eportfolios for international cooperation

ePortfolio for International Coop ePortfolio and Digital Identity Oct 23rd, 2008, Maastricht, Netherlands Théo Bondolfi and Samantha Slade

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ePortfolios and digital identity in the context of international development and cooperation: a study on the subject presented at the international conference on ePortfolio and Digital Identity, Maastricht, Netherlands.


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ePortfolio for International Cooperation

ePortfolio and Digital IdentityOct 23rd, 2008, Maastricht, Netherlands

Théo Bondolfi and Samantha Slade

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ePortfolio study for international cooperation

ePortfolios helping cooperation and capacity building

How can ePortfolio processes contribute to international development

and cooperation?

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IT and development

1. United Nations Millennium Development Goals for 20152. Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D)

3. Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness (2005)

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Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC, vvww.deza.net)

Commissioned a study to gather information on1) ePortfolio processes that could be of interest for them and to external organisations and2) for developing synergies of ePortfolio training

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Web presence/Digital identity

“Organisations that have worked in isolation, can be projected into a global space encouraging trans-national sharing, networking, collaborating, innovating. The World wide web has tremendous potential to give civil society in developing countries a global audience, to help NGO's and local non-for profits connect to each other”. http://


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ePortfolio definition

An ePortfolio is an online environment supporting processes that allow an individual, group or organisation to

reflect and document and present who they are - their strengths, activities,

experiences, challenges, goals, competences, values etc. and in so doing to become lifelong learners, learning organisations or learning


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Digital Identity and ePortfolio

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Areas of impact of ePortfolio processes

1. Empowerment2. Learning deep and complex issues 3. Accomodating non-formal and traditional learning4. Professionalisation of a field of work5. Transregional or trans- organisational information sharing and collaboration

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1. Empowerment


- A shift from trainer/teacher centric learning/CPD to learner centric approaches.- Bringing the under-represented developing country voice into the mainstream.- Developing creative, innovative, networked individuals, organisations and regions taking responsibility for their personal and professional well-being and development.

By Hamed saber, Flickr.com

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2. Supporting deep and complex learning

- Create leaders who confront the root issues of crisis management, health issues etc. able to uplift their communities and impart vision and purpose- CPD for capacity building is more than a cursus, it's effectively being able to contribute to sustainable change.


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3. Expanding types of learning

- Capture and support formal, informal and non-formal learning in a structured and integrated way.

- Facilitate the reflective practitioner, giving value to traditional knowledge...


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4. Professionalisation of a field

- Unite a professional field and develop a sense of professional identity, pride and value that is crucial to maintaining committed professionals in their line of work- Critically reflect on one's profession and develop a long-term vision of your career or organisation.

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5. Trans-organisational/regional collaboration

- Collect and collate activities demonstrating one's competence, to bring together the mass of knowledge usually either tacit or dispersed.- Develop an evolving knowledge base supporting induction, continual improvement, sharing, partnerships ....

By Steve Jurvetson, Flickr.com

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The study

1. Activities2. Agencies3. Example4. Interview themes5. Timeline and results

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1. Activities

Ynternet.org foundation for eCulture is researching and interviewing developing agencies and civil society organisations

to identify and better understand different best practices that map onto these 5 areas of impact.

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2. Some agencies/initiatives we are exploring

- Kabissa, A network of African civil society organisations- Dgroups, Development Through Dialogue- Action Aid International,The knowledge initiative- Mount Royal College, International Community Development Certificate- Commonwealth of Learning- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Agence Universitaire de la francophonie- Swedish Program for ICT in Developing Regions (SPIDER)- Ginks Ghana Information and Knowledge Sharing Network PRO-FEMMES- Europass

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3. For example...

Cooperation.net hosts 6 000 ePortfolios

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3. And another example...

ICT for development - Personal research portal

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4. Themes of the interview questions

Context and objectives of the initiative/program Description and target audience Sustainability: pilot or embedded practice Partnerships Facts and figures: Duration, how many users, costs Challenges and future plans References ICT: applications Resources/Materials: content, activities, OER Privacy: internal use or public network Licences: ownership, standards

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5. Timeline and Results

The study will be completed early 2009 and results will be available on the web

in English and French with a Spanish summary into an OBSERVATORY OF ePORTFOLIOS INITIATIVES



If you know of any initiatives/agencies that should be included in the study,

please let us know

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Preliminary findings

1. Partnerships2. Digital ease3. Culture of transparency

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A. Partnerships for instrumentation

Producing quality and robust tools and activities to support ePortfolio and digital identity processes that can be used freely in local languages and local ways can be complex. Developments need to build on what already exists and involve partnering.

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B. From ICT literacy to digital fluency

We progressively move from ICT literacy, in which skills are evaluated through processes such as the ECDL, to digital fluency in which skills are evaluated through ePortfolio developing processes.

ePortfolio is therefore becoming a meaningful and major way to develop and certify good practices in knowledge management

By Babak Fakhamzadeh, Flikr, Creative Commons

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C. Culture of trust and transparency

Coming from a heritage of information control and privacy, we need to move towards a culture in which the more we share, the more we receive support and collaborate.

By Lynn Rainboth, with permission

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ePortfolios, digital identity and cooperation?

ePortfolios can contribute to working towards sustainable social and economic development.

ICT needs to be optimized to connect, share, network, collaborate and innovate, supporting transnational

integrated long term and scalable partnership approaches.

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Not so much about technology, but rather...

Organisations leveraging ePortfolios and digital identity to support attaining Millenium Development Goals and actions of the Paris Declaration. Reflecting and learning and developing for individuals, organisations and regions in a capacity building manner Entering and mobilising the public space of the web to enhance communication and collaboration.

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There is an urgency to have judicious, skilled, aware, at ease internet users and internet using organisations who find their voice and take it publicly, address the complex and significant issues they are working with, tap into their local learning traditions, develop a sense of meaning and professional identity, and further their networking and knowledge sharing. ePortfolios and digital identity are new models with incredible potential to support just that.

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There is an urgency to have judicious, skilled, aware, at ease internet users and internet using organisations who find their voice and take it publicly, address the complex and significant issues they are working with, tap into their local learning traditions, develop a sense of meaning and professional identity, and further their networking and knowledge sharing. ePortfolios and digital identity are new models with incredible potential to support just that.

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Théo Bondolfi and Samantha SladeYnternet.org

This presentation is available online at: slideshare.com/sam5

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Millennium Development Goalshttp://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/

Global Alliance for ICT and Developmenthttp://www.un-gaid.org/

The Paris Declarationhttp://www.oecd.org/document/18/0,2340,en_2649_3236398_35401554_1_1_1_1,00.html