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  • 7/29/2019 Episode PDF


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    Environmental pollution is the introduction of contaminants (harmful and objectionable

    materials) into the natural environment in a level that causes harmful effects on human health

    and other components of the environment, most commonly as a result of human activities(David, 2007).

    Some of the most obvious examples of pollution are smoke produced by industrial operations,

    carbon dioxide and other gases released into the atmosphere as a by-product of burning fuels, silt

    and sediment washed off land by rainwater, oil spillage, and garbage dumped on land. People

    have had to deal with issues of pollution for thousands of years, probably from the first time that

    a cave dweller s home filled with smoke from a campfire (Lomborg, 1998).

    History has witnessed numerous disasters, both natural and manmade, that are remembered even

    today for their devastating impact on human health and environment. Every disaster or accident

    leaves behind it, victims, either in form of direct loss of lives and properties or indirectly by

    altering the natural processes. Atmospheric pollution for example, has often been the cause of

    many accidents, which had far reaching effects on the environment. Weather condition often

    provides favourable atmospheric conditions for the pollution episodes to occur (Lomborg, 1998).

    In this presentation, major environmental pollution episodes and their environmental impacts are

    brought forward ranging from the world at large, down to Africa as our continent and to Nigeria

    in specific as our noble country and finally to the northern part of Nigeria, which hopefully, will

    help the readers and the listeners realize the importance of clean environment.


    From centuries, pollution has posed a problem for city dwellers. The earlier manifestation of

    pollution was the smoke produced by burning poor quality coal in relatively cold climates for

    heating effects in Europe for example. This caused high sulphur dioxide (SO2) and particleexposure, sometimes with serious health impacts. The Industrial Revolution introduced point

    sources of larger emissions from various processes. The most important of these was the burning

    of coal for energy production, resulting in SO2 and combustion particles (smoke). Coal burning

    in small and large sources was allowed to continue without required abatement well into the 20 th

    century. Elevated stacks were the only mode of pollution abatement. Large emissions of SO2 and

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    smoke particles overloaded the atmosphere during temperature inversions in stable high-pressure

    situations with stagnant air, leading to notorious air pollution episodes. The 1952 London fog

    episode was the worst, resulting in an estimated 4,000 deaths in five days (McKinney et al,


    Although the components of air pollution have changed over the years, with the emergence of

    industrial sources like toxic gases - methyl isocyanide (CH3CN) in the case of Bhopal disaster in

    1984; coal still remains an important source of air pollution. In addition, vehicular pollution

    sources have expanded rapidly in the last three decades. Traffic activity in urban areas of

    industrialised western nations has witnessed a four to five fold increase over the decades. In

    developing nations, this increase has been ten-fold to more. Prime examples of urban air

    pollution are the smog in London and photochemical smog in Los Angeles and Mexico. Both oil

    spill and water pollution from domestic and industrial sources have left indelible effects in the

    life of man and his environment (McKinney et al, 2003). What follows shows the history of

    major environmental pollution episodes and their effects.

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    LONDON EPISODES 1873 1963

    The industrial revolutions in the 19th century saw the set in of air pollution in Europe on a large

    scale. The industries and the households relied heavily on coal for heating and cooking. Due to

    burning of coal for heat during the winter months, emissions of smoke and sulphur dioxide were

    much greater in winters than they were during the summer months. Smoke particles trapped in

    the fog gave it a yellow/black colour and this smog often settled over cities for many days

    (Lomborg, 1998).

    The effects of smog on human health were evident, particularly when smog persisted for several

    days. Many people suffered respiratory problems and increased deaths were recorded, notably

    those relating to bronchial causes. The smog-related deaths were first recorded in London in

    1873, when it killed 500 people. In 1880, the toll was more than 1000. London had one of its

    worst experiences of smog in December 1892. It lasted for three days and resulted in about 1000

    deaths. Despite gradual improvements in air quality during the 20th century, eight air pollution

    episodes occurred in London between 1948 and 1962. The December 1952 episode is the major

    episode in the history of air pollution. The Killer Smog began on Thursday, Dec. 4, 1952 as a

    high-pressure air mass created a subsidence temperature inversion over southern England. With

    the particulate and SO2 levels going up due to extensive use of coal as fuel for space heating and

    electric production, the fog turned black. At the same time the high-pressure area stalled and

    became stationary. The build up of pollutants combined with the fog resulted in essentially zero

    visibility. Within a matter of three days, the pollutants were concentrated enough to cause deaths.

    The old and respiratory affected died first, but younger people exposed to the outside atmosphere

    were also affected. The maximum daily SO2 concentration recorded at that time was 1.34 ppm

    (about 4000 g/m3, standard SO2 conc. in clean dry atmosphere is 0.0002 ppm) and smoke levels

    were 4.46 mg/m


    . The Great London Smog lasted for five days and lifted on 9


    Dec, resulting inabout 4000 deaths (Lomborg, 1998).

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    In the mid night of 2nd - 3rd December 1984, in a densely populated area of Bhopal, Central

    India, a poisonous vapor burst from the tall stacks of the Union Carbide pesticide plant. About

    forty tons of toxic gases had leaked from the Carbides Bhopal plant and spread throughout thecity. The cause was the contamination of Methyl Isocyanate (MIC) storage tank with water

    carrying catalytic material. Residents of the city awoke to clouds of suffocating gas, unaware of

    the magnitude of the devastation, which had engulfed them. The city of Bhopal was immediately

    turned into a city of dead bodies, and the whole place smelled of burning chilli peppers. Of the

    million people living in Bhopal at that time, more than 2,000 died immediately (one fourth of

    actual figures) and as many as 300,000 were injured. In addition, about 7,000 animals were

    affected, of which about 1000 were killed. The precise number of deaths still remains a mystery

    till date. The degree of injury was so high that about 30% of the injured were unable to return to

    their jobs. Among the survivors, most of them still suffer agonizing pain from the disastrous

    effects of the massive poisoning while there are still apprehensions of the future generations

    being affected. The Bhopal Disaster was the worst episode in the history of industrial air

    pollution (lenntech.com).

    DONORA FOG, 1948

    Horror visited the US Steel company town of Donora on the Halloween night of 1948, when a

    temperature inversion descended on the town. Fluoride emissions from the Donora Zinc Works

    smelting operation and other sources containing sulphur, carbon monoxide and heavy metal

    dusts were trapped by weather conditions, causing 20 deaths within 14 hours. Cold ground and

    high-pressure conditions intensified the elevated inversion of the anticyclone that arrived in the

    region. The situation was aggravated by local conditions of meteorology, industrial pollutant

    emissions and peculiar terrain of the area. The meteorological conditions and the geographical

    characteristics of the area produced a strong temperature inversion with a temperature gradient ashigh as 33oC/km. The fog was held close to the ground by the stability of the elevated inversion

    layer. During the third and fourth days of the episode, as ambient levels of pollutants escalated,

    almost half of the population of 14,000 people became ill. Almost 43 % of the population in

    Donora and Webster, PA experienced the effects of the smog. Most of the affected were above

    the age group of 60 years and above (29% of this group were seriously affected). The health

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    effects were mainly symptoms affecting the lung, and in particular, upper respiratory symptoms

    such as nasal discharge, constriction of the throat, or sore throat were experienced


    MEUSE VALLEY, 1930

    An episode occurred in the first week of December 1930, when a thick mist lay over large parts

    of Belgium. On December 3rd, 4th and 5th, several thousand cases of acute pulmonary attacks

    occurred in the densely populated valley of the Meuse, east of Liege, resulting in 60 deaths. Post

    episode investigations led to the conclusion that the cause was poisonous products in the waste

    gas of the many factories in the valley, in conjunction with unusual climatic conditions. During

    that time, the day temperature was a little above freezing point while at night it measured up to

    10oC below, while the wind speed was only 1-3km/hr. It was impossible to indicate any definite

    substance or chemical compound as the cause, but the investigators were of the opinion that the

    disaster in all probability had been brought about by sulphur dioxide (SO 2) or oxidation products

    of that compound, of which quantities were found in the factory smoke. The investigation also

    looked into the question of fluorine intoxication, however its role is doubtful.

    The cases of illness were reported after the mist had lasted about 2 days. It was estimated that the

    total number of cases was several thousands. In three days, there were 60 deaths, of which fifty-

    six were in the eastern half of the valley and only four deaths were reported from the west of

    Engis. The area around Engis was the worst affected (visionriviewpoint.com).


    A catastrophic exposure episode involving the release of large quantities of hydrogen sulfide

    occurred in Poza Rica, Mexico in November 1950. Poza Rica, a city of 22,000 people located

    about 210 km northeast of Mexico City, was then the centre of Mexicos leading oil-producing

    district and the site of several oil field installations, including a sulphur-recovery plant. An earlymorning malfunction of the waste gas flare resulted in the release of large quantities of unburned

    hydrogen sulfide into the atmosphere. The unburned gas, aided by a low-level temperature

    inversion and light early morning breezes, was carried to the residential area adjacent to the plant

    area. Residents of the area succumbed while attempting to leave the area and assisting stricken

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    neighbours. Within a matter of 3 hours, 320 persons were hospitalized and 22 were killed



    In an attempt to reduce U.S. oil imports, a consortium of oil companies announced plans in 1969

    to construct a pipeline from Alaska's North Slope to Valdez, an ice-free port on the southeastern

    coast of Alaska. Federal approval for the 800-mile Trans Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS) was

    obtained in 1973, and the first oil tanker shipment originated from Valdez on August 1, 1977.

    Just after midnight on March 24, 1989, the Exxon Valdez, an oil tanker, after receiving 53

    million cargo of crude, pulled away from the Valdez pipeline terminal at 9:26 P.M., on its 28th

    trip out of the sound since its construction in 1986. The trip to Long Beach California, its

    destination, was to take five and a half days. The tanker hit Bligh Reef in the Prince William

    Sound dumping 11 million gallons of crude oil into the pristine blue waters, the worst oil spill in

    United State's history. The Prince William Sound, an island body of water off of Alaska's

    southern coast, is home to one of the country's richest concentrations of wildlife, as well as

    booming fishing industries and native villagers. The sound also serves as a thorough fare for the

    Alyeska Pipeline's oil tankers shipping oil to the consumers of the lower 48 states.

    Alaska's natives, fishermen and environmentalists had always been weary of the oil industry's

    foothold in the region for the potential risks of an oil spill. On that spring night their worst fears

    were realized. This accident would touch off a battle between the native Alaskans and the oil

    industry, both in the court room and in the press, not only over the culpability for the accident

    but the future of the region and the future of oil transportation and oil spill readiness.

    Exxon led the clean up effort with 11,000 workers in the summer months expending some $1.9

    billion dollars. Sea otter rehabilitation centers were established while salmon and herring

    fisheries were closely isolated and monitored. Even today, scientists are still attempting todetermine the ecological damage caused by the spill.

    The Exxon Valdez is one of the largest vessels on water. Almost a thousand feet long, it moves

    with tremendous force through the water. At its top speed of 15 miles per hour it would take 3

    miles for it to come to a halt. On board that night was Captain Joseph Hazelwood, a harbor pilot,

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    and third mate Gregory Cousins. The impact was so forceful that it ripped through its cargo

    tanks, spilling tons of oil into the sound so quickly that it created waves of oil three feet above

    water level.

    All told, over 11 million gallons of oil leaked out into the Prince William Sound creating theworst oil spill in American history. One of the conditions on which the Trans Alaska Pipeline

    was constructed was that Alyeska submit an oil spill response plan. According to that plan,

    Alyeska would be at the site with response equipment within five hours of the spill. However, at

    the time of the Valdez spill, little of the oil-containment equipment was ready and the barge

    which should have much of the equipment already on it sat nearly empty. It would be ten hours

    before clean up crews would arrive, at this point the oil slick had spread for miles.

    The weather was also uncooperative for an effective early clean up. Additionally, waters were

    too calm to use oil clean-up chemicals called "dispersants" which are sprinkled on the water by

    airplane. Dispersants break up the oil and work best in rough seas where they spread and foam,

    like dishwater soap. When the seas finally started behaving, the skies were much too stormy for

    planes to fly and spread dispersants. By the third day, the slick had covered 100 square miles and

    was spreading. There were simply not enough containment booms to prevent the oil from

    spreading. The amount of oil was overpowering.

    Perhaps the most interesting, effective, and technologically advanced method of clean up is bio-

    remediation. This is a process whereby the chemicals nitrogen and phosphorous are sprayed on

    oil contaminated soil and rocks. These chemicals then act as a catalyst to the growth of micro-

    organisms naturally protecting the environment which break down oil. This technique could

    actually double the speed of natural oil removal (wiredchemist.com).

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    In 1978 on March 16 the Liberian super tanker Amoco Cadiz stranded on Portsall Rocks off the

    coast of Brittany, France because of failure of the steering mechanism at 9:15 am. Although

    Captain Pasquale Bandari hoisted the international signal for "Not Under Command" almostimmediately, he did not request assistance until 11:20 am, when his engineer determined that the

    damage was irreparable. The Amoco Cadiz started drifting to shore where touching the bottom

    ripped open the hull and storage tanks.

    The crew of the tanker was rescued by helicopter, but the ship broke in two releasing 227,000

    tons of crude oil, which spread through the English Channel. The oil spill polluted approximately

    360 kilometers of Breton coastline, destroying fisheries, oysters and seaweed beds. Beaches of

    76 Breton communities were polluted by oil.

    Cleanup efforts were restricted for two weeks following the accident, as a result of the isolated

    location of the grounding and rough seas. Severe weather eventually caused the complete break-

    up of the ship before any additional oil could be removed from the wreck.

    This was one of the largest environmental disasters known to men in the 1970's. In 1988 a US

    federal judge ordered Amoco Oil Corporation to pay 85.2 million dollars in fines, consisting of

    45 million dollars for the costs of the spill and an additional 39 million dollars of interest


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    Workers in gold mines use cyanide (CN) to purify gold from rocks. This is applied for example

    in Rumania. At 10:00 pm on January 30, 2000, cyanide used in a gold mine in Baia Mare

    overflowed into the major river the Somes and subsequently into the river Tisza. The cause ofthe spill was a break in the dam that surrounded a settling basin. This resulted in the release of at

    least 100,000 cubic meters of water with very high cyanide concentrations. The waste water did

    not only contain cyanide, but also heavy metals such as copper, zinc and lead. Copper

    concentrations exceeded the heavily polluted threshold 40-160 times, the zinc concentration was

    twice above this standard and the lead concentration 5-9 times greater.

    Cyanide is a very aggressive toxin that can kill people. Consequently, when Rumanian

    authorities were notified of the spill they immediately raised the alarm. This rapid response

    prevented any human victims. However, the spill did kill all aquatic plant and animal life for

    dozens of miles downstream. On February 12, it even impacted the major European river

    Danube, which receives water from the Tisza. This caused the impact to be noticeable in

    Hungary and Serbia, as well. Inhabitants of Belgrado witnessed Danube water full of dead fish

    flowing by. Up to 100 people, most of them children, have been treated in hospital after eating

    contaminated fish.

    Environmental organizations claim that large companies take advantage of the flexible

    environmental regulation in poorer countries such as Rumania. It is stated this results in the

    occurrence of environmental disasters such as that in Baia Mare. The major owner of the Baia

    Mare gold mine is an Australian called Brett. He commented the media coverage of the Baia

    Mare disaster, saying reports were utterly exaggerated. He denies the high rate of fish mortality

    in the area had anything to do with the gold mine.

    In Serbia the minister of environment announced he would sue the ones responsible for the spill.

    He demands an international trial. Fishery was banned from the Tisza and the population was

    recommended not to use the water. This caused many local residents to suffer from drinking

    water shortages and caused some losses in the fishing industry (reliefweb.int).

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    On April 20, 2010 drilling rig explosion claimed the lives of 11 workers, and the rig's subsequent

    collapse unleashed a major oil spill that threatens U.S. Gulf of Mexico ecosystems and economy.

    Also threatened is the heart of the U.S. energy production, both on and offshore as a giant,unprecedented underwater leak spreads oil across the northern Gulf of Mexico between the

    mouth of the Mississippi River and Florida.

    U.S. President Barack Obama's plans to widen offshore drilling have been put on hold, and

    energy giant BP Plc faces another blow to its reputation and a multi-billion bill for cleaning up

    the mess and paying damages.

    The event, which resulted into explosion and fire on Transocean Ltd drilling rig Deepwater

    Horizon licensed to British Petroleum, BP; claimed 11 workers, with 17 others injured. The rig

    was drilling in BP's Macondo project 42 miles southeast of Venice, Louisiana, beneath about

    5,000 feet (1,525 metre) of water and 13,000 feet under the seabed. A blowout preventer,

    intended to prevent release of crude oil, failed to activate, in combination with methane bubble

    that made its way up the oil line, is believed to be the cause for the explosion that destroyed the

    BP Gulf oil rig.

    In the three months following the explosion, the fauna and flora, the sea and the southern coasts

    of the US fell prey to the destructive effects of the leaked oil.

    The world watched in amazement and incredulity as yet another ecological catastrophe unfolded,

    with seemingly constant media coverage of birds with feathers clogged by black tar, huge

    patches of oil floating in the sea, and once-pristine beaches invaded by the black sludge.

    Now two years after the explosion on a drilling platform in the Gulf of Mexico, uncertainty

    remains about the long-term damage of the disaster, as most of the chemical components of

    crude oil are persistence organic compounds.

    Nickolaus Gelpke, a Swiss marine biologist and editor of the magazine Mare, says that despite

    the appearance of things having returned to normal in the Gulf, it is impossible to calculate the

    effects of petroleum on the environment. Petroleum is a highly toxic substance, and even if it is

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    no longer visible, it is still present in the food chain. In the long term, the effects on the

    ecosystem are incalculable, Gelpke said (swissinfo.ch).

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    Air pollution is becoming a serious environmental problem in Africa, which, in the past 25 years,

    has been experiencing the world s most rapid rate of urbanization at nearly 5% per annum. This,

    alongside government regimes that encourage utilization of dirty fuels, a sharp rise in the

    importation of old and outdated cars, and inefficient industrial plants, is seriously affecting air

    quality on the continent. The high rate of urbanization (4 8% per annum in some cities),

    expected to continue for the next decade, combined with low-income solutions to daily

    commuting, has resulted in the rapid increase in pollutants emitted by motorized vehicles. The

    available information suggests that the concentrations of toxic metals in many ecosystems are

    reaching unprecedented levels. Because of the heavy load of contaminated dusts in the air of

    highly populated cities, the ambient concentrations of toxic metals are now among the highest

    that have been reported in the world. Lead pollution from the rising number of automobiles and

    cottage industries represents a major health hazard, and it is estimated that 15 30% of infants in

    some urban areas may already be suffering from lead poisoning (Nriagu, 2004). According to the

    Africa Environment Outlook (AEO) report (UNEP, 2002), the use of biomass fuel, besides

    degrading the environment, also raises the risk to health of women and children, who mostly do

    the cooking in African families. In Tanzania, for example, children under five years of age who

    die from acute respiratory infections are three times more likely to have been exposed to the

    burning of such fuels.

    Water pollution (for example, contamination in rivers and lakes) is also a serious hazard in sub-

    Saharan Africa. In 2000, over 300 million people did not have access to clean and safe water,

    and over 500 million went without adequate sanitation. In addition, low-income urban dwellers

    have to pay high prices for water, sometimes up to 50 times the price paid by higher income

    groups. This problem has been worsened by high rates of uncontrolled urbanization andindustrial activity. An investigation by the Nigerian Environmental Society in 1985 revealed that,

    between 1970 and 1983, offshore and on-shore oil spillage amounted to 1,711,354 barrels of

    crude oil (Aguiyi-Ironsi, 1988).

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    While large-scale mining can also adversely affect the environment, artisanal and small-scale

    mining pose the most dangerous effects, as this type of mining activity tends not to be properly

    regulated. The mine operators often have only limited access to technology. It is estimated thatover five million people are involved in artisanal mining in Africa.

    Artisanal and small-scale mining has made a valuable contribution to some African countries,

    providing employment to significant numbers of people, especially in rural areas, and adding to

    foreign exchange earnings. At the same time, however, this type of mining has adversely

    affected the environment. While the basic environmental impacts of intensive mining operations

    include accumulation of sediments in rivers, lakes and water pipes; deforestation and erosion, as

    well as dust and pollution (including heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, and cadmium), the most

    serious are pollution from mercury and land degradation (Hilson, 2002).

    Mercury is used for gold amalgamation in artisanal mining. It is typically released into the

    atmosphere and waterways, where it is converted by microbes into toxic methyl mercury and

    poses a threat to the health of animals and humans. Toxic mercury hotspots have been identified

    in several areas of the continent. These include the Victoria Fields in Tanzania, and Obuasi and

    Dumasi in Ghana (Hilson, 2002).

    The main causes of health hazards among miners include the following; inhaling large amounts

    of siliceous dust, careless handling of mercury during gold panning, gold/mercury (Au/Hg)

    amalgam processing, the existence of water-logged pits and trenches, and the sharing of poor

    quality air in the mines by large numbers of individuals. The use of pressure burners to weaken

    the reef is a deadly mining procedure, as hot particles of lead, arsenic, and other sulphide

    minerals burn the body and, when the burns become septic, death can apparently follow within

    2 3 years. Health problems of gold miners who have worked underground include increased

    frequency of cancers of the trachea, bronchus, lung, stomach, and liver; increased frequency of

    pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB), silicosis, and pleural diseases; increased frequency of insect

    borne diseases, such as malaria and dengue fever; noise-induced hearing loss; increased

    prevalence of certain bacterial and viral diseases; and diseases of the blood, skin, and

    musculoskeletal system (Hilson, 2002).

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    For the past three decades, poor African nations have been used as dumping sites for hazardous

    toxic waste materials from developed countries. Such wastes include raw sewage, sludge,

    incinerated ashes, contaminated oils, nuclear materials, acids, and poisonous solvents ejected by

    chemical, pharmaceutical, and fertilizer-producing plants in the industrialized world The

    dumping of toxic waste materials poses a grave environmental threat to African people, many of

    whom are not aware of the dangers and are not equipped to handle the ensuing consequences. In

    August 2006, for example, hundreds of tons of chemical slops were dumped in open-air sites in

    Abidjan, Cte D Ivoire. Ten people are reported to have died, and thousands more are reported

    to have fallen ill with vomiting, diarrhoea, nosebleeds, and breathing difficulties (BNW, 2007).

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    Gas flaring is a serious hazard in southern Nigeria. Every day, almost two million cubic feet of

    natural gas is burnt during crude oil production, more than any gas flare reported from elsewhere

    in the world. Not only does gas flaring cause major environmental pollution in the Niger River

    Delta, where most of Nigeria s oil is produced, but it also wastes a valuable resource. According

    to a World Bank report (Svensson et al, 2002), the gas flares in Africa could produce

    approximately 50% of the continent s current power supply.



    The Niger Delta is densely populated by about 20 million persons. The density in the region

    continues to expand as oil operators recklessly occupy available lands, and as people, often

    times, are forced to migrate when hitherto residential areas become inhabitable due to industrial

    mess. Oil exploration by seismic companies involves surveying, clearing of seismic lines and

    massive dynamiting for geological excavation (seismic testing). A thorough review of the

    environmental impacts of the oil industry in Nigeria would take up an entire book. This is

    because, virtually, every aspect of oil exploration and exploitation has deleterious effects on the

    ecosystem s stability and local biodiversity which the peoples livelihoods depend upon

    (Zabbey, 2005). According to Steiner (2008), oil spills in the Niger Delta have been extensive,

    difficult to assess and often under-reported. Thus, UNEP (2006) cited in Steiner (2008) summed

    the impacts of Oil spill in the Niger Delta as follows:

    1. High mortality of aquatic animals.

    2. Impairment of human health.

    3. Loss of biodiversity in breeding grounds.

    4. Vegetation hazards.

    5. Loss of portable and industrial water resources.

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    6. Reduction in fishing and farming activities.

    7. Poverty, rural underdevelopment and bitterness.

    Extensive mangrove area in the Delta have been converted for one form of oil facility or the

    other, or degraded by oil pollution. The Niger Delta boasts of the largest mangrove belt in Africa

    and the fourth largest in the world (Nandy and Mitra, 2004). Mangroves provide coastal

    communities with about 46 ecosystem goods (seafood, fuel wood, dye, stakes, and so on) and 9

    ecological services to other productive ecosystems (such as coral reef) in the seascape, and for

    man. No doubts, mangroves are a strong livelihood support-base of the Delta inhabitants, and it

    has been argued elsewhere (Zabbey, 2008) that mangroves are to the local communities what

    taxes are to national governments! Studies have also shown that 60% of fishes in the Gulf of

    Guinea breed in the mangroves of the Niger Delta. A cursory look at the area of mangrove

    converted in Rivers and Bayelsa States alone for oil development illustrates the depth of erosion

    of communal livelihoods that have taken place.

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    Lead is a soft metal that has known many applications over the years. It has been used widely

    since 5000 BC for application in metal products, cables and pipelines, but also in paint and

    pesticides. Lead is one out of four metals that have the most damaging effects on human health.

    It can enter the human body through of food (65%), water (20%) and air (15%).

    In 2010, the increase in children mortality in some villages in Zamfara state alerted the attention

    of medical practitioners and International agencies urgently scaled up their response to help local

    authorities to cope with mass lead poisoning in the state, described by the World Health

    Organization as an unprecedented environmental emergency.

    The charity Mdecins Sans Frontires (MSF), whose staff first discovered the problem, says that

    gold mining activity in the area has led to a substantial rise in numbers of deaths of children and

    that hundreds of people are needing treatment for dangerously high levels of lead poisoning.

    MSF s emergency medical manager, Lauren Cooney, was reported that they first detected an

    increase in childhood mortality and illness in villages in Bukkuyum and Anka districts in March,

    2010. In one village 30% of children aged under 5 years had recently died. Suspecting lead

    contamination, they alerted the Zamfara state ministry of health, which called for outside


    The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention deployed a response team to help investigate

    the cause. A team from TerraGraphics Environmental Engineering was also sent to conduct an

    environmental assessment. WHO subsequently sent in a team of epidemiologists, a clinical

    toxicologist, a paediatrician, an environmental health expert, and a laboratory specialist.

    WHO said that investigations confirmed severe lead poisoning in nearly 200 children in the

    villages of Dareta and Yargalma. They had a mean blood lead concentration of 119

    micrograms/dL (concentrations as low as 10 micrograms/dL are associated with impaired

    neurological development in young children). Lead concentrations in the soil of greater than 100,

    000 parts per million were found in and around houses in the affected villages (the limit for

    residential areas in the United States and France is 400 ppm).

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    The source was traced to the nearby processing of lead rich ore, used in the extraction of gold.

    The pollution appears not to come from official mining activities but mainly from small scale,

    unlicensed operations conducted illegally by local villagers.

    Subsequent investigations found a high degree of environmental lead contamination in five othervillages, where as many as 2000 children under 5 years old are believed to need treatment for

    lead poisoning. Data from the state health ministry s hospital registry indicate further villages

    where lead poisoning may also be a problem (UNEP/OCHA, 2010).

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    The aftermath of these disasters led to serious public concern leading to various pollution control

    acts and awareness about environmental health and safety. Relationships between environmental

    pollution emissions and exposure are now better understood through studies of atmosphericdispersion, chemical reactions and deposition of pollutants. Pollution management including

    assessment, control, and surveillance has also become more sophisticated.

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