equinox timeline module

eQuinoX TimeLine Module Company : Pav technologies Technical Advisor : Greg Mayers, Michael Bruggeman, Peretz Dissen. Academic Advisor : Dr. Yuval Elovici Team members : Ravit Huber Rafi Pinto Ofir Dagan Benny Holtzer

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eQuinoX TimeLine Module. Company : Pav technologies Technical Advisor : Greg Mayers , Michael Bruggeman , Peretz Dissen . Academic Advisor : Dr. Yuval Elovici Team members : Ravit Huber Rafi Pinto Ofir Dagan Benny Holtzer. Introduction. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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eQuinoX TimeLine Module

Company : Pav technologies Technical Advisor : Greg Mayers, Michael

Bruggeman, Peretz Dissen.Academic Advisor : Dr. Yuval EloviciTeam members :

Ravit Huber Rafi Pinto Ofir Dagan Benny Holtzer

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Introduction Manipulating and integrating 3D animation into

video shots currently requires the use of several independent software applications,where each application treats a different media type.

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The Problem Domain Our objective is to build the multi-channel GUI Timeline

module to fully support and display user operations and integration of each channel in the timeline for the 3D Animation, Audio and Video Objects.

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Stakeholders Customers

Production companies

Direct Users SFX Artist/Director

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Software Context


3D Animation

2D Video

Multi Channel Sound

Input & Conversion


Visual 3D HolaDeck

2D Video Output

Timeline Environmental Controls

Movie elements are synchronized with each other, video and 3D animation sequences being visible at all times with in the eQuinoX software studio


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System Interfaces The software integrates both 2D video editing and a 3D

animation environment. The software makes use of the following:

OGRE – open source 3D graphics engine Microsoft DirectX – video & audio rendering engine

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Functional Requirements Timeline Channel Functionality

drag and drop abilities of graphic objects (above or below an existing video), sound files and 3D animation files in the timeline window to create a new channel.

We need to also add and implement the abilities to add, remove, copy, lock, re-order, mute, disable and select multiple channels.

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Functional Requirements

Timeline Object Functionality

Implementing drag and drop of graphic objects into different existing channels.

Implementing the ability to insert, remove, stretch, move, cut and select multiple objects

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Functional Requirements

Timeline Global Functionality

Implementing the Timeline cursor. When playing, a moving cursor should track the corresponding position on the timeline.

Implementing the ability to set in and out markers,

Expand and contract the timeline resolution (Magnify), save, restore and merge the Timeline.

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Non-functional Requirements

Performance Constraints Should retain each engine’s original performances Saving and loading the timeline should take between 1 to 30

seconds Each channel should support any amount of objects The timeline module should support multi-timelines, up to 20

at a time Reliability

Importing various items from their original file format to the timeline will keep them true to their initial properties and values.

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Usage Scenarios

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UC1: Load Timeline

Primary Actor: SFX Artist

Description: The user loads a pre saved timeline.

Stockholders and interests: SFX Artist: wants fast loading, no errors, operation does not

cause loss of existing open timelines (there can be more than one open timeline, but only one is active)

Preconditions: The eQuinox environment is open with an open project. The requested timeline exists and without errors. All of the timeline's objects exist in the project window.

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UC1: Load Timeline

Postconditions: The timeline is loaded All of the timeline's objects are located in the

correct timecodes within their channel All of the in and out points correctly set The timeline is shown on the screen in a new tab.

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Load Timeline: Success Scenario

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Load Timeline: Fail Scenario

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UC5: Play Timeline

Primary Actor: SFX ArtistDescription: The user plays the timeline to view theresulting movie in the preview window.Stockholders and interests:

SFX Artist: Doesn’t want to wait for preview, be able to play the timeline or drag the cursor on the timeline and preview the merged channels at the cursor’s position during playback.

eQuinox: Maximum synchronization between the timeline cursor, channels, objects and preview window

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UC5: Play Timeline

Preconditions: The eQuinox environment is open with an open

project. The requested timeline is active.

Postconditions: The preview window shows the merged channels

at the current cursor position.

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Play Timeline: Success Scenario