environment construction method statement #8

Environment Construction Method Statement #8 Temporary Waterway Crossings HEA-CMS-GL-ENV-008-00-01 Scope This Construction Method Statement describes the environmental management measures to be applied to the establishment and operation of temporary waterway crossings. Location/s Various sites Timing Pre-construction and construction Minister’s COAs CoA 30

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Page 1: Environment Construction Method Statement #8

EnvironmentConstruction Method Statement #8

Temporary Waterway Crossings


ScopeThis Construction Method Statement describes the environmental managementmeasures to be applied to the establishment and operation of temporarywaterway crossings.

Location/s Various sites

Timing Pre-construction and construction

Minister’s COAs CoA 30

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Document Type: Document No/Ref:HEA-CMS-GL-ENV-008-00-01

Title: Construction Method Statement –Construction of Temporary Waterways


Document Path: \\\Data\HEA\01Environment\01_09_ECMS\08_TemporaryWaterCross\WorkingDocs\HEA-CMS-GL-ENV-008-00-01_WaterwayCrossings.doc

Approval Name Position Signed/Approved Date

DocumentEditor / Author

Chris Mueller Senior EnvironmentalOfficer

Review Howard Chemney Environment Manager

Final approval Peter Chatburn Alliance ProjectManager


Rev Date Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by Remarks

01 20/8/10 C. Mueller A. Zambolt H. Chemney/ T. Doczy

EMR Certification

I have reviewed this ECMS and find it to be in accordance with the relevant Conditions of Approvaland all relevant undertakings made in the EIS, Representations Report and the approved CEMP.


Environmental Management Representative


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Table of Contents

1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Overview of activities ...........................................................................................................1

1.2 ECMS overview ...................................................................................................................2

1.3 Key reference documents to ECMS .....................................................................................3

2 Scope of works ............................................................................................................................6

2.1 Guidelines for waterway crossing structures.........................................................................7

2.2 Hours of operation ...............................................................................................................9

2.3 Site rehabilitation and restoration .........................................................................................9

3 Key roles and responsibilities ..................................................................................................... 10

4 Statutory requirements and approvals ........................................................................................ 11

4.1 Revision of ECMS to reflect licence conditions ................................................................... 12

4.2 ECMS consultation process ............................................................................................... 12

4.3 Minister’s Conditions of Approval ....................................................................................... 13

5 Site induction and training .......................................................................................................... 15

6 Monitoring and inspection .......................................................................................................... 15

7 Revisions ................................................................................................................................... 15

8 Document control ....................................................................................................................... 15

9 References ................................................................................................................................ 15

10 Attachments .......................................................................................................................... 16

Attachment A ................................................................................................................................ 17

Environmental Control Plans ...................................................................................................... 17

Attachment B ................................................................................................................................ 27

Typical erosion and sediment controls ........................................................................................ 27

Attachment C ................................................................................................................................ 31

Work procedure – temporary low flow creek crossings .............................................................. 31


Table 1.1: Relevant CEMP sub-plans ...........................................................................................3Table 1.2: Additional relevant references ......................................................................................4Table 2.1: Classification of fish habitat and recommended crossing type .......................................7Table 4.1: Legislation and statutory obligations ........................................................................... 11Table 4.2: Legislative breaches .................................................................................................. 12Table 4.3: Matrix of Minister’s Condition of Approval 30 .............................................................. 13

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1 IntroductionThis Environmental Construction Method Statement (ECMS) documents the requirements for worksassociated with the pre-construction, construction and post construction considerations of temporarywaterway crossings. This document:

addresses the requirements of the Minister’s Condition of Approval 30 for the Hunter Expresswayproject,

reflects the requirements of the Hunter Expressway Alliance (HEA) environmental managementsystem (as detailed in the Construction Framework Environmental Management Plan),

incorporates the management measures from the relevant sub-plans and DPI, Fisheries and RTAguidance documents and

describes the environmental management measures relating specifically to the constructionactivities and potential environmental issues.

This ECMS has been prepared as a practical environmental management tool for use by all HEApersonnel and subcontractors and incorporates the assessment of the environmental and communityrisks for these works. The specific environmental and community management controls developedand detailed in the ECMS, include the following key information:

Key site and management personnel - responsibilities and contact details.

Operating hours.

Construction details – activities, staging and schedule.

Objectives and targets – monitoring requirements, criteria and procedures.

Action tables/plans – inspection and test plans with actions, responsibilities, training, timing,reporting, monitoring/auditing and checklists.

Site Drawings - Site layout, monitoring locations, erosion controls, noise barriers, discharge pointsand limits of clearing.

1.1 Overview of activities

The HEA corridor will involve the construction of waterway crossings over five classified creeks, anumber of drainage lines and one tributary. The classified waterways are in moderate condition andcorrespond with class two and three waterways under the NSW Fish Habitat Classification Scheme.

Waterway crossings will include bridges, an arch, multi-celled culverts, box culverts and pipe culverts.Where temporary access tracks over drainage lines with no flow are required, fords may be installed.

Permanent crossings in the form of ten bridges and three viaducts will be required, and are subject toa separate ECMS (ECMS #9 Bridge Structures over Wallis Creek, Minmi Creek and Surveyor Creek).Approximately 37 permanent culverts (under 6 metres long) will also be required, of which two are boxculverts and the remaining are pipe culverts. Additionally approximately 15 permanent multi-celledbox culverts are required which will be over 6 metres long (as such they are classified as bridges bythe RTA).

Approximately 16 temporary crossings will be required to provide access for construction and are thesubject of this ECMS. These crossings will be removed at project completion and thus will typically bepipe culverts unless over a classified waterway. Box culverts will be used in preference, subject to

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availability. Where necessary, creeks may need to be temporarily diverted to allow structures to beplaced.

The following temporary crossings will be within Class 2 or 3 waterways and as such will requireapproval from NSW Industry and Investment (formerly NSW Fisheries):

Minmi Creek (Chainage (CH) 300)

Minmi Creek (CH600)

Blue Gum Creek (CH2600)

Surveyors Creek (1st crossing – CH4450)

Surveyors Creek (2nd crossing – approx. CH5600)

Surveyors Creek (3rd crossing – approx. 10200)

Surveyors Creek (site compound access track – approx. CH 7200)

Wallis Creek (approx. CH 10450)

Averys Creek (approx. CH11300)

NSW I&I will require individual work method statements and PESCPs for each site and sufficient time(e.g. 2 weeks) to review and approve the works. These documents will also require review by theEMR.

Specific measures will be undertaken to ensure sites can be rehabilitated effectively with the removalof waterway infrastructure at project completion (refer ECP tables at Attachment A). Structures will beremoved unless landowners request otherwise and approval conditions are met.

1.2 ECMS overviewThe General Construction ECMS 1 will be required for all construction sites.

This activity specific ECMS provides only specific requirements for temporary waterway crossings.When constructing temporary waterway crossings, this ECMS will need to be used in conjunction withECMS 1: General Construction which will apply for the non-specific requirements for the site.

The Site Supervisor in consultation with the QA Manager will determine which ECMSs are required foreach work sites. Refer to the overview map contained in ECMS #1 for an overview of all ECMSs.Specific environmental mitigation measures and an example erosion and sediment control plan forwaterway crossings.

This ECMS includes the following:

Attachment A – Environmental Control Plans (tables).

Attachment B – Typical erosion and sediment controls.

Attachment C – Temporary low flow creek crossing work procedure

The ECMS site-specific Environmental Control Plans (ECPs) are contained in Attachment A in theform of tables. The ECP tables are to be read/ implemented in conjunction with the ECMS documentand relevant reference documents and are designed to be implemented in day-to-day activities onindividual sites. This ECMS forms the basis for mitigation of any temporary crossings, however eachindividual crossing will require its own method statement and safety plans. These individual plans willbe undertaken before works commence and once details of creek crossings are known.

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The individual plans will also require a Progressive Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (PESCP) to bedeveloped for each individual crossing and will need to be based on the erosion and sediment controlsshown in Attachment B.

Attachment C includes a work procedure to be followed for site construction staff when undertakingcrossings for Class 3 or 4 waterways.

1.3 Key reference documents to ECMSThe development of this ECMS has been guided by detailed management plans and reports todevelop appropriate mitigation measures for managing the environment impacts associated withwaterway crossings. The relevant CEMP sub-plans listed in Table 1.1 and the specific references forwaterways for the project listed in Table 1.2 will be referred to as needed for specific information forday-to-day worksite activities.

Table 1.1: Relevant CEMP sub-plans

Issue Relevant Plan(s) Details

Noise & vibration(incl. blastmanagement)

Construction Noise & Vibration Sub Plan

(incl. Blast Management Strategy &Construction Noise Impact Statements)


Provides a comparison of measuredbackground noise levels at sensitivereceivers vs. predicted noise impacts,duration of impacts from site works andtraffic, physical and site managementmeasures to minimise impacts andcompliance monitoring program.

Flora & Fauna


Flora and Fauna Management SubPlan (incl Landscape Master Plan)HEA-PL-GL-FFP-001-00

Clearing and Grubbing ProcedureHEA-PL-GL-FFP-001-G

Preliminary fauna mitigation structuresand specifications HEA-PL-GL-FFP-001-C

Provides details of the location of sensitiveenvironment, including EECs andmanagement measures to preventconstruction encroachment.

Soil and waterquality

Soil & Water Management Sub PlanHEA-PL-GL-SWP-00-00

Landscape Management Sub PlanSpoil Management Sub Plan


Water Quality Monitoring WorkProcedure HEA-PL-GL-SWP-001-A

Dewatering Procedure HEA-PL-GL-SWP-001-B

Location of Drainage Structures,Waterways and Water QualityMonitoring Locations HEA-PL-GL-SWP-001-00

Provides details of the physical andmanagement controls for surface runoff,erosion and sedimentation control, incidentresponse and details of the compliancemonitoring program.

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Issue Relevant Plan(s) Details

Land contamination Hazard & Risk Management Plan


Provides details of the assessment ofcontamination.

Heritage Aboriginal Cultural Heritage ManagementSub Plan HEA-PL-GL-IHP-001-00

Historical Heritage Management Sub PlanHEA-PL-GL-HHP-001-00

Provides details of the location known andpotential of archaeological sites and heritagesites as well as management measures toprevent damage or destruction.

Air Quality Construction Air Quality Management Plan


Provides details on the location of sensitivereceivers, air quality impacts fromconstruction works and mitigation strategiesand measures.

Waste Waste Management & Re-Use Sub Plan


Provides details on the waste strategies andmanagement measures to maximise reuse,minimise waste generation and ensurelawful disposal where required.

Table 1.2: Additional relevant references

Issue Relevant Plan(s)

Erosion andSediment Control

Managing Urban Stormwater: Soil and Construction, Appendix C- Unsealed Roads. Dept ofHousing (2008).http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/resources/stormwater/0802soilsconststorm2c.pdf


-design elements

Why do fish need to cross the road? Passage Requirements for Waterway Crossings. NSWFisheries, January 2003.

Located on: http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/202693/Why-do-fish-need-to-cross-the-road_booklet.pdf


-legal requirements

Policy and Guidelines for Fish Friendly Waterway Crossings. NSW Fisheries, November2003

Located on: http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/202692/Fish-friendly-waterway-crossings-Policy-and-guidelines.pdf

Classification andrequired crossingstructures

Policy & Guidelines – Aquatic Habitat Management and Fish Conservation – NSWFisheries 1999

Water Management RTA Water Policy

RTA Code of Practice for Water Management (1999)

HEA waterwayclassification

Aquatic Ecological Assessment: National Highway Link F3 to Branxton, April 2005, Biosis

Fauna MitigationMeasures

F3 to Branxton Link: Fauna Mitigation Measures, Draft Report, Nov 2008, Biosis Research.

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Issue Relevant Plan(s)

Clearing nearwaterways

ECMS 2: Clearing and Topsoil Management, HEA, 2010.

In addition to these plans and guidelines, specific work procedures are being prepared for waterwaycrossings and will be modified subject to the sensitivity and complexity of each site, traffic volumesexpected and crossing structure required.

Furthermore, specific requirements for waterway crossings as a result of consultation with NSW I&Ihave been incorporated into the HEA Cross Drainage Reports which contain waterway crossingdesign specifications.

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2 Scope of worksThis ECMS covers the establishment, operation and removal of temporary waterway crossings asrequired for the construction of the 13 km expressway project from the Newcastle Link Roadinterchange with the F3, through to Buchanan.

This ECMS applies to the construction of temporary structures and culverts over waterways whichinclude classified waterways, unnamed drainage lines and tributaries of classified creeks. Bridgestructures and viaducts are the subject of a separate ECMS (ECMS #9 Bridge Structures over WallisCreek, Minmi Creek and Surveyor Creek). Activities undertaken throughout the duration of the projectrelevant to the construction of a temporary waterway crossing include:

Pre-construction activities:

Survey and fencing off sensitive environment

Site inductions

Site establishment:

Installation of site environmental controls

Clearing and grubbing works

Installation of site fencing

Water way crossing structure (ie culvert, causeway or ford):

Installation of site drainage

Installation of gabion mattresses

Batter and embankment construction

Dewatering operations

Emptying of sediment basins following storm events

Excavation works:

Minor excavation for culvert installation

Stockpiling of construction materials and sediments, rock and vegetation

Backfilling of structures with non-erodible materials

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2.1 Guidelines for waterway crossing structures

Fish passage

Table 2.1 lists the recommended crossing types for the four classes of waterways as defined by NSWI&I (formerly NSW Fisheries). This classification system has been taken into account during design oftemporary crossings and is to be used during construction of these crossings.

Table 2.1: Classification of fish habitat and recommended crossing type

Classification Characteristics of waterway type Minimum1 recommendedcrossing type

CLASS 1Major fishhabitat

Major permanently or intermittently flowing waterway(e.g. river or major creek); habitat of a threatened fishspecies or ‘critical habitat’.

Bridge, arch structure or tunnel.

Preformed spans or arches are thepreferred option (up to 30m width ofthe stream) to minimise streamimpacts5.

CLASS 2Moderate fishhabitat

Named permanent or intermittent stream, creek orwaterway with clearly defined bed and banks withsemi-permanent to permanent waters in pools or inconnected wetland areas.

Marine or freshwater aquatic vegetation is present.Known fish habitat and/or fish observed inhabiting thearea.

Bridge, arch structure, culvert2 orford.A large box culvert or bridgecrossing. Cross-sectional area ofthe structure should aim to equalthe cross-sectional area of thewatercourse5.

CLASS 3Minimal fishhabitat

Named or unnamed waterway with intermittent flowand potential refuge, breeding or feeding areas forsome aquatic fauna (e.g. fish, yabbies). Semi-permanent pools form within the waterway or adjacentwetlands after a rain event.Otherwise, any minor waterway that interconnectswith wetlands or recognised aquatic habitats.

Culvert3, or ford.Culvert required and designed toallow fish passage. Invert should bedesigned to ensure it is below thebed level of the watercourse, andthat ponding can occur5.

CLASS 4Unlikely fishhabitat

Named or unnamed waterway with intermittent flowfollowing rain events only, little or no defined drainagechannel, little or no flow or free standing water orpools after rain events (e.g. dry gullies or shallowfloodplain depressions with no permanent aquaticflora present).

Culvert4, causeway or ford.Allowance for flow of water todownstream areas unhindered5.

1. In all cases bridges are preferred to arch structures, culverts, fords and causeways (in that order).2. High priority is given to the “high flow design” procedures for the design of these culverts – refer to design considerations in

Fairfull & Witheridge (2003) or engineering guidelines (Witheridge, 2002).3. Minimum culvert design using the “low flow design” procedures; however, “high flow design” and “medium flow design”

should be given a priority where affordable (Witheridge, 2002).4. Fish friendly waterway crossing designs possibly unwarranted. Fish passage requirements should be confirmed with the

local fisheries department/authority.5. Policy and Guidelines for Bridges, Roads, Causeways, Culverts and Similar Structures, NSW Fisheries 1999

(based on information taken from tables in NSW Fisheries, 1999 & I&I NSW, 2003)

In addition to Table 2.1, Attachment C includes a Temporary low flow creek crossing work procedureto instruct on the correct ways to install crossings depending on if the creek is dry or wet and tominimise impacts on fish passage.

Pipe culverts are generally not recommended for natural streams as they inhibit the passage of fish.(NSW Fisheries 1999). This is due to the narrow effective bed width and greater flow concentrationcompared with box culverts. Some fish species are also reluctant to enter the darkened environmentresulting from the use of long lengths of pipe and thereby creating a barrier to fish movement. Pipe

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culvert crossings will only be used on some of the temporary Class 3 and 4 waterways andunclassified drainage lines.

Where conditions allow, construct pools at both the inlet and outlet of the culvert to assist in thedissipation of flow energy and to act as resting areas for migrating fish.

Fauna underpasses

The detail of the requirement for underpasses in culvert and bridge structures are contained in theappendices of the Flora and Fauna Sub Plan of the CEMP. Basically, the requirement is to provide adry passage space within the culvert to allow passage for terrestrial fauna species. Design andinstallation of these underpasses requires input from specialist ecologists and liaison with DECCW.

Culvert type and width

Bridges or box culverts will be used for Class 2 waterways. Box or pipe culverts will be used for Class3 and 4 waterways.

The effective flow area under the waterway crossing will be at least equal to the natural or existingflow area of the channel below the deck/crest level of the crossing ("High Flow Design"). Where this isnot feasible, the second priority will be to design the culvert such that the effective flow area is at leastequal to the natural or existing channel flow area below the roof of the culvert ("Medium Flow Design").A Medium Flow Design requires the depth of the deck slab to be minimised. In all cases, the culvertwill be designed to maximise the geometric similarities of the natural channel profile from the bed ofthe culvert up to a flow depth of 0.5 metres ("Low Flow Design”). This approach ensures close tonatural stream velocities are maintained for aquatic fauna and minimises potential bed erosion.

Invert level

For a low flow channel the invert of at least one of the cells culvert crossing will provide a minimum150 mm below the bed of the stream. This will allow sedimentation to occur within the culvert, thusproviding a more natural stream bed for aquatic fauna and fish movement.

Culvert height

Typically, a minimum box culvert height of 1,200 mm for low level culvert crossings on Class 2streams will be used. A lesser height of 900 mm where acceptable will be used for Class 3 and 4streams.

This is based on providing at least 600 mm airspace above the typical base flow in the stream toensure reasonable light within the culvert to encourage fish passage, as well as capacity for minorflows.

Temporary crossing stabilisation

Scour protection works will be required where outlet velocity is greater than 1.5 m/s. Rip-rap (cleanaggregate, small rock or other similar stable material) will be used on the downstream batter, bankcrest and around the culvert inlet for scour protection. Rock size will be determined based on thecritical flow over the crest before the structure becomes drowned, after which the velocities over thestructure are lower and less critical. The following guidelines will apply:

The earth embankment is to be compacted to achieve 95% maximum dry density.

The rip-rap specification on the downstream batter is to consist of well-graded, hard-quarriedrock. Thickness of the rip-rap should be 1.5 to 2 times the rock size. In general a minimum

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D50 of 300 mm will apply. Alternative measures will need to be used where large rock isunavailable. (D50 is the median rip-rap diameter of the rock mix.)

The downstream batter is to have a maximum slope of 1(v):4(h). The upstream batter mustnot be steeper than 1(v):2(h).

The crest is to be covered with 20 mm to 150 mm diameter rock mix, 200 mm thick(compacted thickness), or sealed with bitumen or concrete.

Rip-rap is not always necessary on the upstream batter, but is recommended as good practice if affluxexceeds 300 mm at the point of overtopping. Establishment of a temporary crop cover will be usedwhere necessary to stabilise the batter surface prior to final landscaping.

2.2 Hours of operation

Normal construction hours apply to the activities included in this ECMS. These hours are:

Monday to Friday 7:00 am – 6:00 pm

Saturdays: 8:00 am – 1:00 pm

Sundays & Public Holidays – no work

Where work is required outside these hours, an application will be made to DECCW in accordancewith the out of hours protocol in the Noise and Vibration Management Plan.

2.3 Site rehabilitation and restorationAt the completion of construction, construction site compounds and facilities will be demobilised.Appropriate replanting with local native species will be undertaken in accordance with the LandscapeManagement Plan, prepared in consultation with Councils affected landowners and the CommunityLiaison Group.

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3 Key roles and responsibilitiesRefer to the ‘General Construction ECMS #1 for roles and responsibilities for key personnel.

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4 Statutory requirements and approvalsA summary of the key statutory requirements and approvals for the works are detailed in the tablebelow. This is followed by a table with provisions for legislative breaches.

Table 4.1: Legislation and statutory obligations

Regulator Licence/Approval etc Relevant works

NSW Dept of Industry andInvestment

As a Part 3A project, rather thanpermit requirements, approval isrequired for the following:

Dredging or reclamation(s.201)

Blockage of fish passage(s.219)

Dredging, reclamation or blockageof creek flows (this includes placingof silt fences in creeks)

(Note: RTA must notify Minister forFisheries under Part 7 (div 3) theFisheries Management Act 1994)

NSW Dept of Industry andInvestment

MCoA -Consultation Construction of temporary platformsfor piles and pier construction increeks

NSW Dept of Industry andInvestment

MCoA -Consultation Design and timing of bridgeconstruction

NSW Dept of Industry andInvestment, Dept of Planning

MCoA -Approval Earthen platforms or placing of fill increeks

Dept of Planning MCoA -Comply with Blue Book:Managing Urban Stormwater: Soiland Construction

Design and construction ofwaterway crossing and erosionsediment control structures

DECCW Environmental Protection Licence -POEO Act 1997

Discharge from sediment basins

Impact on waterways

Noise criteria

DECCW, Dept of Planning Approval as per MCoA -60 To clear areas that exceeds projectlimits

DECCW Licence to harm or pick threatenedspecies, populations or ecologicalcommunities or damage habitat

Clearing or disturbed areasthreatened species, populations, orEEC

Seed and cutting collection

NSW Heritage Council NSW Heritage Act 1977:

s139 excavation permits146 notice of relic discovery

Excavation near a heritage item

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Regulator Licence/Approval etc Relevant works

DECCW National Parks and Wildlife Act1974:

s87 / s90 Aboriginal HeritageImpact Permit

Construction works near anaboriginal sites

Note: Refer also to Table 3.5 in the CEMP for further information on the consultation with externalstakeholders.

Table 4.2: Legislative breaches

Regulation Breach Penalties

Fisheries Management Act1994

(Division 3, s.201)

Unapproved dredging orreclamation works

Maximum penalty: In the case of a corporation,2,000 penalty units ($220,000) or, in any other case,1,000 penalty units ($110,000).

(Division 8, s.219) Unapproved blockage offish passage

Maximum penalty is 2,000 units for corporations($220,000) and 1,000 units for individuals($110,000).

Protection of the EnvironmentOperation Act 1997 (Part 5.3s.120-123)

Pollution of waters (a) for corporation—maximum penalty to notexceed $1,000,000 and, in the case of a continuingoffence, to a further penalty not to exceed $120,000for each day the offence continues, or

(b) for individual—maximum penalty to not exceed$250,000 and, in the case of a continuing offence, toa further penalty not to exceed $60,000 for each daythe offence continues.

4.1 Revision of ECMS to reflect licence conditionsUp-to-date copies of each licence will be made available to all site personnel.

4.2 ECMS consultation process

Consultation for the project has been undertaken with agencies and stakeholders including:

Department of Planning


Lake Macquarie City Council

Maitland City Council

Cessnock City Council

Industries and Investment NSW

Utility providers

Local Aboriginal Land Councils

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A meeting was held with NSW I&I and the project team at the Kurri Kurri site on 3 May 2010. Theresults of this meeting have been incorporated into this ECMS and the Cross Drainage Design Reportfor culvert installations.

Ongoing consultation during the works covered under this ECMS will be undertaken with relevantstakeholders where changes to works occur under this ECMS. Specifically NSW Fisheries (NSW I&I),DoP and DECCW will be notified where necessary.

Any further updates to the ECMS requires EMR endorsement and a summary of changes and updateswill be provided to the public for their information, and a full copy of the ECMS be made available onthe internet, following EMR endorsement.

4.3 Minister’s Conditions of Approval

Minister’s Condition of Approval 30 is reproduced in the following table with cross reference to wherethe condition is addressed in this ECMS or other project management documents.

Table 4.3: Matrix of Minister’s Condition of Approval 30

Reference CoA 30 Requirement ECMS Reference

The Proponent shall prepare Construction Method Statements (CMS) identified inthe CEMP required by Condition 24. CMSs must be certified by the EMR as beingin accordance with the Conditions of Approval and all undertakings made in theEIS, Representations Report and the Approved CEMP.

Page 2

Each CMS shall include, but not be limited to:

i construction activities and processes associated with the relevant constructionsite(s), including staging and timing of the proposed works;

1. Introduction and 2.Scope of works

ii specific hours of operation for all key elements including off-site movements; 2 Scope of Works2.2 Hours of Operation

iii cover specific environmental management objectives and strategies for theenvironmental system elements and include, but not be limited to:

Environmental ControlPlan at Attachment A -will cover relevant issues

noise and vibration; ECMS#1air quality; ECMS#1water quality; ECMS#1erosion and sedimentation;

access and traffic; ECMS#1property acquisition and/or adjustments CEMPheritage and archaeology ECMS#1flora and fauna

groundwater CEMPacid sulfate soils ECMS for bridge over

Wallis Creekspoil stockpiling and disposal

waste/resource management ECMS#1

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Reference CoA 30 Requirement ECMS Reference

weed management ECMS#1flooding and stormwater control

geotechnical issues CEMPvisual screening CEMPlandscaping and rehabilitation ECMS#1safety, hazards and risk CEMPenergy use CEMPresource use and recycling ECMS#1utilities CEMP

iv address, but not be limited to:a. identification of the statutory and other obligations which the Proponent is

required to fulfil during project construction, including all approvals andconsultations/agreements required from other authorities andstakeholders, and key legislation and policies which control theProponent’s construction of the project;

4. Statutory requirementsand approvals

b. measures to avoid and/or control the occurrence of environmentalimpacts; Environmental Control

Plan - Attachment A

c. measures (where practicable and cost effective) to provide positiveenvironmental offsets to unavoidable environmental impacts; NA

d. definition of the role, responsibility, authority, accountability and reportingof personnel relevant to compliance with the CMS; 3. Key roles and

responsibilities & ECP inAtt A & ECMS#1

e. site specific environmental management techniques and processes forall construction processes which are important for the quality of theenvironment in respect of permanent and/or temporary works;

ECP in Attachment A

f. site specific monitoring, inspection and test plans for all activities andenvironmental qualities which are important to the environmentalmanagement of the project, including performance criteria, tests, andprotocols (eg. frequency and location);

ECP in Attachment A

g. locational details of important elements such as temporary noise barriers;portable offices and amenities; truck, plant and materials storage; accesslocations; provision of site hoardings etc;

ECP in Attachment A

h. environmental management instructions for all complex environmentalcontrol processes which do not follow common practice or where theabsence of such instructions could be potentially detrimental to theenvironment;

Refer to Table 1-3 inECMS1 GeneralConstruction

i. steps the Proponent intends to take to ensure that all Plans and SubPlans are being complied with; CEMP

j. consultation requirements with relevant government agencies and utility/service providers; and, Section 4

k. community consultation and notification strategy (including localcommunity, businesses, relevant government agencies, and all relevantCouncils), and complaint handling procedures.


Specific requirements of the main environmental system elements referred to in (iii)shall be as required under the conditions of this approval and/or as required underany licence or approval. All CMS shall be made publicly available

Section 4.3

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5 Site induction and trainingRefer to the General Construction ECMS #1 for induction and training details.

6 Monitoring and inspectionRefer to the Environmental Control Plan, Attachment A for details on monitoring and inspection.

7 RevisionsRevisions to the ECMS will be made as required and changes will be endorsed by the EMR asrequired.

The current copy of this ECMS is kept at the worksite and at the HEA Project Display Office followingEMR endorsement (where they may be viewed on request) and a summary of the update provided tocommunity members for their information via the HEA Project Display Office.

8 Document controlProject document control is detailed in the PMP and project filing and numbering is defined inprocedure HEA-MP-GL-OPS-002-00. When the document is reviewed a new revision number isassigned by the Environment Manager.

The current revision of the ECMS will be available and displayed in site offices for ongoingimplementation and amendment as conditions or approval change. The documents will be saved inKeystone.

9 ReferencesFairfull, S. and Witheridge, G. 2003. Why do Fish Need to Cross the Road? Fish passagerequirements for waterway crossings. NSW Fisheries, Cronulla, 16pp.

I&I NSW 2009. Bringing Back the Fish – improving fish passage and aquatic habitat in coastal NSW.Final Report to the Southern Rivers Catchment Management Authority. Industry and Investment NSW,Cronulla, NSW.

NSW Fisheries 1999. Policy and Guidelines for Bridges, Roads, Causeways, Culverts and SimilarStructures (Eds Fairfull, S. and Carter, S.) NSW Fisheries, Sydney, 19pp.

Witheridge, G. 2002. Fish Passage Requirements for Waterway Crossings – Engineering Guidelines.Institute of Public Works Engineering, Brisbane.

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10 AttachmentsAttachment A – Environmental Control Plans (tables)

Attachment B – Typical erosion and sediment controls

Attachment C – Temporary low flow creek crossing work procedure

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Attachment A

Environmental Control Plans

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Construction Activity

Culvert Design ObjectivesThe design objectives for culverts are:

To pass the design flow under the embankment (or to limit the flow overtopping the embankment)

To limit the flood level upstream of the culvert

To protect the downstream waterway from scour

To consider the hydraulic impacts of culvert blockage

To facilitate fish passage

Pre-construction activitiesEnsure design drawings include all measures for stormwater management, and erosion andsediment control (e.g. lined catch drains, batter chutes, culverts, outlet dissipaters, sediment basins).Prepare an individual PESCP for each waterway crossing.Consult with PEM when creek diversions, dredging, reclamation or temporary blockage of flows isrequired.Obtain NSW I&I approval for dredging, reclamation or temporary blockage of flows.Consult with NSW I&I for creek diversions.Survey crossing location and pegging out of areas to be cleared.Undertake preconstruction water quality sampling where deemed necessary by PEM.Identify and fence off no-go zones.Identify suitable low flow times, where clear weather is forecast, for work commencement.Site establishmentHave materials such as precast culverts, piers, backfill aggregate and geotextile delivered to site tominimise time required for flow diversions and flow blockage.Submit concrete mix design to construction manager for approval for slabs cast insitu.Establish silt fencing, catch drains, diversion drains and sediment basins.Clear minor vegetation for waterway structure.Start minor earth works for installation of rip-rap, or gabion mattresses, or other on approach and exitof crossing.Remove debris and logs within waterways construction footprint (only where required).Install site fencing to prevent encroachment of ancillary works.Establish suitable locations for material stockpiles.Remove old crossing where required.Construct waterway crossingInstall site specific sediment controls for the establishment of flow diversions or temporary dams andfor dirty runoff water .Dewater excavation areas and dams.Excavate and stockpile sediments if suitable for reclamation works.Construct temporary platforms, where required.Install sandbags and aggregate backfill operations for culvert construction.Install headwall and/or bank abutments as required.Install aggregate or insitu concrete with ‘V ‘channel for causeway construction.

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Flora and Fauna Management

Sub Plan ref: Flora and Fauna Management Plan

CEMP Objective: To protect riparian vegetation and fauna within and along watercoursesCEMP Performance Criteria:

Shade trees retained within surrounding area

Riparian vegetation outside the construction zone is clearly demarcated and not impacted

No net loss of significant habitat resources including hollow logs and tree nesting hollows

Minimise clearing of riparian vegetation and maintain buffer

No spread of weeds throughout the waterway

No new weeds introduced to the project areas

Mitigation Measures Responsibility

Site Clearing

Clear vegetation in accordance with ECMS #2: Clearing and Topsoil Managementand the specific conditions contained in this ECMS.


Minimise corridor width over creek crossing to minimise loss of riparian vegetation.Avoid the clearing of mature trees, particularly hollow-bearing trees in or nearwaterways.


Manually fell trees within 15 m of rivers, creeks, watercourses and drainage lines,ensuring trees within 10 m of the centre line of bridges and 5 m of the bank are cutoff 300-600mm above ground level.


Do not undertake clearing within riparian zones if flooding is likely to occur. Preventtrees from falling into rivers, creeks, watercourses and drainage lines. Limitconstruction plant and machinery movement in riparian areas and ensure that noparking occurs within 20 m of identified water features.


Use ‘cut-stump method’ for clearing near waterways when tree stumps do notimpede the final design structure of the waterway crossing. In such case, retain treestumps within 5 m of the bank of a stream or waterway.


Avoid removal of aquatic habitat such as snags, gravel bars, in-stream vegetation(rushes, sedges), tree roots, logs and similar, particularly when greater than 30 cmin diameter or rocks larger than 50 cm. If a snag is within the footprint ofconstruction, it should be lopped to retain the majority of the snag. If not possiblethen place similarly downstream.


Weed Management

As waterways can increase the spread of weeds, ensure weed management isundertaken prior to site establishment in accordance with CEMP, Flora and Faunasubplan.


Ensure all soil or fill introduced does not contain noxious weed material. Remove alldirt and mud from equipment and machinery entering the waterway construction siteto prevent transfer of weeds.


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Soil and Water Management

Sub Plan ref: Soil and Water Management Plan

Objective: Design and construct erosion & sediment controls at waterway crossings to avoid impacting the river

flow and fish passage, release of sediment into streams and damage to stream bank and vegetation.

Design drainage structures in compliance with the following reference documents and design criteria:a) Managing Urban Stormwater: Soil and Construction, Appendix C- Unsealed Roads. Dept

of Housing (2006).b) Fishnote – Policy and Guidelines for Fish Friendly Waterway Crossings. NSW Fisheries,

November 2003c) Why do fish need to cross the road? Fish passage requirements for waterway crossings.

NSW Fisheries, January 2003.d) Policy & Guidelines – Aquatic Habitat Management and Fish Conservation – NSW

Fisheries 1999e) RTA Water Policy

Performance Criteria: Flow velocities from culvert crossings do not cause downstream scouring and erosion of banks

Zero environmental prosecutions or infringements for pollution of waterways or blockage of fishpassage causing environmental harm

Maintain background water quality levels in surrounding waterways and aquatic habitats

Control the impact of erosion and sedimentation from earthworks and other construction activities byimplementing effective erosion and sedimentation control measures

Prevent pollution by containing all fuel and other chemical spills and by implementing effective controlmeasure

Mitigation Measures Responsibility

Re-schedule waterway crossing works, following rain events and when the daily weatherreport received for the project forecasts rainfall events.


Carry out works in waterways over the shortest possible timeframe and in current andprojected dry conditions.


Stage works to minimise disturbance and interruption of creek flows. Avoid timing worksduring high flow periods.



Consult with PEM to determine specific location for crossing, appropriate crossingstructure and whether a temporary flow diversion is required.


Prepare a Progressive Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (PESCP) for waterwaycrossing as determined by the Waterway Crossing Procedure.


Seek approval from NSW I&I prior to any works requiring dredging or reclamation such asfor footings or foundations or any blockage of creek flows such as for silt fencinginstallation or bund construction.


Consult with NSW I&I for all creek diversions. PEM

Install erosion and sediment controls as per the PESCP for the waterway crossing prior toany land disturbance.


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Soil and Water Management

Maintain vegetation in and adjacent to drainage lines to improve the quality of runoffbefore entering waterway and to prevent erosion.


Site preparation

Remove old crossings entirely where they act as a barrier to fish passage. SE


Ensure type and size of heavy machinery and attachment are appropriate for the creekcrossing site and type of works to prevent over excavation and the need to add materialsfor levelling of the waterway bed.


When fill is required ensure non-erodible materials are used to create a uniform surface. SE

Do not place fill or earthen platforms in creeks without approval from NSW I&I and DoP. SS

General waterway crossing construction

To determine the most appropriate location for temporary creek crossings for accesstracks, refer to ‘Route Selection’ of Vol 2C Unsealed Roads, Managing Urban Stormwater,Soil and Construction, DECCW, Jan 2008.


Avoid locating crossings at or near sharp bends and unstable channels due to potentialstructural damage and channel erosion.


Avoid locating crossings near riffles (areas where water flows over rocks, gravel or timber)as they are channel stabilisers.


Avoid locating culverts, causeways or fords where steep approach to crossing is required. SE, SS

Minimise straightening of creeklines, eg Surveyors Creek and creek at Anvil Lane. If adiversion channel is required, ensure length is minimised.


Design waterway to avoid the need for the placement of fill in creeks. SE, SS

Locate water diversions using drains, banks or bunds away from or around exposed areaof soil or loose material.


Where possible maintain a clean water channel in preference to temporary dams andwater diversions.


Where cofferdams are required, use sandbags, clean rock, steel sheeting or other non-erodible material. This means no fines, soil, waste or other contaminants.


For temporary diversion, protect channel lining with non-erodible material to the highwater mark.


Establish a settlement pond, basin or sediment trap for runoff from work site. Size thestructure based on the area to be drained and volume of water to be treated.


Dewater such structures and temporary dams prior to forecast rain events. SS, PEM

Dewater to a nearby basin, or via a watercart. Only dewater into vegetated areas at least20 m away from the waterway once sediments have settled, been tested and meetEnvironmental Protection Licence (EPL) water quality standards as advised by the PEM.Refer to the Dewatering Procedure, HEA-PL-GL-SWP-001-B.


Prevent the discharge of runoff and stormwater directly into creeks by directing flows onthe approach road through cross fall drains (if space) or catch drains and berm drains to


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Soil and Water Managementsediment basin or grassed areas. Where not possible direct flows to pipes or rock shuteoutfalls.

Place silt fencing and other controls along the stream bank contours, at the base or cutand fills and other runoff areas during construction. For Wallis Creek consider rip-rap,grout injected mattress or rock filled wire mattresses (gabion).


Use pre-fabricated structures and precast concrete components where possible. Usequick setting mixes where appropriate to minimise the risk of water pollution.


Do not undertake concrete pours when rainfall is forecast. Isolate from waterway anycast-in-place concrete for at least 48hrs to allow pH to neutralise.


Culvert construction

Refer to the Blue Book: Managing Urban Stormwater: Soil and Construction (2008),s.5.3.4 and Volume 2C, Appendix A pg 73 for guidance on culvert design.


When culverts are selected for creek crossings ensure they are adequately sized to avoiddebris build up, minimise increases in flow velocities and turbulence, reduce depth profile,minimise length/light penetration, drop or cascade effect.


Incorporate rock baffles along banks or appropriately sized angular or local rocks instream bed when crossing is at a steep site, high soil erodible soils or for high flowvolumes to reduce velocities (energy dissipators) and for scour protection.


Sink culverts to just below the natural creek level so that there are no changes in height tocreek at either end. Minimum depth to be 0.2-0.5 m. Ensure there is no drop at thedownstream end to prevent upstream fish movement. Install practical fish ramps whenthis is not possible.


Minimum culvert size of 600 mm above base flow to be used to ensure adequate lightpenetration. Minimum water depth of 200 mm in low flow creeks to encourage fishpassage.


Align culverts perpendicular to meet downstream channel. Culvert width to be equal tonatural channel width.


Where riparian vegetation along creek line presents good habitat, design multi-cellculverts for dry space movement of terrestrial fauna (e.g. Minmi Creek and Blue GumCreek). Refer to Appendix C of Flora and Fauna Management Plan.


If open bottom culvert not used, line culverts with natural creek sediment to encouragefish movement.


To prevent build up of sediment within culverts and allow for fish resting pools, designsediment ponds upstream and downstream of culvert and debris deflectors upstream ofthe culvert.


Causeways and fords

Avoid use of fords where possible due to the risk of sediment loss and pollution of water.Do not use fords for frequent vehicle movements. Use fords for areas with no clearlydefined creek bed or bank.


Ford crossing and causeway decks to be set at near bed level to maintain natural flowvelocities.


Concrete fords to include ‘V’ or rounded notch shape included in the lowest point of thechannel, 5 cm deep and 30 cm wide for fish flow during low flow times.


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Soil and Water Management


Small, temporary stockpiles for use during the construction of the crossing must belocated at least 20 m from any creek, water bodies or flood prone area and clear of the1 in 10 year flood level.


Vehicle movements

Washdown areas of equipment must be undertaken in bunded areas away fromwatercourses and drainage lines.


Spill management

As per the HEA Refuelling and liquid storage protocol (HEA-WP-GL-ENV-03-00-00),undertake refuelling and servicing of plant and equipment away from waterways and othersensitive areas and ensure they carry or have ready access to a suitable spill kit.


Non-toxic hydraulic fluids, such as vegetable based fluids should be used where possiblefor machinery working in waterways.


Rehabilitation and landscaping

For all rehabilitation of construction compounds, refer to Construction Method Statement:Site Stabilisation and Rehabilitation Works and the project Landscape Management Plan.


Monitoring and reporting

Obtain daily weather forecasts (www.bom.gov.au) and keep daily site weather records toguide works undertaken on site.


Test all sediment to be used for reclamation in creeks for contaminants. PEM

Maintain culverts and causeways by removing debris and sediment deposits and repairbed or bank erosion caused by structure.


Inspect culverts for pipe blockages and leaks, signs of overflows, erosion at the inlet oroutlet of the culvert and undermining of the pipe structure.


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Key contact detailsPosition Name/organisation MobileProject Environment Manager Tracy Doczy 0439 300 118Environmental Officer Erran Woodward 0437 343 178Community Relations Manager Louise Neville 0447 464 031Alliance Project Director Peter Chatburn 0418 233 905Construction Manager Aiden Mc Cann 0418 627 085Constructability Manager Todd Myers 0418 637 173Design Manager Bruce Sweet 0423 887 549QA Manager Siri Siritharan 0417 480 049

Native Animal Trust Fund–Wildlife Rescue Service

0418 628 483

DECCW Environment Line 131 555

Classification of major waterway crossingsCreek name Location ClassMinmi Creek CH300 2Minmi Creek CH600 3Blue Gum Creek Ch2600 2Surveyors Creek (1st crossing) CH4450 2-3Surveyors Creek (2nd crossing) CH5600 2Surveyors Creek (3rd crossing) CH10200 2Surveyors Creek (site compoundaccess track)

CH7200 2

Wallis Creek at John Renshaw Drive CH10450 2Averys Creek at the Averys Lane,Expressway and Shearmans accesscrossings

CH11300 2

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Waterway crossing structure requirementsClass Minimum recommended crossing

type2 Bridge, arch structure, culvert or ford.

Use high flow design procedures.1

Typically large box culvert or bridgecrossing. Cross-sectional area of thestructure should aim to equal the cross-sectional area of the watercourse.2

3 Culvert, or ford. At a minimum use lowflow design procedures, but high ormedium should be used whereaffordable.1

Typically culvert required and designedto allow fish passage. Invert should bedesigned to ensure it is below the bedlevel of the watercourse, and thatponding can occur.2

4 Culvert, causeway or ford.1

Allowance for flow of water todownstream areas unhindered.2

1. NSW I & I, Fairfull & Witheridge (2003)2. NSW Fisheries, Policy and Guidelines for Bridges, Roads,

Causeways, Culverts and Similar Structures (1999)

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Attachment B

Typical erosion and sediment controls

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The following erosion and sediment controls will typically be required during construction and operation of temporary crossings and will need to be incorporatedinto any individual ESCPs for each individual crossing.

Figure 1: Key erosion and sediment controls for temporary crossings

(extract from Appendix A, Volume 2C: Unsealed Roads, Managing

Urban Stormwater –Soils and Construction, DECCW, 2008).

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Figure 2: Erosion and Sediment Control Plan for culvert installation

(extract from Appendix A, Volume 2C: Unsealed Roads, Managing Urban Stormwater –Soils and Construction, DECCW, 2008).

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Attachment C

Work procedure – temporary low flowcreek crossings

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Rev Date Preparedby Reviewed by Approved by Remarks

1 C.Mueller

The work procedure is to be used for Class 3 or 41 classified habitat (refer to Table 1 in thisprocedure).

1. This work procedure should be read in conjunction with the ECMS: Temporary WaterwayCrossings and the ECMS: General Construction.

2. All vehicles/machinery access to be prohibited from driving through flow line until temporarycrossing is fully constructed.

If the flow line is dry3. Cover the bed and banks with geotextile fabric over the high water mark trying to minimise

any disturbance of existing vegetation.

4. Lay a pipe (minimum 300 mm in diameter) on the geotextile cloth. The pipe must be on thesame grade as the waterway, to avoid leaving the pipe’s base higher than the waterway’sfloor to avoid impeding fish/aquatic fauna passage.

5. Place non-erodible materials such as clean aggregate (75 mm to 100 mm in size) or gabionrock, over the cloth and pipe to a depth minimum of 300 mm. Approved alternativematerials that minimise creek bed disturbance may also be considered.

6. Construct a rock and geotextile cloth dissipater at the downstream outlet of the pipe ifrequired.

7. Seed and/or revegetate disturbed areas not protected by cloth and/or aggregate to achievestabilisation.

If the flow line has standing water8. Seek advice from Environment Staff on the need to consult with NSW I&I regarding

blocking fish passage. As necessary Environment Staff must notify NSW I&I prior tocommencement of activities.

9. Install temporary instream controls (e.g. sandbags with sand or clean rock fill) upstream &downstream of the proposed creek crossing site. Refer to example erosion and sedimentcontrols for culvert construction in Attachment 1 of Temporary Waterway Crossing ECMS.

10. Dewater onto thick vegetated area minimum of 20 m away from all drainage lines. Monitorthe pumping to avoid creating additional dirty water. All dirty water must pass through asediment filter i.e. vegetation and/or sediment control.

11. Install pipes as per steps 5 to 7.

12. Monitor and regularly maintain the temporary crossing (including after any storm event).Maintenance is to include prevention/control of debris build-up at the pipe entrance and/orinside the pipe.

12003, Fish Passage Requirements for Waterway Crossings, DPI - NSW Fisheries

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13. Remove all material including the aggregate, pipe and geotextile cloth when the crossing isno longer needed. Restore the low flow lines to their original state.

Equipment used in the construction and/or removal of the temporary crossing must not work inthe waterway.

A typical cross section of a culvert crossing is shown in Attachment 1 of the Temporary WaterwayCrossing ECMS.

Table 1: Waterway classifications in accordance with Fairfull S. & Witheridge G. 2003. Why do fishneed to cross the road? Fish passage requirements for waterway crossings.

Classification Characteristics of waterway type

Class 1 Majorfish habitat

Major permanently or intermittently flowing waterway (e.g. river or major creek),habitat of a threatened fish species.

Class 2Moderate fishhabitat

Named permanent or intermittent stream, creek or waterway with clearly defined bedand banks with semi - permanent to permanent waters in pools or in connected wetlandareas. Marine or freshwater aquatic vegetation is present. Known fish habitat and/or fishobserved inhabiting the area.

Class 3 Minimalfish habitat

Named or unnamed waterway with intermittent flow and fauna (e.g. fish, yabbies). Semi-permanent pools form within the waterway or adjacent wetlands after a rain event.Otherwise, any minor waterway that interconnects with wetlands or recognised aquatichabitats.

Class 4 Unlikelyfish habitat

Named or unnamed waterway with intermittent flow following rain events only, little orno defined drainage channel, little or no flow or free standing water or pools after rainevents (e.g. dry gullies or shallow floodplain depressions with no permanent aquatic florapresent).