equipment list

Equipment List One of the most important equipment, we shall need to complete our music video is a video camera. This is essential as without it we are unable to film the music video to a high quality standard. We shall be using the same camera so that the footage quality is the same and does not look different when we upload onto the computer whilst editing. To make sure when we are filming that the camera is not shaky and wobbly, therefore using a camera stand. This made sure that the camera was still and focused on the frame. However for a tracking shot we were unable to use the camera shot and the quality was slightly shaky. However this adds to the feel of the video and makes it more of a natural video and more interesting. We used a computer for most of our work after the filming as this was where all the filming and images were stored onto and this also held the programs we needed to create our video and album. this also allowed us to use the internet as we needed this for most of our research and to communicate with each other by sending work through email.

Upload: harmonydulay

Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Equipment list

Equipment List

One of the most important equipment, we shall need to complete our music video is a video camera. This is essential as without it we are unable to film the music video to a high quality standard. We shall be using the same camera so that the footage quality is the same and does not look different when we upload onto the computer whilst editing.

To make sure when we are filming that the camera is not shaky and wobbly, therefore using a camera stand. This made sure that the camera was still and focused on the frame. However for a tracking shot we were unable to use the camera shot and the quality was slightly shaky. However this adds to the feel of the video and makes it more of a natural video and more interesting.

We used a computer for most of our work after the filming as this was where all the filming and images were stored onto and this also held the programs we needed to create our video and album. this also allowed us to use the internet as we needed this for most of our research and to communicate with each other by sending work through email.

We used many different props in our video such as guitars and a drum kit to make sure we make the band theme as realistic as possible. We also used our drama studio which was equipped with a spotlight which we used to make the video effective with the performance theme as it only showed them and their shadow which we believed fitted with the style of the indie genre.

Page 2: Equipment list

Software List

The main program me used to create our music video is Adobe Premier CS6. This is where we created the music video and allowed us to edit the various different shots and filming we had done on the camera. This program was ideal because it had many different video effects and transitions which made the video look more effective especially with the cross/film dissolve between each shot which made the transaction between shots smoother and flow better.

Photoshop was used widely across our coursework for the album, poster and also partly in the video. With its wide range of effects it allowed us to create the best possible images for the album and make them look as realistic as possible. We used effects such as brightness and colour effects so we could make the colours stand out as much as possible and we used most of the tools available to help us get the shapes and sizes we wanted. We also used photoshop to create the polaroids which we used for the concept of our video this made it easier for us as we could edit the picture to how we want it then put it into our music video easily.

Google Drive was incredibly useful when working as a pair as we were able to share work with each other so we could edit the same piece of documents. this allowed us to work on the various different google services such as Google docs, Google Slides where we were able to make presentations as well as word documents.

Google forms, was used to create questionnaires for our audience research. This was a very beneficial tool because we were able to create the one questionnaire and send this to various different students in our class and school, getting multiple viewpoints. It also meant we would not lose any of the answers because we would not have them on sheets of papers. This also made it easier to display the results in a graph making it easier to view the results.