enriching students vocabulary through jigsaw learning

1 Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning Technique (A Classroom Action Research at Tenth Grade Students of SMA Budi Mulia Ciledug in 2017/2018 Academic Year) A”Skripsi” Presented to the Faculty of Education Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of S.Pd. (S-1) in English Education Rivki Surya Maulana 1113014000032 DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH EDUCATION FACULTY OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY JAKARTA 2018

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Page 1: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


(A Classroom Action Research at Tenth Grade Students of SMA Budi Mulia

Ciledug in 2017/2018 Academic Year)


Presented to the Faculty of Education Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirement for the Degree of S.Pd. (S-1)

in English Education

Rivki Surya Maulana







Page 2: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning Technique

(A Classroom Action Research at Tenth Grade Students of SMA Budi Mulia

Ciledug in 2017/2018 Academic Year)


Presented to the Faculty of Education Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirement for the Degree of S.Pd. (S-1)

in English Education


Rivki Surya Maulana


Approved by:

Advisor 1 Advisor 2

Drs. Nasrun Mahdmud M.Pd

NIP. 150 041 070

Atik Yuliyani MA. TESOL

NIP. 19840410 2015 2 003






Page 3: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning



The examination committee of Faculty of Educational Sciences certifies that the

“Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitled “Enriching Students Vocabulary through

Jigsaw Learning Technique” (A Classroom Action Research at Tenth Grade

Students of SMA Budi Mulia Ciledug in 2017/2018 Academic Year), written by

Rivki Surya Maulana. Student’s registration number 1113014000032, was

examined by committee on May , 2018. The “Skripsi” has been accepted and

declared to have fullfiled one of the requirements for degree of “S.Pd.” (Strata-1)

in the department of English Education.

Ciputat, May , 2018


Date Signature

Chairman : Dr Alek, M.Pd

NIP. 19690912 200901 1 008 ( ) ( )

Secretary: Zaharil Annasy, M.Hum.

NIP. 19761007 200710 1 002 ( ) ( )

Examiner I : Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd.

NIP. 19720501 199903 2 013 ( ) ( )

Examiner II : Yenny Rahmawati M.Ed.

( ) ( )

Acknowledged by

The Dean of Faculty of Educational Sciences

Prof. Ahmad Thib Raya, M.A.

NIP. 19550421 198203 1 007

Page 4: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini,

Nama : Rivki Surya Maulana

Tempat, Tgl. Lahir : Pemalang, 21 November 1994

NIM : 1113014000032

Jurusan/Prodi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning

Technique (A Classroom Action Research at Tenth Grade Students of SMA Budi

Mulia Ciledug in 2017/2018 Academic Year)

Dosen Pembimbing : 1. Drs. Nasrun Mahdmud M.Pd

2. Atik Yuliyani MA. TESOL

Dengan ini menyatakan bahawa skripsi yang saya buat benar-benar hasil karya

sendiri dan saya bertanggung jawab secara akademis atas apa yang saya tulis.

Peryataan ini dibuat sebagai salah satu syarat menempuh ujian Munaqosah.

Ciputat, 25 Mei 2018

Rivki Surya Maulana

NIM. 1113014000032








UIN JAKARTA Tgl. Terbit : 1 Maret 2010

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Page 5: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning



In the name of Allah, the beneficent and the merciful.

All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the world, who has given the writer his

blessing, guidance and strenghth to finish this research paper. Peace and saluation

be upon prophet Muhammad, his family, his companions as well his followers.

In this occasion, the writer would like to express his greates appreciation,

honor and gratitude to his beloved parents for all support, motivation and guidance

during this research.

Secondly, the writer would like to address his thank to and greatest gratitude

to the advisors, Drs. Nasrun Mahdmud M.Pd and Atik Yuliyani MA. TESOL for

the valuable advices, suggestions, comment and support during conducting this


Also the writer also would address his thank to the people that has given their

support and help to the writer in conducting this research. Therefore his gratitude

goes to:

1. Prof.Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, M.A., as Dean of Faculty of Educational


2. Dr. Alek, M.Pd, as the Head of Department of English Education.

3. Zaharil Annasy, M.Hum., as Secretary of Department of English


4. Dr. H. Moh. Suryadi S., S.E. M.M., as Headmaster of SMA Budi Mulia

Ciledug for giving permison to the writer to conduct the study.

5. Drs. Nasrun Mahdmud M.Pd and Mrs. Atik Yuliyani MA. TESOL, as

advisors for giving him guidance and suggestions in this study.

6. Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi M.Pd. and Yenny Rahmawati M.Ed. as the examiner

for giving him guidance and suggestions in this study.

7. All the lecturers in Department of English Education that has given

valuable skills and knowledge that has helped the writer greatly in

finishing this study.

Page 6: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


8. Mrs. Any Hastuti S.Pd., for her input and allowing the writer to conduct

the study in her class.

9. Students of X IPS2 who are wiling to contribute their effort during this


10. Tia Maryanti for her endless support for the writer during this study.

11. Akira Puteri who has given advices and suggenstion to the writer during

this study.

12. All beloved member of EED B 2013,”Persukunan”, EED 2013,

“Operatives”, “Founders” of Standup Ciledug, Standup UIN, and

everyone that cannot be mentioned for their support and contribution to

the writer during this study.

Finaly, the writer admits that her writing is still far from being perfect.

Therefore, he hopes some suggenstions and constructive critique from reader for

this better research paper. Hopefully, this research paper will be useful not only for

the writer but also for the reader.

Ciputat, 25 Mei 2018

The Writer

Rivki Surya Maulana

Page 7: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning



Rivki Surya Maulana (1113014000032), Enriching Students Vocabulary through

Jigsaw Learning Technique” (A Classroom Action Research at Tenth Grade

Students of SMA Budi Mulia Ciledug in 2017/2018 Academic Year), A”Skripsi”

Department of English Education, Faculty of Education Sciences, State Islamic

University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2018.

Keywords: Jigsaw Technique, Vocabuary Enrichment

The purpose of this study is to discover if Jigsaw technique could help students

enrich their vocabulary and how does it helps. The subject of this study was students

of X IPS 2 of SMA Budi Mulia Ciledug. Classroom Action Research based on

Kemmis and McTaggart was used to conduct this research. It consists of three

phases: plan, act and observe and reflect. Quantitative and qualitative data were

used in this study. Quantitative data gathered from tests while qualitative data

gatered from observation and interview. Quantitaive data from the tests indicate

that students had been helped by jigsaw technique in enriching their vocabulary. In

pretest only 7 students out of 22 (32%) students that can pass the minimum score

of 70 with 59 as the mean score. Then in Postest 1 the number increased to 10 out

of 22 students (46%) with 68 as the mean score. Later in posttest 3 the number

increased to 21 out of 22 students (94%) with 77 as the mean score. It shown

significant improvement and thus fulfill the citeria of action success. Qualitative

data derived from the interviews and observations. Both indicate that students were

helped by jigsaw technique. It could made students became more interested in

learning as it enable students learning and sharing during the lesson. This also

minimize student’s dependency to their ‘brghter’ friends. Based on the result above,

it can be concluded that Jigsaw technique has helped students to encrich their


Page 8: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning



Rivki Surya Maulana (1113014000032), Enriching Students Vocabulary through

Jigsaw Learning Technique” (A Classroom Action Research at Tenth Grade

Students of SMA Budi Mulia Ciledug in 2017/2018 Academic Year), A”Skripsi”

Department of English Education, Faculty of Education Sciences, State Islamic

University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2018.

Kata Kunci: Jigsaw Technique, Vocabuary Enrichment

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah teknik Jigsaw dapat

membantu siswa memperkaya kosakata mereka dan sejauh mana teknik jigsaw

dapat memperkaya kosakata siswa. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X IPS

2 SMA Budi Mulia Ciledug. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas berdasarkan Kemmis dan

McTaggart digunakan untuk melakukan penelitian ini. Ini terdiri dari tiga fase:

preencanaan, pelaksaan dan observasi, dan refleksi. Ada dua jenis data dalam

penelitian ini: kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Data kuantitatif dikumpulkan dari tes

sementara data kualitatif didapat dari observasi dan wawancara. Data kuantitatif

dari tes menunjukkan bahwa siswa telah terbantu oleh teknik jigsaw dalam

memperkaya kosakata mereka. Dalam pretest hanya 7 siswa dari 22 (32%) siswa

yang dapat lulus skor minimal 70 dengan 59 sebagai skor rata-rata. Kemudian di

Postest 1 jumlahnya meningkat menjadi 10 dari 22 siswa (46%) dengan 68 sebagai

skor rata-rata. Kemudian di posttest 3 jumlah meningkat menjadi 21 dari 22 siswa

(94%) dengan 77 sebagai skor rata-rata. Ini menunjukkan peningkatan yang

signifikan dan dengan demikian memenuhi kriteria keberhasilan penelitian. Data

kualitatif berasal dari wawancara dan observasi. Keduanya menunjukkan bahwa

siswa terbantu oleh teknik jigsaw. Jigsaw membuat siswa menjadi lebih tertarik

dalam belajar karena memungkinkan siswa belajar dan bertukar pikiran selama

pelajaran. Ini juga meminimalisir ketergantungan siswa kepada teman-teman

mereka yang lebih cerdas karena mereka perlu mempresentasikan sendiri bagian

mereka dalam pelajaran dan mendengarkan orang lain. Berdasarkan hasil di atas,

dapat disimpulkan bahwa teknik Jigsaw telah membantu siswa untuk memperkaya

kosakata mereka.

Page 9: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning



APPROVAL SHEET……………………………………………………. ii

ENDORSMENT SHEET……………………………………………….. iii

SURAT PERNYATAN KARYA SENDIRI............................................ iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT........................................................................ v

ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………... vii

ABSTRAK………………………………………………………………. viii

TABLE OF CONTENT............................................................................ ix

LIST OF TABLE....................................................................................... xi

LIST OF FIGURES.................................................................................. xii

LIST OF APPENDICES……………………………………………….. xiii

CHAPTER I. INRODUCTION………………………………………… 1

A. Background of Study…………………………………… 1

B. Identification of the Problem……………………………. 6

C. Limitation of the study………………………………….. 6

D. Questions of the study………………………………….. 6

E. Aims of the study………………………………………. 6

F. Significance of the Study………………………………. 6


A Vocabualry………………………………………………. 8

1 Vocabulary Classes………………………………… 8

a Lexical Vocabulary………………………………… 8

b Functional categories……………………………….. 11

2 Word Meaning……………………………………… 12

3 Vocabulary Assesment for 10th grade Students … 13

B Jigsaw Learning Technique…..…………………………. 14

1 Overview……………………………………………. 15

2 Jigsaw Application in Education…………………… 16

3 Elements of Jigsaw ………………………………… 17

4 Steps in Implementing Jigsaw……………………… 18

Page 10: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


C Previous Related Study…………………………………. 18


A. Place and Date of Study………………………………… 21

B. Method and Design of the Study………………………… 21

C. Subject of the Study…………………………………….. 23

D. Writer role in this Study………………………………… 23

E. The Study Procedure……………………………………. 25

F. Technique in Data Collecting…………………………… 26

G. Technique in Data Analysis…………………………….. 27

H. Trustworthiness…………………………………………. 29

I. The Criteria of Action Success…………………………. 29


A. Pre Action Research Finding……………………………. 30

B. Implementation of Classroom Action Research…………. 35

C. Post Action Research……………………………………. 41

D. Discussion ………………………………………………. 41


A. Conclusion……………………………………………….. 43

B. Suggestions………………………………………………. 44

REFERENCES………………………………………………………….. 45

APPENDICES…………………………………………………………… 48

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Table 3.1 The Schdule of the study…………………………………………. 19

Page 12: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning



Figure 3.1 Study Chart adapted from Kemmis and McTaggart CAR Chart … 20

Page 13: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning



Appendix 1 Observation Sheet ………………………………….... 48

Appendix 2 Pre Action Interview Guidelines for Teacher ……….. 52

Appendix 3 Pre Action Interview Guidelines for Students ……….. 53

Appendix 4 Pre Action Interview Transcript – Teacher ……………. 54

Appendix 5 Pre Action Interview Transcript - Students A ……….. 60

Appendix 6 Pre Action Interview Transcript – Students B……………. 62

Appendix 7 Post Action Interview Transcript – Students A ……….. 63

Appendix 8 Post Action Interview Transcript – Students B………… . 64

Appendix 9 Texts used in Cycle 1 ……………………………………. 65

Appendix 10 Texts used in Cycle 2……………………………………. 67

Appendix 11 Pretest ………………………………………………….. 69

Appendix 12 Posttest 1 ……………………………………………… 70

Appendix 13 Posttest 2 ……………………………………………… 71

Appendix 14 RPP …………………………………………………... 72

Appendix 15 Pretest Score Table …………………………………….. 76

Appendix 16 Posttest 1 Score Table…………………………………….. 77

Appendix 17 Posttest 2 Score Table…………………………………….. 78

Appendix 18 Lembar Uji Referensi…………………………………….. 79

Appendix 19 Pictures…………………………………………………… 83

Appendix 20 Surat Bimbingan Skripsi…………………………………. 85

Appendix 21 Surat Ijin Penelitian………………………………………. 86

Appendix 22 Surat Keterangan Sekolah………………………………… 87

Page 14: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning




A Background of Study

In Indonesia, language learning has important role in students’ academic

achievement either national language or foreign language. English is foreign

language that is formally taught in most school. English has considerably important

role in education system in Indonesia. It has become part of national exam and the

score could determine in which school a student could or could not enroll. TOEFL

or IELTS also become common requirement to get scholarship. Understanding and

mastering English is essentials in education.

Despite the fact that English is not the most popular language in the world,

English has become a global language as it has become a second language in more

than seventy countries and taught in more than 100 countries.1 English is also the

most popular language that is used in education field. Most journal, textbook,

newspaper, magazine, films, music, study paper around the globe written in

English2. English also still the most popular language of the internet, there are

1142.5 million websites that written in English.3

Therefore, understanding English could greatly help a person to gain

access to better education since most material, lesson, textbook, journal and etc.

that is related to education is written in English. Since it widely popular in education,

understanding it would help one greatly increase their capacity both in learning and

communicating, enrich their vision and helping them to get new information. It

could be said that English is a door to vast knowledge. Therefore to understand

English could greatly support one’s educational needs. Seeing the importance of

English, especially in educational terms; as result one would be enriched with new

1 Crystal David. English as a Global Language Second Edition. (Cambridge:

Cambridge Unity Press, 2003), p.5 2 Sergei Lobachev. Top Language in Global Information Production , Canadian

Journal of Library and Information Practice and Study, 2016,

(https://journal.lib.uoguelph.ca/index.php/perj/article/view/826/1358#.WdXnRFu0PIU) 3 ibid

Page 15: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


knowledge and has potential to be better functioning person for themselves and

their society.

To understand English surely one’s need to learn, and one of the language

component that could be learn is vocabulary Caris define vocabulary is a storehouse

of ideas; each represent a concept.4 This ‘concept’ is an idea of how one’s define

something. Words like “cat” are example of simple and straightforward concept

while there also more complicated concept such as love or freedom.

While making a sentence vocabulary can shift its meaning due to context.

Context is the ‘environment’ of the words. 5 Words like “fire” may have different

meaning depend on the concept. Example, (a). The boss fired me yesterday, (b) Kris

fired his gun into the air. Both (a) and (b) has “fire” in each sentence, but they have

different meaning based on the context. In sentence (a) fire means to remove

someone from their job while in (b) fire means to cause a weapon to shoot bullets,

arrows or missiles.

Therefore, to understand the meaning and the context of a vocabulary is

important to prevent misunderstanding in the future. Arthur said that “Clearly,

knowledge of vocabulary is essentials to the developmental and demonstration of

linguistic skills.6

Thus, it is clearly important for students and everyone alike to enrich their

vocabulary so they could expand their vision and gain access to countless material

that might be resulted in increasing their capacity.

For long, many has believed that vocabulary would be ‘picked up’

automatically without intended learning process.7 The place of lexis has tended to

be peripheral rather than central. As linguist has recognized that vocabulary has

become center place in our notion of language, teachers are encouraged to accept

4 Joan Caris. Success with Words. (Lawrenceville: Peterson’s, 2004) p. 33 5 ibid 6 Arthur Huges. Testing for Languages Teacher (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,

1999). p. 146 7 Curriculum Development Institute Education Bureau, Enhancing English Vocabulary

Learning And Teaching At Primary Level (Hong Kong : Curriculum Development Institute

Education Bureau. 2009), p. 1

Page 16: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


that vocabulary is important matter to teach.8 Singleton as cited in Enhancing

English Vocabulary Learning and Teaching at Primary Level stated that “we may

soon ‘reach the point where the notions of lexicon and of language would become

interchangeable’’9. Therefore, it can be concluded that vocabulary is an important

factor and therefore need to be taught.

In one case it is found that many students are capable to get the general

idea of a text that is given. It shown by their ability to give opinion about the text

and the content. However, when the writer asked the question related to the

structure, grammar about the text most students can’t answer. This case show that

with adequate vocabularies, one could comprehend and get the idea of a text even

though they don’t understand the structure.

This happens very often as they could translate an English text into their

native language (Bahasa Indonesia) with little error but mostly made error if they

translatable from native language to English. Error that is occurred mostly in

grammar aspect. Despite the error, students still able to get the idea of given text

because they know the vocabulary, even though they didn’t understand grammar

they still able to comprehend the message or idea that is presented by a text.

Despite the importance of learning vocabulary, many students still has lack

of motivation in learning it. Some says that to learn vocabulary we must read and

most of the students doesn't like reading. Their teacher said that to enrich

vocabulary they must read and practice every day. While on the other hand, they

have other subject to learn such as math, social and etc. This made them unwilling

to learn and enrich vocabulary.

Therefore it is necessary to find new method in learning vocabulary. It is

so because vocabulary is important to be enriched but student’s lack motivation

could be great barrier to their vocabulary enrichment.

During interview in SMA Budi Mulia, it is found that students prefer to do

their task in group rather than individual. They make up schedule or use messaging

8 Curriculum Development Institute Education Bureau, Enhancing English Vocabulary

Learning And Teaching At Primary Level (Hong Kong : Curriculum Development Institute

Education Bureau. 2009), p. 1 9 ibid

Page 17: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


platform like Whatsapp. They said it is helpful and enable them to share their


This example could be indication that students felt more comfortable doing

cooperative learning rather than individual learning. Therefore writer wanted to use

group learning toward vocabulary enrichment, named jigsaw technique

Cooperative learning model is a learning model that developed to teach

academic skills and social skills that includes interpersonal skills.10 In this learning

model teacher role as facilitator that facilitate to better understanding, with

student’s own note.11 Cooperative learning emphasized in sharing process among

students, so they could reach mutual understanding among them.12 In this model,

students has two responsibilities; they are self-learning and helping other (members

of group) to learn.13

This model has shifted classic classroom paradigm form teacher centered

to student centered that stressed in peer teaching rather than individual learning.

This sharing process that occurred could help students to learn better because the

material are explained by their peers (students). This could help students learning

more easily as they could simplify the material with their own language. However,

teacher’s presence still necessary to avoid misconception among students during

their learning process. If teacher spot an error in sharing materials, they could leave

notes or whispering to that group during the process.

Each member would be ‘expert’ in each section of learning material. For

example, in English learning situation teacher assign a group of 4 students. Each

students learn different section of material. After that, each member recite/explain

that material to their fellow group member. Later, after everyone finished

explaining the material, each member of group must make summary of the entire

lesson. In this situation not only students ability in reading materials would be

required, but also their listening ability. This would be an effective strategy because

10 Yatim Riyanto. Paradigma Baru Pembelajaran (Jakarta : Kencana: 2014), p.271 11 Rusman. Model-Model Pembelajaran (Depok. Rajagrafindo Persada: 2012), p. 201 12 ibid 13 ibid 203

Page 18: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


each member (students) has important role in understanding the material. 14

Therefore, everyone would work hard rather than depend on their mates.

In this model, student has more chance in expressing their opinion and

processing information that is given and could help them develop their

communications skills.15 Therefore, this learning model is suitable for language

learning as they need to use their language skills actively both productive and their

receptive skills. Reading skill would help student to understand their material for

themselves. While listening skill would be important for them so they could

understand the idea that is being explained by their peer. Speaking skills is

important so they could deliver the idea effectively. Good speaking skills would

help other member to understand the lesson at ease and reduce the possibility of

misunderstanding in sharing information process.

There are few study that has been conducted to find out if the jigsaw

technique could help students enrich their vocabulary. Shamsira Napu and Evi

Anggraini has conducted study that entitled “Improving Students Vocabulary

trough Jigsaw technique” that conducted in SMP Negri 1 Bojong Gowa. This study

indicate that there is significant improvement in students score after the treatment

(jigsaw technique) is given.16 Also a study conducted by Risa Rachmawati in SDN

Sukagalih 4 entitled “Teaching English Vocabulary Using Jigsaw Method” has

proven that teaching vocabulary using jigsaw method is effective.17 These result

shown that jigsaw technique has significantly help students in enriching their

vocabulary. However, the reason why this could be occurred has not been found.

Therefore study intended to conduct this study to find the reason why jigsaw could

help student enrich their vocabulary.

Therefore, the writer saw Jigsaw is suitable to help students with their

vocabulary as a lot of aspect are affected by this method. This study itself entitled

14 Aronson Eliot. Nobody Left to Hate, The Humanist - Pro Quest Study Library, 2000,

p.18 15 Rusman. Model-Model Pembelajaran. (Depok. Rajagrafindo Persada:2012 ), p.218 16 Syamsiarna Nappu and Evi Anggraeni. Improving Students Vocabulary Trough Jigsaw

technique, International Confrence ADRI -5. 2017, p. 163 17 Risa Rachmawati. Teaching English Vocabulary Using Jigsaw Method at Fourth Grade

Students of Sdn Sukagalih 6, English Education Study Program Language and Arts Department

Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (SYTKIP) Siliwangi Bandung. 2012, p. 1

Page 19: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


“Enrich Student’s Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning Technique”. The study

would use classroom action research (CAR) from Kemmis and McTaggart that

consists of two cycles. In addition the study use CAR to get better understadning to

what extent jigsaw could help enrich students vocabualry.

B Identification of the problem

The problems of this study are:

1. Students lack of vocabulary

2. Students had least interest in enriching vocabulary

3. Students need to be taught in new method to help them learning


C Limitation of Study

The study is limited to discover whether “jigsaw” technique could help

student enrich their vocabulary and how does it helps the students.

D Question of the Study

Based on limitation of the study, the problem formulated as below:

1. Can jigsaw technique help students enrich their vocabulary?

2. To what extent jigsaw technique can enrich student’s vocabulary?

E Aims of Study

This study aimed to discover if jigsaw can help students in enriching their

vocabulary and how.

F. Significance of the Study

1. Student

Students could learn in better environment. As jigsaw stressed in

engagement and listening ability to understand the material. It is hoped

every students would consider their role important. As individuals, they

Page 20: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


need to do their best in explaining the material to their fellow group mates;

while as group, they need to pay attention to their group mates as they

explain the material so they could complete the ‘jigsaw’.

2. Teacher

Teacher would find this method helpful in learning session. As

the students would held most role in learning process. This could reduce

the workload of the teachers because they only need to become a facilitator

and let the students immersive involved themselves in learning either as

individuals or group because they need to work their best. Teacher could

maintain each student’s progress by visiting their group and provide help

and motivation if necessary.

3. Future study

This study could help the writer understand the way of jigsaw

puzzle in helping students learning. Then could apply this technique

towards different lesson and subject. This study could also enrich range of

study that related to group learning (jigsaw) technique

Page 21: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning



Theoretic Description

A. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of the language component; therefore to understand a

language one must also understand the vocabulary. Radford in his book considered

words (vocabulary) as the most accessible linguistic unit1. Joan Carris on the other

hand said that vocabulary is a storehouse of ideas; which represent a concept

whether it is simple such as horse or more complicated such as democracy.2

1. Vocabulary Classes

Vocabulary as main component of language could be distinguished into

two categories. There are Lexical category and Functional category. Lexical

category is how vocabulary sorted in terms of the idea that they represent, e.g.,

bottle, chair, love and etc. Functional category is how vocabulary sorted as

their function in a sentence. These vocabulary doesn’t represent any object

neither concrete nor abstract. In translation these vocabulary could be skipped,

however these vocabulary has vital role in constructing a meaningful sentences.

Without these vocabulary, a sentence has uncompleted structure.

a Lexical Vocabulary

Lexical category divided into 5 (five) categories there are3 : noun, verb,

adjective, adverb and preposition. These categories are divided in terms of

their meaning and idea in a sentence.

1) Noun

It comes from Latin word means “name”, this class of word

used to name a person, place, idea etc.4

1 Andrew Radford et al., Linguistic An Introduction Second Edition (Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press : 2010).p. 127 2 Caris Joan. Success with Words. (Lawrenceville: Peterson’s, 2004) p. 33 3 Radford, op.cit., p.129-131 4 Mark Lester and Larry Benson The McGraw-Hill Handbook of English Grammar and

Usage. (McGaw-Hill, 2013) p. 4

Page 22: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


This object could represent either concrete or abstract.

Concrete noun are those that can be sensed using the five senses:

sight, taste, smell, hearing, touch.5

While abstract noun on the contrary, names and idea,

characteristic, quality, concepts, beliefs, or state being. Unlike

concrete noun, abstract noun has no physical exsistance.6 This idea

or concept may of abstract noun may vary for everyone.

These nouns could be made from simple word such as table,

chair or bottle. While compound nouns are created by making up

two or more word together as single noun. Made by forming two

noun or one noun and one adjective to form new meaning.7

a) Common noun and Proper noun

There are two types of noun, common noun and proper noun.

Common noun used to name generic or unspecified categories.8

While, proper noun are names of specific individual or entities9,

such as: Indonesia (country), Jakarta (city)

b) Verb

Verb can be defined as words that express action of


There are two types of verb: action verb and linking verb.

Action verb used to express the action of the subject in a

sentence.11 Example, Rivki eat his lunch; in this example the

subject is “Rivki” and “eat”, as action verb describe the action

done by the subject.

5 Caroline Taggart & J.A. Wines, My Grammar and I… Or should that be

Me?,(Montereal :Reader’s Digest, 2009) p. 45 6 ibid p.46 7 ibid 8 Mark Lester and Larry Benson The McGraw-Hill Handbook of English Grammar and

Usage. (McGaw-Hill, 2013) p. 4 9 ibid 10 Mark Lester and Larry Benson The McGraw-Hill Handbook of English Grammar and

Usage. (McGaw-Hill, 2013) p. 6 11 ibid

Page 23: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


Linking verb on the other hand, used to link/connect

subject to a predicate adjective, a predicate noun, or a phrase

modifying the grammatical subject.12

c) Adjective

Adjective is a word that used to modify a noun13. To

modify a word means to describe the word or to make its

meaning more definite. These properties means vary following

the noun that is modified. Typically denotes properties, many

of which are gradable14, they are equative, comparative and

superlative.15 E.g. tall, taller, tallest. These words describe the

same properties of height but different in strength. Tall simply

describe height, while taller describe one height compared to

another; this is comparative adjective. Tallest used to describe

one height as the greatest among the rest; it is an example of

superlative adjective.

d) Adverb

While an adjective modifies a noun, an adverb modifies a

verb, adjective or another adverb. Most adverb can be formed

by adding -ly behind the vocabulary e.g. silently, slowly,


e) Preposition

Preposition used to express a relation between something

or someone in space or time17.

12 Grammar.com, "Linking Verbs.",2017 (http://www.grammar.com/Linking-Verbs). 13 Andrew Radford et al., Linguistic An Introduction Second Edition (Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press : 2010) p. 130 14 Lyene Murphy. Lexical Meaning (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012) p.

222 15 ibid 16 Andrew Radford et al., Linguistic An Introduction Second Edition (Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press : 2010) p. 130 17 ibid p.131

Page 24: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


b Functional categories

While lexical category words has their own meaning that can be looked

up in the dictionary, some words doesn't. Those words doesn't denote any

object18. Those words are not meaningless either; instead, they have vital

function in grammatical aspect that would help lexical vocabulary could

have more ‘specific meaning. There are 4 categories in functional


1) Determiner

This word used to give an attiribute to a noun wether it become

more or less specific.19 Words such as ‘this, ‘these’, ‘that’ or

articles like ‘a/an’are examples of determiner.20

2) Auxiliary verb

A helping (auxiliary) verb helps the main verb.21 Together,

a main verb and at least one helping verb form a verb phrase.

3) Pronoun

A pronoun is a word used in place of one or more nouns

and used to avoid repetition of a noun.22 There are several types of

pronoun: relatvive, reflexive, repirocal, possessive, indefinite,

demonstrative and introgative.23

4) Conjunction

Conjunction serve to join words or phrases together to form

larger phrases of the same type, or join whole sentences together to

form new sentences.

18 ibid p.132 19 ibid p 133 20 ibid 21 Frankurt International School , "Auxiliary Verb.",2018

(http://esl.fis.edu/grammar/rules/auxil.htm) 22 Caroline Taggart & J.A. Wines, My Grammar and I… Or should that be

Me?,(Montereal :Reader’s Digest, 2009) p. 61 23 Ibid p.62-66

Page 25: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


2. Word Meaning

In understanding an idea or meaning that represented by a

vocabulary, dictionary meaning would be sufficient. However, in some

occasion dictionary meaning won’t match the actual meaning that exist in

one situation. Some vocabulary may present its denotative meaning at a

time and connotative meaning that following in which the vocabulary


Denotative meaning (also known as conceptual or cognitive

meaning) are the ‘literal’ meaning, that can be found in the dictionary.24

Denotative meaning giving ‘frames’ of what word can and cannot refer

to.25.For instance, food something that people and animals eat, or plants

absorb, to keep them alive; this is denotative meaning of food. Therefore,

it could be understood that “plastic bag” could not be called food. It is

because people or animal doesn't eat it animals nor plant absorb it to keep

them alive. Understanding denotative meaning would help one understand

basic concept or idea that is presented by a vocabulary therefore would help

them to use it correctly.

Connotative on the other hand, gives attitude or feelings attached

to the word itslef.26 A word can have positive or negative connotations.

Sometimes words have different connotations to different people because

of their experiences27. Scientists and philosophers focus on the denotations

of words in order to communicate exact meaning. Writers of literature rely

more heavily on connotation to get the reader ‘attached’ to their work.28

24 Murphy, Lynene. Lexical Meaning (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012)

p.32 25 Ibid p.33 26 Bowvalley Collage, Denotation/Connotation, 2017, p.1


d%20Connotation%20(1).pdf) 27 ibid 28 ibid

Page 26: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


3. Vocabulary Assesment

In assessing vocabulary it is importat to make sure that the assessment

is aligned with the way it tecached. The number, format and context should

also be considered in assessing student’s vocabulary.29

There are several way to perform vocabulary assessment for the

students. There are discrete vocabulary test and Embedded Vocabulary

Assessment. Example of Discrete vocabulary test are: Multiple Choice

Question, Mathching, Gap Filling and Translation.30 While embedded test

could be preforemed while assessing other skills such as writing, speaking

and reading.31

a. Discrete Vocabualry Test32

This type used to test vocabulary explicitly either recognition or


1) Multiple Choice Format

One of the most common test format for vocabulary. It has

sereaval advantages. It is reliable as it only has one right answer.

It also easy to score, could be used in various level and quite

familiar with the students.

Varioations for Multiple choice format are: Synonym, Definiton,

Meaning in Context and Odd one out.

2) Matching

Students would be asked to connect the premises in left columms

to the options in right columms. The advantages of this type is

better possibility to put discractors in the options. It is also easier

to make compared to Multiple Choice Format.

29 Christine Comboe. “Assessing Vocabualry in the Language Classroom” :

https;//researchgate.net/publication/265002660, 2018 p.114 30 ibid p.116-120 31 ibid p.120-122 32 ibid p.116

Page 27: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


3) Gap filling

This type suitable to test student’s vocabulary production skills.

As they need to pick the best response in each item. It is also easy

to make. However, as it requires student’s response and

production it would took longer time to be done compared to

multiple choice and matching.

4) Translation

Students will be asked to translate some vocabulary in target

language into native language and vice versa.

b. Embedded Vocabulary Assesment33

1) In Reading Comprehension

Teacher could use a passage then underline the desired

vocabulary. Later the question would ask the definition based on

the context of that word in the passage

2) In Writing

Student’s vocabulary level could be seen in their writing. Some

importat point to be noted are vocabulary variation, uses of

idioms and grammar. IELTS is one of the example which score

vocabulary in its writing test

3) In Speaking

Same as writing, to see one’s vocabulary could be seen from their

range of vocabulary and how they properly use it. TOEFL and

IELTS are the example of speaking test that also vocabulary as

part of important element of the test.

B. Jigsaw Learning Technique

There are several argument regarding cooperative learning. Sigel as

cited from Adam Anthony argues that cooperative learning is a learning

33 Christine Comboe. “Assessing Vocabualry in the Language Classroom” :

https;//researchgate.net/publication/265002660, 2018 p.120-122

Page 28: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


situation in which two or more students are working together to complete a

common task.34 Yatim argues that cooperative learning model is a learning

model that developed to teach academic skills and social skills that includes

interpersonal skills.35

It could be seen that cooperative learning is a learning model that could

developed academic skill and social skills by situating two or more students

to work together to complete the task.

1. Overview

Aronson argues that jigsaw is model of learning that put students as

jigsaw puzzle that each has essential role in understanding the lesson.

Therefore each students is essential for learning outcomes 36 Plat and Brook

as cited from Mahaz Kazami argues that the requester-supplier relationship

in the jigsaw task as an element making it a two-way task. 37Therefore,

participants need to interact with each other to complete the task successfully.

In this learning model teacher role as facilitator that facilitate to better

understanding, with student’s own note.38 Cooperative learning emphasized

in sharing process among students, so they could reach mutual understanding

among them.39 In this model, students has two responsibilities; they are self-

learning and helping other (members of group) to learn.40

This model has shifted classic classroom paradigm form teacher

centered to student centered that stressed in peer teaching rather than

individual learning. This sharing process that occurred could help students to

learn better because the material are explained by their peers (students). This

34 Anthony R Adams. “Cooperative Learning Effects On The Classroom”, Thesis for the

degree of master of arts in education at northern Michigan university, Michigan, 2013, p.10 35 Riyato, Yatim. Paradigma Baru Pembelajaran (Jakarta : Kencana: 2014) p. 271 36 Eliot, Aronson. Nobody Left to Hate, The Humanist - Pro Quest Study Library, 2000,

p.18 37 Mahnaz Kazemi. The Effect of Jigsaw Technique on the Learners’ Reading

Achievement: The Case of English as L2, MJAL 4:3 Autumn,2012 p. 173 38 Rusman. Model-Model Pembelajaran. (Depok. Rajagrafindo Persada: 2012), p. 201 39 Ibid 203 40 Ibid 203

Page 29: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


could help students learning more easily as they could simplify the material

with their own language. However, teacher’s presence still necessary to avoid

misconception among students during their learning process. If teacher spot

an error in sharing materials, they could leave notes or whispering to that

group during the process

The jigsaw classroom was first used in 1971 by Aronson and his

graduate student. They believed it could help defuse an explosive situation

due to over competitive atmosphere among students. As they observed,

students are divided into ‘winner’ and ‘loser’. The winner student are those

who eager to answer to the teacher question. While the ‘losers’ are those who

avoid the teacher question and less active during the lesson. Aronson

believed that Jigsaw method could bring students together and help reduce

the gap between ‘winner’ and ‘loser’. 41

2. Jigsaw Application In Education

There are few occasion in which jigsaw applied in learning situation

and proved to improve students’ vocabulary. Shamsira Napu and Evi

Anggraini has conducted study that entitled “Improving Students

Vocabulary trough Jigsaw technique” that conducted in SMP Negri 1

Bojong Gowa. This study indicate that there is significant improvement in

students score after the treatment (jigsaw technique) is given. 42 Also a

study conducted by Risa Rachmawati in SDN Sukagalih 4 entitled

“Teaching English Vocabulary Using Jigsaw Method” has proven that

teaching vocabulary using jigsaw method is effective. 43 These result

indicate that jigsaw technique has significantly help students in enriching

their vocabulary.

41 Aronson Eliot. Nobody Left to Hate, The Humanist - Pro Quest Study Library, 2000,

p.17 42 Syamsiarna Nappu and Evi Anggraeni. Improving Students Vocabulary Trough Jigsaw

technique, International Confrence ADRI -5. 2017, p. 163 43 Risa Rachmawati. Teaching English Vocabulary Using Jigsaw Method at Fourth Grade

Students of Sdn Sukagalih 6, English Education Study Program Language and Arts Department

Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) Siliwangi Bandung. 2012, p. 1

Page 30: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


3. Elements of Jigsaw44:

Below are the elements that exsist in Jigsaw as cooperative learning.

(1) Positive independence

This stress the importance of cooperativenees among the

participant/students. They must do their part well to achieve same goal,

which is understanding the lesson.Therefore, teacher need to make

suitable task that could push the students to work effective both as

individual or cooperative.

Among members of the group interacting directly.

(2) Individual accountability

Related to the first point, success in lerning could only be achieved if

each student understand importance of individual accountability

(responsible). By having responsibility, they would do their best to

understand and explain their part to be shared later in their home group

or mixed group

(3) Face to face interaction

This would help to interact well to form good synergy amomg them.

Their ideas would be synced to create one concept that would fit

everyone’s toughts about the lesson.

(4) Communication among members (home group and mixed group)

This model would require students to have good communication skills.

As they present their part, they also need to learn to listen and give

responses properly. Students through this model are taught to be a

good communicator.

(5) Group Process Evaluation

Teacher needs to evaluate the learning process in cooperative learning.

This is important to understand the effectiveness of cooperative

learning during the lesson.

44 Anita Lie. Cooperative Learning, (Jakarta: Grasindo, 2005). p. 31-35

Page 31: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


4. Steps in Implementing Jigsaw. 45:

(1) Divide students into 4-6 person home groups. These groups should be

heterogeneous (diverse in terms of gender and ability)

(2) Assign one student from each group as the leader.

(3) Divide the day’s lesson into 4-6 segments, matching segments to the

number of home groups. For example, if students are learning about

giraffes, you might divide the segments based on the giraffe’s

appearance, where it lives, what it eats, and its offspring.

(4) Assign each student to learn one segment.

(5) Give students’ time to carefully read over their segment and become

comfortable with the information.

(6) Form mixed, or expert, groups by having students from each home

group join other students assigned to the same segment. Give these

mixed groups time to discuss their segments and rehearse the

presentations they would make to their home groups.

(7) Ask students to return to their home groups where they would present

what they have learned to the group. Encourage others in the group to

ask questions.

(8) Monitor the groups. If any group is having trouble, implement an

appropriate intervention.

(9) 9: At the end of the session, give a quiz on the material so that students

realize they are being held accountable.

C Previous Related Study

These studies conduted to see if jigsaw has impact toward vocabulary mastery.

It is discovered that jigsaw has impact toward vocabulary from these studies.

45 Instructional Strategy Lessons for Educators Secondary Education (ISLES-S). (East

Carolina University, Collage of Education). p.13

Page 32: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


1. Improving Students’ Vocabulary Through Jigsaw Technique by

Syamsiarna Nappu & Evi Angraeni, 201746

Mastering English vocabulary is crucial for students when they want

to speak or write well in English. This pre-experimental study employed

pre-posttests design which was aimed at finding out whether or not jigsaw

technique improved students’ vocabulary mastery. The population was the

Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Bajeng Gowa in academic year 2016/2017

that consisted of 36 students. There were two variables; they are

independent and dependent variables. The independent variable is the use

of Jigsaw Technique and dependent variable is the students’ vocabulary

mastery. The result of the data showed that there was a significant

difference between students’ post-test and pre-test. The mean score of post-

test was 75.11 which is greater than the mean score of pre-test that was only

55. Furthermore, it is found that the value of t-test (11.83) was greater than

t-table (2.030) at the level of significance .05. It means that there is a

significant difference between the result of the students’ pre-test and post-

test. Therefore, the alternative hypothesis was accepted while the null

hypothesis was rejected. This finding indicated that using Jigsaw Technique

improved the students ‘vocabulary.

2. Teaching English Vocabulary Using Jigsaw Method At Fourth Grade

Students Of SDN SUKAGALIH 6 by Risa Rachmawati47

The objective of this study entitled “Teaching English Vocabulary

Using Jigsaw Method at Fourth Grade Students of SDN Sukagalih 6” was

to reveal whether or not using Jigsaw method in learning English

vocabulary increased the students’ vocabulary mastery. This study applied

quantitative method, and one group pretest-posttest design. The writer

46 Syamsiarna Nappu and Evi Anggraeni. Improving Students Vocabulary Trough Jigsaw technique, International Confrence ADRI -5. 2017, p. 163 47 Risa Rachmawati. Teaching English Vocabulary Using Jigsaw Method at Fourth Grade

Students of Sdn Sukagalih 6, English Education Study Program Language and Arts Department

Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) Siliwangi Bandung. 2012, p. 1

Page 33: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


used pretest and posttest as the instrument and to analyze the data, the

writer used t-test formula. The populations of this study were 28 of fourth

grade students of SDN Sukagalih 6; the sample was entire population. The

data of this study were collected by giving pretest and posttest to the

student’s sample. The collected data were analyzed using the t-test

formula. The results of the data analysis showed that: the mean score of

pretest was 68.9, the mean score of posttest was 83.9, the tvalue was 3.91,

the tcritical values with degree of freedom (df) 27 and level of significance

at 5 % (0.05) was 2.06. Based on the data analysis above the alternative

hypothesis was accepted because the tobserved was higher than tcritical

values (3.91>2.06). It also meant that teaching English vocabulary using

jigsaw method was proven effective.

These studies indicate that jigsaw has positive impact toward vocabulary

learning. However, they didn’discover how jigsaw affect the students and how it

helps students in learning vocabulary. Thus, this study aimed to discover how

jigsaw could affect students in learning vocabuarly.

Page 34: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning




A Place and Date of Study

This study was conducted in SMA Budi Mulia which is located in Ciledug,

Tangerang. In addition, this study was carried out from January 10th 2018 to March

15th 2018. The preliminary study was done on January 3rd 2018. The instrument

was made in cycle 1 phase 1. Followed by phase 2 and three in the same cycle. If

the desired result doesn’t present, then the cycle 2 would be conducted with the

same sequences of phase. Table below would show the timetable of the research.


No Activities

Month and Week

January February March

























1 Observe x x x X x

2 Pretest x

3 Plan (cycle 1) x

4 Act and Observe x

5 Posttest 1 x

4 Reflection x

5 Plan (cycle 2) x

6 Act and Observe x

7 Reflection x

Table 3.1 Schedule of the study

B. Method and Design of the Study

Classroom action research is used as the method of this study. This

method used both qualitative and quantitative to collect data. In this design, study

are used to address specific and practical issues to find the solution.1 This study

1 John W Creswell. Educational Study : Planning, Conducting And Evaluating

Quantitative And Qualitative Study 4th Edition (Lincoln : Pearson, 2012) p.577

Page 35: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


design emphasize in alteration between action and reflection as the key component

that continuously improving.2 Mills (as cited in Creswell) stated that action study

is a systematic procedure done by teacher (or other individual in education setting)

to gather information, to improve, the way educational setting operates, their

teaching and their learning.3

Kemmis and McTaggart (as cited in Burns) stated that action research

occurred through dynamic and complementary process.4 Their model of action

research consist of four phases: planning, action, observation, and reflection. This

method has two cycles or more. Phases of this method can be seen in following


Figure 3.1 Study Chart adapted from Kemmis and McTaggart CAR Chart

2 Donlad Ary et al, Introduction to Study In Education (8th Edition), (Belmont:

Wadsworth, 2006) p.513 3 op. cit 4 Anne Burns. Collaborative Action Research for English Language Teachers

(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999) p. 32 5 Ibid p.33

Page 36: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


1 Plan

Plan made based on pre observation and interview. It was known that

stduents has lack vocabulary and interest in enriching it. Thus the idea is

to make plan that increase their interest in learning. In pre observation,

stduents like to chat among them during the lesson. Jigsaw can be used as

teach technique as it requies students to chat about the lesson. Therefore,

Jigsaw would be used in this research.

2 Act and Observe

In this phase plan was in motion. In the same time, students were observed

to see how jigsaw affect the stduents. Later the result would be taken into

reflecton phase. The observation shown that jigsaw could be followed by

some students but the rest were confused.

3 Reflect

Later in cycle 2 the plan would be focused to help students to understand

and apply jigsaw. It was expected that after they could follow and apply

jigsaw well. They could learn better and evanualy enrich their vocabulary.

C. Subject of the Study

The subject of the study is student of X IPS 2 of SMA Budi Mulia. The

class consist of 22 students. This class is chosen because of the result of the

observation that X IPS 2 has low achievement in vocabulary. Therefore, this class

is chosen because it has practical issues (vocabulary enrichment) that need to be


D. Writer role in this Study

In this study, the writer involved actively in this study as the teacher. He

actively observed the situation during study process. Therefore, he created lesson

plan, applied the plan then reflected the result for each cycle in this study. In

addition, data collected and interpreted. The result of the study would be reported

and presented.

Page 37: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


E. The Study Procedure

The Classroom action Study using Kemmis & McTaggart model that

consist of three phases in one cycle. Those are plan, observe and act and reflect.6

After finishing the first cycle, it is possible that solution doesn’t work out as

expected. Therefore, cycle would be continually conducted until the desired result

shown. The details of the cycle is as follow

1 Pre Observation

In this phase, the writer role as a teacher for some time before the

research conducted. It is necessary to get better picture about the class,

students and mainly their problems in English and Vocabulary in particular.

These meetings were observed and noted using observation sheet that

could be seen in appendix 1 page 44.

2 Cycle 1

a Plan

In this phase, plan would be made based on pre-observation and

observation data. It was known that stduents has lack vocabulary and

interest in enriching it. Thus the idea is to make plan that increase their

interest in learning. In pre observation, stduents like to chat among them

during the lesson. Jigsaw technique would be used following the

material. Had the plan didn’t help the students to pass the minimum

criteria, it would be revised based on reflection during “act” phase.

b Act and Observe

Plan has been made then would be followed by applying the plan and

observe the process. The writer would act as a teacher while

implementing the plan and observing the classroom when action

conducted. Jigsaw learning technique were used in this phase. Then, the

students, classroom condition and everything that occurred in the

6 Anne Burns, Collaborative Action Research for English Language Teachers

(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999) p. 33

Page 38: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


classroom would be observed. The result would be written into

observation sheet that would be used later in reflect phase.

c Reflect

At this phase, data would be compared to the criteria of action success

and the research question. Observation sheet would be main instrument

along with the score from post test one. It is discovered that jigsaw has

positive impact toward student’s vocabulary enrichment. However,

durimh the implementation, some students cannot follow jigsaw as

expected. Thus the next cycle would be focused to improve student’s

capability in following jigsaw.

2 Cycle 2

a Plan

From the reflection in cycle 1, it is known that some students

cannot follow jigsaw learning as expected. Thus, the plan were focused

to help the students in applying jigsaw during the lesson. Such as

encouraged them to use English more and made sure that they focused

to the lesson and not talked about something else unrelated to the lesson.

b Act and Observe

In this phase, students were encouraged to use English more

extentsively. They were asked to communicate in English and more

focused to the lesson. Most students can follow while few students

seemed to have hard time.

c Reflect

Observation indicate that with more encourgament, they could

follow jigsaw well. They could communicate in English although, still

with lack of grammar. Also they could be more focused to the lesson,

although some students still can’t focus. The result of prostetst 2 also

indicate that their vocabulary were improved.

Page 39: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


F. Technique in Data Collecting

1 Observation

Obervation is a way to see student’s need both in individual and

group situation in classroom dynacmic as the teaching-learning process

conducted.7. This done to understand their vocabulary and problems that


In this technique, the writer collected data by observing the

classroom. It is possible to record the observation data in written form

(observation sheet). It would contain important note during the cycle and

written directly after each step in this study. Observation sheets from the

entire study could be seen in appendix.

2 Interview

To understand and get better feedback from the participant, it is

important to put interview as one of the data collecting procedure. As it

could collect data that can be covered by observation and test. 8

Participant would be asked with question related to the study. The

question must be carefully picked to avoid unnecessary and unrelated

responses from the participant. It is advisable to transcribe as the interview

conducted. Audio recording would be used to gathering data.

Interview question were created based on interview guidelines to

understand how jigsaw could help students enrich their vocabulary. The

first interview conducted to the teacher and two students to get the big

picture of English in learning situation. While the last interview conducted

to the students so it could focus on understanding jigsaw impact in helping

students enrich their vocabulary.

7 Regan Curtis et al. Action Study for Teacher Candidates (Maryland: Littlefield

Education, 2010) p.31 8 Loraine Blaxter et al. How to Research (4th edition). (Glasgow: McGrawHill, 2010)

p. 193

Page 40: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


3. Test

To gather quantitative data, test would be used. The test model

that would be used is criterion-referenced testing. This used to see if the

students have achieved the given learning objectives.9 This model of data

collecting would help the writer to see the development (score) of each

participant. Data that is collected then would be analyzed to see if the

desired result (expected target score and population percentage) could be

achieved. Had the result fulfill the criteria of success, next cycle won’t be


Both pretest and posters used multiple choice question based on

the lesson in syllabus. Later, the result of the test could be seen in appendix

with details of the score and necessary details that would be supportive

data for the observation and interview statements.

G. Technique in Data Analysis

1 Classifying the Data

Data that gathered from the study would be classified according to

the form of data that is collected. It would be classified into quantitative

data (test result) and qualitative data (observation and interview).

2 Describing the Data

After the data got classified, they would be described as follows

a Data in which gathered from observation and interview technique

would be described in descriptive form.

b Data from the test would be described in table and calculation form.

3 Finding

To answer the first question of the study, test would be used to

discover if jigsaw method could help student in enriching their vocabulary

mastery. As test would be done in pre, act and post act, it would be used to

9 John W Creswell. Educational Study : Planning, Conducting And Evaluating

Quantitative And Qualitative Study 4th Edition (Lincoln : Pearson, 2012) p.152

Page 41: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


compare student’s vocabulary enrichment before, during and after the

study. By comparing each data form the test, we could see if there is any

changes that affected by using jigsaw in teaching vocabulary.

To answer the second question of the study, interview and

observation would be used to discover the reason behind the effect that present

after applying jigsaw method. Data gathered would be analyzed then presented

in descriptive form.

To get the mean of student’s vocabulary enrichment achievement

within one cycle, the formula used is10:


M : Mean

X : Individual Score

N : Number of Student

Next, to know the student who passed minimum score (KKM) 70, this

formula is used11:


P: The class precentage

10 Anas Sudjono. Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan (Jakarta : PT Raja Grafindo Persada,

2006) p.81 11 ibid p. 43

Page 42: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


F: Total precentage score

N: Number of Student

By knowing the mean and the percentage of the students that pass the

minimum score it could be seen if jigsaw has positive impact toward the students.

H. Trustworthiness

In terms of checking validity, triangulation would be used. It refers to

process in which two or more method are used to verify the validity of information

being collected.12 By using triangulation a better perspective would be gathered.

To see if there is any effect of jigsaw technique and how they occurred means it is

necessary to use both data from both qualitative and quantitative. Then, the validity

would be increased as the data of the study synced one another.

I. The Criteria of Action Success

This study would be considered successful if it can fulfill the determined

criteria and fail if unable to fulfill determined criteria. In this study, the study would

be considered successful if 75% of the students could achieve minimum of target

score13. The minimum score (KKM) is 70 (seventy) of vocabulary test from the

pre-action test until the second post-action in cycle two.

12 Alana James et al. Participatory Action Study For Educational Leadership (London :

Sage Publication, 2008) p.60 13 Tampubuolon, Saur. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Sebagai Pengembangan Profesi

Pendidik dan Keilmuan (Jakarta : Erlangga, 2014), p.30

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A. Pre Action Research Finding

There are three kinds of instrument used to collect data during the research.

There are interview, observation sheet and test.

Interview occurred in two phase, the first in the observation phase in which

interviewed two the students (as representative of the class) and the teacher. Also

in act phase in cycle 2 before the reflection phase.

Observation sheet considered as the main instrument Therefore applied in all

phase of the research. It is written in weekly basis during the research and used to

record any information that was not covered by interview and test.

Test on the other hand, considered as helping instrument to support data

gathered using interview and observation sheet. Test conducted three times in this

research. First in pretest phase, they used in posttest 1 and 2. It used to get

numerical data like scores, percentages and else that support the data from the first

two instrument.

1 . Pre-Observation Phase

a Interview with Teacher

The interview conducted on January 10th 2018, with two students and

the teacher.

The question asked in the interview are about the English in teaching

situation, students interest and performance during the lesson, task given to

students and question about jigsaw method.

She taught English for X IPS 2. In SMA Budi Mulia English. Also

she explained that the minimum score to pass the lesson is 70 (seventy).

In performance and interest she directly compare the science and the

social class. She said that science class has better interest in learning and is

easier to handle. Although not all students in X IPS were least interested,

Page 44: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


she frequently mention the obstacle in teaching them expectably in terms

of their interest in learning and their presence in the classroom.

She said that many students were lazy to do the task and often came

late to the class. In teaching situation she became more ‘flexible’ as she

argued that if she became to ‘strict’ the students would not want to learn.

Even so, she said that there probably some students (5 students) of the

whole class that demonstrated their interest in learning. While the rest were

least interested in learning.

Students mainly has issue with their grammar and vocabulary. In

writing task students cannot follow the grammatical aspect properly in

making a sentence. While in reading task, students has little list of

vocabulary that sometimes they don’t know the meaning of a vocabulary in

a text. They also can’t distinguished class of words such as noun, verb,

adjective and etc.

About the task given, she separated into knowledge and practice task.

Knowledge related to material and has simple question and answer format.

While practice task she gave the task according to the lesson like making

poster and etc.

She haven’t use group task yet and focused on individual task. When

she was asked about jigsaw she said that she has heard about it but being

pessimistic about applying it in learning situation. She doubt that Social

students has enough interest to learn actively Therefore she haven’t applied

this method.

b Interview with Students

This interview conducted in January 10th 2018. The questions asked

to the students about English in learning situation like material, how the

teacher teach, media, task given and obstacle in learning.

They said vocabulary is quite difficult material because they need to

remember words. The teacher also used a basic approach while teaching.

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They said she only give examples on the white board then have the students

do the task following the examples.

They haven’t got group task yet, they just have individual task either

in theory and practice task. They also said that some students has no interest

in learning. However, when being asked about their opinion about group

task, they feel optimistic about it and believe that it could help them learn


c. Pre-Observation Report

Pre-observation conducted in January 3rd to February 7th 2018. It was

conducted to understand the teaching-learning situation before

implementing the action. Mainly, information gathered in interview were

supported. It can be seen that some students has lack interest in learning

and also the teacher struggled to get everyone attention to the lesson.

Observation sheet written in weekly basis, it is done to get better

understanding of the student’s behavior in teaching-learning situation. It

is used to record anything happened in the classroom in written form,

especially when new findings related to student’s behavior arise.

(1) Students are not interested in learning.

From the first day of the pre observation phase it can be seen that

students are least interested in learning. Only a little of them that focused

on the lesson. The rest were distracted by their phones and some even

absent for unclear reason. Even for some troubled students they just skip

the class, to the canteen or other class that has no teacher in it. It happened

almost every week and they (those who broke the rules) seemed has no

regret for their action.

Those who present were not much better, since they were not focused

to the lesson. Some just busy chatting with his mate while doing the task

so they are not entirely focused during the lesson. They prefer chatting with

their tablemate over learning. They mainly discuss something other than

Page 46: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


the lesson like TV shows, videogames and etc. This surely distract other

students from learning, especially if the topic is more interesting than the


Others even busy with their smartphones without the teacher knowing.

They open instagram and some games during the lesson. When Teachers

come to them, they immediately hide their phones and pretended doing the

task, although this only done by some students.

Students frequently asked to come forward and answer the question in

the whiteboard for exchange an extra score. However, students still seems

not interested. But the more interested students later come forward to get

their score although their answer is not exactly right due to grammar and

vocabulary used as stated in the interview.

(2) Grouping and Negative Dependency Toward the Bright Students

It is also observed that class are divided into groups made a group

based on common interest. Those who likes anime and videogames sit

together in front right seat, while those who like play mobile games sit in

the back left. Girls who watched Korean drama sit together in back of

second row from the left. Girls who also watch Korean but still focused on

the lesson sit in the middle of third row from the left, while the ‘trouble

maker’ (they frequently skip the class and summoned by counselor teacher)

sit at the back right.

It is also discovered that each group member has specific role. Most

role are social related and mostly distracting. Except for one role ‘brainy’,

they do all the task in the class then the rest member of the group simply

copy their task. It can be found that some students has similar right and

wrong answer. But when you asked them individually you’ll realize that

some barely know a thing. Although other seems understand but they just

unconfident to answer themselves due to these ‘brainy’ students in their


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When question given in oral form and students are being asked to

answer, the bright students would likely to answer while the rest just sit in

silence. Even if the teacher point them to answer they won’t answer, or if

they do they would ask their bright friends to help them. It indicates

negative dependency that caused by their lack of confidence or willing to

compete against the brighter students in their group.

They felt as the brighter students present, they were not necessary to

answer the question. It can be seen that they consider questions, quiz or task

is not a chance to learn or at least to get score but an obstacle and that they

rather not to deal with. Therefore, sometimes they just wait for their friends

to do the task then simply copy it. Even during the pre-test phase, a students

whispered to her friends asking what “towel’ means in Indonesian. This

indicate some are lacking in vocabulary.

Although there still number of students that want to learn by asking

their friends to teach them so they could understand, then they do the task


2. Pre-Test

Pre-test were done to get supportive data about students vocabulary. In

previous section it can be seen that students has low interest in learning and

interview with teachers show that they has problem in vocabulary.

Pretest was done on February 14th 2018 by using the task taken from

“Elementary Vocabulary” by BJ Thomas. 18 students participated in this

pretest, later these students would be considered as participant of the study.

Table for pretest could be seen in appendix 8.1.

From the table it could be seen that the maximum score for the pretest is

80, the minimum score is 30, and the total score is 1305 of 22 students.

To get the mean we need to divide the total score with the number of

students. As the result, mean for this data is 59. It can be seen that the mean is

very low compared to the minimum score to pass at 70. Therefore, it is known

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that pretest result has supported findings that discovered in pre-observation

and interview which is the fact that the students has lack vocabulary.

B. Implementation of Classroom Action Research

After conducting the pretest, the next meeting action research conducted.

There are two cycles conducted. Each cycle has 3 phases; plan, action and observe

then reflection phase. Posttest done the next meeting after the reflection made to

get supportive data along with refection after action phase.

1. First Cycle

a Plan

Plan was made according to finding discovered in pre-observation

phase. The plan made by altering the material based on English syllabus for

first grade students and jigsaw method implemented in action and

observation phase. The text used were expository text about technology.

b Act and Observe

First and second meeting are done in a same day. This happened

because X IPS 2 has 5hr meeting in a week and it only scheduled once

a week. Split into 2hr and 3hr meeting separated by break-time.

In the first session, their attendance list checked to see how many

students join the class also the students are asked about expository text,

and discussed it before the treatment begin.

As the lesson goes no one answer, not even the bright students. It

seems they haven’t read the material in advance at home. Then they

are being told about the generic structure, purpose and language

feature of the text. Some are not focused to the lesson while the rest

carefully listen and make note without being told.

Then students are asked to make a group of 5 students. There are

5 group formed, later this group would be their home group during the

jigsaw implementation. Then they listen to the explanation about

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jigsaw, how it works and so on. They listen carefully and asked to take

note, to make sure everyone understand.

First stage in jigsaw was reading the material, in this stage

students read the material and discussed with their group mate about

the text and highlighted vocabulary in it. They need to make sure that

everyone in a group has similar understanding. In this stage, bright

students in each group play most role, as their friends focused on

listening and taking notes. This is necessary to make sure during

mixed group stage, they could explain briefly and clearly.

After the break, the students were asked to from their seat that

could help them discussed better. Then they move to their mixed group.

In this phase representative from each group would deliver their

material and the other must listen carefully. Some are not focused to

their group, and when it happened the speaker could ask their mixed

group mate to remain silent. It is necessary, because each students has

important part in the lesson. Therefore every one of them must be

taken seriously. It also to boost the speaker confidence to themselves

to show them that they could understand and share their knowledge if

they tried. This is important to reduce their lack of confidence and

dependency toward their brighter friends.

Then they return to their home group, each borrow pieces of the

lesson given by their friends when they act as listener in mixed group.

In this stage they discussed the material that given. It can be seen that

they discussed a lot, mostly about the material. It can be seen that they

has interest in learning. It is a good progress, as their problems were

also their lack of interest in learning. After all stages passed, the class

dismissed and they continue to the next subject.

c. Reflect

The same day after the act and observe, the refection was made. It is quite

clear that act and observe has undergone smoothly. Jigsaw has turned their bad

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attitude of talking during the class to be their way to learn. Some still confused

buy they were assured to just do what they told in order.

By being speaker in mixed and home group has pushed them to be more

confident and independent. These are good to help them to learn further. This

discussion way also grasp student’s interest in learning.

However, some students seems still has lack of confidence despite the

push given to them. They still rely too much on their textbook and seems

haven’t fully understand their material. Some students also not focused during


d. Posttest 1

Posttest was done on February 28th 2018. It is done to get supportive data

that gathered previously in observation and reflection phase. This phase

students are given test item based on the highlighted words that discussed in

previous meeting. Their score later would be reflected with the previous data

gathered. The table for posttest 1 could be seen in appendix 8.2.

The highest score for this posttest were 90, the lowest score were 50 and

the total score is 1500 with 22 students as the participant.

Next to count the mean of this data. The total score divided by number of

students. As the result, the mean for posttest 1 is 68. It means that more than

half or the participant has score below the minimum (70). Also from the table

it is known that percentage of students that pass the minimum score is 46%.

The mean has been improved compared to the pretest which is 59. Also

the percentage of the students that pass the minimum score has improved from

32% to 46%. However, it is still below the targeted percentage for classroom

action research at 75%.

It can be seen that despite the positive effect that occurred during the

treatment, still half of the students can’t reach the minimum score. Especially

those who hasn’t understand their part well. Also lack of focus from their

group mate during both home and mixed group discussion could make learning

Page 51: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


harder for others. Therefore more than half of them haven’t reach the minimum

score, although most of them has improved their score compared to the pretest.

This indicate that jigsaw has good impact toward the students as they show

better interest and independency during the lesson. Their score also increased

although still hasn’t reach the minimum to pass (70).

Therefore cycle 2 is necessary that focused in making sure that every

students perform their role well, either as listener or speaker in discussion.

They would be watched closely to make sure the speakers follow the

discussion well in their home group so they could understand their part. Also

to make sure that they respect their friends as they become the listener, to make

sure the material delivered well by making themselves focused and less


2. Second Cycle

a Plan

Following the reflection that made after posttest 1, it can be seen that

Jigsaw has positive impact toward students. Although their score hasn’t

reach the minimum to pass. Therefore improvement is necessary for this


Improvements would be focused on making sure that students

followed jigsaw correctly. Therefore there were no major changes between

plan from first cycle and second cycle.

New text would be used with some new vocabulary in it. Students

would be put in a same home group as to make sure discussion happened

smoothly to make them understand their own material

b Act and Observe

As usual students absent list were checked. Today there are 27

students attend the class, it means there were more students than

participant in this research. Also those hasn’t got their own group, so they

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would be distributed accordingly to the home groups. They act as if the

participant, although their performance and score later in a posttest 2

would not be counted.

The meeting started with evaluation given to them about last meeting.

They were advised to understand their material and respect their friends

while they became listener.

Then they got their material distributed and discussed it in their home

group. Students could follow this step well, discussion gone better,

although it can be seen that some students that newly join the discussion

seemed confused.

Later they came to their mixed group, the new students join the mixed

group as listener and speaker because they distributed to previous group

and there is no spare material for them to form new group. They also put

together in a same mixed group. It is necessary as the rest of the class has

experienced jigsaw before while they haven’t. To make the rest of the

students that has become participant since the beginning were not

distracted by students that just joined the program.

In a mixed group, participants perform well. Speaker explained their

martial better as the listener listen well. They even take notes while their

friends was speaking.

It could be seen that they were better than previous cycle. Positive

impart from previous cycle such as better attention and independence also

shown in this cycle either.

Then they return to their home group. They discussed about what they

learn previously in mixed group. Each one explained what they learn and

not entirely depended on their bright friends in their group. Students has

shown better confidence than before.

c. Reflection (Cycle 2)

Jigsaw in cycle 2 has been done. It has shown improvement in terms

of student’s involvement and interest in learning. Positive indication that

Page 53: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


has appeared in first cycle also appeared here. Therefore it can be said that

cycle 2 has undergone better than cycle 1.

They discussed better either in mixed or home group discussion. They

present their lesson fluently. As a listener, they also perform well. They

listen to their friends carefully, take notes and present what they get from

mixed group well.

However the newly joined students seemed surprised about this

method, although their result were not going to be considered. Even so

they have shown interest during the jigsaw process. They actively

discussed the learning material during the lesson.

d. Posttest 2

Posttest was done on March 21st 2018. It is done to get supportive

data that gathered previously in observation and reflection phase. This

phase students are given test item based on the highlighted words that

discussed in previous meeting. Their score later would be reflected with

the previous data gathered. The table for posttest 2 could be seen in

appendix 8.3.

In posttest 2 the highest score is 90, the lowest score is 60 and the

total score is 1690 with 22 participant. The mean of this posttest is 77 with

only one students score below minimum (70)

It could be seen that both the mean and percentage of students that

pass has improved significantly. The mean has increased from 68 to 77.

The score support the argument that jigsaw has positive impact toward the

students. Also the percentage of the students that pass the minimum score

has increased from 54% to 95%, it has passed the requirement of the action

success at 75%. Therefore, the study has been succeeded in cycle two.

The jigsaw has improved both the score and students traits during the

lesson. It is proven than jigsaw has positive impact toward the students.

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C. Post Action Research

After conducting the study, the students were interviewed to gather the

data about the research beside the observation and supportive data from posttest.

Representative from the students are asked about their opinion in this study and

jigsaw method in particular.

They both agreed that jigsaw help them to learn better. Because they could

interact and learn from each other. They also like the idea of sharing that jigsaw

presented. They said as could enable them to discuss and share with their friends

while learning at the same time. This helps the students to have better interaction

as they perform jigsaw face to face in fornt of their friends. Face to face interaction

has helped the students to pick up lesson easier because it was explained in simpler

way. Interaction among group member also became an important factor. Despite

for some individual they were hard to maintain focus, the rest of the students could

follow jigsaw. They actively involved themselves in learning. Thus, this made that

students has better interest in learning. Also support the argument in the reflection

that jigsaw helps students to be more independent as they could share their ideas

to each other and not dependent to the bright students. This aligned with the first

and second charactheristic of jigsaw that is positive independence and individual


Even so, the evaluation process was done by the teacher. This wasn’t

aligned with Group Process Evaluation that jigsaw has. However, based on the

observation and interview that has been done; it could be seen that jigsaw has

positive impact toward the student’s vocabulary enrichment.

D. Discussion

From the post action research it could be seen that jigsaw has positive

impact toward student vocabulary mastery. Although the improvement could be

found in cycle 1, more than half of the students cannot follow jigsaw correctly.

Some stduents, epecially those who hasn’t understand their part well. Also lack of

focus from their group mate during both home and mixed group discussion could

Page 55: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


made learning harder for others. Thus, Improvements would be focused on making

sure that students followed jigsaw correctly.

In cycle 2 stduents were improved both in score and jigsaw application.

Both in mixed group and home group, participants perform well. Speaker explained

their martial better as the listener listen well. They even take notes while their

friends was speaking.

Their score also improved significantly. The mean has increased from

68 to 77. The score support the argument that jigsaw has positive impact toward

the students. Also the percentage of the students that pass the minimum score has

increased from 54% to 95%, it has passed the requirement of the action success at


Page 56: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning




A. Conclusion

After conducting sequences of study that consist of: pre-observation, action

(cycle 1 and 2) and post action; it can be concluded that jigsaw has positive impact

toward students vocabulary enrichment.

Based on the observation, Jigsaw enables students to learn as a team while

at a same time reduce student’s dependency toward the brighter students. In jigsaw,

students work in group to understand their material. As students likes to chat during

the lesson, jigsaw turn this bad habit into learning aids. This has helped boost

student’s interest in learning and also enable them to be less dependent with their

brighter friends. These has helped the students to get better result in posttest. It

enables students to chat about the lesson with their group in more relaxed

environment. Mostly, students are not allowed to talk during the lesson but jigsaw

let them talk and even discuss among them. It could help students to learn by

talking and sharing idea with their friends about the lesson. This has increased

student’s interest in learning. Also in jigsaw, each students hold important role to

understand the lesson. Each has pieces of information that would help their friends

to understand the lesson. This has pushed all the students to present and to listen

well. As a speaker they need to understand their part and present it well in a mixed

group. Therefore, it could help the students to be less dependent as they present in

smaller environment with no bright friends to assist them. As a listener, they need

to focus their attention to their friends that present. It is necessary because each

students in mixed group are the only representative of their own group. It means

they need to collect the information and understand other’s part so they could share

it with their friends in home group.

Interviews also indicate that jigsaw has positive impact toward the students.

They were glad to learn in group because they could share their thoughts about the

lesson. They also became more interested in learning because it is done in more

relaxed environment.

Page 57: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


They score were improving from pretest to posttest 2. In pretest only 7

students out of 22 (32%) students that can pass the minimum score of 70. Then in

Postest 1 the number increased to 10 out of 22 students (46%). Later in posttest 3

the number increased to 21 out of 22 students (94%). Therefore, it could be

concluded that Jigsaw has positive impact toward the students and could help them

to enrich their vocabulary.

B. Suggestions

Based on the conclusion, it can be delivered some suggestions as follows:

1. For Students

As students, they could suggest their teacher to apply Jigsaw in

teaching-learning situation. This would help them to learn and to share

their thoughts about the lesson between them. As they are actively involved

in sharing, they become more focused and interested to the lesson. Also to

help them to be more independent but in a same time respect their group

mate as they take turn in performing as speaker and listener.

2. For Teacher

As stated in previously, Jigsaw could help students to be involved

directly in learning situation. Thus it is necessary to apply jigsaw in lesson

that considered possible to be broken down into parts, either in sequences

or parts of the lesson.

Teacher could apply this method in a lesson that has sequences of

events such as History or in a lesson that could be broken down into parts

such as English, Biology, Geography and etc.

3. For Other Writers/Researchers

This study could be used as references for other writer to see Jigsaw

method applied in actual learning situation. Jigsaw itself has potential to

be developed into different lesson or to be applied outside classroom


Page 58: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning



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Page 61: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


Appendix 1

Observation Sheet

Date : January 17th 2018 Time : 14.00

Topic : Observation Address: Ciledug Tangerang

Cycle/Phase : 1/Pre-Observation

Class Conditions

Today the weather is warm but it still cold and comfortable inside the classroom. Based on the

absence list there should be 25 students although in the classroom there are only 25 students.

When I ask them they say most of them came 2hr late then not allowed to enter.


Teacher to students

Today I replaced my mentor

as teacher. I tried to .grasp

their attention to the lesson

Students to Teacher

They seemed wondering

about my presence today. So

they rarely interact with me.

Although for some active

students they asking me


Students to Students

They just look at each other

and chatting with lower voice

than usual.

Phase Summary

Today I replaced my mentor to attend the class. I introduced myself and the reason why I’m

here. Then I open question and answer session. I mostly talk about collage life and answering

question regarding to it. Then I proceed to the lesson plan given by my mentor. As they work on

their task, I observed them. Then I realize despite the task is individual, they rather do in a group

as they evaluate each other while doing the task. Although like half of them, they just copy their

mate’s work then submitted it. They seemed unwilling to learn, they just want to get things

done. They just depended too much on their friends.

Also today the class was quite crowded, I don’t know why, I just can’t stand it. So I just give

them task to be done. Then at break a students came to me, she apologized for her friend’s

behavior then I said it is alright. Later a boy come with more relaxed manner said “I hope you

understand kak, we’re social students after all just like most teacher said”. At that moment I

smile but deep down I realize something, all those behavior , indiscipline act, and lack of will

to learn is because teachers has labeled them so. Both teacher and students has used “Social

students” as reason of these troublous act. I think this is the core of the issue, that they have no

interest in learning because many (including themselves) consider them as underachiever. That

moment I thought maybe they just need to be motivated, to prove and no longer consider

themselves as underachiever


Rivki Surya Maulana

Page 62: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


Observation Sheet

Date : February 21st 2018 Time : 14.00

Topic : Report Text (Technology) Address: Ciledug Tangerang

Cycle/Phase : 1/Treatment

Class Conditions

Today there were only 18 students present. The rest absent for unclear reason.


Teacher to students

Today I conduct jigsaw in the

lesson. I tried to be

informative about this method

and answer any question

before the treatment began

Students to Teacher

They closely listen to what I

say, although I would encircle

the class during the process so

they could easily asked me if

they need anything.

Students to Students

They called their friends

according to group I make in

previous meeting.

Phase Summary

Today I put Jigsaw in learning situation. I explained how it worked, and answering any question

arise before the treatment begin. As the treatment began, I encircle the class to see if jigsaw run

as it should in each home group. Then they made mixed group and share what they learned in

their home group. In this phase I saw those who mostly rely on their ‘brainy’ friends tried to

explain to their friends, do they best to explain briefly. So does their group mate, they listened

closely as they friend spoken. It can be seen that in a situation they become the ‘dependable’

one, they will do all they could either as speaker or listener. Then they return to their home

group, they share what they learn from others. Soon as they finished I told them to prep

themselves to come home.

The session done as expected, I could see those who were depending much to their brainy

friends began to push themselves so they could speak in front of their mate. I also stressed others

to focus during their friends talking as they need to understand the whole material and their

friends has a fragment to complete the material.


Rivki Surya Maulana

Page 63: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


Observation Sheet

Date : March, 14th 2018 Time : 14.00

Topic : Report Text (Technology) Address: Ciledug Tangerang

Cycle/Phase : 2/Treatment

Class Conditions

Today everyone presented, however as most of them has no group in jigsaw (because they were

absents at the first treatment). I need to share them into existing group so I could continue the

cycle. Even so, only result from 18 that listed in the first meeting would be used for this



Teacher to students

I told them that it was the

same drill. They just nod as

they move to their groups. For

the rest I just share them into

existing group

Students to Teacher

Things a bit messy at first as

those who just joined us are

those ‘troubled’ students that

frequently summoned by

counseling teacher.

Students to Students

They were a bit noisier than

the first but situation got

better as learning goes.

Phase Summary

Today I conduct treatment in the second cycle. I see that although it was a mess at the beginning,

thing got better as it goes. I could say everyone (18 students) performed well, they got better at

sharing their material and were better listener. They also could help their friends that has just

presented so they could keep up with the lesson. The rest things went smooth and second

posttest will be conducted the next meeting


Rivki Surya Maulana

Page 64: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


Observation Sheet

Date : March 21st 2018 Time : 14.00

Topic : Report Text (Technology) Address: Ciledug Tangerang

Cycle/Phase : 2/Posttest

Class Conditions

Last week the senior year had UASBN test, hence the students (first year students) didn’t come

to school.

So I had no option but to conduct the second posttest today. I tried to refresh their memory by

giving testing their memory about the previous lesson. Then I began the test


Teacher to students

Today I conduct the posttest, I

watched them closely as it


Students to Teacher

They just nod then did the test

while sometimes looking at

me as I circled the class.

Students to Students

They just focused on their test,

barely look at each other.

They seems has better

confidence this time

Phase Summary

I did the same thing in this posttest as I done in previous one. I made sure that no one cheat the

test. I regularly encircled the class till the session done.

Later, I scored their test and most of them (75%) has passed the target score. It could be seen that

as they getting better in jigsaw (better at listening and speaking) they could get better score.

They has pushed to their limit in depending themselves, as much as they appreciate other so they

could understand the lesson. I believe if they could keep up with this, as they become less

dependent to their brainy friends and has willing to learn, they can be better at learning English.

Especially vocabulary.


Rivki Surya Maulana

Page 65: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


Appendix 2

Pre Action Interview Guidelines for Teacher

Dalam proses pembelajaran, sub skill apa yang di anggap paling sulit dalam

pengajaran di kelas?

Apakah ada teknik khusus yang di gunakan untuk mengajar vocabulary?

Apakah media di pergunakan untuk mendukung proses pembelajaran?

Kendala apa yang di alami dalam pembelajaran vocabulary?

Bagaimana partisipasi siswa dalam pembelajaran, terutama saat belajar


Tugas apa saja kah yang biasa di berikan kepada siswa?

Apakah siswa sering di berikan tugas kelompok?

Berapakah kkm untuk mata pelajaran bahasa inggris?

Apakah anda pernah menderngar metode belajar jigsaw?

Apakah menurut anda teknik ini cocok untuk mengembangkan vocabulary?

Page 66: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


Appendix 3

Pre Action Interview Guidelines for Students

Kalau di kelas, belajarnya seperti apa?

Paling sulit belajar apa dalam bahasa Inggris?

Selama pembeljaran, apakah guru pernah menggunakan bantuan media?

Apa saja kesuliitan dalam belajar?

Apakah kalian antusias dalam belajar?

Tugas apa yang biasa di berikan kepada siswa?

Apakah kalian sering di berikan tugas kelompok?

Berapakah kkm untuk mata pelajaran bahasa inggris?

Page 67: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


Appendix 4

Pre Action Interview Transcript - Teacher

Rivki : Assalamualaikumwarohmatullohiwabarokatuh Ibu, perkenalkan saya

Rivki dari UIN Jakarta

Bu Ani : He’em

Rivki : Saya akan melakukan penelitian di sekolah ini, Boleh tau nama ibu


Bu Ani : Nama saya Ani Hastuti

Rivki : Ibu Ani ya bu ya?

Bu Ani : Iya

Rivki : Baik terimakasih ibu, Ibu saya ingin bertanya sedikit perihal pelajaran

bahasa inggris disini,

Bu Ani : he’em

Rivki : Kegiatan belajar mengajar bahas inggris di sekolah ini seperti apa ya bu

ya, terutama di kelas ibu sih?

Bu Ani : yang mana dulu ya?

Rivki : kelas X IPS 2 bu terutama

Bu Ani : oh X IPS 2 he’eh, saya tanyakan dulu yang mana, kebetulan saya disini

pegang dua, dua ini ya dua bagian, maksudnya sama-sama bahasa inggris yang

wajib dengan lintas minat

Rivki : iya bu, baik bu

Bu Ani : yang mana itu ya?

Rivki : Iya ibu

Bu Ani : Jadi kayaknya biologi kalo gak salah loh ya, yang jelas bahasa inggris

he’eh salah satunya. Untuk bahasa inggris lintas minat, yang konon itu silabusnya

pas beda dengan wajib ya, di mana yang lintas minat itu materinya lebih kompleks

lebih complicated ya lebih susah ya

Rivki : iya ibu

Bu Ani : lebih meluas daripada yang wajib. Kalo yang wajib hanya simple sih,

kalo yang lintas minat udah meluas karena dia ada embel-embel ini ya bahasa dan


Page 68: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


Rivki : oh ada sastranya ya bu ya di sana

Bu Ani : iya sastra inggris he’em jadi harus ibu masukan disitu

Rivki : baik ibu

Bu Ani : gitu, terus dari anak nya sendiri, minat belajarnya saya kira sih wajar ya

dalam satu kelas itu anak ada yang interest ada yang enggak gitu ya, ada yang ya

gitu tadi ada yang interest ada yang enggak, ada yang males-malesan ada yang

antusias, ada yang masa bodo, ada yang enggak. Ya saya menyadari kenapa anak

itu anak IPS gitu loh,

Rivki : Iya Ibu

Bu Ani : Kalo anak IPA terus terang beda jauh ya gitu

Rivki : iya baik ibu

Bu Ani : kalo anak IPS sih pandai-pandainya kita membawa dia gitu

Rivki : baik ibu

Bu Ani : Kalo kita terlalu strength, terlalu apa ya

Rivki : hmm kaku?

Bu Ani : he’eh kaku ya mereka juga, mereka pasti gak suka sama kita, kita harus

lewat pendekatan dia biar dia tu bagaimana dia mau belajar gitu

Rivki : baik ibu

Bu Ani : terutama anak-anak yang males gitu

Rivki : iya ibu

Bu Ani : baru datang aja ada yang terlambat, ada beberapa yang terlambat. Kalo

kita tegur terkadang apa ya alasannya, ada beberapa lah yang alasannya ini lah

kadang gak masuk akal gitu ya, namanya anak SMA begitu deh gitu ya

Rivki : Iya Ibu

Bu Ani : tapi selama ini, selama KBM ya pasti saya pun juga menyadari,

menyadarinya kenapa, saya enggak harus kaku dia belajar di sini, ya jadi saya tetep

anggep dia istilahnya walaupun dia terlambat tetep saya anggap dia ikut KBM

Rivki : baik ibu

Bu Ani : padahal dia gak masuk sama sekali

Rivki : Iya ibu

Page 69: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


Bu Ani : gitu aja, terus ada beberapa anak yang apa ya, yang punya potensi

lah,dalam satu kelas itu ada ya barang 5 lah ya yang bagus gitu, ya gak bagus-bagus

banget si cuman intinya dia mau berusaha gitu

Rivki : baik ibu

Bu Ani : itu tentang KBM di kelas, mungkin ya, terus kalo mungkin ada beberapa

anak yang bilang saya lembek, saya lemah, saya mungkin terlalu sabar. Memang

gaya saya seperti itu, kalau enggak ya anak-anak gak mau belajar gitu

Rivki : baik ibu

Bu Ani : hmm itu tentang KBM ya yang saya hadapi

Rivki :hmm perihal subskill bu, kan di bahasa inggris ada vocabulary, speaking,

reading, listening, menurut ibu yang paling sulit di ajarkan ke anak-anak yang skill

apa ya bu ya?

Bu Ani : yang sulit?

Rivki : iya, yang di ajarkan ke mereka

Bu Ani : hmm sebetulnya kalo sekarang ini ya intinya penilaian itu hanya ada dua

keterampilan dan pengetahuan

Rivki : baik ibu

Bu Ani : nah dari situ, saya masukan eeee pengetahuan itu ya, untuk reading nya

biasanya ya reading. Dan untuk keterampilan biasanya ada speaking, listening dan


Rivki : iya baik bu

Bu Ani : termasuk berarti vocabulary masuk nya ke reading tadi

Rivki : pengetahuan ya bu ya?

Bu Ani : pengetahuan, nah dari situ untuk pengetahuan oke lah, anak-anak pasti

kalo dia dengar explanation saya pasti dia bisa, pengetahuan sih ini ya terus

keterampilan berbicara oke, anak-anak sekarang sebetulnya ini sih ada kemauan

atau enggak aja ngomong gitu ya, terus yang agak susah mungkin menulis

Rivki : menulis ya bu ya writing?

Bu Ani : menulis itu, kadang anak pengennya begini tapi grammar nya masih

salah, maksudnya dia benar, istilahnya kalo saya Tanya apa maksud mu, benar

tapi dalam penulisan dia masih salah gitu ya, kalo listening rata-rata sekarang,

sekarang udah inilah udah istilahnya mampu lah, mampunya kenapa, tapi sebatas

ini yak arena kalo kelas X selama ini hanya dengerin ini sih paling dengerin music

dengerin dialog, itu aja

Page 70: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


Rivki : iya ibu

Bu Ani : bukan yang lain-lain se complicated di kelas XII gitu, karena dia sendiri

sekarang kan ini ya udah melek teknologi ya, pasti udah punya hp dan sebagainya,

dia sering dengerlah kata-kata itu. gitu

Rivki : oh ya ibu perihal vocabulary lagi, apakah ibu memberikan waktu

semacam pelajaran khusus untuk vocabulary di bagian-bagian tertentu atau

vocabulary berjalan seperti belajar reading juga seperti itu bu?

Bu Ani : hmm kadang-kadang sih ya

Rivki : kadang-kadang ya bu, kadang-kadang ibu memgang vocabulary khusus

gini vocabulary aja gitu bu, atau?

Bu Ani : gini include dalam text biasanya, kalo gak dalam text dalam kalimat

rumpang tapi yang masih ada hubungannya dengan text tadi contohnya kan ada

sebuah text descriptive atau narrative dan sebagainya yang harus apa kalimat yang

di kosongkan tengahnya. Text rumpang lah gitu, itu ada kata kan, ada kata yang di

sediakan kan biasanya, dari situ kadang kita bahas dulu apa ini vocabulary ini

kenal gak. Saya Tanya dulu kenal gak, kalo gak kenal saya terpaksa nyuruh nyari

dulu di kamus mereka yang sekarang mereka pasti pake hp gak ada kamus kertas

gitu ya. Boleh saya suruh searching aja gitu, baru nanti kalo udah paham semua

misalkan ada yag gak paham, saya menjelaskan kalo udah baru dia isi latihan itu, di

isi vocabulary. Yang mana isi vocabulary tadi pasti masih ada hubungannya

dengan isi text gitu

Rivki : oh baik ibu

Bu Ani : jadi, include di situ biasanya. Saya enggak. Karena kita gak berdiri

sendiri ya pelajaran vocab itu kan gak berdiri sendiri ya,

Rivki : iya ibu

Bu Ani : kecuali di kuliah ya, kalo di kuliah ada gitu, dia masuknya ke reading

tadi. Ada lagi?

Rivki : berarti kalau saya Tanya kendala belajar vocabulary, kendala nya akan

sama ya bu dengan pelajaran lain?

Bu Ani : maksudnya?

Rivki : kesulitan anak, apa mungkin anak akan sulit menghafal vocabulary?

Atau kendala-kendala belajar banhasa inggris untuk vocabulary apakah ada gitu,

seperti itu bu? Untuk anak-anaknya?

Bu Ani : ada sih, adanya ya itu tadi, dia gak ngerti artinya

Rivki : gak tau artinya ya bu

Page 71: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


Bu Ani : gak tau atinya, heem jadi penempatan dalam kalimat masih salah kan,

Rivki : iya ibu

Bu Ani : terus selain itu dia kalo dalam writing pennempatan kata ya, kadang

antara kata sifat, kata keterangan terus kata benda kata kerja dan itu dan sebagainya

itu, dia itu gak bisa membedakan antara ini kata sifat, ini kata benda, ini kata

keterangan, ini kata kerja gitutuh dia enggak,kadang gak bisa membedakan di

anggapnya semua sama. Misalkan happy, happily, happiness.

Rivki : dia gaktau bedanya ya bu?

Bu Ani : he’eh dia gak akan punya beda, padahal kan itu bisa di lihat di kamus.

Anak sekarang kan di suruh bawa kamus gak mau kan pasti adanya di dictionary

hp, kendalanya ya itu. Kalo mereka gak punya paket ya gak bisa melihat ya di

dictionary itu. Itu mungkin untuk vocab dalam lingkup writing

Rivki : iya ibu

Bu Ani : kalo dalam reading ya itu tadi harus tau apa artinya dulu, terus itupun

kalo jelasin kadang susah mereka.

Rivki : susah jelasin ya bu ya?

Bu Ani : antara perbedaan happy, happily, happiness misalkan gitu. Mereka

anggap sama, success, succeed, successful itu juga beda kan, terus apa lagi?

Rivki : untuk di kelas tugasnya seperti apa ya bu ya? Apa kah tugas individu

atau tugas kelompok juga ibu?

Bu Ani : hmm untuk tugas, terutama di semester dua ini, saya masih memberikan

tugas dalam bentuk individu.

Rivki : individu ya bu sampai sejauh ini?

Bu Ani : he’eh baru kan baru berjalan satu bulan ini ya, eh tanggal 8 Kan ya

masuknya, sementara ini saya ngasihnya baru tugas individu sih tapi nanti pasti

kedepan pasti ada beberapa tugas kelompok. Individupun saya memberi apa hmm

kebebasan buat dia, suruh kerjasama dengan temennya, maksudnya biar dia paham

bukan hanya dari saya tapi juga dari temennya

Rivki : jadi kayak belajar bersama gitu ya bu, di sarankan untk belajar bersama

Bu Ani : boleh gak papa kalo gak ini nanya aja . biar kalo sama temen kan

biasanya kan lebih terbuka mana yang enggak bisa, kalo ama saya kan kadang

nanya dia enggak. Segen gitu ya kecuali anak-anak yang pinter yang nanya sama

saya. anak yang sedeng-sedeng yang lemah gak bakalan mau nanya pasti dia

cenderung diem. Ya nanya temennya juga gengsi gitu. Terus ada lagi?

Rivki : ibu pernah mendengar metode jigsaw sebelumya?

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Bu Ani : jigsaw pernah.

Rivki : penggambaran singkatnya seperti apa ya menurut ibu?

Bu Ani : aduh, saya hanya kenal nama aja deh kalo ini, kalau penerapannya sih

saya belum apa ya, belum menerapkan di kelas ya, terus terang ya, karena metode

jigsaw ini harus anak-anak lebih ini, sedikit satu siswanya, terus lebih aktif ya,

selama ini kalau anak-anak IPS seperti itu, mungkin ini deh belum, istilahnya

belum saya terrapin deh

Rivki : belum di terrapin ya

Bu Ani : belum, belum, belum pernah nerapin saya gitu

Rivki : akankah atau nunggu kelas berapa gitu bu?

Bu Ani : pengen saya, pengen nerapin Cuma saya harus prepare segalanya

maksudnya baik anak, maupun situasinya

Rivki : baik ibu, terakhir bahasa inggris KKM nya berapa ya bu? Untuk lintas


Bu Ani : 70 semua 70

Rivki :sama ya bu 70

Bu Ani : he’em 70

Rivki : hmm satu tertinggal,menurut ibu jigsaw Bisa gak ya kira-kkira untuk

meningkatkan minat belajar anak, berkaitan dengan mereka belajar sama temennya

sih bu?

Bu Ani : minat baca anak

Rivki : minat belajarnya ibu maaf

Bu Ani : minat belajar, bisa, bisa sih bisa kalau mau coba aja dulu, maksudnya

rivki yang nyoba deh

Rivki : baik bu

Bu Ani : maksudnya bukan ibu, siapa tau nanti ibu di belakang, maksudnya kamu

yang praktek ……… ibu di belakang

Rivki : lihat ya bu?

Bu Ani : lihat atau mungkin ini ya ngawasi dia biar istilahnya optimal gitu loh,

mau pake itu ya?

Rivki : iya bu, terimakasih ya ibu atas waktunya,

Page 73: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


Appendix 5

Pre Action Interview Transcript - Students A

A: Bu ani kalo mengajar bahasa Inggris seperti apa di kelas?

B: Baik, tapi kurang jelas karena anak-anak tidak bisa diam

A: Maksud saya lebih ke kegiatan belajarnya apakah dengan media seperti power

point dll

B: Biasa aja

A: biasa aja, jadi guru menerangkan lalu menjelaskan, terus bahasa inggris yang

paling sulit tu apa?

B: Percakapan kak (speaking)

A: Vocabualry di ajarkan tidak?

B: ya

A: Bagaimana di ajarkannya?

B: maksudnya?

A: Apakah ibu menggunakan media atau seperti kbm biasa dengan penerjemahan?

B: Iya biasa di terjemahkan lalu di catat

A: apakah guru kamu (bu ani) terbiasa dengan media?

B: tidak, hanya papan tulis

A: bagaimana anak2 saat belajar di kelas?

B: sama sih kak tergantung gurunya. jika gurunya enak (menyenagkan) pada

gabisa diam malah. jika gurunya galak ya pada diam

A: Bagaimana respon teman-teman saat di berikan materi vocabualry? apakah sulit

menangkap kosakata baru?

B: iya kak sulit, kayak kurang ngerti gitu

A: Ibunya ngasih tugas apa aja?

B: Ya itu kak penjelasan, nyaytet terus latihan (di beri tugas)

A: apakah bu ani sering memberikan tugas kelompok?

B: engga

A: Jarang?, atau belum pernah bahkan?

B: belum pernah

Page 74: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


A: Jadi selalu tugas Individu Kalau menegrjakan tetap individu? gak pernah bikin

belajar kelompok misal?

B: tidak kak selalu individu

A: berapakah KKM bahasa Inggris?

B: 75 kalau tidak salah

A: tugas kelompok kan belum pernah sama sekali ya, kira2 jika kita menggunakan

tugas kelompok untuk belajar meningkatkan pehamanan bisa tidak?

B: Mungkin bisa soalnya buat nambah nilai juga, karena anak-anak di kelas lebih

suka tugas kelompok daripada sendiri. kalau sendiri susah diatur tapi kalo

kelompok ada kerjasamanya.

A: baik terimakasih

B: Iya sama-sama

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Appendix 6

Pre Action Interview Transcript – Students B

A: Di kelas belajar bahasa inggris seperti apa sih?

B: latihan. di terangkan (diajarkan) bu ani lalu di berikan soal

A: trus buat kamu skill yang paling sulit apa?

B: vocabualry kayaknya

A: kenapa

B: karena semacam kosa-kata gitu. kadang-kadang apal-apalan lupa kadang ingat

A: sulit di ingat begtiu ya?

B: iya

A: ibunya jika mengajar vocabulary pakai teknik apa?

B: di terangkan di papan tulis lalu di coba latihan

A: jadi kaya papan tulis dan buku aja gitu ya

B: iya

A: apakah ibunya suka pakai media?

B: jarang, cuma nerangin aja pakai papan tulis

A: apa sih yang sulit dari belajar vocabualry

B: susah di ingat

A: bagaimana dengan partisipasi nya

B: ya tergantung anaknya sih kak, kadang kalo misal anaknya bener2 belajar ya

serius. kalo bercanda ya kadang menghiraukan

A: biasanya ngasih tugasnya dalam bentuk apa?

B: soal aja

A: jadi hanya soal jawab soal jawab aja

B: iya

A: sering di beri tugas kelompok tidak?

B: belum

A: belum pernah selama semester ini?

B: iya kak

A: kkm nya berapa ya bahasa inggris?

B: 75

A: saya mau tanya kan kamu belum pernah belajar kelompok, cuma kalo kita pakai

tugas kelompok untuk nikatin nilai seperti vocab bisa atau tidak?

B: bisa sih kak, apaya dengan tugas kelompok jadi jika anaknya malas bisa kita

ajak agar lebih giat

A: ngajak temen biar rajin gitu ya, oke terimakasih

B: Iya sama-sama

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Appendix 7

Post Action Interview Transcript – Students A

A: Bagaimana pendapat kamu mengenai Jigsaw, cara belajarnya yang

berkelompok dibandingkan dengan cara belajar biasanya yang individu

B: Saya sih merasa lebih nyaman berkelompok karena bisa sharing jawaban ke

temen terus denger pendapat mereka jadi bisa belajar sama-sama.

A: Apakah kamu mengalami kesulitan saat harus menerangkan materi ke

teman-teman kamu?

B: ada sedikit kendala sih kak namun karena saya juga menerangkan sambil

membawa catatan menurut saya teman-teman bisa memahami penjelasan saya

A: Bagaimana dengan kekurangan metode kemarin

B: Masih banyak yang tidak tertib, bingung beberapa masih belum punya


A: bagaimana dengan kelebihannya

B: bagus sih belajar kelompok, bisa sharing

A: Saran?

B: pembuatan kelompok lebih tertib bagi yang tidak hadir sebelumnya

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Appendix 8

Post Action Interview Transcript – Students B

A: Bagaimana pendapat kamu mengenai Jigsaw, cara belajarnya yang

berkelompok dibandingkan dengan cara belajar biasanya yang individu

B: Menyenangkan, karena berkelompok, mudah untuk saling sharing jadi kaya

berbagi pendapat gitu kak

A: Apakah kamu mengalami kesulitan saat harus menerangkan materi ke

teman-teman kamu?

B: tidak banyakn sih kak hanya ada yg kurang fokus di awal namun makin kesini

makin fokus

A: Jika dibandingkan mana yang kamu lebih suka antara belajar individu dan


B: Sama saja namun saya lebih suka metode kelompok karena bisa sharing dan tau

dari teman

A: Bagaimana dengan kekurangan metode kemarin

B: masih belum tertib, beberapa anak masih kebingunan mencari kelompoknya

A: Bagaimana dengan Kelebihannya?

B: mudah untuk berinteraksi

A: Saran untuk metode ini?

B: Lebih tertib lagi dalam pembagian kelompok

Page 78: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


Smartphones are phones with superior technology. They come with excellent features that go beyond the basic phone’s capabilities. A smartphone is a type of cell phone that can do many of the things that a computer can. These cellular phones can usually, for instance, access the internet and take photographs, as well as letting you video chat with friends and loved ones. Smartphones are small enough to fit in your pocket. However, they carry the strength of a home desktop computer. In addition, smartphones have several physical features that set them apart from regular mobile phones. Perhaps the key difference is the fact that smartphones have a touch-screen. As their name suggests, smartphones are usually thought to be ‘smarter’ than regular cell phones. However, are they really so much better? Below we give you the pros and cons of smartphones.

1. Apps! Smartphone apps keep us entertained with games, informed with news, and savvy with our online shopping. All these applications that are either included in the phone or you can easily download from the internet. 2. Maps and Navigation. There is no need to feel lost ever again when you have a smartphone at your proposal. Smartphones have got free turn-by-turn, voice-guided navigation. Use GPS to pinpoint your location and the map function to plan your route. 3. Camera. The most effective camera will be the one that you have with you. A lot of people would never go out without their mobile phone, therefore the next time you fail to bring your camera to a wedding ceremony you are in luck due to the camera on the smartphone. Never ever miss out on unique moments yet again! 4. Search information on net. Perhaps you have been in a debate with a buddy regarding something and you are sure that you are right, but they don’t believe you. Using a smartphone, it is simple to find that info very quickly. Apart from coming in handy for fixing arguments, a smartphone is also a smart way to search nearly anything easily and quickly.

Appendix 9

Texts used in Cycle 1

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5. Staying in touch. Whereas a regular cell phone let you send SMS messages and call people, a smartphone enables you to get in touch with people in numerous other ways as well. Instant messaging, video chat services and social media are all at your disposal. It is simple to stay connected with your buddies, family members, and even your preferred celebrities using a touch phone. Having a smartphone, you can build relationships with family and friends, update your status, post fresh photos, and conquer boredom. 6. Utility software. Smartphones comes with various utility software such as calculator, radio, voice recorder, memo, calendar, music player, etc. Your camera lights can be used as a flashlight. A handy calculator is always there to make your life easier. Listen to music over the radio. You use the calendar and plan your schedule. You can listen to news over the radio. Do you enjoy keeping up with what’s going on worldwide? It is possible to download any news app you like on the smartphone. You can choose between Fox news, BBC, CNN, Sky news, CNBC, NDTV or any other news application of your choice. Reminders could possibly be the most useful application on your phone. You can set alarms to remind you to do those important things that you may otherwise forget

7. Entertainment – video, books, music, games, etc. Smartphones have become your total entertainment system. When you can stream video content on your smartphone, you never need to be bored when waiting for a bus again. You can watch video on free apps such as YouTube. There are several music apps. Download your favorite books and use the phone as a Kindle reader. 8. Memo and Notes. Are you among those individuals who carry a laptop around with you anywhere you go so that you can write down all the brilliant ideas? Forget the notebook and begin using a note application on your phone! 9. Email. Email enables us to send and receive messages over internet network. The old days of sending and receiving physical messages are gone. Now, people send electronic messages (email) from the comfort of their smartphones. Business people, who cannot avoid travelling, can always keep updated with your emails.

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Appendix 10

Texts used in Cycle 2


Social networks allow people to keep and manage accounts. This is an identity and you can custom it depending on how your target group knows you. This makes it easy for individuals to search for you and get you. You also have a choice to invite people to your account. This makes it easy to link with family members, friends, classmates and colleagues. Social sites allow for the creation of groups. This is based on the likeness of ideas and goals. This makes it easy to communicate with people you have a common goal. You can post important messages in the groups and every member can contribute their thoughts. Social media can be seen as a perfect replacement to conferencing. It is cheaper and though it may not allow for video calls, it gives a platform to post clips and photos.

1. Dependence. When we are dependent on our smartphone for communicating and navigating the streets, we can lose our natural spatial awareness and communication skills. When our smartphone runs out of battery, we can feel totally helpless! 2. Damaging Relationships. One hand you are more connected to distant people by way of social media networks, messaging services, and so forth. However, you get so busy with your smartphone that you forget to spare time for the loved ones around you. Often couples decide to spend their time with each other looking at their phones instead of interacting with one another. 3. A challenge to use. Smartphones are getting ever more sophisticated, and it can be hard to learn how to manipulate them. This is particularly true for aged ones. They are not used to getting adapted with the fast paced technological world. The touch based keyboard on the smartphone is much smaller and not easy to use. It need immense practice before a person can get used to it.

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3. Dominating Your Spare time. Smartphones are incredibly adaptable gadgets, providing limitless opportunities to use your time up, whether or not proficiently or wastefully. Whilst it is hard to see an issue with this, there is one which can make you live a less fulfilling lifestyle. 4. Unwanted sites and apps. Using unwanted sites apps consume a lot of data. There are many apps that comes pre-installed along with smartphone. Very often, we don’t need many of them. They often run in the background and update regularly. All this certainly result in high data consumption. 5. Chargers are more significant than everything else. These days you can forget about your project even though you have a meeting but will always remember a charger. 6. Costs. The cost of the handset itself can be pretty steep, but when you add maintenance costs, the cost of your contract and the cost of the additional data that you use when abroad, you can be saddled with a bill that is several times larger than the bill for a regular phone.

7. Security Smartphones can access the web, either through data package or Wi-Fi. However, data protection is an issue. The applications you download and also the passwords which you input into these applications and sites while on-the-go tend to be insecure, at least when it comes to account privacy. 8. Eye strain. Staring at a small, bright screen for hours on end can be very bad for your eyes – particularly if you do so in a dark room (for instance you bedroom when you can’t sleep). Just make sure that your give adequate rest to your eyes. 9. Insomnia. The temptation to fiddle with your smartphone instead of sleeping can be too great, and can cost you many hours of restful sleep each week.

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Pretest Appendix 11

Taken from BJ. Thomas “Elementary Vocabulary”

Page 83: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


Smartphones GPS Wi-Fi Bluetooth Tablet

SIM Card News Portal Reload E-book Format Homepage

Instant Messaging Word Processing Browser LAN Cable Social Media

Web Page Bookmark QR Code SD Card Flash Drive

Networking String Portable Computer Scanner Laptop Document
















Appendix 12 “Posttest 1”

Page 84: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


a. Download A chunk of computer programming code that makes copies of itself, might display messages, install other software or files, delete software of files, etc. (__)

b. Email Basically a journal that is available on the web. The activity of updating a blog is "blogging" and someone who keeps a blog is a "blogger."(__)

c. Netiquette Currently used to describe the whole range of information resources available through computer networks.(__)

d. Fire Wall Messages, usually text, sent from one person to another via computer.(__)

e. Netizen Transferring data (usually a file) from a computer/network to the computer you are are using. (__)

f. Website A Client program (software) that is used to look at various kinds of Internet resources.(__)

g. Upload The vast collection of inter-connected networks that are connected using the TCP/IP protocols and that evolved from the ARPANET of the late 60's and early 70's. (__)

h. Cyberspace Derived from the term citizen, referring to a citizen of the Internet, or someone who uses networked resources. The term connotes civic responsibility and participation.(__)

i. Password A file format designed to enable printing and viewing of documents with all their formatting (typefaces, images, layout, etc.) (__)

j. Internet the act of connecting to a computer system by giving your credentials (usually your "username" and "password")(__)

k. Mobile A combination of hardware and software that separates a Network into two or more parts for security purposes.(__)

l. Browser A (usually web-based) system for searching the information available on the Web.(__)

m. Wearable The entire collection of web pages and other information (such as images, sound, and video files, etc.) that are made available through what appears to users as a single web server. (__)

n. Login wearable technology or art is worn on the body (__)

o. PDF relating to or using communication technology such as smartphones, GPS devices etc that can be used anywhere. (__)

p. Search Engine How much stuff you can send through a connection. Usually measured in bits-per-second (bps.) (__)

q. Bandwidth The etiquette on the Internet.(__)

r. Spyware A code used to gain access (login) to a locked system. (__)

s. Virus Transferring data (usually a file) from a the computer you are using to another computer/network (__)

t. Blog A somewhat vague term generally referring to software that is secretly installed on a user’s computer and that monitors use of the computer in some way without the users' knowledge or consent. (__)

Appendix 13 “Posttest 2”

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Appendix 14


Sekolah : SMA Budi Mulia

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : X IPS 2

Materi Pokok : Technology

Alokasi Waktu : 8 x 40 minutes

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Setelah mengikuti mata pelajaran ini diharapkan peserta didik dapat memahani isi

dan fungsi sosial dari teks iklan. Dengan demikian maka peserta didik dapat

melihat memahami pesan yang terdapat dalam teks tersebut, menganalisis dan

menerpakan ilmu yang terdapat didalamnya.

B. Kompetensi Inti

1. Pengetahuan

Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,

prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi,

seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan,

kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta

menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai

dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah C. Kompetensi Dasar dan


2. Kehalian

Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait

dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan

mampu menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan

. Kompetensi Dasar . Indikator Pencapaian

3.8 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks report

Siswa dapat:

-Mengingat unsur-unsur kebahasan dalam

Page 86: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait teknologi yang tercakup

dalam mata pelajaraan lain di kelas X sesuai

dengan konteks


-Menunjukan unsur-unsur kebahasaan dalam


-Memahami unsur-unsur kebahasaan dalam


-Membedakan bagian-bagian yang terdapat


4.8 Teks report

4.8.1 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual

terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan dalam bentuk teks report.

4.8.2 Menyusun teks khusus dalam bentuk

report, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara

benar dan sesuai konteks

1. Siswa dapat memahami isi dari teks report

2. Siswa dapat memahami makna dari

kosakata yang di gunakan dalam teks report

E. Materi

1. Teks Report

a. Fungsi Sosial

Memperoleh gambaran umum tentang hal yang terkait dengan teknologi

secara objecktif dan ilmiah.


(1)Menyebutkan jenis objek yang di jelaskan

(2)Deskripsi objek

c. Unsur Kebah asaan

(1) Kosakata tentang teknologi

(2) Kata kerja keaadaan

(3) Simple present dan simple past

(4) Teknologi yang terkait dengan pelajaran lain di kelas x

Page 87: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


F. Metodologi Pembelajaran

1. Monitoring

G. Media, Alat dan Sumber Belajar

1. Media dan Alat

a. Papan Tulis

2. Sumber Belajar

a. Buku paket/LKS

b. Daftar Kosakata yang berkaitan

H. Tahapan Pembelajaran (4 x 40”)

Kegiatan Belajar Metodologi Alokasi Waktu

Awal Pembelajaran

Guru menyapa dan menyanakan kabar siswa 5”

Inti Pembelajaran

Guru membagian artikel yang nantinya akan di bahas

dalam grup inti jigsaw


Guru memperhatikan siswa dalam mempelajari artikel

yang di berikan di dalam grup inti


Guru membagi siswa kelompok campuran dimana

setiap kelompok memiliki satu anggota dari setiap

grup inti


Siswa dalam kelompok campuran secara bergantian

memberikan presentasi mengenai artikel yang di

pelajari dalam grup inti


Page 88: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


Siswa kembali ke dalam kelompok inti dan

membagikan apa yang telah di pelajari dari kelompok

lainnya saat berada di kelompok campuran



Guru menyiapkan siswa sebelum pulang 10”

Page 89: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning




Student's Score in Pretest

Passed minimum Below Minimum

Appendix 15

Pretest Score Table

Name Score

Students 1 30

Students 2 75

Students 3 60

Students 4 60

Students 5 50

Students 6 60

Students 7 60

Students 8 50

Students 9 80

Students 10 70

Students 11 70

Students 12 65

Students 13 60

Students 14 70

Students 15 70

Students 16 70

Students 17 60

Students 18 65

Students 19 65

Students 20 40

Students 21 35

Students 22 40

Total 1305

Highest score : 80

Lowest score : 30

Total : 1305

Mean : 59

Below 70 : 15

Page 90: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


Appendix 16

Posttest 1

Participants Posttest 2

Students 1 50

Students 2 80

Students 3 65

Students 4 65

Students 5 65

Students 6 65

Students 7 65

Students 8 65

Students 9 90

Students 10 75

Students 11 75

Students 12 75

Students 13 65

Students 14 75

Students 15 75

Students 16 75

Students 17 65

Students 18 75

Students 19 70

Students 20 50

Students 21 50

Students 22 65

Total 1500

Highest score : 90

Lowest score : 50

Total : 1500

Mean : 68

Below 70 : 12


Student's Score in Posttest 1

Passed Minimum Below Minimum

Page 91: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


Appendix 17

Posttest 2

Participant Posttest 2

Students 1 60

Students 2 90

Students 3 75

Students 4 75

Students 5 75

Students 6 75

Students 7 75

Students 8 70

Students 9 90

Students 10 85

Students 11 80

Students 12 85

Students 13 75

Students 14 80

Students 15 75

Students 16 80

Students 17 75

Students 18 80

Students 19 80

Students 20 70

Students 21 70

Students 22 70

Total 1690

Highest score : 90

Lowest score : 60

Total : 1500

Mean : 77

Below 70 : 1



Student's Score in Posttest 2

Passed Minimum Below Minimum

Page 92: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


Appendix 18

Lembar Uji Referensi

No Reference Advisor 1 Advisor 2

1 Adams, A. R. (2013). Cooperative

Learning Effects On The

Classroom. Michigan: Thesis for

the degree of master of arts in

education at northern Michigan


2 Ary, D. e. (2006). Introduction to Study

In Education (8th Edition).

Wadsworth: Belmont.

3 Blaxter, L., Hughes, C., & Tight, M.

(2010). How to Research. New

York: McGraw-Hill.

4 Bow Valley Collage. (017, 9 11).


Retrieved from Bowvalley


5 Burns, A. (1999). Collaborative Action

Research for English Language

Teachers. Cambridge: Cambrige

University Press.

6 Carris, J. (2004). Success With Words.

Lawrenceville: Peterson's.

7 Crystal, D. (2003). English as a Global

Language Second Edition.

Cambridge: Cambrigde

University Press

Page 93: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


8 Curriculum Development Institute

Education Bureau. (2009).

Enhancing English Vocabulary

Learning And Teaching At

Primary Level. Hong Kong:

Hong Kong : Curriculum

Development Institute Education


9 Curtis, R. (2010). Action Research for

Teacher Candidates. Maryland:

Littlefield Education.

10 East Carolina University, Collage of

Education. (n.d.). Instructional

Strategy Lessons for Educators

Secondary Education (ISLES-S).

11 Elliot, A. (2000). Nobody Left to Hate.

The Humanist - Pro Quest

Research Library, 18.

12 Frankfurt International School. (2018, 05

21). FIS. Retrieved from

Frankfurt International School:



13 Huges, A. (1999). Testing for Languages

Teacher. Cambrigde: Cambrige

University Press.

14 James, A. (2008). Participatory Action

Research For Educational

Leadership. London: Sage


Page 94: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


15 Kazemi, M. (2012). The Effect of Jigsaw

Technique on the Learners’

Reading Achievement : The Case

of English as L2. MJAL 4:3

Autumn, 173.

16 Lester, M., & Benson, L. (2013). The

McGraw-Hill Handbook of

English Grammar and Usage.

California: McGraw-Hill.

17 Lie, A. (2005). Cooperative Learning.

Jakarta: Grasindo.

18 Lobachev, S. (2016). Top Language in

Global Information Production.

Canadian Journal of Library and

Information Practice and


19 Murphy, L. (2012). Lexical Meaning.

Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 2012.

20 Nappu, S., & Anggraeni, E. (2017).

Improving Students Vocabulary

Trough Jigsaw technique.

International Confrence ADRI -5,


21 Rachmawati, R. (2012). Teaching

English Vocabulary Using

Jigsaw Method at Fourth Grade

Students of Sdn Sukagalih 6.

Bandung: English Education

Study Program Language and

Page 95: Enriching Students Vocabulary through Jigsaw Learning


Arts Department Sekolah Tinggi

Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

(STKIP) Siliwangi Bandung.

22 Radford, A. (2010). Linguistic An

Introduction Second Edition .

Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press.

23 Rusman. (2012). Model-Model

Pembelajaran. Depok:

Rajagrafindo Persada.

24 Sudjono, A. (2006). Pengantar Statistik

Pendidikan. Jakarta: PT Raja

Grafindo Persada

25 Taggart, C., & Wines, J. (2009). My

Grammar and I… Or should that

be Me? Montereal: Reader Digest

26 Tampubuolon, S. (2014). Penelitian

Tindakan Kelas Sebagai

Pengembangan Profesi Pendidik.

Jakarta: Erlangga

27 Yatim, R. (2014). Paradigma Baru

Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Kencana

Jakarta 22 Mei 2018

Advisor 1 Advisor 2

Drs. Nasrun Mahdmud M.Pd

NIP. 150 041 070

Atik Yuliyani MA. TESOL

NIP. 19840410 2015 2 003

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Appendix 19


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Appendix 20

Surat Bimbingan Skripsi

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Appendix 19

Surat Ijin Penelitian

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Appendix 20

Surat Keterangan Sekolah