eportfolios for all: a roadmap for success a cityu teaching development grant funded project

Download ePortfolios for All: A Roadmap For Success A CityU Teaching Development Grant funded project

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TDG Project No. 6000165 PI: Ms Hokling Cheung (EDO). ePortfolios for All: A Roadmap For Success A CityU Teaching Development Grant funded project. TDG Project No. 6000165 PI: Ms Hokling Cheung (EDO). ePortfolios for All: A Roadmap for Success - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


  • ePortfolios for All: A Roadmap For SuccessA CityU Teaching Development Grant funded projectTDG Project No. 6000165 PI: Ms Hokling Cheung (EDO)

  • ePortfolios for All: A Roadmap for SuccessA CityU Teaching Development Grant (TDG) funded project 2009-2011

    TDG Project No. 6000165 PI: Ms Hokling Cheung (EDO)

  • TDG Project No. 6000165 PI: Ms Hokling Cheung (EDO)

  • Technologies have enabled us totake snapshots of different moments of life

    capture the motion of time and interaction

    record the music of laughter and tearcommunicate everywhere

    interact in different ways

    make all the things much more portable and sharableTDG Project No. 6000165 PI: Ms Hokling Cheung (EDO)

  • Enhancement of Learning & TeachingMotivation & EngagementGoal Setting & Action PlanningReflection/Reflective PracticeLearning & Knowledge ManagementLearning CommunityLifelong LearningAcademic Advising Self-awareness University Study Guidance Students at-Risk Assistance

    Professional DevelopmentArticulation of Expertise & AchievementsCareer Planning and Preparation Tenure Review, Awards, PromotionReflective PracticePublicityOutcomesPerformance AssessmentEvidence CollectionEvaluation/Quality AssuranceTDG Project No. 6000165 PI: Ms Hokling Cheung (EDO)

  • Generic Structure of ePortfoliosTDG Project No. 6000165 PI: Ms Hokling Cheung (EDO)

  • ePortfolios: Plan, Manage, Reflect and Present Your Goals, Accomplishments and ExpertiseUniversitystudentsStudyGraduateLooking for job/further studyDeveloping into a professionalContinuous professional developmentTDG Project No. 6000165 PI: Ms Hokling Cheung (EDO)

  • ePortfoliosPromotional StrategiesTDG Project No. 6000165 PI: Ms Hokling Cheung (EDO)

  • TDG Project No. 6000165 PI: Ms Hokling Cheung (EDO)

  • http://www.cityu.edu.hk/edo/eportfolioePortfolio TemplatesGraduate/ Learning/ Teaching/ Employment/ ProfessionalePortfolio Workshops/SessionsLearningEmploymentCreative Use of MultimediaStrategic Teaching Enhancement Programme (STEP)Online Guides & ResourcesePortfolio HOWePortfolio WHYePortfolio GALLERYCelebrities ePortfoliosStudent celebritiesTeacher celebritiesProfessional celebritiesePortfolio CompetitionePortfolio CommonsResearch & PublicationsePortfolio Tools & PlatformsEnhancement of learningEnhancement of employabilityGeneric structure of ePortfolios

    TDG Project No. 6000165 PI: Ms Hokling Cheung (EDO)

  • ****