entanglement, scaling laws & coupled arrays of micro cavities

Entanglement, Scaling Laws & Coupled Arrays of Micro Cavities mperial College London Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, Imperial College London, London SW7 2PG & Quantum Optics and Laser Science Group, Blackett Laboratory, Prince Consort Road, Imperial College London, London SW7 2BW http://www.imperial.ac.uk/quantuminformation Martin B Plenio

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Imperial College London. Entanglement, Scaling Laws & Coupled Arrays of Micro Cavities. Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, Imperial College London, London SW7 2PG & - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Entanglement, Scaling Laws & Coupled Arrays of Micro Cavities

Imperial College London

Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, Imperial College London, London SW7 2PG


Quantum Optics and Laser Science Group, Blackett Laboratory, Prince Consort Road, Imperial College London, London SW7 2BW


Martin B Plenio

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Kish Island, 9th Sep 2007


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Entanglement Theory

Part IEntanglement and Quantum-Many-Body Systems

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How does entanglement scale with size of region?

Audenaert, Eisert, Plenio & Werner, PRA 2002; Plenio, Eisert, Dreissig, Cramer, PRL 2005; Cramer, Eisert & Plenio, PRA 2006; Cramer, Eisert & Plenio, PRL 2007

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Block Entropies in 1-D Critical Systems

Audenaert, Eisert, Plenio & Werner, PRA (2002); Cramer, Eisert and Plenio, Cramer, Eisert, Plenio, PRL 98, 220603 (2007)

Logarithmic divergencein 1-D systems

N ~ log L

Fermions give the same divergence

Wolf, Korepin etc

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Block Entropies in 2-D

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Block Entropies in 2-D

Fourier T


Bosonic field limit Few critical chains Vanishing contribution

in the field limit

Fermionic criticalsystems

Finite Fermi surfaceLogarithmic correction

to area law persists

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“Fermi surfaces”

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Correlations and Area in Classical SystemsCan prove:

Upper and lower bound on entropy of entanglement that are proportional to the number of oscillators on the surface

For ground state for general interactions For thermal states for finite ranged interactions General shape of the regions

Classical harmonic oscillators in thermal state: Classical correlations obey the same area law

Field limit 1-D yields logarithmic divergence 2-D bosons yield entanglement ~ area again 2-D fermions yield log-correction

Audenaert, Eisert, Plenio & Werner, Phys. Rev. A 66, 042327 (2002)

Cramer, Eisert, Plenio, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 220603 (2007)

Cramer, Eisert, Plenio & Dreissig, Phys. Rev. A 73, 012309 (2006)

Cramer, Eisert, Plenio & Dreissig, Phys. Rev. A 73, 012309 (2006)

Plenio, Eisert, Dreissig, Cramer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 060503 (2005)

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The classical state space is small…

Hilbert space is really large …

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The classical state space is small …

Hilbert space is really large …

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Why is this interesting ?

Entropy of sub-system quantifies entanglement

Entropy also measures how disorder subsystem is and thusmeasures how much information is required to describe the system accurately.

Slow growth of entropy (saturation, area scaling)

Fast growth of entropy (volume scaling)

Efficient description on classical computer my be possible

Accurate description is much harder

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Approximating Ground States

efficient compute reduced density matrices

improve state approximation efficiently

describe all states in principle

Variational approaches

Define a class of states such that we can

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} } } } }

Two virtual particlesper physical site

Two virtual particlesper physical site

Two virtual particlesper physical site

Two virtual particlesper physical site

Two virtual particlesper physical site

• Entanglement of block bounded by dimension d of bond area scaling enforced• Correlations drop of exponentially

DMRG works well in 1-D non-critical systemsDynamics/Algorithms are hard

SR White, PRL 1992; Ostlund & Rommer, PRL 1995

Variational approaches

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Quantum States with Long-Range Correlations


Arbitrary patterns in arbitrary dimensions including long range correlations can be encoded in a weighted graph state

Anders, Plenio, Verstraete, Dur & Briegel, PRL 2006

DMRG & PEPSVariational approaches

Start with product state and apply arbitrary sequence of CPhase gates

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Ising Model 1-D, 2-D, 3-D

Estimate position of critical point of 30 latticeD


2D 3D

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Ising Model 1-D, 2-D, 3-DCombine DMRG and WGS to form RAGE

Take MPS state and apply abritrary sequence of CPhase gatesto obtain:

Plenio & Eisert, in preparation

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Quantum – Classical boundary

Simulation on a classical computerrequires exponential resources

Efficient description on a classical computer is possible

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Entanglement Theory

Part II

Creating Quantum-Many-Body Systems

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The basic set-up

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The basic set-up

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Putting non-linearities: The basic set-up


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Putting non-linearities: The basic set-up


Hartmann, Brandao, Plenio, Nature Phys. 2, 849 (2006); Hartmann, Plenio, PRL 99, (2007) & Hartmann, Brandao, Plenio, PRL 99, (2007)

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Effective Dynamics & Polaritons

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Effective Dynamics & Polaritons

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Effective Dynamics & Polaritons


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Non-linearities in the Polariton Picture

Gives rise to dispersive term

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Hopping in the Polariton Picture

Photon hopping:c

for |2 Energy separation between polariton species<<

turns into polariton hopping

U > 0 repulsive Bose-Hubbard

U < 0 attractive Bose-Hubbard

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Exact dynamics with losses

+ N +

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Numerical simulation of phase transition

Difference with exact BH dynamics

Difference with exact BH dynamics Polariton number fluctuations

Loss of norm vs number fluctuations

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Phase Diagram of our model for finite N

D. Rossini and R. Fazio, quant-ph/0705.1062

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Spin models

Hartmann, Brandão & Plenio, quant-ph/0704.3056 to appear in PRL

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Phase interfaces

Mott Superfluid

Start with one particle per site

Hartmann & Plenio, cond-mat/0708.2667

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real pred.

Fabry-Perot: 160 5 x 103

Photonic bg: 10 5.5 x 105

MCs @ Imperial: 40 ?

Micro-toroid: 53 5 x 106

SC Cavities 1000?Spillane et al, PRA 2005 Soda et al, Nature Mater 2005Aoki et al, Nature 2006 Schuster et al, Nature 2007

2 / ΓCg

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real pred.

Fabry-Perot: 10 10

Photonic bg: 5 4 x 103

MCs @ Imperial: 1 ?

Micro-toroid: 3 1.25 x 105

SC Cavities 50?Spillane et al, PRA 2005 Soda et al, Nature Mater 2005Aoki et al, Nature 2006 Schuster et al, Nature 2007

/ cg

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Entanglement Theory

Part IV

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Quantum Information LIVE

Live broadcasts of all QI seminars at Imperial.

Launched 8 Jan 2007 with talk by G. Milburn.

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Live questions possible via Skype.

Recordings also available:

Sample of recording of S. Popescu

Sample of recording of S. Popescu

Want to expand to form web-TV channel

for QI community.

For more, see www.imperial.ac.uk/quantuminformation

Quantum Information LIVE

quantuminformationLIVE: 17:57:45


Keith Schwab 17:58:00 Question: is it possible to cool a low frequency cantilever coupled to a microwave cavity...similar to the cooling of a flexible mirror in cavity as has been recently demonstrated by a number of groups