enter junior high -official- -credit-the ac classes … nov 7... · lux toilet soap-- 2o.k«13c ux...

With Whioh is Consolidated the Lomita News Published Every Thursday GROVER C. WHYTE, Editor-Publisher MtCHEAL STRASZER, City Editor 1336 El Prado, Telephone Torranc* 444 Torrance, California MEMBER California Newipapar Publ|lher« Auoolatlon MEMBER United Pro., A»ocUtion* weekly at Torrnnco, California, and entered as second clasi mutter January 30, 1914, at the Potnofflce at Torrance, California, under tlln Act of March 3, 1879. Subicription Ratet In Advance Anywhere In Los Angeles County ... .. . .$2.00 pel yeai Anywhere In the U. S. Outside of Loa Angeles County 13.00 per year Canada and Other Foreign Countries . JO.00 per yea Blnglfe Copies ________._____ OFFICIAL, PAPER OF THE CITY OF TORRANCE Adjudicated a Legal Newspaper of Loa Angeles County, Superior J Court Case No. 21,1170. Doled March 82. 1927. Sepulveda Blvd. Right-of-Way Is Needed At Once Cityj May Lose County Cash Appropriation, Chamber Informs Council If Ton-an not oon itsi-lfi tho inly ..Jtion JTor~ the "inltlal~iITIpriJVcTncnr of SoViulveda boulevard, this' offer will bo reappropriated to oilier dlstiltt.1 In the county where rlght-jof-wnys have been provided anil projects arc all ready for construction. TliiH .waa tlic Information given the ulty council Tuesday night In a communication frlmi the 01mm- ber 61 Commerce that prompted Ihi- Council to instruct City 13n- ITincer Leonard to notify Dr, L: M. Kllln'wood, large property owner who -lives In San Francisco, that the Immediate signing of tho right- of-wijy deeds 4 throiigh hlu prop- erty adjoining Snpulveda is neces- sary, j x^ -f May Suffer Loss Lemiurd, in asking the support of tpe council for this action Btated that Dr. Elllnwood was fiillyinwarn of the county's cash award but that the San Francisco man should be Informed at once of the chance the city runs of losing this assistance. VThe director!* of this bureau Jeel that the matter is of suf- C. of C. Men Attend State Convention Carl Hyde and L. J. Ollmelster, Chamber of Commerce stuff, at- tended the Koa»lon« of the Cali- fornia Commercial Secretaries' As- sociation at Santa Barbara Friday and Saturday. Hyde vim made a member of the oi-fjanlzutloh'H ud- vlsory board and npoke Friday morning on the subject of "Fi- nancing the Chamber Through Taxation." Harry Barncs, a.icre- tary of the Pittsburgh (Calif.) fehHmber was elected president, .joi the - association -and Del Monto selected UK the 1933 convention city. OWNER IN CHARGE The Hotel lioyul, formerly the Ironton, i.s now under tlie manage- ment of Its pwncr, Orrio Kellliley. flclent importance to warrant In- structions by your body to the. city engineer to call the matter to the attention of affected prop- erty owners HO that they may not suffer the loss of tlm very sub- stantial benefits which the cash Improvement of this thoroughfare, would'render," the chamber's let- ter to the council read in part. "The. acute economic condition will Rive the county authorities no choice in the matter and we feel confident If those related to thlx matter We apprised of this fact they will hasten to take ud> vantage .of this unusual oppor- tunity." the djrectors' letter con- cluded. - CONTINENTAL i STORES {$39 Cabrillo Avenue 2223 Torrance Blvd. j TORRANCE ________ j FRIDAY and SATURDAY GOLDEN ROD BUTTER 24c Ib. FRESH EGGS 23c doz. JANUARY 21st to 27th fOMATOSOUP c::,6 can8 25c 4-———————-—.—————————————— Jomato Ketchup 2 small OF- bottles£DC SUPERIO - Macaroni Spaghetti Noodles pkgs. CRISCO - 1 Ib. can .". 20c 3 Ib. 57c M. J. B. COFFEE Ib. 36c CORN - - Del Monte Country No 2 cans .. . ?7r .ttt ii Blue Ribbon Malt - 3 Ib. can . 41c Lux Toilet Soap-- 2o.k«13c UX Small pkgs. 18c large size . 21c INSO - 17c' 21c LIFEBUOY SQAP 3 A Hot Special For Cool Weather! SEAL PANCAKE FLOUR 2 ;,U"' . 15c 25c VERMONT MAID SYRUP 2 lJuS'...,..4Sc -Official- Meeting of January 19, 1932. SUMMARY Qmoline contract for iwardtd. x 8<pulveda boultvard proji to be puihed. . ^ Permit granted oitizer/ ti Brate wrecking yard. No reply yet about Vtfe/an»' tax Hem. City Hall may get new or repaired eign. Drainage problem diicuned; to be inveitigated. Torrance. California. January 19, 1982. MINUTKS OF THK REOULAR MKBTINO OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TORRANCE. ~lio tegular meeting of the City Council of the City of To^rance, held In the Council Cliam- i at Torrance, California, Jan- uary 10th, 1932, and was called to rder at 7:45 P. M. by Mayor Dennis. The following Vouncllman 'were resent: COUNCILMAN: Bell, mlth, Nelson, Stelner and Dennis. Absent: COUNCILMAN: None. Councilman Nelson moved por- tion of tho minutes of January Ih. 1932, with reference to the U500.00 allocation by the Chamber f Commerce be struck out. Coun- cilman Smith seconded' the motion, hlcli was duly carried by the following roll call vole: AYES: COUIV'CILMEN: .Dell, Smith. Nel- ro~hV~f!tc:meT-and Dennis: NOESi- iSO'UNCi'LMKN:' None." "ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. Councilman Stelner moved that he minutes of tho regular meeting >f January 5th, 1032, us amended, >e adopted. Councilman Smith ecomlcd the motion, which was rled unanin dy. Gasoline Bids Opened At S P. M.. Mayor Dennis called r bids for furnishing (rasofinu to e City of Torrunce for twelve nontlis, beginning on February 1st, 1932, and ending January Slst. 1033. The Clerk opened and read the following proposals: THE TEXAS COMPANY Not lealcrs price including State Tax s $.12 per gallon. SHELL OIL COMPANY Net tank truck price Is 12 cents per gallon which Is inclusive of the California Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax at Torronoe. UNION OIL COMPANY OV CALIFORNIA being; twelve cents (12c) per* gallon, Including State Tax. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA Price per gallon which the Buyer shall pay the Seller for deliveries of Standard Uasollno heruunder shall be the Seller's current tank truck price. ELMORE-LAMBINO OIL CO. Agree to deliver said gasoline at a top price of lie per gallon, stat tax of 3c included. Councilman Smith «movcd that tho bid of the Union Oil Company of California be accepted, and all other bids be rejected. Cquncll- man Nelson seconder! tho motion, wlilrii was duly carried by the fol- lowing roll call vole: AYES: COUNCILMAN: Hell. Smith. Nel- son, Steiner and Dennis. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMAN: None. To Puih Project Clerk Bartlctt read a communi- cation from the Harbor District Chambers of Commerce d a t e" d January 15, 1932, expressing the ilnccro feeling and appreciation of tho entire membership of the organization for the courtesies lown at meetings held in the City of Torrance. Councilman Rtclner moved the letter be filed. Councilman Bell seconded the mo- tion, which was carl-led unani- mously. A communication, from the Tor- rance Chamber of Commerce under date ot January 19, 1932, was read regarding ."major "highways "Tina" their prospective development Councilman Steiner moved the let- ter be filed and re(|ue«t bo com- plied with and the City Engineer be Instructed to call the matter to the attention of affected property owners. Councilman Hull seconded motion, which was carried unanimously. Park Street Vacated A gentleman In the audience iquested permission to start an auto wrecking yard at 1817 213th Street All wrecking to be done under cover. Councilman Smith moved request be granted. Coun- ollman Nelson seconded the mo- tion, which, was carried unanl-' mously. f. At this time the Clerk brought up the matter of closing up and vacating a portion of Park Street Dollars Are Put To Hard Labor » Even When In Savings Accounts Tin- dollar you deposit in a iavinys Hi-count is not stowed .way In the bank's vaults against be day you will usk fur Its rv- iii M. hut tin- bank Bivt'K It a,pair if overalls and puts It to work, lerording to a ren-nt bulletin lu- lled by the research department. Hank of America, which goes on D explain just how that dollar vorks for the upbuilding of the community. "About 35 cents of your dollar vent Into thuT j.flniincing of u mine, paying for lunlbcr, cement, mrdwarc, plumbing, ulvctiicul sup- plies, carpenters, muHons, eluc- .rlcluns, etc. About 30 cents of i-otir dollar wax Invested In bonds nabllng municipalities and states o build highways, bridges, schools, tc.: public utilities to build power ilunts, street ,cur lines, telephone md telegraph systems, etc.: InUus- ry to buy machinery and build ilantH. About eight conts pf your lolhir was Invested In United lutes government bonds. How Remainder Worki "Approximately 10 cents ot your dollar found Its way Into nmrrcia! paper, thus aiding the ilncss man to finance his cur- t operations, buy raw material, employes and market his pro- luet. About 20 cents wus luancnYto esponslblc persons, to assist them n buying government and other eiMirltien. "That makes a total 'f 03 cents conservatively Invested r loaned on sound security and iith a wide margin of safety. Yum- bunk hold the remaining even cents, partly In Its vaults, lartly on deposit with other banks, t held these seven cents because In- law requires a hank to keop eertuln reserve: and because i-x- "I'rlencn shows that about seven leisons will draw out a dollar, for very 100 persons who dupoalt u lullnr. "Sii this reserve. Ingelher with ..in' UinK'.s caiillul and surplus, milili-H iln- I..ink to rolurn your Inllm- as yini need It, ut the aamo runiimiliiK Us constrilcllve uiU o Industry and di-vdlupimml." LOCAL MAN ARRESTCD BY COUNTY INVESTIGATOR An Investigator Crpin ilu> His- Irlct Atlorney's olflce. 11. (1. llu- woi-tb, ari-outmh William I-:, ('runs- man, 53, who (,-uve his mldress us the Turruiii-O Hotel, un a eliari|i< of transportation oi lli|iioi- lust nitfht at SUtli and Aillniilon uv (- niie. I'rosvmuii, urrurdliiK In lorn I pullet," ix-uoi-tri, di-iiuxlii-,1 Jluu ball and wus releuned fiuiii Hie eliy Jail u short time, ul'lur III.-, iiiixnt. NO ANSWER YET city Engineer Lfulimd re|>urli-d to (liu cuuildl Tuuvduy nltjlit Ui.it he hud I'vuulvvd no n-ply uo > i.t lu hU letter uuKliili Ihe cuuiuy uifln«i.r v)ml iiollljiml" cujls lu Tununcv u*pu>cr» for tliu ugiuii- iiiK ami \vldviiliiH ul Wt.-ilL-rii u\i- uuu would utuuuiil lu. "Post Hole" Editor Lays Down His Pen "You cun quote mo us' say- ing I hat 1 re»lgned as editor of the 1'osl Hole because of my Inability, mentally or physically, to please the clien- tele." That was the way The Old Jtustei-r-Hcnry F. "Hunk" VI- brlght announced his abdica- tion yesterday head of tho local Legion's . official publica- tion. This worthy journal, , rlbukl and breezy us It was, had developed u considerable following und UN appearance was always greeted with In- terest, duo to The Old Mus- ter's trenchant pen. So L'lbrltjht wunt the way of Huch other Post Hole editors as W. Hurold Kinjt.sloy, James Scott. Oor«e AVorcesti-r and Hill Stunger-^out. Quality Market Again Ransacked Large Quantity of Foodstuff And $5 Cash Taken A r»n*lilrrah!c quantity of fnml- ntuflH mill »5 In uiuh was atulnii from Hit! Quality Market, 3171 TOITHIIW hiiiilovanl, willy Frlthiy morning. Tho rnblicrs evidently UHi'd u holt L-utti'r to nip u Btapk- on tin- front tloor anil HO milni'd iiilinlttunri-. Thuy ilrpurtod, t.-ik- IIIK the following loot from tho buck door: "t rounilu at flour mid one C-UHC of 38 one-pound ciins of coffee from, tile grocery (lepuitinc'iit; thruu ulUuu of tiuvon. tlin-i! plunlc huniH, 15 poiinilti of Hllc'c-d huvon, one-half cnsc of I-BBH uncl tho monoy from tho mvul de- liuHniiMil. Tho nmrlirt wus run- Narked mivcral niuntlin us". » iionkkOL-plntr nim-tililP pvlne tiikcn alon« with fooildtllfli). Tliu nm- clilnu wim found ufti'i-nitnlH.. and no written or oral objoctlon» hftvlnn boon received, Councilman Utll Introduced: ORDINANCE NO. 229 GRANTING VACATION OI-' THAT PORTION OF PARK STREET. - Engineer Leonard muted that the Neon Kloctrlc Sign Company hud it'll 111'ntcd n permit to place nn electric slitn over Dr. Ingold's place of bimlnufiB to conform- with our ordinance. Councilman Stelner movod r«quo»t ho granted. Coun- cilman Noluon Racondcd tho mo- tion, which was carried unani- mously. On Western Avpnue wldrnlncr, tho City EnRlnecr had no further reporti to make except that he had culled the mutter to the at- tention of the County Surveyor as directed by tho Council. To R«p«ir Sjgn City Attorney I-'lndley reported he hud written to the uttnrtiny of the Veterans' Welfare Board and yet had not received u reply, believed the Veterans' attorney will attend a meeting of the City Council or he will soon have a reply. Councilman Steiner moved hold this matter open until next meeting. Councllmen. Smith londcd the motion, which was carried unanimously. .He also itated he had no further report on the water litigation. An appeal >vas flUd and It will 'come up un- iler due course. And, In the .mat- ter of the damage suit against the city, the case is being prepared id will come up In regular course, Councilman Stelner ren oeated that the City Engineer 'he In; itructcd to report on the expense if repairing the Blgn on the front Of the City Hall and also ascct- tnln the cost of a new sign. Coun- cilman Smith moved the matter bo efcrred to the City Engineer for iheck up and report. Councilman Bell seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously. .' Drainage Problem Aired Councilman Nelson re o. u o s-t e d that the City Engineer investigate drainage condition on Sonoirm <ot and make recommcmlatlon to proper way to handle the drainage problem. Councilman' Stejner movod all bills properly audited bo paid. Councilman Smith seconded the motion, which was duly -carried by the following roll call vote: AYKS: COUNCILMEN: Bell. Smith. Nel- son, Stainer anil Dennis. Councilman Stehrer moved that the meeting be adjourned to TIICH- day, January 261 h, at I o'clock P. M. CouiiL-llman Smith seconded the motion, which WUB carried unani- mously. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 r. M. BROTHER PASSES ON Ooorge Towne, well-known Lo- mltu resident, received, word Sim- day of the death of his brother, Z. JT(>wno_ut_Watta-- ThKlwwftasd wim "ii pioneer In that city and had been tho leading mortician for many years. TO 6RBCT 8ION A permit wu* grafted by the council TucKday to Dr.. C. L. Ingold to- place un 9lccmc~alsn- ovor the sidewalk Jn frem of his optomotry office on M a r c e 11 n a avenue. ENTER JUNIOR HIGH Thirty-six children will advance Into the Junior High ochoo) at I.omlta next week, and Harbor City will send 21 more to the Niirbonnn Junior High at .tlm game time. 'These pupils graduated from the AC classes this week. -CREDIT- FINEST DENTISTRY Many persons of late have deferred much needed Dental work because they could not conveniently pay cash or the high prices asked by some Dentists and were not willing to take a chance on cheap Dentistry, realizing the best of professional skill and the finest of materials are required to protect their health and appearance. Now You Can Obtain Credit at Redondo's Leading Dental Office I, will arrange terms -to conveniently meet your needs weekly or monthly payments. No interest extra charges red tape delay or indorsers AND YOUR WORK- COM- DR. CORNWELL PLETED AT °NCE- In offering credit to patrons of my Redondo office I am expressing my confi- dence in their integrity. Credit Is indeed ,a boon to those who appreciate the .lasting value of the best In Dentistry. Dental Restofatipns, etc., of the finest nature placed within your means through the medium of^ credit. Dentistry that you prefer that has the finish; the high quality that'denotes superiority In its appearance and is artistic. , DENTISTRY TODAY AT LOWER COST THAN HAS EVER BEEN KNOWN My Extractions Are According to Latest Scientific Painless Methods DENTURE (PLATES) MY 1$EJW FIRM-FITTING PLATES embody all the latest scientific suction features) Only durable materials of tested strength are used. The selection of teeth In color and form is given extremely careful consideration with the object in view of restoring the mouth and facial features to natural ex- pression. . By careful preparation of my Plates I endeavor to give my Patients the maximum of chewing ability. Materials and workmanship guaranteed. Very Low Prices for Fine Plates. Consult Me Without Obligation. , Office Open Evenings to Accommodate Those Who Work During the Day. D R. H. C. CORNWELL 1041/2 S.o. Pacific A-ve. Phone 6214 Redondo Beach, Calif. REQUEST TO MAKE UP FOOTBALL DEFICIT DENIED A li'iih-thy roiniiiunlviilliin from Toil) llowkfr, \\liirli Hi-t lortli the «iii!Ui>Kui'H iinil lulliiii-H ol tliu MJ- i-ulluil I.culuil ruiitlnill li'uni ilurliii,- I ho IHIH! Ht-UKon ami culltiiliu-U u ii'HiieBt that tlm Ulmiuljvr ul' I.'UIH- IIICIL'L' IIIUHO U|l U dl-lll-it III' llll.UH. wan mul at tin- Jloaril of )>|n-i-- IIII-H' nii'i-liim- Monday afternoon. Tin. rwiucst WIIH ilvillt'd after II hull linen uolnl.-rt out that the uliumbor'e utlik-tli- luiul Imil buun CASE CONTINUKD ilmll. u litlMir L'liilm, w»» run- I iji-d tu .Murrii It) by Judk'u Urn- j Muiuiuy. IY/ SAVE more during 1932" T/J« is NATIONAL THRIFT . 18 ... Sbtnre-With-OlbiftD<ii Xurirn, never ithievrd ling J.HI. l<; ........ lluJgei lljy f.vcry wrll . .n,,,, c.,f bii.ir».< iir«-«>i J.III. 20 . . . ... . W'iit Dj) \(,,, ynu m,d- J ...II -o, .lull M^IU y.w. 21 ..... UleliKuraaten.!) 11.11 H<nk :»!„.,. ||,.| <|> «j,q>u it .rnouiil of l.ft lii.>»<n» >I"«.U Ii tun- nu<rtd bcfote my oilier mvctuiMm. IM. 12 . . . Ou-a-Yimt-llomt r>.i> i,"n"i"' P """' ' 1"' '°w"" "'' Thrift is inannftiiienl, not miitrlintii. t'«c your income lo live fully today. Hut nvc A part of it for the need's or cmcrgcncict o| tomorrow. JTlerc is a formula that has enabled "thousands of men and women to accumulate safe, ' adequate reserve funds. Perhaps it will help you: 1 A DEFINITE GOAL . . . Resolve that you will build and maintain a savings reserve equal to six months' normal income. 2 A WORKABLE PLAN . . . Budget expenses in advangc . and include savings in your budget. 3 A SURE METHOD . . . Every pay Ja,y, without fail, , deposit in your savings account at least ten per cent of your earnings. If you already have an interest-bearing savings account, let us i|rge that you add to it regularly. Or if you wish to open a new account, you are invited to join the many thousands who save with Bank of America. During 1931, our savings depositors shared interest- dividends of more than 17 MILLION DOLLARS! . . . Your nearest Bank of America branch will welcome the opportunity to serve you. NATIONAL TRUST f S A V I f) Q 5 ASSOCIATION lljnL ol Aincrii! Niliutiil Tru»l t. S«N|II»( AnpiUlioo, > .S../I*.../ Hint II JUV ul Aiuilin. t liUlmit Suit I,,1. tit iilfQliul in uwuc»bi|i ,uj uuiuicuiim 4 ID Jffln. iu JO UJUoiulf luuiuiuoiiiii

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Page 1: ENTER JUNIOR HIGH -Official- -CREDIT-the AC classes … Nov 7... · Lux Toilet Soap-- 2o.k«13c UX ... size . 21c INSO - 17c' 21c LIFEBUOY SQAP 3 A Hot Special For Cool Weather! SEAL

With Whioh is Consolidated the Lomita NewsPublished Every Thursday

GROVER C. WHYTE, Editor-PublisherMtCHEAL STRASZER, City Editor

1336 El Prado, Telephone Torranc* 444 Torrance, California


California Newipapar Publ|lher«






weekly at Torrnnco, California, and entered as second clasi mutter January 30, 1914, at the Potnofflce at Torrance,

California, under tlln Act of March 3, 1879.

Subicription Ratet In AdvanceAnywhere In Los Angeles County ... .. . .$2.00 pel yeai Anywhere In the U. S. Outside of Loa Angeles County 13.00 per year Canada and Other Foreign Countries . JO.00 per yea Blnglfe Copies ________._____

OFFICIAL, PAPER OF THE CITY OF TORRANCEAdjudicated a Legal Newspaper of Loa Angeles County, Superior

J Court Case No. 21,1170. Doled March 82. 1927.

Sepulveda Blvd. Right-of-Way Is Needed At Once

Cityj May Lose County Cash Appropriation, Chamber

Informs Council

If Ton-an not oonitsi-lfi tho inly

..Jtion JTor~ the "inltlal~iITIpriJVcTncnr of SoViulveda boulevard, this' offer will bo reappropriated to oilier dlstiltt.1 In the county where rlght-jof-wnys have been provided anil projects arc all ready for construction.

TliiH .waa tlic Information given the ulty council Tuesday night In a communication frlmi the 01mm- ber 61 Commerce that prompted Ihi- Council to instruct City 13n- ITincer Leonard to notify Dr, L: M. Kllln'wood, large property owner who -lives In San Francisco, that the Immediate signing of tho right- of-wijy deeds 4 throiigh hlu prop­ erty adjoining Snpulveda is neces­ sary, j

x^ -f May Suffer LossLemiurd, in asking the support

of tpe council for this action Btated that Dr. Elllnwood was fiillyinwarn of the county's cash award but that the San Francisco man should be Informed at once of

the chance the city runs of losing this assistance.

VThe director!* of this bureau Jeel that the matter is of suf-

C. of C. Men Attend State Convention

Carl Hyde and L. J. Ollmelster, Chamber of Commerce stuff, at­ tended the Koa»lon« of the Cali­ fornia Commercial Secretaries' As­ sociation at Santa Barbara Friday and Saturday. Hyde vim made a member of the oi-fjanlzutloh'H ud- vlsory board and npoke Friday morning on the subject of "Fi­ nancing the Chamber Through Taxation." Harry Barncs, a.icre- tary of the Pittsburgh (Calif.) fehHmber was elected president, .joi the - association -and Del Monto selected UK the 1933 convention city.


The Hotel lioyul, formerly the Ironton, i.s now under tlie manage­ ment of Its pwncr, Orrio Kellliley.

flclent importance to warrant In­ structions by your body to the. city engineer to call the matter to the attention of affected prop­ erty owners HO that they may not suffer the loss of tlm very sub­ stantial benefits which the cash Improvement of this thoroughfare, would'render," the chamber's let­ ter to the council read in part.

"The. acute economic condition will Rive the county authorities no choice in the matter and we feel confident If those related to thlx matter We apprised of this fact they will hasten to take ud> vantage .of this unusual oppor­ tunity." the djrectors' letter con­ cluded. -

CONTINENTALi STORES{$39 Cabrillo Avenue 2223 Torrance Blvd.j TORRANCE ________



BUTTER 24c Ib.


EGGS 23c doz.

JANUARY 21st to 27th

fOMATOSOUP c::,6 can8 25c4-———————-—.——————————————

Jomato Ketchup 2 small OF- bottles£DC

SUPERIO - Macaroni Spaghetti Noodles pkgs.

CRISCO - 1 Ib.can .". 20c 3 Ib. 57c

M. J. B. COFFEE Ib. 36cCORN - - Del Monte

CountryNo 2cans .. .?7r.ttt ii

Blue Ribbon Malt - 3 Ib. can . 41c

Lux Toilet Soap-- 2o.k«13cUX Small

pkgs. 18c large size . 21c

INSO - 17c' 21cLIFEBUOY SQAP 3A Hot Special For Cool Weather!


FLOUR2 ;,U"' . 15c



SYRUP2 lJuS'...,..4Sc


Meeting of January 19, 1932.


Qmoline contract for iwardtd. x

8<pulveda boultvard proji to be puihed. . ^

Permit granted oitizer/ ti Brate wrecking yard.

No reply yet about Vtfe/an»' tax Hem.

City Hall may get new or repaired eign.

Drainage problem diicuned; to be inveitigated.

Torrance. California. January 19, 1982.


~lio tegular meeting of the City Council of the City of To^rance,

held In the Council Cliam- i at Torrance, California, Jan­

uary 10th, 1932, and was called to rder at 7:45 P. M. by Mayor

Dennis.The following Vouncllman 'were resent: COUNCILMAN: Bell, mlth, Nelson, Stelner and Dennis.

Absent: COUNCILMAN: None. Councilman Nelson moved por­

tion of tho minutes of January Ih. 1932, with reference to the

U500.00 allocation by the Chamber f Commerce be struck out. Coun­

cilman Smith seconded' the motion, hlcli was duly carried by the

following roll call vole: AYES: COUIV'CILMEN: .Dell, Smith. Nel- ro~hV~f!tc:meT-and Dennis: NOESi- iSO'UNCi'LMKN:' None." "ABSENT:

COUNCILMEN: None.Councilman Stelner moved that

he minutes of tho regular meeting >f January 5th, 1032, us amended, >e adopted. Councilman Smith ecomlcd the motion, which was

rled unanin dy.Gasoline Bids Opened

At S P. M.. Mayor Dennis called r bids for furnishing (rasofinu to e City of Torrunce for twelve

nontlis, beginning on February 1st,1932, and ending January Slst.1033. The Clerk opened and readthe following proposals:

THE TEXAS COMPANY Notlealcrs price including State Taxs $.12 per gallon.

SHELL OIL COMPANY Nettank truck price Is 12 cents pergallon which Is inclusive of the

California Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax at Torronoe.

UNION OIL COMPANY OV CALIFORNIA being; twelve cents (12c) per* gallon, Including State Tax.

STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA Price per gallon which the Buyer shall pay the Seller for deliveries of Standard Uasollno heruunder shall be the Seller's current tank truck price.

ELMORE-LAMBINO OIL CO. Agree to deliver said gasoline at a top price of lie per gallon, stat tax of 3c included.

Councilman Smith «movcd that tho bid of the Union Oil Company of California be accepted, and all other bids be rejected. Cquncll- man Nelson seconder! tho motion, wlilrii was duly carried by the fol­ lowing roll call vole: AYES: COUNCILMAN: Hell. Smith. Nel­ son, Steiner and Dennis. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMAN: None.

To Puih ProjectClerk Bartlctt read a communi­

cation from the Harbor District Chambers of Commerce d a t e" d January 15, 1932, expressing the ilnccro feeling and appreciation

of tho entire membership of the organization for the courtesies

lown at meetings held in the City of Torrance. Councilman Rtclner moved the letter be filed. Councilman Bell seconded the mo­ tion, which was carl-led unani­ mously.

A communication, from the Tor­ rance Chamber of Commerce under date ot January 19, 1932, was read regarding ."major "highways "Tina" their prospective development Councilman Steiner moved the let­ ter be filed and re(|ue«t bo com­ plied with and the City Engineer be Instructed to call the matter to the attention of affected property owners. Councilman Hull seconded

motion, which was carried unanimously.

Park Street VacatedA gentleman In the audienceiquested permission to start an

auto wrecking yard at 1817 213th Street All wrecking to be done under cover. Councilman Smith moved request be granted. Coun- ollman Nelson seconded the mo­ tion, which, was carried unanl-' mously. f.

At this time the Clerk brought up the matter of closing up and vacating a portion of Park Street

Dollars Are Put To Hard Labor » Even When In Savings AccountsTin- dollar you deposit in a

iavinys Hi-count is not stowed .way In the bank's vaults against be day you will usk fur Its rv- iii M. hut tin- bank Bivt'K It a,pair if overalls and puts It to work, lerording to a ren-nt bulletin lu­ lled by the research department.

Hank of America, which goes on D explain just how that dollar vorks for the upbuilding of the community.

"About 35 cents of your dollar vent Into thuT j.flniincing of u mine, paying for lunlbcr, cement, mrdwarc, plumbing, ulvctiicul sup­ plies, carpenters, muHons, eluc- .rlcluns, etc. About 30 cents of i-otir dollar wax Invested In bonds nabllng municipalities and states o build highways, bridges, schools, tc.: public utilities to build power ilunts, street ,cur lines, telephone md telegraph systems, etc.: InUus- ry to buy machinery and build ilantH. About eight conts pf your lolhir was Invested In United lutes government bonds.

How Remainder Worki "Approximately 10 cents ot

your dollar found Its way Into nmrrcia! paper, thus aiding the ilncss man to finance his cur- t operations, buy raw material, employes and market his pro-

luet.About 20 cents wus luancnYto

esponslblc persons, to assist them n buying government and other eiMirltien. "That makes a total 'f 03 cents conservatively Invested r loaned on sound security and iith a wide margin of safety.

Yum- bunk hold the remaining even cents, partly In Its vaults, lartly on deposit with other banks, t held these seven cents because In- law requires a hank to keop

eertuln reserve: and because i-x- "I'rlencn shows that about seven leisons will draw out a dollar, for very 100 persons who dupoalt u lullnr.

"Sii this reserve. Ingelher with ..in' UinK'.s caiillul and surplus, milili-H iln- I..ink to rolurn your Inllm- as yini need It, ut the aamo

runiimiliiK Us constrilcllve uiU o Industry and di-vdlupimml."


An Investigator Crpin ilu> His- Irlct Atlorney's olflce. 11. (1. llu- woi-tb, ari-outmh William I-:, ('runs- man, 53, who (,-uve his mldress us the Turruiii-O Hotel, un a eliari|i< of transportation oi lli|iioi- lust nitfht at SUtli and Aillniilon uv( - niie. I'rosvmuii, urrurdliiK In lorn I pullet," ix-uoi-tri, di-iiuxlii-,1 Jluu ball and wus releuned fiuiii Hie eliy Jail u short time, ul'lur III.-, iiiixnt.

NO ANSWER YETcity Engineer Lfulimd re|>urli-d

to (liu cuuildl Tuuvduy nltjlit Ui.it he hud I'vuulvvd no n-ply uo > i.t lu hU letter uuKliili Ihe cuuiuy uifln«i.r v)ml iiollljiml" cujls lu Tununcv u*pu>cr» for tliu ugiuii- iiiK ami \vldviiliiH ul Wt.-ilL-rii u\i- uuu would utuuuiil lu.

"Post Hole" Editor Lays Down His Pen

"You cun quote mo us' say­ ing I hat 1 re»lgned as editor of the 1'osl Hole because of my Inability, mentally or physically, to please the clien­ tele."

That was the way The Old Jtustei-r-Hcnry F. "Hunk" VI- brlght announced his abdica­ tion yesterday a» head of tho local Legion's . official publica­ tion. This worthy journal,

, rlbukl and breezy us It was, had developed u considerable following und UN appearance was always greeted with In­ terest, duo to The Old Mus­ ter's trenchant pen.

So L'lbrltjht wunt the way of Huch other Post Hole editors as W. Hurold Kinjt.sloy, James Scott. Oor«e AVorcesti-r and Hill Stunger-^out.

Quality Market Again Ransacked

Large Quantity of Foodstuff And $5 Cash Taken

A r»n*lilrrah!c quantity of fnml- ntuflH mill »5 In uiuh was atulnii from Hit! Quality Market, 3171 TOITHIIW hiiiilovanl, willy Frlthiy morning. Tho rnblicrs evidently UHi'd u holt L-utti'r to nip u Btapk- on tin- front tloor anil HO milni'd iiilinlttunri-. Thuy ilrpurtod, t.-ik- IIIK the following loot from tho buck door: "t rounilu at flour mid one C-UHC of 38 one-pound ciins of coffee from, tile grocery (lepuitinc'iit; thruu ulUuu of tiuvon. tlin-i! plunlc huniH, 15 poiinilti of Hllc'c-d huvon, one-half cnsc of I-BBH uncl tho monoy from tho mvul de- liuHniiMil. Tho nmrlirt wus run- Narked mivcral niuntlin us". » iionkkOL-plntr nim-tililP pvlne tiikcn alon« with fooildtllfli). Tliu nm- clilnu wim found ufti'i-nitnlH..

and no written or oral objoctlon» hftvlnn boon received, Councilman Utll Introduced:



Engineer Leonard muted that the Neon Kloctrlc Sign Company hud it'll 111'ntcd n permit to place nn electric slitn over Dr. Ingold's place of bimlnufiB to conform- with our ordinance. Councilman Stelner movod r«quo»t ho granted. Coun­ cilman Noluon Racondcd tho mo­ tion, which was carried unani­ mously.

On Western Avpnue wldrnlncr, tho City EnRlnecr had no further reporti to make except that he had culled the mutter to the at­ tention of the County Surveyor as directed by tho Council.

To R«p«ir SjgnCity Attorney I-'lndley reported

he hud written to the uttnrtiny of the Veterans' Welfare Board and

yet had not received u reply, believed the Veterans' attorney

will attend a meeting of the City Council or he will soon have a reply. Councilman Steiner moved

hold this matter open until next meeting. Councllmen. Smith

londcd the motion, which was carried unanimously. .He also itated he had no further report

on the water litigation. An appeal >vas flUd and It will 'come up un- iler due course. And, In the .mat­ ter of the damage suit against the city, the case is being prepared

id will come up In regular course, Councilman Stelner ren oeated

that the City Engineer 'he In; itructcd to report on the expense if repairing the Blgn on the front

Of the City Hall and also ascct- tnln the cost of a new sign. Coun­ cilman Smith moved the matter bo efcrred to the City Engineer for iheck up and report. Councilman

Bell seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously. .'

Drainage Problem Aired Councilman Nelson re o. u o s-t e d

that the City Engineer investigate drainage condition on Sonoirm

<ot and make recommcmlatlon to proper way to handle the

drainage problem.Councilman' Stejner movod all

bills properly audited bo paid.Councilman Smith seconded the

motion, which was duly -carried by the following roll call vote: AYKS: COUNCILMEN: Bell. Smith. Nel­ son, Stainer anil Dennis.

Councilman Stehrer moved that the meeting be adjourned to TIICH- day, January 261 h, at I o'clock P. M. CouiiL-llman Smith seconded the motion, which WUB carried unani­ mously.

The meeting adjourned at 8:40 r. M.

BROTHER PASSES ONOoorge Towne, well-known Lo-

mltu resident, received, word Sim- day of the death of his brother, Z. JT(>wno_ut_Watta-- ThKlwwftasd wim "ii pioneer In that city and had been tho leading mortician for many years.


A permit wu* grafted by the council TucKday to Dr.. C. L. Ingold to- place un 9lccmc~alsn- ovor the sidewalk Jn frem of his optomotry office on M a r c e 11 n a avenue.

ENTER JUNIOR HIGH Thirty-six children will advance

Into the Junior High ochoo) at I.omlta next week, and Harbor City will send 21 more to theNiirbonnn Junior High at .tlm game time. 'These pupils graduated from the AC classes this week.


Many persons of late have deferred much needed Dental work because they could not conveniently pay cash or the high prices asked by some Dentists and were not willing to take a chance on cheap Dentistry, realizing the best of professional skill and the finest of materials are required to protect their health and appearance.

Now You Can Obtain Credit at Redondo's Leading Dental OfficeI, will arrange terms -to conveniently meet your needs weekly or monthly payments. No interest extra charges red tape delay or indorsers AND YOUR WORK- COM-


In offering credit to patrons of my Redondo office I am expressing my confi­ dence in their integrity. Credit Is indeed ,a boon to those who appreciate the .lasting value of the best In Dentistry. Dental Restofatipns, etc., of the finest nature placed within your means through the medium of^ credit. Dentistry that you prefer that has the finish; the high quality that'denotes superiority In its appearance and is artistic. ,DENTISTRY TODAY AT LOWER COST THAN HAS EVER BEEN KNOWN

My Extractions Are According to Latest Scientific Painless Methods

DENTURE (PLATES)MY 1$EJW FIRM-FITTING PLATES embody all the latest scientific suction features) Only durable materials of tested strength are used. The selection of teeth In color and form is given extremely careful consideration with the object in view of restoring the mouth and facial features to natural ex­ pression. .By careful preparation of my Plates I endeavor to give my Patients the maximum of chewing ability. Materials and workmanship guaranteed.

Very Low Prices for Fine Plates. Consult Me Without Obligation. , Office Open Evenings to Accommodate Those Who Work During the Day.

D R. H. C. CORNWELL1041/2 S.o. Pacific A-ve. Phone 6214 Redondo Beach, Calif.


A li'iih-thy roiniiiunlviilliin from Toil) llowkfr, \\liirli Hi-t lortli the «iii!Ui>Kui'H iinil lulliiii-H ol tliu MJ- i-ulluil I.culuil ruiitlnill li'uni ilurliii,- I ho IHIH! Ht-UKon ami culltiiliu-U u ii'HiieBt that tlm Ulmiuljvr ul' I.'UIH-IIICIL'L' IIIUHO U|l U dl-lll-it III' llll.UH.

wan mul at tin- Jloaril of )>|n-i-- IIII-H' nii'i-liim- Monday afternoon. Tin. rwiucst WIIH ilvillt'd after II hull linen uolnl.-rt out that the uliumbor'e utlik-tli- luiul Imil buun


ilmll. u litlMir L'liilm, w»» run- I iji-d tu .Murrii It) by Judk'u Urn- j


IY/ SAVE more during 1932"



. 18 ... Sbtnre-With-OlbiftD<iiXurirn, never ithievrd ling

J.HI. l<; ........ lluJgei lljyf.vcry wrll . .n,,,, c.,f bii.ir».< iir«-«>i

J.III. 20 . . . ... . W'iit Dj)\(,,, ynu m,d- J ...II -o, .lull M^IU

y.w. 21 ..... UleliKuraaten.!)11.11 H<nk :»!„.,. ||,.| <|> «j,q>u it .rnouiil of l.ft lii.>»<n» >I"«.U Ii tun- nu<rtd bcfote my oilier mvctuiMm.

IM. 12 . . . Ou-a-Yimt-llomt r>.i>i,"n"i"'P """' ' 1"' '°w"" "''

Thrift is inannftiiienl, not miitrlintii. t'«c your income lo live fully today. Hut nvc A part of it for the need's or cmcrgcncict o| tomorrow.

JTlerc is a formula that has enabled "thousands of men and women to accumulate safe, ' adequate reserve funds. Perhaps it will help you:

1 A DEFINITE GOAL . . . Resolve that you will build and maintain a savings reserve equal to six months' normal income.

2 A WORKABLE PLAN . . . Budget expenses in advangc . and include savings in your budget.

3 A SURE METHOD . . . Every pay Ja,y, without fail, , deposit in your savings account at least ten per cent of your earnings.

If you already have an interest-bearing savings account, let us i|rge that you add to it regularly.

Or if you wish to open a new account, you are invited to join the many thousands who save with Bank of America.

During 1931, our savings depositors shared interest- dividends of more than 17 MILLION DOLLARS! . . . Your nearest Bank of America branch will welcome the opportunity to serve you.


lljnL ol Aincrii! Niliutiil Tru»l t. S«N|II»( AnpiUlioo, > .S../I*.../ Hint

II JUV ul Aiuilin. t liUlmit Suit I,,1. tit iilfQliul in uwuc»bi|i ,uj uuiuicuiim

4 ID Jffln. iu JO UJUoiulf luuiuiuoiiiii