enthuse march edition


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Enthuse is the new revolution and we are here to provide you with a good diet of Christian lifestyle, but more than that, we’re here to challenge and provoke you beyond the Christian environs.


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elcome to the March edition of Enthuse!

With so much going on this month, and so many events to be celebrated it’s not hard to see why this March we are focus-ing on Increase. The Lord told us to go forth and increase, to multiply. He told us that to those who have, more shall be

given. The good Lord gave us talents and directed us to use them. And He promised us that He would always be with us, to have no fear but to step up, march out and prosper.

This month we celebrate St David’s Day in Wales. St. David chose the way of God and increased his worth here

on earth by spreading the Good News. He increased his relationship with God by studying His word and sharing it with their neighbours near and far. As we celebrate Mother’s Day, we’re fo-cusing on one of the greatest matriarch’s of our time, the wife of the General Overseer, Pastor Mrs. Foluke Adeboye. She is a woman of much strength who has taught many, helped many, mentored many, supported many, whose initiatives have been the foundation for which many have been lead to Christ. We salute this daughter of God, a caring mother of millions, and leader to her generation.

We hope you enjoy this month’s magazine, and invite you to increase your own bounty by shar-ing your thoughts and opinions, and even your writing talent with the team here at Enthuse.

God bless you and increase you this month,

Zoë and the Enthuse team


Editorial 3

Happy St. David’s Day 4

St. David’s Day Male Voice Choir


Increase your worth 6

Married Life 8

Book Review 9

Mother Dearest 10-12

Birthdays in March 13

Pastor’s Desk 14-15

Start Today 16

Single but not Lonely 17


MARCH 2010


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A portrait on Pastor Mrs. Foluke Adeboye, a daughter of

God, a caring mother of millions and leader to her generation.


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Contributors to this Issue:

Pastor Felix Makanjuola Jr Phil Maull Ifor Ap Daffyd Richard Abbott Zoë Abbott Efeoghene Etejere

E N T H U S E M A R C H 2 0 1 0 — M Y M O N T H O F I N C R E A S E

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St David’s Day is celebrated on March 1st every year, but who was St David?

St David was said to have been born from a prosperous lineage. His father was thought to have been the son of the Prince of Ceredigion, and his mother the daughter of a local chieftain (legend has it that she was also a niece of King Arthur). From such parentage a child can either become complacent and sit back in folly, or work hard and bear increase. We learn from his biographer, Rhyigyfarch, that David was diligent, disciplined and he spread the word of God throughout Wales, the rest of Britain and beyond.

St David was from South West Wales, near the present city of Saint David, but travelled Wales and England setting up churches as he went. He also travelled to Brittany in Northern France, and made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem to meet the Patriarch. In his daily life as a monk, in the monastery he set up (Glyn Rose, near Saint David’s city), life was practical, and strict. The work included food produc-tion, from tilling the land to bee keeping, cleaning, feeding the local poor and passing travellers, and daily prayers. Sometimes, as a self-imposed penance, he would stand up to his neck in a lake of cold water, reciting Scripture. Little wonder then that some authors have seen St. David as an early Puritan!

The stories of miracles which St David performed include rais-ing a youth from death, and it is said that milestones in his life were marked by the appearance of springs of water. At the point when the decision was to be made over whether St David would be promoted from monk to Archbishop – at the Synod of Llanddewi Brefi – the crowd became restless, saying they could not hear or see him. At that very moment the ground rose up until an amphitheatre was created, and all the crowd could both see and hear him, a sign that his life was filled with noteworthy messages.

Before his death, his last words to his followers were in a ser-mon on the previous Sunday: “Be joyful, and keep your faith and your creed. Do the little things that you have seen me do and heard about. I will walk the path that our fathers have trod before us.” 'Do the little things' ('Gwnewch y pethau by-chain') is today a very well-known phrase in Welsh, and has proved an inspiration to many.

It should be noted that both Rhygyfarch and Gerallt Gymro, who also wrote about St David, recorded their work nearly 500 years after St David’s life, so it is hard to tell how much is fact and how much legend. However, his name and his influ-ence continue to be felt today in Wales, and around the world.

E N T H U S E M A R C H 2 0 1 0 — M Y M O N T H O F I N C R E A S E

by Zoë Abbott

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- The Brangwyn Hall 1st March 2010

Review by Zoë Abbott

People gathered on the steps as the warning bell chimed out. We pressed in through the heavy metal doors as the public address system announced the evening’s performance would start in seven minutes. We pressed our tickets into the ushers hand as he directed us to our seats – helpfully pointing in the general direction of the entire venue. With the exception of about twenty people I was the youngest in the room by at least 30 years.

Not being from Wales, this would be the first time I heard a Welsh Male Voice Choir with the exception of that clip in Twin Town and maybe a few snippets and I turned through the TV channels past S4C. Here I was about to hear them live with an orchestra and a guy I don’t know called Rhiddian, who you may know from TV’s “X-Factor”

The orchestra walked on dressed in cream tuxedoes like a troupe of white-chocolate magnum ice-creams. The choir next, with their black tuxedoes adorned with daffodils. The conductor! The welcome! The hushed silence de-scended. A melodic hum filled the room as the violins yawned into the beginnings of a beautiful song called “Llangweir”. The strength of the choir collected and blossomed.

With such a collective as this, you can imagine men being stirred into bat-tle, or honoured as they return. Rhiddian joined us for the fourth piece and his voice was a delightful addition to the talented choir. Powerful yet restrained. His rendition of “If I love you” had my heart in my mouth.

The night was a wonderful showcase of Welsh talent with Welsh composer after Welsh composer featured, most notably local composer Carl Jenkins. The Welsh hymns reached to each heart song after song and local girl, seven year old Ellie Maguire from Neath, gave a beautiful performance of traditional Welsh lullaby “suo gan” (sleep my baby).

A truly wonderful celebration of Wales, so we say Happy St David’s Day or, as they say here Dydd Gwyl Dewi hapus I chi.

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Facebook group

Whether you like it or not, we are already in the third month of the newly started year. How far have you increased this year? If you’ve not been minding your business, it’s time to take stock.

Here are 6 questions to help you:

1. Do you have a definite/desired result you want to achieve in 2010?

When the clock strikes 12 midnight on December 31st 2010, what are the things on your checklist you would say has been added positively to move you towards your ultimate goal in life? Have you thought about the things you want or don’t want?

2. Have you made a plan of how you want to achieve it?

It’s all well and good to have a desired result in mind, but have you planned how you wish to accomplish it? Do you have to go back to school? Make new friends or create a net-work of clients?

3. How much will it cost?

My father uses the popular saying that if sand were to be money, then everyone would be rich. Have you calculated what it will cost you to achieve your desired result? For some you may have to cut out the amount of time you spend chit-chatting on the telephone, for some the amount of time you spend watching TV and for another, you may have to increase the volume of journals and articles you read on a specific sub-ject. Some may have to reduce their working hours so that they may go to school part time. What is your cost?

4. Are you willing to pay the price?

Knowing the cost is not enough, it is only those that pay the price that acquire the goods. I’m not saying it will be easy but if you don’t pay the price, you can’t get the desired result - NO PAIN, NO GAIN. The difference between the successful and the mediocre is that one of them was willing to pay the price

for success.

5. Are you consistent?

Are you weary of doing good? Are you quickly tired of doing what it takes to receive an increase? Consistency pays as it combines process over time to produce increase. Anything that is not consistent cannot be fruitful because it will not build the necessary muscles or depth needed to help withstand the in-crease. Imagine planting a field of roses today, then tomorrow uproot it, then the day after plant it again – will it germinate? No, because there is no consistency. Any increase that is not measurable will not last, because it wouldn’t have gone through the process of time.

6. Are you using what you have?

Many people are waiting to increase before they start some-thing. The truth is you have already in you what you need to start. Not everything requires money or capital immediately. Every enterprise starts with an idea. There are many things you can do before you have that capital or funding available. Never say you don’t have what it takes to start. I have real-ised that if you have a fantastic idea, other people, banks and investors will pay to have your idea become what you want it to be. So start with your mind: start with what you have to get what you want and increase what you have now.


Felix Makanjuola Jr

E N T H U S E M A R C H 2 0 1 0 — M Y M O N T H O F I N C R E A S E

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E N T H U S E F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 0 — M Y M O N T H O F R E L A T I O N S H I P S


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Pastor Felix Makanjuola Jr.

Dear Pastor,

I have been reading the publications on

marriage, and I must admit that they a


quite insightful.

However, your articles are yet to address



I have been married to my husband for 1


years now and we have two lovely childre


a boy and a girl. I am embarrassed to wr


this, but I am a woman being battered in

my own home. My husband uses every lit


mistake as an opportunity to hit me, and

abuse me even in front of our children. A


first it started with calling me names, lik


‘you’re fat’ and then it slowly escalated f



This has affected my work and relationsh


with other people especially my siblings a

s I

continue to make excuses for every mark

that shows up on my body. To make mat


worse, my son was excluded from school f

or 2

days because he hit one of his class mate


last week. As a Christian, I know the Bib


does not support divorce, but I don’t kno


what to do, I love my husband and want

him to be there for his children.

Please help me!

Yours sincerely,


Dear Troubled,

Thank you for finding the courage to write in. I can only imag-ine the physical and most importantly the emotional pains you are going through. Issues of domestic violence are never easy and I commend you for being brave during this tough time.

Despite the fact that I echo your thoughts on the Bible against divorce, you may need to separate in the interim while the state of affairs is being addressed.

This is important in order to create a break so things do not get any more out of hand than they already are. If things continue the way they have been going, and action is not taken, it could escalate to the point of having casualties whether it be you or your husband. Just like any brawl between two parties, one of the parties needs to be brave enough to remove themselves from the situation or else it will continue.

Again, temporary separation is not only important for you but also for your children. It is a very sad thing for children to see their parents in a violent atmosphere. Children at a young age need to be protected from this kind of environment or else it leaves an indelible memory in their minds for life; if care is not taken, they may begin to think this is the norm, and that this is all they can expect from their relationships when they are older. Even if your children are not so young, domestic violence espe-cially between parents affects children negatively. Also, without a conscious effort they may begin to think the best way to han-dle misunderstandings or arguments is by responding with vio-lence.

Once you and your husband have had some time apart, it will create an opportunity for both parties to evaluate the situation and seek help, especially for dealing with the root cause of the violence. Counselling is highly recommended during this brief time apart to help you and your husband work through some of the issues that have built up over time which are causing these bouts of violence. Please feel free to contact myself ([email protected]) or any of the ministers to schedule an appointment.

Finally, try to document times when violence has occurred in the home, for example, what triggers the violence, the time of the day, what happens to stop it and even the aftermath.

My prayers are with you and I wish you good mental health.

Kind regards

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Book: Start with what you have

Author: Sam Adeyemi

Review: Felix Makanjuola Jr

“This book proposes that action is a major requirement for success. It is based on one of Newton’s laws of motion which states: “All objects remain in a state of rest until a force is applied”. The author maintains that this law is applicable to our lives and our aspirations in life, saying that things do not move until we move.

The book is not so voluminous, therefore it can be read comfortably in one seating. It aims to help the reader overcome inertia and to get us moving in the direction of destiny. He brought up and addressed commonly asked questions like “How do I start?” or where do I start from?”, etc.

Written in a conversational style, it engages the reader right from the first page to the last.

Start with what you have simply says, everyone has something with which they can trade

with. It is definitely a must-read for anyone who is at crossroads in life, those thinking of

starting a business venture, or afraid to take a bold step in an unknown territory.

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10 E N T H U S E M A R C H 2 0 1 0 — M Y M O N T H O F I N C R E A S E

n the 13th of July, 1948, a female child was born to Papa Adeyokunnu, a teacher and Methodist Catechist, and Mama Adeyokunnu, a home-maker and trader. This child, destined to be a woman of amiable prim-

ness was named Foluke. Born to a father who was both a teacher and a Methodist Catechist, Foluke grew up under strict Christian principles. She was also a member of the Scripture Union (SU), a students’ group known for conservatism and strict adherence to the dictates of the Bible. Thus from her childhood through her days in school, the Bible remained her closest and most constant companion. She met a friend, a humble and calm gentleman, an undergraduate, Enoch Ade-boye who would later become the General Overseer of the The Redeemed Christian

In December, just after the Holy Ghost Congress of The Redeemed Christian Church of God, I was fortunate enough to visit the Adeboye’s

at their residence. The woman of the house, the one fondly called Mummy G.O despite her staggering portfolio, personally made sure

that I was comfortable and well taken care of.

writes Felix Makanjuola Jr.

Church of God; their relationship blossomed over the years, they got married in September 1967 and are blessed with children and grandchildren. Even though Mrs. Foluke Adeboye’s entire life had worn the toga of Christianity, she was yet to make Christ her Lord and Savior. A quest for healing for their sick daughter led her to The Re-deemed Christian Church of God (R.C.C.G), Ebute-Metta, Lagos and on one fateful day in July, a pastor preached on the vanity of life and the bliss and serenity of heaven in a way that stirred something in the couple. On that day, Mr. and Mrs. Adeboye jointly answered the altar

call and gave their lives to Jesus. This marked a turning point in their lives as husband and wife be-gan to undergo different levels of training: New believers class, Bap-tismal Class, Workers’ Training, Bible College, and so on. A new chapter in her spiritual ven-ture was when her husband was made General Overseer of RCCG in 1981. With time, she would be fondly referred to as Mummy G.O, a reflection of her position as the G.O’s wife, her matronly poise, her

"...destined to

be a woman

of amiable


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E N T H U S E M A R C H 2 0 1 0 — M Y M O N T H O F I N C R E A S E

amiability and profound commitment to her husband’s vi-sion, and support of his work. Mummy G.O embraced her new role as the leader of women, mother of children and Chief hostess of the R.C.C.G. With an insatiable thirst for God and a rare passion to please Him, she keyed into her husband’s vision even as she set out to actualise her own ministries. She started Christ the Redeemers Nursery and Primary School in Lagos, where she both taught and was Head Teacher, without salary, for 12 years. Eager to bequeath the knowledge of God to her congregation and the rest of the world, Mummy G.O embarked on numerous educational and spiritual odysseys both locally and internationally between 1982 and 2003. In the process she obtained a Diploma in Theology from the Redeemed Bible College, a Diploma in Ac-

celerated Christian Education, Certificate, Directorate of Education from the University of St. Marks and St. John, Plymouth, UK and a Certificate in Special Education from

Columbia University, New York, U.S.A. he subsequent establishment of Christ the Redeemer’s Schools and Colleges, Christ the Redeemer’s School Movement under her Chair-manship, and setting up of the Re-deemer’s University for Nations (RUN) remain eloquent testimo-nies to the fulfillment of the Gen-

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mother to millions.

y visit and time spent with Pastor Mrs. Adeboye, enlightened me to the fact that she remains an icon on the home front, running a closely knit family, engaging in fervent discussions and chats with her children, and entire household, receiving an ever flowing stream of

visitors with amazing humility and hospitality, never ceasing to remind those around of the modest begin-nings of the Adeboye’s.


eral Overseer’s prophecy, and her own un-flinching faith in God. This respectable mother in Israel inspired other ministries that further delineated her as a visionary, and an excellent organizer.

rs. Adeboye is the Chief Hostess at all the church meetings, and in this capacity has successfully ran for many years ,the an-nual R.C.C.G Conven-tion and monthly Holy Ghost Services in

which millions of people are hosted in a spiri-tual rendezvous for God. She is the Grand Ma-tron of R.C.C.G Women in Ministry, and the visionary behind Africa Missions, a ministry that sends missionaries to African countries to spread the gospel and win souls for Jesus. She is the inspiration to the Feast of Esther an ho-listic ministry for the wives of General Overse-ers and leaders, the visionary behind Courage Magazine and the founder of Habitation of Hope, a ministry with focus on the rehabilita-tion of destitute children and prostitutes aged 7 to 18 years living in shanty areas of Lagos. Her life has been a vivid testimony of stead-fastness, focus, submission and unparalleled faithfulness of service to humanity and God as she continues to labour continuously in His vineyard. Mrs. Ade-boye is a wonderful role model, a true child of God, a Chris-tian wife, a graceful mother, a dedicated worker, a dependable labourer in the Vine-yard, who continues to be a consistent model, mentor and


“...an icon on the home front, running a closely knit family, engaging in fervent discussions and chats with her children, and entire household, re-ceiving an ever flowing stream of visitors with amazing humility….”

E N T H U S E M A R C H 2 0 1 0 — M Y M O N T H O F I N C R E A S E

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Have a wonderful birthday.

Name Date

Hilaria Cunha 3rd

Iniobong Ekanem 3rd

Etejere Efeoghene 8th

Vimbai Musunda 18th

Gerad Morgan 23rd

Lola Agbaje 26th

Eberechukwu Ijeh 28th

Eddidiong Miannekere 30th

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E N T H U S E M A R C H 2 0 1 0 — M Y M O N T H O F I N C R E A S E

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As a Christian, increase is mandatory in all areas of our lives.

You do not have a choice not to increase, for you have been destined to. You have been fash-

ioned according to His purpose (of increase).

E N T H U S E M A R C H 2 0 1 0 — M Y M O N T H O F I N C R E A S E


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You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and

bear fruit – fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever

you ask in my name. John 15:16 (NIV)

Jesus cursed the fig tree in Matthew 21:19 because it had become un-natural for it to increase by not bearing fruit. The scripture is often a blue-print for our present day life. The information we are constantly fed can cloud our thinking and perception of God's promises.

In Genesis chapter 1, He said “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of

P A S T O R ’ S D E S K

Image: www.wechealthunit.org

the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground." He cannot go back on His words. This means that the standard still remains thousands of years later and our very kind, reproduced from us, should bear the same, if not better fruits as well. It’s a word that would fulfil itself if we allowed it!

Habakkuk 1:5 says, “Behold ye among the heathen ... and wonder marvellously ... for I will work a work in your days, which you will not believe, though it be told to you.” – The key message here is ‘LET GO’!

There’s so much you cannot fathom about God’s gifts, so why bother? Your disposition or learning cannot help either! We struggle too much at times to increase so we lose our source of nutrition! He said, He is the Vine and we are the branches. Is it possible that a branch exists without a trunk (vine)? We need to realise that He is our source and we have no right-eousness of our own. Do you know that it is not possible to increase lastingly if you haven’t acknowledged that only God, not your skills and qualifications, can bring you productivity?

There is a promise to us that we never really take to heart amidst our hustle and bustle, especially those who find them-selves in cities around the world. It is found in Psalm 25:12-14, and it gives a profound statement which made me pause for days. “What man fears the Lord? Him shall He teach in the way He shall choose. His soul shall dwell at ease; and His seed inherit the earth. The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him; and He will show them His covenant.” (KJV-annotated)

You shouldn’t struggle to increase for you are a prophecy waiting to be fulfilled! If you fear God and believe that you have been called according to His purpose and are ready to obey Him, His secrets will not be far from you! You will be shown things regularly. You will hear God speak before you launch out to make those seemingly inevitable mistakes. This will usher you into some ease that consists of a peace, which passes all understanding. You are meant to be different, not worked up!

Don’t rush through your seasons, let go and enjoy them! We are so turned to this world that we sometimes see jostle and activity as a way of being productive. Shedding light on that, busy doesn’t necessarily mean productive or efficient!

We Christians get too soaked up with activities most times we never allow ourselves to replenish and multiply. We then look around for sources of strength, quick fix and microwave solu-tions, therefore ignoring our source. He said you would be as a tree planted by the waters, giving fruit in your season, your leaves being evergreen! You will constantly not lack and still face seasons. He did not say that harsh seasons will not come but that they will not have a sting on you. You will go through the fire and not get burnt, nor smell of smoke like the Hebrew men!

What else do you ask for?

Knowing that your seasons are made just for you and that

you determine the way things go, is all you need to increase

this year; only search for increase in the right place (in Christ)

and be around the right people.

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The most important thing to get right is your relationship with yourself. As the advert purports: “Because you’re worth it!” But are you worth it?! People will only treat you with as much respect as you give yourself. Don’t be arrogant, but do remind yourself of everything great that you are: make a list of what you like about, your personality, your talents, your achievements. When some-thing else comes to mind go back to the list and add it on. If you’re ever having a bad day you can go back and re-read the list, remind yourself that whatever you’re going for: “You are worth it”.


One quote I really love is good for most to keep in mind: “Your family don’t mean to be annoying, they don’t even mean to be your family, they just are!” No-one has a stronger tie in your life than the family you grew up with: they give us our worldly positioning, our cultural grounding and we are each a product of every experi-ence we’ve had. Even if you decide to break from the beliefs of your family their words and actions will always be in the back of your mind. To allow yourself to be an individual and follow your own path you must first acknowledge and allow your family to have their beliefs and differences. Practice forgiving them (even if you don’t believe it straight away!) and in time it will come. Try to speak to them about things that hurt you, and if you can’t say it to their face, write it in a letter even if you don’t post it. If you do, allow them the opportunity to give their side of the story too. But in the end, focus on the good parts of your bond: Enjoy the great moments together and remember them strongly.


It’s been said that our friends are the family we choose for our-selves. Make time to contact those friends you don’t see often. If you know or can get their address send them a letter in the post – no matter how brief, mail is much more personal and more grate-fully received than a quick e-mail. Anger slowly, forgive quickly (you don’t know why they act or feel the way they do unless you

know them very intimately – and sometimes not even then!) Ask about them before you speak about yourself.


At times one wonders how people so different end up working

so closely together, but what an opportunity! It is very likely that if you weren’t in this job you would never meet most of the people you now find yourself with day-in and day-out. It’s a fine line to cross between getting to know your col-leagues and getting in the way as you each try to get your work done! But some things are fail-safe. Greet everyone with a smile, even if you don’t feel very happy, it makes eve-ryone’s day easier, and you’ll find you get on with people eas-ier. Listen carefully when they speak with you – notice when they drop passing comments on things they like or dislike, or where they’ve been or things they’ve done, you’re likely to find out not only how people tick, but also a wealth of things you have in common that you’d never have guessed!


You may not notice it but you, just being you, has an affect on everyone around you every day. Whether it’s how noisy you are/when you put your rubbish out/whether you recycle/if you smoke drugs etc at home and how that affects your neighbours or whether you notice someone walking behind you in the shops and if you hold the door for them… or whether you see someone lost in the street and take the time to stop to help them… the small things you do have a great impact on the world around you. As you go around, try to find something you can do for just one person every day and see what a difference that makes to your own feeling of worth.

If you want to get more involved, check Volunteer Swansea - http://www.volunteering-wales.net/1345.html This has a broad range of activities and areas in which you can get in-volved. You can also look at Discovery - http://www.swan.ac.uk/study/current/Discovery/ Or ask in your local charity shop how you can help.


If you are to make a success of your life you need to make a success of your rela-tionships. As they all demand something different from you, where do you start?

by Zoë Abbott

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s a single person, have you discovered the key to living alone without being lonely? If loneliness is a daily struggle, know that many others are going through the same thing. In fact, according to a single’s survey, one of the worst things Christian singles find about single life are the lonely feelings that go with the territory. Living alone is viewed in different ways by different people. Many people in their twenties have the desire to live alone - at least once - before they start a family. Especially if you lived with roommates during university, you may be eager to have your own place to do your own thing. Living alone can be fun and liberating, but it can also be cause for loneliness and boredom. Here are a few tips on fighting those feelings while living alone, especially if you’re living alone in a new town where you don’t have any social networks.

Get a Hobby: One of the most important things when living alone is to have a hobby. If you don’t already have one, think about what you’re interested in and do some research on activities that appeal to you. Many hobbies like writing, reading, crafts, etc. are solitary hobbies that you can do from the comfort of your own apartment. However, because they are solitary they often increase the isolated feeling you may get from living alone. Take your writing to the library or to the park. Take your book to a café or quiet spot. The more time you spend in your apartment alone, the more likely you are to feel imprisoned and solitary. Sometimes, just leaving the apartment helps you feel less alone, even if you have no more social interaction than a quick thank you to a cashier. It’s important to get out, even if it is alone. Getting up and doing something will help you feel productive. Just by getting out of the same four walls, you are changing stimulation, which can be exciting even if you don’t

meet anyone new.

Expand your social network: If you do have a social net-work nearby, make sure to maintain a social schedule. If you have friends in the area, try to set up weekly get-togethers. Don’t leave social outings to chance, plan ahead. If you’ve moved to a new town and don’t really know anyone, take the opportunity to learn. Join clubs or groups. The YMCA often offers classes in a variety of subjects as well as exercise classes. Try to be cheerful and approachable and make sure you really enjoy the subject (in other words, you’re not just going to meet people). You aren’t guaranteed to make friends, but you will enjoy learning something new and at least having some contact with a variety of people.

Volunteer: Keeping busy is important to battle boredom, but loneliness can still pervade busyness. By volunteering for an organization or cause you feel strongly about, you are using your time in a way that will make you feel good. Again, you may not meet friends, but by doing something valuable with your time you feel better about yourself and are less likely to feel lonely when working toward something important. At the end of the day, take time to realize and enjoy certain things you will only be able to do while you live alone. Deco-rate in an outrageous style; sing at the top of your lungs. Re-member in the future, if you live with someone else, you may lose some of the freedom to make all of your own choices. Try to enjoy that freedom of choice while it’s possible.



E N T H U S E M A R C H 2 0 1 0 — M Y M O N T H O F I N C R E A S E

by Felix Makanjuola Jr

Page 18: Enthuse March Edition



Beyond tomorrow is Vision; being able to see the future and move into everything God has ordained; not just today or tomorrow, but for years to come to help towards achieving the vision of the church for the next 5 - 10 years:


New Possibilities

Imaging having unlimited resources to meet the needs of our community


our passion

Imagine using your gifts and creativity to fulfil God’s plan for the church


in the Future

Imagine being a part of something significant that impacts future


the Promise

Imagine taking bold steps and achieving your heart’s desires

The Small Groups Semester started in January 2010. Register early to avoid disappointment.Register early to avoid disappointment.Register early to avoid disappointment.Register early to avoid disappointment.

• If you are interested in joining a Small Group immediately please email the group you wish to join as the subject line and include your details as speci-fied below in the body of the email.

• If you are interested in starting a Small Group, please email Start a Small Group as the subject line and include the following details below as well as what the group will entail in the body of the email and you will be contacted shortly.

Hi, welcome to the 4I small study groups at Hi, welcome to the 4I small study groups at Hi, welcome to the 4I small study groups at Hi, welcome to the 4I small study groups at Place of Victory.Place of Victory.Place of Victory.Place of Victory.

A 4I Small Group (SG) is the getting to-gether of at least three and no more than twelve people to study a specific subject matter generally referred to as the curricu-lum.

Apart from the obvious primary purpose of fostering purposeful & meaningful relation-ships, these groups have been created to help towards achieving the church’s vision.

For further details or information of our initiatives, please email: [email protected]


Please pick 1 or more groups you wish to attend this semester:

Group 1 - How to become a better you

Group 2 - Sex & the woman

- (ladies only)

Group 3 - Sex and the man

- (men only)

Group 4 - Being a contagious Christian

Group 5 - Doing life together

- (married/couples)

Group 6 - City keepers (call to pray)

Group 7 - Fashion Focus

Group 8 - The Financial Clinic

Group 9 - No strings (Singles)

First Name:

Last Name:

Email Address:

Mobile Number:

E N T H U S E M A R C H 2 0 1 0 — M Y M O N T H O F I N C R E A S E

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One-stop shop for

your needs

E N T H U S E M A R C H 2 0 1 0 — M Y M O N T H O F I N C R E A S E


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