ephesians [part 3] christ & his church. brief outline of ephesians chapters 1-3 “the powerful...

EPHESIANS [Part 3] Christ & His Church

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Page 1: EPHESIANS [Part 3] Christ & His Church. BRIEF OUTLINE OF EPHESIANS CHAPTERS 1-3  “The Powerful Blessings in Christ” CHAPTERS 4:1-5:20  “The Power to


Christ & His Church

Page 2: EPHESIANS [Part 3] Christ & His Church. BRIEF OUTLINE OF EPHESIANS CHAPTERS 1-3  “The Powerful Blessings in Christ” CHAPTERS 4:1-5:20  “The Power to


• CHAPTERS 1-3 “The Powerful Blessings in Christ”

•CHAPTERS 4:1-5:20 “The Power to Live”

Page 3: EPHESIANS [Part 3] Christ & His Church. BRIEF OUTLINE OF EPHESIANS CHAPTERS 1-3  “The Powerful Blessings in Christ” CHAPTERS 4:1-5:20  “The Power to


(Vs. 1-6) Walking worthily & unified

(Vs. 7-11) Ministry gifts of Christ to the Church

(Vs. 12-16) The purpose of the ministry gifts

(Vs. 17-32) Walking in newness of life: put off & put on

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(Vs. 1): “VOCATION:” Calling; invitation - Hence it means that Divine invitation or calling by which Christians are introduced into the privileges of the gospel. That we live as becoming of those who have been called into the kingdom of God. The word walk is often used to denote life, conduct… behave like you are a child of God!

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EPHESIANS ANALYSISAPPLICATIONS: “Walking worthy of your calling…”

(1.) Bearing our religion to all places, companies, employments. Not merely to be a Christian on Sunday, and at the communion-table, and in our own land; but every day, and everywhere, and in any land where we may be placed. We are to live religion, and not merely to profess it. We are to be Christians in the courtroom, as well as in the closet; among strangers, and in a foreign land.

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EPHESIANS ANALYSISAPPLICATIONS: “Walking worthy of your calling…”

(2.) Doing nothing inconsistent with the elevated Christian character. In temper, feeling, plan, we are to give expression to no emotion, and use no language, and perform no deed, that shall be inconsistent with the name & testimony that we bear as children of God.

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EPHESIANS ANALYSISAPPLICATIONS: “Walking worthy of your calling…”

(3.) Doing right always: being just to all; telling the truth; defrauding no one; maintaining a correct standard of morals; having integrity. We should so live, that others will have no doubts that we are Christians. And no matter how others may act, that people will find us to be the unflinching advocate of temperance, peace, love and every good work.

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EPHESIANS ANALYSISAPPLICATIONS: “Walking worthy of your calling…”

(4.) Living as one who expects to soon be in heaven. Such a person will feel that the earth is not their home; that they are a stranger and a pilgrim here; that riches, honours, and pleasures are of comparatively little importance; that they ought to watch and pray, and that they ought to be holy. A Christian who realizes that to-morrow they may be in heaven will live each day to the fullest by watching & praying and working and praying!

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(Vs. 2): • LOWLINESS: Modesty; humility--humbleness of mind• MEEKNESS: Gentleness• LONGSUFFERING: “Long-mindedness”- never

permitting a trial or provocation to get to the end of your patience.• FORBEARING ONE ANOTHER IN LOVE: put up with;

bear with, endure each other for love sake. Bearing patiently with the faults and infirmities of others OR Sustaining one another-helping to support each other in all the miseries and trials of life.

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(Vs. 3): The meaning here is, that they should be bound or united together in the sentiments and affections of peace. It is not mere external unity; it is not a mere unity of creed; it is not a mere unity in the forms of public worship; it is such as the Holy Spirit produces in the hearts of Christians, when he fills them all with the same love, and joy, and peace.

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(Vs. 1-6) Walking worthily & unified

(Vs. 7-11) Ministry gifts of Christ to the Church

(Vs. 12-16) The purpose of the ministry gifts

(Vs. 17-32) Walking in newness of life: put off & put on

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(Vs. 4-6): These 3 verses are an argument of great weight for an earnest displaying of brotherly love and unity with one another. Paul is showing that there is unity in each one of seven essential features of Christianity, and hence all should seek to "keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" Because we are made one body as it were of one God and Father, by one Spirit, worshipping one Lord with one faith, and consecrated to him with one baptism, and having hope of one glorious place, unto which we are called. Therefore, whoever breaks charity, breaks all of these things apart.

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EPHESIANS ANALYSISSeven essential features of Christianity


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(Vs. 4): One body; the church, the body of Christ, The universal church of which all true believers are members. One Spirit; one Holy Spirit dwelling in the hearts of all, and animating all. One hope; hope of heaven, through faith in the divine Redeemer.

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(Vs. 5): One Lord: Jesus Christ, who is the Head & Governor of this Church. One faith: One system of religion, in respect to its object, its origin, and its inward character. It is faith in the one gospel of Christ. One baptism: Administered in the name of the holy Trinity. All have been baptized into the "one Lord" upon the profession of the "one faith"

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(Vs. 6): One God: The fountain of all being, self-existent and eternal; and Father of all, both Jews and Gentiles, because he is the Father of the spirits of all flesh. Who is above all: Who is over all; as the King of kings, and Lord of lords. And through all: Pervading every thing; being present with every thing; providing for all creatures; and by his energy supporting all things. And in you all: By the energy of his Spirit, enlightening, quickening, purifying, and comforting; making your hearts the temples of the Holy Ghost.

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(Vs. 1-6) Walking worthily & unified

(Vs. 7-11) Ministry gifts of Christ to the Church

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(Vs. 7-11): In these verses Paul teaches us that all good gifts proceed from Christ, who reigns in heaven having mightily conquered all his enemies, from where he bestows all gifts to his Church. But yet nonetheless these gifts are differently and variously divided according to his will and pleasure, and therefore every man ought to be content with that measure God has given him, and to bestow it to the common profit of the church.

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(Vs. 7): “Every one of us, has been entrusted with some charge, each in accordance with the extent of the gift of the Christ.”Grace may here signify a particular office; gifts OR The favour of God; meaning here, that God had bestowed upon each sincere Christian the means of living as he ought to do, and had in his gospel made ample provision that they might walk worthy of their vocations… We have all different offices and gifts to fill up in the Church and in the world.

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(Vs. 8): All this the apostle applies to the resurrection, ascension, and glory of Christ. The point of the argument here is, that Christ, when he ascended to heaven, obtained certain gifts for men, and that those gifts are bestowed upon his people in accordance with this. (This is a reference from Ps 68:18) Much perplexity has been felt in regard to the principle on which Paul quotes this Psalm, and applies it to the ascension of the Redeemer. When Christ ascended to heaven, he triumphed over all his foes. It was a complete victory over the great enemy of God, and over those who had sought his life.

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(Vs. 8): Having ascended on high, he led captivity captive - Christ triumphed over all his enemies, Satan, sin, and death, which had before enslaved all the world: alluding to the custom of ancient conquerors, who led those they had conquered in chains after them. And, as they also used to give gifts to the people, at their return from victory, so Christ gave gifts to men - Both ordinary and extraordinary gifts of the Spirit.

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(Vs. 9):(RSV) In saying, "He ascended," what does it mean but that he had also descended into the lower parts of the earth?(YLT) and that, he went up, what is it except that he also went down first to the lower parts of the earth?Paul's argument is that he who ascended must first have descended; it implies that he must have descended from heaven, before his ascension to heaven. The person who ascended is Christ the Messiah, and his ascension plainly indicates his descension; that is, his incarnation, humiliation, death, and resurrection.

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(Vs. 9): Into the lower parts of the earth. To the lowest state of humiliation. Christ descended to the earth; and he came not only to the earth, but he went to the grave (death). Some have interpreted “the lower parts of the earth” to mean the region of departed spirits (Hades/hell).

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(Vs. 10): He who went down is the same who went up far over all the heavens so that he might make all things complete.The same Redeemer came down from God, and returned to him. It was not a different being, but the same…JESUS ….now exalted at the right hand of God.He is gone above the visible heavens, and has ascended into the highest abodes of the throne of God. "that he might fill all things by his influence", and direct and overrule all by his wisdom and power; and hence reach every place with his grace and glory

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(Vs. 1-6) Walking worthily & unified

(Vs. 7-11) Ministry gifts of Christ to the Church

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(Vs. 11): And he gave… Christ has appointed the offices, and gives the men in the church who are fitted for these offices. He established several offices in his Church; furnished these with the proper officers; and, to qualify them for their work, gave them the proper gifts. The object here is to show that he has made ample provision for the extension and edification of his church. His choicest gifts are holy men, which they carry on for the perfecting of each believer, and of the whole body of the faithful.

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(Vs. 11):…some apostles – “APOSTOLOS”: A delegate; specially, an ambassador of the Gospel; officially a commissioner of Christ; a messenger, one that is sent.

The apostles were all chosen by Christ. The apostles were those twelve to whom Paul was afterward added, whose office was to plant churches throughout all the world. All had to be witnesses of his resurrection. His chief ministers and special witnesses, as having seen him after his resurrection, and received their commission immediately from him.

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• There is significance in the number 12 regarding Apostleship:

Matthew 10:2; Luke 6:13; Rev. 21:12-14• The commission & mission of the Apostles

after Jesus’ resurrection:Acts1: 2-4, 15-17, 21-26Acts 4:33Acts 6:1-2

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• There are false Apostles:2 Cor.11:13; Rev. 2:2• Peter’s Apostolic affirmation:1 Peter 1:1; 2 Peter 1:1• Paul’s Apostolic affirmation:1 Cor.1:1; 2 Cor. 1:1; Eph. 1:1; Col. 1:1; 2Tim. 1:1

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Paul’s Apostolic confirmation:Rom.1: 1-5 1 Cor. 9: 1-2; 12: 28-29;15: 5-102 Cor. 12: 11-12Gal. 1:1,17-19; 2: 7-81 Tim. 2: 72 Tim.1: 11Titus 1:1

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(Vs. 11): and some prophets – “PROPHETES”: A foreteller; by analogy, an inspired speaker; by extension, a poet.

The prophet's office was one of the chiefest, who were men & women of marvelous wisdom, and some of them could foretell things to come.

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(Vs. 11): and some evangelists – “EUAGGELISTES”: a preacher of the gospel; a messenger of good tidings.

The evangelist may have been one whose main business was preaching, and who was not particularly engaged in the government of the church. It denotes a minister of the gospel who was not located in any place, but who travelled as a missionary to preach the gospel, and to establish churches. The apostles used the evangelists as companions in the execution of their office, being not able to go to all places by themselves. (Acts 21:8; 2 Tim. 4:5)

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(Vs. 11): and some pastors – “POIMEN”: A shepherd This word poimên is from a root word meaning “to protect.”

The term, "shepherd" or "pastor," is used of guiding and governing and not merely instructing.Pastors are those who govern the Church. The meaning here is, that Christ exercised a special care for his church by appointing pastors who would watch over it as a shepherd does over his flock.

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(Vs. 11): and some teachers – “DIDASKALOS”: An instructor; doctor, master

Teachers are those who govern the schools. Whether of the same or a lower order as the pastor, to assist him, as occasion might require. The teacher dealt mainly with instructing in the church and not necessarily responsible for governing the church if he was not a pastor. “A pastor should be a teacher, but not every teacher has to be a pastor”

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(Vs. 11):

The APOSTLES founded the early church of Jesus Christ. The PROPHET testified of things to come. The EVANGELIST preaches of things in the past. The PASTOR has the outward rule and guidance of the Church. The TEACHER builds up the church in the faith already received.

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(Vs. 1-6) Walking worthily & unified

(Vs. 7-11) Ministry gifts of Christ to the Church

(Vs. 12-16) The purpose of the ministry gifts

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(Vs. 12): ….in order to equip the saints for the work of serving, for the building up of the Body of Christ“perfecting” - complete furnishing --- For the complete instruction, purification, and union of all who have believed in Christ Jesus“edifying” - a structuring, building --- All gifts were intended to minister to the building up of the church.

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(Vs. 13): …And this shall continue, until we all attain to that unity which is given by faith and by a fuller knowledge of the Son of God; until we reach the ideal man--the full standard of the perfection of the Christ.

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(Vs. 14): …That we shall no longer be like infants, tossed backward and forward, blown about by every breath of human teaching, through the trickery and the craftiness of men, towards the snares of error

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(Vs. 16): The whole body (Church); being dependent on Christ, will have its various parts (gifts, talents, offices) closely fitting and firmly supporting one another-- growing by the aid of every contributory link, with power proportioned to the need of each individual part, so as to build itself up in a spirit of love.

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(Vs. 1-6) Walking worthily & unified

(Vs. 7-11) Ministry gifts of Christ to the Church

(Vs. 12-16) The purpose of the ministry gifts

(Vs. 17-32) Walking in newness of life: put off & put on

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(Vs. 17): In the vanity of their mind… The word "vanity," in the Scriptures, means more than mere emptiness. It denotes moral wrong, being applied usually to those who worshipped vain idols, and then those who were alienated from the true God. It is mental folly; it is the waste of the rational powers on worthless objects, of which idolatry is one of the more glaring instances. The root of it is departure from the knowledge of the true God. What he means by this he specifies in the following verses.

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(Vs. 18): Whose thoughts are dark, to whom the life of God is strange because they are without knowledge, and their hearts have been made hard.Having the understanding darkened: Having no means of knowledge, the heart, naturally dark, became more and more so by means of habitual transgression; every thing in the Gentile system having an immediate tendency to blind the eyes and darken the whole soul. So that they are totally void of the light of God, neither have they any knowledge of his will.

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(Vs. 18): Being alienated from the life of God: The meaning is, that they lived a life which was unlike God, or which he' could not approve. Their moral state became so wretched that they are represented as abhorring every thing spiritual and pure. Utter strangers to the divine, the spiritual life. Without the spiritual life that comes from knowing God.

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(Vs. 18): Blindness of their heart: "hardness," literally, the hardening of the skin so as not to be sensible of touch. Hence a soul's callousness to feeling. Where there is spiritual "life" there is feeling; where there is not, there is "hardness." A man who has a blind and hard heart sees no beauty in truth, and does not feel its force, and is insensible to all its appeals. Callous and senseless. And where there is no sense, there can be no life.

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(Vs. 19): “past feeling”: become apathetic, callous, cold; 1. To throw off all sense of shame, and to be utterly devoid of pain, for committing unrighteous acts. 2. To be desperate, having neither hope nor desire of reformation; to be without remorse, and to be utterly regardless of conduct, character, or final blessedness.

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(Vs. 19): “lasciviousness”: Intemperate, reckless every self-indulgence. Lawlessness, insolence, wantonness & drunkenness… "The first beginnings of unchastity… Lasciviousness is but one branch of uncleanness, which implies impurity of every kind.” “to work all uncleanness with greediness”:All kinds of immoral, impure, self-seeking acts. Always wanting more whether money, sexual indulgence, etc.

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(Vs. 19): (RSV) They have become callous and have given themselves up to licentiousness, greedy to practice every kind of uncleanness.

(TCNT) Lost to all sense of shame, they have abandoned themselves to licentiousness, in order to practice every kind of impurity without restraint.

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(Vs. 20): For this was not the teaching of Christ which was given to you…

(Vs. 21): If indeed you have listened to him, and in him been taught the truth as it is in Jesus…

(Vs. 22): That you are to put away, in relation to your earlier way of life, the old man, which has become evil by love of deceit;

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(Vs. 23): The mind is to be renovated; and not only its general complexion, but the very spirit of it; all its faculties and powers must be thoroughly, completely, and universally renewed….

(Vs. 24): …and put on the new nature, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness…with that new and better self which has been created to resemble God in the righteousness and holiness which come from the truth.

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(Vs. 25-32): PUT OFF / ON THE FOLLOWING:• Lying / Truth (vs 25)• Anger / Peace (vs 26-27)• Stealing / Giving (vs 28)• Evil speaking / Edifying speech (vs. 29)• Bitterness, wrath…clamour…malice (vs 31) /• Kindness, tenderness, forgiveness (vs 32)

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This chapter is a continuation of the practical exhortations commenced in chapter 4.

(Vs. 1-2) Exhortation to mutual love and charity.

(Vs. 3-20) Guard yourself against all manner of sinful habits.

(Vs. 21-33) Marital duties & responsibilities

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(Vs. 1-2): live a life of love, following the example of Christ, who loved you and gave himself for you as 'an offering and a sacrifice to God, that should be fragrant and acceptable.‘

“Live and act lovingly, as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up to death on our behalf as an offering and sacrifice to God, yielding a fragrant odor”…. that is, God is well pleased with the offering on the ground of its sweetness and so is reconciled to us.

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(Vs. 3): But fornication and every kind of impurity, or covetousness, let them not even be mentioned among you, for they ought not to be named among God's people.

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(Vs. 4): “filthiness”- Anything vile in words or actions; shameful behavior, obscenity…(indecent expression or exposure)“foolish talking”- Silly talk; ridicule, mockery, tease, senseless conversation (Matt. 12:36)“Jesting”- Words easily turned to mean something else; facetious…(intended to be humorous but often silly or inappropriate)“…which are not convenient”- not fit, proper or appropriate…not becoming Christian character.

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(Vs. 5): For be well assured that no fornicator (prostitute) or immoral person and no covetous person--or in other words idol-worshipper--has any share awaiting him in the Kingdom of Christ and of God.

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(Vs. 6): Do not be turned from the right way by foolish words; for because of these things the punishment of God comes on those who do not put themselves under him.

…Do not let any one deceive you with empty arguments. Those are the sins that bring down the Wrath of God upon the disobedient.

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(Vs. 8): For, although you were once in Darkness, now, by your union with the Lord, you are in the Light. Live as 'Children of Light'- -There was a time when you were nothing but darkness. Now, as Christians, you are Light itself.The meaning here is, that they were themselves formerly sunk in the same ignorance, and practiced the same abominations. Now they had been enlightened by the Lord to see the evil of these practices, and that they ought, therefore, to forsake them. They should live as those who had been enlightened to see the evil of sin, and the beauty of virtue and holiness.

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(Vs. 9): Since the Holy Spirit, through the gospel, produces goodness, righteousness, and truth, see that you exhibit these in your lives, and thus show that you are the children of light.

(Vs. 10): That is, "Walk as children of light, thus showing what is acceptable to the Lord…that by so living you will make a fair trial of what is acceptable to the Lord.

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(Vs. 11): Take no part in deeds of Darkness, from which no good can come; on the contrary, expose them.

Have no religious connection whatever with heathens or their worship. “The unfruitful works.” Evil actions & intentions that produce no benefit to the body or the soul. The word unfruitful is here used in contrast with the "fruit of the Spirit,"“Rather reprove them”…Bear a testimony against them; convince them that they are wrong; confront them in their vain reasons; reprove them for their vices.

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(Vs. 12): There are some vices which, from the corruptions of the human heart, cannot be safely described. Many have supposed that there is an allusion here to the "mysteries" which were celebrated in Greece, usually at night, and far from the public eye. Many of these were indeed impure and abominable. Paul did not describe these vices, he denounced them; he did not dwell upon them long enough for the imagination to find employment, and to corrupt the soul. He mentioned the vice, and then he mentioned the wrath of God; he alluded to the sin

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(Vs. 13): But all things, when their true quality is seen, are made clear by the light: because everything which is made clear is light.

“But all things that are reproved”: The word here used properly means proved, demonstrated, reproved, or convicted, but it seems here to be used in the sense of disclosed, or discovered. The sense is, that its true nature is demonstrated; that is, it is made known.

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(Vs. 13): “Are made manifest by the light”: The sense is, "Light is the means of seeing what things are. We discern their form, nature, appearance by it. So it is with the gospel---the light of the world. It enables us to see the true nature of actions. They are done in darkness, and are like objects in the dark. Their form and nature cannot then be known; but, when the light shines, we see what they are and it is made known.

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(Vs. 13): “For whatsoever doth make manifest is light.” "Anything which will show the real form and nature of an object deserves to be called light." The meaning in this context is, that that system which discloses the true nature of what is done by the heathen deserves to be considered as light; and that the gospel, which does this, should be regarded as a system of light and truth. It discloses the vileness, and it stands thus in strong contrast with all the false and abominable systems which have produced those vices.

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(Vs. 14): For this reason he says, Be awake, you who are sleeping, and come up from among the dead, and Christ will be your light.

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(Vs. 14): He saith; Namely, the Lord saith, thou that sleepest; are stupid and senseless in the darkness and pollution of sin. Arise from the dead; wake from death in sin to a sense of thy guilty, lost condition, and look to Him who died for you, and he will make you light, and sanctify and save you. The deadness of men in trespasses and sins is not such as to free them from obligation to awake and rise to newness of life. Of course ministers of the gospel are bound to call upon them thus to awake without delay; and under the influence with which God accompanies this call, all should hear and obey.

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(Vs. 15): See to it, then, that you carry on your life carefully; not as foolish, but as wise men.Circumspectly: Exactly, diligently, perfectly

Therefore be very careful how you live and act. Let it not be as unwise men, but as wise.

(Vs. 16):Make good use of the time, because the days are evil.

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(Vs. 17): On this account do not prove yourselves lacking sense, but try to understand what the Lord's will is.

Be not fools in the employment of your time, and in you manner of life. Show true wisdom by endeavouring to understand what the will of the Lord is, and then doing it.

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(Vs. 18): “Be not drunk”…intoxicated for drunkenness will prevent you from understanding and doing the divine will, and bring upon you the wrath of God“…But be filled with the Spirit”….completely full, fully equipped, fully satisfied; Invite the Holy Spirit’s influences, receive his instructions, and yield yourselves to his guidance… let your desires and efforts be carried out after the grace and Spirit of God, be filled; for that fullness will keep the soul holy, the body chaste, and render the Christian fit for fruit bearing. Take your fill of the Spirit; you can never be overfilled!

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(Vs. 19): In opposition to drunken and impure songs, the apostle exhorts Christian Ephesians to sing the psalms of David, or the hymns composed by spiritual men, or by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, which in those times did immediately inspire persons both to pray and sing in their assemblies.

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(Vs. 1-2) Exhortation to mutual love and charity.

(Vs. 3-20) Guard yourself against all manner of sinful habits.

(Vs. 21-33) Marital duties & responsibilities

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(Vs. 21): Serve one another for God's sake….In all matters give way to each other, and let love rule…. Maintain due subordination in the various relations of life.

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(Vs. 22): Paul says that the duty of wives consists in this, to be obedient to their husbands; for they cannot be disobedient to their husbands except by also resisting God, who is the author of this subjection…. Submissiveness is rendered by the wife to the husband under the eye of Christ, and so is rendered to Christ Himself…The obedience a wife pays to her husband is at the same time paid to Christ himself

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(Vs. 23): As Christ exercises authority over the Church so as to save and protect it, so let the husband exercise authority over his wife by protecting, comforting, and providing her with every necessity and comfort of life, according to his power.

The husband should not be a tyrant, and the wife should not be the governor.

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(Vs. 24): …That is, every lawful thing…in everything which is not contrary to the will of God; for it is not endorsing that they should obey their husbands in any thing criminal, or in any thing detrimental to the interests of their souls.The relation of the wife to the husband is like that of the church in Christ, a close, tender relation, in which there is no bondage, but freedom, because the service is that of the heart.

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(Vs. 25): Husbands’ duty towards their wives is to love them as themselves, of which love the love of Christ towards his Church is a graphic image.

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(Vs. 25):Here is a grand rule, according to which every husband is called to act: Love your wife as Christ loved the Church. But how did Christ love the Church? He gave himself for it-he laid down his life for it. So then husbands should, if necessary, lay down their lives for their wives: and there is more implied in the words than mere protection and support; for, as Christ gave himself for the Church to save it, so husbands should, by all means in their power, labour to promote the salvation of their wives, and their constant edification in righteousness. Thus we find that the authority of the man over the woman is founded on his love to her, and this love must be such as to lead him to risk his life for her.

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(Vs. 26): The Church is represented as the spouse of Christ, as the woman is the spouse of the man; and, to prepare this Church for himself, he washes, cleanses, and sanctifies it…The great object of the Redeemer was to purify and save the church. The meaning here is, that a husband is to manifest similar love towards his wife, and a similar desire to prepare her and guide her in living a holy life.

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(Vs. 26): …with the washing of water by the word… As the bride passed through a purifying bath before marriage, so the Church in baptism with "the outward and visible sign.” All in the church pass through the waters of baptism…But the washing of the water would be of no avail without the word. The power is in the word of the Lord which offers the gospel and commands baptism… In all this there is an allusion to the various methods of purifying and cleansing women who were about to be married, and who were to be united to kings as their brides.

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(Vs. 27): That he might present to himself - As his bride. A glorious church - All glorious within. Not having spot - Of impurity…from any sin. Or wrinkle - Of deformity…from any decay.

“A church cleansed from sin; a bride without a blemish”. This also exemplifies a wedding, as the bride adorns herself on her wedding day and presents herself before the groom to be united in holy matrimony.

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(Vs. 28): The doctrine here is, that a husband should have the same care for the comfort of his wife which he has for himself. He should regard her as one with himself; and as he protects his own body from cold and hunger, and, when sick and suffering, endeavours to restore it to health, so he should regard and treat her. Another argument: Every man loves himself, even by nature: therefore he is going against a natural tendency if he does not love his wife.

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(Vs. 28): He that loveth his wife loveth himself. Because they are one flesh, Eph 5:31; she is one with him, and their interests are identified. Their union is so intimate that their happiness is inseparable; and what promotes the interest of one, promotes that of the other.A man's kindness to his wife will be more than repaid by the happiness which she imparts. If a man wishes to pro- mote his own happiness in the most effectual way, he had better begin by showing kindness to his wife.

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(Vs. 29): This is urged as an argument why a man should love his wife, and show kindness to her. As no man disregards the happiness of his own body, or himself, so he should show equal care to promote the happiness of his wife. The general idea is that Christ has a tender concern for the wants of the church, as a man has for his own body, and that the husband should show a similar regard for his wife… As a man cares for himself, and as Christ cares for his church, so a husband should care for his wife.

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(Vs. 30): For we are members of his body… Of the body of Christ. The idea here is, that there is a close and intimate union between the Christian and the Saviour--a union so intimate that they may be spoken of as oneOf his flesh, and of his bones… There is an allusion here evidently to the language which Adam used respecting Eve, "This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh," Gen. 2:23. It is language which is employed to denote the closeness of the marriage relation, and which Paul applies to the connection between Christ and his people.

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(Vs. 30-31): He alludes to the making of the woman, which signifies our union with Christ. We are all members of Christ's body, the church. The church is his Bride. On account of the oneness which God has formed between a man and his wife, which represents the union between Christ and believers. The union for life of one man and one woman in marriage, was designed by God to illustrate the union of Christ and his people; and the spirit which he manifests towards his church is that which husband & wife should manifest towards each other.

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(Vs. 32): Here it means, simply, that there was much about the union of Christ & His Church resembling the marriage which was not obvious or easily understood, except to those who were instructed. The truth that was so great a mystery was, that the eternal Son of God should form such a union with men; that he should take them into a connection with himself, superior to even that which exists in the marriage relation. This was a great and profound truth, to understand which it was necessary to receive instruction. No one would have understood it without a revelation; no one understands it now except they who are taught by God.

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(Vs. 33): The conclusion both of the husband's duty toward his wife, and of the wife's toward her husband…God's design in the institution of marriage is that every husband should love his wife as himself, because she is both naturally and by a Divine ordinance a part of himself…AND that every wife should respect the husband as her head, and he is the head, not only by nature, but also by the ordinance of God. These are very important matters, and on them the apostle lays great stress.

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(Vs. 1-4) The duties of children and parents.

(Vs. 5-9) The duties of servants and masters.

(Vs. 10-18) The spiritual armour against the enemies.

(Vs. 19-24) The apostolic blessing & benediction

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(Vs. 1): He comes to another part of a family, and shows that the duty of the children toward their parents consists in obedience to them. (1) The first argument: because God has so appointed. And upon this it follows also that children are obligated to obey their parents, that they may not swerve from the true worship of God. (2) The second argument: because this obedience is just & reasonable. In the Lord…That is, as far as their commandments agree with those of God, and no farther. No parent can have a right to require a child to steal, or lie, or cheat, or assist him in committing murder, or in doing any other wrong thing.

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(Vs. 2): (3) The third argument brings a benefit: because the Lord gave this commandment among all the rest a special blessing; a special promise (Exo. 20:12)The first of the ten commandments which has a promise attached. It does not relate to obedience to God in general, but it is a particular assurance that they who honour their parents shall have a particular blessing (long life) as the result of that obedience.

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(Vs. 3): The children who are kind, respectful, and obedient to parents, take the way to become blessings to themselves, their parents, the church of God, and the world. God frequently prospers those who have shown a dutiful attention to their parents; such children are in the right way, and we all know that the way of duty is the way of safety and happiness.

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(Vs. 4): And you, fathers, do not irritate your children so that they get angry, but instead bring them up tenderly with true Christian training and advice.It is the duty of fathers to use their fatherly authority moderately and to God's glory. Avoid all severity; this will hurt your own souls, and do them no good; on the contrary, if punished with severity or cruelty, they will be only hardened and made desperate in their sins. Cruel parents generally have bad children. Guide them with all tenderness and mildness. In the instruction and discipline of the Lord-Both in Christian knowledge and practice.

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(Vs. 5): Servants, be obedient to your earthly masters, with respect and eager anxiety to please and with simplicity of motive as if you were obeying Christ.

With fear and trembling-A proverbial expression, implying the utmost care and diligence.

In singleness of your heart: With a simple, sincere desire to do what ought to be done. …from a principle of uprightness, serving them as you would serve Christ.

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(Vs. 6): Not only when their eyes are on you, as if you had merely to please men, but as servants of Christ, who are trying to carry out the will of God.

Not merely in their presence, when their eye is upon you, as unfaithful and hypocritical servants do, without consulting conscience in any part of their work…Seeing that you are in the state of servitude, it is the will of God that you should act conscientiously in it.

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(Vs. 7): Doing your work readily, as to the Lord, and not to men…Give your service heartily and cheerfully, as working for the Master and not for men.

(Vs. 8): Knowing that whatever good any one does, he will receive the same again from the Lord, whether he is a slave or free.

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(Vs. 9): And, you masters, do the same things to them, not making use of violent words: in the knowledge that their Master and yours is in heaven, and he has no respect for a man's position… And you masters, act towards your slaves on the same principles, and refrain from threats. For you know that in Heaven there is One who is your Master as well as theirs.