eom 31 july 2014nifty spot dow jones mt4 chart buy sell target prices reversal dates psar crossover...

 Economicnerd.blogspot.in    a    j    i    t     h    c     h    a    n     d     b     h    a    n     d    a    a    r    i    @    g    m    a    i     l  .    c    o    m                     I     M    a    r     k    e    t    V    i    e    w     f    o    r    A    u    g    u    s    t    2    0    1    4                     I  1 Hi Friends Wish we all flouris h to ge ther. In this post I am going to give monthly levels for the month of August 2014. I am also adding from this post on Parabolic Stop and Reverse levels for all. I fee l t his wil l giv e the who le p ic tur e of the mar k et. what I mean is We have 1. B uy Leve ls . 2. S ell L eve ls . 3. T a r ge t Pr ices . 4 . Po s s i b le re ver s a l dates. 5. Para b ol i c S top a nd R e ver s e levels . 6 . M ovi ng Ave r age c r ossover for d i rec ti o n of the ma r k et  T hi s I feel giv es t he c o mpl ete de fi ni ti ve pi ctu r e of t he ma r k et. i f i n cas e you feel s omethi ng b etter ca n be mad e p l eas e d o not hesitate to mail me. M y basic moto of writi ng thi s blo g is to ma k e s ure tha t I gi ve the b est l evels, direc ti ons, bes t po s s ible reversal dates e tc . so that we trade wit hout a ny c onfusion. Ma y b e our targe ts ma y be li tt le les s er but our tar gets will be definitive.

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Page 1: Eom 31 July 2014nifty Spot Dow Jones Mt4 Chart Buy Sell Target Prices Reversal Dates Psar Crossover Trend

8/12/2019 Eom 31 July 2014nifty Spot Dow Jones Mt4 Chart Buy Sell Target Prices Reversal Dates Psar Crossover Trend

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Hi Friends

Wish we all flourish together.

In this post I am going to give monthly levels for the month of August2014.

I am also adding from this post on Parabolic Stop and Reverse levelsfor all.

I feel this will give the whole picture of the market. what I mean isWe have

1. Buy Levels.

2. Sell Levels.

3. Target Prices.

4. Possible reversal dates.

5. Parabolic Stop and Reverse levels.

6. Moving Average c rossover for direction of the market

This I feel gives the complete definitive picture of the market. if incase you feel something better can be made please do nothesitate to ma il me.

My basic moto of writing this blog is to make sure that I give thebest levels, directions, best possible reversal dates etc. so thatwe trade without any confusion.

May be our targets may be little lesser but our targets will bedefinitive.

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8/12/2019 Eom 31 July 2014nifty Spot Dow Jones Mt4 Chart Buy Sell Target Prices Reversal Dates Psar Crossover Trend

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EO M Thu rsd a y, J u ly 31 , 2014Buy NIFTY (SPOT) above 7762 for a target of 7910.Sell NIFTY (SPOT) below 7521 for a target of 7373.

The important date(s) for NIFTY (SPOT) this Month are Tuesda y, 05 August, 2014, Tuesda y, 19 August, 2014.Monday, 25 August, 2014.

Expecting first toLO NG Kee p ing sl @ 7719

Range 404




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8/12/2019 Eom 31 July 2014nifty Spot Dow Jones Mt4 Chart Buy Sell Target Prices Reversal Dates Psar Crossover Trend

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8/12/2019 Eom 31 July 2014nifty Spot Dow Jones Mt4 Chart Buy Sell Target Prices Reversal Dates Psar Crossover Trend

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Will post the rest forex & c rude levels tommorow. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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8/12/2019 Eom 31 July 2014nifty Spot Dow Jones Mt4 Chart Buy Sell Target Prices Reversal Dates Psar Crossover Trend

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