ensembles and incomplete informationtbrun/course/lecture17.pdf · ensembles and incomplete...

Ensembles and incomplete information So far in this course, we have described quantum systems by states that are normalized vectors in a complex Hilbert space. This works so long as (a) the system is not entangled with anything else, and (b) we have complete information about the system. We will look at (a) in a moment; for now, let’s look at (b). In the classical world, when we have incomplete information about a system, we specify a probability distribution over possible states. The probabilities reflect our degree of certainty or uncertainty about that state. We could imagine that the system was drawn from a large collection of systems in different states, where the proportion of systems in each state corresponds the the probability we assign to that state. Such a collection is called an ensemble. – p. 1/32

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Page 1: Ensembles and incomplete informationtbrun/Course/lecture17.pdf · Ensembles and incomplete information So far in this course, we have described quantum systems by states that are

Ensembles and incomplete information

So far in this course, we have described quantumsystems by states that are normalized vectors in acomplex Hilbert space. This works so long as (a) thesystem is not entangled with anything else, and (b) wehave complete information about the system. We willlook at (a) in a moment; for now, let’s look at (b).

In the classical world, when we have incompleteinformation about a system, we specify a probabilitydistribution over possible states. The probabilities reflectour degree of certainty or uncertainty about that state.We could imagine that the system was drawn from alarge collection of systems in different states, where theproportion of systems in each state corresponds the theprobability we assign to that state. Such a collection iscalled an ensemble.

– p. 1/32

Page 2: Ensembles and incomplete informationtbrun/Course/lecture17.pdf · Ensembles and incomplete information So far in this course, we have described quantum systems by states that are

We can try the same approach in quantum mechanics.Rather than specifying a unique state vector |ψ〉, we lista collection of state vectors |ψ1〉, . . . , |ψN 〉 with proba-bilities pi such that

i pi = 1, 0 ≤ pi ≤ 1. (For now, weassume that the number of states N in the ensemble isfinite.) We denote such an ensemble {pi, |ψi〉}.

If there is a single state |ψ〉 with probability p = 1, ourensemble is just the same a state vector. We call suchan ensemble a pure state. Any ensemble that is not purewe call a mixed state.

Suppose we have a system in a mixed state. How doour usual rules for dealing with quantum states change?

– p. 2/32

Page 3: Ensembles and incomplete informationtbrun/Course/lecture17.pdf · Ensembles and incomplete information So far in this course, we have described quantum systems by states that are

Unitary transformations of mixed states

Let our ensemble be {pi, |ψi〉}. How does this evolve intime? If we knew we were in a definite pure state |ψi〉,the state would just change by a unitary transformation|ψi〉 → U |ψi〉. In a mixed state, we just do the samething term by term:

{pi, |ψi〉} → {pi, U |ψi〉}.

Note that this simple rule works because of the linearityof quantum evolution. The rule for time evolution has noexplicit dependence on the state at the present time.

In unitary evolution, the probabilities pi of the ensembleelements do not change.

– p. 3/32

Page 4: Ensembles and incomplete informationtbrun/Course/lecture17.pdf · Ensembles and incomplete information So far in this course, we have described quantum systems by states that are

Measurements of Ensembles

Let’s first restrict ourselves to projective measurements.Suppose we measure some observable whoseeigenprojectors are {Pj}. If the system were in state|ψi〉, the probability of outcome Pj would be

pj|i = 〈ψi|Pj |ψi〉,

and the state would become |ψi〉 → Pj |ψi〉/√pj|i.The overall probability of the outcome j is given byweighting the conditional probabilities pj|i by the a priori

probabilities pi, to get

pj =∑


pipj|i ≡∑


pi&j .

– p. 4/32

Page 5: Ensembles and incomplete informationtbrun/Course/lecture17.pdf · Ensembles and incomplete information So far in this course, we have described quantum systems by states that are

Conditioning the Probabilities

We could just replace the states |ψi〉 with the updatedstates in the ensemble {pi, |ψi〉}; but that would not bequite right. We have gained information from themeasurement about which of the states in the ensembleare likely; we need to update their weights pi as well.Since the uncertainty about the state is basically aclassical uncertainty, we update the weights by the Bayesrule. Given that the measurement outcome was j,

pi → pi|j =pi&j



pi〈ψi|Pj |ψi〉∑

k pk〈ψk|Pj|ψk〉.

The ensemble then transforms to

{pi, |ψi〉} →{

pi|j , Pj |ψj〉/√




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Page 6: Ensembles and incomplete informationtbrun/Course/lecture17.pdf · Ensembles and incomplete information So far in this course, we have described quantum systems by states that are

Generalized Measurements

Much the same applies to a generalized measurement,given by a set of measurements operators {Mj}. In thiscase, the probability of outcome j for a state |ψi〉 ispj|i = 〈ψi|M †

j Mj |ψi〉, and the state goes to

|ψi〉 → Mj|ψi〉/√


Just as for projective measurements, the ensemble thentransforms to

{pi, |ψi〉} →{

pi|j , Mj |ψj〉/√




– p. 6/32

Page 7: Ensembles and incomplete informationtbrun/Course/lecture17.pdf · Ensembles and incomplete information So far in this course, we have described quantum systems by states that are

Note that the probabilities of outcomes are not changedin any way if each of the members of an ensemble areseparately multiplied by an overall phase.

That is the ensembles {pi, |ψi〉} and {pi, eiθi|ψi〉} areequivalent for all practical purposes. We consider thesetwo ensembles to be physically identical.

The rule for updating an ensemble after a measurementis rather complicated. We can simplify by changing theway we represent mixed states, using the idea of adensity matrix.

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Page 8: Ensembles and incomplete informationtbrun/Course/lecture17.pdf · Ensembles and incomplete information So far in this course, we have described quantum systems by states that are

Density matrices

Rather than represent a mixed state by an ensemble{pi, |ψi〉}, we can instead use a density matrix (or densityoperator):

ρ =∑



Note that the operators |ψi〉〈ψi| are one-dimensionalprojectors (hence positive operators with unit trace),and the weights pi are positive numbers which sum to1. (The |ψi〉 need not be orthogonal.) This implies that ρis a positive operator with unit trace:

Tr{ρ} = 1, 〈φ|ρ|φ〉 ≥ 0 ∀|φ〉, ρ = ρ†.

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Page 9: Ensembles and incomplete informationtbrun/Course/lecture17.pdf · Ensembles and incomplete information So far in this course, we have described quantum systems by states that are

For a pure state |ψ〉, the corresponding density matrix isρ = |ψ〉〈ψ|. In this case only, ρ2 = ρ is a projector. Thisgives a simple test of a state’s purity.

A density matrix transforms under unitary evolution by

ρ→ UρU †.

For a projective measurement with projectors {Pj}, theprobability of outcome j is

pj =∑


pi〈ψi|Pj |ψi〉 =∑



Pj |ψi〉〈ψi|}

= Tr{



This is a much simpler expression than for ensembles.

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Page 10: Ensembles and incomplete informationtbrun/Course/lecture17.pdf · Ensembles and incomplete information So far in this course, we have described quantum systems by states that are

After getting measurement result j, the density operatoris updated by




pj|iPj|ψi〉〈ψi|Pj = PjρPj/pj .

This is a far simpler rule than that for ensembles aswell! For a generalized measurement, the expressionsare similar:

pj = Tr{

M †j Mjρ


≡ Tr{


= Tr{




ρ→ MjρM†j /pj .

– p. 10/32

Page 11: Ensembles and incomplete informationtbrun/Course/lecture17.pdf · Ensembles and incomplete information So far in this course, we have described quantum systems by states that are

The von Neumann equation

The unitary evolution of quantum states was derivedfrom the Schrödinger equation:

(i~)d|ψ〉/dt = H(t)|ψ〉,

where H(t) = H†(t) is the Hamiltonian. This implies theunitary evolution |ψ(t1)〉 = U(t1, t0)|ψ(t0)〉.The corresponding equation for density matrices is

dρ/dt = −(i/~)[

H(t), ρ]


This equation is sometimes referred to as thevon Neumann equation. It implies the unitary evolution

ρ(t0) → ρ(t1) = U(t1, t0)ρ(t0)U†(t1, t0).

– p. 11/32

Page 12: Ensembles and incomplete informationtbrun/Course/lecture17.pdf · Ensembles and incomplete information So far in this course, we have described quantum systems by states that are

Ensemble equivalence

All observable results can be predicted from the densitymatrix, without needing to know the ensemble used toconstruct it. In ensembles that include many terms, thisis a more compact representation. However, therelation between density matrices and ensembles is notunique. There can be different ensembles {pi, |ψi〉},{p′j , |ψ′

j〉} with the same density matrix ρ:

ρ =∑


pi|ψi〉〈ψi| =∑




The number of terms in the two ensembles need not bethe same. In fact, except for pure states, any densityoperator can derive from an infinite number of possibleensembles. We call these possible decompositions of ρ.

– p. 12/32

Page 13: Ensembles and incomplete informationtbrun/Course/lecture17.pdf · Ensembles and incomplete information So far in this course, we have described quantum systems by states that are

For example, consider the density matrix

ρ = p|0〉〈0|+ (1− p)|1〉〈1|.

This could arise from the ensemble containing |0〉, |1〉with weights p, 1− p. But it could also arise from theensemble with states

√p|0〉 ± √

1− p|1〉 with weights1/2, 1/2.

All physical consequences can be deduced from thedensity matrix. This means that two ensembles with thesame density matrix make exactly the same predictionsfor any measurement. Two such ensembles areimpossible to distinguish by any experimental test.

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Page 14: Ensembles and incomplete informationtbrun/Course/lecture17.pdf · Ensembles and incomplete information So far in this course, we have described quantum systems by states that are

In fact, this indistinguishability is much stronger than theindistinguishability for nonorthogonal pure states. Nomeasurement on a single copy of the system can reliablytell the two nonorthogonal states apart. Given manycopies, however, one can collect statistics anddistinguish the states.

This is not true for ensembles with the same densitymatrix. For any number of systems drawn from the twoensembles, all predictions are identical.

Because of this fact, we rarely describe mixed states interms of ensembles. It is much more common just torepresent them as density matrices. Indeed, in manycases we would have no idea what ensemble to choose;and the choice would add no useful information.

– p. 14/32

Page 15: Ensembles and incomplete informationtbrun/Course/lecture17.pdf · Ensembles and incomplete information So far in this course, we have described quantum systems by states that are

Orthogonal decomposition

Let us now take density matrices as our primaryobjects. A density matrix is a positive, Hermitianoperator with unit trace. As such, it has an orthonormalbasis of eigenstates |φj〉, whose corresponding realeigenvalues λj are ≥ 0 and sum to 1. In diagonal form,

ρ =



λj |φj〉〈φj|, λj ≥ 0,∑


λj = 1.

We see that {λj , |φj〉} is an ensemble, and forms adecomposition of ρ; moreover, this decomposition iscomposed of orthogonal states (which is not true of mostdecompositions). It is sometimes useful to work in thisorthogonal decomposition.

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Page 16: Ensembles and incomplete informationtbrun/Course/lecture17.pdf · Ensembles and incomplete information So far in this course, we have described quantum systems by states that are

Composite systems and entanglement

For pure states, we represented the joint state of twosubsystems, each in separate states |ψ〉 and |φ〉, by aproduct state |ψ〉 ⊗ |φ〉 in the tensor-product Hilbert spaceH1 ⊗H2. More generally, a joint state could be asuperposition of product states; it could be entangled,

|Ψ〉 =∑


tij|i〉 ⊗ |j〉.

What happens when we switch to mixed states? Thedensity operator for a product state |ψ〉 ⊗ |φ〉 isρ = (|ψ〉 ⊗ |φ〉)(〈ψ| ⊗ 〈φ|) = |ψ〉〈ψ| ⊗ |φ〉〈φ|.More generally, if the first system has a density matrix ρand the second has a density matrix χ, the joint densitymatrix is a product ρ⊗ χ.

– p. 16/32

Page 17: Ensembles and incomplete informationtbrun/Course/lecture17.pdf · Ensembles and incomplete information So far in this course, we have described quantum systems by states that are

What if the two systems are in an entangled state |Ψ〉?Then the joint density matrix is ρ = |Ψ〉〈Ψ|, and is apositive operator with unit trace on the joint Hilbertspace H1 ⊗H2. A mixed state would then take the form

ρ =∑



In certain cases, this joint mixed state can be written inthe form

ρ =∑


piρi ⊗ χi,

where 0 ≤ pi ≤ 1,∑

i pi = 1, and ρi and χi are densitymatrices. We call such a matrix ρ separable.

– p. 17/32

Page 18: Ensembles and incomplete informationtbrun/Course/lecture17.pdf · Ensembles and incomplete information So far in this course, we have described quantum systems by states that are

If ρ is separable, it can be written as a decompositioninto pure product states:

ρ =∑


pk|ψk〉〈ψk| ⊗ |φk〉〈φk|.

We define a mixed state to be entangled if it is notseparable; i.e., if it has no decomposition in terms ofproduct states.

Unfortunately, this is not an easy thing to check! Everymixed-state density matrix has many decompositions.There is no efficient procedure to determine whetherany of them uses only product states. (In fact, thisproblem has been shown to be NP-complete!)

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Page 19: Ensembles and incomplete informationtbrun/Course/lecture17.pdf · Ensembles and incomplete information So far in this course, we have described quantum systems by states that are

Also, while the unentangled pure states form a set ofmeasure zero, the separable states do not. Theseparable states form a convex set in the space of alldensity matrices.

All correlated pure states are entangled. But with mixedstates, there are three levels: product states(uncorrelated); separable states (classically correlated);and nonseparable states (entangled).

Mixed state entanglement is a much more complicatedsubject than pure state entanglement. It is well beyondthe scope of this class.

– p. 19/32

Page 20: Ensembles and incomplete informationtbrun/Course/lecture17.pdf · Ensembles and incomplete information So far in this course, we have described quantum systems by states that are

Density Operator Evolutions

What is the most general linear transformation thattakes density matrices to density matrices? A unitarytransformation obviously works: ρ→ UρU †. However, itis not the most general possibility.

Note that we are now asking for linear transformationson operators, not states. Such a linear transformation issometimes called a superoperator. The most general suchtransformation is given by pairs of operators {Ai, Bi}:

O →∑



It is easy to see that any linear transformation onoperators can be written in this form.

– p. 20/32

Page 21: Ensembles and incomplete informationtbrun/Course/lecture17.pdf · Ensembles and incomplete information So far in this course, we have described quantum systems by states that are


We then want to restrict ourselves to transformationswhich preserve both the trace and the positivity ofoperators: trace-preserving positive superoperators.

In fact, we need to restrict things a little more than that.Suppose our system is just part of a composite system.It turns out that a transformation which is positive on thesubsystem alone may not be positive on the jointsystem! The canonical example of this is transposition.Transposing a density matrix yields another densitymatrix. Doing a partial transpose on just one subsystemdoesn’t necessarily yield a positive operator.

A map which is positive even when applied only to partof a composite system is called completely positive. Theallowed transformations are therefore completely postitivetrace-preserving (CPTP) maps.

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Page 22: Ensembles and incomplete informationtbrun/Course/lecture17.pdf · Ensembles and incomplete information So far in this course, we have described quantum systems by states that are

It turns out that all such maps can be written in the form




for some set of operators {Mj} that satisfy


M †j Mj = I .

This is the Kraus representation, and the {Mj} are Kraus

operators. It looks exactly like a generalized measure-ment on ρ, but with the measurement outcomeunknown. It also includes unitary transformations as aspecial case (with only 1 Kraus operator).

– p. 22/32

Page 23: Ensembles and incomplete informationtbrun/Course/lecture17.pdf · Ensembles and incomplete information So far in this course, we have described quantum systems by states that are

Note that just as the decompositions of ρ are notunique, the Kraus representation of a completelypositive map is not unique either. That is, there aredifferent sets of operators {Mj} that correspond to thesame completely positive map.

We call a trace-preserving completely positive map aquantum operation. Any quantum operation is, in principle,physically achievable. So if we allow mixed states, theset of physically allowed procedures are quantumoperations and generalized measurements.

To compare this to what we have already done earlier inthis course, for pure states the physically allowedprocedures are unitary transformations and generalizedmeasurements. Mixed states therefore have a largerclass of physically allowed procedures.

– p. 23/32

Page 24: Ensembles and incomplete informationtbrun/Course/lecture17.pdf · Ensembles and incomplete information So far in this course, we have described quantum systems by states that are

Reduced density matrices

Suppose we have a composite system with densitymatrix ρAB on the tensor-product space HA ⊗HB. Weare only interested, however, in measurements andoperations on subsystem A. (For example, subsystem Bmight be far away, and not accessible to us.) In thatcase, we can write down an effective density matrix forsubsystem A alone by taking the partial trace over B:

ρA = TrB{ρAB}.

The operator ρA is also a density matrix; we call it thereduced density matrix for subsystem A. (Obviously, wecould also find a reduced density matrix for B.)

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Page 25: Ensembles and incomplete informationtbrun/Course/lecture17.pdf · Ensembles and incomplete information So far in this course, we have described quantum systems by states that are

Recall that the partial trace of an operator is



Aj ⊗ Bj




If A and B are in a pure product state |ψ〉 ⊗ |φ〉, then thereduced density matrix of A is

ρA = TrB{|ψ〉〈ψ| ⊗ |φ〉〈φ|} = |ψ〉〈ψ|,

which is a pure state.

If they are in an entangled pure state, however, thesituation is quite different.

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Page 26: Ensembles and incomplete informationtbrun/Course/lecture17.pdf · Ensembles and incomplete information So far in this course, we have described quantum systems by states that are

Consider the entangled state

|Ψ〉 =∑


tij|i〉 ⊗ |j〉,

where {|i〉}, {|j〉} are orthonormal bases, then thereduced density matrix will be a mixed state:

ρA =∑



A mixed state, then, reflects either uncertainty about thestate, or entanglement with another subsystem. Nomeasurement on the subsystem alone can distinguishthese possibilities.

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Page 27: Ensembles and incomplete informationtbrun/Course/lecture17.pdf · Ensembles and incomplete information So far in this course, we have described quantum systems by states that are

The Schmidt decomposition

Given any pure state |Ψ〉 on a tensor-product Hilbertspace HA ⊗HB, we can always find bases {|i〉A}, {|i〉B}on HA and HB and positive numbers {λi} such that

|Ψ〉 =∑


λi|i〉A ⊗ |i〉B,∑


λi = 1.

(The construction is based on the singular valuedecomposition of the matrix tij of amplitudes.)

If we write |Ψ〉 in Schmidt form, it is clear that

ρA =∑


λi|i〉A〈i|, ρB =∑



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Page 28: Ensembles and incomplete informationtbrun/Course/lecture17.pdf · Ensembles and incomplete information So far in this course, we have described quantum systems by states that are


The Schmidt bases are the eigenbases of the reduceddensity matrices, and the matrices have the sameeigenvalues. This makes it possible to purify a matrix.

Given a density matrix ρ with orthogonal decomposition

ρ =∑



we can introduce a fictional additional subsystem B anda joint pure state |Ψ〉 on A and B, such that ρ is thereduced density matrix on A.

The problem is to find |Ψ〉 such that ρ = TrB{|Ψ〉〈Ψ|}.

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Page 29: Ensembles and incomplete informationtbrun/Course/lecture17.pdf · Ensembles and incomplete information So far in this course, we have described quantum systems by states that are

This pure state |Ψ〉 is just

|Ψ〉 =∑


λi|i〉A ⊗ |i〉B,

where the eigenbasis of ρ now gives the Schmidt basisfor A. We can use any orthonormal basis on B. Notethat the dimension of B must be at least equal to thenumber of nonzero eigenvalues of ρ.

In some cases, it is much easier to work with purestates than mixed states; in those cases, it often makessense to purify the state ρ, do the calculation, and thentake a partial trace at the end.

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Page 30: Ensembles and incomplete informationtbrun/Course/lecture17.pdf · Ensembles and incomplete information So far in this course, we have described quantum systems by states that are

von Neumann entropy

Given an ensemble {pi, |ψi〉}, we can associate with it aShannon entropy

S = −∑


pi log2 pi.

We could try to identify this entropy with the uncertaintyin the state ρ. There is a problem, though: the differentensemble decompositions of ρ will not, in general, havethe same Shannon entropy.

To get around this, we could define the entropy of thestate ρ to be the minimum Shannon entropy over alldecompositions of ρ. This sounds very hard tocalculate; but in fact, it is not. It turns out to be

S(ρ) = −Tr{ρ log2 ρ}.

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Page 31: Ensembles and incomplete informationtbrun/Course/lecture17.pdf · Ensembles and incomplete information So far in this course, we have described quantum systems by states that are

For a D-dimensional system, the maximum value S cantake is log2D (for ρ = I/D).

The easiest way to calculate S(ρ) is to write ρ indiagonal form:

ρ =∑



The von Neumann entropy is then

S(ρ) = −∑


λi log2 λi.

The decomposition of ρ that minimizes the Shannonentropy is the orthogonal decomposition!

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Page 32: Ensembles and incomplete informationtbrun/Course/lecture17.pdf · Ensembles and incomplete information So far in this course, we have described quantum systems by states that are

Entropy of Entanglement

If ρ is a pure state, S(ρ) = 0. This lets us define a goodmeasure of entanglement for entangled pure states.

Let |Ψ〉 be the joint state on A and B, and ρA be thereduced density matrix; then S(ρA) is the entropy ofentanglement for |Ψ〉. It vanishes if |Ψ〉 is a product state|Ψ〉 = |ψ〉 ⊗ |φ〉, and attains the maximum value log2Dfor a maximally entangled state with Schmidt form

|Ψ〉 =D∑


1√D|j〉A ⊗ |j〉B.

For example, the Bell states are all maximallyentangled, and have S(ρA) = 1.

– p. 32/32