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  • 7/31/2019 Epicenter OM


    CONCERT SERIESBass Maximizer

    Owners Enjoment Manual


    ongratulations on your acquisition of the nest bass restoration processor

    known to the autosound world. Whether this is your rst AudioControl

    product, or you are already a rm believer, you will denitely enjoy The

    Epicenter Concert Series.

    Now before we get too far along here, we need to give you a simplistic

    explanation of bass and its multitude of applications. Regardless of your age or

    musical preference, the addition of low frequency bass to your autosound system

    is truly an enjoyable experience. Whether you listen to the kettle drums of

    Beethovens fth symphony or you prefer the tones of rap music, bass will truly

    enhance the performance of your system. Of course, some people enjoy more

    bass than others, and for that reason The Epicenter comes with a dash mount-

    able control knob which allows you to increase or decrease the level of the bassrestoration effect. No matter what your choice of music, you will absolutely

    love The Epicenter.

    Now before you start salivating too much just thinking about what The

    Epicenter can add to your system, take a few minutes to sit back, have a latt,

    decaffeinated if necessary, and read through this manual. It contains lots of use-

    ful facts and information (and besides, we spent a lot of time writing it)!!

    Features Of The Epicenter Concert SeriesHere are some of the nifty features that are enclosed in your magical box:

    Bass Maximizertm Circuitry

    Dash mount control

    Bass restoration lighted display

    Parametric bass control

    PFM Subsonic Filter

    Balanced inputs

    Bass Output Control

    What all this means is more bass. . . louder bass with speaker protection.

    22410 70th Avenue West Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043

    Phone 425-775-8461 Fax 425-778-3166 www.audiocontrol.com

    22410 70th Avenue West Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043

    Phone 425-775-8461 Fax 425-778-3166 www.audiocontrol.com

  • 7/31/2019 Epicenter OM




    Bass Maximizertm

    The Epicenter contains a bass maximization circuit that accurately recre-

    ates and injects low frequency information back into the signal path. What that

    means in everyday terms is that The Epicenter will give more bass impact toyour best compact discs or even your old tapes.

    Para-Bass tm

    Whats the use of having good bass if you cant control it? The Epicenter

    has a unique equalization circuit that contours the restored bass to your speaker


    Dash Mount ControlThe Epicenter is designed to be mounted anywhere in the vehicle, with the

    exception of the front bumper or radiator. It comes with a dash mountable con-

    trol that allows you to enjoy the effects of The Epicenter without having to leave

    the drivers seat. The dash mount control also has a dual color LED indicator

    that can be rainforest green or sunshine amber. This LED will grow brighter as

    you add more bass or dimmer when you decrease it.

    Bass Maximizer IndicatorNot only does The Epicenter Concert Series provide magic to your ears, but

    it also gives you some visual enjoyment as well. On the chassis of The Epi-

    center is a backlighted logo that ashes when the bass maximization circuit is

    activated. Special effects in your trunk!

    PFM Subsonic FilterThis unique feature is legendary with many AudioControl fanatics for its

    ability to ne tune the bass response of any system. Why waste power on nasty

    subsonic information when your Programmable Frequency Match (PFM) lter

    can help you clean things up?

    Bass Output ControlThe Epicenter circuitry has the ability to produce large amounts of deep,

    mind shattering bass without damaging your speakers. The Bass Output Control

    circuit allows The Epicenter to maximize the bass output of any autosound audio

    system while restraining destructive bursts. Yeh!!

  • 7/31/2019 Epicenter OM



    Five Year WarrantyThe most important feature of all. Every

    AudioControl product is selessly designed and

    manufactured by the occupants of our rainfor-

    est factory. We take every effort to ensure that

    you will have many years of enjoyment out ofThe Epicenter. To further ensure the performance of your new

    toy, we highly recommend that you allow your authorized AudioControl

    dealer to perform the installation. Not only do they have all the right knowledge

    and tools, but in the unlikely chance The Epicenter should fail, we will back it

    with a limited ve year parts and labor warranty. Should you choose to install it

    yourself, we will still give you a one year parts and labor warranty. To activate

    your warranty, you need to FILL OUT AND SEND IN YOUR WARRANTY

    CARD!We also recommend that you save your invoice or sales slip as proof of

    installation and ownership. Not only is it necessary for warranty purposes, but

    should your Epicenter turn up missing some day while you are out watching the

    submarine races, you will nd insurance companies very unforgiving.

    We interrupt your reading of this manual to provide the impatient people

    with Quick Install information and guidelines:

    The AudioControl Epicenter was designed to produce bass like you havenever heard before. With that said it is important to take the following precau-

    tions during its use.

    1. If you have an equalizer in your system, turn down the bass frequencies

    and use The Epicenter. The results could be, shall we say. . . interesting.

    2. You will want to reduce any bass tone control, loudness control, or other

    secondary bass controls prior to turning on The Epicenter. Once

    your system is up and running, you may then opt to use them again,

    although we doubt it!

    3. Good bass response requires an appropriate choice of

    speakers and amplication. Since the bass frequencies always

    require more power and cone area than higher frequencies...

    BE PREPARED. Small speakers and lack of power will be

    detrimental to your system.

  • 7/31/2019 Epicenter OM



    Quick Install InformationThe Epicenter Concert Series needs to be installed in the signal path be-

    tween a source and an external amplier(s). Although it can be installed after an

    equalizer, it must be installed BEFORE A CROSSOVER.

    Once this is done, you just need to hook up power, ground, trigger, run the

    wire to the dash remote and tada!!! Instant bass. If you need to know more,

    then read on. Heck if you dont think you need to know more, you should still

    read on, because you can never know too much.

    Factory Settings Shipped Options Page #

    Para-Bass Frequency 40Hz 27Hz-63Hz 9

    Para-Bass Bandwidth Wide Range from 30Hz-250Hz 9

    Bass Output Control 5 volts 2.5, 7.5, or 10 volts 10

    Input Circuit Balanced Unbalanced 6

    Ground Isolation Isolated 200 ohm or Ground 6Choice of beverage Micro-brew Latt 17

    PFM subsonic lter 33Hz 25Hz, 30Hz, 35Hz, 40Hz, 45Hz

    Optional PFM modules are sold

    separately. 10

    Note: These congurations can be changed by moving jumpers, turning knobs

    or changing modules.

    Figure 1: Quick Install

  • 7/31/2019 Epicenter OM




    Inputs: The inputs of The Epicenter use a balanced input circuit to help

    minimize induced noise. They are also designed to handle very high signal volt-

    ages up to 15 volts!!

    Outputs: These RCA connectors should be connected to the next

    component after The Epicenter, such as a crossover, equalizer, or amplier. Just

    remember, The Epicenter should go inline before a crossover!!

    Dash Control Input: This allows you to connect The Epicenter to the

    remote Dash Control knob. You can mount the knob anywhere you want,

    although somewhere in the front of the vehicle is preferable.

    Power Connector: This nifty little connector allows you to connect the

    Power, Ground, and Remote Turn-On signals to The Epicenter. Just connect all

    the wires to their appropriate locations in the bright sunlight and then plug it intoThe Epicenter mounted in the dark cavern of your trunk.

    Para-Bass Controls: These 2 knobs control the Para-Bass functions of

    The Epicenter. The Sweep knob allows you to pick the center frequency that

    you want The Epicenter bass restoration circuit to maximize. The Wide knob

    adjusts how wide of a frequency range The Epicenter will effect. Very cool!!

    Power: When you have connected all of your wires correctly you should

    congratulate yourself when this light comes on. No light??? Check your wires.

    Display: Lights on. Lights off. Thats what happens to this displaywhen The Epicenter circuit is activated. Even if bass has numbed your ears, you

    can still enjoy The Epicenter.

    Figure 2: Outside View of The Epicenter

  • 7/31/2019 Epicenter OM



    The Inside Input Grounding: For most systems you can leave this jumper set in the

    BALANCED position. In some systems, the source unit may look for a groundthrough the RCA connectors. In that event, you should go ahead and change the

    jumpers to the UNBALANCED position.

    Ground Isolation Jumpers: Occasionally alternator whine may appear

    in a system because the source unit and amplier may use different grounding.

    To help in this situation, we have provided alternative grounding connections.

    Make sure your system is turned OFF before you move these jumpers.

    Bass Output Control Jumpers: Not all systems are designed the same,

    Some systems are designed strictly for SPL (sound pressure level) while oth-ers are a little more tame. The Bass Maximizer circuit can either increase or

    decrease the signal voltage of the bass restoration circuit. Depending upon your

    system, you may opt to change these jumpers to a higher or lower setting to

    maximize your bass output and protect your speakers. In most systems the fac-

    tory setting will suit you ne. We recommend you try the factory setting rst.

    11. PFM Subsonic Filter: The Epicenter Concert Series utilizes a PFM

    (Programmable Frequency Match) lter which will help with speaker control

    and amplier power management. To change the PFM frequency, you need to

    remove the top of the chassis and change the modules. Your local AudioControl

    dealer generally carries an assortment of these replacement modules. This is

    discussed in detail on page 10.

    Figure 3: Inside view of The Epicenter

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    Bass Maximization TechnologYou may ask yourself, Why would I need to restore bass? The truth is

    that during the recording process, low frequency information can be mixed

    down or ltered out. Its not that recording engineers are out to get you; in factthey are looking out for your best interests and are concerned that many speaker

    systems cannot handle truly low bass information.

    The circuit inside The Epicenter is designed to reproduce the low frequency

    information by looking at the upper frequency ranges and detecting musical har-

    monics. These harmonics then allow The Epicenter to drop down a few octaves

    and reproduce the missing bass notes.

    The bottom line is that The Epicenter technology gives you deep, body

    shuddering, heart stopping bass. Can you handle it??

    Figure 4: How The Epicenter Works

  • 7/31/2019 Epicenter OM



    INSTALLING THE EPICENTER CONCERT SERIESUp to this point everything you have read has served to educate you on the

    operations of The Epicenter. We are sure that you are chomping at the bit to

    install The Epicenter so we recommend you read the following sections very


    Placement & Mounting The EpicenterPlacement: The Epicenter needs to be installed in the signal path as close

    to your source unit as possible, but denitely BEFORE any crossover circuit.

    Although the Epicenter is close to the source units signal, the chassis is usually

    mounted in the rear of the vehicle as close to the ampliers as possible.

    Mounting: Once you have selected a permanent mounting location, posi-

    tion the unit and mark the appropriate mounting holes with a felt-tip pen or

    scratch awl. Before doing anything else, make sure you are not about to drill ahole in a gas tank or pierce any existing wiring. Nothing ruins your day more

    than an expensive repair bill. Drill a small pilot hole and secure the chassis of

    The Epicenter with self tapping screws.

    Electrical ConnectionsWARNING: Failure to disconnect the negative terminal of your battery

    prior to the installation of The Epicenter Concert Series can result in a warm

    tingly feeling.

    Remote In: Connect a 22 to 18 gauge wire from the head-units remoteturn-on to the Remote In connector on The Epicenter.

    Positive(+12V) Connection: Insert an 18 gauge or larger wire into the con-

    nector labeled Power on the nifty connector of your Epicenter. Connect it to a

    good constant source of 12 volts (we suggest the battery), fused at 1 amp.

    Ground Connection: Use the same gauge wire as you did for the +12v

    connector and run it from the Ground connector on The Epicenter to the

    negative terminal of the battery, a ground bus, or a veried ground location. The

    factory head unit ground is not a good ground!When the electrical connections are complete, you may reconnect the nega-

    tive terminal to your battery.

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    Dual-Color Dash Control LEDThe LED on your dash control is rainfor-

    est green and should brighten or dim when

    you turn the knob either clockwise or

    counter clockwise. Should you wish

    to change the color to amber, remove

    the plug connected to the LED and

    turn it 180 degrees and plug it

    back in.

    Dash Control Installation

    Placement And MountingThe dash control may be mounted under the dash using its own bracket or

    through a custom hole in the dash. It should be within reach of the driver and in

    a spot where the LED is plainly visible.

    Dash Bracket InstallationThe dash control mounts with two screws which attach to the underside of

    the dashboard. Slide under the dash and place the dash control in its mounting

    position, mark the two mounting holes, drill pilot holes, and secure with two


    Custom Installation

    For that custom, nished look, the dash control can be ush mounted di-rectly on the dash board (or anywhere else). We have provided an extra label to

    help make this happen. Referencing Figure 5, disassemble The Epicenter dash

    control from the mounting bracket. Start by pushing the LED from its holder

    followed by removing the circuit board and rotary control from the bracket.

    Drill a 9/32 hole in the dashboard for the control along with a 1/8 hole for the

    lock tab and a 13/64 hole for the LED holder. Reassemble the dash control

    components on the dashboard and apply the new label over the openings.

    Figure 5: Picture of

    dash mount remote

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    page 10

    Adjusting the Para-Bass ControlsThe bass response in a system is affected by four factors; (1) the acoustics

    of the vehicle, (2) the location of the speakers, (3) the music on the tape, CD, or

    source unit, and (4) speakers and speaker enclosures. Because of the variations

    in the recording process, we developed The Epicenter to help restore any low

    frequencies lost during the recording process, however, the acoustics of variousenvironments are different. With this in mind our coffee-laden engineers devel-

    oped the unique Para-BASStm system.

    The Sweep control allows you to select a center frequency (the frequency

    most affected) between 27 and 63 Hz. The Width control then allows you to

    control the shape of the lter centered around the sweep frequency.

    Setting The Bass Output ControlThe Epicenter is the most powerful bass component in the history of auto-

    sound. Able to leap tall buildings with a single bound and all that kind of stuff.

    With that in mind we have equipped The Epicenter with several different Bass

    Output selections. If you should need to change the settings, please use the chart

    below for guidance. A word of advice: listen to the factory setting before chang-

    ing your Bass Output settings.

    Recommended SettingsSetting Amplier Input Voltage Minimum Speaker Size

    2.5 Volt 3 volts or less 85 Volt 5 volts or less 10

    7.5 Volt 7.5 volts or less 12

    10 Volt Oh My Gosh!!!!!!!

    PFM Subsonic FilterMany car audio systems truly push the limits of their subwoofer...without

    really knowing it. Tuned enclosures affect the roll-off of many speakers, yet

    lots of source material forces the speakers to play lower than expected. The net

    result is wasted amplier power and damaged speakers. The AudioControl PFM

    (Programmable Frequency Match or Pure F#@&% Magic) lter is a program-

    mable subsonic lter. It allows you to only let the speaker play as low as it

    should be playing. Because every system is different, we allow you to change

    the PFM roll-off frequency to whatever you choose.

    On most systems, the factory installed module (33Hz) is ne. If you know

    the tuning frequency of your speaker enclosure (porting frequency or 3dB down

    point), you might try setting your PFM module to that frequency. If you want to

    protect your speaker system even more, you might even try a higher frequency.Often a higher frequency actually sounds louder and cleaner.

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    page 11


    If the LED on your dash remote is not on, check the Power light on the

    chassis of The Epicenter. If the Power light is on, you will want to check to

    make sure that the cable connecting the remote to the chassis is not pinched or

    disconnected. If the Power light is off check to make sure that the power wire

    and remote turn on wires are connected or a fuse has not blown.

    No Restoration

    When your system is playing and yet you dont hear any difference in the

    sound, try turning the knob clockwise. If you still dont hear any affect, then

    you need to make sure that you have The Epicenter in the right part of the signal

    chain. It must be installed BEFORE any crossovers in the system.

    Note: If you are using a source unit with a built in crossover or processor,

    you must run a full range output to The Epicenters inputs.Sounds Distorted

    Should your system sound distorted or your speakers are moving way too

    much, you should decrease the amount of bass restoration by turning the dash

    control knob counter-clockwise. You should also raise the PFM frequency or

    lower the setting on your Bass Output control.

    Still Distorted

    Adjust the Para Bass controls by turning the sweep control clockwise to

    raise the center frequency. If you still have distortion, you should power downThe Epicenter, remove the cover and change the Bass Output setting to a lower

    position (i.e. 2.5 volts).

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    page 1


    Seriestm is our award win-

    ning dual bandwidth, trunk

    mount equalizer. Thirteen

    full octave and 1/2-octave

    spaced bands help tame even

    the most wicked acoustical

    environment, your car. Need

    a crossover and an equalizer?

    The EQXConcert Seriestm

    is just the ticket.

    The 6XStmis a 4 chan-

    nel, 2 way crossover withbreathtakingly steep 24dB

    per octave slopes. If performance is important to you, then you will appreciate

    the 6XS.

    If more signal voltage is necessary in your system, dont feel alone. many

    customers have added Overdrivetm line drivers and felt like they had new ampli-

    ers in their systems.

    If you are looking for the

    ultimate in the control and ex-ibility of your performance audio

    system, then you should check

    out AudioControls full line of

    Digital Processors. Features like

    30 bands of constant-Q equaliza-

    tion, 24 dB/octave crossovers,

    and memory settings are avail-

    able in our DQT, DQX, DQS,and DQXS. In addition, our

    optional DDC Digital Dash Control allows you to control all of the functions of

    your AudioControl digital processor from the convenience of your drivers seat.

    And now a word from our legal department.

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    page 1

    THE WARRANTyPeople are scared of warranties. Lots of ne print, months of waiting

    around. Well fear no more, this warranty is designed to make you rave about us

    to your friends. Its a warranty that looks out for you and helps you resist the

    temptation to have your friend, ...whos good with electronics, try to repair

    your AudioControl product. So go ahead, read this warranty, then take a few

    days to enjoy The Epicenter Concert Series before sending in the warranty card

    and comments.

    Conditional doesnt mean anything ominous. The Federal Trade Com-

    mission tells all manufacturers to use the term to indicate that certain conditions

    have to be met before theyll honor the warranty. If you meet all of the condi-

    tions, we will warrant all materials and workmanship on The Epicenter for one

    year from the date you bought it (ve years if it is installed by an authorized

    United States AudioControl dealer). We will x or replace it, at our option, dur-ing that time.

    Here are the conditional conditions:

    1. You have to ll out the warranty card and send it to us within 15 days

    after purchasing The Epicenter.

    2. You must keep your sales receipt for proof of purchase showing when

    and from whom the unit was bought. Were not the only ones who require this,

    so its a good habit to be in with any major purchase.

    3. The Epicenter must have originally been purchased from an authorizedAudioControl dealer. You do not have to be the original owner, but you do need

    a copy of the original sales slip.

    4. You cannot let anybody who isnt: (A) the AudioControl factory; (B)

    somebody authorized in writing by AudioControl to service The Epicenter Con-

    cert Series. If anyone other than (A) or (B) messes with The Epicenter Concert

    Series, that voids your warranty.

    5. The warranty is also void if the serial number is altered or removed, or if

    The Epicenter Concert Series has been used improperly. Now that sounds like abig loophole, but here is all we mean by it.

    Unwarranted abuse is: (A) physical damage (dont use The Epicenter Con-

    cert Series for a car jack); (B) improper connections (120 volts into the power

    jack can fry the poor thing); (C) sadistic things. This is the best mobile prod-

    uct we know how to build, but if you mount it to the front bumper of your car,

    something will go wrong.

    6. If an authorized United States AudioControl dealer installs The Epicen-

    ter, the warranty is ve years otherwise the warranty is one year.

    Assuming you conform to 1 through 6, and it really isnt all that hard to do,

    we get the option of xing your old unit or replacing it with a new one.

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    page 1


    This is the only warranty given by AudioControl. This warranty gives you

    specic legal rights that vary from state to state. Promises of how well The Epi-

    center will perform are not implied by this warranty. Other than what we have

    covered in this warranty, we have no obligation, express or implied. Also, we

    will not be obligated for direct or indirect consequential damage to your systemcaused by hooking up The Epicenter.

    Failure to send in a properly completed warranty card negates any service


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    page 1

    THE EPICENTER CONCERT SERIES SPECIFICATIONSAll specications are measured at 14.4 VDC (standard automotive voltage).

    As technology advances, AudioControl reserves the right to continuously change

    our specications, like our weather.

    Maximum input level ................................................................................ 15 Vrms

    Maximum output level ......................................................................... 13.5 Vpeak

    Frequency response............................................................. 10Hz-100kHz;+/-1dB

    Total harmonic distortion ........................................................................... 0.003%

    Signal to Noise ratio.................................................................................. - 130dB

    Balanced input noise rejection .................................................................... > 60dB

    Input Impedance..................................................................................... 10 Kohms

    Output Impedance .................................................................................. 150 Ohms

    Power supply....................................................................... High headroom PWM

    Power draw .................................................................................................150mA

    Recommended fuse rating............................................................................ 1 Amp

    Size.................................................................................... 8 W x 5.5 D x 1.2 H

    Weight ...........................................................................................................1.7lbs

    Country of origin......................................................................................... U.S.A.

    1998, AudioControl, a division of Electronic Engineering and Manufac-

    turing, Inc. All rights reserved.

    AudioControl, Making Good Stereo Sound Better, Performance Match,

    6XS, DQT, DQX, DQS, DQXS, DDC, Overdrive, EQL, EQX, and The Epicen-

    ter Concert Series are all trademarks of Electronic Engineering and Manufactur-ing, Inc.

    This literature was conceived, designed, and written on a bleak, windy,

    dreary rain-drenched day at our home in the Pacic Northwest Rainforest. The

    wheat beer was cold and so was the weather.

  • 7/31/2019 Epicenter OM


    making good stereo sound better

    22410 70th Avenue WestMountlake Terrace, WA 98043

    Phone 425-775-8461 Fax 425-778-3166


    P/N 9130470 Rev311