envidea 2011 asp case study

Declaration: The numbers in this case are hypothetical. FRANCHISE: Advanced Sterilization Products (ASP) PRODUCT: Mid range aerial decontamination solution CASE STUDY: New Product development to address the gap in the aerial decontamination space along with a Go-to-market strategy It was Monday morning, and Sukanya was scrolling through one of the numerous reports she had read recently. The articles talked about Hospital acquired infection and how apart from the more known needle stick and surgical site infections, hospital environment infections were on the rise. Being in the field had taught her that this was an arena left largely unaddressed by some of the major corporate hospitals. Given the lack of quantitative metrics to measure its impact on care and prevention of infection, Sukanya was doubtful this issue would ever get the importance it deserved. Sukanya was an enthusiastic and smart woman. After graduating from one of the top business schools in the US she had joined Johnson and Johnson 5 years ago. During this time she led diverse teams across 2 medical franchises. In January 2011, she had moved to head India marketing for ASP, Johnson and Johnson Medical India’s smallest but fastest growing franchise. She was transferred here from Irvine, where ASP’s headquarters were located. Thinking back, she remembered the importance given to healthcare aerial infections there. In fact, Sukanya had moved while the Global Marketing team was in the middle of launching Glosair a completely automated Aerial Decontamination Solution. On moving to India, her first reaction was to introduce Glosair here as well. But a closer look at the market dynamics and market maturation data revealed that this was a long way off. While J&J India had a clinically tested product in this space called Ecoshield, the common practice even in large corporate hospitals was to use hazardous low cost, local formulations like Chlorine, Formaldehyde and Peracetic Acid which were not backed by strong clinical evidence. Ecoshield has 2 applications surface disinfection & aerial decontamination. For aerial decontamination, the delivery mechanism is through wet mist fogging using a fogger. The fogger is licensed from a local Indian company and is called the Micromist G. While Micromist G is meant for exclusive use by J&J India, the local company has other similar products that they sell at lower prices in the marketplace. Although not subjected to many stringent tests, these alternate foggers also have a good demand in the market as the manufacturer is endorsed by J&J for the Micromist G already. In addition, there are some more local companies who provide foggers. Sukanya had observed that these local companies were slowly earning share from J&J in the category. While this potential loss of market share kept her awake at night, Sukanya was also excited that here existed a clear opportunity. From a portfolio perspective it was important to capture the large segment lying between Ecoshield & Glosair. The need of the hour was an effective economic solution that is perceived as innovative, and can hence capture this market. But before building a case he knew that she would need very strong market information to support this venture. She would need to undertake a comprehensive new product development exercise to include market development and market

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Page 1: Envidea 2011 ASP Case Study

Declaration: The numbers in this case are hypothetical.

FRANCHISE: Advanced Sterilization Products (ASP)

PRODUCT: Mid range aerial decontamination solution

CASE STUDY: New Product development to address the gap in the aerial decontamination space along

with a Go-to-market strategy

It was Monday morning, and Sukanya was scrolling through one of the numerous reports she had read

recently. The articles talked about Hospital acquired infection and how apart from the more known

needle stick and surgical site infections, hospital environment infections were on the rise. Being in the

field had taught her that this was an arena left largely unaddressed by some of the major corporate

hospitals. Given the lack of quantitative metrics to measure its impact on care and prevention of

infection, Sukanya was doubtful this issue would ever get the importance it deserved.

Sukanya was an enthusiastic and smart woman. After graduating from one of the top business schools in

the US she had joined Johnson and Johnson 5 years ago. During this time she led diverse teams across 2

medical franchises. In January 2011, she had moved to head India marketing for ASP, Johnson and

Johnson Medical India’s smallest but fastest growing franchise. She was transferred here from Irvine,

where ASP’s headquarters were located.

Thinking back, she remembered the importance given to healthcare aerial infections there. In fact,

Sukanya had moved while the Global Marketing team was in the middle of launching Glosair – a

completely automated Aerial Decontamination Solution. On moving to India, her first reaction was to

introduce Glosair here as well. But a closer look at the market dynamics and market maturation data

revealed that this was a long way off. While J&J India had a clinically tested product in this space called

Ecoshield, the common practice even in large corporate hospitals was to use hazardous low cost, local

formulations like Chlorine, Formaldehyde and Peracetic Acid which were not backed by strong clinical


Ecoshield has 2 applications – surface disinfection & aerial decontamination. For aerial decontamination,

the delivery mechanism is through wet mist fogging using a fogger. The fogger is licensed from a local

Indian company and is called the Micromist G. While Micromist G is meant for exclusive use by J&J India,

the local company has other similar products that they sell at lower prices in the marketplace. Although

not subjected to many stringent tests, these alternate foggers also have a good demand in the market as

the manufacturer is endorsed by J&J for the Micromist G already. In addition, there are some more local

companies who provide foggers. Sukanya had observed that these local companies were slowly earning

share from J&J in the category.

While this potential loss of market share kept her awake at night, Sukanya was also excited that here

existed a clear opportunity. From a portfolio perspective it was important to capture the large segment

lying between Ecoshield & Glosair. The need of the hour was an effective economic solution that is

perceived as innovative, and can hence capture this market. But before building a case he knew that she

would need very strong market information to support this venture. She would need to undertake a

comprehensive new product development exercise to include market development and market

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Declaration: The numbers in this case are hypothetical.

strategy, pricing, regulatory, operational, compliance, distribution model, sales as well as recruitment

and training.

To make this project successful, it was also important to give an enthusiastic person ownership of it.

Fortunately, Sukanya had someone in mind. Shalini, a new member of the marketing team had some

experience in the healthcare space and was a self driven person who would deliver on her commitment.

Together, Sukanya & Shalini deliberated on what the next big thing for ASP’s Aerial Decontamination

Solution should be, and how to increase the importance of this untapped, yet crucial element in

breaking the chain of infection.

Category Information


Launched by J&J in India 8 years ago, Ecoshield is a multicomponent disinfectant. The oxidising agent

used is hydrogen peroxide, which is bonded with stabilizing agents to form a complex solution. A long-

lasting effect is ensured by the addition of silver which acts as a catalyst in trace amounts. The

bactericidal effect of silver is based on the fact that the monovalent silver ion binds very firmly to

bacterial proteins by a covalent or coordinate bond, and thus inactivates or precipitates these.

Its effectiveness against bacteria, viruses, amoebae, fungi and algae; i.e. its extremely wide range of

application makes it easy to handle for the end user; hence only one product is needed, where so far

multiple products were necessary.

Owing to the good stability of the product, a long storage time can be guaranteed. The product also

remains stable at high water/air temperatures.

Some of the benefits of Ecoshield include:

Proven efficacy of H2O2 and Silver ions

Not only kills pathogens but reduces carriers too

Measured lethal dose released – 2 ppm of Ecoshield is sufficient for disinfection while 4 ppm is actually released. In case of Formaldehyde measured dosage is not available, hence, it is unknown whether effective disinfection has occurred or not.

Carcinogenicity and Mutagenicity of Formaldehyde is well documented, while Ecoshield is extremely safe, its bi-products are oxygen and water vapor. In case of use of Ecoshield no toxic residue remains.

Rapid turnaround – Just an hour and a half is the down time of the Operation Theatre (OT) with the use of Ecoshield against 24 hours closure by using formaldehyde. It is also possible to disinfect the OT in between infected patients.

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Declaration: The numbers in this case are hypothetical.

Glosair Designed for large and small spaces, particularly hospitals and healthcare facilities, ASP GLOSAIR™ Healthcare Environmental Decontamination Solutions provide a balance of safety, efficacy and convenience.

Safe for patients, equipment and the environment when used as directed

Low concentration of 5% hydrogen peroxide solution reduces microbial load without leaving toxic residues

Augments the current manual cleaning process

Disinfects with a uniform dry mist of 5% H2O2 solution that is effective in eliminating HAI pathogens

Portable unit for mobility across facility

Market Information

The aerial decontamination market in India is largely unorganized. The absence of standards and

protocols around aerial decontamination, also leads to a scenario where hospitals follow their own

norms and establish their own guidelines and practices for Surface Disinfection and Fumigation. Further

the scope of Aerial Decontamination is primarily restricted to the Critical Care Areas viz. Intensive Care

Units (ICUs) and Operation Theatres (OTs).

Currently the market is occupied by local players like Fogstar, Kelron and Radiant amongst others. All of

them make entry level foggers that are used for wet mist fogging. None of these foggers possess any

unique specification on the disinfectant to be used. Hence in addition to Ecoshield, hospitals also use

disinfectants like Bacillocid, Virkon and Saniocid. Like Ecoshield, these products can be used for Surface

Disinfection as well as Fumigation.

Recently there have also been multinationals who are seriously considering the Area Decontamination

space in India. One such company is Sanosil AG. The company has products for Surface disinfection,

Water disinfection and Aerosol Disinfection. ASP already works with Sanosil to procure ingredients for

their product Ecoshield. Synergies could be explored for other products in the category as well.

Some other interesting applications in this space that could be explored are air-conditioning systems

that decontaminate UV lights etc.

Channel Information

While the current channel is distributor led, there are other models for area decontamination practiced

in other markets. One such model is a liaison with a third party vendor who undertakes reprocessing/

decontamination jobs across hospitals.

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Declaration: The numbers in this case are hypothetical.

Customer information

According to the latest scientific research, environmental contamination plays an important role in the

transmission of many superbugs that cause infections. Research indicates some microorganisms, such as

methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pseudomonas) and E.

coli are tougher to eliminate than others and can continue to persist on environmental surfaces after

standard cleaning and disinfection practices.

Healthcare facilities can reduce the number of these pathogens in the hospital environment by

introducing enhanced, deep cleaning and disinfection protocols to current practices. Studies show

hydrogen peroxide vapor decontamination devices, such as GLOSAIR™ Systems, are effective at reducing

surface contamination by these pathogens and may be associated with a reduction in infection


“With HAIs increasing at a significant rate, hospitals need an innovative solution to help reduce the

patient and financial impact associated with these life-threatening infections,” said Bernard Zovighian,

Worldwide President of ASP. “ASP specifically developed GLOSAIR™ for the healthcare environment to

deliver thorough environmental disinfection in a way that is safe for patients, healthcare staff and the

medical equipment they both depend upon while enabling hospitals to differentiate themselves by

offering an optimal patient experience. ”

Key Stakeholders

The key decision makers are the Microbiologist (who is responsible for infection prevention), the

Intensivist (ICU Head) and the OT in Charge. Therefore the main target area in the hospital is the Critical

Care Area (OT+ICU).

As there is no clinical evidence on the level of microbial kill required in an area decontamination

solution, typically the microbiologist would request a demo of the product and take cultures to test the


Any new offering would have to be at least equal to the efficacy of Ecoshield. Some of the drawbacks of

Ecoshield / Micromist are that since it requires a lot of manual intervention/ handling, the exposure to

hazardous chemicals could pose a concern. The other challenge with currently available options is that

the entire room needs to be evacuated prior to fogging. This limits the application to the OT & in some

cases the ICUs.

Glosair is an offering that is at the other end of the spectrum entirely. It is manufactured in France and

for ASP global it is their first foray into the Aerial Decontamination space. However in India, we

anticipate a challenge with market acceptance, as their framing is currently pegged at a Micromist level.

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Declaration: The numbers in this case are hypothetical.

Distribution model

With Ecoshield, the supply chain works on volumes. Hence availability and response time is critical, as

switching costs for hospitals are very high. It has been observed that the Micromist G is also used with

other local decontamination solutions companies and this being a non scoped and regular use product,

the supply has to be streamlined.

The delivery model is a distributor led model currently where the distributor gets a commission for

buying from the company, stocking and selling to the surgeon/hospital. That’s the model most

franchises in India follow. However the US does have a direct distribution model which seems to be

working well.


Looking at Glosair, Sukanya knew that introducing a high end product in a price conscious market like

India would be challenging. All the major international companies are present in India, but their

presence is largely distributor driven. This unorganized competition is largely trade and pricing driven.

On the other hand, customers needed to be upgraded from Ecoshield.

She also needed to consider that in a market like India which is very price sensitive - Is higher price

perceived as higher quality or does high price push the customer away. Is there a way to sustain high

price by looking at creating a strong brand differentiation?

The Way Forward

Sukanya realized the need to make a detailed marketing plan of an aerial decontamination solution over

the next 2 – 3 years. For this, she needed clarity on the following:

1) What is the current market size for aerial decontamination in India and at what rate is it

expected to grow in the next 3 years?

2) What is the value proposition that the customer (Microbiologist/ Intensivist/ OT In Charge) is

looking for? How can ASP address this to enhance their portfolio?

3) What would be a market appropriate solution to capture this segment?

4) Suggest a go-to-market strategy for the above solution. The Marketing Plan should cover the

4Ps and include resourcing & budgets required for implementation.

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Declaration: The numbers in this case are hypothetical.

Annexure I

ASP- Advanced Sterilization Products

ASP is committed to protecting lives against infection. It strives to create the safest possible

environments for patients and their families, health care workers, providers and communities.

Operating on three broad platforms – Low Temperature Sterilization, Hand & Skin Hygiene and High-

Level Disinfection, it has leading brands such as STERRAD®, MICROSHIELD® and CIDEX® in its portfolio.

Through integrated solutions using innovative technologies, it is engaged in dramatically reducing the

human and financial costs of nosocomial (health care-associated) infections.

ASP – Organisation Structure


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Declaration: The numbers in this case are hypothetical.

Annexure II

Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities

Recommendations of CDC and the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee


I. Cleaning and Disinfecting Strategies for Environmental Surfaces in Patient-Care Areas

A. Select EPA-registered disinfectants, if available, and use them in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions (270--272). Category IC (EPA: 7 United States Code [USC]

B. Do not use high-level disinfectants/liquid chemical sterilants for disinfection of either noncritical instruments and devices or any environmental surfaces; such use is counter to label instructions for these toxic chemicals (273--278). Category IC (Food and Drug Administration [FDA]:

C. Follow manufacturers' instructions for cleaning and maintaining noncritical medical equipment. Category II

D. In the absence of a manufacturer's cleaning instructions, follow certain procedures. 1. Clean noncritical medical equipment surfaces with a detergent/disinfectant. This may be followed by an application of an EPA-registered hospital disinfectant with or without a tuberculocidal claim (depending on the nature of the surface and the degree of contamination), in accordance with germicide label instructions (274). Category II 2. Do not use alcohol to disinfect large environmental surfaces (273). Category II 3. Use barrier protective coverings as appropriate for noncritical surfaces that are 1) touched frequently with gloved hands during the delivery of patient care; 2) likely to become contaminated with blood or body substances; or 3) difficult to clean (e.g., computer keyboards) Category II

E. Keep housekeeping surfaces (e.g., floors, walls, tabletops) visibly clean on a regular basis and clean up spills promptly (279). Category II 1. Use a one-step process and an EPA-registered hospital detergent/disinfectant designed for general housekeeping purposes in patient-care areas where 1) uncertainty exists as to the nature of the soil on the surfaces (e.g., blood or body fluid contamination versus routine dust or dirt); or 2) uncertainty exists regarding the presence of multidrug resistant organisums on such surfaces (272,274,280,281). Category II 2. Detergent and water are adequate for cleaning surfaces in nonpatient-care areas (e.g., administrative offices). Category II 3. Clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces (e.g., doorknobs, bed rails, light switches, and surfaces in and around toilets in patients' rooms) on a more frequent schedule than minimal- touch housekeeping surfaces. Category II 4. Clean walls, blinds, and window curtains in patient-care areas when they are visibly dusty or soiled (270,282--284). Category II

F. Do not perform disinfectant fogging in patient-care areas (270,285). Category IB G. Avoid large-surface cleaning methods that produce mists or aerosols, or disperse dust in

patient-care areas (37,48,51,73). Category IB

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Declaration: The numbers in this case are hypothetical.

H. Follow proper procedures for effective uses of mops, cloths, and solutions. Category II 1. Prepare cleaning solutions daily or as needed, and replace with fresh solution frequently according to facility policies and procedures (280,281). Category II 2. Change the mop head at the beginning of each day and also as required by facility policy, or after cleaning up large spills of blood or other body substances. Category II 3. Clean mops and cloths after use and allow to dry before reuse; or use single-use, disposable mop heads and cloths (282,286--288). Category II

I. After the last surgical procedure of the day or night, wet vacuum or mop operating room floors with a single-use mop and an EPA-registered hospital disinfectant (114). Category IB

J. Do not use mats with tacky surfaces at the entrances to operating rooms or infection-control suites (114). Category IB

K. Use appropriate dusting methods for patient-care areas designated for immunocompromised patients (e.g., HSCT patients) (37,40,280). Category IB 1. Wet-dust horizontal surfaces daily by moistening a cloth with a small amount of an EPA-registered hospital detergent/disinfectant (37,40,280). Category IB 2. Avoid dusting methods that disperse dust (e.g., feather-dusting) (40). Category IB

L. Keep vacuums in good repair and equip vacuums with HEPA filters for use areas with patients at risk (37,40,280,289). Category IB

M. Close the doors of immunocompromised patients' rooms when vacuuming, waxing, or buffing corridor floors to minimize exposure to airborne dust (37,40,289). Category IB

N. When performing low- or intermediate-level disinfection of environmental surfaces in nurseries and neonatal units, avoid unnecessary exposure of neonates to disinfectant residues on these surfaces by using EPA-registered germicides in accordance with manufacturers' instructions and safety advisories (271,290--292). Category IB, IC (EPA: 7 USC § 136 et seq.) 1. Do not use phenolics or any other chemical germicide to disinfect bassinets or incubators during an infant's stay (271,290--292). Category IB 2. Rinse disinfectant-treated surfaces, especially those treated with phenolics, with water (290--292). Category IB

O. When using phenolic disinfectants in neonatal units, prepare solutions to correct concentrations in accordance with manufacturers' instructions, or use premixed formulations (271,290--292). Category IB, IC (EPA: 7 USC § 136 et seq.)

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Declaration: The numbers in this case are hypothetical.

Annexure III

ASP Launches GLOSAIR™ Healthcare Environmental Decontamination at The 2011 APIC Conference To Protect Against The Risk Of Deadly Infections In Healthcare Facilities Recent Studies Recognize Role of the Healthcare Environment in Healthcare-Associated Infection (HAI) Transmission, Which Impacts More Than 2 Million Patients a Year

Irvine, CA (June 27, 2011): Advanced Sterilization Products (ASP) announced today the launch of an innovative infection prevention technology – GLOSAIR™ Healthcare Environmental Decontamination – that provides effective, safe[1] and thorough disinfection of hospital rooms and operating suites to reduce the risk of patient contact with infection-causing pathogens. There is a growing scientific consensus that the patient environment is a key source in the transmission of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), as routine cleaning of healthcare facilities does not always eliminate pathogens.[2] Use of GLOSAIR™ to augment manual cleaning processes has been shown to be more effective in the reduction of HAI pathogens as compared to cleaning alone. “Despite healthcare facilities’ efforts to properly clean and disinfect patient and procedure rooms as well as operating suites, studies show deadly infections borne by pathogens can continue to live on surfaces, such as bed rails, television remotes and IV pumps, and over time infect other patients,” said Dr. William Jarvis,[3] a global expert on HAI control and prevention. “The good news is that infections related to the healthcare environment are almost always preventable and hospitals now have new infection prevention tools to safely and effectively disinfect the patient environment, which can help keep patients safe.” GLOSAIR™ Healthcare Environmental Decontamination is the newest technology available to help healthcare facilities improve patient safety, and is the focus of an educational symposium today at the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) 2011 Conference. The symposium, Progress Toward Improved Healthcare Environmental Decontamination, will educate healthcare professionals on environmental decontamination and GLOSAIR™ technology, which disinfects by creating a fog of 5 percent hydrogen peroxide that is uniformly dispersed to disinfect all hard nonporous surfaces, including difficult-to-reach areas. Attendees at APIC are encouraged to join the APIC Symposium in Ballroom Key 8, 11, 12 of the Baltimore Hilton Hotel at 6:00AM ET or visit the ASP APIC booth #856. Research Shows Environment Can Contribute to Spread of Infection According to the latest scientific research, environmental contamination plays an important role in the transmission of many superbugs that cause infections.[4] Research indicates some microorganisms, such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA),Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pseudomonas) and E. coli, are tougher to eliminate than others and can continue to persist on environmental surfaces after standard cleaning approaches.[5],[6],[7]

Healthcare facilities can reduce the number of these pathogens in the hospital environment by

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Declaration: The numbers in this case are hypothetical.

introducing enhanced, deep cleaning and disinfection protocols to current practices.[8] Studies show hydrogen peroxide vapor decontamination devices, such as GLOSAIR™ Systems, are effective at reducing surface contamination by these pathogens and may be associated with a reduction in infection transmission.[9] “With HAIs increasing at a significant rate, hospitals need an innovative solution to help reduce the patient and financial impact associated with these life-threatening infections,” said Bernard Zovighian, Worldwide President of ASP. “ASP specifically developed GLOSAIR™ for the healthcare environment to deliver thorough environmental disinfection in a way that is safe for patients, healthcare staff and the medical equipment they both depend upon while enabling hospitals to differentiate themselves by offering an optimal patient experience. With GLOSAIR™ now available in the U.S., when you or a loved one needs medical care, you can feel more comfortable knowing that a facility that uses GLOSAIR™ is providing a higher level of infection protection.” Broad Portfolio of Healthcare Environmental Decontamination Options For healthcare facilities interested in improving their cleaning procedures, GLOSAIR™ Healthcare Environmental Decontamination Systems provide customized, easily accessible and affordable solutions to address facility needs including:

The GLOSAIR™ 400 System offers the right balance of safety and efficacy in a convenient size as a complement to your current cleaning processes.

The GLOSAIR™ 600 System provides facilities with an integrated solution to augment everyday manual cleaning.

To help healthcare facilities integrate their GLOSAIR™ Healthcare Environmental Decontamination System, ASP’s Assisted Delivery service will work with staff to develop the techniques, processes, and schedules to get the most productivity from your GLOSAIR™ Systems.

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Declaration: The numbers in this case are hypothetical.

Annexure IV: Market Size

ASP Sales 2011 (In INR Crores)

Terminal Sterilization Products 16.9375

Consumables Products 10.3375

Disinfection Products 60.0875

Total Sales 87.3625

Ecoshield Sales Monthly Snapshot (Vol-per can)

West East North South A.I.

803.75 208.75 242.5 850 2105

Annual Fogger Sales Snapshot (# of units)

West East North South A.I.

37.5 18.75 75 56.25 187.5


Glosair (MRP) Ecoshield (MRP) Micromist Fogger (MRP)

Rs. 15 Lakhs Rs. 975/- Rs.48,500/-

Note: Volume discounts may be provided for bulk orders

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Declaration: The numbers in this case are hypothetical.

Appendix V: Sales figures

Terminal Sterilization



Disinfection Products


ASP Sales 2011

Disinfection Products Sales

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Declaration: The numbers in this case are hypothetical.

Appendix VI: Comparison table between Hydrogen peroxide/ Silver/ Ecoshield

FACTORS H2O2 Ag+ Ecoshield

Universal application Yes No Yes

Kill capability With gaps With gaps Without gaps

long-term effectiveness No yes Yes

bacteria killing effect Slow very slow Good

algicidal effect Little good Good

fungicidal effect Little good Good



No Yes Yes

sensitivity to light Yes Yes Negligible

effective against biofilms No No Yes

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Declaration: The numbers in this case are hypothetical.

Appendix VII

Few of the articles Sukanya went through are given below:

Microbiological Contamination of Hospital Air –


Aerial dispersal of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in hospital rooms by infected or

colonised patients


Is airborne infection in operating-theatres an important cause of wound infection in general surgery?


Fresh perspectives on the role of environment in infection prevention.


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Declaration: The numbers in this case are hypothetical.

Appendix VIII


Since its establishment in 1959, Cordis Corporation has been a pioneer in circulatory disease

management. Dedicated to helping physicians and other health care professionals enhance the lives of

patients suffering from cardio vascular disease, Cordis is driven to transform the future of vascular care

through its commitment to R&D.

In India, Cordis has three specializations: Cardiology, Endovascular and Electrophysiology. All united by a

single-minded goal - no one lives a life diminished by vascular disease.


Restoring the Joy of Motion is the mission statement at DePuy. DePuy aims to achieve this by bringing to market high technology products, training surgeons to increase the specialist pool and empowering patients by increasing awareness about disease conditions and its management.

In India, DePuy Joints has products ranging from innovative orthopaedic implants for hip, knee and shoulder replacement to high technology equipment for computer navigated surgery.






Closure &

Tissue Repair


(Sutures &



Cardiology &








Sterilization &







Minimal access







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Declaration: The numbers in this case are hypothetical.

DePuy Spine deals in state-of-the-art technologies addressing spinal deformities, degeneration, spinal trauma and tumour.

In addition, the Mitek division has products for arthroscopy and sports medicine while the Codman division provides instrumentation and implants for neurological and general surgery.


Innovation is a key driver of business at Ethicon, one of the world's most respected brands in surgical

health care. Today Ethicon has a range of over a thousand products in the area of wound closure, hernia

solutions, women's health and urology and cardiovascular solutions. On an average, Ethicon products

touch the lives of 11 million patients in a year, making it one of the largest surgical product brand.

Ethicon Endo-Surgery

Minimally invasive surgery is the way of the future. Ethicon Endo-Surgery markets advanced medical

devices for minimally invasive and open surgical procedures that transform patient care by drastically

reducing surgery time, mortality rates and complications arising from surgery. EES also focuses on

procedure-enabling devices in GI cancer surgery, GI benign surgery, Gynaecologic surgery, Bariatric

surgery and for the interventional diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer.


Dedicated to improving the quality of life for people with diabetes by developing, manufacturing and

marketing a wide range of glucose monitoring systems and software for use by people with diabetes and

by health care providers, Lifescan, Inc.

The ONETOUCH(R) Brand of consumer and institutional products includes portable electronic meters and

disposable reagent test strips to provide accurate glucose readings that cause less pain, and the

software tools to transform this information into actionable health care decisions.

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Declaration: The numbers in this case are hypothetical.

Rules for Submission

Your launch plan can be submitted in a word document (not exceeding 10 pages)

Please submit a 5-6 slide Powerpoint presentation capturing the essential points of your New Product

Development & Marketing plan along with your Word document

Though there is no maximum limit to the number of words or slides, special credits will go to the

strategists for clear, concise communication

For Round 1 Selection:

Criteria of evaluation

Ability to arrive at answers for all the 4 questions

Ability to provide comprehensive and logical solutions

Creativity in arriving at the solution

Ability to understand the market through information provided or

research if required

Clarity of thinking and connecting the pieces

Transparency of the process followed to arrive at the answers

For Final Presentation:

Criteria of evaluation

Verbal & Written Presentation skills

Answering questions that exhibit sound analysis and clear thinking

Any decisions pertaining to the judging of the competitors by the panel of judges from Johnson &

Johnson will be held final. It can’t be contested on any account.

© "The information stated in this case study is proprietary and unauthorized dissemination is not

permitted. The information stated herein may be used only for the purpose of the case study and

creating a marketing plan. Copyright 2011 Johnson & Johnson Ltd".