enterprise applications in 2011

[email protected] Chief Technology Officer Enterprise Applications Enterprise Applications in in 2011: 2011: New Capabilities New Capabilities, , New Ways New Ways of of Building Building, , More Impact More Impact on on Business Business Chief Technology Officer Capgemini France

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My presentation @ Capgemini Architect Week 2011 in Lille


  • 1. Enterprise Applications in 2011:New Capabilities, New Ways of Building, More Impact on Business [email protected] Chief Technology Officer Capgemini France
  • 2. Big changes are happening in Entreprise IT The future is here. Its just not widely distributed yet William GIBSONThe technologies are available for a while butnot everyone has figured out how to use them best ! | Architecture Week Speakers Handbook, Arnaud Buisne, v1.2 - 26/08/2011 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 2
  • 3. [Old] Enterprise Applications were [are] based on LimitationsYour business is boxed inby the limitations of oldtechnology High Cost Difficult to change Stuck Siloed | Architecture Week Enterprise Applications in 2011 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 3
  • 4. [Old] Enterprise Applications were [are] based on LimitationsYour business is boxed in The End of Constraints.by the limitations of old Delivering Custom Apps fortechnology Competitive Advantage. Efficient Agile Real Time High Cost Always connected Difficult to change Social Stuck Siloed Internet & Consumer Tech Cloud Computing Open Source Mobile & Smart Devices | Architecture Week Enterprise Applications in 2011 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 4
  • 5. A Big Wave of Disruptive TechnologiesThe Moores Law applies on a regular basis for over 30 years 1E+7 1980 2010 1E+6 Storage Price vs Time 1E+5 KB/$ 1998 2011 1E+4 Disk KB/$ 1E+3 RAM 1E+2 1E+1 1E+0 2 GHz, 1Go mmoire 1MB = $1.50 10 years $1.50 1E-1 1GB = 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 > 1re Navette spatiale I/O latency We need to change Cache 3 15 cycles RAM 250 cycles our application design Flash 5 000 cycles Disk 51 000 cycles patterns | Architecture Week Enterprise Applications in 2011 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 5
  • 6. Scale-Up architectureN-TIER ARCHITECTURE System-centric Complicated assemblies of frameworks | Architecture Week
  • 7. Network of linked information User-centricUnanticipated uses REST INTERNET ARCHITECTURE Scale-out architectureSimple protocols and formatsinstead of frameworks | Architecture Week Speakers Handbook, Arnaud Buisne, v1.2 - 26/08/2011 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 7
  • 8. Architecture of the Web Tim Berners Lee The Inventor of the web The value of the Web lies in the unanticipated reuse that it allows Designed to facilitate the future uses that we do not knowThe Web is based on a Ressource Oriented Architecture called REST URI & multiple representations | Architecture Week Enterprise Applications in 2011 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 8
  • 9. The Internet and the Web as Models Html 5 js engine Browser SearchIn-memory data grid no-sql Technologies, Architectures and Practices validated by Millions of Users & very demanding Business Models IT performance has direct impact on revenues Many page views & clicks needed for 1 K orders Decision making process to maximize learning & differentiation | Architecture Week Enterprise Applications in 2011 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 9
  • 10. Think Differently Old Way Developocratie documentsxml ou html object object transformationsobjects transformationsrelational | Architecture Week Enterprise Applications in 2011 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 10
  • 11. Think Differently Old Way Developocratie documents xml or html UI Front End documents object objectxml ou html objects documents object object transformations objects xml documents xml transformations servicesrelational object object objects relational | Architecture Week Enterprise Applications in 2011 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 11
  • 12. Think Differently Old Way New Way Developocratie Example of a new design pattern CQRS: Command Query Responsibility Segregation documents xml or html Read side Write side UI Front End documents object objectxml ou html objects events Read Databases documents Data object object transformations objects xml Domain documents xml Query transformations servicesrelational object object Command objects handlers User interface relational commands | Architecture Week Enterprise Applications in 2011 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 12
  • 13. Enterprises using web technologies & architectures with Capgemini | Architecture Week Enterprise Applications in 2011 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 13
  • 14. A Big Wave of Disruptive TechnologiesCloud Computing Everything is elastic You want 1 10 - 100 servers for 1 hour - 10 hours - 10 weeks - 10 months You Got It ! Commodity Technologies Very large economies of scaleNo investment before use.Pay for what you need, when you need.Instead of investing in rigidity, you buy flexibility. | Architecture Week Enterprise Applications in 2011 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 14
  • 15. Cloud Computing The risk for enterprises that dont start a Cloud migration is that their IT organization will be a competitive disadvantage. Geir Ramleth CIO, Bechtel Corp Not Only Cost Reduction But also Business Agility Access to next-generation architectures | Architecture Week Enterprise Applications in 2011 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 15
  • 16. Big Data delivers Big Value More of everythingData Deluge Big Data = Volume + Diversity + Velocity Big Data is about Size, Complexity and about Big Data is the future of IT Sharing to derive value Collect Identify Filter Distribute Apply | Architecture Week Enterprise Applications in 2011 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 16
  • 17. Wallmart handles more than 1 M customer transactionsper hour feeding databases estimated at more than2.5 petabytes.These data could be shared with Wallmart suppliers torun Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) practices | Architecture Week Enterprise Applications in 2011 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 17
  • 18. A Big Wave of Disruptive TechnologiesMobile devices and the end of the PC era In 2011, the number of mobile devices will pass the number of desktop PCs. ATAWAD access to all information and services. Any Time Any Where Any Device Apple has changed the game [again] In 1993 the iPad 2 would have been among the top 30 supercomputers in the world. World No. 3 computer makerif iPad is a computer. Jobs approach to the future of computing: Make everything simpler, more universally usable, and less constrained by the narrow orthodoxies of the tech industry. | Architecture Week Enterprise Applications in 2011 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 18
  • 19. A Big Wave of Disruptive Technologies Consumerization of IT Technology innovations are coming largely from the consumer world. New usage models. App Store: 1-click browse, install and useExtreme usability Low barriers of adoption Self service & Freedom of choice | Architecture Week Enterprise Applications in 2011 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 19
  • 20. A Big Wave of Disruptive Technologies Consumerization of IT Consumer Technology influences the enterprise world with employees forcing an unprecedented pace of change. CIOs Surveyed on Tablet Usage 2011 2010Morgan Stanley, Tablet Demand and Disruption, February 14, 2011 | Architecture Week Enterprise Applications in 2011 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 20
  • 21. Consumerization of IT The User Experience is the ServiceGreat userexperience Users can accomplish Useful their goals. Users can easily Usable perform tasks. It is what your users Users enjoy their Desirable demand. experience. It is what you must deliver. | Architecture Week Enterprise Applications in 2011 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 21
  • 22. A Big Wave of Disruptive Technologies is Changing Application Development & Delivery Smart The User Experience is the service Mobile Any Time Any Where Any Device Devices Big Data New professional delivers Big Delivering Consumerization Data of IT usages areBig Value Custom Apps for defined @home Competitive Advantage Web Cloud Everything Oriented New Computing is elastic Architecture Design Patterns | Architecture Week Enterprise Applications in 2011 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 22
  • 23. Big shifts at the intersection of Business and Technology The IT organization is the owner TransactionsAutomate the taskswe know [as must be done]Applications deliveredon-timeand on-budget Long Cycles Search for Business alignment | Architecture Week Enterprise Applications in 2011 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 23
  • 24. Big shifts at the intersection of Business and Technology Business people understand technology The IT organization is the owner Technology Driven Transactions Business DifferentiationAutomate the tasks & Transformationwe know [as must be done] Increase Business performanceApplications delivered in complex working situationson-time Business Valueand on-budget Time To Value Long Cycles New Usages Search for Business Short Cycles alignment & iterations | Architecture Week Enterprise Applications in 2011 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 24
  • 25. A shift in mindsetStop thinking:We build a collection of applicationsthat support our business Application SilosStart thinking:We build our business usingtechnology platforms Time To Value Tools & Services allowing fast & continuous delivery of user features A Copernican shift | Architecture Week Enterprise Applications in 2011 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 25
  • 26. Think about project differently Technology Driven Business DifferentiationAutomate the tasks & Transformationwe know [as must be done] Increase Business performance in complex working situations Usages are well known New Usages One can completely specify 30% of the specifications the system before building it are unknown the 1st day of the project Agile project driven by Fixed price engagements bunisess value analysis Long Cycles Short Cycles & iterations New engagement models | Architecture Week Enterprise Applications in 2011 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 26
  • 27. Agile Development ProcessThe agile approach consists inimplementing functions by business Collaborationpriority, with continuous flexibilityand acceptance of business change Deliver & test earlyto build the right software | Architecture Week Enterprise Applications in 2011 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 27
  • 28. Business Value Driven Process High Priority Backlog sprint During each iteration, the top priority items get implementedItems with a highpriority are detailed New items are integrated with their priority level Items in the backlog can be reprioritized at any timeItems with a lowpriority are describedin a simple way Items can be removed from the backlog at any time Low Priority Product Backlog Requirements expressed from the user perspective | Architecture Week Enterprise Applications in 2011 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 28
  • 29. TRADITIONAL PROJECTS ARE LIKE A CANNON BALLAssumptions : The customers know what they want The developers know how to build it Nothing will change along the way Source: Henrik Kniberg | Architecture Week
  • 30. AGILE IS LIKE A HOMING MISSILEAssumptions: The customers discover what they wants The optimal architecture is emerging Things change along the way Source: Henrik Kniberg | Architecture Week
  • 31. Agile & Architecture Traditional Project Agile Project Big Design Up Front Continuous Design Work Gradual EmergenceElaborate a detailed architecture at A global vision and a good foundationthe [very] beginning of the project are needed to deliver sprintsPeer Review The architecture must be designed toDefining the right architecture support rapid changes and to supportat the 1st time is a critical factor automated testing Start with a simple architecture and improve it continuously at each iteration The only way to test a design is to implement it ! Design Review at the end of sprints | Architecture Week Enterprise Applications in 2011 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 31
  • 32. Never Start From Scratch Old Way New WayStart from scratch Use building blocks Faster progress for the project Open Source Software Cloud based Services | Architecture Week Enterprise Applications in 2011 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 32
  • 33. Enterprise Applications in the 21st centuryNew technologiesWOA The End of Constraints. Delivering Custom Apps for Competitive Advantage. Technology Driven Business Changes Agile Development Process Co-invention Time To Value ! High collaboration with Business People | Architecture Week Enterprise Applications in 2011 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 33
  • 34. www.capgemini.comThe information contained in this presentation is proprietary. 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved