enterprise applications in the cloud: analysis of pay-per-use plans

Enterprise Applications in the Cloud: Analysis of Pay-per-use Plans Leonid Grinshpan, Oracle Corporation (www.oracle.com) The Cloud-computing paradigm is attractive to businesses not only because of its technological, logistical, and environmental advantages over traditional IT frameworks. For the most part its magnetic pull has its roots in economy—Clouds are also well suited to save IT cost as they implement pay-per-use policies. While relocating enterprise applications (EA) into the Cloud, the corporations have to be aware of the cost associated with Cloud services and its dependence on dynamically changing EA workloads. The same is true for Cloud providers: they have to know the revenue derived from each hosted EA. This article provides guidance to Cloud users and Cloud providers on cost/revenue estimates. It explores cost/revenue models for two pay-per-use plans: pay-per-resource and pay-per-transaction. A modeling approach is based on methodology described in the author’s book [Leonid Grinshpan. Solving Enterprise Application Performance Puzzles: Queuing Models to the Rescue, Willey-IEEE Press, 2012. http://www.amazon.com/Solving-Enterprise-Applications-Performance- Puzzles/dp/1118061578/ref=ntt_at_ep_dpt_1 ]. The pay-per-resource plan charges for the hardware capacity an EA uses at any given time. Typically, resources are priced per hour; below is an excerpt from a price list by OpSource, a company providing Cloud and managed hosting services: [http://www.opsource.net/Services/Cloud-Hosting/Pricing ]

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The article provides guidance to Cloud users and Cloud providers on cost/revenue estimates of Cloud services. It explores cost/revenue models for two pay-per-use plans: pay-per-resource and pay-per-transaction.


Page 1: Enterprise applications in the cloud:  analysis of pay-per-use plans

Enterprise Applications in the Cloud:

Analysis of Pay-per-use Plans

Leonid Grinshpan, Oracle Corporation (www.oracle.com)

The Cloud-computing paradigm is attractive to businesses not only because of its

technological, logistical, and environmental advantages over traditional IT frameworks.

For the most part its magnetic pull has its roots in economy—Clouds are also well

suited to save IT cost as they implement pay-per-use policies.

While relocating enterprise applications (EA) into the Cloud, the corporations have to

be aware of the cost associated with Cloud services and its dependence on dynamically

changing EA workloads. The same is true for Cloud providers: they have to know the

revenue derived from each hosted EA. This article provides guidance to Cloud users

and Cloud providers on cost/revenue estimates. It explores cost/revenue models for two

pay-per-use plans: pay-per-resource and pay-per-transaction. A modeling approach is

based on methodology described in the author’s book [Leonid Grinshpan. Solving

Enterprise Application Performance Puzzles: Queuing Models to the Rescue, Willey-IEEE

Press, 2012. http://www.amazon.com/Solving-Enterprise-Applications-Performance-


The pay-per-resource plan charges for the hardware capacity an EA uses at any given

time. Typically, resources are priced per hour; below is an excerpt from a price list by

OpSource, a company providing Cloud and managed hosting services:


Page 2: Enterprise applications in the cloud:  analysis of pay-per-use plans

Hourly price for application X on pay-per-resource plan is calculated by formula:

price of one resource unit per one hour * number of resource units assigned to application X

One resource unit represents one CPU as well as fixed amount of RAM and storage (for

example, 1 GB). Network hardware and bandwidth are also priced per usage.

The pay-per-transaction plan charges per each transaction processed by the Cloud. As

an example, Cloud application LinkedIn charges a minimum of $2.00 per transaction

that takes a user to an advertised Web page.

Hourly price for application X on pay-per-transaction plan is calculated by formula:

price of one transaction * number of transactions per hour processed by Cloud for application X

In order to determine the hourly price of each plan, we have to determine the number of

resource units assigned to application X, as well as the number of transactions per hour

processed by the Cloud for application X. Both numbers are the functions of intensity of

demand from application users as well as architecture and specifications of hosting

hardware. The perfection in Cloud management is achieved when, at any given

moment for each application, this logical equation is true: Demand = Resources. A

provider is losing revenue when Demand > Resources (application “appetite” for

capacity is not satisfied), and customer is priced unfairly when Demand < Resources

(application is overprovisioned).

In Cloud that hosts EA (EAC), Demand is highly dynamic with peaks and valleys and

the Cloud management system has to permanently synchronize Resources with

Demand. Synchronization includes the following steps that have to be executed in the

shortest time to maximize Cloud profitability: 1) identification of an excess or shortage

Page 3: Enterprise applications in the cloud:  analysis of pay-per-use plans

of hardware resources; 2) forecasting the size of additional or excessive resources by

modeling; 3) using modeling to estimate an impact of resources reallocation (change

management); 4) effecting changes by reprovisioning resources.

Step 1 is implemented by monitoring usage of Cloud hardware and EA transaction

times. Steps 2 and 3 require modeling; Step 3 is a must-have in multi-tenant Clouds.

Step 4 can be executed quickly if it requires reprovisioning of resources within the

existing virtual machine (VM); the step is more complicated and lengthy if the new VM

has to be deployed and an additional instance of EA has to be installed on it.

Cost/Revenue Model

The queuing model on Figure 1 represents a Cloud hosting three EAs (App A, App B,

App C) on three physical servers. EAs have their own users accessing applications over

the network. Each Cloud’s physical server has 24 CPUs and is broken down by three

VMs with 8 CPUs. The users, network and VMs are modeled by dedicated nodes.

The workload for the cost/revenue model is defined in Table 1. We assume for clarity’s

sake that the workload of each application consists of transactions identified by

application name. One user executes a transaction a number of times per hour indicated

in the last column of Table 1. The model is analyzed for the total number of users for all

three applications ranging from 100 to 1000.

Table 1

Workload 1 for Cost/Revenue Model

Transaction name

Number of users per application

Number of



per user

per hour

App A transaction 50 100 150 200 300 400 350 400 450 500 10

App B transaction 25 50 75 100 150 200 175 200 225 250 20

App C transaction 25 50 75 100 150 200 175 200 225 250 5

Total number of


100 200 300 400 600 800 700 800 900 1000

Page 4: Enterprise applications in the cloud:  analysis of pay-per-use plans

Figure 1 Model 1 of a Cloud hosting three enterprise applications;

each physical server hosts three virtual machines.

Page 5: Enterprise applications in the cloud:  analysis of pay-per-use plans

To solve the model we have to specify the profile of each transaction (Table 2). The

transaction profile is a set of time intervals (service demands) a transaction has spent in

all processing units it has visited while served by the application.

Table 2

Transaction Profiles (seconds)

Time in

Network node

Time in Web

server node

Time in App

server node

Time in Database

server node

App A transaction 0.001 0.4 2.0 5.0

App B transaction 0.0015 0.2 1.0 5.0

App C transaction 0.003 0.4 5.0 5.0

The workload identifies an intensity of requests generated by application users, while

the transaction profile characterizes the time interval a single transaction will use Cloud

resources. Table 3 specifies maximum transaction times acceptable by Service Level

Agreements (SLA):

Table 3

Maximum Acceptable Transaction Times per SLA (seconds)

Time (seconds)

App A transaction 8.0

App B transaction 7.00

App C transaction 12.00

To solve the model we specify the modeled hardware resources:

We also specify the workload and transaction profiles for all EAs:

Page 6: Enterprise applications in the cloud:  analysis of pay-per-use plans

We solve the model for workloads featuring a number of users ranging from 100 to

1000. Figure 1 shows transaction times as a function of the number of users. The

maximum accepted by SLA transaction time for App A is seven seconds; it is marked

by character A and reached for 800 users. The maximum accepted by SLA transaction

time for App B is eight seconds; it is marked by character B and reached for 900 users.

Page 7: Enterprise applications in the cloud:  analysis of pay-per-use plans

Figure 2 Transaction Times (seconds) for App A, B, C

The three following charts (Figures 3, 4, 5) characterize the percentage of utilization of

system servers by each application.

Figure 3 Utilization of System Servers by App A

Page 8: Enterprise applications in the cloud:  analysis of pay-per-use plans

Figure 4 Utilization of system servers by App B

Figure 5 Utilization of system servers by App C

We can find out the number of CPUs consumed by each application as a function of the

number of users. One CPU accounts for 100% / 8 = 12.5%; the number of CPUs per VM

rounded up to the next integer is presented in a table below.

Page 9: Enterprise applications in the cloud:  analysis of pay-per-use plans

Number of CPUs in Use by Each Application in Each Server

This table defines the number of CPUs in use by each application depending on the

number of its users. Visual interpretation of this table is as follows:

Server name

Total number of users

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Application A

Web server A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Application server A 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 1 3

Database server A 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 7 7 8

Total number of CPUs 3 4 5 5 7 8 8 11 9 12

Application B

Web server B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Application server B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2

Database server B 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 7 7 8

Total number of CPUs 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 10 10 11

Application C

Web server C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Application server C 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2

Database server C 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2

Total number of CPUs 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 5

Number of CPUs per App A Number of CPUs per App B

Number of CPUs per App C

Page 10: Enterprise applications in the cloud:  analysis of pay-per-use plans

The number of CPUs in use depends on the workload (in our case, a changing

component of the workload is the number of users). As we can see, because the Cloud’s

price per application is a function of the number of CPUs in use by that application, it

ultimately depends on the application’s workload fluctuation.

Our model helps to determine the hourly cost of Cloud services for each application as

a function of the number of users of the pay-per-resource plan (see chart on Figure 6,

we assume that the cost of one CPU per hour is $1.00).

Figure 6 Hourly cost of Cloud services as a function of the number of users

of the pay-per-resource plan (cost of one CPU per hour is $1.00)

A similar cost analysis can be executed for the pay-per-transaction plan using the

model-generated data in Tables 4 and 5.

Table 4

Cloud Throughput per Application (transactions/sec)


Total number of users

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Application A 0.14 0.27 0.41 0.54 0.68 0.82 0.95 1.09 1.22 1.36

Application B 0.13 0.27 0.40 0.54 0.67 0.81 0.94 1.07 1.21 1.34

Application C 0.03 0.07 0.10 0.14 0.17 0.21 0.24 0.27 0.31 0.34

Page 11: Enterprise applications in the cloud:  analysis of pay-per-use plans

Table 5

Cloud Throughput per Application (transactions/hour)

Chart on Figure 7 shows hourly cost of Cloud services for each application as a function

of the number of users of the pay-per-transaction plan (we assume that cost of one

transaction is $0.01).

Figure 7 Hourly cost of Cloud services as a function of the number of users

of the pay-per-transaction plan (cost of one transaction is $0.01)

Both charts let compare two pricing plans. The pay-per-transaction plan features a

linear increase in hourly cost when the number of users increases; it enables a provider

to forecast revenue without running models every time the number of users changes.

The pay-per-resource plan exhibits more complicated behavior with linear as well as

flat segments, making useless linear extrapolation. Moreover, this plan charges not only


Total number of users

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Application A 504 972 1476 1944 2448 2952 3420 3924 4392 4896

Application B 468 972 1440 1944 2412 2916 3384 3852 4356 4824

Application C 108 252 360 504 612 756 864 972 1116 1224

Page 12: Enterprise applications in the cloud:  analysis of pay-per-use plans

for CPUs, but for other hardware assets, and calculation of its cost is more complicated

and requires monitoring of usage of all hardware components of the Cloud.

With cost-revenue models at hand, a provider can forecast the Cloud’s profit as a

function of the applications workload, pricing plan and Cloud’s maintenance expenses.

Takeaway from the Article

1. The most popular pay-per-use plans offered by Cloud providers are pay-per-

resource and pay-per-transaction.

2. The pay-per-transaction plan is characterized by a linear increase in hourly cost

when the number of users increases.

3. The pay-per-resource plan demonstrates more complicated dependence of its

cost from a number of users with linear as well as flat segments; that makes

linear extrapolation misleading.

4. Cost-revenue queuing models assist providers with forecasting the Cloud’s

profit as a function of the application’s workloads, pricing plan and the Cloud’s

maintenance expenses.

About the Author

Leonid Grinshpan has worked as an Oracle consultant for the last 15 years and was

hands-on engaged in performance tuning and sizing of enterprise applications for

various corporations (Dell, Citibank, Verizon, Clorox, Bank of America, AT&T, Best

Buy, Aetna, Halliburton, Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, Starbucks, etc.).