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ENVIS Centre on Ecology of Eastern Ghats The Eastern Ghats Eastern Ghats : EPTRI - ENVIS Newsletter ISSN: 0974-2336 Vol.18, No.2, 2012 The ENVIS Centre on Eastern Ghats is a decentralized Environmental Information Centre established by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India on thematic issue of Ecology of Eastern Ghats Volume-18 Issue-2 April-June, 2012 ENVIS CENTRE ON ECOLOGY OF EASTERN GHATS ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION TRAINING & RESEARCH INSTITUTE 91/4,Gachibowli,Hyderabad-500 032,A.P., India Ph:+91-040-23180103,23180114,23180100; Fax No.:+40-23180135 Website: http://eptrienvis.nic.in/ http://www.eptri.com Email: [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected] Cyathea nilgirensis Holttum, Eastern Ghats, Andhra Pradesh

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ENVIS Centre on Ecology of Eastern Ghats

The Eastern Ghats

Eastern Ghats : EPTRI - ENVIS Newsletter ISSN: 0974-2336 Vol.18, No.2, 2012

The ENVIS Centre on Eastern Ghats is a decentralized Environmental Information Centre established by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India on thematic issue of Ecology of Eastern Ghats

Volume-18 Issue-2 April-June, 2012



91/4,Gachibowli,Hyderabad-500 032,A.P., India Ph:+91-040-23180103,23180114,23180100; Fax No.:+40-23180135

Website: http://eptrienvis.nic.in/ http://www.eptri.com Email: [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected]

Cyathea nilgirensis Holttum, Eastern Ghats, Andhra Pradesh

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Vol.18, No.2, 2012

Increase in Forest Cover Mr.A. Periasami, DFO. informed that eleven institu-tions and seven individuals from Koraput district have been selected for Prakruti Mitra and Prakruti Bandhu awards respectively. The total forest cover in the district increased over the last few years despite loss of trees. According to the findings by the Forest Survey of India (FSI) during 2005-09 the increase was 40 square km and during 2009-11 it extended to another 16 square km. This was possible because of massive plantation of different kinds of trees across the district. Further more regeneration of plants which were buried under the soil over the last many years for one reason or the other too added to the increase. The department was also distrib-uting at least five lakh saplings of different plants every year among the public so as to spread awareness on the importance of plantation and preservation of environment.

Source: http://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/tp-national/tp-otherstates/article3495731.ece?css=print KORAPUT, June 6, 2012 The Hindu

Dr.Razia Sultana, ENVIS Coordinator Dr.P.Radha, Sr. Program officer Mr.B.L.N.Murty, Program officer Smt.J.V.S.Prabhavathi, Data Entry Operator

Supported by Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF)

Government of India, New Delhi.

Eastern Ghats : EPTRI - ENVIS Newsletter

Many diseases can be cured by using various parts of trees , herbs, shrubs and climbers. The Eastern Ghats is rich in such types of flora. This news letter deals with an article on Medicinally Important Climbing Plants from Eastern Ghats of Andhra Pradesh giving details of part of the climber which is beneficial as regards to medicinal value. Apart from this, Bibliography, Abstracts, Earth Day Celebrations, and Prakruti Mitra and Prakruti Bandhu Awards presented to various organizations have been included


Contents Editorial

Prakruti Mitra and Prakruti Bandhu wards

Medicinally Important Climbing Plants from Eastern Ghats of Andhra Pradesh



Earth Day 2012 Celebrations

2 2 3 6 7 8


Cover Page

ENVIS Editorial Team

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Photo by : Mr. Srinivas, VIKASA (NGO) , Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh

Cyathea nilgirensis (Holttum) R.Tryon, (Family, Cy-athaceae) - is a Tree fern. This threatened species en-demic to South India also listed in the Red Data Books. They found in Ananthagiri, Galikonda, Sunkarmetta hills and Araku Valley, Visakhapatnam.

Prakruti Mitra and Prakruti Bandhu Awards

Published by Environment Protection Training & Research

Institute (EPTRI), Hyderabad

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Medicinally Important Climbing Plants from Eastern Ghats – Andhra Pradesh

Dr. P. Radha, Dr. Razia Sultana and Mr.B.L.N. Murthy, EPTRI, Gachibowli, Hyderabad.

Climbers are terrestrial vascular plants, woody

(Lianas), herbaceous (Vines) and climbing shrubs.

They may actively climb, passively climb, creep

along the surface of ground or twin spirally around

the support. Their stems can be flexible or rigid, few

are sun loving (Heliophyte) and few shade loving

(Sciaphytes). The climbers are with showy flowers

(Clerodendron, Pyrostegia), scented flowers

(Jasminum, Quisqualis, Artabotyrs), or attractive foli-

age (Monstera diticiosa, Asparagus).

Botanically, a climber is defined as the plants which

possess special structure to climb on a support by

special organs like thorny hook that passively assist

them in climbing or lean on the hosts without attach-

ment.(eg. Artabotrys), tendrils of varied morphology,

sensitive to contact, with a support they fix them-

selves actively, usually by curling around it (eg.

Pisum, Gloriosa suberpa, Cissus quadrangularis)

and rootlets an attachment by means of aerial roots

cling to the surface over which they fix.(eg. Creeping

figs). The creepers are those plants which are not

able to climb vertically on their own due to the weak

stems (eg. Morning glory). The Rattans (Climbing

palms) possess re-curved spines help to attach to


In Angiosperms, all taxa belonging to the families

Dioscoraceae, Cucurbitaceae, Convoluceae are

climbing plant and Rubiaceae, Leguminosae, Celes-

traceae and Apocynaceae also constitute climbing


Climbing plants are important constituents of Non

Timber Forest Products (NTFP) and play important

role in forest with respect to diversity, regeneration,

physiological cycling of forests (nutrient cycling and

carbon sequestration) etc. Different parts (leaf,

stem, root, tuber, fruits) of the climbing plants are

used as food, medicines, and construction of huts,

etc. However, these groups of plants also make

negative effects of binding trees, exploiting vegeta-

tion development in logging gap.

Rapid growth of climbers, great resistance to patho-

gens and ornamental characteristics make these

plants favorite to the horticulturists. Most of the ur-

ban landscapes, botanical gardens, household of

the urban areas are decorated by the climbing plants

(eg. Bougainvillea, Ficus pumila, Clerodendron

splendens, Quiscualis, Clitoria ternate, Bignonia

venusta, Jacquemontia etc.).

The different fresh and dry parts of climbers in the

form of juice, decoction, powders are orally or exter-

nally taken as a medicine to cure the various types

of diseases, since ages traditionally. In Ayurveda

and Siddha most of the climbing plants are used as

medicine. The climbers from Eastern Ghats region

of Andhra Pradesh are able to cure the ailments

such as diabetes, chronic nephritis, leucorrhoea,

leucoderma, cold, cough, malaria, fits, chicken pox,

antidote, blisters, boils, burn, wounds, cuts, hydro-

coel, piles, post-patrum problem, scabies, snake bit,

indigestion, jaundice, abdominal pain, rheumatism,

dysentery, diarrhoea, mouth ulcers, acidity, burning

sensation, venereal diseases, gonorrhea, skin dis-

ease, teeth troubles, dental carries, ear ache, eye

disorders, neck pain, head ache, stomach ache, in-

crease sperm number, health tonic, hysteria rickets

(in child), asthma, cancer, to purify blood, ring worm,

anti inflammatory, stone in bladder, leprosy, insecti-

cidal, antimicrobial, herps, nervous disorders,

helminthiasis, heart pain, retention of urine and pa-


Vol.18, No.2.2012 Eastern Ghats : EPTRI - ENVIS Newsletter

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Vol.18, No.2, 2012 Eastern Ghats : EPTRI - ENVIS Newsletter

Medicinally Important Climbing Plants from the Eastern Ghats, Andhra Pradesh

Botanical name Vernacular name Family Part used

Medicinal applica-tions

Abrus precatorius L. Gurugunja, Gurivinda Fabaceae Sd. Lf.

Reduce Hair Fall And Improve Hair Growth Diabetes And Chronic Nephritis Leucorrhoea.

Acacia caesia (L.) Willd. Korinda Mimosaceae Fl. Deranged, Anti Microbial Acacia torta (Roxb.) Craib Kondo Korintha Mimosaceae Lf. Cough Aganosama caryophyllata G.Don Mogari, Eri Yadallalli, Malaijti,

Palla Malle, Saluvamada Chettu Apocyanaceae St.Bk. Malaria, Fits, Chicken Pox

And Antidote

Argyreia nervosa (Burm.f.)Bojer Chandra Pala Pala Samudra, Gummada Mada

Convoluvaceae Lf. St. Rt.

Blisters, Boils Wounds Hydrocoel, Piles, Post-Patrum Problem

Aristolochia indica L. Godivella Aristolochiaceae Rt. Scabies Aristolochia tagala Cha. Nalleswari Aristolochiaceae Rt.B. Snake Bit Asparagus racemosus Willd. Pilli Pechera Liliaceae Tbr. Jaundice Bauhinia vahli Wight&Arnott Parutakulu Tige, Adda Teega,

Madapu Tige, Parkay Tige Caesalpinaceae Lf.

Sd. Wounds Indigestion

Cardiospermum canescens Wall. Buddhakakara Sapindaceae Pl. Jaundice, Abdominal Pain

Celastrus paniculatus Willd. Maneru Tiga, Karsona,Eriki, Palleru Tivva

Celastraceae Sd. Rt. Ft. St.Bk.

Rheumatism Leucorrhoea Dysentry Burning Sensation

Ceropgia candelabrum L. Bakkalinanda,Pullamanda Asclepiadaceae Tbr. Dysentry And Diarrhoea Cissampelos pareira L. Vishaboddi Menisper-

maceae Lf. Mouth Ulcers, Acidity, Diar-

rhoea Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schr. Cucurbitaceae Verripuccha Rt.

Lf. Antidote For Bangarus Snake Eczema

Clematis gouriana Roxb.ex.Dc Gowri-Kuntala Ranunculaceae St. Wounds Clerodendrum inerme (L.) Gaertn.

Nallavuppi Verbenaceae Lf. Scabies And Leucorrhoea

Clitoria ternatea L. Shankupushpam Fabaceae Fl. Diabetes Coccinia grandis (L.) Voigt. Kakidonda Cucurbitaceae Lf. Diabetes Cocculus hirsutus (L.) Theob. Dusari Teega, Sapi Menisper-

maceae Lf Rt

Cold, Venereal Diseases Rheumatic Pains, External Application Of Skin Disease

Combretum album Pers Yadara Theega Combretaceae Lf. Wounds/Cuts Cryptolepis buchananii Roember and Schu.

Adavi Palthega, Gundgi, Palathiga

Periplocaceae Rt, St. Cough, Leucoderma, Teeth Troubles, Jaundice

Cuscuta reflexa Roxb Passiteega, Bangaru Teegalu, Sitamma Savarer

Convoluvaceae Pl Galactogogue

Cyananchum callialatum Bu-chanan-Ham. Ex Weight

Tumud, Kalasa Asclepiadaceae Pl Rickets (In Child)

Decalepis hamiltonei Wight & Arn.

Nannari, Maidugaddalu Asclepiadaceae Rt. Health Tonic

Derris scandens (Roxb.) Benth. Nalla Teega Sherta Teega

Fabaceae Lf Ear Ache, Cold, Cough, Neck Pain

Dioscorea oppositifolia L. Davidumpatige, Adaviyataga-tige, Atyaga, Arethegalu, Arithige, Athyaga, Chen-chudumpa, Naarabadlu

Dioscoreaceae Tbr. Increase Sperm Number

Dioscorea wallichi Hook.f. Adavaidumpa Dioscoreaceae Rt De-Appetizer Dioscoria bulbifera L Nookala Gadda, Aadasancha Dioscoreaceae Pl Increase Sexual Vigour Diplocyclos palmatus(L.) Jeferry Lingadonda,Sivadonda, Ningi-

donda, Pinna Chettu Cucurbitaceae Pl

Lf Hysteria, Jaundice Burn, Diorrhoea

Dregea volubilis Benth. Doodeepalla, Dudipala, Pala-kura, Palatige

Asclepiadaceae Lf. Leucoderma

Embelia ribes Burm.f. Vayu Vidangala, Vidangamu, Potesul

Myrsinaeceae Rt.B. Asthma

The present article documents few of the medicinally important climbing plants that are in use from Eastern Ghats region of Andhra Pradesh, the details are as follows

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Vol.18, No.2.2012 Eastern Ghats : EPTRI - ENVIS Newsletter

Entada pursaetha L Gillteega Euphorbiaceae Sd Rheumatoid Arthritis Gloriosa superba L. Nabhi/Nagetigadda Liliaceae Tb Cancer, Antidote Gymnema sylvestre (Retz.)R.Br. ex Roembr & Schultes

Gudmari, Podda Patri, Teepi Tiga Asclepiadaceae Tbr Lf

Abortificacient Gastric Trouble, Diabetic, Eye Disorders

Hemidesmus indicus (L.) R.Br. Gudapaala Palasugandhi, Sugandhapala

Asclepiadaceae Rt Cooling Agent, Aphorodisiac, Blood Purifier, Tooth Ache

Hiptage benghalensis (L.) Kurz . Adavi Puttangi, Atimutamu, Ku-ruvenda, Maadhavithige, Mad-havilata, Peddadara, Potuvadla, Suragata, Vadlayaaraala

Malpighiaceae Lf. Fl Ring Worm

Holostemma ada-kodien Schult. Bandiguruvinda Theega, Dudi-pala Tige, Paalagurgi, Palagu-rugu, Pallagorgi, Peyyi Baddu

Asclepiadaceae Rt. Gonorrhea, Mouth Ulcer

Hugonia mystax L. Kakibeera Linaceae Rt Anti-Inflammatory Ichnocarpus frutescens (L.) Aiton &Aiton

Nalla Tiga , Karampaala, Paala-teega

Apocyanaceae Rt Cooling Agent, Diabetes, Stone In Bladder

Ipomea digitata Linn. Matta-Paltiga, Mattapaltiga, Met-tapalatige, Nallanelagummudu, Nelagummudu, Palamodikku, Palmodikku

Convoluvaceae Tbr. Sperm Count

Ipomoea heredifolia L. Kasiratriamer Convoluvaceae Tbr. Leprosy Ipomoea nil (L.) Roth Kollivittulu Convoluvaceae Pl Ulcers, Cathartic Jasminum angustifolium Adavemalle Oleaceae Rt Ringworm Luffa acutangula (L.)Roxb. Chedu Beera Cucurbitaceae Pl


Skin Disease, Asthma Jaundice

Lygodium flexerosum (L.)Sw. Khorothi Lygodiaceae Lf Jaundice Maerua oblongifolia (Forsskal)A.Rich.

Putta Teega, Morinija Bhoochakran

Capparaceae Lf, Rt Diabetes

Marsdenia tenacissiama (Roxb.) Moon.

Jaakatige, Karudushtupatige Asclepiadaceae Rt Colic Pain

Maytenus emarginata (Willd.) Ding Hou

Danthi, Cinni, Gaddali Cippa Celastraceae Tbr. Lf St.Bk

Mouth Ulcer Boils And Wound, Diorrhoea Fits

Merrmeia agyptia (L.) Urban Elika Jamudu, Eluka Chevu Aku Convoluvaceae Lf Jaundice Milletia racemosa Benth Konda Targud Tige Fabaceae St Insecticidal, Antimicrobial Momordica charantia var.muricata Willd.

Buddakakara Cucurbitaceae Fr. Jaundice, Liver Disorder

Momordica tuberosa Linn. Adavi Kakara Cucurbitaceae Fr. Jaundice, Liver Disorder Mucuna nigricans (Lour.) Steud. Pativratha

Dulagondi Fabaceae Lf

Sd Rt.

External Application Nervous Disorders Helminthiasis

Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC Pativratha, Thella Jumika Fabaceae Lf Tumors On Body Naravelia zeylanica (L.)DC Pullabatchala Ranunculaceae Lf. Cold Paederia foetida L. Gontima Goru-Teega Rubiaceae Pl Skin Disease Piper sylvestre Roxb. Tokka Miryalu Piperaceae Fr. &

Lf. Liver Enlargement

Passiflora foetida L. Thella Jimika, Jukamalli Passifloraceae Lf. Asthma, Head Ache Puraria tuberosa (Roxb.ex.Willd) DC

Niala-Gumodi, Dangummdi Darigummadi

Fabaceae Lf. Tub.

Cough, Heart Pain And Head Ache

Rhynchosia rufescens (Willd.)DC Adavi Kandi Fabaceae Lf Stomach Ache

Rubia cardifolia L. Mangala Katti Rubiaceae Rt. Leucorrhoea Rubia ellipticus Smith Gedarabba Chettu Rubiaceae Rt. Fits, Leucorrhoea, Menor-

rhagia Sarcostemma acidum (Roxb.) Voigt

Pullangi Tiga, Kakkupala Asclepiadaceae Pl Burning Micturitian

Secamone emetica (Retz.)R.Br. ex Shultes

Kondapala Asclepiadaceae Fr. Dental Carries

Smilax zeylanica L. Dursatheega, Sarsaparilla Smilaceae Rt Lf

Leucorrhoea, Sperm Produc-tion Paralysis

Solena amplexicaulis (Lam.)Gandhi

Adavi Donda,Tigadonda Cucurbitaceae Lf. Spermatorrhea

Stemona tuberose Lour. Banda Beesaosso Stemonaceae Rt. Tbr Dysentery, Fever Tinospora cardiofolia (Willd) Miers ex Hook.f. & Thomson

Tippa Teega Menispermaceae Rt. Leprosy

Tichosanthes tricuspidata Lour Avuduta Cucurbitaceae Pl Ear Ache

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Vol.18, No.2, 2012 Eastern Ghats : EPTRI - ENVIS Newsletter

Asparagus racemosus Willd.

Abrus precatorius L.

Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Hook. F. & Thomson

Tippaatigo, Menispermaceae Rt

Anti-Spasmodic, Anti-Pyretic, Anti-Allergic And Anti-Leprotic

Toddalia asiatica (L.) Lam Konda Kasinda, Konda Mirapa, Mulla Korinda, Mirapa Kandra, Varra Gokiri

Rutaceae Rt.Bk Mad Dog Bite

Tylophora indica (Burm.f) Merr.

Mekameyani Aku Asclepiadaceae St. Retention Of Urine

Ventilago maderaspatana Gaertner

Surugudu Teega, Yerra Surrgu, Pipali-boddi, Erra Ciralata Tige

Rhamnaceae Bk. Lf.

Malarial Fever

Wattakaka volubilis (L.f.)Stapf Bandi Gurya Asclepiadaceae Rt Lf

Paralysis Cold, Snake Bite

Zizyphus oenoplia (L.)Mill. Parimi Rhamnaceae Rt Herpes

St- Stem; Rt- Root; Lf.-Leaf; Bk.-Bark; Fl.-Flower; Fr.-Fruit; Pl-Plant; Sd.- Seed


1. Chandra R and PA Azeez (2011) the flora of Araku Valley, Vishakapatnam, Andhra Pradesh India, J.Econ. and Taxon Bot. 35(4)

2. Patrick A-D, AK Anning, EA Atakor and PS Agyei (2008). Diversity and distribution of climbing plants in a Semi-deciduous Rain forest KNUST Botanic Garden, Ghana, In-ternational Journal of Botany 4(2): 186-195.

3. Pattanaik C, CS Reddy and KN Reddy (2009). Ethno-medicinal survey of threat-ened plants in Eastern Ghats, India, Our nature 7 : 122-125

4. Pullaiah T (2002). Medicinal Plants in An-dhra Pradesh, India, Regency Publication, New Delhi, India.

5. Randhawa GS and A Mukhopadhyay (2004). Floriculture in India, Allied Publisher Private Ltd. New Delhi.

6. Rao DM and T Pullaiah (2007). Ethno-botanical studies on some rare and endemic floristic elements of Eastern Ghats Hill ranges of South Asia, India. Ethnobotanical leaflets 11: 52-70

7. Rao JK, TVV.Seetharami Reddi and O.Aniel Kumar. 2011. Ethanomedicinal plants used

Cissampelos pareira Tylophora indica (Burm.f) Merr.

Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schr. Zizyphus oenoplia (L.)Mill.

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J.Koteswara Rao, T.V.V.Seetharami Reddi and O.Aniel Kumar. 2011 Ethanomedicinal plants used to cure Diarrhoea and Dysentery by the primitive tribal groups of Visakhapatnam Dis-trict, Andhra Pradesh. J.Econ.Taxon.Bot. Vol. 35 (4) 794-796. The paper deals with ethnobotanical studies car-ried out in Visakhapatnam district, Andhra Pradesh. The uses of plants by the primitive tribal groups for curing dysentery and diarrhoea are de-scribed. The uses of 32 species belonging to 32 genera and 27 families along with their vernacular names and mode of administration have been enumerated.

M.Parthipan, V.Aravindhan and A. Rajendran. 2012 Medico-Botanical Study of Yercaud Hills in the Eastern Ghats of Tamil Nadu, India. An-cient Science of Life, Vol.30 (4) 104-109. The study reports medicinal plant survey con-ducted in Yercaud hills ranges of Eatern Ghats, Tamil Nadu, India. The study primarily based on field surveys conducted throughout the hills, where dwellers provided information on plant spe-cies used as medicine, plant parts used to prepare the remedies and ailments to which the remedies were prescribed. The study documented about 48-plant species belonging to 45-genera and 29-families of medicinal plants related to folk medi-cine used by the local people. Among them the most common plants were Asparagus racemosus Willd., Cissus quadrangularis L., Gymnema syl-vestre R.Br. Hemidesmus indicus (L.) R.Br. Jus-tisia adhatoda L., Ocimum sanctum L., Phyllan-thes amarus Schum.& Thonn., Piper nigurm L., Solanum nigrum L., Tinospora cordifolia (Thunb.)

Miers, Tridex procumbens L., and Zingiber offici-nale Rosc.

Rao JK, J Suneetha, TVVS Reddi & OA Kumar (2011) Ethno-medicine of the Gadabas, a primi-tive tribe of Visakhapatnam district, Andhra Pradesh, International Multidisciplinary Research Journal 1/2 : 10-14. Though there are a good number of publications on ethnobotany publications on a particular tribe are not many necessitating the present study. The paper enumerates 62 medicinal plant species be-longing to 61 genera and 43 families used for ethno-medicinal purposes by the Gadaba primitive tribe of Visakhapatnam district, Andhra Pradesh. Visakhapatnam district with an area of 11, 161 Km2 (4.1% of the area of the state) is one of the north eastern coastal districts of Andhra Pradesh. The study area lies between 17º-34' 11" and 18º-32' 57" northern latitude and 18º-51' 49" and 83º-16' 9" in eastern longitude. The entire agency track covers 6, 298 Km2 i. e., 56.4% of the total geographical area of the district. Sri BS & TVVS Reddi, (2011) Traditional phyto-antidotes used for snakebite by Bagata tribe of Eastern Ghats of Visakhapatnam district, An-dhra Pradesh, International Multidisciplinary Re-search Journal 1(6):42-45. The present study highlights the medicinal plants used for treating snakebite by Bagata tribe in Visakhapatnam district, Andhra Pradesh. This pa-per enumerates the traditional uses of 38 plant species belonging to 36 genera under 27 families that act as antidotes against snakebite. Eleven new practices were also reported.

Vol.18, No.2, 2012 Eastern Ghats : EPTRI - ENVIS Newsletter

8. Ratna Manjula R, JK Rao and TVV Seetharami Reddi (2011). Ethnomedicinal plants used to cure jaundice in Kammam Dis-trict of Andhra Pradesh, India , Journal of Phytology 3(10): 33-35.

9. Reddy CS, Reddy K, Murthy EN and Raju VS (2009) Traditional medicinal in Seshachalam hills, Andhra Pradesh, India. Journal of Me-dicinal Plants ResearchVol. 3 (5), pp. 408–412.

10. Reddy KN, G Tirmurthulu and CS Reddy (2010). Medicinal plants used by ethnic peo-ple Medak District, Andhra Pradesh, Indian journal of Traditional knowledge, 9(1): 184-190.

11. http://forest.ap.nic.in/Forest%20Flora%20of% 2 0 A n d h r a % 2 0 P r a d e s h / F a m i l y /Convolvulaceae.html


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Vol.18, No.2, 2012 Eastern Ghats : EPTRI - ENVIS Newsletter

VMC Commissioner G. Ravi Babu cleaning ground at Swaraj Maidhan along with Social Service Wing (SSW) students as part of ‘Earth Day',

Reddy CS, KN Reddy, EN Murthy & VS Raju (2009) Traditional medicinal plants in Seshachalam hills , Andhra Pradesh , India, Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 3(5):408-412.

The present study documents the traditional knowl-edge of medicinal plants that are in use in Seshacha-lam hill ranges in Cuddapah district, Andhra Pradesh, India. Ethnomedicinal uses of 48 plant spe-cies along with botanical name, vernacular name, family and mode of administration are presented. They belong to 44 genera and 30 families. These plants used to cure 32 types of ailments. Most reme-dies were taken orally, accounting for 78% of medici-nal use. Most of the remedies were reported to have been from trees and climber species. The most widely sought after plant parts in the preparation of remedies in the study area are the leaves and root. High number of medicinal plant species available for the treatment of skin diseases and indigestion. The study emphasizes the potentials of the ethnobotani-cal research and the need for the documentation of traditional knowledge pertaining to the medicinal plant utilization for the greater benefit of mankind.

Earth Day 2012 Celebrations

Earth day is a foremost environmental event cele-brated at International platform. Earth day is a day to make public learn and protect the biodiversity and take care of our mother planet. The first Earth day was founded and organized by Senator Gay-lord Nelson from USA in 1970 with the aim to pro-mote the thoughts of ecology and highlight the growing concern over pollution of the soil, air and water. Earth Day is observed in nearly 140 nations. However, the first official International Earth Day was celebrated in 1990.

The Vijayawada Municipal Corporation (VMC) has formed Social Service Wing (SSW) with about 250 students studying in various municipal schools in the city. The SSW members would be trained in different social service activities, said VMC Commissioner G. Ravi Babu. As part of the Earth Day on April 22nd , the civic chief inaugurated a rally from Swaraj Maian to Rythu Bazar in which several students, officers and school staff took part. He participated in the cleanliness drive along with the students in the ground. Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Ravi Babu said with a view to inculcate service motto among the children, the corporation has formed SSW with about 250 interested students of higher classes.VMC will allot separate dress code for the Social Service Wing members and training would be given for them in taking up various service activities. Training on traffic regulation, sanitation, plantation, solid waste management and avoiding use of poly-thene bags would be given to the students. The cor-poration will organize awareness programmes for the public with the help of SSW students, which will inspire the public. The students will explain the peo-ple on the need to maintain sanitation.

Source:http://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Vijayawada/article3344731.ece (Vijayawada, April 23, 2012, The Hindu)


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