epra international journal of economic growth and environmental issues

I SS N : 2321 - 6247 EPRA International Journal of  ECONOMIC GROWTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES Annual Peer Reviewed, Refereed & Indexed International Journal Vol - 2 June - May 2014 - 15       S       a                    t       h      e     E    a    r    t   h SEGMENTING THE SHOPPERS OF GREEN FASHION PRODUCTS ON THEIR SHOPPING BEHAVIOUR Dr. Manoj Kumar 1  ABSTRACT  A  variety of customers come to fashion retail stores to purchase green fashion products. While some of them are regular consumers of these green fashion products by choice, others are experimenters with ecofriendly products, still others buy these products under the influence of some reference group and so on. There seems to be an apparent need to understand the segments of these green fashion products shoppers and to understand their profiles. This can go a long way in formulating better marketing strategies for these products. There have been numerous efforts to segment shoppers of different product categories on their demographic characteristics. In the case of green fashion products the one of the effective way of segmentation can be segmentation on the basis of their shopping behaviour as behavioral cues can reveal many psychographic patterns.  Additionally, as buyers for these products belong to various demographic groups understanding them through their behaviors at stores can be more useful and obviously more factual for laying down marketing and retailing strategies for these products. The current research is broadly a descriptive research aimed at identifying the different segments on the basis of observational stu dies, questionnaires and interviews carried out in shops. The shoppers for green fashion products have been classified into 18 segments and segment profiles have been developed for them. The study has also included the preference and consumption of different segments in order to suggest product mix for these segments which can be perceived as value maximisers by respective segments. The research intends to provide an alternative framework to understand shopping behavior of green fashion products’ shoppers. KEYWORDS: Green fashion products, Retailing, shopping, behavioral segmentation,Dubai, psychographic patterns 1. Associate Professor, Department of Business, Skyline University College, Sharjah, UAE. 1

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ISSN : 2321 - 6247

EPRA International Journal of 

 ECONOMIC GROWTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUESAnnual Peer Reviewed, Refereed & Indexed International Journal

Vol - 2 June - May 2014 - 15 

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Dr. Manoj Kumar 1 


 A  variety of customers come to fashion retail stores to purchase green fashion products.

While some of them are regular consumers of these green fashion products by choice,

others are experimenters with ecofriendly products, still others buy these products under the influenceof some reference group and so on. There seems to be an apparent need to understand the segments

of these green fashion products shoppers and to understand their profiles. This can go a long way 

in formulating better marketing strategies for these products. There have been numerous efforts to

segment shoppers of different product categories on their demographic characteristics. In the case

of green fashion products the one of the effective way of segmentation can be segmentation on the

basis of their shopping behaviour as behavioral cues can reveal many psychographic patterns.

 Additionally, as buyers for these products belong to various demographic groups understanding 

them through their behaviors at stores can be more useful and obviously more factual for laying 

down marketing and retailing strategies for these products. The current research is broadly adescriptive research aimed at identifying the different segments on the basis of observational studies,

questionnaires and interviews carried out in shops. The shoppers for green fashion products have

been classified into 18 segments and segment profiles have been developed for them. The study has

also included the preference and consumption of different segments in order to suggest product

mix for these segments which can be perceived as value maximisers by respective segments. The

research intends to provide an alternative framework to understand shopping behavior of green

fashion products’ shoppers.

KEYWORDS: Green fashion products, Retailing, shopping, behavioral segmentation,Dubai,

psychographic patterns

1.Associate Professor, Department of Business, Skyline University College, Sharjah, UAE.


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Economic Growth and Environmental Issues 





Mohammad Nayeem Abdullah 1  & Rahat Bari Tooheen 2 


O ver the past few years, following the increase in oil prices, a corresponding global

surge in prices has been observed in basic necessities needed for the maintenance of 

living standards. In developing countries such as Bangladesh economic progress was stunted due to

rising oil prices directly translating to hyperinflation. Oil price rise in some highly developed countries

remain with limited effect without affecting staple food commodities and basic necessities of life.The present article attempts to establish a link between the recent oil price increases with the macro

economic outlook of Bangladesh and forwards a number of recommendations for long term

consideration by the relevant stakeholders.

KEYWORDS: Bangladesh, macroeconomic, oil prices, outlook, balance.

1&2 Assistant Professors, School of Business, Chittagong Independent University,16 Jamal Khan Road,

Chittagong – 4000, Bangladesh.

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Dr. Harish Handa 1 

 , Manish Nangia 2 

 & A. Shivashankaran 3 


The Indian


banking sector has seen unprecedented growth along with remarkableimprovement in its quality of assets and efficiency since economic liberalisation began

in the early 1990s From providing plain vanilla banking services, banks have gradually transformed

themselves into universal banks.  ATMs, Internet banking, mobile banking  and social banking have

made “anytime anywhere banking” the norm now. The Indian Banking system which was dominated

by public sector banks as accounting for nearly three-fourths of total assets and income was done

by public sector banks is now facing stiff competition from private sector banks. The transformed

banking system has led to a falling share of public sector banks and increasing share of the new 

private sector banks, which were set up around mid-1990s. The private sector banks with limited

branches and moderate ATM networks have been able to attract customers, expanding their assetand liability business with both speed and volume with high tech platforms. The outreach of Indian

banking system has increased in terms of expansion of branches/ATMs with the onset of new 

technology. New Technology not just in terms of having a fully automated back-end accounting 

system, but also in terms of being able to provide the bank’s customers with superior and innovative

products with greater convenience by using new channels of marketing which has made all the

difference. The financial performance of banks also improved as reflected in their increased

profitability. Even the non-performing loans have decreased considerably in recent times.

KEYWORDS: Public sector banks  Private sector banks  ATM

1 .Associate Professor, Department of Commerce, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, Delhi University, New 

Delhi- 110017 2. Research Scholar-Singhania University, Assistant Professor-FMS, National Institute of Fashion Technology,

New Delhi 3 .Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, Delhi University,

 New Delhi 110017 

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Ms Chhaya Vikas Chablani 1 & Dr. Shivani Arora 2 


The main objective of the paper is to analyze the perspective of the marketers towards

 web as a medium of exchange, so that entrants in the field of e-commerce have a vivid

picture of what the experts in the field think. The effort has been to derive the factors which explain

the understanding of the marketers in this relatively new medium of exchange. Since all the

respondents were from the renowned websites and the decision makers in their respective

organizations, their viewpoint has been evaluated and may be taken as benchmark for the new 


1 .Principal Systems Engineer, Aricent.2. Assistant Professor, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of Delhi, New Delhi 



Dr.Nagaraja.S 1  & Dr. Pallavi. S. Kusugal 2 



he Empowerment of women in a society is a significant reflection of the level of 

social justice in that society. Women’s status is often described in terms of their level of 

income, employment, education, health and fertility as well as their roles within the family, the

community and society. In tribal communities, the role of women is substantial and crucial. Here

this paper based on primary data and collected information from Chitradurga District of Karnataka

State. The study focused on Empowerment process and Tribal Women in Panchayat Raj Institutions:

 An Analytical Study in Karnataka.

KEY WORDS: 73rd Amendment  Empowerment process, Tribal Women, Panchayat Raj


1.Assistant Professor, Department of Studies & Research in Sociology, Tumkur University, Tumkur-572103,

Karnataka.2 Assistant Professor, Department of Studies & Research in Economics, Tumkur University, Tumkur-572103,


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Mr. Raveesh .S 1 


Indian country side is not static and the foot prints of dynamic nature of villages can

clearly visible in social institutions. The joint families are stepping towards nuclear family,

the rigid caste system is under transmission, strict caste and gotra marriages are slowly losing their

importance, the wave of literacy is entering into the so called illiterate villages, cash crafts are

occupying the place of food crofts, villagers are accepting the mechanized agriculture in place of traditional agricultural system, modern entertainment tools are playing a significant role in the

area of recreation, the branded blue jeans, coco-cola, western cell phones, rock music etc are

reminding us that villages are not isolated. The roots of mass media are reaching the very remote

Indian villages. Not only outer world is entering into to the Indian villages but also villagers welcoming 

the change. Two burning questions use to arise towards present rural scenario and it is immense

necessity to find answers to these questions. Firstly, Are the Indian villages destroying? Since the

early beauty of villages is disappearing and two million people are migrating from rural to urban

area annually, the answer is in dilemma to say ‘YES’ or ‘NO’. Secondly, Can we rebuild Indian

 villages? Defiantly we can rebuild our country side by enhancing livelihood opportunities in theirlocal area itself. Enhancing the sustainable livelihood opportunities in country side is the positive

answer to the above questions. And curiously enough livelihood options in rural India are the key to

hundreds of rural-urban problems. This paper is an attempt to find the livelihood opportunities

 which exist in Indian villages but are not exposed. This work is an exploratory study of my PhD

proposal and the ideas are still in the infant stage.

KEY WORDS: Villages, Cash Crafts, Sustainable Livelihood, Jajmani System, Little Republics

1 .Research Scholar, Department of Sociology, Bangalore University, Bangalore – 560 056, Karnataka 

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Dr. Vishnu Vadde 1 


Non-government organizations (NGOs) have long played a role in delivering health

care and educational services to communities in India, particularly in rural areas. In

contrast with large scale infrastructure focused initiatives, NGO programmes commonly focus on

building linkages between technical and social realms. This paper discusses this challenges and

opportunities of NGOs in rural sanitation sector and how the contribution of NGOs to the services

in India might be enhanced. The present paper purely based on secondary data. The paper is based

on intended to guide investment in the water and sanitation sectors of India exploring the potential

for increased NGO engagement. This paper found that the majority of NGOs consulted have

considerable strengths and play important and varied roles in the rural sanitation sector.

KEYWORDS: Sanitation, Hardware, Hygiene Improvement, On Track .

1 Faculty, Dept of Commerce & Business Administration, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Nagarjuna Nagar- 

522 510, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh.




Dr. L. Santhana Raj 1  & K. Srirankan 2 


Performance Management is an organization’s capacity or capability of developing 

the human resources of an organization to achieve their goals to not only keep up with

the competition but to outshine their competitors. Performance Management as a continuous processof attracting, hiring, motivating and assessing the performance of individuals in an organization in

achieving their goals. The aims of this research have been to investigate this and related issues at

the JAI TECH Transformer Pvt.Ltd at Gingee, and this leads to the main problem addressed by this

research most part of the appraisal is based on the subjectivity. The study is descriptive and analytical

in nature. So the following tools are to be applied for analysis to match the objectives. Percentage

analysis, Chi-square test The project demotes that the performance appraisal system is good in Jai

tech ltd, it also indicates that the scope for improvement in some of the area the researcher puts

forward some, suggestions in some of the area, which may be implemented by them organization to

improve, for the existing performance appraisal.KEYWORD: Organization, Capacity, Capability, Human resources, Percentage analysis, Chi-square


1.Associate Professor in Commerce, St. Joseph’s College of Arts and Science, (Autonomous), Cuddalore,

Tamil Nadu.2.Research Scholar in Commerce, St. Joseph’s College of Arts and Science, (Autonomous), Cuddalore,

Tamil Nadu.

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Dr. D. Sudhakar 1 


Human Resource Management is a new way of thinking about how people should be

managed as employees in workplace. Advocates of Human Resource Management have

been presented as having a role to play in both the private and public sectors. The restructuring of 

health care delivery systems and the redesign of nursing roles is creating dramatic changes in the

 work environment for nurses. Empirical evidence supports of the relationship between work 

environment of nurses. However, in order for research to be applicable to practice settings, moreinformation is needed on the specific components of the work environment most salient to nurses.

Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the organizational and work 

environment on nurses’. The basic objective of this paper employees’ perception on work environment

in rural health centers Visakhapatnam District. The results of this study indicate that the importance

of relationship in the work setting regarding working facility .

KEYWORDS: Age, Rural Health Centers, Work Environment

1. Academic Consultant, School of Commerce and Management, Dravidian University, Kuppam, Chittoor 

District, Andhra Pradesh – 517 426.



Migration has been recognized for importance and relevance to the social, economic

and environmental dimensions of sustainable development, as well as for its influence

on all regions of the world. Migration primarily occurs due to disparities in regional development.

The causes of migration are usually explained by using two broad categories, namely, push and pullfactors. This paper is an attempt to understand the emerging migration patterns in India.

Globalization, urbanization and accompanying changes in socio-economic conditions, migrants

are attracted to urban areas in recent times. The emerging migration pattern depicts confinement

of migrants in lower socio-economic class in Urban India for response to the macro economic

reforms. Unemployment, poverty, population pressure, environmental degradation, depletion of 

natural resources etc limits the livelihood options and may force people to migrate. But at the same

time urbanization, better employment and educational opportunities, improvement in educational

level, changing occupational pattern, development of transport and communication are the new 

impetus facilitating spatial mobility. The objective of the paper is to provide a perspective on currenttrends and patterns of internal migration in India.

KEY WORDS: Rural, Migration, Impacts, Sustainability 

1 Research Scholar, Dept of Studies in Social Work, Karnatak University, Dharwad, Karnataka.2 Associate Professor, Dept of Studies in Social Work, Karnatak University, Dharwad, Karnataka.

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Mr. Brijesh Singh 1 & Mrs. Anuradha M V  2 


Employee engagement is the level of commitment and involvement an employee has

towards their organization and its values. An engaged employee is aware of the business

context and works with colleagues to improve performance within the job for the benefit of the

organization. In current scenario Banks are having major challenges for this employee engagement

is most important. In this paper an attempt will be made to understand the concept of employee

engagement and to find out the level of engagement in these organizations where the employee

engagement is unusual. An organization’s capacity to manage employee engagement is closely related

to its ability to achieve high performance levels and superior business results. The major research

objective is to find out the level of employee engagement and to develop a management competency 

framework for enhancing employee engagement that can be used to give managers clear guidance

on what they need to do, in order to foster high levels of employee engagement in the workplace.

Four factual questions to ascertain details of respondent such as sex, education, designation and

length of service will be given to 150 employees from Banks of Bangalore City. A survey will be done

 with the help of globally accepted questionnaire on employee engagement to 150 employees of 

Banks of Bangalore city regarding their engagement in organization. Close ended questions will be

given to respondents from which the respondents had to select the suitable choice (ranging from

Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree).

KEYWORDS:Employee Engagement, Organizations, Banks, Management, Employee Involvement.

1 Assistant Professor, Department of MBA , K. S. School of Engineering and Management, Bangalore,

Karnataka.2 Assistant Professor, Department of Basic Science and Humanities, K.S.Institute of Technology, Bangalore,


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 AWARENESSMs. S. Rajaselvi 1 


India is the world’s largest producer of dairy products by volume and has the world’s

largest dairy herd. The country accounts for more than 13% of world’s total milk production

and is also the world’s largest consumer of dairy products, consuming almost all of its own milk 

production. Milk is the day to day need of any individual all over the world. In India the supply of 

milk to the customers is done through the unorganized milkmen. After the revolution of the co-

operative milk unions the milk India seen package and processed milk and milk products. For many 

 years pondicherry co-operative milk unions enjoyed monopoly in the market. But after the entry of 

the private sector in this industry the competition has increased to maximum extent. Each of the

players in the market has many ranges of milk products under different brands. And each and

every player wishes that his brand of products must be on the top of the mind of customer. With the

increasing competition, PMF (Pondicherry Milk Federation) is not able to raise the market share of 

its Ponlait branded milk and milk products. And the company thinks the lacking of awareness of its

products may be affecting its sale. In the order to increase the consumer awareness the company 

started many promotional activities. Now the company wants to know how much customers are

aware about the product and what impact of promotional activities in creating awareness. Hence

the main purpose of this study is to find “to study the consumer awareness about Ponlait milk and

milk products, and impact of promotional activities on creating awareness.”

KEYWORDS: Consumer Awareness, Ponlait Co-Operative Milk Society, Impact of promotional

activities on creating Consumer Awareness.

1.Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Saradha Gangadharan College, Puducherry-605 004.

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Dr.Nagaraja.S 1 

 & Dr. Pallavi. S. Kusugal 2 


Women’s status is often described in terms of their level of income, employment,

education, and health as well as their roles within the family, the community and

society. In tribal communities, the role of women is substantial and crucial. Due to the lack of 

awareness about anything they could face several problems; hence there is need of training programmes which benefitted to them. Here in this paper based on primary data and collected

information from Chitradurga District of Karnataka State. The study focused on the Role of Training 

Programmes in Creating Awareness among Tribal Women in Local Governance.

KEY WORDS: Tribal Women, Training Programme, local govrnance

1 Assistant Professor, Department of Studies & Research in Sociology, Tumkur University, Tumkur-572103,

Karnataka.2 Assistant Professor, Department of Studies & Research in Economics, Tumkur University, Tumkur- 

572103, Karnataka.





Village settlement is much older than urban settlement in human history. India is not

only geographically diversified but also one can find the diversified Indian villages. The

mother India’s heartbeat is resided in her country side. Even though good number of rural studies

conducted to understand the Indian rural scenario by anthropologists and sociologists, the result is

not satisfactory due to various reasons. One such reason is the socio-anthropological jargons i.e.‘Isolation’, ‘Self-Sufficiency’ and ‘Little Republics’ which emerged out of these rural studies are looks

like illusion when we through the light on present Indian rural scenario.

The above mentioned three socio-anthropological jargons are keep reproducing in

sociological literature with some minor alterations. These jargons are providing an illusionary rural

scenario to the students of rural sociology rather than realistic Indian rural scenario. But in reality,

Indian villages have crossed all three beautiful borders which constructed by early socio-

anthropologist and moving ahead. Today, due to lack of livelihood opportunities, insufficient amenities

and other social reasons ruralites are migrating from rural to urban area. Instead of roaming in an

illusionary world, this is an attempt to through a light on the present Indian villages with the supportof secondary data.

KEYWORDS: Indian Villages, Isolation, Self-Sufficiency, Little Republics, Migrating Villages.

1.Research Scholar, Department of Sociology, Bangalore University, Bangalore – 560 056, Karnataka.

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Mrs. K. Merlin Chithra Selvi 1 



icro-finance is emerging as a powerful instrument for poverty alleviation in the

new economic scenario. The search for the best way to create opportunity and

sustainable development in the less privileged parts of the world has brought initiatives to overcome

poverty and marginalization, to build more inclusive social, economic and financial systems. In

India, micro-finance scene is dominated by Self-Help Groups (SHGs) – Banks linkage Programme,

aimed at providing a cost effective mechanism for providing financial services to the ‘unreached

poor’. In the Indian context terms like “small and marginal farmers’, “rural artisans” and

“economically weaker sections” have been used to broadly define micro-finance customers. Research

across the globe has shown that, over time, micro-finance clients increase their income and assets,

increase the number of years of schooling their children receive, and improve the health and nutrition

of their families. Micro-finance is generally defined as specialized financial tools-such as small

loans, savings accounts and insurance policies available to poor households and small businesses

that do not typically have access to financial services. Inclusive financial services are now recognized

as a way to empower individuals and communities to lift themselves out of poverty. Micro-finance

programmes are also acknowledged for their role on women empowerment. This study is based on

primary and secondary data which is collected from women engaged in self-help groups data used

in the various government records respectively. In this paper, researcher did critical analysis of 

role of micro finance in poverty reduction efforts regarding women, examined the relationship

between income and expenditure of self-help groups. Hence, the present study suggests the suitable

policies for improvement of women members in self-help groups in across the country with specially 

focus to Tamil Nadu.

KEYWORDS: Micro-finance, rural artisans, unreached poor, self-help groups.

1.Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, Dr. Sivanthi Aditanar College of Engineering,

Tiruchendur, Tamil Nadu.

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Ms. Savitha YD 1  & Dr. S.A.Kazi 2 


Domestic violence occurs across the world, in various cultures, and affects people

across society; this has become the severe problem of the modern world. It is a startling 

fact that one of the most dangerous places for a woman is her own home, despite the prevalence of 

 violence against women in their own homes; dozens of countries around the world do not have

specific laws against domestic violence, in such circumstances there is no safe place for women

anywhere in the living world.

The present study focuses on how domestic violence is perceived among women, its types,

magnitude of the problem, why this is practiced more with women, what are the major impacts on

 women, also the study reveals women with lack of social support are more likely to be depressed.

The study consists 300 women victims of domestic violence, dealing their cases in Mysore District

Court, Mysore.

1 Research Scholar, Dept. of Social Work, Karnataka State Women’s University, Bijapur, Karnataka.2 Professor & Head, Dept. of Social Work, Karnataka State Women’s University, Bijapur, Karnataka.

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S. Ahila 1  & K. Ramu 2 


The present paper examines the economic and health effects of ageing population.

The research papers published by the experts in the ageing population from 2000-2011

have been reviewed for this study. Family support and care of the elderly are unlikely to disappear

in the near future, family care of the elderly seems likely to decrease as the nation develop

economically and modernize in other respects. As people live longer and into much advanced age

(say 75 years and over), they need more intensive and long term care, which in turn may increase

financial stress in the family. Women’s economic position depends largely on marital status, women

 who are widowed and living alone are found to be the worst among the poor and vulnerable. As a whole, the ageing faces various economic issues to manage their ageing. The elderly in India suffer

from cardio-vascular illnesses, circulatory diseases, cancer, arthritis, hyper tension, osteoporosis,

communicable diseases, high blood pressure, kidney problems, vision problems, diabetes,

rheumatism and digestive disorders. Given this, all has to understand that the ageing population

are the asset of the world. The experience and guidance of the ageing will help the generation to

raise with strength. Therefore, there is need to protect and strengthen the institution of the family 

and provide such support services as would enable the family to cope with its responsibilities of 

taking care of the elderly.

KEYWORDS: Ageing, Economic Issues, Health Problems, Health Care.

1.Assistant Professor of Economics Wing, DDE, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Chidambaram- 

608 002, Tamil Nadu.2. Faculty, Dept. of Economics, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar Chidambaram- 608 002, Tamil 


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V.Raj Mahammadh 1 


 A   forest is usually an area filled with trees and consider as home land of the tribals

and many agricultural peasants are depended on forests from times immemorial. Before

the Britishers came into power, the forest dwellers and other population enjoyed freedom to use

forest resources. But the British’s arrived in India for the mission of trading goods and they saw the

immense amount of natural resources and gradually started exploitation of forest resources through

their policies. The main object of the paper is to highlight the various British forest policies and itsimpact on colonial south Indian society in the beginning of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

The British forest policies were mainly aimed at supplying of timber and other resources to British

forest-based industries and commercial exploitation of forests was encouraged at the cost of the

tribal and forest-dwellers in the name of national interest. The forest-dwellers and the tribals are

the victims of commercial exploitation of forests.

KEY WORDS: Forest Dwellers, Forest Resources, Forest Policies, timber, Exploitation, Customary 

Rights etc.

1.Assistant Professor&Head, Department of History,S.T.S.N Govt. Degree College, Kadiri, Anantapur 

Dist, Andhra Pradeh.

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Dr.C.Muniyandi 1 , K.Rithu Stephanie 2 &R.Mohan 3 


This paper examines an analysis of indirect tax revenue in India from 1991 to 2013.

Tax is a major revenue of each country in world. It is divided into parts direct tax and

indirect tax. India is one of the nation where taxes collected from ancient age. Custom duties and

excise duties are the major taxes levied by Central Government of India. Thus the indirect tax has

become more complex and taxes collected from the people were utilized for the welfare of the

nation. This research has made an attempt to analyze the annual percentage growth rate and to

analyze the trends in indirect taxes, excise duties and custom duties. The study period covers 23

 years from 1991 to 2013 which includes only the post reform period because after the implementationof tax reform policy by government of India the tax has been stabilized. It is an analytical study. It is

based on secondary data collected from Budget documents of government of India and finance

accounts. The major findings of this study reveal that the indirect taxes are high as 83.9 per cent

during 1990 to 1991 due to the economic reform. The proportionate growth rate of excise duties was

 very low as 39.08 per cent due to conversion of some taxes into VAT according to the recommendation

of Raja Chellaiah committee. The proportionate growth rate of custom duties to indirect tax was

57.22 per cent and it fluctuated between 55 per cent to 62 per cent in the coming years up to 1999-

2000 due to the competitor country all of whom have changed often their tariff to very moderate

level. The annual percentage growth rate of Indirect tax revenue was very low in the year 2001-02 as-1.35 per cent due to the performance of industrial sector. The annual percentage growth rate of 

excise duties in India was 42.39 per cent in the year 2000-01. The annual percentage growth rate of 

custom duties was high as 34.67 per cent because of the general and end – use exception of the

government of India. To be concluded, the Government must take serious efforts to mobilize both

the direct and indirect taxes and it has to control over circulation of money in the economy and also

it has to control the black money operations in India.

1 Assistant Professor, Department of Econometrics, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai -21,

Tamil Nadu.2  M.A., Economics, Lady Doak College, Madurai-02, Tamil Nadu.3  M.Phil Scholar, Department of Economics, Gandhigram University-02, Tamil Nadu.

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Economic Growth and Environmental Issues 




Mr. Megharaja .B 1 


R ecently the CSR has gained much attention in the corporate world and much more

especially in banking sectors for providing services to their customers. Financial

institutions like banks are considering CSR majorly under the fact that the CSR influence profitability 

of institutions. Further, Financial institutions influence the profit or loss of its customers, and drive

the economy of the whole nation. In this paper, researcher made an attempt to study on role of CSR 

in banking services. The study has made on reliable measurement tools for evaluating the customers’

perception is especially relevant to financial services because of their significant role in influencing 

the design and implementation of corporate strategies. Hence present paper focusing on the role of 

CSR (majorly studied with the customer perspective to analyze all legal and ethical requirements of banking institutions) and CSR practices in Indian Banking institutions.

KEY WORDS: CSR practices, ethical and legal requirements, banking.

1 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Studies & Research in Commerce,VSK University, P.G.Centre, Nandihalli,

Sandur, Bellary.

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Dr. J.T. Sharmila 1 


Yesterday, today or tomorrow customer is always the king. Issues like Global warming and depletion of ozone umbrella are to be taken seriously as the main factors for the

healthy survival. Every person, rich or poor, would be interested in quality of life with full of health

and vigor and so would be the corporate class. Many firms are beginning to realize that they are

members of the wider community and therefore must behave in an environmentally responsible

fashion. This translates the firms to believe that they must achieve environmental objectives as well

as profit related objectives. Various studies by environmentalists indicate that people are concerned

about the environment and are changing their behavior pattern so as to be less hostile towards it.

Now both marketers and consumers are becoming increasingly sensitive to the need to switch over

to green products and services. Studies in the US, Brazil, Europe, Mexico, South Korea and Taiwanhave established links between air pollutants and low birth weight, premature birth and infant

death. Industries in Asian countries are catching the need of green marketing from the developed

countries but still there is a wide gap between their understanding and implementation. This paper

discusses the present trends of green marketing in India and discusses the reasons why companies

are adopting it, the future of green marketing and concludes that green marketing is something that

 will continuously grow in both practice and demand.

KEY WORDS: Green products, Environment friendly, Green consumers, Recyclable.

1 Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Saraswathi Narayanan College, Madurai – 625 022,

Tamil Nadu.

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Economic Growth and Environmental Issues 



Ms.J.Nalini 1 


The internet is at the core of communication and consumption behaviour. Over the

past five years, advertising budgets allocated to internet media have grown rapidly.Online

advertising is a marketing strategy that involves the use of the Internet as a medium to obtain website traffic and target and deliver marketing messages to the right customers. Advertising on the

Internet is extremely effective for branding awareness and for buyer-seller transaction. Advertising 

Effectiveness is an evaluation of the extent to which a specific advertisement or advertising campaign

meets the objectives specified by the advertisers. Online advertising is geared towards defining 

markets through unique and useful applications. Now the advertisers are better equipped for

communicating on the Web, they are gradually directing their budgets towards online advertising.

Measuring online advertising performance is therefore becoming a critical task. This study is

theoretical type of study about Measurement of Effectiveness of Online Advertising. The theoretical

data were collected from various websites regarding online advertising. The aim of this article is todemonstrate the methods and techniques of measuring Online Advertisement effectiveness, To

understand various Levels of Effective measurement of Online Advertising, To identify the indicators

of performance of Online Advertising and to explore the challenges in measuring online advertising 


KEY WORDS: Online Advertising, Advertisement effectiveness, Challenges

1.Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, Dr. Sivanthi Aditanar College of Engineering,

Tiruchendur, Tamil Nadu.