environmental monitoring report - asian development · pdf filethis environmental monitoring...

This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Environmental Monitoring Report Project Number 37381-013 Loan Numbers 2477-SRI (SF)/2977 SRI (SF) and Grant Numbers 0129-SRI(SF)/0130-SRI Semestral Report January to June 2015 SRI : Dry Zone Urban Water and Sanitation Project (DZUW&SP) Per Aru Reservoir and Surface Water Intake Prepared by DZUW&SP Project Management Unit of National Water Supply & Drainage Board(NWS&DB), for the Ministry of City Development and Water Supply, Sri Lanka and the Asian Development Bank.

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This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Environmental Monitoring Report Project Number 37381-013 Loan Numbers 2477-SRI (SF)/2977 SRI (SF) and Grant Numbers 0129-SRI(SF)/0130-SRI Semestral Report January to June 2015

SRI : Dry Zone Urban Water and Sanitation Project

(DZUW&SP) – Per Aru Reservoir and Surface Water


Prepared by DZUW&SP Project Management Unit of National Water Supply & Drainage

Board(NWS&DB), for the Ministry of City Development and Water Supply, Sri Lanka and the

Asian Development Bank.

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Environmental Management

and Monitoring Report

Per Aru Reservoir and Surface Intake

For the period from January to June 2015

Prepared by

SMEC International in association with Ocyana Consultants and Ceywater Consultants (Pvt) Ltd

On behalf of

Project Co-ordination Cell of the

National Water Supply And Drainage Board

Ministry of Urban Development, Water Supply And Drainage

Submitted to

Sri Lanka Resident Mission,

Asian Development Bank,


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LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................................................. 2

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................................................... 2

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .............................................................................................................................. 3

1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 5

1.1. Contractors’, Supervision Consultants’ and Clients’ role in environmental safeguards

compliance ...................................................................................................................................................... 5

2. Construction activities during the period ................................................................................................. 6

Reservoir and surface water intake at Per Aru river (SW/V/02)................................................................... 6

3. Environmental impacts, mitigation measures taken at site and monitoring ...................................... 7

4. Status of environmental licenses and permits for rock blasting and plants .................................... 19

5. Public complaints ..................................................................................................................................... 19

6. Conclusion and further actions ............................................................................................................... 19

7. Photo documentation ................................................................................................................................. 20


Figure 1 Location of Per Aru reservoir and surface water intake


Table 3.1. Activities carried out in their impacts to environment, mitigation measures,

effectiveness and any further action needed

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ADB Asian Development Bank

CTB Ceylon Tourist Board

DP Displaced Person

DPR Daily Progress Report

DZUWSP Dry Zone Urban Water & Sanitation Project

EA Environmental Assessment

EIA Environmental Impact Assessment

EMS Environmental Method Statement

EMP Environmental Management Plan

EMoP Environmental Monitoring Plan

ES Environmental Specialist

EPL Environmental Protection License

GRC Grievance Redress Committee

IEE Initial Environmental Examination

IEER Initial Environmental Examination Report

MSW Municipal Solid Waste

PPE Personal Protection Equipment

PPTA Project Preparatory Technical Assistance

SC Supervision Consultant

VET Vehicle Emission Test

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Figure 1. Location of Per Aru reservoir and surface intake

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Environmental Management and Monitoring Report of Per Aru Reservoir

and Surface Water Intake

January to June 2015

1. Introduction

Per Aru reservoir and surface water intake are subprojects in Vavuniya district under Dry Zone

Urban Water and Sanitation Project (DZUWSP) funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The

DZUWSP aims at rehabilitation, expansion and development of water and sanitation infrastructure

(including septage treatment) for major towns in north and north western dry zone of the country.

Urban and peri-urban towns of Chilaw, Puttalam, Manner and Vavuniya will be benefited through

DZUWSP. The project commenced in June 2009 and will be completed by June 2016 with a total

project cost of US $ 163 million. Ministry of Urban Development, Water Supply and Drainage is the

executing agency for the project, while National Water Supply and Drainage Board (NWS & DB) is

the project implementing agency.

An earth dam having a length of about 3 km with a bund height maximum of 10 m will be

constructed across Per Aru river to collect water which will be pumped to the water treatment plant

for purification, storage and distribution. As per the National Environmental Act (NEA) the project

was listed as a prescribed project requiring an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and as per

ADB Safeguards Policy Statement, 2009 (SPS) the subproject was categorized as “Category A” also

requiring an EIA. An EIA report was compiled in November 2012 which included sections “Screening

of Potential Impacts” and “Mitigation Measures”. With completion of the EIA and obtaining necessary

approvals, land clearing and civil works of dam and intake structure commenced in July 2013.

Mitigation measures suggested in the EIA report were summarized in to an Environmental

Management Plan (EMP). An Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMoP) was also prepared for each

subproject that includes information on environmental parameters to be monitored, Location, time

and frequency, cost for sampling and stage of subproject on which the monitoring should be

conducted. The EMoP is considered to be a useful tool to monitor the implementation of mitigation

measures and EMP.

1.1. Contractors’, Supervision Consultants’ and Clients’ role in

environmental safeguards compliance

As indicated above NWS & DB is the project implementing agency and the Project Co-ordination

Cell (PCC) headed by the Project Director has the overall responsibility in monitoring the

implementation of EMP and EMoP by each contractor. The Supervision Consultant/ Engineer {(SC),

SMEC International in association with Ocyana Consultants and Ceywater Consultants (Pvt) Ltd}

working under the PCC will directly supervise/ monitor the contractor in implementing the EMP.

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The EMPs and EMoPs have incorporated into respective bid documents, and each contractor has

submitted an Environmental Method Statement (EMS) which has been reviewed and approved by

the engineer.

Execution of mitigation measures to minimise environmental impacts during construction period is a

responsibility of the contractor/s. The SC shall also direct the contractor to rectify any non-

compliance situation arising in construction sites.

Critical construction activities are monitored on a daily basis by SC and any non-compliance

situations and rectification measures/ instructions to contractor are recorded in Daily Progress

Reports (DPRs), engineers’ log books and monitoring checklists.

Monitoring of air quality, water quality, noise and vibration levels are done on a quarterly basis by

the contractor, while compliance indicators such as availability of Vehicle Emission Test certificates

are monitored by the SC at a lesser frequency. A public complaint register is also maintained by the

contractor/s under the supervision of SC. Any complaint received from public is attended by the

contractor with instructions from SC.

An Environmental Specialist (ES) has been appointed by the SC on an intermittent basis, to look into

the environmental safeguards aspects of the overall project. A mechanism has been developed to

communicate between Team Leader, Deputy Team leaders and Resident Engineers of SC to assist

them in resolving any environmental issue arising in each subproject. However the ES conducts site

visits at least once a month to record the level of compliance by the contractor and instructions are

given to improve on any non-compliance situation/s.

As per the ADB guidelines it is required to prepare an Environmental Management and Monitoring

report on a semi-annual basis. This report is the semi-annual Environmental Management and

Monitoring Report for the period from January to June 2015.

2. Construction activities during the period

Reservoir and surface water intake at Per Aru river (SW/V/02)

Construction of the earth bund, turfing of downstream slope and rip-rap in the upstream face of the

earth dam continued throughout the reporting period. Construction of the spillway also commenced

and with the dry flow in the river the temporary diversion canal was also constructed. Construction of

the intake sump also continued during the reporting period.

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3. Environmental impacts, mitigation measures taken at site and monitoring

The key activities described under section 2 have been carried out within the dam site of Per Aru reservoir. As indicated in the EIA

these activities in general have impacts on physical, ecological and social environments for which mitigation measures have been

taken by the contractor under the supervision of SC. Most of the measures taken at site are in line with the mitigation measures listed

in the EIA report. The effectiveness of mitigation measures have been monitored and recorded by the SC. In cases where further

actions were needed the SC has advised the contractor. Table 3.1 below summarize the activities carried during the reporting period,

their impacts/ concerns to the environment, mitigation measures suggested in the EIA and measures taken at site to avoid/ minimize

the adverse impacts, effectiveness of the mitigation measure adopted and any further action needed.

Table 3.1. Activities carried out during the reporting period, related environmental concerns, mitigation measures, effectiveness and

any further action needed

Specific activity Environmental Impact / Concern

Mitigation Measure/s Recommended in the EIA

Mitigation Measure/s Adopted

Monitoring Indicator/Frequency

Effectiveness & further actions needed

Clearing of land and vegetation

Environmental stability (i.e. loss and damage to vegetation, loss of habitats)

Compensatory afforestation program. Implementing the afforestation program. Implementing recommendations of the additional ecological survey.

Total clearing of forest area limited to the area inundated at High Flood Level of the reservoir. A plant nursery is been maintained and periodic compensatory afforestation programs carried out with assistance from Forest Department.

Removal of logs and debris/ bi weekly

By end of June a cumulative total of 1434 trees have been felled and removed from the site. Contractor is continuing the afforestation program. However, regular maintenance (especially watering) of the replanted plants is required. It is also important to educate the public not to allow any cattle grazing in

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Specific activity Environmental Impact / Concern

Mitigation Measure/s Recommended in the EIA

Mitigation Measure/s Adopted

Monitoring Indicator/Frequency

Effectiveness & further actions needed

these lands as the cattle tend to eat these plants.

Establishment maintenance of site office, yard and labour camps.

Accumulation and disposal of solid and kitchen waste. Accumulation of vehicle/ equipment service and maintenance waste and disposal. General cleanliness and public health

Solid waste and sewage shall be managed according to the national and local regulations. Confirm conditions and safety of proposed disposal sites. Used oil and lubricants shall be reused or removed from the site in full compliance with national and local regulations. Waste oil must not be burned. Open burning of waste shall not be allowed.

Waste collection bins have been provided at site offices, yards and worker camps. Site offices and labour camps have been provided with proper toilet facilities. Dip trays and a canopy have been provided at fuel storage and pump. Used oil and lubricants are removed from site. Fuel depot, laboratory and material stores have been provided with fire extinguishers and sand baskets. No waste including used oil is burned at site. Servicing and repairs of all construction vehicles and equipment done only at approved service

Protection measures that disposed waste will not be: (1) washed away to the river course, (2) nuisance to the public, (3) left alone at the site/ weekly Storage facilities, methods and fire protection measures/ monthly Collecting arrangement of all discarded & used lubricants &greases. Safe disposal or reuse/ sell/ monthly. Sanitary facilities, ventilation and fire protection/ monthly

Proper housekeeping practices could be observed at site office, yards and labour camps.

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Specific activity Environmental Impact / Concern

Mitigation Measure/s Recommended in the EIA

Mitigation Measure/s Adopted

Monitoring Indicator/Frequency

Effectiveness & further actions needed

stations and repair centers outside the project site. Proper warning signboards and notices are placed at site, offices.

Contamination of soil by accidental chemical spills.

Instruct and train workforce in the storage and handling of materials and chemicals that can potentially cause soil contamination. Accidentally spills on open ground including the top soil 2 cm of ay contaminated soil shall be disposed of as chemical waste to a disposal site acceptable to the local authority/ community.

A dip tray has been kept at the fuel pumping deport. All chemicals have been placed in an enclosed structure (stores) with an impervious floor and roofing. Any running repair of vehicles at site where removal of oil is required is done with dip trays to collect oil.

Incidents of any oil/ chemical spills/ monthly

No reports of accidental chemical spills were recorded.

To ensure that the operation of work camps does not adversely affect the surrounding environment and residents in the area.

Confirm location of work camps in consultation with PMU and local authorities. Location subject to approval by PMU. If possible, camps shall not be located near settlements or near drinking water supply

Use of local labourers to reduce the number of labour camps. Worker camps are located away from any settlement.

Incidences of overcrowded billets/monthly

No worker camp was observed with overcrowded labourers.

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Specific activity Environmental Impact / Concern

Mitigation Measure/s Recommended in the EIA

Mitigation Measure/s Adopted

Monitoring Indicator/Frequency

Effectiveness & further actions needed

intakes. Water and sanitary facilities shall be provided for workers and employees. Portable lavatories or at least pit latrines will be installed and open defecation shall be discouraged and prevented by keeping lavatory facilities clean at all times. The contractor shall document that all liquid and solid hazardous and non-hazardous waste are separated, collected and disposed of according to the given requirements and regulations.

Water is provided to worker camps. The labour camps are provided with temporary toilets (water seal type) and water.

Availability of toilet facilities and water at worker camps/ monthly No. of training given to workers on health and safety issues/ monthly

Adequate toilet facilities have been provided at worker camp sites. However the contractor was instructed to provide more water for bathing and washing activities.

Mobilization of work force at site

Hazardous working conditions to work force. Accidents to work force.

Submit safety plan one month before commencement of construction. Providing adequate warning signs. Providing every worker with skull guard or

All workers have been provided with Personal Protection Equipment (PPE). All workers have been compelled to wear PPE when they are at work sites.

No. serious of accidents reported/ month No. of health and safety toolbox meetings held/ weekly

The contractor is monitoring the work force is using PPE (including the sub-contractors). No incident of serious injury to workers was reported or recorded during the reporting

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Specific activity Environmental Impact / Concern

Mitigation Measure/s Recommended in the EIA

Mitigation Measure/s Adopted

Monitoring Indicator/Frequency

Effectiveness & further actions needed

hard hat and safety shoes. Establish all relevant safety measures as required by law and good engineering practices. The contractor shall instruct his workers in health and safety measures, and require the workers to use the provided safety equipment.

All offices, work site, yards have been provided with warning signs and notices. Basic first aid facilities have been provided. Regular tool box meeting are held on health and safety measures.


Construction of earth bund, construction of temporary diversion canal, construction of spill and spill gates and intake structure.

Change in surface hydrology including down stream flow regime.

Drainage management and soil conservation plan. Providing adequate drainage facilities. Confirm amounts of surplus rock based materials that can be used in project or by other interested parties for public projects. Confirm sufficient locations for disposal of surplus materials as in the estimate. Specify locations for

Construction work commenced mainly during the dry flow season. A diversion canal has been constructed. All excavated material is stock pilled within the project boundary and most of them are reused. Disposal of surplus material only at approved locations. A fish ladder/ pass has

Capacity of drainage canals including the temporary diversion canal and canal maintenance during rainy season/ monthly Reuse of material/ monthly

Diversion of the stream has been done coinciding with the dry flow period. Up to end of June, 2015 a cumulative volume of 104,000 cum has been excavated. Of this volume approximately

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Specific activity Environmental Impact / Concern

Mitigation Measure/s Recommended in the EIA

Mitigation Measure/s Adopted

Monitoring Indicator/Frequency

Effectiveness & further actions needed

disposal of all construction waste and spoil.

been designed to be incorporated in the construction near the spill way.

40% has been reused for bund construction and tail canal works.

Transport of material and spoil to and from construction sites

Difficulties faced by public (including traffic congestions) that use such roads.

Maintenance of surface and drainage.

All material transported have been covered with Tarpaulin and slightly dampened. Speed limits have been enforced for all haulage trucks.

Maintenance of compacted surface, gravel layer and side drains/ monthly

No public complaint has been received on poor road conditions during the reporting period. Material haulage trucks have followed the speed restrictions.

Soil erosion and sediment transfer to downstream (soil conservation)

Providing soil conservation bunds and sedimentation ponds. Turfing downstream slope and providing rip-rap protection on upstream section of earth bund.

Turfing of downstream slope and rip-rap on upstream slopes of the earth bund.

Progress of soil conservation bunds/ traps &functionality, turf over bund slope (downstream) & rip-rap protection (upstream)/ monthly

Turfing of downstream and rip-rap on upstream slopes of the bund has been continuing. However it is important to maintain the grass during the dry season.

Water resources

Camps will be located at least 100 m away from the nearest local settlements. Project water will be obtained without depleting local village supplies. The contractors will be required to maintain

Labour camps have been located away from settlements. Water requirement for construction works is obtained without disrupting water use by the public. All staff and workers

Complaints from public on water use conflicts/ monthly

Contractor is constructing the diversion canal to allow the stream to flow without any interruption. Contractor was advised to use proper compacting methods and equipment to

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Specific activity Environmental Impact / Concern

Mitigation Measure/s Recommended in the EIA

Mitigation Measure/s Adopted

Monitoring Indicator/Frequency

Effectiveness & further actions needed

close liaison with local communities to ensure that any potential conflicts related to common resource utilization for project purposes are resolved quickly. Guidelines will be established to minimize the wastage of water during construction operations and at camp sites.

have been made aware to avoid wastage of water.

minimize such erosion events.

Water quality

Carrying out standard water quality tests in regular intervals and evaluation. Training of operators and other workers to avoid pollution of water bodies by the considerate operation of construction machinery and equipment and reporting and feedback by PMU. Storage of lubricants, fuels and other hydrocarbons in safe self-contained

Workers and machine operators have been made aware of avoiding wastage of water. Storage of all chemicals on an enclosed structure with impervious floor and roofing. No stock pile has been placed near water bodies. Waste material is disposed only at designated and approved sites of local

Chemical quality of water in nearby water bodies and downstream river/ once in 3 months.

Measurement on water quality was carried out in March, 2015.

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Specific activity Environmental Impact / Concern

Mitigation Measure/s Recommended in the EIA

Mitigation Measure/s Adopted

Monitoring Indicator/Frequency

Effectiveness & further actions needed

dedicated enclosures (> 30 m away from water bodies). No stockpiles next lying to water bodies. Proper disposal of solid waste from construction activities and worker camps. Borrow sites should not be close to sources of drinking water.

authority. Measurements on water quality at selected sites taken once in three months.

Accidents to work force

Providing adequate warning signs. Providing every worker with skull guard or hard hat and safety shoes. Establish all relevant safety measures as required by law and good engineering practices. The contractor shall instruct his workers in health and safety measures, and require the workers to use the provided safety

Regular safety tool box meetings are held at site. Warning signboards and notices have been placed at all work sites. All workers have been provided with basic PPE, and the contractor is monitoring the use of these PPE by workers. Providing working platforms when working at heights. Providing safety

Effectiveness of safety precautions, safety measures, ILO standards/ weekly No. of training/ awareness programs conducted/ monthly.

Weekly safety tool box meetings are held by the contractor. Wearing of PPE had been improved compared to previous monitoring period. Condition of safety access ladders, guard rails, working platforms had been improved by the contractor in spillway site as per Instructions. Warning sign boards had been installed at

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Specific activity Environmental Impact / Concern

Mitigation Measure/s Recommended in the EIA

Mitigation Measure/s Adopted

Monitoring Indicator/Frequency

Effectiveness & further actions needed

equipment. barricade around deep cuts and tranches.

main store fuel storage as per previous instruction. However, it has to be improved further. Safety barricading is available around the deeply excavated trenches.

Nuisance of noise and vibration

Install, maintain and monitor all requisite mitigation as per contract and machinery shall be fitted with acoustic installation as much as possible. Hammer type pile driving operations shall be avoided during night time. Well maintained haulage trucks will be used with speed controls.

Avoid activities that generate high noise levels between 22:00 hrs and 06:00 hrs Operation of plants & machineries as per CEA regulations. Regular servicing & maintenance of machinery. Providing ear plugs to workers who work with high noise generating machinery.

Noise and vibration measurements/ once in 3 months

No public complaints have been received on noise nuisance during the reporting period. Further the contractor has taken measurements on noise in March, 2015.

Impacts on air quality Control all dusty materials at source. Stockpiled soil and sand shall be slightly wetted before loading, particularly in windy conditions.

Spraying of water at site as means of reducing dust. Covering all material when transporting to and from site. Enforcement of vehicle

Air quality measurements/ once in 3 months Progress of water sprinkling, covering of stock piles, covering of loaded

No public complaints have been received due to dust. Contractor has been spraying water at site except during rainy days.

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Specific activity Environmental Impact / Concern

Mitigation Measure/s Recommended in the EIA

Mitigation Measure/s Adopted

Monitoring Indicator/Frequency

Effectiveness & further actions needed

Fuel efficient and well maintained haulage trucks shall be employed to minimize exhaust emissions. Vehicles transporting soil, sand and other construction materials shall be covered. Limitations to speed of such vehicles necessary. Transport trough densely populated area should be avoided. Spray bare ground areas, temporary access roads with water.

speeds at site and on roads through settlements. Regular servicing & maintenance of machinery. Obtaining Vehicle Emission Test (VET) certificate for all vehicles. Operation of plants as per CEA regulations.

haulage trucks/ daily Availability of VET certificate/ annually Availability of CEA licenses and approvals for plants/ annually

Servicing & VETs reports are available for all the vehicles. Air quality measurements have been taken in March 2015.

Afforestation of lands

Environmental stability Demarcation of afforestation lands as per EIA report. Implementing afforestation plan. Implementing recommendations of the additional ecological survey.

Planting/enrichment in the 56 hectares buffer zone around the reservoir with local species. Planting/enrichment in the 50 hectares in upper catchment area Semamadu. Planting/enrichment in the 60 hectares Cheddikulam.

Type of available & suitable plants. Healthy growth. No. of new plants grown in the selected area. Demarcation of boundary with boundary poles/ monthly

Planting plan had been submitted by the contractor. Nursery establishment for the stage 02, understory planting had been started by the contractor. Approximately, 45 hectares of upper canopy planting & enrichment work had

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Specific activity Environmental Impact / Concern

Mitigation Measure/s Recommended in the EIA

Mitigation Measure/s Adopted

Monitoring Indicator/Frequency

Effectiveness & further actions needed

been completed under stage 01 planting in the buffer zone. Another 17 hectares of stage 01, upper canopy planting & enrichment work had been completed in Cheddikulam. However, it is important that these plants are protected from grazing cattle. And watering is required during dry periods.

Resettlement and livelihood restoration

Social impacts Use of local labour as far as possible for manual work. Use of local educated people for clerical and office work where possible. Claims/ complaints of the people on construction nuisance/ damages close to ROW to be considered and responded promptly by the contractor and monitored by PMU.

Resettlement of the affected persons according to the NIRP and Land Acquisition Act. Paying of compensation.

Progress of resettlement works/ monthly Status of compensation is payments/ monthly Progress of minor tank renovation works/ monthly Progress of Kovil construction works/ monthly

Alternative paddy land preparation works are going on (Approximately 80% of work has been completed). Cash compensation has been paid to DPs during the reporting period. This included; 1. Vulnerable payment of Rs 15,000 to 29 DP’s (100% completed).

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Specific activity Environmental Impact / Concern

Mitigation Measure/s Recommended in the EIA

Mitigation Measure/s Adopted

Monitoring Indicator/Frequency

Effectiveness & further actions needed

2. Payment for loss of cultivation for 52 DP’s for the 2013/2014 Maha season and 63 DP’s for the 2014/2015 Maha session. 3. Renovation of 3 nos. of minor tanks and construction of 2 channels is in progress (65% work has been completed by end of June 2015). 4. Compensation for wells has been paid for 11 DPs. 5. Three houses with wells have been constructed and handed over to two DPs. 6. The progress of Hindu Kovil is about 65%. Roof & plastering work commenced during the reporting period

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4. Status of environmental licenses and permits for rock blasting and

plants Contractor is operating the concrete batching plant with necessary approvals and licenses such as

Environmental Protection License (EPL).

5. Public complaints Grievance Redress Committees (GRCs) have been established to look into any public complaints

during the commencement of construction works. Contractor is maintaining a public complaint

register. However, no public complaint was received during the reporting period.

6. Conclusion and further actions With the prevailing dry season the contractor is accelerating works on the dam, spill way and the

intake structure. As the project area is located away from settlements there are no issue related to

social impacts.

As a means of providing fish migration a “fish ladder” has been designed. It is expected that filling

operations will commence with completion of the dam. Therefore the land clearing is expected to

commence in the months of August and September, 2015. It is important to continue the habitat

enrichment programme and maintain the vegetation established under this subproject. It is also

recommended to carry out another bio-diversity rescue operation within the proposed inundation

area as the pervious operation was mainly done within the dam axis and assess roads.

It is also important that the contractor maintain the health and safety standards to avoid any fatal

accident at site. This condition applies to his sub-contractors also.

The next monitoring report is for the period from June to December 2015 and it is anticipated that

most of the construction activities will be completed within the next reporting period.

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7. Photo documentation

Barricading off hazardous areas

A section of bund (Downstream side) which has been turfed

Excavated rock piled for reuse

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Plant nursery maintained at site

Replanting area with few replanted plants

Hindu Kovil (under construction)