enterprenuer - power of strategic innovation - stagging phase


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Post on 14-May-2015




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Page 1: Enterprenuer - power of strategic innovation - stagging phase
Page 2: Enterprenuer - power of strategic innovation - stagging phase

Shrink cost

The problem of responsibility

The discovery process :Introduction

Entrepreneur’s Workshop Powered By SIFE Session 4

Page 3: Enterprenuer - power of strategic innovation - stagging phase

Alex Osbern & sedny Paranes

The discovery process :Introduction

Entrepreneur’s Workshop Powered By SIFE Session 4

Page 4: Enterprenuer - power of strategic innovation - stagging phase

The discovery process :Introduction

Entrepreneur’s Workshop Powered By SIFE Session 4

Page 5: Enterprenuer - power of strategic innovation - stagging phase

Fuel and road of continuity

Kodak & Polaroid

The discovery process :Introduction

Entrepreneur’s Workshop Powered By SIFE Session 4

Page 6: Enterprenuer - power of strategic innovation - stagging phase

Star bucks café Vs. P&G

The discovery process :Introduction

Entrepreneur’s Workshop Powered By SIFE Session 4

Page 7: Enterprenuer - power of strategic innovation - stagging phase

Customer Value Delivered value Start-up

The discovery process :Introduction

Entrepreneur’s Workshop Powered By SIFE Session 4

Page 8: Enterprenuer - power of strategic innovation - stagging phase

Future Doesn’t yet exist & can be created (actor)

Future can’t precisely predicted but it’s forces can be identified

Each Company had its own prospectives

The discovery process :Introduction

Entrepreneur’s Workshop Powered By SIFE Session 4

Page 9: Enterprenuer - power of strategic innovation - stagging phase




Today to tomorrow

Extend current value

Fit the business model

The discovery process :Introduction

Entrepreneur’s Workshop Powered By SIFE Session 4




Tomorrow to today

Create new values.

Create new business model

Page 10: Enterprenuer - power of strategic innovation - stagging phase

The discovery process :Introduction

Entrepreneur’s Workshop Powered By SIFE Session 4

Page 11: Enterprenuer - power of strategic innovation - stagging phase

The discovery process :Staging phase

Entrepreneur’s Workshop Powered By SIFE Session 4

Page 12: Enterprenuer - power of strategic innovation - stagging phase

staging stage

Creating the right


creating the right working


Implementing the

staging meeting

The discovery process :Staging phase

Entrepreneur’s Workshop Powered By SIFE Session 4

Page 13: Enterprenuer - power of strategic innovation - stagging phase

1. Creating the right team& Support Structure

Different perspective



The discovery process :Staging phase

Entrepreneur’s Workshop Powered By SIFE Session 4

1. 1 A corporate team not a loan pioneer

Kodak 1990’s

Page 14: Enterprenuer - power of strategic innovation - stagging phase

1.2 Key Roles In the discovery process

Key Roles

1. Sponsor

2. Team Captain

3. Discovery Team

1. Creating the right team& Support Structure

The discovery process :Staging phase

Entrepreneur’s Workshop Powered By SIFE Session 4

Optional Roles

1. Facilitator

2. Advisory Team

3. Support Team

Page 15: Enterprenuer - power of strategic innovation - stagging phase



1. Liaison

2. Mentor

3. spokesperson

1.2 Key Roles In the discovery process

1. Creating the right team& Support Structure

The discovery process :Staging phase

Entrepreneur’s Workshop Powered By SIFE Session 4

Page 16: Enterprenuer - power of strategic innovation - stagging phase


Leader not commander

Knowing How to accomplish goals

Flexible In planning

Take risks and experiment it

1.2 Key Roles In the discovery process

1. Creating the right team& Support Structure

The discovery process :Staging phase

Entrepreneur’s Workshop Powered By SIFE Session 4

Page 17: Enterprenuer - power of strategic innovation - stagging phase

Discovery Team

Different perspective with Different reference


Believes in the importance of the steps

1.2 Key Roles In the discovery process

1. Creating the right team& Support Structure

The discovery process :Staging phase

Entrepreneur’s Workshop Powered By SIFE Session 4

Page 18: Enterprenuer - power of strategic innovation - stagging phase

1. Cross – functional implementation

2. Diversity of its members (Wilson Greatbach- PM)

3. Team players (R.L.C)

Key of Recruiting D.T

1.2 Key Roles In the discovery process

1. Creating the right team& Support Structure

The discovery process :Staging phase

Entrepreneur’s Workshop Powered By SIFE Session 4

Page 19: Enterprenuer - power of strategic innovation - stagging phase


Team’s energy, encourage unordinary thinking

Leader of dynamic process

1.2 Key Roles In the discovery process

1. Creating the right team& Support Structure

The discovery process :Staging phase

Entrepreneur’s Workshop Powered By SIFE Session 4

Page 20: Enterprenuer - power of strategic innovation - stagging phase

Advisory & Support team

1.2 Key Roles In the discovery process

1. Creating the right team& Support Structure

The discovery process :Staging phase

Entrepreneur’s Workshop Powered By SIFE Session 4

Page 21: Enterprenuer - power of strategic innovation - stagging phase

3.1 Understanding the scope of the initiative

3. Implementing the staging meeting

The discovery process :Staging phase

Entrepreneur’s Workshop Powered By SIFE Session 4


Expectation and revenues

Mid-term & long term opportunities

Page 22: Enterprenuer - power of strategic innovation - stagging phase

Field of today

The seeds of tomorrow

Ex: Kodak 1990’s (FIST)

3.2 Discovery brief

3. Implementing the staging meeting

The discovery process :Staging phase

Entrepreneur’s Workshop Powered By SIFE Session 4

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Ground rules & roles of working


3. Implementing the staging meeting

The discovery process :Staging phase

Entrepreneur’s Workshop Powered By SIFE Session 4

3.3 Team Creating