entries from the lost journal #18

The fourteenth day of September The year is unknown I’ve managed to keep myself occupied over the past several days. Along with the menialities of each day, which consume far more time than I’d like, I’ve been able to explore the cabin and surrounding areas. I realize this may sound rather dull based upon my initial description –a single roomed dwelling, however as I shall reveal, nothing is at it first appears in this place. The trunk, which sat forgotten until my second afternoon had the most fascinating contents. To the lid are bolted sever small shelves that extend up and out when opened. Upon each shelf are numerous glass containers, each varying in shape and size and each containing something different. Liquids, powders and what look like dried leaves occupy the first row. The second appears to contain nothing but insects both living and deceased stuffed into their respective containers. The third row looks to house what can only be described as rolling fog in three dozen identical bulbous containers –each corked. I decided to remove one of these and pull the stopper. Immediately, I was overcome by the worst case of vertigo I ever recall experiencing. I wretched on the floor and was blinded by tears that instantly filled my eyes. I felt for the stopper like a blind-man until I found an object resembling the small piece of cork, hoped it wasn’t a remnant of my breakfast, and stuffed it into the top. Instantly, the spinning ceased and my eyes cleared. I carefully returned the container to its place on the shelf and went about cleaning up my mess, which was beginning to smell. Once done, I returned to the trunk. In the large bottom section a stack of neatly folded clothes sat on the right, a pile of large books on the left. I carefully removed the clothes, noticing there were three sets identical to those I was wearing. I sat them on the cot and moved back to the trunk. Several rolls of paper lay beneath where the clothes had been. Determined not to be distracted, I reached for the first book in the pile, which was a large black volume bound in leather. The cover was unmarked save for an odd symbol on the spine.

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A creative outlet for yours truly. Nothing more.


Page 1: Entries from the lost journal #18

The fourteenth day of September The year is unknown I’ve managed to keep myself occupied over the past several days. Along with the menialities of each day, which consume far more time than I’d like, I’ve been able to explore the cabin and surrounding areas. I realize this may sound rather dull based upon my initial description –a single roomed dwelling, however as I shall reveal, nothing is at it first appears in this place. The trunk, which sat forgotten until my second afternoon had the most fascinating contents. To the lid are bolted sever small shelves that extend up and out when opened. Upon each shelf are numerous glass containers, each varying in shape and size and each containing something different. Liquids, powders and what look like dried leaves occupy the first row. The second appears to contain nothing but insects both living and deceased stuffed into their respective containers. The third row looks to house what can only be described as rolling fog in three dozen identical bulbous containers –each corked. I decided to remove one of these and pull the stopper. Immediately, I was overcome by the worst case of vertigo I ever recall experiencing. I wretched on the floor and was blinded by tears that instantly filled my eyes. I felt for the stopper like a blind-man until I found an object resembling the small piece of cork, hoped it wasn’t a remnant of my breakfast, and stuffed it into the top. Instantly, the spinning ceased and my eyes cleared. I carefully returned the container to its place on the shelf and went about cleaning up my mess, which was beginning to smell. Once done, I returned to the trunk. In the large bottom section a stack of neatly folded clothes sat on the right, a pile of large books on the left. I carefully removed the clothes, noticing there were three sets identical to those I was wearing. I sat them on the cot and moved back to the trunk. Several rolls of paper lay beneath where the clothes had been. Determined not to be distracted, I reached for the first book in the pile, which was a large black volume bound in leather. The cover was unmarked save for an odd symbol on the spine.

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I turned the cover, which groaned with protest giving the impression that it hadn’t been opened for years. The first page was blank. The second took me aback. My name –complete, properly spelled and punctuated was neatly scrolled across the center. I turned the page to find these instructions…

I see you have finally opened the trunk. Most visitors tend to it on their first day. Ware the blade of my dirk, while insignificant in weight, it will open the toughest flesh like cutting through water. The retractable shelves on the lid of my trunk contain ingredients of varying purpose and potency. Beneath this book is a guide including use and cautions for each. Best not to open any of the containers before referencing the guide. The clothes are self-explanatory. The scrolls beneath them are maps you should find useful during your stay. Beneath the guide is a book, which must remain closed until my return. Opening it may have repercussions more severe than the ampoule you un-stoppered. I noticed you have discovered the grain store beside the fireplace. Don’t mind the rats, they keep out more destructive creatures. I shall be arriving soon. Best if you fill your stomach before then. I imagine you find yourself in a state of confusion as a result of my previous statement. Not to worry, all will become clear upon my arrival. Until then.


Before I was able to lift my head from the message that seemed as if it were written as I read it, the tumblers on the knob rolled back and the door swung open. Ducking under the

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casing stepped Akil Karanis. His infectious smile betrayed his eyes, which were fixed on the damp mark on the floor from my recent cleanup efforts. He sighed before his buttery voice cleared the silence. Well then, he said. I hope you’ve managed to get something to eat prior to my arrival. Based on my vacant expression coupled with the fact that the large black book rested on my lap, he turned and began removing items from the hidden pantry beside the fireplace. He said several words I was unable to hear clearly and the fire came to life. After tossing some ingredients into the pot and swinging the lug pole over the flames, he turned to me. So, how were your first five days? He asked. By my count only four have passed, I replied. Once again, you have managed to sleep away more time than you believe. A common occurrence, as I’ve said previously. You’ve delved into the trunk, I see, he said. I stood, sliding the heavy book from my lap and onto the cot. Akil walked toward me until he was arms length away. I could smell the sweet tobacco on his breath as we looked at each other. His smile, revealing pearl-white teeth, was, as always, infectious and I returned the gesture after a beat. Tell me, my friend, how have you spent your time alone? He asked. Mostly learning my way around the place. I replied. Finding the well proved challenging. I should have warned you, he interrupted, the grass grows quickly and is apt to cover anything left on the ground in a matter of days. I nearly fell to my death as I set foot on the rotten wood cover, which gave under my weight, I replied. Fortunately, my arms kept me from plunging into the dark. Yes, quick reflexes are most advantageous here. Said Akil. Otherwise the days passed without event. I am surprised it took you such a spell to delve into the trunk, he said, now pointing at it. I find it easy to become distracted in this place. Each morning I woke, save the one morning when I did not, with intentions of rifling through what lie inside yet by the time I’d finished my first meal, my mind and its intentions had moved elsewhere. Intriguing, Akil said, running his fingers along the tops of the glass containers sitting on the shelves mounted to the inside lid. He sniffed the air and quickly turned, moving to the

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fireplace. Lets eat, shall we? We ate in silence yet I could feel my own excitement building.