epk (1.6mb, pdf)

BOOKING INFO [email protected] WEBSITE SwoopUnit.com HIGHLIGHT REEL YouTube.com ;hkg bg ma^ e^`^g]Zkr% lngd^g hk\a^lmkZ ibm h_ ;knghl LZg Francisco, Swoop Unit has been shaking down Bay Area clubs for more than a decade. And if you have yet to witness a Swoop Unit lahp% rhno^ [^^g fbllbg` Z kZk^ k^oboZe h_ hkb`bgZe ]Zg\^&Ühhk _ngd “A perfect combination of sound and setting takes place as the jazzy soul Zg] _ngd h_ Lphhi Ngbm Ûeel ma^ Zp^lhf^er ]bo^r% ]Zkd^g^] \hkg^kl h_ ma^ ;hhf Boom Room,” wrote Steve Gonzales, editor of Netvibe.com. “As key members of the local, live music scene for [more than] 20 years, the musicians that make up Swoop Unit have an uncanny ability to get the crowd moving with a jazzy mix of classic covers and original funk fZlm^kib^\^l' @kZ[ Z ]kbgd% [nm ]hgm [hma^k pbma Z l^Zmrhn phgm g^^] bm hg\^ ma^r `^m bm `hbg`''' This veteran collective of soul survivors can be heard all over ma^ LZg ?kZg\bl\h ;Zr :k^Z% pa^ma^k ma^rk^ `^mmbg` ZbkieZr hg DPFKl ?kb]Zr ?ngd ?^lm% k^\^bobg` ma^ ;^lm ;en^l CZss ;Zg] award at the All Shook Down Music Festival, shooting a Verizon Wireless concert in Golden Gate Park, opening for George Ihkm^k% Ck' Zg] E^h Gh\^gm^eeb h_ Ma^ F^m^kl% hk f^f[^kl ieZrbg` alongside heavy hitters like Michael Franti and Spearhead, En Oh`n^% Lm^o^ Mnkk^ _khf LZmnk]Zr Gb`am Ebo^% Ehl :g`^ebmhl% ?k^] P^le^r% Zg] ma^ eZm^ Kb\ab^ AZrpZk] h_ Ebmme^ ?^Zm' Lphhil Ze[nfl Lpbg`bg ?k^Zdhnm and LZ\d h ?ngd are testaments to the work ethic of this group: both k^\hk]l ieZr lmZkm mh Ûgbla pbma mb`amg^ll maZm hger Z [Zg] gigging for so many years together could bring into the studio. Tracks such as “Zebra 3,” “Mindeletuduk,” and Snagglepuss lheb]b_r ma^ [Zg]l p^ee&]^l^ko^] lihm hg ma^ forefront of the instrumental funk scene, while powerhouse lhne lbg`^k KhllZgZ ?b^khl oh\Zel hg In The Ground,” Backwards Boogaloo,” and “<Zgm ;^eb^o^ Rhnk^ @hg^ db\dlmZkm ma^ Zll&laZdbg lp^Zm l^llbhgl maZm Zk^ `nZkZgm^^] hg Z Lphhi Ngbm ]Zg\^ Ühhk' Ma^ree fZd^ rhn pZggZ Lphhi GIGS Funky First Friday Residency at Amnesia Boom Boom Room Brick & Mortar Lebfl Crystal Bay Club I^kbl K^] =^obe Ehng`^ Smileys ;knghl Pier 23 Uptown Park Chalet Beach Chalet The Starry Plough Club Deluxe FZd^&Hnm Khhf Hebo^ :kml ?^lmboZe Crawdad Festival ;kn\^ EZmbf^k Lahp 4th Street Tavern Bayview Boat Club Casanova Grant & Green House of Shields Cnibm^k KZll^eZl Lphhi Ngbml pZa&Zg]&ahkg&dghmm^] _ngd&cZss l^llbhgl Zk^ ing\ar% lpZma^] pbma aZf&Zg]&\a^^l^ hk`Zg% lmhg^& ldbiibg` `nbmZk% Zg] lmknmmbg` lZq lhehl' Pbma gh `n^lm kZii^kl hk lhne e^`^g]l hg aZg] mh k^ZkkZg`^ ma^ iZ\^% ma^r] [^mm^k [^ \Zm\ar b_ ma^r \Zgm [^ p^ee&\hgg^\m^]' :g] ma^r Zk^ lh fn\a lh maZm ma^r fZd^ \Zm\abg^ll ehhd ^Zlr bg cZss' Rhn \Zgm `h pkhg` pbma Z ln[li^\b^l h_ Dhhe Zg] ma^ @Zg` Zl lnff^k _Zk^' Dan Weiss, SF Weekly >Z\a fnlb\bZg bl Z \hglnffZm^ ieZr^k pbma Z l^^fbg`er ^g]e^ll dghpe^]`^ h_ _ngd% cZss% Zg] kh\d fnlb\' Ma^r ZepZrl ikhob]^ hg^ h_ fhlm ab`a ^g^k`r lahpl Zkhng]' <YfY CYeaYf$ Kdaek Lphhi Ngbm bl Z mkner kZk^ Ûg] bg mh]Zrl fnlb\Ze eZg]l\Zi^3 Z aZk] `khhobg` [Zg] maZm ghm hger bg\hkihkZm^l ma^ ]kbobg` karmafl h_ fh]^kg ]Zr _ngd Zg] abi&ahi% [nm Zelh aZl cZss \abil mh [Z\d bm ni pbma [eblm^kbg` lhehl Zg] hkb`bgZe ZkkZg`^f^gml' Aaron Levin, sfjazz.org Ma^ ;Zr :k^Zl lbk^g _hk _ngd% cZss% Zg] lhne bl Z \hee^\mbo^ h_ lhf^ h_ ma^ fhlm [kbeebZgm fnlb\bZgl bg Zee h_ Ghkma^kg <Zeb_hkgbZ' Ma^l^ `nrl ieZr pbma ln\a Z _ngdr bgm^glbmr% b_ rhn \ehl^ rhnk ^r^l Zg] `kbm rhnk m^^ma rhn \Zg ib\mnk^ CZf^l ;khpg abfl^e_ ]Zg\bg` hgmh ma^ lmZ`^' Mark Roemer, CD Baby THE PLAYERS Paul Rustigian KEYS Adam Willis DRUMS Steve Neil BASS Patrick Greene GUITAR Rossana Fiero VOCALS Les Harris TENOR SAX + FLUTE Scott Okamoto TROMBONE John Gibson TRUMPET

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Post on 12-Feb-2017




1 download


BOOKING INFO [email protected]

WEBSITE SwoopUnit.com HIGHLIGHT REEL YouTube.com

Francisco, Swoop Unit has been shaking down Bay Area clubs for

more than a decade. And if you have yet to witness a Swoop Unit

“A perfect combination of sound and setting takes place as the jazzy soul

Boom Room,” wrote Steve Gonzales, editor of Netvibe.com. “As key members of the

local, live music scene for [more than] 20 years, the musicians that make up Swoop Unit have

an uncanny ability to get the crowd moving with a jazzy mix of classic covers and original funk

This veteran collective of soul survivors can be heard all over

award at the All Shook Down Music Festival, shooting a Verizon

Wireless concert in Golden Gate Park, opening for George

alongside heavy hitters like Michael Franti and Spearhead, En


are testaments to the work ethic of this group: both

gigging for so many years together could bring into the

studio. Tracks such as “Zebra 3,” “Mindeletuduk,” and


forefront of the instrumental funk scene, while powerhouse

In The Ground,”

“Backwards Boogaloo,” and “

GIGSFunky First Friday

Residency at


Boom Boom Room

Brick & Mortar

Crystal Bay Club


Pier 23


Park Chalet

Beach Chalet

The Starry Plough

Club Deluxe

Crawdad Festival

4th Street Tavern

Bayview Boat Club


Grant & Green

House of Shields

Dan Weiss, SF Weekly

Aaron Levin, sfjazz.org

Mark Roemer, CD Baby

THE PLAYERSPaul Rustigian KEYS Adam Willis DRUMS Steve Neil BASS Patrick Greene GUITAR Rossana Fiero VOCALS Les Harris TENOR SAX + FLUTE Scott Okamoto TROMBONE John Gibson TRUMPET