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HOLYOKE HIGH SCHOOL Enrollment and Performance at Holyoke Community College Spring 2015 Report for School Principals and Superintendents

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Enrollment and Performance at

Holyoke Community College

Spring 2015 Report for School Principals and Superintendents

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I. HCC Fall Enrollment, by year (last 5 years)

      Total HCC Enrollment

      Total Recent High School graduates enrolled at HCC

      Enrollment among students who recently graduated from Holyoke High School

      Percent of Recent Holyoke High School graduates enrolled at HCC

II. College Readiness among Recent Holyoke High School graduates enrolled in Fall 2014

(comparison to All Recent HS grads included)

      Placement into Developmental Math

      Placement into Developmental English

III. Performance and Retention in the First Year: Recent Holyoke High School graduates enrolled Fall 2014

(comparison to all Recent HS grads included)

      First term Course Completion Rate, Fall 2014

      First term Grade Point Averages, Fall 2014

      First to second term retention, Fall 2014 to Spring 2015

IV. HCC Graduates, by year (last 5 years)

      Total HCC graduates

      HCC graduates who graduated from Holyoke High School

V. Cohort Tracking: Graduation, Transfer, and Still Enrolled 3 and 4 Years Out

VI. Transfer Among HCC Graduates and Non-Graduates

      Transfer to 2 and 4-yr Institutions (rates)

      Transfer to 2 and 4-yr Institutions (names)

Glossary of Terms

Enrollment and Performance at Holyoke Community College (A report prepared for School Principals and Superintendents)

Purpose and Content: The purpose of this report is to help area school superintendents and principals better understand college readiness, enrollment, performance, and persistence patterns of

students who graduate from their schools and subsequently enroll at Holyoke Community College. In order to provide some frame of reference for understanding data specific to your own high

school, several of the sections include data for All HCC students and/or All Recent High School graduates. In order to protect the confidentiality of student records, no data are presented for items

when data exist for fewer than 6 students.

Data Sources: For the most part, data presented in this report have been collected from HCC's administrative database and/or the longitudinal files maintained by HCC's Office of Institutional

Research. The National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) is the source for transfer data (i.e., data regarding HCC students' subsequent enrollment at other institutions). Participation in the NSC is

voluntary and not all institutions participate. As a result, data collected may not accurately reflect all transfer activity. Data are presented in six sections:

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Report for School Principals and Superintendents: Spring 2015 Enrollment

I. HCC Fall ENROLLMENT: Fall 2010 - Fall 2014

7,404 7,144 7,164 6,740 6,604

Fall 10 Fall 11 Fall 12 Fall 13 Fall 14

# students enrolled at HCC

Chart 1a. HCC Enrollment: ALL

1,150 1,203 1,177 1,104 1,097

Fall 10 Fall 11 Fall 12 Fall 13 Fall 14

# RECENT HS Grads enrolled at


Chart 1b. HCC Enrollment: Recent HS Grads, only

89 85




Fall 10 Fall 11 Fall 12 Fall 13 Fall 14

# Holyoke HS Graduates

enrolled at HCC

Chart 1c. Number of Recent HS Grads: Holyoke HS

Grads Enrolled at HCC

38% 38% 42%

36% 37%

Fall 10 Fall 11 Fall 12 Fall 13 Fall 14

% RECENT Holyoke HS Graduates

enrolled at HCC

Chart 1d. Percent of Recent Holyoke HS Grads Enrolled

at HCC

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Report for School Principals and Superintendents: Spring 2015 College Readiness, Performance, and Retention

All Holyoke HS

Mean GPA 2.01 2.00

Median GPA 2.35 2.35


1. "% Successful Course Completions" =

Successful Course Completions/Total Course Enrollments

2. N represents Total Course Enrollments

II. COLLEGE READINESS: Recent HS Graduates' Readiness based on Developmental Level (DE) Course

Placement, Fall 2014

III. PERFORMANCE and RETENTION in the First Year: Recent High School Graduates, Fall 2014

Fall 2014 GPA: Recent HS Graduates


GPA calculations DO NOT include grades

associated with Developmental Level courses

71% 68%

All Recent HS Grads(N=3922)

Holyoke HS RecentGrads (N=358)

% successful

course completions

Chart 4. Course Completion Rate: Recent

HS Graduates, only



All Recent HS Grads (N=1097) Holyoke HS Recent Grads(N=101)

% placed into DE English

Chart 3. Percent of students requiring any DE English

76% 80%

All Recent HS Grads(N=1097)

Holyoke HS Recent Grads(N=101)

% placed into DE Math

Chart 2. Percent of students requiring any DE Math

78% 77%

All Recent HS Grads(N=1097)

Holyoke HS RecentGrads (N=101)

% Fall 2014 students

returning in Spring 2015

Chart 5. Fall-to-Spring Retention Rate:

Recent HS Graduates, only

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Report for School Principals and Superintendents: Spring 2015 Graduates

IV. HCC GRADUATES: Fiscal Years 2010 - 2014

1,059 1,093

984 927


FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14

# HCC Graduates

Chart 6a. HCC Graduates: ALL



53 51


FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14

# HCC Graduates

(Holyoke HS Alumni, only)

Chart 6b. HCC Graduates: Holyoke HS Alumni

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Report for School Principals and Superintendents: Spring 2015 Cohort Tracking: Grad, Trans, Still Enrolled


1. "Cohort" refers to Recent High School graduates (e.g. in Chart 7a and 7c, the Fall 2010 cohort includes ALL recent HS grads enrolled at HCC in Fall 2010).

who entered in Fall 2010, completed a degree at HCC in June 2012, then transferred to UMass is included in only the "graduated" count for the Fall 2010 cohort.

V. COHORT TRACKING: Graduation, Transfer, and Still Enrolled 3 and 4 Years Out

2. Each student is counted only once, where "outcomes" are prioritized as follows: graduate, transfer, still enrolled, leaver. That is, a student













Fall 2009 Cohort(N=1313)

Fall 2010 Cohort(N=1150)

Fall 2011 Cohort(N=1203)

% of cohort

Chart 7a. Status 3 Yrs After Entering HCC, ALL

Graduated Transferred Still Enrolled Leaver









Fall 2009 Cohort(N=1313)

Fall 2010 Cohort(N=1150)

% of cohort

Chart 7c. Status 4 Yrs After Entering HCC, ALL

Graduated Transferred Still Enrolled Leaver

Data not yet














Fall 2009 Cohort(N=89)

Fall 2010 Cohort(N=89)

Fall 2011 Cohort(N=85)

% of cohort

Chart 7b. Status 3 Yrs After Entering HCC,

Holyoke HS

Graduated Transferred Still Enrolled Leaver









Fall 2009 Cohort(N=89)

Fall 2010 Cohort(N=89)

% of cohort

Chart 7d. Status 4 Yrs After Entering HCC,

Holyoke HS

Graduated Transferred Still Enrolled Leaver

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Report for School Principals and Superintendents: Spring 2015 Transfer Patterns and Rates

2009 and 2013. That is, a student who was enrolled at HCC as a recent high school graduate in Fall 2009, transferred to a 2-yr institution in Fall

2011, and then transferred to a 4-yr institution in Spring 2012, is counted as a transfer to a 2-yr institution.

VI. TRANSFER Rates Among HCC Graduates and Non-Graduates: Cohorts 2009-2013

NOTE: "Transfer" refers to the first transfer for all students who entered HCC as a "Recent High School Graduate" during any Fall semester between

Didn't Transfer 33%

Transfer to 2-Yr School


Transfer to 4-Yr School



All entering as Recent HS grads

Didn't Transfer 40%

Transfer to 2-Yr School


Transfer to 4-Yr School



Holyoke HS alumni

Transfer to 2-Yr School


Transfer to 4-Yr School



Who Transfer, All entering as Recent

HS grads

Transfer to 2-Yr School


Transfer to 4-Yr School



Who Transfer, Holyoke HS alumni

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Report for School Principals and Superintendents: Spring 2015 Transfer Institutions

% of HCC


Who Transferred

% of HCC


Who Transferred

Westfield State University 38.1% Springfield Technical Community College 45.1%

University of Massachusetts at Amherst 31.2% Westfield State University 7.0%

Elms College 6.2% University of Massachusetts at Amherst 5.4%

Bay Path University 2.9% Greenfield Community College 5.3%

Western New England University 2.9% Bay Path University 2.3%

Springfield Technical Community College 2.7% Asnuntuck Community College 1.8%

American International College 1.8% Elms College 1.8%

Salem State University 1.2% American International College 1.7%

Springfield College 1.2% Quinsigamond Community College 0.9%

Western New England University 0.9%

Worcester State University 0.9%

Bridgewater State University 0.8%

Springfield College 0.8%

Fitchburg State University 0.7%

Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts 0.7%

Mount Holyoke College 0.7%

Johnson & Wales University 0.5%

University of Phoenix 0.5%

Transfer Institutions attended by fewer than 6 students are not listed

NOTE: "Transfer" refers to the first transfer for all students who entered HCC as a "Recent High School Graduate" during any Fall semester between

2009 and 2013. That is, a student who was enrolled at HCC as a recent high school graduate in Fall 2010, transferred to STCC in Fall 2011, and then

transferred to UMASS Amherst in Spring 2012, is counted as a transfer to STCC.

VI. TRANSFER Among HCC Graduates and Non-Graduates: Names

Table 1. Institutions Attended by HCC GRADUATES:

Cohort years 2009 - 2013

Table 2. Institutions Attended by HCC

NON-GRADUATES: Cohort years 2009 - 2013

Name of Transfer Institution Name of Transfer Institution

Transfer Institutions attended by fewer than 6 students are not listed

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Report for School Principals and Superintendents: Spring 2015 Glossary of Terms

The following definitions may be useful for understanding/interpreting the charts and tables in the report:

Fall-to-Spring Retention Rate – percent of students enrolled in the Fall who enrolled in the subsequent Spring semester; Not adjusted for graduates or transfers.

Status at 3 years/4 years - for the purposes of the "status" charts on page 5, students are coded as only one of the following: graduate, transfer, still enrolled, leaver,

where "statuses" are given priority in that order. For example, a student who entered HCC in the Fall 2009, completed a degree in June 2011, then transferred to UMass is

counted in these charts as a "graduate."

Transfer - transfer information presented in Section VI is based on the first transfer for all students who entered HCC as a "Recent High School Graduate" during any

Fall semester between 2009 and 2013. That is, a student who was enrolled at HCC as a recent high school graduate in Fall 2009, transferred to STCC in Fall 2011, and

then transferred to UMASS Amherst in Spring 2012, is counted as a transfer to STCC.

As our goal is to provide superintendents and principals with useful data, we strongly encourage feedback regarding content and/or format of this report and are happy to

address any questions regarding the interpretation of the data presented. Please direct questions, comments, and suggestions for future reports to Veena Dhankher, Director of

Institutional Research, at (413) 552-2543 or [email protected].


Enrollment – students enrolled in one or more credit bearing course as of the college’s official “freeze” date (i.e., on or before October 15th

for Fall semesters, and on or

before February 28th

for Spring semesters).

Recent High School Graduates – students who graduated from high school during the 12 months prior to the start of the Fall semester. Percentages of recent high school

graduating classes that enrolled at HCC are based on the total number of recent high school graduates enrolled and the total number of students who graduated from the

high school as reported by school officials contacted by HCC’s Office of Admissions.

Developmental Placements – "need" for developmental level courses in Math and English are determined by scores on the Accuplacer exam - a standardized

Computerized Placement Test (CPT). For both Math and English, the placement data presented in this report are based on placement into any of the developmental levels


Grade Point Average (GPA) – based on a 4-pt scale (A=4, A-=3.75, etc.); GPA calculations DO NOT include grades associated with Developmental Level courses.

Course Completion Rate – the total number of "successful" course outcomes divided by the total number of course enrollments; "Successful outcome" is defined as a

final grade of C- or better in Developmental Level and ESL courses, and D- or better in all other courses; "Course enrollments" include all registrations for all classes as

of "end of term".

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Holyoke, MA 01040

Telephone: (413) 538-7000
