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Q-PLM Dispatcher Configuration (Q-PLM_Dsp.xml) Configuration Guide ENOVIA SmarTeam Configuration Release 5.4.0 2016-04-14

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Q-PLM Dispatcher Configuration


Configuration Guide

ENOVIA SmarTeam Configuration

Release 5.4.0


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Markings in this document

CAUTION marks important information. If you ignore such information, you risk a loss of data or

other undesirable consequences.

NOTE marks important information, e. g. dependencies of a function or requirements thereof.

INFO marks additional information.

TIP marks information for the practical use of the software.

This symbol marks step-by-step instructions.

Copyright 2000–2016 Dassault Systèmes

CATIA, ENOVIA, Q-Checker are registered trademarks of Dassault Systèmes or its

subsidiaries in the US and/or other countries.

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Copyright Dassault Systèmes Q-PLM_Dsp.xml ENOVIA SmarTeam 5.4.0



1 General introduction 4

2 XML Editing with Xerlin 8

3 Quick Start for Standard Installation 10

3.1 Q-PLM SmarTeam with SMDemo.............................................................................................10

4 <Globals> node 12

4.1 <GlobalString> sub node ..........................................................................................................12

4.2 <GlobalPath> sub node ............................................................................................................13

4.3 <GlobalMap> sub node .............................................................................................................15

4.4 Protocol Directory ......................................................................................................................16

5 PLMSystem SmarTeam 18

5.1 General setting nodes ...............................................................................................................18

5.1.1 <Attributes> General .....................................................................................................18 <Parameter> TmpDir .....................................................................................18

5.2 Action settings ...........................................................................................................................18

5.2.1 <Attributes> ActionExtentions .......................................................................................18

5.3 PDM/PLM system settings ........................................................................................................20

5.3.1 <Attributes> ClassName ...............................................................................................20

5.3.2 <Attributes> AttributeName ..........................................................................................21

5.4 Copy CATIA files out of PDM/PLM database ...........................................................................22

5.4.1 <Attributes> CopyOut ...................................................................................................22 <copydir> nodes ............................................................................................22 Further CopyOut settings ..............................................................................23

5.5 Dialog settings ...........................................................................................................................24

5.5.1 <Attribute> MessageBox ..............................................................................................24

5.5.2 <Attribute> NoResultMsgIntAttr ....................................................................................25

5.6 <Attributes> Report ...................................................................................................................26

5.7 PDM/PLM attribute value settings .............................................................................................27

5.7.1 <Attributes> EmptyQCTabActions ................................................................................27 <Action> nodes definition ..............................................................................28 Unlink report ..................................................................................................28

5.7.2 <Attributes> EmptyQCTabAttrValues ...........................................................................28

5.7.3 <Attributes> CheckTimeStamp .....................................................................................29

5.8 PLM/PDM attribute conversion and mapping ...........................................................................31

5.8.1 <Attributes> LookupAttrReplExclude ............................................................................31

5.8.2 <Attributes> LookupTNPrj ............................................................................................32

5.8.3 <Attributes> LookupTNDoc ..........................................................................................32

5.8.4 <Attributes> TypeConvert .............................................................................................32

5.8.5 <Attributes> UserIdMapDoc .........................................................................................33

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5.9 Check stage and query settings ................................................................................................35

5.9.1 <Attributes> ManualCheck ...........................................................................................35

5.9.2 <Attributes> CheckinCheck ..........................................................................................36

5.9.3 <Attributes> JobCheck..................................................................................................37

5.9.4 <Attributes> AddJobWhereQuery .................................................................................37

5.10 Login and authorization settings ...............................................................................................39

5.10.1 <Attributes> CheckAuthorization ..................................................................................39

5.10.2 <Attributes> InvokeScripts ............................................................................................40

5.10.3 Password crypt program ...............................................................................................41

5.11 Maturity change, lifecycle operation and workflow settings ......................................................41

5.11.1 <Attributes> AdminRelease ..........................................................................................41

5.11.2 <Attributes> WorkFlow..................................................................................................42

5.12 Batch attributes settings ............................................................................................................44

5.12.1 <Attributes> BatAttrsDoc ..............................................................................................44

5.12.2 <Attributes> BatAttrsPrj ................................................................................................44

5.12.3 <Attributes> BatAttrsCN................................................................................................44

6 <QCheckerPLM> nodes 45

6.1 NativeLibs ..................................................................................................................................45

6.1.1 License type ..................................................................................................................45

6.1.2 <Opsys> node ...............................................................................................................46 <NativeLib> nodes.........................................................................................47

6.2 <ProfileData> nodes .................................................................................................................48

6.2.1 CATIA Q-Checker default sub node .............................................................................48

6.2.2 Result judging and validation ........................................................................................49 <ResultJudge>/<OKAssessments> node .....................................................49 <ResultJudge>/<OKReturnCodes> node .....................................................50 <Validate>/<ValidDatas> node ......................................................................50 <ResultJudge>/<ResultFile> and <Validate>/<ResultFile> node .................52

6.3 Actions .......................................................................................................................................54

6.3.1 General .........................................................................................................................54

6.3.2 Attributes for ProfileData and Q-Checker Profile ..........................................................55

6.3.3 Condition Attribute ........................................................................................................56

6.3.4 Vault Attribute ...............................................................................................................56

6.3.5 Attaching Q-CHECKER Report .......................................................................................57

6.3.6 Defining Result Attributes .............................................................................................57 Standard attribute definition ..........................................................................57 Date / time attribute definition ........................................................................58

6.3.7 Defining Q-CHECKER Report File Names ......................................................................60

6.3.8 Enable Q-CHECKER model save ....................................................................................61

6.3.9 Show Message Boxes ..................................................................................................62

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1 General introduction

Q-PLM_Dsp.xml is the configuration file for the Q-PLM products.


If paths contain whitespaces, the whole path has to be enclosed in quotation


In the XML file, the quotation marks must be written in HTML syntax: &quot;

The following examples are for ENOVIA V6 with CATIA V6. But they are similar to the other

ENOVIA and CATIA versions. This chapter should only give an overview. The specific nodes

and settings for the ENOVIA and CATIA version are described in the other chapters of this


The root node of the Q-PLM_Dsp.xml is <TranscatPLM>. This node contains three main

XML nodes:

<Globals>: global settings

<PLMSystems>: PLM-system-specific settings

<QCheckerPLM>: Settings for check execution

Globals: global settings

These settings can be used in most of the other XML nodes.

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Example of global settings for ENOVIA V6 with CATIA V6:

Fig. 1: <Globals> node

PLMSystems: PLM system-specific settings

The sub node <PLMSystem> contains the special settings for the PDM systems or DX. This

node contains different entries for the different PLM systems. The name of the node is the

name of the system.

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Example of PLM Settings for ENOVIA V6 with CATIA V6:

Fig. 2: <PLMSystem> node for ENOVIA V6

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QCheckerPLM: Settings for check execution

ProfileDatas: Settings for check execution used be QCheckerPLM node.

This node defines CATIA / Q-CHECKER definition and execution, result judging, attribute

settings, Q-CHECKER report attachment, …

Example of QCheckerPLM and ProfileDatas for CATIA V6:

Fig. 3: <QCheckerPLM> node

Please refer to refer to the following documentation for more information about the



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2 XML Editing with Xerlin

We suggest editing the XML file with Xerlin 1.3. This is an Open Source tool which can be

downloaded from:


XERLIN takes care of the DTD definitions. It allows to add only sub nodes, which are available

for the parent node. Only the defined number of sub nodes can be added. Only attributes,

which are defined in the node, are displayed. In case that it is not allowed to leave a node or

attribute empty, an error message will be displayed. If nodes collide with the DTD definition,

they are displayed in a different colour. XERLIN helps to avoid failures and corrupt XML files.

However, note that XERLIN validates only the structure, but does not check if the content and

values are suitable.

Example of the use of Xerlin for the <OKAssessments> node:

<TranscatPLM>/<QCheckerPLM>/<ProfileDatas>/<ProfileData name=”DEFAULTV5”>


Example, using XERLIN:

(1) In Xerlin, open the QCheckerDsp.xml file (File > Open f i le)

(2) Select the <OKAssessments> node:

<TranscatPLM>/<QCheckerPLM>/<ProfileDatas>/<ProfileData name="DEFAULTV5">/


(3) Right-click the node and


"Add" > "OKAssessment".

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A new <OKAssessment> sub node has been added.

Fig. 4: <OKAssessment> node created

(4) Enter the name value.

Fig. 5: Enter the <OKAssessment> value

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3 Quick Start for Standard Installation

3.1 Q-PLM SmarTeam with SMDemo

Standard installation:

SmarTeam client and all other modules are installed only on Windows platform.

The execution of all the SmarTeam integration modules (Q-PLM Dispatcher, Q-Checker

V5) is on the Windows machine where the PDM client is running.

Only Catia V5 CATParts / CATDrawings / CATProducts can be checked (and no Catia V4


SmarTeam class names are not customized (names of the demo database).

Q-Checker is launched in "waitfor” mode. The SmarTeam integration will wait until the

Q-Checker run is finished.

Only one Q-Checker profile can be used.

Quick start for standard installation

(1) Open the Xerlin XML editor.

(2) Choose the node <TranscatPLM>/<Globals>.

(3) Customize the following nodes:

CATEnv Name of the CATIA V5 environment

CATEnvDir Path to the CATIA V5 environment, this environment must

contain the settings for Q-Checker.

TmpDir Path for temporary files (standard: installation directory,

subdirectory tmp)

DspJar Path and name of the QCheckerDSP.5.x.jar file

(installation directory, subdirectory bin)

CATStartV5 Path and name of CATIA V5 CATSTART.exe

(4) Select the default profile data node for CATIA V5 checks:

<TranscatPLM>/<QCheckerPLM>/<ProfileDatas>/<ProfileData name="DEFAULTV5">

(5) Customize the following nodes according to your Q-Checker profile:

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<ENVIRONMENT> Name of the Q-Checker environment

<PROFILE> NAme of the Q-Checker profile

<ResultJudge>/<OKAssessments> Valid assessments. Any assessments

not defined here are not OK (check


<ResultJudge>/<OKReturnCodes> Valid return codes. Any return codes not

defined here are not OK (check failed).

<ResultJudge>/<ResultFile> Set the <ResultFileType> subnode

to "QCReport" if you work with

Q-CHECKER 1.14.1 or higher, otherwise

choose "DBReport"

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4 <Globals> node

The global settings are in the <TranscatPLM>/<Globals> node.

Figure 6: <Globals> node (Xerlin editor)

4.1 <GlobalString> sub node

With <GlobalString> sub nodes, a string value can be set for general use, i. e. it can be

used in most of the XML nodes, having a <Global> node.

The <GlobalString> node has 2 attributes:

name: Unique identifier (it must be unique for GlobalString, GlobalPath

and GlobalMap)

value: String value

The <Global> node has only one attribute, which refers to the unique name of the


name: Reference to the unique ID of the global string

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Example, using the <GlobalString> for the CATIA environment name CATEnv

Definition of <GlobalString> CATEnv:

Figure 7: <GlobalString> node (Xerlin editor). In this node, a string value is defined which can be used in <Global> nodes

Usage of <GlobalString>:

Figure 8: <Global> node, in which <GlobalString> is used (Xerlin editor)

4.2 <GlobalPath> sub node

With <GlobalPath> sub nodes, a path can be set for general use, i. e. it can be used in

most of the XML nodes with, having a <Global> node.

If the modules are installed on a mixed system (WINDOWS and UNIX), a <GlobalPath> has

to be used for defining the directories for both systems. Keep attention to the path string do

not end the path with “\” or “/”.


The path string must not end with slash “\” or backslash “/”.

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The <GlobalPath> has 3 attributes:

name: Unique identifier (it must be unique for GlobalString and


valuewin Path for WINDOWS

valueunix Path for UNIX

The <Global> node has only one attribute that refers to the unique name of the

<GlobalString> or <GlobalPath>:

name Reference to the unique ID of the global string

Example, using the <GlobalPath> for the tmp path

Definition of <GlobalPath> TmpPath:

Figure 9: <GlobalPath> node for TmpDir (Xerlin editor)

With this <TmpDir> node a path value is defined, which can be used in any <Global>


Usage of <GlobalPath>

Figure 10: <Global> node, usage in <QCTmpDir> (Xerlin editor)

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This shows the usage of a <GlobalPath> node in the <QCTmpDir> node.

Example, using the <GlobalPath> for the JavaExe

Definition of <GlobalPath> JavaExe:

Figure 11: <GlobalPath> node for JavaExe (Xerlin editor)

This shows the usage of a <GlobalPath> node in the <QCTmpDir> node.


We recommend using an UNC path for Windows if possible. This will avoid path

problems on the client computers.

4.3 <GlobalMap> sub node

Some path mappings can not be done by defining a <GlobalPath> (e. g. for the CATIA

models the directories are defined with an <InternalAttr> node as default, not with a

<GlobalPath>). To enable the path mapping for these cases, the <GlobalMap> node

has to be used.

The <GlobalMap> has 2 attributes:

valuewin Path for WINDOWS

valueunix Path for UNIX

Paths for which a global map must be defined:

Directories for CATIA models if they are not defined with a <GlobalPath> node.

Path for the Q-PLM_Dsp.xml in case if the Q-PLM DISPATCHER module is run on UNIX.

Any other directories which are used for both WINDOWS and UNIX systems and which are

not defined by a <GlobalPath>.

The replacement of the string to be replaced is done by scanning this string, beginning with

the first character. If in a <GlobalMap> sub node a matching value is found, the beginning

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of this string is replaced. The slashes of the not replaced part are converted in the platform-

dependent ones. If in the Q-PLM_Dsp.xml file more than one <GlobalMap> sub node is

defined, the order of these <GlobalMap> sub nodes in this file is relevant for the

replacement result (see example below).

Replacement example:

The path to be replaced is: "c:\aaa\bbb\ccc"

(1) <GlobalMap valuewin="c:\aaa\bbb\ccc" valueunix="/aaa/xxx">

(2) <GlobalMap valuewin="c:\aaa\bbb" valueunix="/aaa/yyy">

If in the XML file in top position is the map sub node (1), the replacement result will be as



If in the XML file in top position is the map sub node (2), the replacement result will be as



Example, using the <GlobalMap> sub node for the installation directory

Definition of the <GlobalMap> sub node:

Figure 12: <GlobalMap> node definition (Xerlin editor)

4.4 Protocol Directory

All trace and protocol files are written in the protocol directory. This directory is defined under

<Globals protglobalname="TmpDir"> (Refer to Figure 6: <Globals> node on page


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The protglobalname attribute must point to a <GlobalPath>. (Refer to section

"<GlobalPath> sub node" on page 13.)

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5 PLMSystem SmarTeam

5.1 General setting nodes

5.1.1 <Attributes> General

The general settings are subnodes of

<TranscatPLM>/<PLMSystems>/<PLMSystem name=”SmarTeam”>/

<Attributes name=”General”> <Parameter> TmpDir

The <TmpDir> node defines the directory for temporary files (except protocol and trace files).

For the trace files refer to section 4.4 „Protocol Directory“.

For customizing the temporary directory choose the node:

<TranscatPLM>/<PLMSystems>/<PLMSystem name="SmarTeam">/

<Attributes name=General>/<Parameter name="TmpDir">


Other modules of the PLM integration also need access to some of these files.

Modify this value only if it is assured that all the shared files are accessible.

For the standard installation, we advise to use the TmpDir node of the global settings.

5.2 Action settings

5.2.1 <Attributes> ActionExtentions

The action extension settings are under the following subnode:

<TranscatPLM>/<PLMSystems>/<PLMSystem name="SmarTeam">/

<Attributes name="ActionExtentions">

From the different PDM/PLM systems different Actions, depending to the operation type, are


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Table 1: Default Action

PLM system Default Action Description



Manual SmarTeam interface

CheckIn Check in operation

Release Release operation

DBTrigger Batch job (QCheckerSTJobV5.exe)

WorkFlow SmarTeam work flow

The default name of the different <Action> nodes can be enlarged with a special action


Table 2: Action extensions

PLM system Action extension Description



Based on SmarTeam class names

The relation between to the class names are defined

in the <Attributes> subnodes "ClassName"

PartClassName CATIA V5 part class

ProductClassName CATIA V5 product class

DrawingClassName CATIA V5 drawing class

IntComponentClassName CATIA V5 internal component (product) class

ModelClassName CATIA V4 model class

The <Action> node contains the CATIA start command. There can be a need for a

different command due to the different types to the table above.

Example for ENOVIA SMARTEAM, ActionExtentions="V5" for CATIA Products.

Fig. 13: <Attributes> node with "ActionExtensions”, for SmarTeam and CATIA Products (Xerlin editor)

The name of the result Action for check in is "CheckInV5".

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5.3 PDM/PLM system settings

5.3.1 <Attributes> ClassName

The SMARTEAM class names are under the following subnode:

<TranscatPLM>/<PLMSystems>/<PLMSystem name="SmarTeam">/

<Attributes name="ClassName">

For each relevant SMARTEAM class name, there is a "Attribute" subnode. For some

classes multiple definitions can be made, e.g. two classes for parts should be enabled

"CATIA Part " and "CATIA Standard Part". In this case, two "PartClassName "

<Attribute> nodes can be defined.

Table 3: SmarTeam class names

Name Default value Multiple

DrawingClassName CATIA Drawing Yes

DrawingLinkClassName CATIA Downstream Application No

PartClassName CATIA Part Yes

ProductClassName CATIA Product Yes

ModelClassName CATIA Model Yes

IntComponentClassName CATIA internal component No

CatiaClassName General CATIA class No

ProjectClassName Project No

DocsDocsRelClassName Documents Documents Relation No

UsersClassName Users No

ReportClassName Document No

Fig. 14: Xerlin <Attributes> node of "ClassName”

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These values have to be modified only if the class names of SMARTEAM do not match the

default ones.

Choose the attribute subnode for the class and adjust the value, but leave the name like it is.


The class name for "Catia Part" is changed to "Part".

Choose the node <Attribute name="PartClassName">

Change <Attribute value="Catia Part"> to <Attribute value="Part">

5.3.2 <Attributes> AttributeName

The important SMARTEAM attribute names are under the following subnode:

<TranscatPLM>/<PLMSystems>/<PLMSystem name="SmarTeam">/

<Attributes name="AttributeName">

For each relevant SmarTeam class name, there is a "Attribute" subnode.

Table 4: SMARTEAM attribute names

Name Default value Multiple






Directory DIRECTORY No





State STATE No








Login LOGIN No

These values have to be modified only if the class names of SmarTeam do not match the

default ones. Please look on these XML nodes and modify the class names if it is necessary.

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Previous version of SmarTeam database with CN_ID instead of TDM_ID

Change the Attribute subnode "TdmId":

From <Attribute name="TdmId" value="TDM_ID"

To: <Attribute name="TdmId" value="CN_ID">

5.4 Copy CATIA files out of PDM/PLM database

5.4.1 <Attributes> CopyOut

The copy-out settings are under the following subnode:

<TranscatPLM>/<PLMSystems>/<PLMSystem>/<Attributes name="CopyOut">

The settings for the copy-out operation are needed only in case that the vault attribute is

set to "copy_out”, "copy_out_update” or "new_revision”:


<Action vault="copy_out">

<Action vault="copy_out_update">

<Action vault="new_release">

(Refer to section 6.3.4 "Vault Attribute”). <copydir> nodes

For the copy out directories any combination of "Discrete” and "Global” nodes can be used.

System environment variables can be used with UNIX and WINDOWS syntax.

In case of SmarTeam the SmarTeam Work Directory of the user can be used by setting the

value of a "Discrete” to @{STWorkDir}.

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The system environment variables are taken from and resolved on the system

where the PLM Integration is executed. If other modules are executed on other

systems this full re¬solved path is passed to these modules. For this path the

general roles of the shared file system has to be considered.

Table 5: copydir nodes

Subnode name Purpose Details

copydir Defines the general

copy out destination

Parameter name="copydir"

Default value: TmpDir

copydir_v4 Defines the copy out

destination for CATIA

V4 models

Parameter name="copydir_v4"

Default: Node is not set

copydir_v5 Defines the copy out

destination for CATIA

V5 models

Parameter name="copydir_v5"

Default: Node is not set

Order of determining the copy directory: Further CopyOut settings

Subnode name Purpose Details

overwrite Defines if the root part / product / drawing /

model should be overwritten on the

destination file system. The root is the one

that is selected in SmarTeam for

performing the Q-Checker operation.

XML subnode:

<Parameter name="overwrite">

Possible values: YES | NO

Default value: NO


If it is set to NO and the model already

exists on the file system the application is

terminated. The models will not be checked

by Q-Checker

drawinglinks Copy out linked CATIA files that are

referenced by CATDrawings.

XML subnode:

<Parameter name="drawinglinks">

Possible values: YES | NO

Default value: NO

copydir_v4 copydir_v5

copydir TmpDir Not defined Dir not found

Not defined Dir not found

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Subnode name Purpose Details

productlinks Copy out linked CATIA files that are

referenced by CATProducts

XML subnode:

<Parameter name="productlinks">

Possible values: YES | NO

Default value: NO


Defines if files that are referenced by

CATDrawings or CATProducts are to be

overwritten (according to drawinglinks

and productlinks).

XML subnode:

<Parameter name="productlinks">

Possible values: YES | NO

Default value: NO


If the value for the attribute is set to NO

and the model already exists on the file

system, the file is not overwritten and will

be used.

copyoutlevel Defines the level of parts and

subassemblies which should be copied out

(if productlinks, drawinglinks are enabled).

XML subnode:

<Parameter name="copyoutlevel">

Possible values: 0 – n

0: all parts and subassemblies are copied

out, regardless the level

1: all parts and subassemblies directly

below the assembly root, no parts which

are in subassemblies are copied out

n: defined level of parts and subassemblies

are copied out

Default value: 0

5.5 Dialog settings

5.5.1 <Attribute> MessageBox

All message boxes from the Q-PLM SMARTEAM INTEGRATION can be suppressed.

For customizing the message box behavior choose the node:

<TranscatPLM>/<PLMSystems>/<PLMSystem, name="SmarTeam">/

<Attributes name="MessageBox">

For each module, there is an "Attribute " subnode.

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Table 6: SmarTeam Integration, message box behavior

Name Default value Description

QCIntegration true Main Q-PLM SmarTeam Integration module.

QCWorkFlow true Q-PLM SmarTeam Integration module for SmarTeam


EmptyQCTab true Q-PLM Module for Clearing Q-Checker Attribute Profile


ResultMsgType - Type of the result message window. By default this is a

simple message box.

If it is set to the value: TextWindow

a window with a text box appears, this text can be

copied to the windows clip board.

These settings are for the modules which are directly integrated into SMARTEAM

INTEGRATION. For the successive processes this settings have no influence. For suppressing

the message boxes of the successive processes refer to section Fehler! Verweisquelle k

onnte nicht gefunden werden. “Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden.”.

5.5.2 <Attribute> NoResultMsgIntAttr

The message boxes from the Q-PLM SMARTEAM INTEGRATION can be suppressed due to

Q-PLM internal attributes.

For customizing the message box behavior choose the node:

<TranscatPLM>/<PLMSystems>/<PLMSystem name="SmarTeam">/

<Attributes name="NoResultMsgIntAttr">

<Attribute> node with the name of and internal Q-PLM attribute and value. If the Q-PLM

result value of this internal Q-PLM attribute will match to the value which is defined in this

<Attribute> node the message box will be suppressed.


Suppress result message box if it was checked with a defined profile data, like "NO_CHECK"

for this example:


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Fig. 15: Example <Attributes> subnode of "NoResultMsgIntAttr” (Xerlin editor)

Suppress result message box if the full check run was OK:


5.6 <Attributes> Report

By configuring buttons for SmarTeam Toolbar or in the Profile Card, Q-Checker reports can

be viewed with an external viewer outside SmarTeam. For creating the SmarTeam buttons

please refer to the related chapter of Q-PLM_SmarTeam_Customization_5.4.0.pdf. In

addition some configuration must be done in the node:

<TranscatPLM>/<PLMSystems>/<PLMSystem name="SmarTeam">/

<Attributes name="Report">

Fig. 16: Xerlin, Example node and subnode of "Report”

Subnode name Purpose Details

name Value of document name


Default value: Q-Checker HTML Report

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Subnode name Purpose Details

HTMLViewer Command for HTML viewer Example calling QPLMShowReportClient.bat of

Q-PLM installation:

<Parameter name="HTMLViewer"


<Discrete value="&quot;"/>

<Global name="QPLMScriptDir"/>

<Discrete value="\"/>



<Discrete value="&quot;"/>


copydir Defines the copy out destination

for report files

If this is no defined the directory of the general

CopyOut setting is used.

5.7 PDM/PLM attribute value settings

In general the attribute values are set by the subnodes of


For some defined behaviors of the PDM/PLM system the quality attributes can be overwritten

by some special settings.

5.7.1 <Attributes> EmptyQCTabActions

For clearing the Attribute Profile Card and unlink the attached Q-Checker reports the settings

of the <Action> nodes are read. In these nodes the attribute names for cleaning, the report

and other settings are defined. By default all <Action> nodes for lifecycle and manual check

are read. For default actions refer to chapter 5.2 “Action settings”.

The <Action> nodes for clearing the Attribute Profile Card can be defined different from the

standard, using this node:

<TranscatPLM>/<PLMSystems>/<PLMSystem name="SmarTeam">/

<Attributes name="EmptyQCTabActions">

Possible <Attribute> subnodes names:




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28 <Action> nodes definition

The default <Action> nodes can be ignored by setting the following subnode:

<Attribute name="IgnoreDefault" value="yes">

This node can contain <Attribute> subnodes for additional actions. The name of the

attribute must be "Action”, the value of the attribute is the name of the action.


Let’s assume an additional action "DBTrigger” is to be defined. For this action an

<Attribute> subnode has to be defined:

<Attributes name="Action" value="DBTrigger">

Fig. 17: Xerlin <Attributes> subnode of "EmptyQCTabActions” Unlink report

All the links to the Q-Checker reports are kept by default. With the Empty Tab call the reports

can be unlinked with the following setting:

<Attribute name="UnlinkReport" value="yes">

5.7.2 <Attributes> EmptyQCTabAttrValues

By clearing the Attr ibute Profi le Card with Q-PLM the values of the attributes are set to

empty value. If these attributes should not be set to empty, this can be defined by using this


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<TranscatPLM>/<PLMSystems>/<PLMSystem name="SmarTeam">/

<Attributes name="EmptyQCTabAttrValues">

This node can contain <Attribute> subnodes which defines the SmarTeam attribute name

and the value which should be set when the Attribute Profile Card will be cleared. Any

attribute can be set to a defined value, not only Q-PLM attributes.

Fig. 18: Xerlin, Example <Attributes> subnode of "EmptyQCTabAttrValues”

5.7.3 <Attributes> CheckTimeStamp

For identifying if a model is already check or if the check is out of date one or more time

stamp attributes are used. The subnodes of CheckTimeStamp are defining these attributes

and the behavior of timestamp validations.

Customize the subnodes of:

<TranscatPLM>/<PLMSystems>/<PLMSystem>/<Attributes name="CheckTimeStamp">

With Q-PLM SmarTeam different timestamps have to be checked or used for SmarTeam

query, especially for the JobCheck.

The attribute(s) which should be used for the timestamp check, these are the Q-Checker

check time and date attributes are defined in the subnode(s) <Attribute> with the name

"PLMAttrbute”. This has to be set to the name of the desired SmarTeam attribute(s). If these

are string attributes the conversion to date/time has to be defined in the subnodes for type

conversion, refer to chapter 5.8.4 <Attributes> TypeConvert.

Fig. 19: Xerlin <Attributes> subnode <PLMAttribute> of "CheckTimeStamp”

There can be a time gap between the Q-Checker check time and the time of the SmarTeam

update. For taking care of this time gap can be configured in the <Attribute>

UTCTimeGapValue node. The time which is defined in this node is in seconds.

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Fig. 20: <Attributes> subnode <QCTimeGapValue> of "CheckTimeStamp” (Xerlin editor)

With the timestamps it must be differed between the local time and the UTC time. In general

the time and dates which are stored in the data base are in UTC. The time which is provided

to the user is the local time.

The time gap between the current local time and UTC is defined in the <Attribute>

UTCTimeGapFrom node.

Fig. 21: <Attributes> subnode <UTCTimeGapFrom> of "CheckTimeStamp” (Xerlin editor)

For this node the following values can be defined:

Table 7: UTCTimeGapFrom values

value Description

system Time gap between local and UTC time is calculated be the

operating system where the application (client) is running.

Attention: The database might be running on an other time zone

than the client application. In this case the calculation of the time

gap can be wrong.

db Time gap between local and UTC time is calculated from the

SmarTeam data base.

Attention: It might be that the SmarTeam function for this returns

the wrong time gap. It is possible that the difference to the summer

time is not calculated. In this case the calculation of the time gap

can be wrong.

none No time gap between UTC and local time

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"integer value”

e.g: 60

Defined time gap in minutes

Depending to the setup of the database and SmarTeam the time gap between UTC and local

time must be considered. The time gap can be set for different operations. This is defined in

separate <Attribute> nodes:

Fig. 22: <Attribute> node for using time gap (Xerlin editor)

Table 8: Time gap settings

Name Default value Description

UseTimeGapFile yes Use the time gap calculation for the file modification time

of files which are stored in SmarTeam data base. The file

modification time is usually in UTC.

UseTimeGapQueryServer yes Use the time gap calculation for query for SmarTeam data

base, if SmarTeam is launched in server mode, e.g.

modification date. The Q-PLM BatchJob is running in

server mode by default, if no other SmarTeam session is

already open. In server mode the values of the time

attributes are usually returned.

UseTimeGapQueryClient no Use the time gap calculation for query for SmarTeam data

base, if SmarTeam is launched in client mode, e.g.

modification date. In client mode the values of the time

attributes are usually returned in local time in. But with

some multi site configurations it can be returned in UTC.

5.8 PLM/PDM attribute conversion and mapping

5.8.1 <Attributes> LookupAttrReplExclude

Attributes which are defined by SMARTEAM Lookup Tables have integer values instead the

string values which are defined in the Lookup Tables. Q-PLM is replacing all integer values

by the corresponding string values for Q-PLM configuration issues. This replacement is only

Q-PLM internal and does not affect SMARTEAM in general. Due to some configuration or

processing reason it might be necessary to bypass this replacement. This can be done by

customizing the following node:

<TranscatPLM>/<PLMSystems>/<PLMSystem name="SmarTeam">

<Attributes name="LookupAttrReplExclude">

Add a <Attribute> subnodes for each attribute which should be bypassed.

The XML attribute name is identifying if it is a document or project attribute:

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name=”Doc”: document attribute name=”Prj”: project attribute

The XML attribute value defines the name of the document or project attribute for which

the replacement should be bypassed.


The value of project attribute TDM_SF_SECURE_LVL should not be replaced.


with replacement: NotLimited

without replacement: 0

Configuration for bypassing the replacement:

Fig. 23. <Attributes> subnode of "LookupAttrReplExclude” (Xerlin editor)

5.8.2 <Attributes> LookupTNPrj


5.8.3 <Attributes> LookupTNDoc


5.8.4 <Attributes> TypeConvert

The subnodes of TypeConvert defines which attributes should be converted into a other

format than string for Q-PLM internal use.

Customize the subnodes of:

<TranscatPLM>/<PLMSystems>/<PLMSystem>/<Attributes name="TypeConvert">

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For each attribute which should be converted an <Attribute> node must be created. The

name of the node is the name of the attribute and the value is the format type. The following

format types are possible:

datetime for formats which combines date and time in one attribute

date for date formats (until Q-PLM 3.3.1 combined date and time format, in later

Q-PLM releases date format only)

time for time formats

int for integer

Fig. 24: <Attributes> subnodes of "TypeConvert” (Xerlin editor)

5.8.5 <Attributes> UserIdMapDoc

The subnodes of UserIdMapDoc defines which id attribute of a document should be

mapped into a other document attribute. Both the id attribute and the attribute to which this

should be mapped have to be defined in a <Attributes> AttributeName subnode.

Customize the subnodes of:

<TranscatPLM>/<PLMSystems>/<PLMSystem>/<Attributes name="UserIdMapDoc">


The attribute USER_ID_MOD should be converted to the attribute USER_EMAIL. This can be

useful for external e-mail programs.

XML structure:



<PLMSystem name=”SamrTeam”>

<Attributes name=”AttributeName”>

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<Attribute name=”UserIdMod” value=”USER_ID_MOD”>

<Attribute name=”UserEmail” value=”USER_EMAIL”>


<Attributes name=”UserIdMapDoc”>

<Attribute name=”UserIdMod” value=”UserEmail”>





Fig. 25: <Attributes> subnodes of "UserIdMod” (Xerlin editor)

These mapped attributes can be used in the <QCheckerPLM> subnodes. For this the names

of source and destination attributes have to be jointed with a slash. The real SmarTeam

attribute names have to be used for that. E.g.:


This can be used for example to store the email address of the user which have modified the

CATIA model into Q-Monitor database.

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Fig. 26: <DB_CUSTOMER_INFO> mapped user id attribute (Xerlin editor)

5.9 Check stage and query settings

5.9.1 <Attributes> ManualCheck

Enabling / Disabling / ByPass Manual Check

As prerequisite for the manual Q-CHECKER run, SMARTEAM has to be configured for it. Refer

to Q-PLM_SmarTeamIntegration_x.pdf.

Customize the subnodes of:

<TranscatPLM>/<PLMSystems>/<PLMSystem name=”SmarTeam”>/

<Attributes name="ManualCheck">

The manual check can be enabled / disabled for items which are in the following state:

State name attribute

New new

Checked out checkedout

Checked in checkedin

Released released

Possible values are:

value Description

YES Check can be executed

NO Check cannot be executed and a warning message will occur

BYPASS Check will not be executed no warning message

For the lifecycle states "checked in” and "released”, the check of the models are also

dependent on the vault setting (for the vault setting refer to section 6.3.4 “Vault Attribute”.

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Disable the manual check for released items:

Choose the node <Attribute name="released">

Change <Attribute value="YES"> to <Attribute value="NO">

Fig. 27: <Attributes> node of "ManualCheck" (Xerlin editor)

5.9.2 <Attributes> CheckinCheck

Enabling / Disabling / ByPass Checkin Check

As prerequisite for the Q-CHECKER run during check in has to be configured for it. Refer to


The check during check in can be configured due to the state. With this setting it is possible

for example to perform a Q-PLM / Q-Checker run only for models which are in the state new,

the other models are not checked during check in.

Customize the subnodes of:

<TranscatPLM>/<PLMSystems>/<PLMSystem name=”SmarTeam”>/

<Attributes name="CheckinCheck">

The check in check can be enabled / disabled for items which are in the following state:

State name attribute

New new

Checked out checkedout

Possible values are:

value Description

YES Check will be executed

NO Check cannot be executed, a warning message will occur and it is not possible to

perform a check in operation

BYPASS Check will not be executed check in operation is possible

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Enable check in check for new items only:

Choose the node <Attribute name="checkedout">

Change <Attribute value="YES"> to <Attribute value="BYPASS">

Fig. 28: <Attributes> node of "CheckinCheck" (Xerlin editor)

5.9.3 <Attributes> JobCheck

Enabling / Disabling Batch Job Check

Customize the subnodes of:

<TranscatPLM>/<PLMSystems>/<PLMSystem name=”SmarTeam”>/

<Attributes name="JobCheck">

The Batch Job Check can be enabled / disabled for items which are in the following state:

State name attribute

Checked out checkedout

Checked in checkedin

Released released

The configuration of these attributes are the same as the once for Manual Check, refer to

chapter 5.9.1 "<Attributes> ManualCheck”.

5.9.4 <Attributes> AddJobWhereQuery

Q-PLM BatchJob executes a SmarTeam query finding the models for Q-Checker check run.

The default where query consist out of the defined class id, states from the xml configuration

and the modification time frame from the command line input.

Example of a default where Query section:



For the SmarTeam BatchJob the Where Query can be enhanced with the following node:

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<TranscatPLM>/<PLMSystems>/<PLMSystem name="SmarTeam">/

<Attributes name="AddJobWhereQuery">

Fig. 29: Xerlin <AddJobWhereQuery> node

The additional Where Query can be defined with following attribute nodes:

Table 9: AddJobWhereQuery sub nodes

Attribute Mandatory Description

Separator YES Logic operation like:

AND, OR, … bracket etc.

No default

Name NO Name of the object. In general, this is the attribute respectively the

column name of the database table.

Default: empty

Operator NO Operator like:

=, <=, >=, …

Default: empty

Object NO Object / value

Default: empty

CaseSensitivity NO Case sensitivity

false / true

Default: false

Role NO Role (SmarTeam standard is "F ")

Default: empty

If more than one Where Query extension is needed, the can be defined one after the other.

The Separater node defines a new query extension.

Example: The Q-Checker run, in a multisite environment should only be executed for 2

defined sites (TDM_SITE_ID=1 and TDM_SITE_ID=2).

The configuration for this additional query is:

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<Attributes name="AddJobWhereQuery">

<Attribute name="Separator" value="and("/>

<Attribute name="Name" value="TDM_SITE_ID"/>

<Attribute name="Operator" value="="/>

<Attribute name="Object" value="1"/>

<Attribute name="CaseSensitivity" value="false"/>

<Attribute name="Role" value="F"/>

<Attribute name="Separator" value="or"/>

<Attribute name="Name" value="TDM_SITE_ID"/>

<Attribute name="Operator" value="="/>

<Attribute name="Object" value="2"/>

<Attribute name="CaseSensitivity" value="false"/>

<Attribute name="Role" value="F"/>

<Attribute name="Separator" value=")"/>


Example of the resulting where query:

Black: Standard Query, Blue: Query Extension




5.10 Login and authorization settings

5.10.1 <Attributes> CheckAuthorization

Q-PLM SMARTEAM needs the authorization for modifying the Q-CHECKER-related attributes

and attaching the Q-CHECKER reports. If the user that triggers the Q-PLM launch does not

have the authorizations for Add, Update or other operations, the Q-CHECKER-related

modifications cannot be processed. The missing user authorization can be bypassed.

To bypass the user authorization, choose the node:

<TranscatPLM>/<PLMSystems>/<PLMSystem name="SmarTeam">/

<Attributes name=”CheckAuthorization”>

To bypass the authorization, the <Attribute> subnodes for the operation can be set to

"no". If the authorization should be checked to have to be set to "yes".

Name of attribute subnodes:






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Possible values of attribute subnodes:



Fig. 30: <Attributes> subnodes of "CheckAutorization” (Xerlin editor)

5.10.2 <Attributes> InvokeScripts

With SmarTeam, scripts can be launched for different operations. The launch of the different

SmarTeam scripts can be configured.

To bypass the user authorization, choose the node:

<TranscatPLM>/<PLMSystems>/<PLMSystem name="SmarTeam">/

<Attributes name=”InvokeScripts”>

To bypass the SMARTEAM scripts execution, the <Attribute> subnodes for the operation

can be set to "no”. If the authorization should be checked to have to be set to "yes”.

Name of attribute subnodes:









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Possible values of attribute subnodes:


no (default)

Fig. 31: <Attributes> subnodes of "InvokeScripts” (Xerlin editor)


All SMARTEAM Scripts for the enabled operation will be invoked.

This can cause some unexpected behaviors like recursions, endless loops, and

other strange behavior. Look to the SMARTEAM Scripts which will be called by the

operation carefully to avoid these side-effects

5.10.3 Password crypt program

The password crypt program ciphers a string into a cryptic string which can be use by Q-PLM

for the login information.

For more information about the crypt program refer to the Q-PLM documentation for the

specific PDM system (Q-PLM_SmarTeam_Customization_x.pdf).

5.11 Maturity change, lifecycle operation and workflow settings

5.11.1 <Attributes> AdminRelease

The sub nodes under the node <AdminRelease> define the settings for Maturity Change with

admin release option. If this option is enabled and the value of the attribute matches to the

value that is defined in this XLM sub node, it is possible to promote the object with an NOT

valid data quality. It is highly recommended that a restricted group of people like design

manager or project manager can modify this attribute. In addition, several SmarTeam

settings and scripts must be customized please refer Q-PLM SmarTeam installation and

customization documentation (Q-PLM_SmarTeam_Customization_x.pdf).

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For admin release settings, choose the node:

<TranscatPLM>/<PLMSystems>/<PLMSystem name="SmarTeam">/

<Attributes name=”InvokeScripts”>

Settings of the <Attribute> nodes

Name value

enable Enables / disable Admin Release

Yes: enabled

No: disabled

AttributeName Attribute name of the attribute which controles the Admin



AttributeValue Attribute value of the attribute which enables the maturity

change for NONE proper data quality


5.11.2 <Attributes> WorkFlow

The SMARTEAM workflow settings are subnode under the following node:

<TranscatPLM>/<PLMSystems>/<PLMSystem name="SmarTeam">/

<Attributes name="WorkFlow">

With the SMARTEAM workflow every document has its own return value for the workflow.

Regarding to this return values, the step of the workflow can be accepted or rejected.

Possible return values:

Operation not appropriate

Operation not performed

Operation executed successfuly

Operation executed NOT successfuly

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If a document of the workflow i s no t a CATIA model, part, assembly or drawing, the

operation for the document can be configured with the subnode

<Attributes name= "ResultForNoCatia">

Table 10: Possible values of ResultForNoCatia

Value Description

notAppropriate The return of the workflow for this document is set to:

Operation not appropriate

(default behaviour)

notPerformed The return of the workflow for this document is set to:

Operation not performed

executedSuccessfuly The return of the workflow for this document is set to:

Operation executed successfuly

executedNotSuccessfuly The return of the workflow for this document is set to:

Operation executed NOT successfuly

If the document of the workflow IS a CATIA model, part, assembly or drawing the result value

can be configured by the node

<Attribute name=ResultForCatia>

Table 11: Possible values of ResultForCatia

Value Description

Success The return of the workflow for this document is depending to the

process result.

Q-PLM was not executed:

Operation not performed

Q-PLM was executed and the Q-Checker result was OK

Operation executed successfuly

Q-PLM was executed and the Q-Checker result was KO

Operation executed NOT successfuly

(default behaviour)

Execute The return of the workflow for this document is depending to the

process result:

Q-PLM was not executed:

Operation not performed

Q-PLM was executed, regardless to the Q-Checker result

Operation executed successfuly

notAppropriate The return of the workflow for this document is set to:

Operation not appropriate

notPerformed The return of the workflow for this document is set to:

Operation not performed

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Value Description

executedSuccessfuly The return of the workflow for this document is set to:

Operation executed successfuly

executedNotSuccessfuly The return of the workflow for this document is set to:

Operation executed NOT successfuly

5.12 Batch attributes settings

Settings which are pass to the *Bat.xml file.

5.12.1 <Attributes> BatAttrsDoc

Document attributes which are pass to the *Bat.xml file.

CAUTION: Do not customize these values

5.12.2 <Attributes> BatAttrsPrj

Project attributes which are pass to the *Bat.xml file.

CAUTION: Do not customize these values

5.12.3 <Attributes> BatAttrsCN

Class names which are pass to the *Bat.xml file.

CAUTION: Do not customize these values

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6 <QCheckerPLM> nodes

This is the main node for process description (Q-Checker processing).

Figure 32: <QCheckerPLM> element in Xerlin editor

6.1 NativeLibs

Use the sub nodes of <NativeLibs> to configure the license behavior and system native

libraries for license. These nodes are needed if the license settings cannot be configured by

system or Java settings / variables. They are only needed for Q-PLM modules which are

based on Java.

For Q-PLM modules which are based on CAA (for example PDM Save), these nodes are not

needed and the license settings must be configured inside the related CATIA Environment

file, please refer to the related documentation.

6.1.1 License type

The license type can be set with the attribute licmode.

Figure 33: <NativeLibs> element with attribute "licmode" in Xerlin

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Possible values:

Value Description

(Empty) System license setting are used. If no license mode is set via system or

java variable, DSLS is used.

DSLS DSLS license

If this attribute is set, it is overwriting the license settings. Refer to picture below:

Figure 34: Overwriting license settings

6.1.2 <Opsys> node

With the <Opsys> node, system native libraries which should be loaded can be configured

for the different operating systems. These nodes are only needed if the libraries cannot be

loaded by java, because the path for loading native libraries is not configured by system or

java settings / environment.

The attribute "name" defines the operating system for which the sub nodes are configured.

Figure 35: <Opsys> element with attribute "name" in Xerlin

Possible values of the name attribute:

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Value Description

intel_a Windows 32 bit

win_b64 Windows 64 bit

aix_a AIX 32 bit

aix_a64 AIX 64 bit

hpux_a HP-UX

linux_32 LINUX 32 bit

linux_64 LINUX 64 bit

macos_32 MAC 32 bit

macos_64 MAC 64 bit

Not for all of the operating systems above the native libraries might be available with the

installation package. In general, only the needed once are delivered. <NativeLib> nodes

These nodes are defining the full qualified name (full path + file name + extension) of the

system native library which should be loaded.

Figure 36: <NativeLib> element for Windows 64 bit in Xerlin

System native library which is needed for the license handling:


In some cases, the system doesn’t load the dependent libraries. Therefore, it is necessary to

add all needed libraries in the order of loading to the <NativeLib> node.

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Figure 37: <NativeLib> all elements for Windows 64 bit with DSLSV5 in Xerlin

6.2 <ProfileData> nodes

With the <ProfileData> nodes it can be configured which Q-Checker version is to be started

with which CATIA version and with which settings. It is possible to define several

<ProfileData> nodes for different combinations of Q-Checker and CATIA versions. For the

standard installation the default <ProfileData> node is to be configured.

For most of these nodes, different sub node types and multiple sub nodes can be used. This

is depending on the node. For more information refer to the detailed Q-PLM_Dsp.xml


It is possible to define different <ProfileData> nodes and employ them depending on the

lifecycle operation or PDM/PLM document/project attributes.

6.2.1 CATIA Q-Checker default sub node

The <ProfileData> default nodes for the different CATIA versions are:

Node Description

DEFAULTV4 Default ProfileData for CATIA V4 settings

DEFAULTV5 Default ProfileData for CATIA V5 settings

DEFAULTV6 Default ProfileData for CATIA V6 settings

Example of a <ProfileData> node:

<TranscatPLM>/<QCheckerPLM>/<ProfileDatas>/<ProfileData name="DEFAULTV6">

Table 12: <ProfileData> nodes

Node Description

CATEnvDir Directory for the CATIA environment

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CATEnv CATIA environment file

QCheckerStart Command for Q-Checker start

QCBatchStart Command for program after Q-Checker execution

was performed, this is used for PDM update

ENVIRONMENT Q-Checker environment

PROFILE Q-Checker profile

QCTmpDir Directory for temporary files

ResultJudge/OKAssessments OK assessments definition, see section below

ResultJudge/OKReturnCodes OK return code definition, see section below

ResultJudge/ResultFileData Q-Checker output file result processing

Figure 38: <ProfileData> element with name "DEFAULTV6" in Xerlin

6.2.2 Result judging and validation

The evaluation if the results of the operation are OK or not can be done in two different

nodes: <ResultJudge> or <Validate>. <ResultJudge>/<OKAssessments> node

The sub nodes of the <ResultJudge>/<OKAssessments> node specify which assessments

should be considered to be a successful Q-Checker check result. The assessments, which

are not defined in this node, will be considered NOT OK.

Customize <OKAssesments> in relation to the Q-Checker environment which is used with

this <ProfileData> node. For this create or change sub nodes of <OKAssessments>.

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Figure 39: <OKAssessments> node in Xerlin <ResultJudge>/<OKReturnCodes> node

The sub nodes of <ResultJudge>/<OKReturnCodes> specify which Q-Checker return codes

are to be considered successful results. The assessments which are not defined in this node

will be considered NOT OK.

Customize the <OKReturnCodeDatas> in relation to the Q-Checker return codes which

should be acceptable. For this create new sub nodes of <OKReturnCode> or modify the

existing ones.

Figure 40: <OKReturnCodes> node in Xerlin <Validate>/<ValidDatas> node

The node of <Validate>/<ValidDatas> and its sub nodes specify which conditions are to be

considered with results. The conditions which are not defined in this node will be considered


The <Validate>/<ValidDatas> defines the source attribute for the comparison.

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Table 13: <ValidDatas> node attributes

Attributes Value Description

name Attribute


Name of the attribute for validation. This must match to

an attribute name of the type which is defined with the

"source" attribute.

type STR | INT Type of the attribute, string or integer

source ReportAttr |

SystemAttr |

DocAttr |

Source of the attribute for validation. The attribute which

can be used can be from different sources. This can be

for example an attribute of the Q-Checker result file or

one document attribute of the PDM system.

Example: MODEL_ASSESSMENT attribute of the Q-Checker Report

Figure 41: <ValidDatas> node in Xerlin

The sub node of <Validate>/<ValidDatas>/<ValidData> specifies the values for the

comparison. The values of the attribute which is defined in the <Validate>/<ValidDatas>

node will be compared to the values which are defined in the

<Validate>/<ValidDatas>/<ValidData> sub nodes .

Table 14: <ValidData> node attributes

Attributes Value Description

name Attribute


Name of the attribute for validation. This must match to

an attribute name of the type which is defined with the

"source" attribute.

retvalue integer Value which should be returned if the comparison

matches. In general this should be 0

cond EQ | NE |

GT | LT | …

Condition which should be used for the comparison like

equal, not equal, greater, less, …

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source Discrete |

ReportAttr |

SystemAttr |

DocAttr |

Source of the attribute for validation. The attribute which

can be used can be from different sources. This can be

for example an attribute of the Q-Checker result file or

one document attribute of the PDM system.

Example, MODEL_ASSESSMENT attribute of the Q-Checker Report should be equal to OK.

In this case the value 0 should be returned which means that this condition will pass the


Figure 42: <ValidData> node in Xerlin <ResultJudge>/<ResultFile> and <Validate>/<ResultFile> node

The sub node <ResultFile> node defines which Q-Checker output file is to be used for the

result processing.

Select in the desired profile the following node:



Figure 43: <ResultFileType> node in Xerlin

The following settings are available:


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With Q-CHECKER version less than V1.14.1, the DBReport setting must be used. In this case

a special license is required. In addition, the writing of this output file must be enabled by a

Q-Checker setting.

For Q-CHECKER version V1.14.1 or higher we advise to use the QCReport setting.

Interpreting external seal file the QcExSeal setting must be used.

Out of this report files, the report attributes are taken for the further processing. The

Q-Checker assessment is taken out of these files. In addition they can be used by a

<ReportAttr> node for some Q-PLM_Dsp.xml nodes. For example, in order to set PDM/PLM

system attributes to the values of report attributes.

Figure 44: Using report attributes of result files in Xerlin

For the different report files, the following report attributes are available.

Table 15: Report attributes of result files

ReportAttr DBReport QCReport QCExtSeal






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ReportAttr DBReport QCReport QCExtSeal














Additional customer

defined collumns




Yes No No

6.3 Actions

6.3.1 General

The different actions are sub nodes of:


For different PDM/PLM systems standard actions are defined.

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For certain PDM/PLM systems additional actions can be defined. This depends to the Q-PLM

API for the different systems. E.g. Q-PLM launched by a DB trigger.

This action names can be modified by <ActionExtenions> node definition.

6.3.2 Attributes for ProfileData and Q-Checker Profile

The <Action> node contains several attributes for defining which <ProfileData> and which

Q-Checker profile are to be used.

Table 16: Attributes for <ProfileData> and Q-Checker profiles

Attribute name Values Description

profdatadef string Default ProfileData. It is used for all

references of a <ProfDataVal> node.

profdatattr string PLM attribute which contains the

Q-CHECKER profile name.

profdataloc none | document |


Defines where the PLM attribute (for

profdatattr) is located. If it set to "none"

no PLM attribute will be used.

getattrprof true | false The *Inf.xml can contain the information

about the used Q-CHECKER profile:

<IntAttrs>/<Attr name="actUsedProfile">

This attribute triggers if it should be used or


getmodelprof true | false The CATIA model can contain the

information about the last Q-CHECKER

profile. This attribute triggers if it should be

used or not.

The Q-Checker profile is calculated in several steps. If a Q-Checker profile is found in the

first step, this profile will used. If not found, a next step will be executed to search the profile.

Order of the Q-Checker profile calculation:

1. Get profile with profdatattr and profdataloc

2. Get profile getattrprof from *Inf.xml, only if profdataloc="none"

3. Get profile from model (getmodelprof="true")

4. Get profile from profdatadef

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If a Q-Checker profile is found, it will be used in every case, regardless if it is valid or


An invalid profile will cause a Q-Checker error.

6.3.3 Condition Attribute

The "condition" attribute of the <Action> node defines the constraint of the Q-Checker check

run. This is dependent to other Q-PLM settings as well as the integration and check process.

The following values have to be set for the described constraint:

Table 17: Condition Attribute

Value Constraint

check Q-Checker run for single model or external seal check.

One separate Q-Checker Batch run for each model. For every model a

new CATIA / Q-Checker, if necessary VPM session, will be started.

multi Q-Checker run for multiple models.

One Q-Checker Batch run for multiple models. For models which are

reflecting to the same ProfileData one CATIA / Q-Checker, if necessary

VPM session, will be started.

checked Q-Checker run was executed before Q-PLM call.

This has to be set in case of Q-Checker PDM Save. In this case

Q-Checker was launched in an interactive CATIA session. After the

interactive Q-Checker run Q-PLM is launched.

nocheck No Q-Checker run

This has to be set if only the PDM/PLM attributes should be checked

without launching Q-Checker.

6.3.4 Vault Attribute

The "vault" attribute of the <Action> node triggers the destination of the models files for

PDM/PLM systems which have a checkout on the local file system.

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6.3.5 Attaching Q-CHECKER Report

The different Q-Checker report files can be attached to PDM/PLM system. For this, several

report nodes can be defined as sub nodes of the following node:


Possible sub nodes :






These nodes have several <Attribute> sub nodes . The name and value of the <Attribute>

nodes are dependent to the PDM/PLM System.

These nodes have the attribute "keeporiginal". Q-PLM is renaming the Q-Checker report

files. If this attribute is true, the file with the original name will be not deleted.

6.3.6 Defining Result Attributes

The names and values of the PDM/PLM system attributes which should be filled with the

Q-Checker results and additional information have to be defined in the following node:


For each attribute, a <ResultAttr> sub node has to be defined. These sub nodes have the

name of the PDM/PLM system attribute. This attributes have to match to the once which are

defined as Q-PLM attributes in PDM/PLM, refer to the PDM/PLM system dependent Q-PLM

documentation. Standard attribute definition

The following example shows the assignment of Q-Checker model assessment to the PDM

document attribute E_TCAQCAssessment.

Example E_TCAQCAssessment:

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Figure 45: <ResultAttr> node with name "E_TCAQCAssessment" in Xerlin Date / time attribute definition

Date and time attributes can be handled in a special way. For these kinds of attributes the

format of the values from the <ResultAttrs> sub nodes are important. Because the input can

be in different formats depending to the operation system, the parsed files, etc. and the offset

to GMT might affect the value. In this case they are internally converted to the W3C standard

RFC 3339 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD, e.g. 2011-01-19T16:34:34.0+01:00). This

kind of definition has to be used if Date / TimeStamp attributes should be set.

The format of the values from the <ResultAttrs> sub nodes is defined in the sourceformat

attribute of <ResultAttrs> node. The following formatter elements can be used:

Table 18: Date / time formatter elements

Formatter Description Type Example

G Era designator Text AD

y Year Year 1996; 96

M Month in year Month July; Jul; 07

w Week in year Number 27

W Week in month Number 2

D Day in year Number 189

d Day in month Number 10

F Day of week in month Number 2

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Formatter Description Type Example

E Day in week Text Tuesday; Tue

a Am/pm marker Text PM

H Hour in day (0-23) Number 0

k Hour in day (1-24) Number 24

K Hour in am/pm (0-11) Number 0

h Hour in am/pm (1-12) Number 12

m Minute in hour Number 30

s Second in minute Number 55

S Millisecond Number 978

z Time zone General time zone Pacific Standard Time;

Z Time zone RFC 822 time zone -0800

’anyString’ Fixed string values Text ’T’

Example, E_TCAQCCheckTimeStamp:

Combination of Q-Checker check date and time including time zone.

sourceformat: yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ssZ

<ResultAttrs> sub nodes

Table 19: E_TCAQCAssessment sub nodes example

Type Value Description Example

ReportAttr CHECKING_DATE Check date from

Q-Checker report


Discrete T Fixed value ‘T’ T

ReportAttr CHECKING_TIME Check time from

Q-Checker report


InternalAttr ActReportGMTOffset GMT offset from

Q-Checker report


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Figure 46: <ResultAttrs> node, example defining E_TCAQCCheckTimeStamp

6.3.7 Defining Q-CHECKER Report File Names

The names of Q-Checker report files can be defined with the Q-Checker settings. These

settings are defined as sub nodes of the following node:


For a detailed description of the available sub nodes, refer to the Q-PLM_Dsp.xml

documentation and the Q-Checker documentation.

For detailed description about the Q-Checker result file naming, refer to the Q-Checker



We recommend to set the names of the Q-Checker report files to the name of the

CATIA document.

Setting the names of the Q-Checker report files to the name of the CATIA document (this is

the default setting):

Do the following steps:

(1) Choose or add the sub node:


(2) Create a new or select the existing sub node <Discrete>.

(3) Set the value of this node to YES.

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Figure 47: <REPORT_AS_MODEL> with attribute Discrete="YES"

6.3.8 Enable Q-CHECKER model save

Depending to the Q-Checker profile, the CATIA model can be changed (add internal check

seal, healing). For saving these changes the save of the model must be enabled. These

settings are defined as sub nodes of the following node:


For a detailed description of the available sub nodes refer to the Q-PLM_Dsp.xml

documentation and the Q-Checker documentation.

For enable the save of the CATIA models do the following steps:

(1) Change or add the sub nodes:



(2) Create a new or select the existing sub node <Discrete> for both nodes

(3) Set the value of this node to YES.

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Figure 48: <SAVE> node with attribute Discrete="YES" and <REPLACE> node with attribute Discrete="YES"

6.3.9 Show Message Boxes

The <Action> node has an attribute for showing message boxes.

Message box attribute as an example of the Action "Manual" node:

<TranscatPLM>/<QCheckerPLM>/<Actions>/<Action name="Manual">/

<Attribute messagebox="true">

This attribute is for the message box behavior of the successive processes. It has no effect

for the Q-PLM modules which are directly integrated into the PDM/PLM system. If the

message boxes for the specific PDM integration module should be suppressed refer to the

description of the <PLMSystem> node.

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