Optimizing Spectroscopic followup IV. Influence

II. Measuring time delay distances The time delay distance:

(surveys: DES, LSST, Euclid, WFIRST)Δt : the observed time delay

○ By monitoring the image fluxes over several yearsΔϕ: the potential difference modeled from the

observations such as image position, fluxes, surface brightness○ constrained by the rich data of the images (HST,

JWST)○ lens mass modeling : galaxy velocity dispersion

by through spectroscopy○ Redshift of lens and sources : spectroscopy

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II. Measuring time delay distances For Δt and Δϕ,

These essential followup must be sought in order to derive the strong lensing cosmological constraints from the wide field imaging survey (limitation on telescope time)

The optimization of cosmological leverage given a finite followup resources

Combine the strong lesing distances with CMB and supernovae distances to break degeneracies between parameters

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II. Measuring time delay distances Etc.

Combine the strong lesing distances with CMB and supernovae distances to break degeneracies between parameters

Adopt a Planck quality constraint on the distance to last scattering (0.2%) and physical matter density (0.9%)

For supernovae, use a sample of the quality expected from ground based surveys

Perform a Fisher information analysis for (Ωm, w0, wa, h, Μ) with flat LCMD cosmology

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III. Optimizing Spectroscopic Followup Spectroscopic time is restricted

Optimization: maximize the cosmological leverage of the measured time delay distance given the constraint, fixed this (= limited source)

by examining the impact of sculpting the redshift distribution of the lenses to be followed up

especially, fix the spectroscopic time for the sample of lenses whose redshift or galaxy velocity dispersion are to be measured with fixed signal-to-noise

Page 12: Eric V. Linder (arXiv: 1502.01353v1). Contents I. Introduction II. Measuring time delay distances III. Optimizing Spectroscopic followup IV. Influence

III. Optimizing Spectroscopic Followup Spectroscopic time for lenses is restricted

fixed signal-to-noise

gives Spectroscopic exposure time becomes increasingly

expensive with redshift as roughly (1+z)^6However, as exposure time gets smaller, other

noise contributions enter as well as overheads (telescope slewing and detector readout time)

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III. Optimizing Spectroscopic Followup Spectroscopic time for lenses is restricted

Optimizing procesureFix signal-to-noise to obtain constraint on the

exposure time, t_exp

Choose the quantity to optimize: dark energy figure of merit (FOM), the area of a confidence contour in the dark energy equation of state plane, marginalized over all other parameters.

To optimize the redshift distribution, begin with a uniform distribution in lens redshift

Page 14: Eric V. Linder (arXiv: 1502.01353v1). Contents I. Introduction II. Measuring time delay distances III. Optimizing Spectroscopic followup IV. Influence

III. Optimizing Spectroscopic Followup Spectroscopic time for lenses is restricted

Optimizing procesureFix signal-to-noise to obtain constraint on the

exposure time, t_expChoose the quantity to optimize: dark energy figure

of merit (FOM)To optimize the redshift distribution, begin with a

uniform distribution in lens redshift• Take 25 time delay systems of 5% precision in each bin of

redshift width dz = 0.1 over the range z = 0.1~0.7, for a total of 150 systems (fixed resource constraint, total spectroscopic time)

Page 15: Eric V. Linder (arXiv: 1502.01353v1). Contents I. Introduction II. Measuring time delay distances III. Optimizing Spectroscopic followup IV. Influence

III. Optimizing Spectroscopic Followup Spectroscopic time for lenses is restricted

Optimizing procesureFixe signal-to-noise to obtain constraint on the

exposure time, t_expChoose the quantity to optimize: dark energy figure

of merit (FOM)Begin with a uniform distribution in lens redshiftPerturb the initial uniform distribution by one system

in each bin, one at a time (conserve the resources)Calculate resulting FOMIterate the last two processesRound the numbers in each bin to the nearest


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III. Optimizing Spectroscopic Followup

Optimization increases the FOM by almost 40%, keeping the spectroscopic time fixed.

Optimized redshift dist. Heavily weighted toward low

redshift (less time burden) The higher redshift bin is needed,

but it does not seek to maximize the range by taking the highest bin (greatest time burden)

FOM becomes improved Parameter estimation

Page 17: Eric V. Linder (arXiv: 1502.01353v1). Contents I. Introduction II. Measuring time delay distances III. Optimizing Spectroscopic followup IV. Influence

IV. Influence of Systematics Dealing with systematic uncertainties Investigate two impact of systematics

A. Redshift distribution revisited

B. Model systematics

Page 18: Eric V. Linder (arXiv: 1502.01353v1). Contents I. Introduction II. Measuring time delay distances III. Optimizing Spectroscopic followup IV. Influence

IV. Influence of Systematics

A. Redshift distribution revisited The effect of various levels of systematic

uncertainties on the optimization in III.On the optimized redshift distribution and

the resulting cosmological parameter estimation.

Implementation of the systematic as a floor, added in quadrature to the statistical uncertainty:ni: the number in redshift bin i

Page 19: Eric V. Linder (arXiv: 1502.01353v1). Contents I. Introduction II. Measuring time delay distances III. Optimizing Spectroscopic followup IV. Influence

IV. Influence of Systematics

A. Redshift distribution revisited

Optimized lens redshift distribution, subject to resource constraint, for different levels of systematics

Page 20: Eric V. Linder (arXiv: 1502.01353v1). Contents I. Introduction II. Measuring time delay distances III. Optimizing Spectroscopic followup IV. Influence

IV. Influence of Systematics

A. Redshift distribution revisited

Optimized lens redshift distribution, subject to resource constraint, for different levels of systematics

Page 21: Eric V. Linder (arXiv: 1502.01353v1). Contents I. Introduction II. Measuring time delay distances III. Optimizing Spectroscopic followup IV. Influence

IV. Influence of Systematics

A. Redshift distribution revisited

Optimized lens redshift distribution, subject to resource constraint, for different levels of systematics

reduced hubble constant, h

Page 22: Eric V. Linder (arXiv: 1502.01353v1). Contents I. Introduction II. Measuring time delay distances III. Optimizing Spectroscopic followup IV. Influence

V. Conclusion

The strong gravitational lensing time delay distance – redshift relation : a geometric probe of cosmologyBeing dimensionful and hence sensitive to

the Hubble constant, H0Being a triple distance ratio and hence

highly complementary to other distance probes

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V. Conclusion

The strong gravitational lensing time delay distance – redshift relation : a geometric probe of cosmology

Optimization of the lens system redshift distribution to give maximal cosmology leverage, given followup resources do improve the result (FOM, parameter estimation, etc)