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ElverumRegionens NæringsUtvikling ENSAMB Energy Saving in Municipal Buildings in Small Communities in Rural Districts EASME April 2015 ENSAMB April 2015

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  • ElverumRegionens NæringsUtvikling

    ENSAMB Energy Saving in Municipal Buildings in Small Communities in Rural Districts

    EASME – April 2015

    ENSAMB April 2015


  • ElverumRegionens NæringsUtvikling

    Who we are?: Region Council of Sør-Østerdal Representing the Municipalities:






    Co-partner: Hedmark County (7%)

    ENSAMB April 2015

  • ElverumRegionens NæringsUtvikling


    5 Municipalities

    35.000 inhabitants

    Total areal 9.945 km2

    Scattered population

    Cold and dry climate

    133 municipal buildings: 260.000m2 with an energy consumption of 45 GWh

    Most buildings are from the period 1950 - 80 (when energy costs were very low)

    ENSAMB April 2015

  • ElverumRegionens NæringsUtvikling

    Hedmark County 200.000 Inhabitants

    22 Municipalities

    27.000 Km²

    Co-owner (33%) in Inland Energy Agency

    Operates buildings all over the County,

    - responsible for the secondary schools.

    - some of the healthcare.

    SEAP of 2009 is under revision now.

    Administration center: HAMAR. 30.000 Inhabitants.

    ENSAMB April 2015

  • ElverumRegionens NæringsUtvikling

    We are also affected by the climate change

    • Requirements from the State: SEAP

    • National Targets

    • EU 20-20-20, Covenant of Mayors

    ENSAMB April 2015

  • ElverumRegionens NæringsUtvikling

    Starting point of the Project: All the 5 municipalities in Sør-Østerdal

    have approved Energy- and Climate plans (SEAP) (2004 – 2009)

    Energy saving measures in municipal buildings are important elements of these plans.

    Sør-Østerdal are signatories of “Covenant of Mayors”

    But: The municipalities have very limited resources. → The motivation for financial savings dominates

    ENSAMB April 2015

  • ElverumRegionens NæringsUtvikling

    We have a Target:

    ”To reduce the Energy consumption in the Municipal buildings in i Sør-Østerdal with 25% by 2015”

    How to achieve?

    Through investments, Developing competence and skills. Motivation and Information. Change of behavior How?

    Cooperation and working together. Joint project established in 2009

    ENSAMB April 2015

  • ElverumRegionens NæringsUtvikling

    Estimated investment:

    Approx. 11 MEuro (85 MNOK) Although measures are profitable, there are no automatic funding mechanisms in the municipalities.

    We are therefore working with different methods:

    EPC (Energy Performance Contract)

    Conventional contracting

    Financing from the Municipalities and/or bank.

    A combination

    ENSAMB April 2015

  • ElverumRegionens NæringsUtvikling

    We wanted to speed up.

    ENOVA (State Energy Agency) encouraged us

    to apply for IEE / MLEI

    “Energy Saving in Municipal Buildings in

    Small Communities in Rural Districts”


    Project period: 18th June 2012 – 30th October 2015

    ENSAMB April 2015

  • ElverumRegionens NæringsUtvikling

    Project key task:

    Energy savings in the small

    municipalities by:

    1. Providing technical assistance

    and technical training

    2. Modeling inter-municipal

    cooperation Contracts (EPC)

    3. Initiate Conventional and

    Integrated EE investments

    ENSAMB April 2015

  • ElverumRegionens NæringsUtvikling

    Steps in the ENSAMB-project:

    1. Find out current situation of energy


    2. Suggest contract strategy for each building

    3. Bundling into larger packages

    4. Initiate financing. (Doing the measures


    5. Initiate investments / actions

    6. Negotiate, Procurement

    7. Training of the operational staff

    8. Documentation, Information and Motivation

    ENSAMB April 2015

  • ElverumRegionens NæringsUtvikling

    Why we recommend the EPC-model:

    1. The guaranteed energy savings

    2. Capacity

    133 buildings with an average of

    9 measures, gives over 1000 contracts.

    The municipalities do not have the resources to handle

    this. Neither technical nor procedural.

    3. Speed

    We want to act!

    But: We still had to convince the Municipal Councils

    ENSAMB April 2015

  • ElverumRegionens NæringsUtvikling

    Buildings with the same challenges will be

    systematized for collective (similar) purchasing

    procedures in the supplier market.

    Reason: Attract suppliers to achieve good conditions.

    Categories in the bundling:


    Conventional purchasing

    Integrated project.

    (Mayor refurbishment with an energy part)

    Contract bundling

    ENSAMB April 2015

  • ElverumRegionens NæringsUtvikling

    1. Time schedule (progress in political processes)

    2. Volume (optimally between 1-5 MEuro)

    3. Willingness to agree on common criteria’s

    - Calculation interest rate - Calculation energy price

    - Selection principles

    - Other contract details

    Our case: Bundle A: 1 Bid, 1 Contract

    Bundle B: 1 Bid, 4 Contracts

    Bundling criteria's EPC

    ENSAMB April 2015

  • ElverumRegionens NæringsUtvikling

    • The Competition: “Negotiated contract”

    • The ESCO’s was invited to investigate pilot buildings (2 – 4 buildings)

    • The ESCO’s was invited to:

    - Provide fixed prices for the pilot


    - Estimated values for the total

    • Evaluation and Contract award.

    • Project development for the buildings

    Our EPC process

    ENSAMB April 2015

  • ElverumRegionens NæringsUtvikling

    Norsk Standard NS 6430:2014 • Real estate development


    • Project development (Phase 1)

    • Project execution (Phase 2)

    • Project Following up (Phase 3)

    EPC Contracts

    ENSAMB April 2015

  • ElverumRegionens NæringsUtvikling

    • The Audit Phase: 6 – 12 month

    • The Bid Phase: 4 – 5 month

    • Evaluation / Contract award: 3 month

    • The Analysis (Phase1): 3 – 5 month

    • Political approval (Possible EXIT): 2 month

    • Implementation (Phase 2): 1 – 2 years

    • Guarantee with follow-up

    (Phase 3): 5 – 9 years

    Motivation: Savings > 110% will be shared 50/50

    The Phases

    ENSAMB April 2015

  • ElverumRegionens NæringsUtvikling

    Financing (Hardware)

    The Investments was (preliminary)

    calculated to ~11’25 MEuro

    The sources are a mix of:

    - Municipal Budgets (mostly).

    - Some subsidies (ENOVA). (ca. 10%)

    - Bank loans in the Municipal Bank of Norway

    (“green” interest rate 0,1% below nominal)

    - Supplier and/or 3 party. (Not competitive)

    ENSAMB April 2015

  • ElverumRegionens NæringsUtvikling

    Estimated results EPC Sør-Østerdal Elverum Engerdal, Stor-Elvdal,

    Trysil og Åmot

    Buildings 39 71

    Areal Ca 97.000 m2 Ca 115.000 m2

    Investment 4’3 M€ 4’0 M€ 6,0 M€

    Measures ≈ 300 446

    Energy saving 23 % 26,5% 32,5%

    Payback 9 years 6,8 years 9,5 years

    Net present value (15 years)

    2’3 M€

    3’1 M€

    3’4 M€


    ENSAMB April 2015

  • ElverumRegionens NæringsUtvikling

    Important part:

    Training of the building operators.

    Covers 6 technical topics

    For each: 1 day practical training “at site”.

    Top teachers from Norway and Sweden

    As preparation for the detail training of

    equipment delivered by (and done by) the


    A highly appreciated motivation task.

    60-70 operators has participated

    ENSAMB April 2015


  • ElverumRegionens NæringsUtvikling

    Status (EPC)

    • EPC Elverum:

    Takeover: December 2013

    First year shows energy savings as

    promised in the contract

    • EPC Engerdal, Stor-Elvdal, Trysil og Åmot:

    - Contracts signed October 2013

    - Implementation of measures in 2014 - Takeover in December 2014 – April 2015

    ENSAMB April 2015

  • ElverumRegionens NæringsUtvikling

    Status Investments (Preliminary)

    • Signed Contracts 2012 – 2014: 9,6 MEuro EPC and some conventional and Integrated projects

    • Signed Contracts 2015 (expected) 2 MEuro Integrated projects and some conventional project

    ENSAMB April 2015

  • ElverumRegionens NæringsUtvikling

    Lessons learned in Sør-Østerdal

    Use an existing cooperation platform

    The «as-is» description (audit) of the buildings is

    important (Must be correct. Takes time)

    Good communication with the Councils.

    (Information to Mayor / Director. Meet the Councils)

    Cooperate with the Building Technicians

    (Operational staff are the key-personell !)

    ENSAMB April 2015

  • ElverumRegionens NæringsUtvikling

    Thank you for Your attention!

    Alf Kristian Enger, +47 92052621, [email protected]

    Elverum Engerdal Stor-Elvdal Trysil Åmot

    ENSAMB April 2015

    mailto:[email protected]