environgeology v53n6 2008 qualitydurabilityarmourstone ertas&topal

ORIGINAL ARTICLE Quality and durability assessments of the armourstones for two rubble mound breakwaters (Mersin, Turkey) B. Ertas T. Topal Received: 7 January 2007 / Accepted: 1 March 2007 / Published online: 24 March 2007 Ó Springer-Verlag 2007 Abstract Due to economic reasons, natural stones (armourstones) of various sizes and qualities are very fre- quently used for the constructions of the breakwaters to protect coastal engineering structures from wave actions. Deterioration of the armourstones with time in the form of abrasion and disintegration may end up with the damage of the structures. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the long-term performance and quality of the armourstones, which should be sound and durable. Mersin and Kumkuyu harbours were constructed using four different limestones obtained from two quarries. The limestones have different characters and site performances. In this study, the material and mass properties of the limestones taken from the quarries with known site performances as armourstones are investigated. The site performances and durability of the limestones are compared with the field measurements and laboratory works. Thus, the information obtained is used to assess long-term durability of the armourstones. The long- term performance of the Degirmencayi and Tirtar upper level limestones are observed to be good whereas it is ra- ther poor for the Tirtar middle and lower level limestones. Comparison between the predicted and observed durabili- ties of the armourstones indicated that CIRIA/CUR, RDI d , RERS, and wet to dry strength ratio give better results based on their field performances. However, the prediction of the durability of the limestones is poor in case RDIs, average pore diameter, and saturation coefficient are used. Keywords Armourstone Breakwater Durability Mersin Quality Turkey Introduction Rubble mound breakwaters are important coastal defence structures for harbour and shore protection. Large quanti- ties of natural rocks with different sizes and shapes are commonly used as armourstone in the construction of the breakwaters (Mather 1985; Latham 1991; Poole 1991; Erickson 1993; Smith 1999; Topal and Acir 2004; Latham et al. 2006a, b). They may have variable properties because of their geological origins (Latham et al. 1990). Severe marine environmental conditions, particularly during storms, require suitable armourstone having certain phys- ical and mechanical properties, and durability characteris- tics (Fookes and Poole 1981; Lienhart and Stransky 1981; Dibb et al. 1983; Clark 1988; Clark and Palmer 1991; Magoon and Baird 1992; Lutton and Erickson 1992; Stank and Knox 1992; Lienhart 1994, 2003; Latham 1998; Ertas and Topal 2006). The deterioration of the armourstones with time in the form of abrasion and disintegration may cause damage to the coastal engineering structures. Rubble mound breakwaters were constructed for Mersin and Kumkuyu harbours in Turkey in the past (Figs. 1, 2). The armourstones were obtained from Degirmencayi quarry for Mersin harbour, and from Tirtar quarry for Kumkuyu harbour (Fig. 3). The region is characterized by a typical Mediterranean climate having hot-dry summers, and mild-rainy winters with very high relative humidity. However, some of the stones used in these breakwaters show poor site performances. The purpose of this study is to determine which combinations of laboratory/field tests best predicted the quality and durability of the armourstones used in Mersin and Kumkuyu harbours through available durability assessment methods. For this purpose, several laboratory tests were conducted to determine the physical and B. Ertas T. Topal (&) Department of Geological Engineering, Middle East Technical University, 06531 Ankara, Turkey e-mail: [email protected] 123 Environ Geol (2008) 53:1235–1247 DOI 10.1007/s00254-007-0712-z

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    Quality and durability assessments of the armourstonesfor two rubble mound breakwaters (Mersin, Turkey)

    B. Ertas T. Topal

    Received: 7 January 2007 / Accepted: 1 March 2007 / Published online: 24 March 2007

    Springer-Verlag 2007

    Abstract Due to economic reasons, natural stones

    (armourstones) of various sizes and qualities are very fre-

    quently used for the constructions of the breakwaters to

    protect coastal engineering structures from wave actions.

    Deterioration of the armourstones with time in the form of

    abrasion and disintegration may end up with the damage of

    the structures. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the

    long-term performance and quality of the armourstones,

    which should be sound and durable. Mersin and Kumkuyu

    harbours were constructed using four different limestones

    obtained from two quarries. The limestones have different

    characters and site performances. In this study, the material

    and mass properties of the limestones taken from the

    quarries with known site performances as armourstones are

    investigated. The site performances and durability of the

    limestones are compared with the field measurements and

    laboratory works. Thus, the information obtained is used to

    assess long-term durability of the armourstones. The long-

    term performance of the Degirmencayi and Tirtar upper

    level limestones are observed to be good whereas it is ra-

    ther poor for the Tirtar middle and lower level limestones.

    Comparison between the predicted and observed durabili-

    ties of the armourstones indicated that CIRIA/CUR, RDId,

    RERS, and wet to dry strength ratio give better results

    based on their field performances. However, the prediction

    of the durability of the limestones is poor in case RDIs,

    average pore diameter, and saturation coefficient are used.

    Keywords Armourstone Breakwater Durability Mersin Quality Turkey


    Rubble mound breakwaters are important coastal defence

    structures for harbour and shore protection. Large quanti-

    ties of natural rocks with different sizes and shapes are

    commonly used as armourstone in the construction of the

    breakwaters (Mather 1985; Latham 1991; Poole 1991;

    Erickson 1993; Smith 1999; Topal and Acir 2004; Latham

    et al. 2006a, b). They may have variable properties because

    of their geological origins (Latham et al. 1990). Severe

    marine environmental conditions, particularly during

    storms, require suitable armourstone having certain phys-

    ical and mechanical properties, and durability characteris-

    tics (Fookes and Poole 1981; Lienhart and Stransky 1981;

    Dibb et al. 1983; Clark 1988; Clark and Palmer 1991;

    Magoon and Baird 1992; Lutton and Erickson 1992; Stank

    and Knox 1992; Lienhart 1994, 2003; Latham 1998; Ertas

    and Topal 2006). The deterioration of the armourstones

    with time in the form of abrasion and disintegration may

    cause damage to the coastal engineering structures.

    Rubble mound breakwaters were constructed for Mersin

    and Kumkuyu harbours in Turkey in the past (Figs. 1, 2).

    The armourstones were obtained from Degirmencayi

    quarry for Mersin harbour, and from Tirtar quarry for

    Kumkuyu harbour (Fig. 3). The region is characterized by

    a typical Mediterranean climate having hot-dry summers,

    and mild-rainy winters with very high relative humidity.

    However, some of the stones used in these breakwaters

    show poor site performances.

    The purpose of this study is to determine which

    combinations of laboratory/field tests best predicted the

    quality and durability of the armourstones used in Mersin

    and Kumkuyu harbours through available durability

    assessment methods. For this purpose, several laboratory

    tests were conducted to determine the physical and

    B. Ertas T. Topal (&)Department of Geological Engineering,

    Middle East Technical University, 06531 Ankara, Turkey

    e-mail: [email protected]


    Environ Geol (2008) 53:12351247

    DOI 10.1007/s00254-007-0712-z

  • mechanical properties of the armourstones, and to

    understand their behaviours under different environmen-

    tal conditions. The findings were then correlated with the

    field performances of the armourstones in order to assess

    their long-term durabilities.

    Geological setting

    In the Degirmencayi quarry (Fig. 3a), the rock is micritic

    fossiliferous limestone (Ozbek et al. 2003). It is beige,

    thick bedded to massive, moderately weathered near the

    Fig. 1 Armourstones used in a Mersin and b Kumkuyu harbours

    Fig. 2 Location map of thestudy area

    Fig. 3 A view from a the Degirmencayi and b the Tirtar quarries

    1236 Environ Geol (2008) 53:12351247


  • surface but slightly weathered below the surface. Under the

    microscope, locally clayey lenses or veins exist within the

    rock. Fossil fragments and intraclasts are embedded within

    calcareous matrix. The limestone also contains solution

    cavities near the surface (Ertas and Topal 2006). Based on

    the fossil content, the age of the limestone is indicated to be

    EarlyMiddle Miocene (Senol et al. 1998).

    In Tirtar quarry, there exist three limestone levels hav-

    ing different engineering properties (Ertas and Topal

    2006). They are named Tirtar upper level, middle level and

    lower level limestones in this study (Fig. 3b). Bilgin et al.

    (1994) indicated that the age of the limestone exposed in

    the quarry is Middle Miocene based on the fossil content.

    Upper level of the quarry is light brown, fine-grained, thick

    bedded, slightly weathered, microsparitic-sparitic fossilif-

    erous limestone containing oolite, pisolite and other fossil

    fragments. These fragments are embedded in sparitic cal-

    careous matrix. The limestone contains local solution

    cavities for the upper 12 m of the quarry. No dissolution

    effect can be observed below this level. The total thickness

    of the upper limestone level varies between 4 and 6 m. The

    middle level limestone is weaker than the upper level

    limestone. The middle level limestone is beige to light

    brown. This limestone is classified as biosparitic limestone.

    It contains nummulites within the calcareous matrix. In the

    limestone, there are microscale solutions cavities filled

    Table 1 Index properties of the Degirmencayi limestone

    Properties Standard used

    for testing


    of tests


    mean SDaTest results Saturated

    Mean SDa

    Unit weight (kN/m3) ISRM (1981) 180 23.71 2.00 24.65 1.80

    Effective porosity (%) ISRM (1981) 180 9.62 5.82

    Water absorption under atmospheric

    pressure-by weight (%)

    TS699 (1987) 180 3.31 2.40

    Water absorption under atmospheric

    pressure-by volume (%)

    TS699 (1987) 180 7.59 4.83

    Water absorption under pressure-by weight (%) ISRM (1981) 180 4.13 2.85

    Water absorption under pressure-by volume (%) ISRM (1981) 180 9.62 5.82

    Saturation coefficient TS699 (1987) 180 0.81 0.39

    Methylene blue adsorption value, MBA (g/100 g) AFNOR (1980) 2 0.30 0.05

    Cation exchange capacity, CECb (meq./100 g) AFNOR (1980) 2 0.68 0.11

    Wetdry loss (%) ASTM (1992) 6 0.57 0.16

    Freezethaw loss (%) CIRIA/CUR (1991) 6 1.25 0.66

    Magnesium sulphate soundness value (%) ASTM (1990) 6 4.56 1.61

    Sodium sulphate soundness value (%) ASTM (1990) 6 2.25 0.87

    Micro-deval value (%) TS EN1097-1 (2002) 2 19.60 0.25

    Mill abrasion resistance indexc, ks (%) CIRIA/CUR (1991) 2 0.0039 0.001

    Point load strength index, Is (50) (MPa) ISRM (1985) 8 1.86 0.92 1.43 0.57

    Fracture toughnessd (MPa.m1/2) Bearman (1999) 8 0.39 0.19 0.30 0.12

    Uniaxial compressive strength (MPa) ISRM (1981) 10 35.70 1.99 26.90 3.51

    Sonic velocitye (m/s) ISRM (1981) 180 4806.48 645.70 5219.69 689.14

    Schmidt rebound hardnessf ISRM (1981) 10 61.00 3.39 58.00 4.57

    Los Angeles abrasiong (%) ASTM (1989) 2 13.51 0.01 14.82 0.01

    Aggregate impact value (%) BSI (1990a) 2 16.79 1.75 18.25 0.10

    Aggregate crushing value (%) BSI (1990b) 2 18.11 0.65 19.62 0.51

    Modified aggregate impact value (%) BSI (1990a) 2 17.84 0.07

    10% fines value (kN) BSI (1990c) 1 255.52 222.14

    a Standard deviationb Determined from methylene blue adsorption testc Determined from micro-deval testd Determined from Is (50) using correlation factore Pundit-plus 500-kHz transducers are usedf L-Type Schmidt hammer is usedg Loss after 1,000 revolution

    Environ Geol (2008) 53:12351247 1237


  • with secondary calcite. It also includes fewer amounts of

    oolites. The cement in the limestone is formed by sparitic

    calcite. Although the lower level of the quarry also consists

    of limestone, it is the weakest level. It is light brown

    to beige, fine-grained, slightly weathered, biomicritic

    limestone with some fossil fragments. Oolite and pisolite

    contents at the lower level decrease in the quarry. This unit

    locally contains clayey matrix.

    Engineering geological properties of the limestones

    Evaluation of the engineering geological properties of the

    four limestones (Degirmencayi, Tirtar upper, middle, and

    lower levels) is based on the field observations and labora-

    tory tests. For the laboratory tests, 50 block samples from the

    Tirtar quarry and 30 block samples from the Degirmencayi

    quarry were taken. A number of cubic samples with

    5cm 5cm dimensions and crushed samples of suitable si-zes were prepared from those block samples. The laboratory

    tests included the determination of dry and saturated unit

    weights, effective porosity, water absorption, saturation

    coefficient, methylene blue adsorption, wet-dry loss, freeze

    thaw loss, magnesium sulphate soundness, micro-deval

    abrasion, Los Angeles abrasion value, slake durability index,

    point load strength index, fracture toughness, sonic velocity,

    dry and saturated uniaxial compressive strengths, aggregate

    impact value, aggregate crushing value and 10% fines value.

    Table 2 Index properties of the Tirtar upper level limestone

    Properties Standard used

    for testing


    of tests


    mean SDaTest results Saturated

    Mean SDa

    Unit weight (kN/m3) ISRM (1981) 155 25.90 1.17 26.38 1.04

    Effective porosity (%) ISRM (1981) 155 4.87 2.68

    Water absorption under atmospheric pressure-by

    weight (%)

    TS 699 (1987) 155 1.38 0.93

    Water absorption under atmospheric pressure-by

    volume (%)

    TS 699 (1987) 155 3.54 2.19

    Water absorption under pressure-by weight (%) ISRM (1981) 155 1.88 1.13

    Water absorption under pressure-by volume (%) ISRM (1981) 155 4.87 2.68

    Saturation coefficient TS 699 (1987) 155 0.73 0.14

    Methylene blue adsorption value, MBA (g/100 g) AFNOR (1980) 2 0.30 0.05

    Cation exchange capacity, CECb (meq./100 g) AFNOR (1980) 2 0.68 0.11

    Wetdry loss (%) ASTM (1992) 6 1.48 0.58

    Freezethaw loss (%) CIRIA/CUR (1991) 6 1.95 0.25

    Magnesium sulphate soundness value (%) ASTM (1990) 6 8.59 1.18

    Sodium sulphate soundness value (%) ASTM (1990) 6 5.06 4.46

    Micro-deval index, MDE (%) TS EN1097-1 (2002) 2 22.20 4.46

    Mill abrasion resistance indexc, ks (%) CIRIA/CUR (1991) 2 0.0045 0.02

    Point load strength index, Is (50) (MPa) ISRM (1985) 8 1.78 0.53 1.40 0.41

    Fracture toughnessd (MPa.m1/2) Bearman (1999) 8 0.37 0.34 0.29 0.16

    Uniaxial compressive strength (MPa) ISRM (1981) 10 32.80 2.94 25.25 3.79

    Sonic velocitye (m/s) ISRM (1981) 155 5113.10 614.89 5733.80 432.93

    Schmidt rebound hardnessf ISRM (1981) 10 52.00 1.63 48.00 3.23

    Los Angeles abrasiong (%) ASTM (1989) 2 16.20 0.36 16.70 1.13

    Aggregate impact value (%) BSI (1990a) 2 18.13 2.62 24.48 0.08

    Aggregate crushing value (%) BSI (1990b) 2 23.05 0.28 29.25 0.10

    Modified aggregate impact value (%) BSI (1990a) 2 21. 71 0.07

    10 % fines value (kN) BSI (1990c) 2 236.44 171.86

    a Standard deviationb Determined from methylene blue adsorption testc Determined from micro-deval testd Determined from Is (50) using correlation factore Pundit-plus 500-kHz transducers are usedf L-Type Schmidt hammer is usedg Loss after 1,000 revolution

    1238 Environ Geol (2008) 53:12351247


  • The strength related tests were performed in dry and satu-

    rated conditions. They were performed according to ISRM

    (1981), RILEM (1980), TS699 (1987) and TS EN1097-1

    (2002). The test results for the four limestones are given in

    Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4.

    The field studies involved the assessment of the rock

    mass properties. The scanline surveys were performed in

    accordance with Priest (1993). The dominant discontinuity

    sets are found using computer program called DIPS

    5.0 (1999). The description of rock material and mass

    characteristics is based on Anon (1977), BSI (1981) and

    ISRM (1981). The survey results are presented in Tables 5,

    6 and 7.

    Quality and durability evaluations of the armourstones

    Performance of armourstone in a breakwater is directly

    related to the long-term structural durability of the ar-

    mourstone used in coastal protection (Clark 1988). This

    long-term durability can be assessed through field obser-

    vations and experimental laboratory data (CIRIA/CUR

    1991; Smith 1999). In this study, quality evaluation of the

    limestones is done on the basis of CIRIA/CUR (1991)

    criteria, Rock Engineering Rating System (RERS) of

    Lienhart (1998), the rock durability index of Fookes et al.

    (1988), average pore diameter, saturation coefficient of

    Schaffer (1972), and wet-to-dry strength ratio of Winkler

    Table 3 Index properties of the Tirtar middle level limestone

    Properties Standard used

    for testing


    of tests


    mean SDaTest results Saturated

    mean SDa

    Unit weight (kN/m3) ISRM (1981) 40 21.74 1.02 23.03 0.71

    Effective porosity (%) ISRM (1981) 40 13.16 4.24

    Water absorption under atmospheric pressure-by

    weight (%)

    TS 699 (1987) 40 4.77 1.72

    Water absorption under atmospheric pressure-by

    volume (%)

    TS 699 (1987) 40 10.44 3.52

    Water absorption under pressure-by weight (%) ISRM (1981) 40 6.02 2.13

    Water absorption under pressure-by volume (%) ISRM (1981) 40 13.16 4.24

    Saturation coefficient TS 699 (1987) 40 0.78 0.13

    Methylene blue adsorption value, MBA (g/100 g) AFNOR (1980) 2 0.43 0.05

    Cation exchange capacity, CECb (meq./100 g) AFNOR (1980) 2 0.99 0.11

    Wetdry loss (%) ASTM (1992) 6 3.54 0.89

    Freezethaw loss (%) CIRIA/CUR (1991) 6 2.06 0.74

    Magnesium sulphate soundness value (%) ASTM (1990) 6 9.49 2.13

    Sodium sulphate soundness value (%) ASTM (1990) 6 5.29 0.20

    Micro-deval index, MDE (%) TS EN1097-1 (2002) 2 32.77 0.94

    Mill abrasion resistance indexc, ks (%) CIRIA/CUR (1991) 2 0.0079 0.003

    Point load strength index, Is (50) (MPa) ISRM (1985) 8 1.34 0.39 0.94 0.37

    Fracture toughnessd (MPa.m1/2) Bearman (1999) 8 0.28 0.08 0.20 0.08

    Uniaxial compressive strength (MPa) ISRM (1981) 10 21.70 4.30 14.60 3.90

    Sonic velocitye (m/s) ISRM (1981) 40 4303.50 277.18 4045.60 289.31

    Schmidt rebound hardnessf ISRM (1981) 10 49.00 2.49 47.00 3.12

    Los Angeles abrasiong (%) ASTM (1989) 2 17.92 0.16 18.13 0.16

    Aggregate impact value (%) BSI (1990a) 2 27.41 0.07 31.03 0.32

    Aggregate crushing value (%) BSI (1990b) 2 33.33 0.69 36.52 0.78

    Modified aggregate impact value (%) BSI (1990a) 2 29.94 0.52

    10 % fines value (kN) BSI (1990c) 1 169.20 123.09

    a Standard deviationb Determined from methylene blue adsorption testc Determined from micro-deval testd Determined from Is (50) using correlation factore Pundit-plus 500-kHz transducers are usedf L-Type Schmidt hammer is usedg Loss after 1,000 revolution

    Environ Geol (2008) 53:12351247 1239


  • (1986). The results obtained are compared with the field

    performances of the four armourstones.

    CIRIA/CUR (1991) classification is based on the

    laboratory and field tests of the armourstone. This system

    represents the outlines of the marginal values of rocks

    for different tests. The CIRIA/CUR (1991) classifications

    for the limestones are given in Tables 8, 9, 10 and 11.

    The strength-related parameters in the tables belong to

    saturated conditions, only. The CIRIA/CUR (1991)

    classification for the four limestones belonging to two

    quarries indicates that both the Degirmencayi and Tirtar

    upper level limestones are generally marginal to good in

    quality, whereas the Tirtar middle level limestone is poor

    to good and the Tirtar lower level limestone is poor to


    Lienhart (1998) suggests RERS consisting of various

    complex processes for the evaluation of quality of an

    armourstone. These processes consider inspection, pro-

    duction methods and testing steps with their related sub-

    factors. However, the entire process may be viewed as a

    combination of rock engineering matrices, in which the

    sum of all corresponded values is accepted as the overall

    rating. These are three main matrix groups (processes) that

    affect the quality of armourstones. They include geological

    processes (lithology, regional in-situ stress, weathering

    grade, discontinuity analysis and groundwater conditions),

    Table 4 Index properties of the Tirtar lower level limestone

    Properties Standard used

    for testing


    of tests


    mean SDaTest results Saturated

    mean SDa

    Unit weight (kN/m3) ISRM (1981) 110 22.64 1.52 24.07 1.24

    Effective porosity (%) ISRM (1981) 110 14.54 5.74

    Water absorption under atmospheric pressure-by

    weight (%)

    TS 699 (1987) 110 5.58 2.75

    Water absorption under atmospheric pressure-by

    volume (%)

    TS 699 (1987) 110 12.38 5.30

    Water absorption under pressure-by weight (%) ISRM (1981) 110 6.43 2.84

    Water absorption under pressure-by volume (%) ISRM (1981) 110 14.54 5.74

    Saturation coefficient TS 699 (1987) 110 0.95 1.18

    Methylene blue adsorption value, MBA (g/100 g) AFNOR (1980) 2 0.71 0.22

    Cation exchange capacity, CECb (meq./100 g) AFNOR (1980) 2 1.61 0.52

    Wetdry loss (%) ASTM (1992) 6 5.14 0.90

    Freezethaw loss (%) CIRIA/CUR (1991) 6 11.60 1.34

    Magnesium sulphate soundness value (%) ASTM (1990) 6 23.14 7.88

    Sodium sulphate soundness value (%) ASTM (1990) 6 15.23 5.11

    Micro-deval index, MDE (%) TS EN1097-1 (2002) 2 57.07 0.36

    Mill abrasion resistance indexc, ks (%) CIRIA/CUR (1991) 2 0.00152 0.0012

    Point load strength index, Is (50) (MPa) ISRM (1985) 8 0.94 0.28 0.65 0.15

    Fracture toughnessd (MPa.m1/2) Bearman (1999) 8 0.20 0.07 0.14 0.02

    Uniaxial compressive strength (MPa) ISRM (1981) 10 14.70 2.97 9.20 1.39

    Sonic velocitye (m/s) ISRM (1981) 110 3868.90 674.38 4287.40 655.45

    Schmidt rebound hardnessf ISRM (1981) 10 43.00 2.86 41.00 2.94

    Los Angeles abrasiong (%) ASTM (1989) 2 27.77 0.01 30.96 0.01

    Aggregate impact value (%) BSI (1990a) 2 33.26 1.44 39.37 2.07

    Aggregate crushing value (%) BSI (1990b) 2 37.15 1.97 47.21 5.24

    Modified aggregate impact value (%) BSI (1990a) 2 36.73 0.02

    10% fines value (kN) BSI (1990c) 1 151.57 96.19

    a Standard deviationb Determined from methylene blue adsorption testc Determined from micro-deval testd Determined from Is (50) using correlation factore Pundit-plus 500-kHz transducers are usedf L-Type Schmidt hammer is usedg Loss after 1,000 revolution

    1240 Environ Geol (2008) 53:12351247


  • production/construction processes (production method,

    rock quality, set-aside time and block integrity), in-service

    processes (petrography, sonic velocity, point load strength,

    Schmidt impact resistance, Los Angeles abrasion, specific

    gravity, water absorption, adsorption/absorption, magne-

    sium sulphate soundness, freezethaw loss and wetdry

    loss). A typical overall rating using RERS for the Degir-

    mencayi limestone is presented in Table 12. Based on the

    RERS of Lienhart (1998), the overall rating of the Degir-

    mencayi limestone is 3.19 (good), the Tirtar upper level

    limestone 3.20 (good), the Tirtar middle level limestone

    2.71 (marginal) and the Tirtar lower level limestone 2.48

    (marginal), respectively.

    The factors affecting the rock durability in marine

    environments are mainly originated by the physical struc-

    ture of the armourstone (Dibb et al. 1983). The rock

    durability index of Fookes et al. (1988) is one of the most

    commonly used approaches for analysing the performance

    of geomaterials to be used in a coastal structure. The index

    can be applied for static and dynamic conditions that are

    valid for breakwaters. The static rock durability index

    (RDIs) is better suited to underlayer and core of the

    breakwater, whereas the dynamic rock durability index

    (RDId) is applied for armour layer of the breakwater

    (Fookes et al. 1988). RDIs is expressed as follows:

    RDIs = Is50 0.1(SST + 5 Wab)qssd

    Table 5 Properties of the discontinuities in the Degirmencayi lime-stone



    Bedding plane Joint 1

    Orientation 005/5 130/68

    Spacing 60 cm2 m


    210 m

    (very wide to

    extremely wide)

    Persistence >20 m

    (Very high)

    1020 m (High)

    Aperture 0.10.25 mm


    0.10.25 mm


    Roughness Rough planar

    Wall Strength Strong

    Weathering Slightly weathered

    Infilling Clay

    Seepage None

    Number of sets 2

    Block size (Max),

    (Min), (V80)a


    Volumetric joint

    count (Jv) (joints/m3)

    Not applicable due to two

    discontinuity sets

    Block shape Not applicable due to two

    discontinuity sets

    a Assessed

    Table 6 Properties of the discontinuities in the Tirtar upper levellimestone





    Joint 1 Joint 2

    Orientation 225/10 190/36 085/80

    Spacing 60 cm2 m


    26 m (very


    20 cm2 m


    to wide)

    Persistence >20 m (Very


    1020 m (High) 310 m


    Aperture 0.13 mm


    0.13 mm


    0.13 mm


    Roughness Rough






    Wall strength Strong

    Weathering Slightly to moderately to weathered

    Infilling Clay

    Seepage None

    Number of sets 3

    Block size (Max),

    (Min), (V80)*


    Volumetric joint


    (Jv) (joints/m3)

    0.7 (very large blocks)

    Block shape Blocky

    a Assessed

    Table 7 Properties of the discontinuities in the Tirtar middle andlower level limestones





    Joint 1

    Orientation 228/8 083/85

    Spacing 20 cm2 m


    to wide)

    60 cm2 m


    Persistence 1020 m (High) 13 m (Low)

    Aperture 1 m

    (Extremely wide

    to cavernous)

    Roughness Rough planar

    Wall strength Medium strong

    Weathering Slightly to moderately weathered

    Infilling Clay

    Seepage None

    Number of sets 2

    Block size (Max),

    (Min), (V80)a


    Volumetric joint count

    (Jv) (joints/m3)

    Not applicable due to two

    discontinuity sets

    Block shape Not applicable due to two

    discontinuity sets

    a Assessed

    Environ Geol (2008) 53:12351247 1241


  • Table 8 Quality evaluation system of the Degirmencayi limestone by CIRIA/CUR (1991)

    Properties CIRIA/CUR Criteria Degirmencayi

    limestoneExcellent Good Marginal Poor

    Dry density (t/m3) 2.9 2.62.9 2.32.6 2.3 2.42Water absorption (%) 0.5 0.52.0 2.06.0 6.0 3.31Magnesium sulphate soundness (%) 2 212 1230 30 4.56Freezethaw (%) 0.1 0.10.5 0.52.0 2.0 1.25Methylene blue absorption (g/100 g) 0.4 0.40.7 0.71.0 1.0 0.30Fracture toughnessa (MPa.m1/2) 2.2 1.42.2 0.81.4 0.8 0.33Point load strength index (MPa) 8.0 4.08.0 1.54.0 1.5 1.56Saturated dynamic crushing value (%) 12.0 1220 2030 30 19.62Mill abrasion resistanceb, ks (%) 0.002 0.0020.004 0.0040.015 0.015 0.0039Block integrity drop test, Id (%) 2 25 515 15 25a Assessed from point load strength index testb Assessed from micro-deval test

    Table 9 Quality evaluation system of the Tirtar upper level limestone by CIRIA/CUR (1991)

    Properties CIRIA/CUR criteria Tirtar upper level

    limestoneExcellent Good Marginal Poor

    Dry density (t/m3) 2.9 2.62.9 2.32.6 2.3 2.64Water absorption (%) 0.5 0.52.0 2.06.0 6.0 3.54Magnesium sulphate soundness (%) 2 212 1230 30 8.59Freezethaw (%) 0.1 0.10.5 0.52.0 2.0 1.50Methylene blue absorption (g/100 g) 0.4 0.40.7 0.71.0 1.0 0.30Fracture toughnessa (MPa.m1/2) 2.2 1.42.2 0.81.4 0.8 0.32Point load strength index (MPa) 8.0 4.08.0 1.54.0 1.5 1.52Saturated dynamic crushing value (%) 12.0 1220 2030 30 29.25Mill abrasion resistanceb, ks (%) 0.002 0.0020.004 0.0040.015 0.015 0.0045Block integrity drop test, Id (%) 2 25 515 15 25a Assessed from point load strength index testb Assessed from micro-deval test

    Table 10 Quality evaluationsystem of the Tirtar middle level

    limestone by CIRIA/CUR


    a Assessed from point load

    strength index testb Assessed from micro-deval


    Properties CIRIA/CUR criteria Tirtar middle

    level limestoneExcellent Good Marginal Poor

    Dry density (t/m3) 2.9 2.62.9 2.32.6 2.3 2.22Water absorption (%) 0.5 0.52.0 2.06.0 6.0 4.77Magnesium sulphate soundness (%) 2 212 1230 30 9.49Freezethaw (%) 0.1 0.10.5 0.52.0 2.0 1.95Methylene blue absorption (g/100 g) 0.4 0.40.7 0.71.0 1.0 0.43Fracture toughnessa (MPa.m1/2) 2.2 1.42.2 0.81.4 0.8 0.20Point load strength index (MPa) 8.0 4.08.0 1.54.0 1.5 0.95Saturated dynamic crushing value (%) 12.0 1220 2030 30 36.52Mill abrasion resistanceb, ks (%) 0.002 0.0020.004 0.0040.015 0.015 0.0079Block integrity drop test, Id (%) 2 25 515 15 515

    1242 Environ Geol (2008) 53:12351247


  • where, Is(50) = Average of dry and saturated point load

    strength index (ISRM 1985) SST = Magnesium sulphate

    soundness at 5th cycle (Hosking and Tubey 1969)

    Wab = Water absorption at atmospheric pressure (BSI

    1975; TS699 1987) qssd = Saturated surface dry relativedensity (BSI 1975; ISRM 1981).

    A tentative estimation of the potential durabilities of

    rocks based on the static rock quality index is given in

    Table 13. The calculated RDIs values of the Degirmencayi,

    Tirtar upper level, Tirtar middle level and Tirtar lower

    level limestones are 3.63 (poor), 2.56 (Marginal), 6.69

    (Poor), 11.69 (Poor), respectively.

    RDId is expressed as follows:

    RDId 0:1MAIV 5Wab=qssd

    where, MAIV = Modified aggregate impact value (Hosking

    and Tubey 1969), Wab = Water absorption at atmospheric

    pressure (BSI 1975; TS699 1987), qssd = Saturated surfacedry relative density (BSI 1975; ISRM 1981).

    A tentative estimation of the potential durability of

    rocks based on the dynamic rock quality index is given

    in Table 14. The calculated RDId values of the Degir-

    mencayi, Tirtar upper level, Tirtar middle level and

    Table 11 Quality evaluationsystem of the Tirtar lower level

    limestone by CIRIA/CUR


    a Assessed from point load

    strength index testb Assessed from micro-deval


    Properties CIRIA/CUR criteria Tirtar lower

    level limestoneExcellent Good Marginal Poor

    Dry density (t/m3) 2.9 2.62.9 2.32.6 2.3 2.31Water absorption (%) 0.5 0.52.0 2.06.0 6.0 5.58Magnesium sulphate soundness (%) 2 212 1230 30 23.14Freezethaw (%) 0.1 0.10.5 0.52.0 2.0 11.51Methylene blue absorption (g/100 g) 0.4 0.40.7 0.71.0 1.0 0.71Fracture toughnessa (MPa.m1/2) 2.2 1.42.2 0.81.4 0.8 0.14Point load strength index (MPa) 8.0 4.08.0 1.54.0 1.5 0.65Saturated dynamic crushing value (%) 12.0 1220 2030 30 47.21Mill abrasion resistanceb, ks (%) 0.002 0.0020.004 0.0040.015 0.015 0.00152Block integrity drop test, Id (%) 2 25 515 15 515

    Table 12 RERS assessment of the Degirmencayi limestone

    Criteria Quality rating Rating value Cause-effect rating Index

    (d/dmean)Weighted rating

    (c x e)Excellen = 4 Good = 3 Marginal = 2 Poor = 1

    Lithological classification 3 11.31 0.74 2.22Regional in situ stress 4 14.14 0.93 3.72Weathering grade 3 14.14 0.93 2.79Discontinuity analysis 4 18.38 1.20 4.8Groundwater conditions 4 14.14 0.93 3.72Production method 3 15.56 1.02 3.06Rock quality 3 15.56 1.02 3.06Set-aside 3 13.43 0.88 2.64Block integrity 3 15.56 1.02 3.06Petrographic evaluation 4 18.38 1.20 4.8Sonic velocity 3 16.97 1.11 3.60Point load strength 3Schmidt impact resistance 3LA abrasion 4Specific gravity 1 15.56 1.02 1.69Water Absorption 1Adsorption/absorption 3MgSO4 3 15.56 1.02 2.37Freezethaw loss 2 Mean = 15.28Wetdry loss 2 Overall rating = 3.19

    Environ Geol (2008) 53:12351247 1243


  • Tirtar lower level limestones are 1.37 (Good), 1.06

    (Good), 2.28 (Marginal), 2.63 (Marginal), respectively.

    Average pore diameter is also considered to be an

    important parameter for the freezethaw durability of

    stones (Larsen and Cady 1969). They stated that the critical

    pore size is 5 lm below which pore water cannot bedrained out of the stone. Therefore, stones having average

    pore size less than 5 lm are susceptile to frost damage. Theaverage pore diameters of the Degirmancayi and the Tirtar

    limestones are obtained from the intrusion data of the

    mercury porosimeter. They are 0.10 lm for the Degir-mencayi, 0.02 lm for the Tirtar upper level, 0.13 lm forthe Tirtar middle level and 0.12 lm for the Tirtar lowerlevel limestones. These results are showed that all samples

    are susceptile to frost damage.

    Saturation coefficient (S) of a stone is the ratio between

    the natural capacity of a stone to absorb water after com-

    plete immersion under atmospheric pressure for a definite

    time, and its total volume of the pores that is accessible to

    water. A stone with very high saturation coefficient may be

    deteriorated by freezethaw activity (RILEM 1980).

    Therefore, this value will be helpful to evaluate the dura-

    bility of the stone in freezethaw situation. The value of

    saturation coefficient can mostly vary between 0.4 and 0.95

    (BRE 1983). A saturation coefficient greater than 0.8,

    indicates low durability susceptible to frost activity

    (Schaffer 1972 and TS2513 1977). However, many stones

    have saturation coefficient in the range of 0.660.77. In this

    range, the saturation coefficient gives an unreliable guide

    (Anon 1975 and BRE 1983). The saturation coefficient of

    the Degirmencayi limestone is 0.82. This value indicates

    that the Degirmencayi limestone has a low durability

    (susceptible to frost activity). The saturation coefficient of

    the Tirtar upper level limestone is 0.73. This value indi-

    cates that the Tirtar upper level limestone has a high

    durability (resistant to frost activity). The saturation coef-

    ficient of the Tirtar middle limestone is 0.78, which is al-

    most in the unreliable range and also in or near to frost

    susceptibility boundary. The saturation coefficient of the

    Tirtar lower level limestone is 0.95 which indicates a low

    durability (susceptible to frost activity). Therefore, by a

    Table 13 Tentative static durability estimation of rocks (Fookeset al. 1988)

    RDIs value Durability class

    2.5 Excellent2.5 to (1) Good

    (1) to (3) Marginal

  • conservative approach, except the Tirtar upper level lime-

    stone, the other limestones may be considered to be frost

    susceptible based on the saturation coefficient.

    Swelling and non-swelling clay in stone tends to attract

    water when exposed to moisture. The strength of the stone

    can be reduced significantly due to the presence of mois-

    ture. Winkler (1986, 1993) suggested that the wet-to-dry

    strength ratio based on the modulus of rupture or the uni-

    axial compressive strength or the tensile strength is a good

    and rapid method of testing the durability of a stone in use

    as a durability index. In this study, the durability indexes of

    the Degirmancayi and the Tirtar limestones are evaluated

    based on the saturated and dry uniaxial compressive

    strength of the rocks (Fig. 4). The wet-to-dry strength ratio

    of the Degirmancayi, Tirtar upper level, Tirtar middle level

    and Tirtar lower level limestones are 75, 76, 67 and 62,

    respectively. This reveals that the Degirmencayi and Tirtar

    upper level limestones have very good to good durability,

    but the Tirtar middle level limestone has good durability

    and the Tirtar lower level limestone poor durability.

    A summary table related to the durability assessments of

    the armourstones is presented in Table 15. As can be seen

    from the table, different durability assessment methods

    give different results. However, the field observations by

    checking the performances of the armourstones in both

    harbours indicate that the Degirmancayi and Tirtar upper

    level limestones showed rather good performances

    (Figs. 5, 6). On the other hand, the Tirtar middle and lower

    level limestones were readily disintegrated (Fig. 7) after a

    few months. For this reason, they are not used anymore.

    Therefore, they have poor performances.

    The comparison between varies laboratory-based dura-

    bility and field performances reveal that CIRIA/CUR,

    RDId, RERS, and wet to dry strength ratio predict the

    armourstone durability better than RDIs, average pore

    diameter and saturation coefficient. No significant further

    deterioration is expected for the Degirmancayi and Tirtar

    upper level limestones in the breakwaters. However, the

    Tirtar middle and lower level armourstones with poor field

    and laboratory performances should not be used for the

    protection of any marine structures.

    Based on the outcomes of this study, it can be stated that

    if a new quarry is to be opened containing a variety of

    limestones, then the CIRIA/CUR, RDId, RERS, and wet to

    dry strength ratio methods should be used to select which

    rock type to use for armourstone, because these tests have

    been shown to be the best predictors of durability. On the

    other hand, the RDIs, average pore diameter and saturation

    coefficient methods should not be used since they are not

    good predictors.

    Conclusions and recommendations

    Systematic tests were performed in this study to assess the

    quality and durability of the four limestones used as

    armourstones in Mersin and Kumkuyu harbours, and the

    Fig. 5 The Degirmencayi limestone blocks after 2 years of service inthe Mersin harbour

    Fig. 6 A close-up view of the Tirtar upper level limestone used inKumkuyu harbour

    Fig. 7 Tirtar middle and lower level limestones after a few months ofservice in Kumkuyu harbour

    Environ Geol (2008) 53:12351247 1245


  • field and laboratory performances of the rocks were

    compared. The Degirmancayi and Tirtar upper level

    limestones showed good performances whereas the Tirtar

    middle and lower level limestones presented rather poor

    performances. Among the durability assessment methods,

    CIRIA/CUR, RDId, RERS, and wet to dry strength ratio

    give better results if compared with their field perfor-

    mances. However, RDIs, average pore diameter, and sat-

    uration coefficient yield poor performances. Further

    systematic studies on other rock types with known site

    performances are expected to provide valuable data which

    may be used to test and improve the available quality and

    durability assessment methods.

    Acknowledgments This study is financially supported byTUB_ITAK Project (104Y178). The authors gratefully acknowledgeMuge Akin for her valuable support during field and laboratory

    studies. The authors would also like to express their thanks to the

    anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments and sugges-

    tions on the manuscript.


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