epacket 1/19 - 1/23/2015

El Semanario Edison Language Academy – Together Through Two Languages (310) 828-0335 www.edison.smmusd.org FROM THE PRINCIPALS DESK: A FOCUS ON CHARACTER AND VALUES JANUARY 19-23, 2015 ANNOUNCEMENTS One of the things that I love about dual immersion programs is that along with academic goals (proficiency in both languages and high academic achievement in all content areas) immersion programs also are designed to develop students’ self-esteem and build positive intercultural attitudes and communication. There are several ways we work toward this third goal, starting with a focus on building a safe school climate and the expectation that students treat each other with respect and acceptance. In a safe and accepting climate, students can feel free to take risks in using their second language, proposing a math strategy, contributing to a classroom discussion, expressing an opinion, or being their own unique selves. We expect that students will treat each other with respect and resolve interpersonal conflicts with problem solving skills. So we teach Cool Tools and use the Olweus Anti-Bullying Program to help children learn to be up-standers and not by-standers. This work is guided by a set of core values that guide our learning community. There are a beautiful series of student oil paintings in the cafetorium that illustrate some of these key values. The Character Counts assembly earlier this month, discussed the Edison values that are part of the six pillars of character: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship. In January we also have a couple of important Edison projects that reinforce some of these values: As a way of expressing caring for others, each year Edison collects donations for the Corazon de Vida Orphanages and families have the opportunity to sign up for a bus trip to Tijuana to deliver the supplies and spend the day with the children in one of the Corazon de Vida Orphanages on February 28. Can you contribute something for the children of Corazon de Vida? Diapers, wipes, tooth brushes and toothpaste are all needed. Watch for more information. To live into the values of kindness (caring) and justice (fairness), Edison each year participates in The Kindness and Justice Challenge. In honor of the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we spend a month intentionally practicing acts of kindness and justice – at school, at home, and in the community. Students record these acts on slips of paper that we combine together in a big paper chain. Please feel free to join us in recording kind and just acts and adding them to our chain – and to remind your student to practice kind and just acts at home. New Computers! Funding from Santa Monica’s Measure ES has provided Edison with enough Chromebooks for each 3 rd , 4 th , and 5 th grade student to have access to a laptop computer in his or her classroom! These computers will be used for the State SBAC testing but also for other work throughout the year. We were also fortunate to have a huge technology budget when we moved to the new school. With this new infusion of technology, we are almost at a 1:1 ratio of computers to students schoolwide! What a tremendous resource! Lost and Found --Missing a sweater, sweatshirt, lunchbox or umbrella? Check the Edison Lost and Found in the hallway between the Administration Annex and Room 208. The shelves and coatracks are full! Whatever is not claimed by January 16 is being donated to charity, so come and search now and reclaim your child’s lost property! Reflective Parenting Workshop – A 10- week workshop on effective parenting provided by Family Service of Santa Monica will begin 1/22 from 9:00-10:30 am at McKinley Elementary. The workshop is free for Edison parents, but space is limited. If you’re interested call (310) 451-9747. This workshop is in English; a workshop in Spanish will be offered later in the year. Facilities Update: Work continues to prepare for excavation of a large underground cistern to store storm water for use in irrigation. The preschool parking lot is being re-graded and asphalt should be installed soon (rain delay). Film is being installed on the transom windows in classrooms to reduce morning glare – which will be a big help to us. The new architects are reviewing sound data collected in the cafetorium to find ways to improve acoustics, and work continues on how to best add rooftop heating and cooling systems to the classroom wings. We continue meetings with the construction team each Wednesday at 7:45 am. For more detail about completed and pending projects, visit: http://fipcontractors.smmusd.org/edison-new- construction.aspx or join us at our weekly Wednesday meetings at 7:45 am. January 19 – Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday – NO SCHOOL January 21 – Site Council Meeting, 4:00- 6:00 p.m. – Community Room January 28, Sexual Development and Behavior in Children, 8:30 am in Rom 208.

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School Smarts, Shaka Shack, Tennis, Westside Aquatics


Page 1: ePacket 1/19 - 1/23/2015

El Semanario

Edison Language Academy – Together Through Two Languages

(310) 828-0335 www.edison.smmusd.org


J A N U A R Y 1 9 - 2 3 , 2 0 1 5


One of the things that I love about dual immersion programs is that along with academic goals (proficiency in both languages and high academic achievement in all content areas) immersion programs also are designed to develop students’ self-esteem and build positive intercultural attitudes and communication.

There are several ways we work toward this third goal, starting with a focus on building a safe school climate and the expectation that students treat each other with respect and acceptance. In a safe and accepting climate, students can feel free to take risks in using their second language, proposing a math strategy, contributing to a classroom discussion, expressing an opinion, or being their own unique selves.

We expect that students will treat each other with respect and resolve interpersonal conflicts with problem solving skills. So we teach Cool Tools and use the Olweus Anti-Bullying Program to help children learn to be up-standers and not by-standers. This work is guided by a set of core values that guide our learning community. There are a beautiful series of student oil paintings in the cafetorium that illustrate some of these key values. The Character Counts assembly earlier this month, discussed the Edison values that are part of the six pillars of character: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship.

In January we also have a couple of important Edison projects that reinforce some of these values:

As a way of expressing caring for others, each year Edison collects donations for the Corazon de Vida Orphanages and families have the opportunity to sign up for a bus trip to Tijuana to deliver the supplies and spend the day with the children in one of the Corazon de Vida Orphanages on February 28. Can you contribute something for the children of Corazon de Vida? Diapers, wipes, tooth brushes and toothpaste are all needed. Watch for more information.

To live into the values of kindness (caring) and justice (fairness), Edison each year participates in The Kindness and Justice Challenge. In honor of the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we spend a month intentionally practicing acts of kindness and justice – at school, at home, and in the community. Students record these acts on slips of paper that we combine together in a big paper chain. Please feel free to join us in recording kind and just acts and adding them to our chain – and to remind your student to practice kind and just acts at home.

New Computers! Funding from Santa

Monica’s Measure ES has provided Edison with enough Chromebooks for each 3

rd, 4

th, and 5

th grade

student to have access to a laptop computer in his or her classroom! These computers will be used for the State SBAC testing but also for other work throughout the year. We were also fortunate to have a huge technology budget when we moved to the new school. With this new infusion of technology, we are almost at a 1:1 ratio of computers to students schoolwide! What a tremendous resource!

Lost and Found --Missing a sweater,

sweatshirt, lunchbox or umbrella? Check the Edison Lost and Found in the hallway between the Administration Annex and Room 208. The shelves and coatracks are full! Whatever is not claimed by January 16 is being donated to charity, so come and search now and reclaim your child’s lost property!

Reflective Parenting Workshop – A 10-

week workshop on effective parenting provided by Family Service of Santa Monica will begin 1/22 from 9:00-10:30 am at McKinley Elementary. The workshop is free for Edison parents, but space is limited. If you’re interested call (310) 451-9747. This workshop is in English; a workshop in Spanish will be offered later in the year.

Facilities Update: Work continues to

prepare for excavation of a large underground cistern to store storm water for use in irrigation. The preschool parking lot is being re-graded and asphalt should be installed soon (rain delay). Film is being installed on the transom windows in classrooms to reduce morning glare – which will be a big help to us. The new architects are reviewing sound data collected in the cafetorium to find ways to improve acoustics, and work continues on how to best add rooftop heating and cooling systems to the classroom wings. We continue meetings with the construction team each Wednesday at 7:45 am. For more detail about completed and pending projects, visit: http://fipcontractors.smmusd.org/edison-new-construction.aspx or join us at our weekly Wednesday meetings at 7:45 am.

January 19 – Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday – NO SCHOOL

January 21 – Site Council Meeting, 4:00-6:00 p.m. – Community Room

January 28, Sexual Development and Behavior in Children, 8:30 am in Rom 208.

Page 2: ePacket 1/19 - 1/23/2015

El Semanario

Edison Language Academy – Together Through Two Languages

(310) 828-0335 www.edison.smmusd.org

1 9 – 2 3 D E E N E R O , 2 0 1 5


Una de las cosas que me encanta de programas de doble inmersión es que con las metas académicas (proficiencia en ambos idiomas y alto rendimiento académico en todas las áreas de contenido) los programas de inmersión también so diseñados para desarrollar el auto-estima de los estudiantes y crear actitudes positivas inter-culturales y comunicación. Hay varias maneras en las cuales trabajamos hacia esta tercera meta, comenzando con un enfoque en crear un clima seguro en la escuela y la expectativa de que los estudiantes se traten unos a otros con respeto y aceptación, los estudiantes se pueden sentir libres a tomar riesgos usando su segundo idioma, proponiendo una estrategia de matemáticas, contribuyendo a la discusión de la clase, expresando una opinión, o siendo únicos como ellos mismos. Esperamos que los estudiantes se traten unos a otros con respeto y resolverán conflictos interpersonales con habilidades de resolver problemas. Enseñamos las Herramientas Chéveres y usamos el Programa En Contra de Intimidación Olweus para ayudar a los niños aprender a ser testigos responsables y no personas que son testigos y no dicen nada. Este trabajo es guiado por un conjunto de valores principales que guían nuestra comunidad de aprendizaje. Hay una hermosa serie de pinturas de aceite en la cafetería que ilustra algunos de estos valores claves. La asamblea de Carácter Cuenta a principios de este mes, discutió los valores de Edison que son parte de los seis pilares de carácter: ser confiable, respeto, responsabilidad, justicia, ser cariñoso, y ciudadanía. En enero también tenemos unos proyectos de Edison que reforzan algunos de estos valores:

Cómo manera de expresar cariño para otros, cada año Edison colecta donaciones para el Orfelinato Corazón de Vida y las familias tienen la oportunidad de apuntarse para un viaje en camión a Tijuana para entregar los materiales y pasar el día con los niños un uno de los Orfelinatos de Corazón de vida el 28 de febrero. ¿Ustedes pueden contribuir algo para los niños de Corazón de vida? Pañales, toallitas húmedas, cepillos de dientes y pasta de dientes son necesitados. Esperen más información.

Para vivir dentro de los valores de bondad y justicia, Edison participa cada año en el Reto de Bondad y Justicia. En honor a la vida y trabajo de Dr. Martín Luther King, Hijo, pasamos el mes intencionalmente practicando actos de bondad y justicia – en la escuela, en el hogar, y en la comunidad. Los estudiantes anotan estos actos en hojas de papel que combinamos en una cadena grande de papel Por favor siéntanse libres en acompañarnos en anotar actos bondadosos y justos y agregándolos a nuestra cadena – y recordándole a su estudiante que practique actos bondadosos y justos en el hogar.

¡Nuevas Computadoras!– ¡Fondos de la Medida ES de Santa Mónica le han proveído a Edison con suficientes “Chromebooks” (computadoras) para que cada estudiante de 3º, 4º y 5º grado tengan acceso a una computadora portátil en su salón! Estas computadoras serán usadas para los exámenes del Estado SBAC pero también para otro trabajo durante el año. También fuimos afortunados de tener un gran presupuesto de tecnología cuando nos mudamos a la escuela nueva. ¡Con esta infusión de tecnología, estamos a un promedio de 1:1 de computadoras por estudiante a través de toda la escuela! ¡Que recurso tan enorme!

Perdido y Encontrado – ¿Se les perdió un

suéter, sudadera, lonchera o paraguas? Revisen lo Perdido y Encontrado de Edison y el pasillo entre el Anexo de Administración y el salón 208. ¡Los estantes y los colgaderos de ropa están llenos! ¡Lo que no sea recogido para el 16 de enero se donará a una caridad, así es que vengan y busquen ahora y reclamen la propiedad perdida de su hijo/a!

Taller de Padres Sobre Cómo Ser Padres

Reflexivos – Un taller de diez semanas sobre cómo ser padres efectivos proveído por Servicios Familiares de Santa Mónica comenzará el 1/22 de 9:00 – 10:30 am en la escuela McKinley. El taller es gratis para los padres de Edison, pero el espacio es limitado. Si están interesados llamen al (310) 451-9747. Este taller es en inglés; un taller en español se ofrecerá más adelante en el año.

Informes de Instalaciones – El trabajo

continúa para preparar para la excavación de una cisterna grande bajo tierra para guardar agua de tormentas para usar en la irrigación. El estacionamiento del prescolar se está anivelando y el asfalta debe ser instalado pronto (dilata por la lluvia). Se está instalando una capa en las ventanas en los salones para reducir el brillo de la mañana - lo cual será una gran ayuda para nosotros. Los arquitectos nuevos están revisando los datos de sonido colectados en la cafetería para encontrar maneras de mejorar los acústicos, y el trabajo continúa en cuál será la mejor manera de instalar sistemas de calefacción y aire acondicionado en los techos de los salones. Continuamos reuniéndonos con el equipo de construcción cada miércoles a las 7:45 am. Para más detalles sobre proyectos completos y pendientes, visiten: http://fipcontractors.smmusd.org/edison-new-construction.aspx o acompáñenos en nuestras reuniones

semanales a las 7:45 am.


[Type a quote from the document or the

summary of an interesting point. You can position the text box anywhere in the document. Use the Drawing Tools

tab to change the formatting of the pull quote text box.]

[Type a quote from the document or the

summary of an interesting point. You can position the text box anywhere in the document. Use the Drawing Tools

tab to change the formatting of the pull quote text box.]

[Type a quote from the document or the

summary of an interesting point. You can position the text box anywhere in the document. Use the Drawing Tools

tab to change the formatting of the pull quote text box.]

19 de enero – Día de Dr. Martín

Luther King, Hijo – NO HAY CLASES

21 de enero –

Reunión del Concilio

Escolar, 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. – Salón


28 de enero – Desarrollo

Sexual y Comportamiento en Niños,

8:30 am en salón 208

Page 3: ePacket 1/19 - 1/23/2015

School Smarts Parent Academy Enrollment Form

Your Name

Name(s) of children attending this school

Your Child’s Teacher’s name(s)

Your Address

Your Phone Your Email

What is the best time for someone to call you regarding the Academy?

Please tell us:

Which time would you prefer? 8:30 – 10:00 a.m. or 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.

Do you need childcare? Yes No Number and age of children you need childcare for:

In what language do you prefer to attend the Parent Academy? Spanish English

Do you have any dietary restrictions, need any accommodations for disabilities, or any other considerations we should know about?

Please sign and return as soon as possible to the office to reserve your space – thanks!

I understand that spaces are limited, and will do my best to attend all sessions of the School Smarts Parent Academy.

Name Date

School Smarts is a parent engagement program designed to help parents and guardians become more knowledgeable and involved in their elementary schools. The program is based on statewide parent research and is being offered in select schools in California during the 2013-2014 school year. It is supported by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, in partnership with the California State PTA.

Page 4: ePacket 1/19 - 1/23/2015

Formulario de inscripción para la Academia para Padres de School Smarts

Su nombre

Nombres del sus niños que asisten a esta escuela

Nombre(s) de maestro(s) de sus niños

Su dirección

Número de teléfono Dirección de su correo electrónico __________________________________________________ ¿Cuál es el mejor tiempo del día para que alguien le llame con respecto a la Academia?

Por favor díganos:

¿Cuál horario prefiere? 8:30 – 10:00 a.m. o 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.

¿Necesita cuidado de niños? Si No

Total de niños que necesitan cuidado y las edades:

¿En qué idioma prefiere asistir a la Academia para Padres? Español Ingles

¿Tiene usted o sus niños cualquier restricción dietética, necesita cualquier adaptación para discapacidades, o cualquier otra consideración de la que tendríamos que saber?

Favor de firmar abajo y devolverlo lo más pronto posible a la oficina para reservar tu espacio: ¡Gracias!

Entiendo que los espacios son limitados y haré todo lo posible para asistir a todas las sesiones de la Academia para Padres de Inteligencias Escolares

Nombre Fecha

Inteligencias Escolares es un programa para la participación de

padres diseñado para ayudar a los padres y tutores legales a estar mejor informados y comprometidos con la escuela primaria de sus hijos. El programa está basado en una investigación con padres y se ofrecerá a una selección de escuelas en California durante el año escolar 2013-2014. El programa está sostenido por la Fundación William y Flora Hewlett, en colaboración con la PTA del Estado de California.

Page 5: ePacket 1/19 - 1/23/2015



Shaka Shack Burgers 1701 Ocean Park Blvd.

Santa Monica, Calif. 90405 (310) 450-5551



Wed/Mier, 1/21 & Thurs/Jue, 1/22 @ 11:30 am - 8:00 pm

*Also serves vegetarian/ Tambien sirven comida vegetariana

Page 6: ePacket 1/19 - 1/23/2015


LEARN HOW TO PLAY TENNIS ORGANIZED BY ALEX VENIDIS former USC Varsity Tennis Player (#1 in the nation, 2-time NCAA Champions)


*FUTURE STARS 5-7 YRS 10:00 am - 11:00 am $ 115

*BEGINNERS 8-12 YRS 11:00 am -12:30 pm $ 160

INTERMEDIATE / ADVANCED: ANY AGE 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm $160sign up by February 2nd

*FUTURE STARS 5-7 YRS 10:00 am - 11:00 am $ 115

*BEGINNERS 8-12 YRS 11:00 am -12:30 pm $ 160

INTERMEDIATE / ADVANCED: ANY AGE 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm $160sign up by February 2nd

*We provide

tennis racquets

for the future stars

& beginners










Orange County Top Tennis is a 501c3 non-profit organization


KIDS TENNIS CLINICS AT: SANTA MONICA HIGH SCHOOL o MALIBU HIGH SCHOOL oFUTURE STARS 5-7 YRS o BEGINNERS 8-12 YRS o INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED-ANY AGE oStudent Name ___________________________________________ PARENT ________________________________

Grade ______ Age ______ Parent cell _______________________ Home phone _________________________

Address _________________________________________ City ___________________________ Zip ____________

E-mail ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Who will pick up your child? parents o walk home o other o_______________________I do hereby fully release my child to attend and participate in Tennis Camp and discharge Orange County Top Tennis and its officers, agents, and employees from any and all claims from injuries, including death, suits and expenses (including attorney fees) damage or loss which my minor child may have or which may occur on account of participation in the program. There are no refunds after the 1st class for any reason.

Print Parent Name _____________________ Parent Signature ________________ Date ____________

bring one can

of balls at the

first day

SANTA MONICA HIGH SCHOOL601 Pico Blvd, Santa Monica


MALIBU HIGH SCHOOL30215 Morning View Drive, Malibu



Questions for me? Email: [email protected]

or call: (714) 422 – 4250

Page 7: ePacket 1/19 - 1/23/2015

Swim Team – Swim Lessons

Water Polo – Splashball

Youth Practices At:

Santa Monica High School Palisades High School

Crossroads High School

For More Info:
